2017-18 ECNL Town Hall Meeting - Tennessee Soccer ...
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WELCOME AND OVERVIEW ! About the ECNL ! Mission & Philosophy ! The ECNL Plan, Platform & Overview ! 2017-2018 ECNL Competition ! Beyond the Lines ! Tennessee Soccer Club – The ECNL Experience ! TSC ECNL Overview and Programming
ABOUT ECNL – Elite Cl Club bNNational ti League The Elite Clubs National League (ECNL) was founded in 2009, and is the top development, training and competition program for youth soccer players in the United States. The mission of the Elite Clubs National League is to change the landscape for players in the United States through innovative, player-centered programming that raises standards of quality and experience in all aspects of the game. (i) Improving the competitive environment through creation of a true national competitive league with multiple flights; (ii) Improving the process for identifying elite soccer players across the United States through a systematic scouting and identification program based on national competitions; and (iii) Improving the daily training environment at top female youth soccer clubs through developing best practices and training and organizational guidelines for its member clubs.
MISSION !"#$%& '()*+ !"#$%&'($)*$+"#$,#*+$-#./0#$123+"$*244#5$0#/63#$)7$+"#$87)+#9$:+/+#*;$/79$+"#$.2*+$42.2509?$ !")*$
The ECNL Philosophy Create a holistic development environment, on and off the field Respect decisions of club leaders in individual player development Embrace diversity of style and system Embrace diversity of method and structure Encourage member feedback and ideas to innovate
ECNL Platform ! "#$%&'()%*+,-./01%23%452+-%/6%,%./567,-2/6%/.%0$3*$8-%,67%$1*/9$01$6-%/.%% :0,330//-3 +$,7$03#2*; ! ?%-#$%4$3-%27$,3?%8/68$*-3?%,67%*0/:0,13%,0$%80$,-$7 ,67%%/*$0,-$7%-/% 1,@$%-#$%7,>A-/A7,>%*+,>$0%$6B20/61$6- 4$--$0; ! C%%#/+23-28%7$B$+/*1$6-%,**0/,8#%*0/B27$3%,%*,-#9,>%./0%$B$0> *+,>$0D E "/%1,=212F$%-#$20 ,42+2-> E "/%%4$%$=*/3$7%,67%*0$*,0$7%./0%8/++$:$ 3/88$0 E "/%%#,B$%,6%561,-8#$7%$=*$02$68$%26%-#$ :,1$
GUIDING PRINCIPLES of ECNL INNOVATION Through player-centered programming A constant focus on raising standards in all aspects of the game RESPECT for DIVERSITY Through unique member clubs Diverse styles, systems and structures; unified vision and philosophy OPPORTUNITY Through exposure and showcasing DEVELOPMENT A path to college and beyond Through the daily environment EXCELLENCE Coaching development, club development, referee development, player development Across the youth experience The ECNL look, feel, and experience
ECNL Conference ECNL OHIO VALLEY CONFERENCE ! 2005-1999 Birth Years (U13, U14, U15, U16, U17 and U19) ! Home (7) and Away (7) with all Conference Opponents ! WNY Flash - Buffalo, NY ! Pittsburgh Riverhounds - Pittsburgh, PA ! Internationals - Cleveland, OH ! Ohio Premier - Columbus, OH ! FC Pride - Indianapolis, IN ! Ohio Elite Soccer Academy - Cincinnati, OH ! Tennessee SC - Nashville, TN ! FC Alliance - Knoxville, TN
Girls NATIONAL EVENT REQUIREMENTS by ECNL National Event Requirements in 2017-2018 ! U14: Optional ! U15: (2) Mandatory National Events ! U16: (3) Mandatory National Events ! U17: (3) Mandatory National Events ! U18/U19: (1) Mandatory National Event ! Member Clubs may attend additional events as space allows
G SOUTHEAST CONFERENCE - 2005-1999 Birth Years (U13, U14, U15, U16, U17 and U19) - Home (11) and Away (11) with all Conference Opponents Atlanta Fire (GA) Birmingham United SA (AL) Carolina Elite SA (SC) Concorde Fire (GA) Florida Elite SA (FL) Florida Kraze Krush (FL) GSA (GA) Jacksonville Armada (FL) NASA Tophat (GA) Orlando City Youth Soccer (FL) Tampa Bay United (FL) Tennessee SC (TN)
BOYS ECNL CONFERENCES AND STRUCTURE Regular Season: The Boys ECNL includes 5 Conferences and more than 50 clubs: Midwest Conference Northeast Conference Southeast Conference Southwest Conference Texas Conference Post-Season: Teams from each Boys ECNL Conference will qualify for the Elite National Premier League Playoffs in June 2018.
REGULAR SEASON NATIONAL EVENTS Boys ECNL Florida - January 2-4, 2018 TBA #1 2017-2018 NATIONAL EVENT REQUIREMENTS Each age group at 15-U and above will attend at least 1 National Event (ENPL) Member Clubs may attend additional events as space allows The Elite National Premier League (Post Season) Qualifying teams from each Boys ECNL Conference, and from selected US Club Soccer National Premier Leagues (NPLs), will meet in the post-season Elite National Premier League (ENPL) to crown a National Champion.
Beyond the Lines Raising the Bar
ECNL “ALL-IN” Experience " “ALL-IN” means a full service organization for soccer Competition - local, regional, national, international Coaching Education and Development Player Identification and Development Referee Development Administrative Development and Club Structure " “ALL-IN” means STRONG, INDEPENDENT, VALUE-BASED leadership
ECNL COACHING DEVELOPMENT * The Catalyst: Better Coaches Create Better Players ! The quality of coaching has a direct impact on the quality of players ! The ECNL supports coaching development: " Bringing world-renowned experts to coaching development events " Hosting an annual coaching development symposium " Facilitating information-sharing and knowledge transfer between clubs " Prioritizing the development of the person before the development of the player The Boys Elite Clubs National League (Boys ECNL) was founded to provide a top class, club-based development, training, and competition platform for youth male soccer players in the United States. The mission of the Boys ECNL is to improve the landscape for players in the United States through innovative, player-centered programming that raises standards of quality and improves the player experience in all aspects of the game.
ECNL launched the first Mobile App of any youth soccer league on December 27, 2016 prior to the ECNL FL NationalEvent FREEwith information on Conferences, National Events, Standings and More! ! Available in iTunes ! Droid App coming soon!
The College/PRO Impact Developing for the Next Chapter ! College soccer is the target destination for almost every ECNL athlete ! ECNL National Events and competition are the best identification platforms in the country, and the dominant “supplier” of college soccer athletes ! The ECNL brand provides a platform for showcasing elite players and providing a path to college ! The select few will move on to the professional ranks both domestically and abroad
AMAZING YOUNG WOMEN MOVEMENT BEYOND THE GAME The ECNL created the Amazing Young Women movement to connect on-field experience to her off-field potential Amazing Young Women has 2 objectives: ! To inspire female athletes to be their best on and off the field ! To Build the next generation of women leaders Launched in 2014, the ‘AYW’ movement is amplified by annual campaigns: ! 2014-15 - #BeautifulAmbition ! 2015-16 - #FuelYourFire ! 2016-17 - #UNSHAKABLE
TENNESSEE SOCCER CLUB !"#$%&'( %)*#+,#-.#
Tennessee Soccer Club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
Development Path K/5-#% C8,7$1> - Youth Academy
TSC ECNL Teams Boys and Girls ECNL GAME DAY ROSTER MAXIMUM A maximum of eighteen (18) ! 2005 U13 Pre ECNL | Roster Sizes = 18 max * ! 2004 U14 | Roster Sizes = 18 max * ! 2003 U15 | Roster Sizes = 18 max * ^ ! 2002 (U16) | Roster Sizes = 17 -20 * ! 2001 (U17) | Roster Sizes = 17-20 * ! 2000 (U18) | Roster Sizes = 17-22 * ! 1999 (U19) | Roster Sizes = 17-22 * G F$G)*42=#51$
ECNL Seasonal Roster Could exceed maximum game roster size (18) when allowing additional player development opportunities for players from within the TSC system. (Showcase, Premier, etc.) TENNESSEE SC Developmental Playing Policy ECNL Players are given ample opportunity for player development during regular season competition Each player must start a minimum of 25% of regular season games 1 start required per event no playing time is guaranteed during regional or national events Trapped Player (8/9 grade) A “Trapped U15 Player” is a player that is in middle school (8th grade), but who is age appropriate for the U15 age group A Trapped U15 Player is eligible to participate in U14 ECNL Competition that is played during the player’s high school association’s sanctioned high school soccer season. G A maximum 2 per game day roster G Discretion of ECNL Director G **Training – All players will have opportunity to train with in the ECNL program and TSC program out of the traditional u15 season
DISCOVERY PLAYERS Definition: A player that is not a member of an ECNL Member Club (in any capacity) Discovery Player Limitations ECNL U14, U15, U16, U17 teams may have two (2) Discovery Players total ECNL U18/U19 teams may have four (4) Discovery Players total Guidelines: A Discovery Player cannot appear on two (2) rosters within your member club at the same time. A Discovery Player may only play for the ECNL Team they are rostered & carded to ( “Team-Tied”, no exceptions). A Discovery Player may participate in the ECNL Playoffs and ECNL Finals. ** For further information , interest, and expectations of Discovery players, please refer to our website or contact the Director of ECNL via email. TENNESSEE SOCCER CLUB Discovery Player Policy Player Eligibility is at the discretion of TSC leadership (Executive Director and Director of ECNL) 75 mile rule COMPOSITE TEAMS Created by ECNL to allow u18 and u19s to create combined teams and compete together in events. Composite teams assist in high school graduating year teams. .
TRAINING EXPECTATIONS ECNL teams will be staffed, trained, and compete as a unified program. Training Majority of team training will occur at same location Team training will be 3x a week following a specific periodization program (seasonal plan) Focuses are: Technical-- Improving comfort on the ball Technical Tactical-- Player understanding of their roles and responsibilities Tactical Functional- Placing players in situations and challenges that they will face Functional during a game Physical – weekly training GK Training - Training 2x a week Sports Performance – 11--2 times weekly Focuses-- physical, psychological and health / wellness Focuses Training 2x a week
BETTER RECOVERY LEADS TO PEAK PERFORMANCE Fit For 90 recommends the optimal recovery plan to get you fresh and ready to perform. The application delivers simple and easy to follow techniques based on your specific data, training, and game schedule. Technology Backed by Sports Science Fit For 90 helps teams eliminate non-contact and overuse injuries The application gets smarter over time as we collect more data specific to you. OVER 70% OF INJURIES CAN BE PREVENTED Take action and get ahead of potential issues before they lead to an injury. Fit For 90 gives you insight well beyond how you are feeling today. By analyzing muscles with low level soreness over a prolonged period of time we determine the optimal exercises to prevent overuse injuries from occurring. Spend more time on the field, reduce medical costs, and get the most out of your game
TSC ECNL Schedule (Tentative) Girls | Boys ! 2005 U13 Pre ECNL Ohio Valley Conference Pre determined Games, State League Games based on league schedule (10 month) Southeastern Conference Pre determined Games, State League Games based on league schedule (10 month) ! 2004 (U14) Ohio Valley Conference Games (14) & 12 Event Games per Season | 32 +Games per Year | 3x a week Training (10 month) Southeastern Conference Games (22) & 3 Event Games per Season | 28 Games per Year | 3x a week Training (10 month) ! 2003 (U15) ``` Ohio Valley Conference Games (14) & 12 Event Games per Season | 32 + Games per Year | 3x a wk Training (7.5 month Southeastern Conference Games (22) & 6 Event Games per Season | 32 + Games per Year | 3x a wk Training (7.5 month) ! 2002 (U16) & 2001 (U17) Ohio Valley Conference Games , (14) & 15 Event Games per Season | 32 Games per Year | 3x a week Training (7.5 month) Southeastern Conference Games (22) & 6 Event Games per Season | 32 Games per Year | 3x a week Training (7.5 month) ! 2000 (U18) Ohio Valley Conference Games , (14) & 12 Event Games per Season | 28 Games per Year | 3x a week Training (7.5 months) Southeastern Conference Games (22) & 6 Event Games per Season | 28 Games per Year | 3x a week Training (7 month) ! 1999 (U19) - Composite Ohio Valley Conference Games , (14) & 3 Event Games per Season | 20 Games per Year | 3x a week Training (7.5 months) Southeastern Conference Games (22) & 6 Event Games per Season | 28 Games per Year | 3x a week Training (7 month) *Must qualify for playoffs (3 games of events)
ECNL National Events Calendar – TSC (Tentative) Girls | Boys ! 2005 U13 Pre ECNL No ECNL National Events - 1 or 2 ECNL JR ECNL Events | USYSA, US Club State and Regional No ECNL National Events - 1 or 2 ECNL JR ECNL Events | USYSA, US Club State and Regional ! 2004 U14 No ECNL National Events - 1 or 2 ECNL JR ECNL Events | U14 ECNL National Playoffs* No ECNL National Events - 1 or 2 ECNL JR ECNL Events | U14 ECNL National Playoffs* ! 2003 (U15) 2 ECNL National Events - Sanford, FL | Houston, TX | ECNL National Playoffs* 1 ECNL National Events - Sanford, FL | ECNL National Playoffs* ! 2001 and 2002 (U16 & U17) 3 ECNL National Events - Sanford, FL | Houston TX | Phoenix, AZ | ECNL National Playoffs* 1 ECNL National Events - Sanford, FL | ECNL National Playoffs * ! 1999 and 2000 (U18 & U19) 1 ECNL National Event - Sanford, FL | ECNL National Playoffs* 1 ECNL National Event - Sanford, FL | ECNL National Playoffs* **Must qualify for playoffs
ECNL Travel ! ECNL AWAY CONFERENCE COMPETITION - Hotel Accommodations are set up by TSC Travel Coordinator thru ECNL - Players will share accommodation and follow all travel policies set forth by staff - Players will travel on team buses or flights (per schedule) ages u15 and up for all matches 4 hours and beyond. - All away trips will be accompanied by 2 chaperones and ECNL staff per team - U13 and 14 will travel with parents for games - Players will be expected to eat meals with ECNL program (1-2 meals a day will be covered per travel policy) - Parents are encouraged to attend all events ! ECNL NATIONAL EVENT COMPETITION - Flight Arrangements and Hotel Accommodations are set up by TSC Travel Coordinator - Players are Required to travel and stay with Team (u15 and up) NON-ECNL COMPETITION -Players and Parents secure Transportation to and from Event unless otherwise stated - Hotel Accommodations are set up by Travel Coordinator thru Tournament Players are Required to stay at Team Hotel (cost is not covered through ECNL budget) *Parents are strongly encouraged to attend matches and events to support their child's ECNL participation
FEE Structure “all inclusive fee structure” has been created to save cost and develop desired professional platform G H?6;6B?;C&=?>&=@@?@7;6B)&?@&9(5A?>)>&9)(&BC#D&:#?>)C?6)@ G =>>?7?56;C&?6J5(4;7?56&():;(>?6:&H))&@7(#B7#()&;6>&9;F4)67&597?56@&K?CC&D)&95@7)>&56&K)D@?7)&BC5@)(&75&7(F5#7@ #$%&'()&*+,-&. /$01$2&3$2&45678&9(5:(;4< #$[&\Q&*+,-&– /$01$2&3$2&45678&9(5:(;4< #$]&. #$^_$I&. /]0]]2 31.^&45678&9(5:(;4< G =>4?6?@7(;7?A)&;6>&BC#D&B5@7@ G =>4?6?@7(;7?A)&;6>&BC#D&B5@7@& G =>4?6?@7(;7?A)&;6>&+C#D&+5@7&3():?@7(;7?56&;6>&>#)@&`65(4;C&B5@7a< G E;7B8&;6;CF@?@&;6>&@5BB)(&;>4?6?@7(;7?56 G E;7B8&;6;CF@?@&;6>&@5BB)(&;>4?6?@7(;7?56 G E;7B8&=6;CF@?@&;6>&@5BB)(&;>4?6?@7(;7?56 G G?:8&95>&7)B865C5:F. A?>)5&B;4)(; G G?:8&95>&7)B865C5:F. A?>)5&B;4)(; G G?:8&95>&7)B865C5:F. A?>)5&B;4)(; G H?7&H5(&I2&;6>&@95(7@&9)(J5(4;6B)&7(;?6?6:& G H?7&H5(&I2&;6>&@95(7@&9)(J5(4;6B)&7(;?6?6:& G H?7&H5(&I2&;6>&@95(7@&9)(J5(4;6B)&7(;?6?6:& G H?)C>&#@;:)0&4;?67)6;6B)&;6>&;@@)@@4)67& G H?)C>&#@;:)0&4;?67)6;6B)&;6>&;@@)@@4)67 G H?)C>&#@;:)0&4;?67)6;6B)&;6>&;@@)@@4)67& G *+,-&'C;F)(&H)) G *+,-&'C;F)(&H)) G T#@&S(;A)C&J5(&4;7B8)@&[&85#(@&b G *+,-&-);:#)&H)) G *+,-&-);:#)&H)) G HC?:87@&;6>&A;6@&J5(&&*+,-&)A)67@&c 9C;F)(@&56CF G +5;B8&';F G +5;B8&';F G G57)C@&3$]&;6>	&K8)6&9C;F)(@&;()&7(;A)C?6:&K?78&9(5:(;4< G =&4?6?4#4&5J&%&7(;?6?6:&@)@@?56@&;&K))L&J5(&78)&>#(;7?56&5J& G =&4?6?4#4&5J&%&7(;?6?6:&@)@@?56@&;&K))L&J5(&78)& G $.d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c 5JJ&@);@56&J(54?J5(4&BFBC) @)7&;6>&)A)67@&;()&?>)67?J?)>Z G Y6>?A?>#;C&9C;F)(&D#>:)7@&K?CC&D)&>)7)(4?6)>&56B)& G 'C;F)(&*A;C#;7?56&;6>&+5CC):)&'C;B)4)67&'(5:(;4 G S);4&S();@#()(@&K?CC&D)&?>)67?J?)>&9)(&SO+&9(575B5C (5@7)(@&;()&@)7&;6>&)A)67@&;()&?>)67?J?)>Z G S);4&S();@#()(@&K?CC&D)&?>)67?J?)>&;@&9)(&SO+& G NOPO=&Q):?@7(;7?56 9(575B5CZ e&H?6;C&'C;F5JJ&)A)67@&;()&657 ?6BC#>)>
Fee Structure Comparisons – comparison are two examples of total cost scenarios for current year showcase teams competing in SRPL National League Competitions and attending 3 major recruiting events 7 month team training 3 times a week 10 month team training 3 times a week T$:23-0,-2/6 UPLQ;WW% T$:23-0,-2/6 UVQW;WW% N/6-#+>%O5$3 URVW;WW% N/6-#+>%O5$3 UM?WWW;WW%
Uniform Packets for 2017 -2018 (included in all inclusive cost) - sample, sizing, fitting and ordering process will be at tryouts (below is an example but not complete packet, all sizes come in men and women fit)
Equipment and Uniform ECNL players will be wearing the TSC club kit from 2016 and will rotate on the same 2 year cycle. The next uniform change is the 2018-19 season. During off cycle years the ECNL will receive an equipment packet. Below is the current TSC uniform. More information on the uniforms will be posted on the TSC Website under ECNL and shared by our retailer WE Got Soccer (www.wegotsoccer.com).
Additional ECNL Program Notes G Positive standing and good steward of community and program G Environment – TSC ECNL G Travel Coordinator and Team Assistance * G G Community Partnership and Service G Scholarship and Financial Program G Impact USYSA – State, Regional and National Leagues
2017-18 Tryouts $%&'%())*(+',-*.-'$%)/0*((1 _6+26$%T$:23-0,-2/6%23%\0$$;%"/%0$:23-$0%:/%-/%999;-$66$33$$3/88$08+54;/0:D 2.&3)45)*(+',-*.-'$%)/6781 "#$%.$$%./0%/6%32-$%0$:23-0,-2/6%92++%4$%UMW; /FGHI/%$H"J/KH#= `2++2,13/6%'/56->%H/88$0%'/1*+$=?%M]L]%O/963%a+B7?%\0,6@+26%"( &'()%-0>/5-3%92++%4$%#$+7%26%8/6b568-2/6%92-#%-#$20%0$3*$8-2B$%,:$%:0/5*%,67%:$67$0%7,-$3; O,-$3 PWWQ%N,>%MQAM]% PWWZ?%PWWV?%PWWP%c56$%QA] PWWM?%PWWW?%MSSS%c56$%Q%AL G d0$3$,3/6%'CNd%ec5+>%PZAVWf J00$!:&$+5123+$
ECNL Staff - Director, Dean Blain Boys Girls 2005B Stephen Jordan UEFA B 2005B Stephen Jordan UEFA B 2004G Dean Blain USSF B 2004B Eric Bossman USSF B 2003G Nicole Aquila USSF B 2003B Stuart Brown USSF A, 2002G Stuart Brown USSF A 2002B Sandy Pollock USSF A 2001G Ronnie Woodard USSF B 2001B Stuart Brown USSF B 2000G Deni Ismailovic USSF B 2000/99B Kyle Roelke USSF A 1999G Kyle Roelke USSF A, Goalkeeping Staff- Eric Vaughter, Chris Mitchell Sports Performance – Santiago Allaria, and D1 Sports Assistant Coaches to assigned – Jim Browne, Ken Masuhr, Arthur Byasama,
Join the TSC Family SEE YOU AT TRYOUTS www.boysecnl.com www.elitenationalpremierleague.com
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