THE BBC BUZZ August 2021, Vol 10 - Bunbury Baptist College

Page created by Craig Fitzgerald
THE BBC BUZZ August 2021, Vol 10 - Bunbury Baptist College
August 2021, Vol 10

             THE BBC BUZZ
                Bunbury Baptist College's Primary School Newsletter
                                                Principal's Post
                                 Navigating Friendships With Your Child
God knows our desire to be known and to be loved!
He made us for companionship and our children are no exception. They have a deep desire to fit in and feel as though they
Unfortunately, friendship drama starts early.
Without warning, there are cliques, friendship groups, unwritten rules and expectations about who-can-say-what-to-whom
and who can be friends with whom not to mention, who should have sleepovers or be asked to Birthday parties. It’s a never
ending minefield for parents.
It’s only natural for parents to want to protect their children from going through heartbreak and as a parent, you have a right
to be concerned. Sometimes these groups end up bullying children or making certain kids feel left out, but before you jump
in and try to fix things, consider this: according to Developmental Psychologists, struggling through awkward social
situations is how children learn. Friendships at this age are also vital for building lifelong social and communication skills and
more often than not, there is more to a story than what your child is telling you.
Please don’t get me wrong, THERE IS NO PLACE FOR BULLYING and ongoing conflict definitely needs an adult to intervene;
however, there are some steps you might want to consider beforehand.
1. Listen without judging or fixing
Comfort your child and validate their feelings, There is nothing wrong
with crying so don’t feel as though you have to toughen them up.
Crying is an effective and healthy way of regulating emotions.

2. Make sure you have a complete understanding of their perception
of what happened.
Try to keep perspective, there are always two sides to every story.

3. Empower instead of catastrophising
How you respond at this point is important. If you react strongly you
make the incident into a catastrophe. Don’t vilify the other party, they
are likely to end up friends again, plus….don’t vilify people, your child is
learning from you.

4. Press pause and problem solve together when everyone is calm
When your child is calm and has had plenty of time to move out of
their big emotions, then it’s time to talk. As tempting as it will be to
tell your child how to handle the situation, try to let them come up
with solutions that work for them.

What If It Doesn’t Blow Over?
Friendship in Primary School is intense and sometimes fiery, but conflict tends to be short lived. That said, if the incident is
not short lived, or constitutes bullying, this does need to be addressed by the school.

• Talking to your child’s teacher is always the first step.
• Allow the teacher time to work through the situation
• If the issue does not seem to be being resolved, meet with the Teacher and the Principal together so that everyone is
transparent and working together to resolve the issue.

When the issue has been resolved, it is important for your child to forgive. Forgiveness does not mean
condoning the wrong things that have been done to them, it just releases both parties to move on.

The Bible tells us to, “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as
the Lord forgave you.” Colossians 3:13
Mrs Tiffany Staples
THE BBC BUZZ August 2021, Vol 10 - Bunbury Baptist College
AUGUST 2021                                                              VOL 10

                   FAREWELL MR MOORE

 It is with much sadness that I need to announce that Mr Moore has resigned
  from his position at Bunbury Baptist College and has decided to spread his
             wings, seeking new opportunities to enrich his career.

 Mr Moore has been a much loved member of staff, since its foundation. We all
have special memories of him etched in our hearts and will miss his energy and
   his creative flair. We are all so thankful for the way that he has introduced
  Auslan into our school community and I’m sure that every time we sign The
         Lord’s Prayer at Assembly, we will do so fondly thinking of him.

 Mr Moore has already finished teaching at BBC; however, will be at school on
               Friday so that we can say ‘Goodbye’ at Assembly.
We wish Mr Moore, God’s richest blessings as he moves on to new experiences
and we trust that he heads out knowing that he has touched the lives of us all.

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THE BBC BUZZ August 2021, Vol 10 - Bunbury Baptist College
AUGUST 2021                                                                      VOL 10

 Term 3 Dates
 Tuesday, 20th July - Thursday, 23rd September        RECENT BIRTHDAYS
                                                      Kindy            Year 3
 Term 3 Ends Thursday, 23rd September (STUDENTS)      Hannah. B        Jayden. D
 Term 3 Ends Friday, 24th September (STAFF)           Savannah. K      Lucy. S
 Assembly Dates                                       Pre-Primary      Year 4.1
 Week 5 (20.08.2021) : Year 2/3 Assembly              Ava. M           Ella. H
                                                      James. M         Year 4.2
 Week 7 (03.09.2021) : Pre-Primary Quokka Assembly
                                                      Pia. P           Tayne. B
 Week 9 (17.09.2021) : Pre-Primary Echidna Assembly
                                                      Timothy. H       Isaiah. R
 Volunteer Training Session                           Year 1           Year 5
 Wednesday, 25th August - 7:00pm                      Mira. R          Lucy. M
 CBCA Book Week                                       Blaze. P         Year 5/6
 Saturday, 21st August - Friday, 27th August          Year 2/3         Abhi. MAK
 Dress up: Friday, 27th August                        Mike. H          Olivia. B
                                                                       Year 6
 Theme: Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds
                                                                       Arton. E
 Jump Rope for Heart
 Friday, 3rd September                                 CONGRATULATIONS !
 Learning Journey & Market Night
                                                       A big and warm welcome to Baby
 Thursday, 16th September
                                                       Boy James-Jack!
 Father's Day Stall
                                                       And a Blessed Congratulations to
 Wednesday, 1st September - Friday, 3rd September
                                                       James, Sean, Indie & Jaylin on the
 Athletics Carnival
                                                       new addition to the family.
 Friday, 10th September
 Interschool Athletics Carnival
 Thursday, 23rd September

Lucy. S came in 5th place for the Year 3
division out of over 200 girls at the WA
Schools Inter school Cross Country event!                EMAIL ADDRESSES
She also received an invitation to attend state             Alicia Pienaar: (Absentees)
team tryouts for 2022. Well done Lucy! we   
here at BBC are super proud of you!
                                                           Kanissa Bailey: (Reception)

                                                       Maria Price: (Finance/School Fees)
                                                       ADMINISTRATION OFFICE HOURS: 8AM - 4PM

                                                                  MONDAY - FRIDAY

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THE BBC BUZZ August 2021, Vol 10 - Bunbury Baptist College
AUGUST 2021                                                                   VOL 10

In the morning and after school when there is heavy traffic we are concerned for the
children's safety as they often run out of the centre or from behind cars. We have also
noticed in the past few months that there has been an increase in BBC parent traffic in and
out of their car park. Parents are also driving through at speed and clogging up the corner
near the gate to the small oval. In addition parents are also parking in the bays leaving
nowhere for our staff to park when starting their shift.
A friendly reminder that the ELC car park is for the ELC staff and families only.

Also, please slow down when driving through the Primary School Car park as we
have small children running onto the road before and after school.

As we are now half way through the school year, all our wonderful Kindys have turned 4 and
most should have received their four year old immunisations, can we please ask that you
supply the College with an updated Immunisation Statement for your child?

Being fully immunised is now a Government requirement for enrolment in Kindergarten so
we need to ensure that our records are kept up to date so your assistance in this matter is

If you have any concerns in relation to this matter please contact me at

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THE BBC BUZZ August 2021, Vol 10 - Bunbury Baptist College
AUGUST 2021                                                                        VOL 10

It is a government requirement that we have student absentee notification in writing. We
would like to encourage parent and guardians to email us early on the day of a child’s absence.

If you are unable to email, please contact Student Services on 08 9790 0000 no later than
9.00am in the event of an unexpected absence or sickness that necessitates your child be away
from the College for the day or for any length of time.

A written note should accompany your child and be handed in to his/her Classroom Teacher
upon their return if an email has not already been sent. A medical certificate is required to
explain prolonged absences.

Absences can be emailed to and we will forward these
to the relevant Classroom Teacher as a written notice.

If you are planning on taking an extended holiday (over and above the published term holidays),
please submit a request in writing to the Principal of the College. These can be dropped off in
the Student Services or emailed directly to

Please note that it is a parental responsibility and legal requirement to ensure your child attends
school. The school cannot approve leave – it is a parental choice. The College is not responsible
for a child’s educational progress whilst absent for any reason other than family emergencies or
medical reasons.

Students are reminded that they may not leave the school grounds before, during or after
This is regarded as a serious breach of safety and send-outs will be issued.

If you need to collect a student early from the College for an appointment, please write a note in
their diary for them to show their classroom teacher to be excused from class.

Parents are requested to go to Student Services who will call the classroom and students will
then make their way to the Student Service Office where they will be signed out by their parent
or guardian.

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THE BBC BUZZ August 2021, Vol 10 - Bunbury Baptist College
AUGUST 2021                                      VOL 10

              UPDATING DETAILS
              If you have changed your address or contact
              details could you please advise the office.

              If your child has had updated immunisation
              since they were enrolled could you please
              supply an updated immunisation statement.
              This is imperative for our Kindergarten

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AUGUST 2021                                                                       VOL 10

Help fight Heart Disease!

Bunbury Baptist College is taking part in Jump Rope for Heart - a skipping and fundraising
program aimed at getting your child physically active, whilst learning about the importance of
healthy behaviours to look after their health. At the same time, they'll give back to the
community by raising funds to help save Australian hearts.

How do I get started?

  1. Register your child by visiting:
 2. Share your child's page with friends and family and ask them to donate
 3. Log your child's skipping activity so they can earn prizes and virtual badges!
Teachers will organise skipping activities during the school day. If your child is a keen skipper,
encourage them to skip at home too to earn badges, faster.

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AUGUST 2021                                                                    VOL 10


While we understand and respect that not everyone at BBC is Christian, as a Christian
College, the following boundaries and guidelines around the characters and costumes
will be in place.
    Costumes are not to be revealing in any way - no short shorts or skirts please
    No costumes that directly have anything to do with witches, wizards, witchcraft or
    sorcery (unicorns are fine!)
    No gory or scary costumes (monsters etc...)

Book Week - Book Donation Sale!
The Bunbury Baptist Big Book Donation Sale is on again! Buy a book at our book sale, to
donate to the library. Every book is only $10, every book will have a donation slip
acknowledging our generous donors, and children who donate a book have the
opportunity to borrow their donated book first from the library.

There's a huge selection on offer, from picture books to information reads. We're sure
your children will find something they'd love to see in our library! For the first time this
year, high school books will also be available.

Open every day during Book week, 8:30am - 4pm, at the Library

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THE BBC BUZZ August 2021, Vol 10 - Bunbury Baptist College
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