Independence Elementary Patriots Press

Page created by Jon Hines
Independence Elementary Patriots Press
Independence Elementary
                                 Patriots Press
February 2015                                                      Lisa Morris, Principal
Main Office: 720-886-8200                                          Independence Elementary
Attendance: 720-886-8295                                           4700 South Memphis St.                                           Aurora, CO 80015

          We are dedicated to inspire the heart and mind to achieve excellence.
                    We are united…when one succeeds, we all succeed.
Important Dates to Remember
February 9-13                 Kindergarten Registration for Incoming Kindergarteners
                                     @ Admissions
Tuesday, February 10          A-Town Pizza Night
Friday, February 13           Classroom Valentine’s Day Parties
Monday, February 16           NO SCHOOL – Presidents’ Day
Tuesday, February 17          NO SCHOOL/Non-Contact Day
Thursday, February 19         PTCO Bingo Night, 5:30-7:30pm
Tuesday, February 24          2nd & 3rd Grade Musical, 6:00pm
Thursday, February 26         Accountability Meeting, 8-9:00am, Library
Friday, February 27           Report Cards Sent Home
                              STAR Assemblies: Grades K-2, 9:15am
                                                 Grades 3-5, 2:30pm
March 2-5                     Conference Week
                              Scholastic Book Fair
Thursday, March 5             NO SCHOOL/Conferences
Friday, March 6               NO SCHOOL
March 9-27                    PARCC/CMAS Testing

Dear Parents,

Our STEM Night was an incredible success! Thank you to all of you who were able to join us!
It was a great celebration of our students’ work in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Math. From the Engineering projects in 1st – 4th grade to the Makey Makeys in 5th grade to
Kindergarten’s Cardboard Challenge, our students have been working so hard. Hopefully you
and your family all learned a new thing or two (or more) during our evening. Families in the
Independence Elementary Patriots Press
computer lab were able to learn more about computer programming through Hour of Code
and there were informative exhibits in the gym that gave everyone a better understanding of
the variety of STEM related careers. Thank you to those who participated or supported our
STEM Night in any way, we definitely appreciate the support of our community.

Parent/Teacher Conferences are the first week of March (March 2nd – 5th). We always look
forward to this opportunity to meet with parents to discuss the progress of each individual
student. Conferences are an important time for the teacher to share examples of the
student’s progress, as well as to have discussions with you to ensure your child’s needs are
being met. We value our partnership with parents and know that together, we truly will make
a difference for each student. Soon teachers will be in the process of having parents sign up
for conferences, please be sure to connect with your child’s teacher to find a time that works.
Also, remember to bring any questions or topics you would like to discuss during this valuable

PARCC/CMAS is almost upon us! PARCC stands for Partnership for Assessment of Readiness
for College and Career and CMAS stands for Colorado Measures of Academic Success. These
are the statewide assessments that help us measure our students’ progress and growth
toward the academic standards in English Language Arts and Math as well as Social Studies for
4th graders and Science for 5th graders. These online assessments will begin in March for
students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. The English Language Arts and Math Assessments are
broken into two testing windows (Performance Based Assessments in March and End of Year
Assessments in May); however, you will notice that altogether it turns out to be fewer testing
sessions than our previous assessments. The specific schedule for each grade level is included
in this newsletter. Attendance is very important during this testing. Several testing sessions
start at 9:15 so please make sure children are on time for school. You may also help students
prepare for testing each day by ensuring they get a good night of sleep and have a healthy

Additionally, sharing positive words of encouragement builds children’s confidence and helps
them feel prepared. We appreciate everything you do as we work together to help students
be successful. Please let me know if you have questions or would like additional information.

Here’s to filling many buckets,

Lisa Morris
Independence Elementary Patriots Press
Safety Updates
All schools in the Cherry Creek School District are required to perform a number of safety drills
throughout the year so students are comfortable with the procedures in case of an
emergency. Several times a year, we perform fire drills where the students quickly and quietly
exit the building. Attendance is taken by each teacher to ensure all students have exited the
building. In the fall and spring, we have tornado drills. Tornado-safe areas have been
designated within the school, and students quickly and quietly proceed to those safe areas and
assume a “duck and cover” position for a brief time. Additionally, we practice lockdown drills
a couple times a year. In a lockdown drill, children are moved to a safe place in the classroom
away from doors and windows, lights are turned off, and children are asked to remain quiet
for a brief time. Students are aware that we practice a lockdown drill in case there is a danger
within the school, and we want to stay safe. If you have any questions or would like more
information about these drills, please contact Principal Morris at 720-886-8200.


Our administration is very concerned about the risk of measles in our school community in
light of the current and expanding measles outbreak, which has already impacted Colorado
with one case occurring following an exposure in Disneyland. Measles is extremely contagious
and can cause serious illness including hospitalization, pneumonia, or brain infection,
especially among those persons with weakened immune systems.

We are requesting that you check your child’s immunization record to assure your child has
received two doses of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine. Vaccination is the only way to
protect yourself from infection. Ninety percent of people who are not immune to measles and
come in contact with a measles case will become sick and then spread the illness to others.

If you have questions or concerns about measles or MMR vaccine, or you would like the health
department to review your child’s vaccine record in the Colorado Immunization Information
Registry to see if they have received the vaccine, please contact the Tri-County Health
Department Immunization Program at 303-451-0123. Vaccines are also available at the health
department for people who do not have insurance or whose health insurance does not cover
vaccines, or for families on Medicaid and CHP+ insurance. Information about clinics
opportunities, locations, and times is located at http://co-
Independence Elementary Patriots Press
Parents, just wanted to send a quick reminder to work on healthy habits at
home like hand washing and coughing/sneezing into your elbow rather
than on friends! We are encouraging students to be their own health
advocate and stay healthy so they can learn in school.

                           Also if any of you have any pants your children have outgrown we
                           would greatly appreciate the donation in the clinic.

                           Nurse Ashley

Our library is in need of help shelving books. If you are interested in helping, please contact
Dan Howard at 720-886-8223.


               3rd Grade            9:15am – 11:15am               March 9, 11, 13, 17, 19
               4th Grade            9:15am – 11:15am               March 10, 12, 16, 18, 20
               5th Grade            11:00am – 1:00pm               March 9, 11, 13, 17, 19

………….from Ms. Shelley your Independence Elementary Kitchen Manager

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!!

Kids who eat breakfast have more energy, do better in school, and eat healthier throughout
the day. We serve BREAKFAST every school day at 8:30 am in the Independence cafeteria...for
only $1.65!!! If your child is signed up for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program, this allows
them to have breakfast as well. Nothing extra is required, just send your children in at 8:30
and we will provide them a great start to the day!!

If you are interested in the Free and Reduced program you can easily sign up for this at the
District Food and Nutrition Services website at or call Ms. Shelley at 720-
886-8266 and I will be happy to walk you through the process.
Independence Elementary Patriots Press
                         All of the Independence 2nd and 3rd graders are busy preparing for
                         their musical, “Bugz” which they will perform on Tuesday, February
                         24th at 6:00pm in the gym. Remember that this involves EVERY 2nd
                         and 3rd grader at Independence. 2nd and 3rd grade students received a
                         letter to take home with all of the details of the musical. If you need
an additional copy of the letter, please contact me and I can email you a copy. A reminder
note will go home week of the performance. This musical is very fun and the kids look and
sound great!! We are very excited to perform for you!! Please contact Mrs. Howard at with any questions!

                       PE NEWS
                       During the month of February, KG-2nd grade students will be
                       participating in volleyball skills, Messy Neighbors, and Sports Stacking.
                       3rd-5th graders will be practicing volleyball skills, playing volleyball games,
                       and Sports Stacking. During our Sports Stacking unit this time around, all
                       students will be timed to see how fast they can stack. The fastest
stackers in Kindergarten for 3-3-3 and 3-6-3 stacks will win a special prize. The 4 fastest
stackers (3-6-3 and Cycle), in each 1st-5th grade class, will have the opportunity to represent
their class in our annual Sports Stacking Tournament on Tuesday, March 24. Students, if you
have stacking cups at home, start practicing! If you don’t have a set of cups to practice with,
we will be sending home order forms starting on Wed. Feb. 18. The last day to place an order
this year will be Wed. March 18. Happy Stacking!!!

There is a regional Sports Stacking Tournament in Commerce City on Sat. Feb. 28 starting at 8
am. If your child knows how to stack and would like to register for this event, please contact
Mr. Caran at or 720-886-8221. Registration fee is $10 before
Feb. 15 and $15 after Feb. 15. Students and parents are responsible for registering and
forming teams for this event.

                  ALL CLUBS
                  An important reminder for students who attend morning clubs at
                  Independence: Please remember there is no supervision at this time of the
                  day, so students should not arrive prior to the start time of their club. If
                  daycare is needed, please call our B & A Program at 720-886-8280 for
Independence Elementary Patriots Press
              Parents, please try to make end of the day arrangements with your student
              before school whenever possible. The office cannot guarantee that your student
will receive a message during the day. Also, please note that every message sent to a student
during the day disrupts their classroom. Thank you for partnering with us to create the best
possible learning environment for our students!

If your child is going to be tardy or absent, please call the attendance
line at 720-886-8295 by 9:30am. Calling this number will let you leave a
message faster than calling the front office. If you know your child will be
absent in advance, please let the front office know in addition to your
child’s teacher. Also, please note that students cannot be picked up early
from school until a parent physically comes in and signs them out on the
“Student Sign Out” clipboard located at the front desk. This is to ensure the safety of all the
students. Thank you for your help!

                   SCHOOL CLOSURE AND DELAYS
                   Please refer to the Cherry Creek Website for school closures or delays at
          or by calling the Hotline at 720-554-4701.
                   WHEN A SCHOOL IS CLOSED:
                       Before and After School Day Care Programs at the closed schools will
     be cancelled and closed.
    All activities scheduled in District facilities are canceled.
    In-District sports events and team practices are postponed.

      All before school activities will be canceled.
      Elementary school bus pickup and school start times are delayed 1 hour (Independence
       will start at 10:00am. For bus pick-up times add 1 hour to the time your child usually
       gets on the bus.)
      Afternoon dismissal times will be the same as usual for all schools unless otherwise
      Before and After Daycare operates on a normal schedule.
                       If your child is having breakfast here at Independence, please do not have
                       them here before 8:30. There is no supervision outside or in the
cafeteria. The cafeteria staff is preparing for the day. If you want to join your child for
breakfast, you still need to wait until 8:30am. Thank you for your help with this matter.

                   DOGS AT SCHOOL
                   For the safety and protection of all of our students, please remember dogs
                   are not allowed on school grounds during the school day. If you need to
                   bring your dog while walking to and from school, please make
                   arrangements to meet your child at the edge of the school property. We
                   appreciate your cooperation.

Do you have a student who will be attending Kindergarten next year or know of any families in
our neighborhood with incoming Kindergartners? If so, please be sure to register with the
Cherry Creek School District February 9-13. See the Kindergarten Round Up flyer below for
more information.

If you plan to change residence or move from our attendance area during summer break, or if
you have already moved, please complete the following and return to the school office. All
address changes must be made with the District Admissions Office located at 5416 S. Riviera
Way in Centennial. For more information, please see the District website: under the Admissions tab.

                                   STUDENT INFORMATION
                                   2015/2016 SCHOOL YEAR
     Our child(ren) will not be attending INDEPENDENCE in the 2015/2016 school year.

Child Name____________________________ Child Name_____________________________

Child Name____________________________ Child Name_____________________________


Home Phone _________________________Work/Cell________________________________

If you know the name of the school, city/state OR the name of the Cherry Creek School your
child(ren) will be attending, please include this information below:

SCHOOL _____________________________________ CITY/STATE ______________________


                              * Please return by March 2nd *
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