K -Town Kid The Coromandel - A Family of Creative Characters at The Artists' House Whenuakite - The Seagull

Page created by Vanessa Andrews
K -Town Kid The Coromandel - A Family of Creative Characters at The Artists' House Whenuakite - The Seagull

 K -Town
The Coromandel
         feature artist
           A Family of
        at The Artists’
K -Town Kid The Coromandel - A Family of Creative Characters at The Artists' House Whenuakite - The Seagull
The Seagull

January 2021 - number 6 - Out the first Monday of every month


  H        appy New Year and thank goodness the debacle
  that was 2020 is over!
                                                                                                        design and advertising
                                                                                             The Seagull magazine apreciates the support of all
  Well, maybe not for our frontline health professionals and
  border staff, not to mention the epidemiologists and the
                                                                                             If you would like to advertise with us please have your
  like who are working to keep us safe.
                                                                                             artwork or ad through to us by the
  A huge thank you to everyone on the Coromandel who
                                                                                                                      10th of the month.
  has a played a part in the Covid response, including all our
                                                                                                    email davidbayerdesigns@gmail.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                2021: The Future
  doctors, nurses, supermarket staff, pharmacists and rubbish                                                                                                                                                                                            We are simply privileged to have not faced that
  collectors and the like, who have had to keep going as                                                                                                                                    We made it to the New Year!                                  particular problem in our life. It does not mean you are
  essential services.                                                                                   If you need an advertising designed for you
                                                                                                                                                                                            2021 baby! The future!                                       “problem free” or your life is “easy”. Whether it’s able,
  We can’t drop our guard but here’s hoping there are some                                                 please call 027 506 3110
                                                                                                                                                                                            Electric bikes are everywhere, spatulas still work very      straight, white, cis, male, wealth, education, or passing
  good news stories coming our way really soon.                                                                        or                                                                                                                                privilege, 2021 is time to learn a bit more about it.
                                                                                                                                                                                            well, and hash browns never tasted so good! There
  Speaking of keeping us safe we’ve got some timely summer                                          email davidbayerdesigns@gmail.com                                                       are stingrays in Stingray Bay, Front Beach is still facing   The why part is very simple: if we learn more about
  advice from three of our emergency organisations, Fire,
                                                                                                                         Digital Artwork                                                    forward, and Lonely Bay is lonely no longer.                 our privileges it’s less likely our ignorance will blindly
  Coastguard and surf lifeguards at Hotty…be sensible and                                                                                                                                                                                                hurt people. To find solutions in 2021, we need to hear
                                                                                             All digital greyscale and color art should be at 300 dpi.                                      In short, let's bask in the bizarre way we measure time
  make their summer a boring one. They’ll be very grateful.                                                                                                                                                                                              from those that are facing the problems otherwise
                                                                                             The following digital file types are accepted:                                                 to create momentum and mark our lives. The problems
  There’s a real old-style Coromandel feel to our two                                         Acceptable file formats: All Adobe Products – Acrobat (PDF                                                                                                 we’ll probably get the solutions wrong.
                                                                                                                                                                                            are the same as yesterday, but a New Year still brings
  features this month; the first about Luke Reilly owner                                     files with fonts embedded), InDesign (INDD or IDML files with                                                                                               One thing acknowledging my privilege looked like
                                                                                                                                                                                            zest to the most practical of us. 2020 is in the dust as
  of Luke’s Kitchen in ‘The K-Town Kid’ and the second                                       accompanying links and fonts included), Illustrator (EPS or AI files),                                                                                      for me last year, was reaching out to a friend from
                                                                                                                                                                                            we have been wishing since March, yet how will 2021
  about the marvellous Burns-Nevin family of artists at                                      Photoshop (JPG, PNG, TIFF, PSD).                                                                                                                            Mercury Bay Area School. After 13 years of friendship
                                                                                                                                                                                            be better?
  Whenuakite.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I realised I had whitewashed her to make it easier
                                                                                                                                                                                            We can’t just rely vaguely on the world to be better,
  We’re extremely grateful to the wonderful Dmitri                                           Not accepted formats: Freehand, Corel Draw, Paint,                                             let's grab the fallacy of New Year momentum by the           for me to be her friend. I ignored her important rich
  Kotelevski for the beautiful cover shot of a very happy                                    Quark                                                                                                                                                       culture and pretended she was exactly the same as me.
  doggo running on Tairua Beach at dawn. We think it                                                                                                                                        most sensitive part so it knows WE are taking it for
                                                                                                                                                                                            a ride this time! Among many things, 2020 showed us          I didn’t learn how to be an ally and was ignorant to the
  encapsulates the joy of summer on the Coromandel                                           Vector artwork should be saved in an .EPS format with fonts and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         extra issues and set backs she faced because she didn’t
  perfectly.                                                                                 images embedded, or all images and fonts must be supplied.                                     that change can happen and introduced us to the now
                                                                                             All screen and printer fonts must be provided.                                                 familiar concept of ‘bubbles’. I think one of the most       have my white privilege. I had a million butterflies
  Wishing you, and the ones you love, a happy, healthy and                                                                                                                                                                                               reaching out to acknowledge and apologise, but am so
  prosperous New Year!                                                                       We will substitute with similar fonts if originals are not submitted.                          important changes we can make to our own bubbles
                                                                                             Text can be converted to outlines, but if proofing errors are                                  that will also make the biggest change in the world          grateful I did.
  Enjoy all that our beautiful Coromandel has to offer, I                                                                                                                                                                                                It shouldn’t be left up to the oppressed to do all the
                                                                                             discovered, new art may need to be submitted.                                                  around us, is examining our own privileges.
  certainly will be…if only the ‘Bronzies’ at Otama didn’t                                                                                                                                                                                               hard work toward equality. I view it as my duty as
  keep sniffing around the shoreline every time I want a                                                                                                                                    If that sentence induced a frown and made you feel a
                                                                                               Images from the web are not suitable for                                                     bit uncomfortable, you aren’t alone! Me too. But let me      someone with a platform to bring light to this and
                                                                                                              printing.                                                                     state very clearly that acknowledging privilege is not a     open the conversation. So I am taking The Seagull’s
                                                                                                                                                                                            moral judgement on your life. It just means that we are      beautiful first issue of the year to kindly call you out
                                                                                                          Please call David if you have                                                     likely to underestimate how bad a problem is when we         on your privilege, because I want 2021 to be better for
                                                                                                           questions or would like to                                                       haven’t personally experienced that problem.                 everyone.
                                                                                                                      advertise with us.

                                                                                                                      Graphic Designer
                                                                                                                           David Bayer
                                                                                                         Graphic Designer and illustrator
                                Editor                                                                      www.davidbayerdesigns.com
                          Deli Connell                                                                                  027 506 3110
                 theseagull@xtra.co.nz                                                                    davidbayerdesigns@gmail.com

                              Reader’s contributions of letters and articles are welcome. Publication of these is at the discretion of the
                              editorial team and may be edited. Contributions will only be considered for publication with the author’s
                              full name, residential address and contact number. Opinions expressed in The Seagull are not necessarily
                              those of the publishers.
                              The Seagull is published by Oystercatcher Enterprises Ltd.
                              Disclaimer: No responsibility is accepted for loss or damage suffered by anyone relying on the information within. No endorsement of any service or product
                              advertised or featured is implied or assumed.

K -Town Kid The Coromandel - A Family of Creative Characters at The Artists' House Whenuakite - The Seagull
The Seagull

                         K -Town
                                                                                                                    Polynesian food in general.”
                                                                                                                    Sometime later, Luke’s Dad called to say he’d
    Apparently, you can take the kid out of the                                                                     found a commercial kitchen on Trade Me and
    Coromandel but you can’t take…well…you know                                                                     asked the question; “Do you want to come
    the rest.                                                                                                       home?” An idea had been percolating about
    There’s something magical about the place and                                                                   creating an eatery, a “Kiwi/Coromandel thing”.
    those lucky enough to have been raised here                                                                     “Friends said Kuaotunu was too far away and
    always feel the pull to go back ‘home’.                                                                         no-one would come” he laughs. Luke’s Kitchen
    Luke Reilly is one of those lucky ones, Kuaotunu                                                                opened in 2009 and hasn’t looked back.
    born (well, Thames Hospital) and raised in the                                                                  Punters are happy to sit on re-purposed furniture
    idyllic bush and beach setting, this is where he has                                                            in a very ‘Coromandel’ setting, a backyard type of
    settled to raise his own family with partner Steph.                                                             vibe, heels and designer dresses mix with shorts
    Now better known as a successful chef and                                                                       and jandals and no-one bats an eyelid.
    restaurateur, scratch gently and you’ll find the
    humble Kuaotunu kid roaming ‘free range’ on the                                                                 “I’ve always been drawn back to the Coromandel,
    beach.                                                                                                          it just ‘had me’”, Luke muses, “Every spot holds
    “We actually lived at Waitaia Beach until I was 6                                                               a special memory.” He seems unaffected by his
                                                           back in time for dinner, having lost track of time
    months old and then Mum and Dad bought the                                                                      success, usually in shorts and a T-shirt, a relaxed
                                                           with their outdoor pursuits.
    garage and we moved to Kuaotunu,” says Luke.                                                                    Dad with a wee family now of his own with his
                                                           A succession of birthday parties was held in the
    The garage is now the site of Luke’s Kitchen                                                                    partner Steph.
                                                           Kuaotunu Hall over the years, usually attended
    Restaurant and the main building houses Kua                                                                     Kuaotunu is “different but the same” now and it is
                                                           by all the same kids who bumped over the gravel
    Kawhe café.                                                                                                     Luke and Steph’s hope for their children that they
                                                           roads to Te Rerenga school in a dusty bus.
    “It was the ultimate ‘free-range’ kids’ lifestyle,                                                              can have the kind of childhood that he enjoyed…
                                                           By the time Luke was 13 he was biking over to
    building huts in the bush, dragging logs off the                                                                harvesting kaimoana and fresh veg, running
                                                           Omara’s restaurant in Matarangi to work as a
    beach…fishing,” Luke reminisces, “Dad would                                                                     around the beach and “keeping it real”. What
                                                           ‘dishie’, his first association with the hospitality
    send us around the rocks to get mussels and Mum                                                                 more could any kid wish for?
                                                           industry. “I did a cooking course at Mercury Bay
    always had something growing in the garden,                                                                     Luke has stitched together all his experiences in
                                                           Area School and went on to Tauranga where I
    that’s where your veges came from.”                                                                             food, and life, to create the fabric of both who he
                                                           studied further, learning chef skills.” He is grateful
    One of the mums would yell “home-time” from                                                                     is and the business he has created. In a way he has
                                                           to Omara’s who paid for his course on the proviso
    her hillside house, the call reverberating around                                                               come full circle, there is a humility in what he is
                                                           that he did two seasons in the restaurant.
    the valley and inevitably the kids would straggle                                                               doing, he’s not pretending to be anyone, this is it.
                                                           “But you’re a bit protected on the Coromandel,
                                                                                                                    This is Kuaotunu and he’s a K-town kid.
                                                           life is easy here and it’s good to get out and
                                                           experience the bigger picture, open your eyes a
                                                           bit,” he says.
                                                           Temp-chefing in a variety of restaurants in
                                                           Queenstown, working in Perth in one of the
                                                           top ten Spanish tapas restaurants, as well as an
                                                           Italian restaurant which pumped out hundreds of
                                                           delicious pizzas a day, all contributed to his food
                                                           knowledge and palate.
                                                           A stint at a Samoan resort encouraged a Pasifika
                                                           twist to his repertoire. “I was tour guide, surf
                                                           guide and chef,” Luke laughs, “I learned a bit of
                                                           Samoan but a lot about the fresh seafood and

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K -Town Kid The Coromandel - A Family of Creative Characters at The Artists' House Whenuakite - The Seagull
The Seagull


                            The Lifeguards looking out for us
                            It’s arguably the best outlook in the Mercury Bay…but it needs to be. The Trust Waikato Hot Water Beach Lifeguard Service need to have ‘eyes’
                            everywhere. The grand opening of their long-awaited clubhouse finally took place on the 20th December last year, just in time for what is expect-
                            ed to be a bumper season of domestic visitors to New Zealand beaches, potentially coinciding with a La NiÑa weather pattern, which may bring
                            some bigger easterly swells. Rest assured the guys and gals of the ‘Hotty’ team will be extra vigilant…but they can’t patrol all the beaches in the
                                                             Summer Safety Tips from Surf Lifesaving NZ
                            SWIM BETWEEN THE FLAGS
                            If you are heading out to the beach, choose a lifeguarded one and remember the red and yellow flags show the safest area to swim.
                            3RS RIP SURVIVAL PLAN
                            Rips are a major hazard on New Zealand beaches and can be deadly. Learn the 3Rs Rip Survival Plan – it could save your life!
                            TALK TO THE SURF LIFEGUARDS
                            Even though conditions can change quickly, our lifeguards keep a constant eye on the beach situation as they continuously scope the beach for
                            hazards and keep on top of weather forecasts and understand the swell and tide conditions – they’re a friendly bunch too!
                            CLOSE ENOUGH TO CUDDLE
                            Keep your kids within arm's reach at all times in or near the water – rogue or large waves move really quickly and unexpectedly and can sweep
                            kids away or knock them off their feet.
                            KNOW YOUR LIMITS
                            Too many people get into trouble in the water because they simply overestimate their abilities and under-estimate the conditions.
                            ALWAYS BETTER TOGETHER
                            There is safety in numbers. If you get in trouble in the water and you have your
                            friends or family with you, you have instant back-up. They can help you out or
                            get help if needed!
                            IF IN DOUBT, STAY OUT
                            If you feel uncomfortable about getting into the water, go with your gut feeling
                            and stay out. It's better to be safe than sorry.
                            ROCK FISHING
                            Rock fishing was the highest-risk activity for fatal drownings in 2018/2019. Take
                            care. Wear your lifejacket, shoes with tread (not gumboots) and never turn
                            your back to the sea as large waves can sweep you off the rocks unexpectedly.
                            IF YOU SEE SOMEONE IN TROUBLE
                            If there are lifeguards on patrol, let them know. If you can’t see any lifeguards,
                            CALL 111 & ASK FOR THE POLICE.
                            They have a direct line to our emergency call out squads across New Zealand
                            and Coastguard NZ as well.
                            Check out www.sporty.co.nz/hotwaterbeachlifeguards for tide
                            and weather information, registration for beach club, to join the crew or to do-
                            nate. Remember not all beaches in Mercury Bay are patrolled…if in any doubt
                            about the conditions…don’t swim!
                            Pick up the February Issue of The Seagull for a feature story on the history of
                            the club.

         Thank you to
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K -Town Kid The Coromandel - A Family of Creative Characters at The Artists' House Whenuakite - The Seagull
The Seagull


    A Maori Phrase a Month
    Would you like to introduce a little Te Reo Maori into your day to day
    conversation but feel too nervous?
    Don’t be! Each month we’ll introduce a commonly
    used phrase to help kick start your Te Reo journey.
    As it is January/kohitātea and it is summer/Raumati
                                                                                                                                                   Summer Sensation Wordsearch
    let’s learn some phrases for the beach.
    1. He rangi pai tēnei mō te kaukau – It’s a good day to go swimming
    Change kaukau (swim) to another activity depending on the weather
                                                                                                                                                        Circle the words from the list below…careful they may run backwards!                   Maze
                                                                                                          We are humbled and delighted to
    Hīkoi – walk
                                                                                                          have the support of Hemi Kelly who        F     A    H     S    P    I     R   T    D    A     O   R    B     U      R   start
    Oma – run
    Noho i te kāinga – stay indoors
                                                                                                          is generously providing the phrases       C     I    N     C    I    P     G   C    O    N     C   E    R     T      A
                                                                                                          for us from his most recent book. If
    2. Kuhuna ō kahu kaukau -Put your togs on                                                             you’re impatient and can’t wait for a     K     O    O     S    M    N     T   O    G    S     O   M    W     V      S
    Other beach gear includes:                                                                            new phrase next month then purchase       C     F    F     O    I    A     H   P    F    E     T   U    A     E      H
    tāora – towel, mōwhiti kaukau – goggles and kārewa – floaty                                           Hemi’s book and enjoy a new phrase
    3.Kei te mahana te wai – the water is warm                                                            every day!                                P     P    A     D    D    L     E   B    O    A     R   D    T     N      V
    Replace mahana with:                                                                                                                            J     O    A     N    X    S     S   R    S    C     E   F    E     I      E
    wera – hot
    makariri – cold                                                                                                                                 J     E    H     D    I    U     W   U    C    U     C   R    R     R      S
    mātao – freezing!                                                                                                                               R     E    N     U    N    B     N   I    C    E     R   U    M     A      T
    4.Me hanga whare onepū tāua? Shall we build a sandcastle?                                                                                       T     A    T     H    T    S     Y   E    M    P     C   S    E     T      S
    Whare onepū – sandcastle
                                                                                                                                                    S     I    A     S    C    U     B   L    I    M     R   I    L     C      L
    Pākete - bucket
    Kāhuru – spade                                                                                                                                  V     T    U     R    K    R     K   K    L    C     I   C    O     E      A
    Koko - shovel
                                                                                                                                                    G     Z    E     R    A    I     M   A    P    I     E   N    N     N      D
                                                                                                                                                    Y     E    O     B    F    X     T   K    W    Y     H   U    G     D      N

      Penne Clayton                                                      Hometown Hero
                                                                          There were five representatives from the Hauraki Coromandel

                                                                          region – Julia Te Huia from Turua, Carleen Paterson from Kaiaua,
                                                                          Peter Sephton from Coromandel and Penne who were invested               CHILLYBIN        JANDALS         PADDLEBOARD         ROADTRIP    SWIMMING
                                                                          as Members and also Bruce MacDonald, the long-time District             CONCERT                                                              TOGS
                                                                                                                                                                    JETSKI           PICNIC             SAND
                                                                          Operations Manager for Hauraki Coromandel (now retired),
                                                                          who was invested as a Commander. “He got the cool cape!” adds            FRUIT           MILKSHAKE       POHUTUKAWA          SUNHAT     WATERMELON
                                                                          Penne.                                                                                                                                                                                Fin
                                                                          Penne’s nomination was for the work she did helping get the               ICE            MOSQUITO         RASHVEST        SUNSCREEN
                                                                          Mercury Bay South Ambulance station (Hahei) off the ground:
                                                                          fundraising, building and staffing it.
                                                                          “It’s very flattering to have been nominated but the new
                                                                          station was a team effort, I particularly want to acknowledge
                                                                                                                                                                   Happy New Year from                                                          Get a Wheelie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bin for your
    It has come to the attention of The Seagull that Hahei local Penne
    Clayton has received a prestigious award for her services to the
                                                                          Richard Vetter and Ken Robertson, from the Mercury Bay Area
                                                                          Committee, who were the driving force behind the construction,
                                                                          Peter Hawley, the unofficial Mayor of Hahei and also the world’s
                                                                                                                                                                   Smart Environmental                                                          Home or Bach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  this year!
    local community.                                                      greatest fundraiser, and Mike Burrows Station Manager Whitianga
    That award is Membership of ‘The Most Venerable Order of the          for helping me get my station up to scratch operationally.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       3 SIZE
    Hospital of St John of Jerusalem’ and is by nomination only. This     There are 6 volunteers who cover the area from Boat Harbour
    British royal order of chivalry was constituted in 1888 by royal      Road to Ferry Landing as first responders. They range in skill
    charter from Queen Victoria and continues to require approval         from Paramedic to First Responders.
    from the reigning monarch. It’s an independent part of the NZ         “I’m lucky that two of my First Responders are a physiotherapist
    Royal Honours System of which there are 4 levels: Member,             and an ex ED nurse and that one of my two Paramedics has over
    Officer, Commander and Knight or Dame. Admission and                  25 years’ experience in St John. I’m also proud of the diversity of                                                                               Con tac t us
    promotion for this award is based on merit.
    “It takes quite a while to get approval,” says Penne, “I found out
                                                                          my team too, which really helps during the summer when most of
                                                                          our work is helping tourists!”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            tod ay!
    over a year ago that I had been nominated. My Investiture was
    meant to be in Christchurch in June, but then…Covid! So, it
                                                                          Penne adds that they are a small crew and could always do with
                                                                          more volunteers to help them.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            PHONE 0800 4 MY BIN (0800 469 246)
    eventually happened on 28th November at St Patricks Cathedral         “If people think volunteering is for them, they need to visit                                                                                     EMAIL sales@smartbins.co.nz
    in Auckland.”                                                         https://join.stjohn.org.nz/ and apply                                                                                                             ONLINE www.smartbins.co.nz
                                                                          St John provides uniforms and training, all we need is your time.”                                                                                Proudly 100% Kiwi owned
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        7
K -Town Kid The Coromandel - A Family of Creative Characters at The Artists' House Whenuakite - The Seagull
The Seagull
                             It all started as a hobby, with
                             a passion and a love for food and
                             fishing… inspired by the Coromandel                                                  STREETS
                                                                                                                  of Whitianga
                                                                                                                                                             Fire       Brigade
                                                                                                                                                             Whitianga Volunteer
                                                                                                                                                             Fire Brigade
                             Peninsula’s spectacular pristine waters
                             and amazing array of seafood.                                                        Fire was a constant threat to the many wooden houses and structures
                                                                                                                  in Whitianga. In 1894, to safeguard its mill, the Kauri Timber Company
                                                                                                                  established the area’s first fire protection system, which included a piped
                                                                                                                  in water supply and a series of wells. Unfortunately, when fire struck in
                                                                                                                  1904 the bucket brigade was unable to fight off the flames and the mill
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           3 Whitianga Fire Station, May 2010
                                                                                                                  burned down.
                                                                                                                  In 1945, a disastrous fire destroyed the 60-year-old Whitianga public hall
    with Renee Oberboersch                                                                                        and library. Two years later, in 1947, the Chamber of Commerce discussed

                                                                                   Online deal
                                                                                                                  fire protection for the town, followed by numerous attempts over the
I was with a group of friends wondering how I could create a home                                                 next five years to address the issue.

                                                                              January Special
                                                                                                                  But it wasn’t until 25 February 1952, at a public meeting called by Mr
business. I began experimenting with smoking seafood with a group
                                                                                                                  Malcolm Niccol, that the process of creating a fire brigade was begun.
of friends. Using the traditional methods of smoking by hand with
                                                                                                                  At a subsequent meeting on 16 April 1952, the Whitianga Volunteer Fire
brine, manuka and wood smoke plus some tasty recipes, resulted in
                                                                                                                  Brigade was officially formed with 12 charter members led by Chief
a succulent delicious mussel. So, requests from family and friends
began rolling in. The mussels were so popular I thought I would                       $8 off 4 bags               Officer Mr J S Bongard. See Bongard Road, page 40.
                                                                                                                  Public subscriptions financed a secondary Urban Fire Brigade and the

                                                                                $40 instead of $48
give the local markets a go. Eventually I was approached by bigger
                                                                                                                  Coromandel County Council subsidised savings to buy the first trailer
companies and started producing for the likes of Foodstuffs.
                                                                                                                  pump in 1953. The first fire station opened 9 December 1954 in Monk
I loved the story of the famous pirate Blackbeard. He wore his black
                                                                                                                  Street beside the Whitianga Town Hall and the first fire appliance arrived
beard and hair very long, and the stories tell he would light his                       enter the code            10 February 1955.
dreaded beard on fire, that would give off smoke, giving the pirate a

                                                                                                                  A little over a year later, the brigade faced its first major challenge with a                                         Whitianga Hotel Fire, 23 March 1956
fearsome, demonic appearance. In battle, this intimidation worked:                                                fire at the Whitianga Hotel. On 23 March 1956, Mrs Dorothy Dale, who
his foes were terrified of him. Old Seafarers tales and the history of the                                        owned the hotel with her husband Roy, raised the alarm at 1:45am, with
sunken ship “HMS Buffalo” that ran aground on our local shore, here                at our online store checkout   the brigade arriving two minutes later to find smoke pouring out from all
in Whitianga, during a storm in 1840 led me to create our funky local
brand with a twist.                                                          www.blackbeardsmokehouse.co.nz       sides of the building. The guests were safely evacuated and the fire that
                                                                                                                  started in the kitchen area was brought under control by 3:45am.
To tie our brand to our beautiful Peninsula we have created funky                                                 Unfortunately, the recently renovated hotel was gutted but the brigade,
names that refer to local iconic places. Cape Colville Chilli & Lime                                              using water from the estuary and Carina Creek, was able to prevent the
/ Sailors Grave Garlic/ Coromandel Gold/ Hot Water Beach Bum                                                      fire from spreading to any other buildings. To show their appreciation, the
Burner.                                                                                                           Dales gave the brigade a £10 donation. When the donation was brought
During the cooler winter months we also have available a gluten                                                   up at their next meeting, the brigade members felt the Dales had lost
and dairy free smoked mussel and coconut chowder. And if we have                                                  enough in the fire, so the chief returned the money with thanks from the
enough time, we also produce some extra goodies for our customers                                                 brigade for their gesture.
at the markets. Like our smoked garlic oil, the smoked mussel pate                                                The fire station, replaced in 1975, remained the brigade’s home until 5 May
and sometimes we also have our popular hot smoked salmon.                                                         2010, when the current station on Joan Gaskell Drive opened. However,
We also cater for restaurants and some local restaurants offer our                                                the siren at the Monk Street site remains in use ... and it is loud!                                                   1 First Monk Street Fire Station,1955
mussels on their platters.                                                                                        The present Whitianga Volunteer Fire Brigade membership is thirty men          Excerpt from “A Brief Guide to the History of Whitianga”
We like our customers to know that they are buying real, hand-crafted                                             and five women.                                                                90 pages of Historic photos and personal Whitianga
food that has been created with a passion for healthy, good, tasty food.                                                                                                                         stories.
We don’t use any additives or preservatives.
                                                                                                                  Summer Safety with
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Available at Mosaic, 53 Albert St

                                                                                                                  our Fire Brigade
                                                                                                                  Deputy Chief Fire Officer Derek Collier
                                                                                                                  would really like a quiet summer for himself and the Whitianga
                                                                                                                  Volunteer Fire Brigade team. It seems the messaging doesn’t
                                                                                                                  change from year to year, but some folks still just don’t get it.
                                                                                                                  “There’ll be a total fire ban in place again on the Coromandel
                                                                                                                  Peninsula this summer,” says Derek, “You can use a barbecue that
                                                                                                                  is gas or has a spark suppresser but absolutely no open fires.”                 Our volunteer fire-fighters are the ones picking up the pieces
                                                                                                                  That’s no beach fires or braziers on the back lawn either. Derek                on our roads in summer too.
                                                                                                                  adds that things dry out pretty quickly, especially with a bit                  “Take care on the roads and be patient,
                                                                                                                  of wind, and a small spark or flame can go on to cause untold
                                                                                                                  damage. Those fireworks you saved from November 5th are a no-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  we’ve got a great rescue team here but

                                                                                                                  no at this time of year too.                                                    we’d rather we didn’t have to use them.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Patience is key, often tourists are unfamiliar with our winding
                                                                                                                  If in doubt Fire Emergency New Zealand has a
                                                                                                                                                                                                  roads and may be a bit cautious, try and wait for the passing
                                                                                                                  fabulous website which will answer your                                         bays to attempt to get by…or crank up the tunes, relax
                                                                                                                  fire-related questions.                                                         and increase your following distance and enjoy the drive.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            9
K -Town Kid The Coromandel - A Family of Creative Characters at The Artists' House Whenuakite - The Seagull
The Seagull

feature artist

A Family of
Creative Characters
at The Artists House
A sign beckons to me…Artist’s          excited to make some short            Julie – Has always been an           developing her film-making skills.
House, from the side of the            documentaries here on the             integral part of both ‘Animal        Confident behind the camera or
main road between Coroglen             peninsula. She’s re-joining the       Crackers’ and ‘The Artist            in front of it she is now home
and Whenuakite. Another sign           fold and to form a triptych of        House’, producing her own            and painting!
instructs me to park in a grassy       creators, makers, painters and        work in clay and patiently           “Last Christmas New Zealand
layby and walk up to the house.        a documentary film-maker!             instructing groups over              was calling me, then Covid
It’s quite an enticing, if steep,      Gary – has been working               the years to create small            came and I wanted to be here,”
wee walk…a rambling garden             with clay for more than four          masterpieces. Recently she           she says, “I can take the time
on either side of the concrete         decades, a life-long passion          has been “playing with” black        to focus on art and making
with the occasional surprise of        which was initiated by his very       clay to create her much-loved        documentaries whereas in
sculptures popping out of the          first pottery lessons at night        birds, small enough to fit in        Australia life was pretty manic.”
undergrowth along the way.             school in Bondi, then just a          your hand, each has a quirky         Using pastel and pen Cassandra
Levelling out at the top, just         youngster in his twenties.            little character which makes         is painting/drawing in a naïve
past a well-worn workshop,             Two ceramic exhibitions, also         them so popular. In the last 8       style inspired by the energy,
is a verdant garden, bathed            around that time, served as a         years Julie has become a very        sculpture and architecture of
in sunshine, a curious steer           catalyst in firing (excuse the        proficient flax weaver, she has      Rome.
peers over the fence. There is         pun) his imagination regarding        a beautiful tactile practice using   “I’d love to get into acrylic and
a sense of being in a fairy-tale       the possibilities of clay as a        the harakeke sourced from the        throw some pots with Dad too.”
setting, not quite reality…or an       medium. One showing the               property to create baskets/
alternative reality that I’d like to   work of Chester Nealie,               kete, both coloured and natural      Watch this creative space!!!
stay in for a while, and idle away     famous for his salt-glazing and       in appearance.                       The Artists House Facebook
a few hours with a book.               still working in his late 70s,        “Raewyn Hildreth, Fiona Hare         page is  
Inside the French doors of the         and the other an exhibition           and Bess Kingi were doing            www.facebook.com/
house I’m greeted with a riot          of contemporary Japanese              formal studies in raranga            artistshouseNZ
of colour and creativity of all        ceramics.                             around eight years ago and I         and
kinds…I don’t know where               Older now, ‘mature’ one could         joined in with their group,” she     Instagram @artistshousenz
to look first…the paintings,           say, Gary’s work has evolved,         says.                                Find Cassandra Nevin  
sculpture, pots and weaving,           he still does a bit of ‘clay-work’,    “The flax has a lovely aroma,       at
and then there is the interior of      but he is currently enjoying a        feels good and the cat enjoys
the house which is a wonderful,        new medium.                           it,” adds Gary with a grin.
                                                                                                                  and Instagram@cassandranevin
whimsical creation in its own          “My latest passion is carving         Julie has also woven and
                                                                                                                  The Nevins will be welcoming
right.                                 concrete,” he enthuses, “It           stitched a kakahu/cloak
                                                                                                                  Virginia O’Sullivan to their
But, it’s the inhabitants who          has a spontaneous feel to it,         using traditional methods
                                                                                                                  gallery space for the Art Escape
hold my fascination for today,         you have to work while it is          but contemporary materials,
                                                                                                                  weekends in March.
what a rare and marvellous             still wet, with only a couple         all learned from books and
thing to have three artists            of hours as your window of            something she worked on
under the same roof…the                opportunity before it hardens.”       when completing her Diploma
result of some osmosis of              It requires a clear vision before     of Adult Education. A very
creative juices and definitely         launching into the work,              personal piece each section has
a passing on of DNA to the             with no firing and removal of         a meaning.
youngest.                              ‘negative space’ rather than          Traditional designs reference,
Gary Nevin and Julie                   adding elements to a work, it is      for example, the stairway to
Burns-Nevin have been                  almost the opposite of potting.       heaven and matariki and there
creating on the Coromandel             Gary also paints from time to         is a section honouring the
for over thirty years with a           time, his voluptuous imagery          passing of a local lad. Is is both
studio called ‘Animal Crackers’        often references his equally          beautiful and poignant in turn.
in Cooks Beach, before hand-           buxom clay sculptures with            Julie is telling stories with her
building their adobe home.             their inviting curves, definitely     hands.
After 10 years in Australia,           appealing to those with his           Cassandra – Born at Cooks
daughter Cassandra is home,            work on their walls or in their       Beach, and the youngest of the
making art and renovating the          gardens.                              artists, spent time in Australia
sleepout to live in. She's

10                                                                                                                                                             11
K -Town Kid The Coromandel - A Family of Creative Characters at The Artists' House Whenuakite - The Seagull
After living in Tokyo                                                                                                                                                                                    The Seagull
for 18 years, my
wife and I found our                                               food
spiritual home here,

                                                                   Yes Chef !
in 65 acres (MOL) of
                                                                                                     Chargrilled Dishes from the Charcoal Oven, Low & Slow Cooked Meat & Fish from the Smoker
beautiful native bush,
south of Whitianga.
                                                                                                                         Fresh Local Seafood - Craft Beers - New Zealand Wines
We built a house that
                                                                    It’s got to be one of the best views in town and sitting at Stoked         Ohakune. (They’re not afraid of jolly hard work!)“We’d had holidays
incorporates many
                                       363 Mill Creek Rd
                                                                    Restaurant on the Esplanade Whitianga, with a craft beer or a fine         and done road trips to the Coromandel and Whitianga in the past
Japanese elements,
                                                                    wine, and watching the boats coming in from a day on the ocean             and relocated to the Peninsula in 2013 working in both Tairua and
like a tatami mat                          For Sale                 is pure bliss.You might also catch a waft of deliciousness from the        Hahei.
room, deep wooden
                                                                    Char-Coal oven out back and you’ll be forgiven for salivating.
ofuro bath and a dojo
                                                                                                                                               During this time, we set up our own outside catering business with
(training hall); where,
                                                                    Stoked was established in 2016 by owner-operators Andy and Bex             a Woodfired Pizza Oven on the back of a custom built Trailer this
I could continue to
                                                                    Driscoll. They each have more than 25 years’ experience in the             is where Stoked evolved from. An exciting opportunity came up
practise and teach
                                                                    international cuisine and hospitality industry and it’s been their life-   to purchase a three-bedroom Bach on the Esplanade we grabbed
aikido… “The Way of
                                                                    long dream to open their own restaurant.                                   it with Excitement and converted it into a Restaurant and Bar.”
                                                                                                                                               Sounds easy but then with two young children in tow there was a
Away from the                                                       Hailing from Newcastle, England they’ve taken a circuitous route           fair bit of clever juggling to see the project to fruition.
clamour and crowds                                                  to Whitianga, having travelled extensively and enjoyed working
of big cities, we have                                              in different locations in the UK and New Zealand…including a               Bex and Andy held true to their vision to provide a relaxed
enjoyed the health
and well-being
                           SHARING OUR Sanctuary                    ski-season at Mt Ruapehu and a 6-year stint running a motel in             Waterfront dining experience and with a talented team of staff they
                                                                                                                                               work hard to ensure their customers are warmly welcomed and
benefits of being                                                                                                                              have the best experience of food and hospitality...every time. The
surrounded by Nature                                                                                                                           couple says they love the fact they have so many repeat customers
– that which the                                                                                                                               and regulars…it is the greatest compliment.
Japanese call, “forest
It has been a privilege                    Call Rob
to share our sanctuary                  021 0238 9767
with fellow Kiwis and
international visitors
and to pass on some
aspects of Japanese
culture - via classes in
aikido and meditation;
however, the time has
come to pass this rare
and special place to
other, like-minded
guardians ‘kaitiaki’                         1

 “Rob was brilliant to
 work with when we
 were purchasing our                                                                                                                            The Restaurant offers a unique style of cooking using a Charcoal
 property. Rob took the                                                                                                                         Oven and a Smoker. This enables them to serve up Char-grilled
 stress out and made                                                                                                                            Meats, Seafood and Vegetables with a charred finish and smoky
 the whole process                                                                                                                              aroma to the dishes. The offset smoker allows them to smoke
 very easy explaining
                                                                                                                                                their own seafood, cheese and low and slow cooked cuts of meat
 each step clearly.
 Communication from                                                                                                                             like their famous ‘16-hour brisket’ or salmon “to die for”.
 both Rob and the office
 staff was professional,                                                                                                                        They also serve up local Seafood, including Coromandel mussels
 timely and courteous                                                                                                                           and oysters. To accompany these dishes, they have a range of
 and he was always                                                                                                                              Craft Beers and Cider on Tap, local Wine and Fusion Coffee. They
 contactable to answer                                                                                                                          support local up and coming brewers and food suppliers.
 any queries. I wouldn’t
 hesitate to recommend                                                                                                                          With daughters Chloe and Nieve now 15 and 7 respectively it’s
 Rob                                                                                                                                            not quite as hard and the family love to get out - in, on and under
 to any                                                                                                                                         the water together whenever they can find a gap.
 vendors or buyers”                                                                                                                             They enjoy the buzz of the busy summer season and meeting
 Mark & Lisa D                                                                                                                                  new people as well as greeting their regulars as old friends.

                                                                                                                                                        See you on the deck at Stoked this January!
                                        Licensed Agent REAA 2008

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                    13
K -Town Kid The Coromandel - A Family of Creative Characters at The Artists' House Whenuakite - The Seagull
Coro Scoot Jam                                                                                                                                    Skatepark
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Seagull


                                                                                                                                                                                         Grand Opening
     M       y interest in hosting these events came from the
     recent investment in the Peninsula skateparks from the
                                                                         Each event will have two stages.
                                                                - The 1st stage will be for beginners and younger             Not only will there be a whole heap of scooter fun, but
                                                                kids who just like speeding around on their                   the 9th January will mark the opening of the
     council and the local communities. It has been amazing
                                                                                                                              brand new Whitianga Skatepark. Local skaters of a ‘certain
     to watch the New Whitianga Skatepark Facebook page         scooters. We’ll run timed speed races around the
                                                                                                                              age’ are delighted their children will see the benefit of
     and see how the community has got behind this, so the      skatepark and give away prizes for the winners.               something they’ve wanted for a very long time. The skate and
     locals could have somewhere to ride.                       - The 2nd stage will be for the more experienced              scooter community have put a lot of effort into raising their        Keep supporting
     I approached the council to chat about running a series    riders who can do tricks. There will be more information      part of the funds required, unanimously supported by the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      OUR PARK
     of events under the Ethic DTC brand over summer to         on the format closer to the time. There will be prizes to     Mercury Bay Community Board, and finally get to enjoy the
     utilise these skateparks for the local riders.             the winners also.                                             facility this summer.
     Scootering is one of the fastest growing freestyle         Our sponsored riders Thomas and Michael will be doing         Mayor Sandra is officially opening the Whitianga Skatepark              The Skate Park
                                                                                                                              at 9am on Saturday 9 January 2021. Following the opening
     sports in NZ. There aren’t many organised events apart     some judging and commentating throughout the day as                                                                               Fundraising Cookbook.
                                                                well as a couple of local riders helping us out.              there will be the inaugural Coro Scooter Jam, an Ethic-DTC
     from the nationals once a year and the events put on                                                                                                                                           $20 cash only at the
                                                                                                                              sponsored event.
     by Bayskate/Napier City Council, which have proved         We will have our Ethic DTC marquee there on the day
                                                                where our riders will hang out and chat to the locals
                                                                                                                              “Whitianga just keeps getting better and better with all the         front desk of Evakona
     popular. We want to be a bit different in our approach                                                                   work that’s gone into the town centre, making it a place for
     to the industry and hold events in different regions, so   and give some tips to help with their riding. An Ethic                                                                              Education 18 South
                                                                                                                              all ages to come together and enjoy. First, we had the main
     that local riders can have some fun and show off their     DTC shop will also be in the marquee so riders can            street and Esplanade redeveloped – and now it’s a new skate                 Highway.
     skills.                                                    see and buy our Ethic DTC scooter parts and Eretic            facility. Congratulations and thank you to all involved. From
     Along with the local council and More FM, Snow and         Snowscoots.                                                   the Skatepark Trust who showed how it’s done to raise funds
     Street is hosting Scooter Jams in Whitianga, Whangamata    Every one that registers through our website will go in       for a great cause, to the contractors involved in the build,
     and Thames.                                                the draw to win an Ethic Prize pack to be drawn on the        to the Mercury Bay Community Board who have partnered
                                                                day for all three locations.                                  with their local people to see another project successfully
                                                                                                                              completed. I look forward to seeing this public asset well
     Dean Calland
                                                                            It’s free to register!!                           used.”                                                                                       Skate Park Cook Book
                                                                                                                              Member of the Skatepark Trust, Benson Lockhart, is
                                                                                                                              understandably pretty excited about the completion the park.
                                                                                                                              “I just want to acknowledge everyone that has worked so
                                                                                                                              hard to get the skatepark for Whitianga it’s going to be an
                                                                                                                              epic facility for both skaters and spectators. It has been a long
                                                                                                                              road. We are thankful to TCDC staff and councillors and
                                                                                                                              the community board for supporting it in the location that it
                                                                                                                              is. We have had so much support from so many individuals
                                                                                                                              and businesses in the community there too many to list and
                                                                                                                              I don’t want to offend anyone by missing them. The results
                                                                                                                              have the whole community frothing to roll around this classy
                                                                                                                              facility. I can’t wait to see the kids progress and develop their
                                                                                                                              skills at the park.”

                                                                                                                               The design includes three main areas
                                                                                                                              1. A street drain run, which follows the Carina Creek edge
                                                                                                                              and consists of low height obstacles maintaining the views
                                                                                                                              through the facility.
                                                                                                                              2. An open flow section, consisting of beginner to
                                                                                                                              intermediate transition features, with some unique and
                                                                                                                              challenging obstacles.
                                                                                                                              3. An isolated bowl section, consisting of intermediate to
                                                                                                                              advanced quarter pipes.
                                                                                                                              The design incorporates seating and terraces that are located
                                                                                                                              at the main entry point of the skate park, which connects to
                                                                                                                              the Taylors Mistake/Whakau Reserve open grass area. Seating
                                                                                                                              has also been incorporated into some of the facility’s platform
                                                                                                                              areas, along with shelter.
                                                                                                                              This is a family-friendly facility for all ages with a variety of
                                                                                                                              challenges suitable for beginners to the experts.
                                                                                                                              Check out the December Issue of The Seagull where we talk
                                                                                                                              to Chris Charteris, sculptor, about the wonderful granite
                                                                                                                              stones in the skatepark.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                15
K -Town Kid The Coromandel - A Family of Creative Characters at The Artists' House Whenuakite - The Seagull
The Seagull

The Coromandel

 With the dawning of spring,
 local wedding industry                                                                                                                                                                            Local Whitianga beach
 vendors ramp up their             Makeup Master Jodie Elizabeth is a Coromandel local artist having                                Known by many as ‘Flea’ she grew up on the Coromandel          babe Helena Lucia was
 creativity and look to the         grown up in Tairua and Whitianga and is still here at 32yrs! She is                            in K town in Blue Fridge Valley in the bush. Her passion for    the perfect model, with
 Coromandel wedding              renowned for her flawless make-up application and pristine make up                                photography started 20 years ago when she starting driving      her
 season ahead. Felicity         looks. Using only the highest quality make-up products. Her signature                                       tour buses around New Zealand for Kiwi                 naturally sun-kissed skin.
 Jean Photography and              look is glowing radiant skin, complemented by a soft moky eye. As                                  Experience. She was often in beautiful places and with       She looked stunning in
                                  you can see Jodie has demonstrated this beautifully throughout the                                 a great bunch of beautiful subjects to photograph - her
 Brooke of Dooley Street         stunning shoot. Her inspiration comes from ‘Old School Hollywood’.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   the jumpsuit and was a
 Styling always see Spring     She loves the glamour of the 1920s/30s/40s/50s. Jodie’s signature look                                                                                              dream to
 as prime time to                  was inspired by Bridget Bardot, a French model of the 1950s who                                  She moved back to the Coromandel 8 years ago and now           photograph,we had so
 collaborate on a creative     made it big in Hollywood with her beautiful smoky eyes and nude lips.                               offers wedding, family portrait, travel, event and commercial   much fun!
 photo shoot, showcasing       She absolutely adores many other old Hollywood beauty icons such as                                   photography. She loves photographing people. Two years
 local stunning scenery                   Marilyn Munro, Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor.                                       ago, as a winter project prior to the busy wedding season,
 and some of what local                                                                                                               she created and published her first photography book.
 wedding vendors have to                                                                                                               ‘A Colourful Community’ capturing the spirit of the
 offer.                                                                                                                              local people of Kuaotunu, Otama, Opito, Matarangi and

                                                                                                               Prop hire, florals &
                                                                                                          styling of your special event
 Pulled together in a
 relatively short amount of
 time, this sneaky wee
 shoot was created to
 celebrate golden sunsets
 and the impending glow of
 summer. Elopement
 hotspot Otama Beach on a       Brooke’s creation of Dooley Street Styling began with an obsession
 late November afternoon           for creating, what some might have called crazy, but she says
 delivered the goods,             beautiful, parties for her daughter Charlie. It was an outlet for
 complete with a pod of             crafting and creativity and a way of making use of her many
 dolphins ambling past.          collections. Interest grew for not only kids party planning, but for
 Elizabeth May’s Asana              wedding styling also, and so Dooley Street Styling was born.
 jumpsuit was chosen as a             She now provides unique and beautiful props, styling and
                                coordination of wedding & other special events on the Coromandel
 point of difference, and
                                                          Peninsula & beyond.
 florals in soft orange and      As you will see from the photos in this photo shoot Brooke also
 warm peach mirrored the                  creates floral arrangements, such a talented lady.
 golden glow of the
 setting sun.

                                                                                                                   Phone - 021513095
                                                                                                             email - dooleystreet@xtra.co.nz
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                              17
people                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Seagull
                                                                                             own arts events. With events experience,
                                                                                             they’re well aware of the support needed right
                                                                                             now for artists and event organisers. Now’s
                                                                                             definitely the time to show your support and                                                            COASTAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       OUR PLAYGROUND,
                                                                                             help grow your local events industry by getting
                                                                                             out the house, going to gigs, and spreading the
                                                                                             word. The idea is to grow audience numbers,
                                                                                             which in turn helps create a more stable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      YOUR PLAYGROUND
                                                                                             environment for events to happen. Think Gig                                                                                        Take a fresh look at
                                                                                             Guide also preaches to us to show our support
                                                                                             by buying tickets early. No more leaving                                                                                                familiar places
                                                                                             your plans to the last day, that’s just not cool
                                                                                             The Think Gig Guide has taken a team of loyal
                                                                                             volunteers and supporters to keep it going. Last
                                                                                             December the community got solidly behind
                                                   Emma Mudgway
                                                                       the Think Gig Guide crowdfunding campaign to give them a boost                                                                                       NEW CHUM
                                                   &                                                                                                                                                                          BEACH
                                                   Kenzie Sampson      to keep this project growing and thriving.
                                                                       ‘The support was overwhelming, and we want to thank everyone
                                                                       who helped us out by donating or sharing our message, and for
                                                                       all the kind words of encouragement we received during the
                                                                       campaign. Crowdfunding has been a real journey and challenge,                                                                     COROMANDEL
                                                                       and we highly recommend it’ -
Summer is here and our favourite part of this beautiful season         Kenzie Sampson
is the chance to get out and enjoy the many events happening           Visit www.thinkgigguide.com to view this month's guide. While
across our little slice of paradise. It can be tricky to find out      you're there, subscribe to get it direct to your inbox each month.                                                                                 WHITIANGA
what’s going on sometimes, but two local girls (Emma & Kenzie)         You'll also find a printable version and they encourage folk to                                                                                                                   CATHEDRAL COVE
have been working hard to make it super easy for us. Enter             print it out and display it at your place of business, shop windows,
the Think Coromandel Gig Guide, born so we don’t have to               billboards, i-sites, as a way of promoting the local events even
suffer from FOMO anymore. It’s your absolute go-to for what's          further.
happening around the peninsula.                                        2021 is a new year, and now it’s easier than ever to find out what’s                                                                                                                   HOT WATER BEACH
“The Think Coromandel Gig Guide is focused on connecting our           on. So no excuses, get out the house, support your local arts
communities, and recognises the value the arts play on mental          scene and connect with your community!
wellbeing. We are a grassroots project, which all began with                                                                                                             FIRTH OF THAMES
us being willing to travel for a good gig but wondering where                                         Go to
we could find out what was going on without having to trawl
through a bunch of different websites. Now we do that mahi for                                                                                                                                                                                       TAIRUA
everyone.’- Emma Mudgway.                                               insta/FB    @thinkcoromandelgigguide to follow them.
The girls are extremely dedicated to supporting artists and                                                                                                                                                                                                     PAUANUI
creating opportunities for the community to engage with the
arts. Alongside their gig guide, they profile artists and host their                                       See you out there!
                                                                                                                                                                       SHOREBIRD COAST              THAMES
                                                                                                                                                PU-KOROKORO/ MIRANDA                                                       VALLEY


                                                                                                                                                                                                                         GORGE             WAIHI                WAIHI BEACH

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      19
The Seagull
places                                                                                                 summer
                  KUAOTUNU LIBRARY
A walk along Kuaotunu beach and glimpse under a huge macrocarpa whose branches sweep the
sands, shows us theres a discreet library builder living in the village ,whose quiet work has added
a quirky touch to the way people do things out here .
The mystery of who dunnit comes comes right to the doorstep of locals Wayne and Jo Mullins
and some enquiries.                                                                                                              Coastguard Summer
When did you set about with this cute project hanging a mussel buoy filling it
with books and hanging it off a tree ?
The library is a straight copy of one Jo and I discovered while walking on the beach at Little Bay a
                                                                                                                                  Advice for Boaties
couple of years ago.
We chose a place/tree near an area of relatively high use and placed it there figuring there was
much to be gained if it was used and nothing to lose if it wasn’t.
Did the Mullins manage this project alone?
No, it was a a community thing. I collected the buoy it from Thames coast on the way to Auckland
brought it back, borrowed a water blaster from Hamish Noble, a neighbour, to clean it up then set
about modifying it.
Did you design and build the interior shelving ,build the door with its
impressive clicking locking system ?
Yes I did, with some guidance and perseverance. I am not a skilled carpenter and this was really
more of a job for a boat builder with all the curves involved. The construction process was much
more difficult than I had anticipated, for example when I came to attach the door I found it had
changed shape significantly and needed a framework inside to reform it so it would work. I'm not
sure it would pass as a year 12 MBAS technical project but I'm sure none of its users cares.
It doesn't have building consent, code of compliance or meet earthquake requirements but it does
have drainage holes in case of a tsunami.
Whats its user system? ,how is the library maintained ?
Jo supplied the books to fill it initially and periodically checks it and adds more.The community
readers' library nearby also provides books that are no longer needed there.
During Covid lockdown I taped the door closed with a note saying
"closed during lockdown". Apart from this there has been 24 hour
access if weather and tidal conditions allow.

Which authors are most popular in the mussel buoy?
I did see some early National Geographics there once along with
Wilber Smith and Lee Child.

The Kuaotunu Beach Library is a brilliant community project, book-
sharing at its best. All you need to add to enjoy its success is a beach
towel and time.

                                                                                                         Another of our amazing emergency organisations, run by          to notify the team that you’re back safely so they don’t go
                                                                                                         volunteers, is looking out for us this summer…this time on      looking for you unnecessarily! You could get a bill for the
                                                                                                         the water!                                                      wasted time and resources.
                                                                                                         Graham Caddy, operations manager for Whitianga                  One of the places that has great potential to cause grief
                                                                                                         Volunteer Coastguard, gives us some timely advice for safe,     is the Whangapoua Bar between Whangapoua Beach and
                                                                                                         summer boating.                                                 Matarangi.
                                                                                                         “Planning for your trip starts the night before. Go over your   “Check in with Coastguard for a bar crossing report,” says
                                                                                                         vessel and check for seaworthiness, is the battery charged,     Graham, “It’s a long, flat bar that should only be crossed
                                                                                                         do you have plenty of fuel and what is the weather forecast     within the hour either side of the high tide.” He adds if
                                                                                                         looking like?”                                                  there is any white water at all on the bar, don’t attempt it.
                                                                                                         Graham says one of the biggest problems is that folks are       Did you know you can lodge a bar crossing report, call in to
                                                                                                         too rigid in their planning, they want to go out that day       Coastguard on Channel 63 as you are about to cross, they
      life planning, Goal setting,                                                                       come hell or high water, quite literally, and that is where     will put the timer on and if you don’t call back within the
             Low tox living                                                                              the trouble starts. We need to be prepared to pull the pin if   allowable time, they will activate the team presuming you
                                                                                                         any of the above are not right.                                 are in need of urgent assistance…an amazing service from
                                                                                                         “Make sure you have two forms of communication, VHF             Coastguard for our boating community.
                                                                                                         radio and a mobile phone. We encourage you to lodge a           Pop over to their website for more information, to become
                                                                                                         trip report with Coastguard; where you’re going, when,          a member or to donate to this extremely worthwhile
                                                                                                         how many people you have on board and what time you are         community organisation.
                                                                                                         expected back.” Graham adds that it takes 30 seconds to
                                                                                                         make a trip report, but it could save your life. Remember
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PHOTO BY DMITRI KOTELEVSKI

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The Seagull
     2021 Anniversary weekend sees the return of the 10
     Artists for another exhibition of diverse and engaging
     art work in Kuaotunu.                                                    Mindfulness Colouring
     We will have a wide range of work on display and sale
     including sculpture, painting, photography, drawing,
     paper engineering, raranga (weaving), wood working,
     collage and mixed media.
     The 10 Artists are all local to the area and their work is
     strongly connected to their environment, culture and
     community - something that is especially important to the

     The venue itself is very special and has been part of the
     Kuatounu community since it was built in 1896. It is a
     beautiful example of period architecture and the perfect
     venue for the exhibition.
     The exhibition runs from 10am on Friday 29th January
     until 4pm Monday 1st February. Entry is free so please
     come along and meet the artists, enjoy their art and our
     beautiful community by the sea.
     If you are here for the concert we are just a short 20
     minute drive to the north.

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The Seagull

                                         Hidden Treasures of the 309 Road
          About 6 years ago, long before I moved to Whitianga, my family and I were visiting the Coromandel. As we drove past the
          Coro end of the 309 Rd, we spied a group of what looked like little, wild, black piglets. We followed them up the road and
          got out to have a look at them, amazed that they didn’t run off. To our surprise, a rather wild-looking bush man appeared
          out of the trees on the roadside and followed the pigs off into the wilderness on the other side.

     On the way home we had quite the lively discussion about who this             eventually lets them move in instead. Clearly this is a man who has
     mysterious pig man could be and where he might live.                          found a second family amongst his beloved cloven-hoofed friends.
     Fast forward several years and the ‘Pig Man’ of the 309 Rd has been           He fetched ‘Felicity’, one of the tamer babies, for me so I could have
     noticed by many more and has become somewhat of a tourist attraction,         a cuddle and patiently explained how to hold her properly. He was
     even featuring on the 309 Rd Brochure which can be picked up at the           generous with his time as many more cars of tourists stopped to
     Information Centre.                                                           check the place out, hop the fence, ask questions and cuddle piglets.
     Last year I was on a photography workshop when we stopped in. We              If you’re looking for new places to explore this summer, take a drive
     were welcomed over the fence and I had a field-day photographing all the      down the 309 Road. First you’ll find an epic water hole, further
     broken-down vehicles in the yard. Many families of pigs now occupy the        along still you can take a short walk to see the mighty twin Kauri
     fenced off section of land. The ‘Pig Man’ himself appeared and I was struck   trees, go a little further and you can take a dip at the stunning Waiau
     by his quiet and gentle nature.                                               Falls and then finally stop in and say to the hidden treasure that is
     I met his brother who explained that many of the vehicles in the yard         the Pig Man and his four legged family.
     were intended for the Pig Man but he loves his pigs so much that he                                       Words and pictures by Debbie Lim Photography

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The Seagull

green page                                                                  curling in on itself and flowers falling off, look for the little aphid-like TPP   green page
                                                                            psyllid on the underside of the leaves (or the grainy so-called psyllid sugars

                                                                                                                                                                                          Don’t be a tosser…
                                                                            which they excrete). If you don’t want to spray, pull out any affected plants
                                                                            immediately. Remember that uneven watering causes a range of problems
                                                                            for tomatoes too – from the large, black, sunken spots that appear on the
                                                                            non-stalk end (also known as blossom end rot), to splitting fruit. Water
Firstly ……… to all our wonderful customers and readers, happy new           deeply a few times a week, rather than a sprinkling every day, and give
year to you all. We hope you had a wonderful Christmas season and           them a dose of liquid potash which we sell to promote better fruit set. Keep
spent it with your loved ones enjoying quality time together.               pinching out your laterals to help increase air flow which in return helps
We have decided to kick off this year by donating a percentage of           to reduce diseases. This is our second year growing our tomatoes in the                Minimise your footprint this
                                                                            ezy-lift 35 litre bags. We absolutely love this style of growing. They have
our January sales to supporting suicide prevention in New Zealand.
Our donation will help towards raising awareness in schools and             excellent drainage, and it gives us more room in our vege beds for all the             summer holiday
communities, and helping to support the 24/7 phone and text helplines.      other crops we like to grow.                                                           Nothing makes my blood boil more than              Reusable shopping bags are great for
By purchasing anything from us during the month of January, and             If you fancy growing your own food but are stuck for space, you will be
                                                                            amazed at what you can successfully grow and harvest from a standard                   following a car the inhabitants of which feel      groceries, beach trips and taking laundry to
our donation to this much needed organisation, you could help to
save a life. It saddens us that so many people walk among us in our         10 litre bucket. Success to growing crops in pots comes down to one                    is okay to toss their rubbish out the window.      the laundromat.
communities that face these daily struggles. If you or someone you          thing – water. Without irrigation, you’re ultimately destined to fail. Plants          Almost as much blood boiling happens when
know, are having suicide thoughts, please know how much you are             with their roots sunk deep into garden soil are naturally more forgiving of
                                                                            occasional outbreaks of neglect, whereas plants left high and dry in pots will         I see cigarette butts on the beach and plastic     Refillable containers are fabulous for travel
loved, and how deeply you would be missed if you were no longer here.
Please reach out to someone and share your thoughts and feelings.           wilt in a matter of hours. Every time a container-grown plant is subjected             interwoven with the shells and seaweed.            toiletries, even better use solid bar shampoos,
‘It’s ok if all you did today was survive’.                                 to drought stress it markedly reduces its lifespan. That leads to fewer fruit          What’s that saying? “Take only photographs         conditioners, moisturisers and the like which
•            24/7 Helpline |0800 LIFELINE (0800 54 33 54) or                on tomatoes, smaller roots on beets and carrots, and a tendency for leafy
                                                                            crops like rocket and spinach to run to seed. And using one of our quality             and leave only footprints”. True.                  can be popped in a jar.
•            Suicide Crisis Helpline | 0508 TAUTOKO (0508 82 88 65)
•            Kidsline | 0800 54 37 54                                       premium grade Daltons potting mix’s is essential. Moving containers into               I acknowledge that it can be a challenge to
•            In an emergency or if you feel you or someone you know is at   semi-shaded positions over summer can also help, but you do need to be                 travel or holiday, especially with children, and   Buy bulk sunscreen, keep it the boot and refill
             risk, dial 111.                                                prepared to water your potted plants every day during hot, dry weather.
                                                                                                                                                                   practice the same waste minimisation as you        a smaller container for outings.
                                                                            Until next month, have a safe and happy January. Come and see any of our               do at home, but, with a little preparation, you
This season we were a little late planting our tomatoes, so January
                                                                            amazing, knowledgeable and friendly staff to help and assist you with your
is going to be all about harvesting in our household. Large slices
                                                                            gardening and landscaping projects.                                                    can have a red hot go at having a greener          Have lots of food containers in different sizes
of beefsteak on vogels with salt and pepper, homemade chutneys,                                                                                                    holiday!                                           for your picnics.
colourful salads, slow roasted with sage and balsamic vinegar. Oh the       Remember to slip, slop, slap and wrap. Be safe in the water and on the
list goes on and on ……………. It’s important to keep an eye out on             roads. Hope to see you soon. From the team at Mercury Bay Garden
your tomato plants this month. If you notice foliage yellowing and          Centre and Landscaping Supplies.                                                           Here’s The Seagull’s top tips                  Don’t get sucked into buying cheap toys
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and clothes in the New Year sales. ..they’ll
                                                                                                                                                                   Have a take-away kit: metal straws, reusable       probably end up in landfill quicker than you’d
                                                                                                                                                                   take-away containers and keep-cups for all the     like. If you shop…buy quality that will last or
                                                                                                                                                                   family. Get into the habit of giving them all a    bring everything you need or want with you
                                                                                                                                                                   good wash at night, pop them back in the car       from home.
                                                                                                                                                                   and be ready for the next day’s adventures.

                                                                                                                                                                   It goes without saying that your water bottles
                                                                                                                                                                   are the refillable variety.

                                                                                                                                                                   Pop a sanitiser pump bottle in the car and an
                                                                                                                                                                   old-fashioned face-cloth in a jar to replace
                                                                                                                                                                   your wet-wipes.

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