Coronavirus Legal guidance for members - TELP helping members navigate today's uncertain world Cyber security and unseaworthiness - The Swedish Club

Page created by Bryan Hammond
Coronavirus Legal guidance for members - TELP helping members navigate today's uncertain world Cyber security and unseaworthiness - The Swedish Club
No.1 | 2020

Legal guidance
for members

TELP helping members navigate today’s
uncertain world
Cyber security and unseaworthiness
Coronavirus Legal guidance for members - TELP helping members navigate today's uncertain world Cyber security and unseaworthiness - The Swedish Club
Our thoughts are with you ......................................................................................................3

A disease like no other ..........................................................................................................4
Legal guidance for members ................................................................................................7

Loss Prevention                                                                                                                                  P4
Lack of cooperation lead to grounding ..............................................................................10
How acceptable are environmentally acceptable lubricants? ..........................................12
TELP helping members navigate today’s uncertain world ................................................14

Engine room fires: Intelligent fire detection ......................................................................18
RoRo fires - Swedish early detection project: LASH FIRE ..................................................21
Meeting the SOLAS challenge on older vessels ................................................................22

Cyber security and unseaworthiness: what it will mean for owners in 2021....................24
Legal update ........................................................................................................................29
Malin Högberg: From sea to law..........................................................................................30

Maritime Resource Management
Interview: Safety in our DNA ..............................................................................................32                    P24
The Swedish Club Academy welcomes Zeaborn and Enesel to MRM..............................33

Club Information
Notice board..........................................................................................................................35
Out and about ......................................................................................................................36
Staff news ............................................................................................................................37
Calendar/Quiz ......................................................................................................................39


The views contained within this publication are those of the respective authors and are not necessarily those of The Swedish Club.

                                                                  The Swedish Club Triton is published three times a year and distributed free of charge. The Swedish Club Triton is an editorially

                                                                  independent newsletter and opinions expressed by external contributors are not necessarily those of The Swedish Club. Articles
                                                                  herein are not intended to provide legal advice and the Club does not accept responsibility for errors or omissions or their
                                                                  consequences. For further information regarding any issue raised herein, please contact our head office in Gothenburg.
 No.1 | 2020

The Swedish Club                                                  Production Coordinator                        Layout                                         Contact us:
                                                                  Susanne Blomstrand                            Elaborate Communications Ltd
© 2020 The Swedish Club                                                                                                                              
Articles or extracts may be quoted provided that                  PR Consultant                                 Print                                
The Swedish Club is credited as the source.                       Elaborate Communications Ltd                  PR Offset, Molndal 2004pr1100
Coronavirus Legal guidance for members - TELP helping members navigate today's uncertain world Cyber security and unseaworthiness - The Swedish Club

Our thoughts are with you
Dear members, brokers and friends of        cover afforded. Our top priority is to         Our aim is to be back next year in full
The Swedish Club.                           service our members and brokers at all         force with an ambitious programme. We
                                            times.                                         are in a people business and look
We have just spent the Easter break in a                                                   forward to meeting up again soon, when
way we have not experienced before. The     The immediate impact for the Club              circumstances permit.
current situation affects all parts of      concerns investments. However, I can
society in a way we have not been able to   confirm that we maintain a very strong          In the meantime, take care and stay safe
envisage previously. I sincerely hope you   capital position. Our Finance & Audit          and I hope you will find some interesting
are all safe and healthy.                   committee have been active during the          articles to read in this issue of Triton.
                                            first quarter of the year. A stress test
The COVID-19 pandemic has produced          required by the regulator in the latter part
unprecedented operational challenges        of March shows that our solvency margin
for members. Crew changes, quarantine       has not been greatly affected.
requirements, disruptions and delays,
have become day-to-day issues in these      For the safety and wellbeing of members,
difficult times. These are the imminent       brokers and friends of The Swedish Club,
challenges; the long-term effects are       we have cancelled all social
more unpredictable.                         arrangements this spring, and in               Lars Rhodin
                                            connection with the AGM planned for 10,        Managing Director
The Swedish Club is fully committed to      11 and 12 June. The actual corporate
supporting members with advice and          Annual General Meeting will still take
recommendations. We continuously            place on 11 June 2020 and we are at
respond to many questions relating to       present looking into virtual options
claims, disputes and the Coronavirus        available for conducting this meeting.
generally and how these issues affect the

                                                                                                                  Triton 1 2020 \ 3
Coronavirus Legal guidance for members - TELP helping members navigate today's uncertain world Cyber security and unseaworthiness - The Swedish Club

a disease
like no
Nigel Griffiths
Head of the Marine Advisory
Medical Service, UK

The shipping industry, and indeed the        from the common cold to more severe
world has already been impacted in a         diseases such as Middle East
number of ways by the emergence of           Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and
COVID-19: It is a pandemic, the enormity     Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
of which mankind has never endured           (SARS-CoV). The novel coronavirus
before. It is affecting the daily lives of   (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been
people in all countries of the world and     previously identified in humans. The
the mortality rate has made enormous         virus found to cause COVID-19 was
inroads into the world’s population.         initially isolated from a clinical sample
                                             on 7 January. It is notable that within
The main signs and symptoms of COVID-        weeks following the identification of the
19 include fever, dry cough, fatigue,        virus, a series of reliable and sensitive
sputum production, shortness of breath,      diagnostic tools were developed and
myalgia or arthralgia, sore throat, and      deployed.
headache. Nausea or vomiting has been                                                    Control
reported in a small percentage of            COVID-19 started in China and worked its
patients (5%).                               way around the world in a matter of         Many governments are following China’s
                                             months. COVID-19 differs from Ebola, for    lead and taking steps to control this virus
A new strain                                 example, because Ebola is transmitted       by lockdown measures or ‘social
                                             by direct contact, whereas COVID-19 is      distancing’. Withdrawal from society, with
Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family       mainly transmitted by droplet infection,    its basic rights and freedoms, does not go
of viruses that cause illness ranging        making it much more transmissible.          unchallenged and has been difficult for

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Coronavirus Legal guidance for members - TELP helping members navigate today's uncertain world Cyber security and unseaworthiness - The Swedish Club

                                                World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines
                                                to reduce transmission are as follows:
                                                Wash your hands frequently
                                                Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or
                                                wash them with soap and water.

                                                Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand
                                                rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.

                                                Maintain social distancing
                                                Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is
                                                coughing or sneezing.

                                                Why? When someone coughs or sneezes, they spray small liquid droplets from
                                                their nose or mouth which may contain virus. If you are too close, you can
                                                breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person coughing has
                                                the disease.

                                                Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth

                                                Why? Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once
                                                contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From
                                                there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.

                                                Practice respiratory hygiene
                                                Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This
                                                means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you
                                                cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.

                                                Why? Droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory hygiene, you protect
                                                the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19.

many governments to implement. The              Stay informed and follow advice given by your healthcare provider
European Convention on Human Rights             Stay informed on the latest developments about COVID-19. Follow advice given
                                                by your telemedicine service, your national and local public health authority or
gives a right to liberty under Article 5, the
                                                your employer on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. For those
right to respect for family and private life    that work at sea, this may be via a telemedicine service.
under Article 8, freedom of thought,
conscience and religion under Article 9,        Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information
freedom of expression under Article 10          on COVID-19. They are best placed to advise on what people should be doing to
and freedom of assembly under Article           protect themselves.
11. COVID-19 has challenged to the very         If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care
core the rights of individuals to follow        early
their desires, which were hitherto              Advice for those ashore would be to stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a
protected under national laws. New laws         fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance.
have been created to withdraw these             Follow the directions of your local health authority. At sea, self-isolation should
freedoms, and it is not unnatural for           be considered if exposure is a possibility.
people to express resentment at what            Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information
many see to be intrusive legislation. It        on the situation. Calling in advance will allow a telemedicine advisor to help you.
would be fair to say that this will be easier   This will also protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other
to implement in some countries than             infections.

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Coronavirus Legal guidance for members - TELP helping members navigate today's uncertain world Cyber security and unseaworthiness - The Swedish Club

   Advice for Masters of vessels
    •   Only persons cleared by local port officials, authorities        •   Masters should take precautions to minimise the
        and the Master should be allowed on board, including               potential spread of the virus among seafarers if
        marine/harbour pilots, technicians, ship agents, etc.              symptoms appear. Isolate the seafarer to a location
                                                                           preferably with segregated ventilation and separate from
    •   Limit visitor access to the vessel as much as possible.            the common areas used by seafarers such as seafarers’
                                                                           lounge, gym, mess rooms, etc.
    •   Crew disembarkation from the vessel whilst in port must
        be minimised and allowed only in absolute need                 •   Avoid shaking hands, a simple bow or nod will suffice.
                                                                       •   Handwashing is the best way to reduce the risk of
    •   Minimise interpersonal exchanges with persons from                 infection being transmitted from one person to another.
        ashore, avoiding contact with people who show
        symptoms of flu or high temperature and take care of            •   Shipowners must keep up to date with COVID-19
        personal hygiene including more frequent handwashing,              developments.
                                                                       •   Ensure proper training and provide information and
    •   Limit, as much as possible, shore side persons’ direct             education on the virus for the workforce including how
        access to internal spaces of the vessel.                           the virus spreads, how to prevent the virus in order to
                                                                           prepare workers and how to dispel myths, fears and
    •   If possible, designate a central location/room with direct         misconceptions.
        access from the outside and enclosed toilet to receive
        authorised persons from shore in order to avoid                •   Keep up to date with details of the affected areas
        unnecessary physical contact and possible                          through WHO or from the relevant centre for disease
        contamination inside the vessel. The room should have              control via disease outbreak updates and maps.
        the minimum of furnishing and be easy to
        decontaminate with disinfectants. Social distancing            •   Be aware and respect any quarantine restrictions that
        MUST be observed. Wipe down areas and items visitors               any country/port may apply, and of any requirements by
        have touched or may have touched with disinfectant                 Port Health in this respect.
        wipes and/or sprays.
                                                                       •   Engage with safety managers and ensure there is
    •   If authorised persons need to enter the vessel ensure              continual and ongoing communication with workers,
        they are wearing or, if necessary, provide them with,              providing updates on the outbreak and training
        applicable mask and gloves.                                        refreshers and drills as and when required.

                                                 Dr Tedros Adhanom, Director General of the WHO
                                                 has said that whilst scientists are looking for way
                                                 to manage the disease, “Our greatest enemy right
                                                 now is not the virus itself. It’s fear, rumours and
                                                 stigma. And our greatest assets are facts, reason
                                                 and solidarity.”

The key to containing this virus is to break     Treatment                                    following established protocols for
the chain of transmission by means of for                                                     testing. At present treatment is the
example, regular and effective                   COVID-19 is spreading with astonishing       primary hope, for a vaccine is a long way
handwashing, social distancing,                  speed; outbreaks in any setting have very    from manufacture, with many believing
appropriate personal protective equipment        serious consequences; and there is now       the earliest is in late 2021.
to reduce the chance of transmission, and        strong evidence that non-pharmaceutical
self-monitoring. The virus is transmitted        interventions can reduce and even            For country by country advice as to what
from a sick person to a healthy person           interrupt transmission. Various experts      requirements are in place please refer to:
through respiratory droplets when an             have put forward opinions on treatment
infected person coughs, sneezes or talks         methods. Much research has centred 
in close proximity to another person. If it is   around the drugs hydroxychloroquine,         ncov/travelers/map-and-travel-notices.html
not possible to limit exposure by the            azithromycin and remdesivir as possible
methods stated, there will be over demand        methods of treatment, but the search for
on intensive care systems in hospitals and       expedient answers makes many of the
many people will die.                            scientific community critical of those not

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Coronavirus Legal guidance for members - TELP helping members navigate today's uncertain world Cyber security and unseaworthiness - The Swedish Club
                                                                 fEATuRE: COROnAviRuS

for members
The World Health Organization (WHO)
classified the Coronavirus disease
(COviD-19) as a pandemic on 11 March
2020. in response to the outbreak and
spread of COviD-19 members may
encounter a number of legal issues in
relation to charter parties as a result of
measures that are being imposed by
national authorities.

                          By James Mackay,
                          Claims Executive Consultant,
                          The Swedish Club

Port safety
Time charterers may not order a vessel to an unsafe port in
breach of an express or implied warranty in the charter party.
The test is whether at the time when the order is given the
vessel can reach it, use it and return from it without being
exposed to dangerous features that are not the result of an
abnormal occurrence. There is also an obligation to change
voyage orders if the port subsequently becomes unsafe before
the vessel reaches it.

In some charters (the Baltime form, for example), there is an
express prohibition on the charterer ordering the vessel to a
port where fever or epidemics are prevalent. Where there is no
express provision such as that, however, there is likely to be
substantial doubt as to whether the safe port warranty permits
the rejection of an order by reference to concerns about
COVID-19. It involves questions of fact and law.

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Case law                                         refusal of a legitimate order can             charterer is not under a duty to re-
                                                 constitute a repudiatory breach of the        nominate on grounds that the
Generally, case law deals with the risk of       charter. Aside from that, if the vessel is    nominated port is unsafe.
physical damage to the vessel or                 laden, the owner will be subject to
detention due to political risks. In theory it   separate obligations to the                   Port closure
is conceivable for a port to be unsafe if        shippers/consignees under the bill of
the spread of infection at the port would        lading contract to deliver the cargo at the
                                                                                               Time charters
put vessels at risk of being disabled by         contractual discharge port.
crew sickness or would cause vessels                                                           If COVID-19 results in the closure of a port
calling at the port to be barred or detained                                                   to marine traffic it will not be possible for
                                                 Time charters
at other ports.                                                                                a vessel on time charter to perform the
                                                 If an owner accepts a time charterer’s        charterer’s order to load or discharge
Such scenarios, however, seem unlikely in        voyage orders in full knowledge of the        cargo at the port and the charterer should
practice: health risks can be avoided if the     unsafe features of the nominated port the     give replacement orders.
crew take proper and effective                   owner may have waived the right to
precautions. Although vessels might be           refuse to obey the order. This will not
subject to quarantine delays at                  necessarily mean that the owner has
                                                                                               Voyage charters
subsequent ports, it is unlikely that they       waived the right to damages for breach of     In a voyage charter, if the closure prevents
will be permanently blacklisted, detained        the safe port warranty or an indemnity for    the vessel from arriving at the port to load
or impounded. Also, it is questionable           complying with the charterer’s orders.        cargo before the end of the laycan period,
whether an outbreak of COVID-19 would                                                          the likely outcome will be that the charter
be a feature of the affected port, rather                                                      will be cancelled. If the discharge port is
                                                 Voyage charters
than an abnormal occurrence.                                                                   closed there will probably be a liberty
                                                 The position is different for voyage          which permits discharge of the cargo at
                                                 charters, where the port has already          some other port (e.g. ‘so near thereto as
Individual circumstances
                                                 been nominated without an express             she may safely get’).
Each case will be decided on its specific         warranty of safety. The general view is
facts and will require careful                   that there is no implied warranty of
consideration bearing in mind that the           safety under a voyage charter, and the

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Coronavirus Legal guidance for members - TELP helping members navigate today's uncertain world Cyber security and unseaworthiness - The Swedish Club

Owner’s protection                               examine specific laytime / demurrage                 performance of the obligation due to a
                                                 provisions and exceptions. A valid Notice           COVID-19 issue fits within the force
Also there is some protection for the            of Readiness (NOR) requires the vessel to           majeure wording (eg if force majeure
owner in that situation under Article IV(2)      be physically and legally ready for cargo           events include ‘quarantine’, ‘embargo’,
of the Hague and Hague-Visby Rules (if           operations. While a ‘wifpon’ (‘whether in           ‘disease’ or ‘epidemic’) and the event
incorporated into the charter) which states      free pratique or not’) provision may permit         itself, rather than a consequence of it, is
that neither the carrier nor the ship shall be   NOR to be given before clearance has                the proximate cause of the party’s
responsible for loss or damage arising or        been granted by the health authorities, it          inability to perform its obligations by
resulting from: (h) quarantine restrictions;     probably does not override the common               reason of circumstances which are
(j) strikes or lockouts or stoppage or           law position which prevents laytime from            beyond its control.
restraint of labour from whatever cause,         commencing if it is not simply an
whether partial or general; (q) any other        administrative formality but instead is
cause arising without the actual fault or        specifically refused or delayed for reasons
privity of the carrier.                          related to the health status of the crew .          It is necessary to make a distinction
                                                                                                     between an event which prevents
Delays                                           It is possible that some charters may               performance and one which renders
                                                 include provisions (including a force               performance more difficult or
Delays in port to vessels in or arriving from    majeure clause) that exclude from the               uncommercial. The latter event does not
affected areas might arise in relation to        running of laytime or demurrage periods             itself prevent performance but rather the
granting free pratique, the availability of      of delay directly caused by quarantine              non-performance is due to the party
pilots or quarantine arrangements.               restrictions imposed on shore labour.               making a commercial choice to avoid
Precautions that owners may take to              The rules of construction should be                 loss of profit and will not meet the
minimise the risk of such delays include         examined to determine the applicability             requirements of a force majeure clause
making a pre-arrival declaration of health       of such provisions.                                 which describes event that prevent
and documenting measures taken on board                                                              performance of contractual obligations.
to reduce the risk of contamination. The
                                                 Doctrine of frustration
allocation of risk between the owner and                                                             Recommended clauses
charterer for delays will depend on the          It will only be in relatively rare cases that the
relevant facts and the charter party wording.    doctrine of frustration will enable the parties     Both BIMCO and Intertanko have
                                                 to treat the charter as terminated for              published clauses for use in charters
                                                 reasons related to COVID-19, including              which deal with infectious or contagious
Time charters
                                                 delay. For frustration to apply, the delay (or      diseases. For further details, including
Time charterers are obliged to pay hire          other circumstances related to COVID-19)            accompanying guidance notes, see:
continuously throughout the charter              must be of such nature and magnitude as
period unless they can prove that an             to constitute an unforeseen event which   
exception applies. Some examples of              makes it impossible to perform the charter          clauses/bimco-clauses/current/infectious
possible off hire events under the New           or at least radically changes the nature of         _or_contagious_diseases_clause_for_time
York Produce Exchange (NYPE) form                the contractual obligations outside the             _charter_parties_2015
are: ‘deficiency of men’ where time is            reasonable contemplation of the parties at
lost due to crew members being                   the time of the fixture. Also, it must not be
incapacitated/repatriated due to illness         ‘self-induced’ in the sense that the party          clauses/bimco-clauses/current/infectious
or the imposition of quarantine                  seeking to rely on it cannot have made the          _or_contagious_diseases_clause_for_voya
restrictions; delay caused by the refusal        performance impossible by its own choice.           ge_charter_parties_2015
of free pratique as a result of suspected
infection on the ship where off hire             Force majeure                             
events extend to ‘any other cause                                                                    centre/model-clauses-library/templatecla
whatsoever preventing the full working           There is no English common law doctrine             uses
of the vessel’. In the Shelltime 4 form          of force majeure which excuses a party
time lost due to ‘quarantine restrictions’       from performing its contractual                     This article is not intended to address
is an explicit off hire event.                   obligations (other than an event which              these matters in detail nor be a
                                                 brings the contract to an end under the             comprehensive assessment of all
An owner may be entitled to an implied           doctrine of frustration). There can,                potential issues arising under charter
indemnity, arising from compliance with          however, be contractual terms which                 parties in relation to COVID-19, particularly
the time charterer’s orders to call at a port    provide that a supervening event in a               as the situation is constantly changing. It
in an infected region, for losses resulting      specified category beyond the control of             addresses the issues from the
from consequential delays, including loss        one or both contracting parties may                 perspective of English law. Members
of income for off hire periods.                  excuse non-performance or result in the             should also take into account the advice
                                                 cancellation of the charter.                        and guidance of local correspondents on
                                                                                                     practical, regulatory and procedural
Voyage charters
                                                 The key points to consider in relation a            matters in operation at specific ports.
For a voyage charter, it is necessary to         force majeure clause is whether the non-

                                                                                                                              Triton 1 2020 \ 9
Coronavirus Legal guidance for members - TELP helping members navigate today's uncertain world Cyber security and unseaworthiness - The Swedish Club

Lack of cooperation lead
to grounding
                              By Joakim Enström, Loss Prevention Officer

                             Each month the Club’s Loss Prevention team issues a new safety
                             scenario to assist members in their efforts to comply with international
                             safety regulations and to follow best practice. visit Swedish Club
                             OnLine (SCOL) for more examples.

CASE STUDY                                    the end of the berth and then follow the      Tug assistance
                                              fairway. However, he did not explain the
                                              plan to the Master and the Master didn’t      A tug assisted, pushing the vessel on the
A 1,000 TEU container vessel departed         ask the pilot about any plan.                 starboard side. The vessel was now
its berth after loading. During the loading                                                 moving astern at two knots and towards
there had been some delay and the             The Master ordered all lines let go. The      the south side of the fairway - the
gantry cranes had stopped operating           bow started to fall off quicker than the      opposite side to the vessel’s position.
because of strong winds, so the Master        stern as the wind pushed on the vessel’s      There were several buoys marking the
was eager to depart. The navigation           port side, off the berth. The pilot ordered   fairway. The closest buoy was on the
officer had prepared the bridge before          half astern and the plan was to use the       starboard quarter about 50 metres away.
departure. On the bridge was the Master,      bow thruster to let the vessel’s bow          The wind continued to push the vessel
pilot, lookout and Chief Officer. A tug         swing past the end of the berth and to        from the portside causing the vessel to
assisted the vessel during departure.         position the vessel to sail out in the        drift SE in the fairway towards the south
The Master gave the pilot the pilot card      fairway. At this time the vessel had a        side of the fairway. The vessel had a
and offered him some coffee. After this       course of 310°.                               stern thruster and it was set full to
the Master gave the pilot the conn.                                                         starboard to assist the vessel in turning

Under pilotage
                                              A tug assisted, pushing the vessel on the
                                              starboard side. The vessel was now moving
The pilot was steering from the port side
bridge wing. The berth had a heading of

                                              astern at two knots and towards the south
317° and there were still WSW winds at
Beaufort scale 9. The vessel was

                                              side of the fairway - the opposite side to the
moored at the end of the berth. The
fairway leaving the port had a heading of

                                              vessel’s position.
230°. The pilot’s plan was for the vessel
to go astern and swing to port and clear

10 / Triton 1 2020

                                               When discussing this case please consider that the actions taken at the time made
                                               sense for all involved. Do not only judge but also ask why you think these actions
                                               were taken and could this happen on your vessel?

                                               1. What were the immediate causes of this accident?
                                               2. is there a risk that this kind of accident could happen on our vessel?
                                               3. How could this accident have been prevented?
                                               4. Do we have a pre-departure meeting with all the people involved in the vessel’s
                                                  departure regarding the plan and what to expect? (in this case these issues also
                                                  apply for arrival)
                                               5. Do we let the pilot manoeuvre the vessel?
                                               6. if we do, is the plan for departure discussed with the pilot and the entire bridge
                                               7. What are the environmental limits for departure?
                                               8. How do we ensure that if a tug is ordered that it is sufficient for the prevailing
                                               9. Has everyone in the bridge team received Maritime Resource Management
                                                  (MRM) training?
                                               10. Do we use closed-loop communication on the bridge?
                                               11. What sections of our SMS would have been breached if any?

The vessel continued
                                               12. Does our SMS address these risks?

its movement astern
                                               13. How could we improve our SMS to address these issues?
                                               14. What do you think was the root cause of this accident?

and hit the buoy on
                                               15. is there any kind of training that we should carry out that addresses these

the starboard quarter.
The entire buoy was                          that a buoy was only 30 metres away on         quarter. The entire buoy was dragged

dragged underneath
                                             the starboard quarter. The vessel now          underneath the vessel and damaged the
                                             had a heading of 320° - a 90° angle            propeller, rudder and rudder stock. The

the vessel and
                                             towards the fairway. The Chief Officer           damage caused the vessel to lose its
                                             informed the pilot and Master but neither      steering and because of the damage the

damaged the
                                             of them acknowledged or took any               Master stopped the main engine. This
                                             action. The Second Officer then informed         caused the vessel to start drifting even

propeller, rudder and
                                             the Chief Officer that the buoy was only         quicker SE towards shallow waters.

rudder stock.
                                             10 metres away. The pilot ordered half
                                             ahead on the engines, and then for some        The pilot suggested that the anchor
                                             reason the stern thruster was stopped.         should be dropped, and the Master
                                             During this time the pilot also received a     ordered the port anchor to be dropped.
                                             job-related mobile phone call which he         This was delayed as the Second Officer
to port. The vessel started to slowly come   answered.                                      had to cross the ship from the stern to the
around and had a heading of 291° but                                                        bow. When he reached the bow and the
was still drifting SE towards the buoy.      Collision with buoy                            bosun tried to drop the anchor it became
                                                                                            entangled and it took a minute before it
The Second Officer was on the stern and        The vessel continued its movement              was released. At that point the vessel ran
warned the Chief Officer over the UHF          astern and hit the buoy on the starboard       aground.

                                                                                                                            2016 \ 11
                                                                                                                   Triton 3 2019

How acceptable are
environmentally acceptable
A new study from Dnv GL, in conjunction with a number
of marine insurers, including The Swedish Club, has
discovered two specific viscosity-related characteristics
where environmentally acceptable lubricants (EALs) differ
from mineral oils. These properties affect the safety
margin of the aft stern tube bearing in certain critical
operating conditions and have led to Dnv GL introducing                                    Öystein Åsheim Alnes,
                                                                                           Principal Engineer, Maritime
new design rule criteria.                                                                  DNV GL - Group Technology and Research

The study was carried out to better          compared with a reference mineral oil:        This trend coincided with a reported
understand how EALs perform compared         pressure-related and temperature-related      widespread increase in the number of
to traditional mineral oils commonly used    viscosity properties. Additionally, one of    stern tube bearing failures, and it was
in stern tube bearings. This investigation   the EALs studied has been found to            inevitable that the maritime industry
originally stemmed from a surge of stern     display shear thinning properties at high     began to question the actual lubrication
tube bearing failures seen since 2014,       shear rates.                                  performance of the EALs.
which tied in with the introduction of
EALs to replace the mineral oils             Background                                    Trying to bridge the obvious knowledge
traditionally used.                                                                        gap in the industry, DNV GL, together with
                                             The introduction of the Vessel General        insurers initiated a joint EAL development
The study identified two main aspects         Permit (VGP) requirements in 2013             project (JDP) in late 2017 to investigate
where the tested biodegradable               resulted in a sudden and massive uptake       the topic. The primary aim of the project
lubricants behave differently when           of EALs as stern tube lubricants for ships.   was to map out potential differences in

12 / Triton 1 2020

                                     Chart 1. Viscosity vs pressure of tested lubricants - 40°C                                            Chart 2. Viscosity vs temperature of tested lubricants

                                                                                                                                                      Mineral oil    EAL A        EAL B         EAL C        EAL D        EAL E
                                                                            mineral oil
Kinematic Viscosity [cSt]

                                                                                                               Kinematic Viscosity [cSt]
                                                                                          Measured EAL

                             100                                                                                       10
                                    10     25      50     75       100      125       150       175      200                               10    15      20         25       30            35           40           45           50
                                                               Pressure [MPa]                                                                                        Temperature [°C]

                            the lubrication capabilities of EALs                  observed aft stern tube bearing failures,                                 rules from July 2019 to achieve an
                            compared to traditional mineral oils for a            an EAL will operate with a lower true                                     equivalent safety margin for the aft stern
                            stern tube application.                               viscosity in the minimum oil film                                          tube bearings intended to be operated
                                                                                  thickness region. Knowing that the                                        with an EAL. The rule update includes the
                            Observations                                          viscosity is proportional to the oil film                                  introduction of a viscosity influence
                                                                                  thickness and load-carrying capacity of a                                 parameter in the hydrodynamic oil film
                            Most of the observed failures were found              journal bearing, it must therefore be                                     lubrication acceptance criteria,
                            to happen very early in the lifetime of the           understood that the safety margin is                                      differentiating between EALs and mineral
                            vessels, and during operating conditions              reduced for an EAL installation in the                                    oils. This requirement is not retroactive
                            known to inflict significant shaft                      high-load running modes. (See chart 1).                                   for vessels which comply with older
                            deflections in way of the aft bearing.                                                                                           class rules.
                            Operations such as extreme turning in                 Viscosity index
                            the upper speed range are known to                                                                                              Ongoing investigations
                            inflict very high localised loads on the aft           Secondly, the viscosity index is
                            end of the aft stern tube bearing. The                significantly higher for EALs compared to                                  Work is continuing to investigate some of
                            JDP thus initially focused on studying the            mineral oils. This means that the EALs                                    the operational aspects that have caused
                            core lubricant properties affecting the               will operate with a much lower viscosity                                  problems for EAL installations. Leaking
                            load-carrying capacity.                               in the lower temperature region typical                                   seals have been a widespread issue, and
                                                                                  for stern tubes in certain conditions such                                it is believed that the main risk is related
                            From a design perspective, the lubricant              as mooring trials and cold start-up.                                      to leaving a static mix of sea water and
                            viscosity is a key property that must be              Again, the safety margin will be reduced                                  EAL unmonitored in the aft seal chamber
                            chosen correctly to ensure that                       in those types of operation. (See chart 2).                               no. 2. It is known that some sea water will
                            hydrodynamic lubrication is given in all                                                                                        periodically pass through the outer
                            continuous operating conditions. The                  Resolution                                                                sealing rings during e.g. operation in
                            DNV GL study has, however, discovered                                                                                           heavy sea states. This means that if the
                            two specific viscosity-related                         To retain the safety level of a mineral oil                               lubricant in seal chamber no. 2 is not
                            characteristics where EALs differ from                installation, there are in practice two options:                          monitored and water drained out, the
                            mineral oils. These properties affect the                                                                                       EALs will start to chemically react with
                            safety margin of the aft stern tube                   (i) Increase the specified viscosity of the                                the water resulting in acidification and
                            bearing in certain critical operating                     EAL (one viscosity grade up).                                         degradation. In such cases the risk of
                            conditions.                                                                                                                     premature sealing ring failure will be high.
                                                                                  (ii) Optimise the aft stern tube bearing
                            Pressure-viscosity coefficient                               design to increase the shaft-bearing                                 The clear advice is to regularly
                                                                                       contact area and reduce the peak                                     circulate/flush the chamber, to drain
                            Firstly, the pressure-viscosity coefficient                  pressure in the lubricant film.                                       water from the lowest point in the
                            of typical stern tube EALs is different                                                                                         system and to monitor the condition of
                            than that of the same-grade mineral oil.              New DNV GL design rule criteria                                           the aft seal lubricant. Note that some
                            The practical consequence of this                                                                                               seal designs do not include double piping
                            difference is that under the high-load                Based on this conclusion, DNV GL has                                      (needed for circulation).
                            operating conditions typical for the                  revised the main class shaft alignment

                                                                                                                                                                                                Triton 1 2020 \ 13

 Trade Enabling Loss
 Prevention (TELP)
 Helping members navigate today’s
 uncertain world
 In today’s climate of uncertainty,            At the time of going to press, The           of particular risk. These are known as
 The Swedish Club has been able to             Swedish Club was sending around 80           ‘hotspots’. Tailored advice is then
 use its Trade Enabling Loss                   COVID-19 related messages a day to its       generated and sent out a few days before
 Prevention (TELP) tool to reach out           members, through TELP, using                 arrival. An added dimension is that any
                                               information provided by the Club’s           new alerts from local correspondents are
 a helping hand and guide vessels
                                               network of correspondents and                added in where appropriate.
 into ports around the world.
                                               automatically triggered by the ship’s AIS.
 Launched only late last year,
 following trials, TELP has gone live          TELP uses AIS technology to track
 just in time to help members                  members’ vessels and automatically
 overcome the difficulties they are              identify any that are moving towards an
 facing in operating ships during the          area that has been highlighted through
 current COVID-19 outbreak.                    the Club’s own claims statistics as being

 Measures to prevent the spread of the
 virus have closed ports or meant strict
 quarantine measures for crew. Ports are
 operating with their own individual
 approaches to managing the COVID-19
 situation, making it difficult for the Master
 to prepare the vessel - or the crew – for
 the challenges facing them when they
 prepare to berth.

14 / Triton 1 2020

During 2019, The Swedish Club             that Masters appreciated the
organised a four-month pilot of TELP      information and would take it into
with a small number of members            consideration when calling at the
operating a range of vessel types, to     specific port in the next few days. One
help develop and refine the system.        thing we learned is that in addition to
                                          the high-quality loss prevention advice
The feedback from the pilot was           we provide based on our extensive
overwhelmingly positive. “First of all,   claims statistics, members also very
we proved it works,” says Peter           much appreciated the ‘local’ news, i.e.

Stålberg, Senior Technical Advisor.       the information provided by the
“We had some very positive feedback       correspondent.”

Quotes from pilot scheme participants

       Getting information on board that is specific to
       the trading area will sharpen the eyes of the
       crew. TELP is a very good idea that we are sure

       will reduce claims.”
       Sebastian völchner
       NSC Shipping GmbH & Cie. KG

       A useful and interesting tool and a worthy

       nektarios Katikas
       Ionic Shipping (Mgt) Inc.

       Once again The Swedish Club is at the
       forefront in converging modern technology to
       meet the needs of the shipping fraternity.”
       neelakantan vasudevan
       Precious Shipping

                                                                 Triton 1 2020 \ 15

    Member’s viewpoint                            perfect thing, and was able to share         to come back and say ‘we have also
                                                  what I had done previously and some          had this experience and you might
    Captain VS Parani, HSSEQ Manager at           legacy reports on the way I had              want to add this or that in’.”
    Oceanic Marine Management, was                worked. We used to keep an eye out
    delighted when The Swedish Club               for anything important from P&I and          He adds: “I was really pleased to be
    asked members for their views when            Loss Prevention teams – for example,         involved with TELP by giving my
    beginning to develop TELP.                    navigational safety issues, stevedoring,     experience of starting and
                                                  security, Port State Control and             coordinating such a project. TELP is of
    “In today’s world, we have so much            specific advice on which areas or             enormous value and I would wish that
    information that the tendency is to put       landmarks to avoid, or to keep so            everyone uses it.
    it all on side and not really consult it,”    much clearance, and so on.
    he says. “In a previous role in the                                                        “P&I Clubs hold a huge repository of
    industry, I provided ships with focused       “The combined experience in the Club         information that often no one has the
    information - it makes people aware           is quite enormous and they have many         time to refer to. From the loss
    right away of what they can expect and        experts to do detailed analysis.”            prevention point of view, TELP is an
    how to prepare for it.                                                                     incredibly effective knowledge sharing
                                                  Captain Parani also says he would like       platform.”
    “When The Swedish Club proposed               to see the system allow information to
    TELP, I immediately said yes, this is the     pass in both directions. “Masters used

At present the Club has identified 30             set up to be fully automatic; any vessel in    geographical types,” says Peter. “This is
‘hotspots’ around the world. These are           the Club’s insured fleet that has signed up     the first round of signing up. From now,
based on actual data, rather than what           for the TELP service will be automatically     for new members, it will be mandatory to
might previously have been anecdotal or          ‘caught’ in the system and be sent             sign up to TELP when you join The
even just a ‘feeling’.                           relevant messaging and loss prevention         Swedish Club – it will be on an ‘opt out’
                                                 advice via its ship manager.                   rather than ‘opt in’ basis.”
“We have now integrated the vessel
positioning information with where claims        So far over 80 members have signed up          It’s also important to emphasise, of
happen; we know where our fleet is and,           for TELP. “That’s more than 18 per cent of     course, that the TELP system is entirely
based on our claims knowledge, we have           our members, with approximately 500            free to members.
identified the hotspots,” says Peter              ships across a mix of vessel and
Stålberg, Senior Technical Advisor at the
Club. “In some cases, we found there
were two different criteria for the same
hotspot – for example, navigational
hazard and cargo problems. On the other
hand, there were cases where we had the
perception of it being a difficult place but
the statistical analysis based on trading
patterns showed something different.

“Also, we are re-evaluating all the time –
there are always new trades and cargoes
to consider. The 30 hotspots are the
places that stood out in the ‘first round’.”

Now fully automated
The team also continues to refine and
finetune the system, including IT and
information flow and making sure
everything is working well. TELP has been

16 / Triton 1 2020

Correspondent’s advice                          large quantities of Correspondent’s Advice
                                                messages on a daily basis.
                                                                                                   Staying relevant
The positive feedback relating to advice                                                           TELP is not carved in stone, he says – the
from correspondents has prompted the            “The whole key of this project is to provide       team is continuing to review the process
Club to do more on this front, says Peter.      relevant and timely information,” says             and there might be new hotspots. Above
“We have decided that as we receive advice      Peter. “We are now considering TELP2 –             all: “We must keep on our toes as we
from our correspondents, we will put it into    where we would bring correspondents                update, and make sure the advice is
the system as well, even if it isn’t            closer to us and make it more structured.          relevant. We make sure the system
necessarily regarding a hotspot. It is an       This means inviting correspondents to              doesn’t keep sending the same
extremely good way to handle this               provide information on a web interface –           information to the same ship, unless it
information.                                    we will make sure it is properly tagged and        needs updating or adding to.”
                                                linked into the TELP system. After a preset
“Every day we receive information from our      time, the system will automatically check          As he says: “There is so much
local correspondents – anything from a          with the correspondent whether the                 information flying around at the moment
stevedoring strike to a buoy missing in the     information is still current or needs to be        and of course we could post all the
channel. If it is big news, of course we will   updated or deleted.”                               information on our website without any
place a particular alert on our home page –                                                        limitations. But then every individual has
but you have to go online to see it. For more
‘local’ news, we wouldn’t do that because
                                                Two-way communications                             to go to the web and update themselves
                                                                                                   – and 90% of it will not be relevant to
the website would be flooded by member           There will be follow-up, too, to check how         where they are right now. We want to be
alerts which, in the end, no one would read.”   effective TELP is. “For example, if we             very targeted in our advice.
                                                provided information that an approach is
This approach means that in addition to         particularly tricky but the ship did run aground   “We have excellent information and data
the loss prevention advice connected to a       anyway, then we can always ask if they             and we understand that we all take more
hotspot, the team will decide how to            actually saw the advice. We can also               notice of information that is specifically
classify and time limit specific corres-         measure whether claims reduce in a specific         relevant to us. As a Club, we provide
pondents’ advice and, where relevant, feed      hotspot. We are doing this for our members         industry-best publications when it comes
it towards ships heading that way. In the       to make sure their operations are safer – and      to special loss prevention. And TELP is
wake of the COVID-19 pandemic the               the spin-off we hope for is fewer claims,          the same.”
system has proved capable of handling           again to the benefit of all the members.”

“We have now
integrated the vessel
positioning information
with where claims
happen; we know where
our fleet is and, based
on our claims
knowledge, we have
identified the hotspots.”

                                                                                                                         Triton 1 2020 \ 17

Engine Room fires:

fire detection
Interview with Rick Jeffress, Business Development Director at Fike Corporation.

Lube oil or fuel oil mist spraying on to hot   drifting in the Gulf of Mexico for five
surfaces and then igniting – it’s one of the   days?
main causes of engine room fires, and the
costs can be enormous.                         Classification societies and the
                                               International Maritime Organization (IMO)
The Swedish Club’s analysis has shown          are responding to the issues. Last year
that the frequency of engine room fires         DNV GL added a new class notation to its
may be lower than other H&M claims, but        Rules on Equipment and Design Features
the average cost of such fires is among         – Fire Prevention in Machinery Spaces.
the highest. According to recent analysis,
the cost of an engine room fire averages        “This notation requires CCTV cameras
out at USD 1.8 million per occurrence,         covering critical oil leakage points and
compared with USD 320,000 for H&M              recommends a proven technology for
claims in general.                             rapid atmospheric oil mist detection
                                               using video analytics,” says Rick Jeffress,
And who can forget the headlines seven         Business Development Director at Fike
years ago when the Carnival Triumph lost       Corporation.
power because of an engine room fire
caused by a leak in a fuel oil line, leaving   As The Swedish Club frequently points         have all the ingredients for a fire, in terms
the ship and thousands of passengers           out and Jeffress repeats: engine rooms        of oxygen, heat and flammable liquids
                                                                                             under pressure.

The Swedish Club’s analysis has
                                                                                             “Oil mist leaks can take place on fuel or
                                                                                             hydraulic flexible lines, piping or

shown that the frequency of engine
                                                                                             equipment connections, creating a spray
                                                                                             or mist. They can also occur inside

room fires may be lower than other
                                                                                             engines and release into the space as a
                                                                                             fine mist or fog,” he says. “Detecting oil

H&M claims, but the average cost of
                                                                                             mist in machinery spaces using fixed-
                                                                                             point gas detectors is difficult due to the

such fires is among the highest.
                                                                                             numerous locations where leaks can
                                                                                             occur and airflow direction can vary
                                                                                             depending on engines running, ventilation

18 / Triton 3 2019

units online or hatches opened or closed.
                                               Atmospheric oil mist explodes
                                               violently when it reaches ignition
Atmospheric oil mist explodes violently
when it reaches ignition temperature – in

                                               temperature – in most cases
most cases releasing more fuel,
expanding the fire.”

                                               releasing more fuel, expanding
Oil mist is formed in one of two ways, –
minute leaks in oil lines which under

                                               the fire.
pressure give off very fine atomised spray,
or when oil hits a hot surface and boils,
creating a mist.

He says that their own monitoring shows
that engine room fires or potential             onboard assessment and testing, on              rooms on many ships will have cameras
incidents are a common occurrence.             several ships, was conducted over two           and conventional smoke and fire
Owners are taking measures to identify         years – resulting in software modifications      detectors, but what happens if there is an
hotspots and this helps to avoid explosion     and upgrades to meet the demands of the         event? Without analytics software, the
and fire in the event of an oil leak. “We are   shipboard engine room environment and           crew must take the extra time to find the
seeing proactive companies covering hot        consistently recognise the specific oil mist     correct camera based on the location of
equipment and working to reduce areas          visual signatures,” says Jeffress.              the event.
where there could be a leak, by doubling
the walls of piping and using different        Machinery spaces and low ceilings make          Video analytics software automatically
types of connectors, for example. We are       engine room monitoring extremely                annunciates an alarm, with location
not seeing any increase in incidents but we    challenging. “Also, there are people            information, and live video of the
are not seeing a decrease either – perhaps     walking close to the cameras, so there is       detection, allowing shipboard personnel
reflecting the increase in older ships, with    a high potential for false alarms,” he says.    to quickly and easily evaluate the incident.
older equipment.”                              “We have addressed this issue by adding         Live video of the event, accessed quickly,
                                               human recognition to the oil mist and a         can increase response time and decrease
Detecting oil mist                             smoke algorithm as well as other setting        potential fire damage and/or personnel
                                               options for this environment.”                  injuries.
Following costly high-profile oil mist fires
such as that on board the Carnival             Reduced manning is an issue as personnel        Specialist video analytics
Triumph, major cruise lines began to           will likely not be in the space to notice the
evaluate video analytics oil mist detection    event and mist can be light or near             The company has responded to the
technology in 2013, he says. “Extensive        invisible to the eye. Unmanned engine           challenge with a solution that combines

                                                                                                                      Triton 3 2019 \ 19

                                               Artificial intelligence
                                                                                              Oil mist detection
shipboard camera networks with its video

                                                                                              using video
analytics. This, says the company, creates
a highly efficient means for rapidly             The video analytics software, installed in

                                                                                              analytics has been
detecting oil mist. The system can be          onboard servers that are connected to the
linked to automation and safety                CCTV camera network, was developed

                                                                                              designed to
management systems that automatically          with artificial intelligence and
alert shipboard personnel with alarm and       sophisticated machine learning

                                                                                              provide early
pop-up video of the event as it is             algorithms; it monitors the light level,
happening. This allows critical time to take   colour changes and other signatures

                                                                                              detection of oil
action before disaster occurs.                 across all pixels in the field of view of the

                                                                                              mist, smoke, flame
The system is designed to provide early
detection of oil mist, smoke, flame as well     The video is analysed at a rate of 15 frames

                                                                                              as well as
as reflected flame – the latter being            per second by the software for signatures

                                                                                              reflected flame.
particularly important to supplement           of smoke and oil mist, flame and reflected
existing flame detectors around fuel            flame. If, after very brief tracking, a
systems.                                       detection is confirmed, a signal is sent to

                                                 Blue shadow indicates oil mist.
“Standard flame detectors monitoring            the monitoring equipment and an alarm is       automation system (or other monitoring
engine and fuel modules receive energy         set off. “Live video from the relevant         systems), camera programming, detection
directly from the flame in order to raise the   camera is displayed on a computer monitor      settings configuration, testing and crew
alarm and any obstruction would prevent        or large screen, and this includes analytics   training. System programming of
them from receiving that energy,” explains     overlay as well as an indication of the type   detection settings is carried out by
Jeffress.                                      of event, location and time at the bottom of   technicians with knowledge of the
                                               the screen,” says Jeffress.                    shipboard machinery space environment.
A key point is that a video analytics system                                                  Remote connection is also possible if
makes use of video cameras that are            The analytics server provides enough           configured and managed by the ship
already installed. “We aim to use ‘off-the-    storage for 35 days of full-time video         owner’s IT staff.
shelf’ cameras and make the most of their      recording. The software tracks date, time
functionality,” says Jeffress. “Ships have     and duration of the event to allow for         Jeffress says: “We ran pilot systems on
numerous cameras and there is a lot you        event identification, post-event video          multiple ships for more than two years, to
can do with them. In airports, for example,    viewing and download.                          develop our solution and refine the
security camera algorithms will detect if                                                     algorithms. We have added proprietary
someone puts down a bag and walks away,        Rapid installation                             analytics and interface capabilities to
setting off an alarm automatically. This is                                                   simplify the actions by the crew and added
reducing the load on personnel to              Installation is often done during a one-day    features to disable the system easily during
physically monitor cameras ‘in case’ there     port visit – including server installation,    work in machinery spaces, with automatic
is an event.”                                  alarm integration with the engine              turn-on when the work is complete.”

20 / Triton 1 2020

RoRo fires - Swedish early
detection project: LASH FIRE
Fires on vehicle decks are another major      Environment) is a project focusing on the   The project consortium is looking to
challenge. Detection of fire or smoke is       early detection of fires on the enclosed     develop and demonstrate new
difficult on the internal vehicle decks of      vehicle decks of RoRo ferries. Funded       procedures and technical innovations
RoPax or vehicle carriers due to the large    through its research and innovation         to enhance RoRo ship fire safety – the
volume and high ceilings of the spaces.       programme Horizon 2020, the European        solutions developed will lead to
                                              Commission is investing EUR 12.2            regulatory proposals, assessed and
Video analytics is commonly                   million in the four-year project, which     validated according to the IMO Formal
recommended for warehouses and                started in September 2019.                  Safety Assessment methodology,
automated car garages, due to its ability                                                 providing the basis for the revision of
to evaluate the entire camera image,          The project’s stated aims are to reduce     international maritime regulations.
normally including floor to ceiling, and its   the occurrence of fires on RoPax ships,
fast detection of flame and smoke.             general RoRo cargo ships and pure           Fike is a partner in the project,
                                              car/truck carriers (PCTCs), increase the    supporting LASH FIRE in its evaluation of
Managed by the Research Institute of          proportion of fires detected and             these systems.
Sweden, LASH FIRE (Legislative                controlled at an early stage, and improve
Assessment for Safety Hazards of Fire         independent fire management
and Innovations in RoRo ship                  capabilities on board.

                                                                                                                Triton 1 2020 \ 21
Meeting the SOLAS

challenge on older
Interview with Steffen Cronauer, Thermamax

It is well known that high numbers of         resulting in damage of many millions of   gas systems, is not surprised. “SOLAS is
vessels still operate with their original     dollars - even before consideration of    centered around safety on board. One
fitted insulation in the form of metallic      injury and potential loss of life.        key requirement of the specification is
heat shields or soft fabric insulations.                                                that no exposed component in the
This can mean that SOLAS (Safety of Life      Steffen Cronauer, Director Technical      engine compartment may have a
at Sea) requirements are no longer met        Sales Aftermarket at Thermamax, a         surface temperature that exceeds
which in turn can lead to a high potential    specialist in design and manufacture of   220 °C. This is based on the ignition
risk of engine room fires. This type of        thermal and acoustic insulation systems   temperature of some fuels, which can
claim, although rare, can be costly, easily   for engine compartments and exhaust       be as low as 250 °C. Reducing the

                                              “We have to be especially careful
                                              to focus on the interface
                                              between turbocharger and
                                              exhaust line as this is
                                              considered the most critical area
                                              from a thermal perspective.”

22 / Triton 1 2020
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