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SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.

                 South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.

Vol. 7, Issue 1 - Price: £1            “serving St Helena and her community worldwide”          Thursday 05 April 2018

 Ruperts Sea Rescue Building Opens
                                                                                                           ... page 4

                                                                                         Also Inside...
       Three Cruise Ships, the MV Helena
                  and a Research Vessel
                                                                    ... page 3                 MP Andrew
                                                                                               Mitchell to
                                                                                               Visit this
                                                                                                         ... page 4

                                                                                               Around the
                                                                                               World in
                                                                                               80 Saints:
                                                                                               Robyn Sim
                        A Saint-Style Easter                                                             ... page 13

                                                                                               Gold Coast
                               ... pages 10-12                                                      ... pages 31-32
SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.
2                                                                 Thursday 05 April 2018 | THE SENTINEL

OPINION                                    NOTICES
                                            From the St Helena                       Hi,
SENTINEL                                     Magistrates’ Court
                                                                                     I treated my husband Chris Reynolds
                                                                                    (born and raised on St. Helena) to
                                                                                    a Heritage DNA test for his 64th
COMMENT                                              29th March 2018
                                                                                    birthday. The results have just come
                                                                                    through and are most interesting.
Andrew Turner, SAMS                                                                  The DNA sample was sent to the
                                            Eamon Mittens (31) of Deadwood,         USA for analysis and the surprising
  Well, it seemed like most people         pleaded guilty to charges of Common      results are as follows :
at least had a good Easter, and a bit      Assault, Criminal Damage, Assault
of fun for April Fools.                    Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm and        40.5% South Asian. (Indian)
  April 1, however, brought higher         Resisting a Police Officer. He entered
costs for people across the island         his plea at the earliest opportunity      12.4% Nigerian.
from a number of sectors.                  and was dealt with by way of a
  The Bank of St Helena introduced         Custodial Sentence in relation to         7.7% Italian.
its 50p charge for bank transfers          all matters which ran concurrently
for businesses, and SHG also raised        and totalled 6 months. This term of       7.2% Iberian.
its charges, particularly for the          custody was suspended for a period
Health Directorate (see page 7).           of 18 months. He was also ordered to      6.7%            Filipino/Indonesian/
  My concern with this is that these       pay costs of £15.00.                     Malaysian.
medical charges have gone up by as
much as £5 in some cases, and yet           Timothy Ellick (59) of New Ground,       5.2% Finnish
the minimum wage that is payable           St Pauls, pleaded guilty to one count
to employees on St Helena has only         of Common Assault. He entered his         4.7% Kenyan.
gone up by 10p per hour.                   plea at the earliest opportunity.
  The World Health Organisation            He was sentenced to a 6 month             4.4% Maasai.
published a frightening statistic:         Conditional Discharge and ordered to
  “Each year, 100 million people           pay £15.00 costs.                         1.7% Sierra Leonean.
slide into poverty as a result of
medical care payments. Another              GRANT OF ST HELENIAN STATUS              1.5% Papua New Guinean.
150 million people are forced to            In accordance with Section 15(3) of
spend nearly half their incomes on         the Immigration Ordinance, 2011, the      1.4% Indiginous Amazonian.
medical expenses.”                         following persons have been granted
  On St Helena, these statistics           St Helenian Status with effect from:      Chris blames the East Indian
are a concern. Medical care is              15 November 2017                        Company for this mix!!!
renowned on-island for pushing              • Mr Adam Leigh Sizeland of Cow          Any comments are most welcome.
families into financial struggles,         Path, Half Tree Hollow                    Sandra Reynolds (ex VSO)
particularly when people have to            6 December 2017
go overseas for treatment.                  • Mr Jonathan Clark of No. 5 Harris
  I’m sure our councillors and             Flats, Jamestown                           SAMS would like to hear from
officials, who approve these                31 January 2018                           other Saints who have received
rises, are more than aware of the           • Mr Remi Jacques Philippe               DNA results. We can be contacted
struggles some people have to go           Bruneton of Woodcot, Alarm Forest          at or on 22727.
through to pay for their medical
  I know that there are areas of the
world where the situation is far
worse, particularly in the US where
almost all health care has to be
paid for and is extremely costly;
however, we are constantly hearing
that St Helena has a fledgling
economy and this means that many
are yet to see the financial gains
promised with the new Airport.
  I simply hope our decision-
makers think carefully the next
time they are asked to raise fees for
medical care, so that we don’t see
more and more Saints pushed into
poverty or financial hardship.

    South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.,
    The Media Centre, Castle Gardens,
    Jamestown, St Helena, South Atlantic
    Ocean, STHL 1ZZ. Tel: 22727
    E:, W:
SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.
THE SENTINEL | Thursday 05 April 2018                                                                3

                                                                                    ST HELENA NEWS
                 Ships, Ships and More Ships
              Donna Crowie, SAMS

   St Helena has seen substantial         Weekly Magellan Award for Overall
                                          Small Cruise Ship.
                                                                                    On Thursday, April 5 the MS Astor
                                                                                  is scheduled to arrive to St Helena
  shipping activity within the past        The MV Silver Cloud arrived early      for a quick visit (7am-1pm).
  two weeks.                              Easter Monday, with few outlets           And Friday, April 6 research and
    On March 26, the MV Helena (on        open due to the Easter Monday           survey vessel RRS James Clark Ross
  voyage 002) arrived at St Helena.       holiday. A few places, such as St       is due to arrive at James Bay. The
  The vessel departed Thursday            Helena Tourism, the Coffee Shop         vessel, which will aid with fisheries
  afternoon, March 29, after              and the Bank, opened Easter Monday      research     around    St    Helena,
  offloading all cargo. The MV took       specifically to accommodate the         departed the Falklands Islands
  with her 150 containers, including      passengers that disembarked to see      March 13, and called at Tristan da
  all export cargo that was left          St Helena. The vessel departed the      Cunha before making her way to St
  behind from voyage 001.                 following afternoon.                    Helena.
    The cruise ship Ocean Adventurer
  arrived from Tristan da Cunha
  earlier than scheduled Friday
  evening, and she departed on
  Sunday afternoon for Ascension
  Island. Formerly known as the
  Sea Adventurer, and originally
  built in Yugoslavia in 1976, the
  vessel underwent a multi-million
  dollar renovation in mid-2017;
  the new version was “designed
  to carry 132 travellers in comfort
  to the most remote corners of
  the world.” The Ocean Adventurer
  is a recipient of the 2017 Travel

  Prison Lacks Procedures to Help
Young Offenders Back to Work/School
              Cyril (Ferdie) Gunnell, SAMS

 The state of the existing prison,                                                organisations to set up work
                                                                                  experience opportunities.
and updates needed for the new                                                       “In doing so, they must also be
prison, have been getting in-depth                                                mindful of any risk issues evidenced
attention recently as the Equality                                                through an individual’s offending
and Human Rights Commission                                                       behaviour,” Cllr Green said. “In
begins its inquiry into the “condition                                            this regard, Probation Officers are
of detention at Her Majesty’s Prison,                                             often asked to provide details of both
Jamestown” and as councillors                                                     previous and/or current sentences to
finalise a new prison site.               procedures are in place to assist       employers. This can be in addition to
  Additionally, the prison received       young offenders over the age of         the vetting certificates required by
attention March 23 when Legislative       16 years to gain work experience        the majority of prospective employers
Council heard that no formal              or obtain employment; but he            on St Helena. Those serving prison
procedures are in place at HM Prison      acknowledged       that    education,   sentences also have the opportunity
for helping young offenders (over         training and employment are             to access adult education in the form
the age of 16) to enter or re-enter the   important in terms of reducing the      of English and maths qualifications.”
workplace.                                likelihood of reoffending.               Cllr Essex was keen that there
   “Will the Hon. Chairman of Social        He said Probation Officers assist     should be a structured rehabilitation
and      Community        Development     in this area by discussing individual   programme in place for assisting
Committee (Cllr Tony Green) tell this     needs and identifying opportunities     young offenders to gain work
Council what procedures are in place      with individual cases. This could       experience or obtain employment,
to assist young offenders over the        include making contact with the         and asked why nothing had been
age of 16 to gain work experience or      St Helena Community College if an       done so far.
obtain employment,” Cllr Dr Corinda       individual expresses an interest in      Cllr Green said he wasn’t certain
Essex asked at the March 23 LegCo         gaining accredited qualifications, or   what the situation was in this regard,
meeting.                                  directly approaching Directorates,      and said he would follow up with the
  Cllr Green said that no formal          employers      or   non-government      matter.
SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.
4                                                                 Thursday 05 April 2018 | THE SENTINEL


                                                                                  MP Andrew
                                                                                  Mitchell to Visit
                                                                                  St Helena
                                                                                                SHG release

      Sea Rescue
    Opens in Ruperts
        Andrew Turner, SAMS
    Governor Lisa Honan officially
opened the new Sea Rescue
Headquarters in Ruperts April 4.                                                   C  hairman of the St Helena All
  “I feel like it was quite a long time                                           Party Parliamentary Group, The
ago since I came to see the team in                                               Right Honourable, Andrew Mitchell
the yacht club,” Governor Honan                                                   MP, at the invitation of Elected
said. “It’s good to remind ourselves                                              Members, is scheduled to visit St
of the journey and all the changes        many people,” said Sea Rescue           Helena on Saturday, 14 April 2018.
that have taken place over the last       Manager Simon Wade. “From myself          Mr Mitchell, who was also the
three years, from when the Sea            and from my team, I would like to       Secretary of State for International
Rescue Team were separated from           say thank you.”                         Development that approved the
the Fire Service, when they went           The new facility was constructed       Airport Project, will be on-Island for
from part-time staff to full-time;        by Basil Read as part of the Ruperts    an overnight stay, and will undertake
you’re now 24/7 with six full-time        Development Project that formed         a number of site visits, tours and
staff and eight auxiliary staff.”         part of the Airport Project. The        meetings.
  The Sea Rescue Team, Fire Service       facility was completed in 2017, and       Mr Mitchell has a busy programme
and officials all gathered to witness     features a boathouse to store the       and amongst other activities will visit
the Governor cut the ribbon and           team’s two inshore boats and the        the Comprehensive Development
unveil the plaque to declare the          offshore rescue boat, a classroom/rec   Area (CDA) site at Bottom Woods, HM
facility open.                            room with tea and coffee facilities     Prison and the proposed prison sites
  “This was made possible through         and lecture equipment, several          in Longwood, the General Hospital,
the hard work and dedication of           storage rooms and office space.         the Community Care Centre, Rupert’s
                                                                                  Wharf and the Fisheries Complex.
                                                                                    Mr Mitchell will also meet with Her
Easter Monday turns Pizza Monday                                                  Excellency the Governor, members
                                                                                  of the Legislative Council and
             Mic-kail Harris, SAMS                                                Senior SHG Officers to discuss key
    On Easter Monday, April 2, Pub
                                                                                  issues and challenges for St Helena.
                                                                                  These include economic growth and
Paradise hosted its first annual Pizza                                            investment opportunities and the
Contest Day.                                                                      need for capital investment in key
  Four contestants raced against the                                              infrastructure projects.
clock at Longwood’s Pub Paradise                                                    In addition, there will be an
on Monday, to eat as much pizza as                                                opportunity for Mr Mitchell to meet
possible in five minutes. The winner                                              representatives from the private
was Myles Issac, who won a pizza                                                  sector at a reception which will
party with drinks for four.                                                       be hosted by Her Excellency the
  “We decided on hosting the pizza-                                               Governor, Lisa Honan.
eating competition because it’s one                                                 On Sunday, 15 April, Mr Mitchell
of our biggest markets, and our very                                              will attend a Press Conference and
                                          Photo by Pub Paradise.
first big market in V2 Paradise,” said                                            will be given a tour of the St Helena
owner/manager Lucille Johnson.            market even further, as they launch a   Airport facilities.
  The entrance fee for the contest        pizza-delivery car and begin selling
was £5.                                   their frozen pizzas in shops island-
  V2 Paradise is growing its pizza        wide.
SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.
THE SENTINEL | Thursday 05 April 2018                                                               5

                                                                                    ST HELENA NEWS

   New Tags for Island Tuna
                       New rewards for catching tagged fish
              Andrew Turner, SAMS
                                        of the fish from the point each tag       standard tags or data storage tags.
 Over     the last few weeks, the       was deployed, to the point the fish         Tuna with the standard tags are
Marine Section of ENRD has been         were eventually re-captured.              marked by a yellow tag on the dorsal
tagging tuna with new data storage        Marine Fish Behaviour Ecologist,        fin, while fish with the data storage
tags.                                   Victoria Bendall from the Centre          tags are marked with an orange tag.
 The data storage tags are surgically   for Environment, Fisheries and              If the tags are yellow (which
implanted by the Marine Section         Agriculture (CEFAS), has been on the      earns a £5 reward), ENRD is asking
inside the fish, and are used to        island to oversee the deployment of       fishermen to measure the fish,
collect accurate data about location,   the new data storage tags.                record the tag numbers (along with
depth, and temperature once the fish      “It’s giving us a whole new insight     the location, date and vessel) and,
are returned to the water.              into the world of tuna around St          If possible, to return the fish back
 Once collected, this data will be      Helena,” Victoria said. “We were          to the sea to be re-caught later. If
used to better map tuna’s feeding and   very fortunate last week to get on        this is not possible, then they ask
migratory habits around St Helena.      the John Mellis, and we had a hugely      that fishermen recover the tags and
 The tagging is part of the Tuna        successful week with the Marine           return the information to the Marine
Tagging Scheme that has been            Section to get these electronic tags      Section.
ongoing since November 2015.            deployed.”                                  If the tags are orange, then
The scheme aims to document the           48 fish have been tagged and the tags   fishermen will need to keep the
migratory habits, feeding habits        will collect data for approximately six   whole fish un-gutted and return the
and growth rates of the local tuna      months. After this, the fish will need    fish, complete with its tag, to Marine
population.                             to be caught in order for the data to     Section. Fishermen will also need to
 Until the recent deployment of the     be recovered from the tags.               give the tuna’s length, the vessel the
data storage tags, the Marine Section     To speed up tag recovery, the           fish was caught on, and the date and
was using standard yellow tags that     Marine Section is offering rewards        location of the catch in order to claim
allowed the team to monitor growth      for any fish caught with either the       the £10 reward.

  SHG Savings through Outsourcing, Divesting
             Cyril (Ferdie) Gunnell, SAMS

 S                                      overall rather than just achieving
    HG has outsourced or divested short-term savings for SHG.
                                                                                  likely to be reduced.”
                                                                                    Mr Richards said these cases
a number of services to the private      “The Divestment Strategy focuses         illustrate that whilst outsourcing
sector, both before and after the on a range of criteria to support a             can superficially appear to be more
signing of the Memorandum of divestment,” he said. “These include                 expensive to Government, when
Understanding (MOU) for the Airport other factors such as rebalancing St          all indirect and overhead costs
Project in 2010.                        Helena’s economic activity in favour      are accounted for, it is likely to be
 At the March 23, 2018 formal LegCo, of the private sector, and growing           cheaper.
Cllr Cruyff Buckley asked Financial the third sector, where appropriate.”           “However, it may take time for these
Secretary Dax Richards to advise         In most cases, Mr Richards said          cost savings to be realised and in the
“what savings has SHG made in no direct cashable savings had been                 short-term may lead to increased
tendering these works to the private achieved so far from outsourcing and         costs to SHG and the implementing
sector since this process has been divesting.                                     department,” Mr Richards said.
implemented?”                            “There is a plausible explanation,”        He asserted outsourcing and
 Mr Richards listed four divestments he said. “When these services were           divesting had less obvious though
since the signing of the MOU; a part of SHG, there were a number                  equally important benefits to SHG.
the poultry unit, the firewood of hidden costs which, because of                  For instance, the private sector is able
service, the cleaning of government the way SHG is structured, were               to respond more quickly to changes
properties and the utilities. Prior not easily identifiable. Costs such           in the environment; businesses have
to the signing of the MOU (under as            administration,      insurance,    greater opportunities to diversify
SHG’s Outsourcing Policy, adopted depreciation and asset replacement              and grow; and SHG gets tax benefits
in 2007), SHG divested the saw mill are not obvious expenditure for               from growth in incomes and taxable
service, the hospital laundry service SHG when you look at our current            profits of such organisations.
and the vehicle inspection service.     modified, cash-based budgets. But           Additionally, Mr Richards said
 “It is important to understand the they are necessary expenditure for a          the outsourcing and divesting SHG
basis of why certain services were private sector organisation to make            had already undertaken would help
divested,” Mr Richards said. “Whilst it profitable and sustainable.”              advise similar future actions.
cost is obviously a significant          This was highlighted in a 2010 review       “Key to any future divestment is
component, it is not always the only of the 2007 Outsourcing Strategy.            the need to understand fully the cost
driver.”                                The review concluded that “In all         of providing a non-core service at a
 Mr Richards said SHG practised cases, when all indirect, overhead                price that represents value for money
outsourcing and investing due to and longer-term costs are taken into             and justifies the use of the limited
factors like increasing the economy account, costs to Government are              resources available,” he said.
SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.
6                                                                  Thursday 05 April 2018 | THE SENTINEL

    25 Percent of SHG Budget goes to Health
            Is it achieving the best outcomes?
        Cyril (Ferdie) Gunnell, SAMS
                                          growth and development and also           bacteria infection that kills and can
                                          checking children for health issues       be very difficult to treat). He said
                                          when at school (including checking        complication rates are low, and
    The National Health Service (NHS)     children’s teeth and oral health in       no patients requiring admission
in Britain has been underfunded           general).                                 have been denied admission to the
since 2010. In St Helena, the Health        “This good spend protects and           Hospital.
Directorate’s budget historically         promotes the health of our children.”       Cllr Thomas said that recently, other
received the same annual percentage         Routine dental and laboratory           major improvements to the Health
cuts as others. But in recent years,      services are also part of Primary Care    Service began, including:
elected members have awarded              Services.                                   - Tackling chronic diseases like
the Health Directorate a greater            “Indeed, most areas of basic            diabetes and hypertension
proportion of available funding.          healthcare are here and offered.”           - Expanding preventive measures,
  The Public Health Committee               -     General    Outpatient     Care    helping to prevent the younger
Chairperson voiced that increased         accommodates up to 2,000 outpatient       generation in particular
funding has been helping to bring the     appointments monthly.                       - Implementing a modern clinical
island’s health care up to first-world      - Mental Health Care (linked to         data information system, collecting
standards.                                Community Care) also includes             better outcome data and monitoring
  “It is true and reassuring that we      the Occupational Health Service,          the health of the population
have an improved Health Service           Educational Psychology, School              - Bringing in additional specialist
on the island, and we are working         Nursing and Dietetic Support. Mr          care including a cardiologist, an
hard to bring the care to first-world     Thomas said this is a very broad          audiologist, a maxillofacial surgeon
standards,” said Chairperson Cllr         range of primary care services, and       and, in due course, joint replacement
Derek Thomas at the March 23 formal       that all are available at point-of-       surgery will be offered on-island.
LegCo meeting.                            need with little or no delay.               “All of this points to an improved
  At the meeting, Cllr Clint Beard had      Cllr Thomas also spoke about Health     health care service, and I can reassure
asked about public health outcomes:       Directorate services in general,          the public that we are benefiting
  “Will the Hon. Chairperson of the       saying that wait time for doctor’s        from improved planning and efficient
Public Helath Committee (Cllr Derek       appointments on St Helena would be        implementation of the Strategic
Thomas) state what reassurances           “an envy of many first-world health       Health Plan,” Cllr Thomas said.
can be given to the public that, with     services, including the NHS.” He said       Specialist tertiary care, while not
almost 25 percent of the public sector    that in the UK, on average, patients      available on-island, is arranged
spending being used in the Health         might wait 18 weeks for Hospital          overseas through current healthcare
Directorate, the best outcomes for the    appointments; several weeks to see a      funding. Saints pay a fraction of
island are being achieved?”               GP; at least 4 hours to see a doctor in   the normal cost for such services at
  Annually, elected members sign-off      the Accident & Emergency room.            South African hospitals: Where the
on directorates’ strategic plans. This      He said St Helena’s secondary           average cost of overseas medical care
includes the overall Health Service as    care services have been steadily          is £12,000 per patient, many Saints
well as key performance indicators        improving.                                pay about £200-400 in total, greatly
used to monitor success.                    “Secondary care on our remote           reducing the financial burden on
  In a lengthy response, Cllr Thomas      island continues to improve. Patients     individual patients.
highlighted “the reasons why the          have access to a surgeon, obstetrician,     The Health Directorate also meets
public can be reassured that best         anaesthetist, medical specialist,         the cost of aero-medical evacuation,
outcomes are being achieved for           general practitioner and orthopaedic      “costing approximately £50,000 for
the island from the current level of      surgeon. There are CT scan, X-ray,        the flight alone.” During the 2017/18
health expenditure and government         ultrasound and laboratory facilities.     financial year there were at least
funding.”                                   “All of these facilities are            eight medical evacuation flights.
  - The Health Service provides           immediately accessible with zero            “It is reassuring that when a citizen
primary, secondary and specialist         waiting time. There is minimal cost to    needs urgent life-saving care, we
healthcare, and good range of             patients for these high-cost facilities   are able to provide this service,” Cllr
medicines        through     specialist   at point of need. Last year, over         Thomas said.
pharmacy and laboratory services          100 people had successful surgery           Cllr Thomas ended the lengthy
that aid diagnoses and treatments.        on-island because of trauma and           answer to Cllr Beard’s question by
  - Environmental Health also             accidents. Another 100-plus cases         mentioning the obstacles as well as
provides        protective    services,   had general surgery or emergency          the positives he felt existed for the
covering port control, pest control       Caesarean Sections to deliver babies.     Health Directorate.
and food safety (including services       In addition, the newly renovated            “We still have challenges, because
to facilitate fish exports).              hospital now has an intensive care        we do not have all specialists here;
  -      Primary        Care    covers    unit.”                                    nor can we afford some very high-
immunisations for children to               In terms of outcomes, Cllr Thomas       tech treatments or facilities such as
prevent killer diseases (every            said it is remarkable that, unlike        MRI,” he said. “Nevertheless, I am
child on-island has been fully            in many parts of the world, St            satisfied and would like to reassure
immunised). Primary Care also             Helenian patients have little-            the public that health services on St
covers child welfare services, which      to-no risk of acquiring hospital-         Helena deliver good outcomes within
include finding early issues with         acquired infections like MRSA (a          the budget available.”
SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.
THE SENTINEL | Thursday 05 April 2018                                                               7

                                                                                      ST HELENA NEWS
   Health Directorate Survey                                                        Rise in Health
             SHG release                                                            Directorate Fees
 T   he    Health     Directorate    is                                             and Charges
developing       new       community
                                                                                        Andrew Turner, SAMS
initiatives and services to help
prevent diabetes and heart disease
on St Helena.
 At present, the Saint community
experiences a burden of high levels
of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and
various cancers (even compared with       experience less illness and disability
many other countries that share these     and improve their life expectancy
problems). Early onsets of illness,
disability, and deaths from these
                                          and quality of life.
                                            Many people in the community are          A pril 1 saw that start of a new
causes have become a too common           already broadly aware of the issues       financial year, and the rise of fees
experience in the community.              and have some knowledge of the            and charges within the Health
 The Health Directorate is therefore      steps they and their family can take      Directorate.
encouraging people on St Helena to        to stay healthy. Yet, while this can be     One of the main fees incurred by
help them develop                         enhanced by encouragement/support         public members is the prescription
 these new initiatives by completing      to start making some small lifestyle      fee; this fee has increased by 40p
a quick online survey, found here:        changes, these things alone will not      (from £2.10 to £2.50).                 enable people to make a shift.            For St Helenians unfortunate
rEDAQV2A#!/0. The questions are on          In 2018/19, under a new strategy        enough to require a stay in Hospital,
activity, diet, and smoking,and the       on Health Promotion, the Health           the cost will now be £13.50 per day
survey is completely confidential and     Directorate will be working with          (up from £12.65 per day) to stay in
anonymous.                                various parts of the community and        the General Ward, or £30 per day
 Alongside smoking, having an             different organisations to develop        (up from £25.25) to stay in a Single
unhealthy diet and being overweight       ways to make it easier for Saints to      Ward.
are two of the leading riskfactors        make the kind of lifestyle choices          X-rays are being charged at £7.00
for the abovementioned conditions,        that will keep them and their families    per image, which is up from £6.30,.
but they are ‘modifiable.’ That is, if    healthier. The information received         Dental x-rays are now £3 for a
people in the community can make          from the survey will go a long way in     small x-ray and £5.50 for a large
certain lifestyle changes then they       helping the Directorate understand        one.
can significantly reduce their risk of    how best to do this.                        The full list of the new fees and
these conditions. Also, people who          The closing date for completion of      charges can be found on the St
already have these conditions can         the survey is on Friday, 30 March.        Helena Government website.

                        Constituency Meetings Start
               Cyril (Ferdie) Gunnell, SAMS

 T   he first of a series of constituency
                                          councillors did give updates.
                                           A significant example, is the news
                                                                                    requires enforcement, which would
                                                                                    require funding for equipment and
meetings planned for April was held that councillors have come up                   personnel.
at the Jamestown Community Centre with a fourth option for Half Tree                  The assembly April 3 was
at 7pm April 3.                           Hollow (HTH) sewerage – to build a        astounded that the budget given
  Ten members of the public were treatment plant in HTH, conveying                  to the Environment & Natural
present and Anita Legg, Secretary to the discharged water down over the             Resources Directorate (ENRD) is only
the Elected Members, took notes.          hill and out to sea.                      £3,433,715, but is expected to take
  Councillors have split into two          Those in attendance April 3 also         care of roads, housing, bridges and a
groups for these meetings; Tuesday, heard that the Births & Deaths                  host of other important things. The
it was Tony Green, Dr Corinda Essex, Legislation is being reviewed, as it           roads budget was cut several years
Lawson Henry, Brian Isaac, Christine only provides for registration in St           ago, and is now £432,480.
Scipio-O’Dean and Gavin Ellick that Helena whereas babies are born and                One of the interesting topics raised
were present.                             deaths are occurring abroad.              from the floor was the need at some
  A brief overview of each Council         Legislation for a Children’s Home        point for a cremation service. Another
Committee was provided, starting needs reviewing, because the law                   was the suggestion of importing
with Tony Green representing the only provides for one that is run                  ferrets to help control the island’s
Social & Community Development privately, yet this responsibility had               rabbit population.
Committee, and concluding with always been with the government.                       Although the meeting could have
Brian Isaac, who was waiting               Regarding difficulties with parking      gone on for much longer, it was
patiently to represent Public Heath. in Jamestown, consideration is                 brought to an end at approximately
The information provided was wide- being given to developing an area                10:30pm.
ranging, informative and drew at the Quarry, Upper Jamestown,                         The next constituency meetings
many comments and questions from which shouldn’t cost a great                       for this week are at Sandy Bay
attendees.                                deal of money. The plan for paid          Community Centre and Harford
  Although much of what was parking in Jamestown cannot be                          Community Centre, both scheduled
presented had been heard before, rolled out currently because it                    for Thursday evening April 5.
SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.
8                                                                             Thursday 05 April 2018 | THE SENTINEL

  Why Oklahoma Teachers India backs
  Are Striking, Even After  down over
 Getting a $6,100 Pay Raise plan to ban
        Aric Jenkins, TIME
                                                                                               journalists for
                   April 2, 2018                                                               ‘fake news’
    Public school teachers in Oklahoma,                                                              Michael Safi, The Guardian
                                                                                                                April 3, 2018
as well as in other states in the United
States, have been gaining international
attention for going on strike within the
last week.                                                                                      T   he Indian government has
  St Helenian Yelka Weaver (nee Ward)                                                          scrapped a plan to blacklist journalists
was among the teachers that flocked to                                                         judged to be writing “fake news” less
the Oklahoma State Capitol during the                                                          than a day after it was announced to
April 2 strike.                                                                                widespread criticism.
                                                                                                 India’s        information        and
                                                                                               broadcasting ministry said late on
    Last    week,    the     Oklahoma                                                          Monday that journalists or agencies
                                                                                               accused of creating or spreading fake
Legislature signed off on a $6,100
raise for the state’s public school                                                            news would be referred to the Press
teachers. On Monday, they went on                                                              Council of India and another statutory
strike.                                                                                        body for broadcast media.
  Thousands of teachers descended                                                                The notice, which cited “the
on the state capitol in Oklahoma                                                               increasing instances of fake news”
City Monday, demanding that                                                                    but did not define it, said journalists
lawmakers match the initial demands                                                            would have their official accreditation
of a $10,000 raise for educators,                                                              suspended as soon as any complaint
along with a $5,000 raise for other                                                            was registered even before it was
school personnel and $75 million                                                               judged whether it was valid.
in education funding after the                                                                   Journalists in India can report and
Legislature only granted about $50                                                             publish without official accreditation
million, according to the Associated                                                           but the card is usually required for
Press.                                                                                         access to government buildings,
  “We’re going to say that our                                                                 events and press conferences.
legislature started the process and                                                              The accreditation of a journalist
they have a moral obligation to invest                                                         or agency confirmed to have been
in our children and our children’s                                                             producing fake news would have been
future,” Alicia Priest, president of                                                           suspended for six months in the first
the Oklahoma Education Association                                                             instance, for a year the second time,
teachers union, told the AP. “That                                                             and permanently if they were found
obligation has not been met yet.                                                               guilty again by the press council, a
Funding for our students is an issue                                                           body that includes several members
in every schoolhouse in the state of                                                           of the ruling Bharatiya Janata party
Oklahoma.”                                 Top: One of Yelka Ward’s former students, now       (BJP).
  As a result of the walk outs,            a teacher herself, at Monday’s strike outside the     But in a U-turn on Tuesday, the
hundreds of schools closed and             Oklahoma state capitol.                             office of the prime minister, Narendra
could potentially remain shuttered                                                             Modi, withdrew the notice, saying
throughout the week. Aerial footage        Below: Norman Public Schools (Oklahoma) teacher     the response to the fake news issue
posted to social media showed the          Kim Greer Schooler being interviewed by local       should be dealt with by the press
extent of the demonstrations.              press. Photo (with quotes from Oklahoma’s Senator   council alone.
  Oklahoma ranks among the worst           Standridge about not supporting public education)     The announcement had been widely
states in the country in terms of          had over 2,000 shares in 24 hours.                  criticised by Indian journalists and
teacher salary. In 2016, the state                                                             opposition figures. Press associations
placed 49th among all states plus          On Monday, Kentucky teachers                        had called an emergency meeting for
the District of Columbia for average       additionally protested a pension                    Tuesday afternoon to coordinate a
teacher salary, according to a National    reform plan in the state’s capital,                 response.
Education Association ranking.             Frankfort.                                            Commentators had argued the
  The Oklahoma strikes are part of a         “We have no choice but to be here,”               press council’s ethics rules already
larger movement growing across the         Jeffrey Peeno, a Kentucky teacher                   say that journalists should report
country in recent weeks, as teachers       present at the Capitol told the                     with “accuracy and fairness” and so
in West Virginia and Arizona also          Lexington Herald-Leader. “We have                   any deliberately false reporting was
rallied for more pay and investment.       to represent what we do.”                           covered by its existing rules.
SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.
THE SENTINEL | Thursday 05 April 2018                                                              9

                                                                          INTERNATIONAL NEWS
 Conservationists use astronomy software
             to save species
        Pallab Ghosh, BBC News            April 3, 2018

 R   esearchers are using astronomical
techniques used to study distant stars
to survey endangered species.
  The team of scientists is developing
a system to automatically identify
animals using a camera that has been
mounted on a drone.
  It is able to identify them from
the heat they give off, even when
vegetation is in the way.
  Details of the system were
presented at the annual meeting of
the European Astronomical Society in
Liverpool, UK.
  The idea was developed by Serge
Wich, a conservationist at Liverpool
John Moores University, and Dr Steve
Longmore, an astrophysicist at the
same university. He says that the
system has the potential to greatly       especially when they were far away.       JEFF KERBY
improve the accuracy of monitoring        Dr Wich needed a system that could
endangered species and so help save       identify different species from their
endangered species.                       heat signatures.
  “Conservation is not only about the       He explained his problem to his
numbers of animals but also about         neighbour, Dr Steve Longmore,
political will and local community        while chatting over the fence. The
supporting conservation. But better       neighbour was an astronomer and he
data always helps to move good            explained that he knew someone who
arguments forward. Solid data             identified the size and age of far away
on what is happening to animal            stars from their heat signatures.
populations is the foundation of all        “I collaborated with quite a
conservation efforts”.                    few people during my career but
  Currently, conservationists estimate    astrophysicists were not on my list of
numbers of endangered species by          potential collaborators,” Dr Wich told
physically counting them or the signs     BBC News.
they leave.                                 “But here we are. It shows how the
  This is an inexact science, as the      serendipity of how science works.”          The      system   can    also   give
animals can be in areas inaccessible to     Dr Wich worked with astrophysicist      information about the health of
observers. Further problems can arise     Dr Claire Burke, also at Liverpool        animals. If an animal is injured then
if species have migrated to another       John Moores University. She told BBC      that part of the animal’s body will
area since the previous census. Signs     News that her work in identifying the     be glowing brighter than the rest.
of their presence, such as abandoned      most massive galaxies in the Universe     Similarly, diseased animals also have
nests, rely on assumptions such as        from the light they emit helped her       a different heat profile, according to
the number of animals that share the      devise software that could identify       Dr Burke.
nest and the frequency with which         different types of animal from the          “The real advantage this gives you
the species build and abandon their       pattern of the heat they give off.        is that if you know how many animals
nests.                                      Each species, she said, has distinct    you have and where they are and
  The process is time consuming,          warmer and colder areas that are          what kind of health they are in, then
expensive and inaccurate. So Dr Wich      unique.                                   you can you can formulate a good
developed a system to monitor them          “When we look at animals in the         conservation strategy for looking
using infrared cameras mounted on         thermal infrared, we’re looking at        after them,” she said.
drones.                                   their body heat and they glow in the        “And if you can track them as well,
  Trials at Chester Zoo and Knowsley      footage. That glow is very similar to     then you can tell what they need to
Safari Park showed that the system        the way that stars and galaxies in        survive and thrive and this helps us.
could pick up animals on the ground       space glow,” Dr Burke explained.          If, for example, we needed to relocate
from the heat they gave off, even           “So we can apply techniques and         animal because its habitat was being
through tree cover.                       software used in astronomy for            destroyed then you would know
  But the problem was that they           decades to automatically detect and       better what it needed to be relocated
couldn’t always identify the species -    measure this glow”.                       to.”
SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.
10                          Thursday 05 April 2018 | THE SENTINEL

     Easter at Pilling Primary
       Pilling, Contributed

                                             O   n Thursday, 29th March 49
                                            pupils of Pilling Primary School took
                                            part in an Easter Hat Competition.
                                              The judges, Miss Giselle Richards
                                            and Mr Gary Cameron, had a difficult
                                            time judging all the wonderful
                                            designs. Winners were-
                                                 Nursery – Aalayah Young
                                                 Reception – Joel Peters
                                                 Year 1 – Ryley Bennett
                                                 Year 2 - Jilneal George
                                                 Year 3 – Tyler Anthony
                                                 Year 4 – Nate George
                                                 Year 5 – Luke Bargo
                                                 Year 6 – James Andrews
                                              In the afternoon we concluded with
                                            an assembly based on the Easter
THE SENTINEL | Thursday 05 April 2018                                                    11

                                                                   LIFESTYLE & CULTURE
                  A Saint-Style Easter Holidays
              Donna Crowie, SAMS

                                                                            T   he Easter Holidays kicked off
                                                                           as usual with Maundy Thursday, St
                                                                           Helena style.
                                                                             As is tradition, people took to
                                                                           Jamestown, Ruperts, other areas
                                                                           of the island and fishing boats to
                                                                           celebrate the occasion.
                                                                             For instance, Gavie Benjamin (left)
                                                                           and a crew of seven departed James
                                                                           Bay on the Helena Dorothy for Black
                                                                           Rocks on Maundy Thursday. There,
                                                                           they caught a mixture of species
                                                                           including bullseye, jack, soldier and
                                                                           stony brass. In total, between 4pm
                                                                           and 9:45pm, they caught 90 dozen
                                                                             Fish fries on Good Friday followed
                                                                           Maundy Thursday fishing, as is

 T  he day after Maundy Thursday, people gathered equipment and took to
areas like Horse Pasture, Blue Hill and Thompson’s Wood to camp - though
many dedicated campers had set up camp Wednesday.
 Camping over the Easter weekend is tradition on the island. Despite the
heavy rain and winds Saturday night/Sunday, most of the weekend featured
good weather. Amphibians bar was set up all weekend at Horse Pasture and
people like Papa J’s were out selling food. Some campers went as far as
taking generators and hot-water tanks to make their camps luxurious.

                                                                            T   he traditional Easter Sunday
                                                                           meals/celebrations with family took
                                                                           place as usual this year; though
                                                                           many islanders were distressed to
                                                                           realise that almost the whole supply
                                                                           of the island’s chocolate Easter eggs
                                                                           had not been brought in by the MV
12                                                                Thursday 05 April 2018 | THE SENTINEL

Unique Musical Evening at Rosie’s
            Andrew Turner, SAMS
 A  s the island moves into the sixth month of commercial air service, St Helena continues to welcome notable
travellers who may never have otherwise visited.
  On Easter Sunday, more than 50 people packed into the bar area at Rosie’s for a special performance from world-
renowned flamenco guitarist Adam Westcott. Hürgen Rubow, a visiting yachtsman who for years made and sold his
own woodwind instruments (such as panpipes), also briefly performed.

Flamenco Guitarist
   Adam Westcott
 A  dam began playing music when
he was young, and was first inspired
by bands like Nirvana.
  Adam later discovered flamenco
guitar, and was mostly self-taught
(though he was mentored for a few
months by the famous flamenco
guitarist Manitas de Plata). Adam        Adam flew to St Helena March 31 to         “It was really beautiful, with
released his debut album, “Passion,    join up with visiting cruise ship MV        amazing views,” he said. “I’ve never
Thunder and Beauty” in 2015 and has    Silver Cloud, which left April 3, as an     seen anything like it before, never
played across the globe including in   on-board entertainer.                       seen vegetation so green; and there
South America, the Caribbean and         By the time he took to the stage          were some beautiful flowers and
the Middle East. Most famously,        area at Rosie’s April 1, classical guitar   birds, and the air was very fresh.
Adam has played live on ITV in a       in hand, Adam had already toured            The people were really friendly, with
performance on celebrity game show     some of the island. He expressed            everyone saying ‘hello,’ which was a
“All Start Mr & Mrs.”                  amazement at St Helena’s beauty.            really nice feeling.”

                                       Visiting Yachtsman Hürgen Rubow
                                         H   ürgen has been playing music
                                        since he was a child. He started on
                                        the piano, but later became a fond         repairs.
                                        dancer and got involved in recording         Hürgen began his stay on St Helena
                                        work, mixing and mastering music.          by driving freely around the island
                                          Significantly, Hürgen also makes         and immersing himself in the nature.
                                        his own panpipes, clarinets and            He said he also quickly became fond
                                        saxophones, which he sells at craft        of the people of St Helena.
                                        markets worldwide.                           “The people here, when you walk
                                          “The greatest fun I had is selling at    along the street all greet you,” he
                                        craft markets,” he said. “It’s great       said. “The difference I have found
                                        when all the kids come while you           with the people here is they look in
                                        play the pan flute, it’s like the Pied     your eyes. They actually connect,
                                        Piper.”                                    while in most places in the world
                                          Earlier this year, Hürgen took off       they don’t connect.”
                                        from South Africa on his maiden              And so, even though he described
                                        voyage on his yacht, Morwenna. He          himself as typically being an
                                        did not mean to visit St Helena for        introvert, on April 1 Hürgen took out
                                        the three weeks that he now has; but       one of his handmade panflutes and
                                        he struck a dead whale on his voyage       performed live to an acoustic backing
                                        and had to stop at the island for          track for the audience at Rosie’s.
THE SENTINEL | Thursday 05 April 2018                                                                13

                                                                             LIFESTYLE & CULTURE
Robyn Sim:                                                                                  Around the
                                                                                            World in 80
				Hertfordshire                                                                             Saints
          Donna Crowie, SAMS

 2   4-year-old Robyn Sim departed St
Helena back in 2014, to complete her
initial teacher training in Hertfordshire.
She is the youngest daughter of Sandra
and Graham Sim of Enfield Lodge, St

What were you doing on the
island before emigrating?
 “I was working towards completing
my initial teacher training, but left
before I completed my last year.”

When/why did you depart St
 “I was given the opportunity to
further my career and study at the
University of Hertfordshire, so left in
July 2014.”

What was it like when you
initially moved – thoughts and
                                             and involved me studying a few days      What other activities/
feelings, experiences?                       at Uni, but mainly completing my
  “I really didn’t want to leave, as I                                                achievements have you been
                                             teaching practice in a Yr 1/2 class.
love St Helena so much. However, I           I graduated last year and am now         involved in since departing St
could happily live anywhere, and just        a Senior Class Teacher and Special       Helena?
got on with life when I came to the          Needs support in a nursery school          “Other than completing my degrees
UK. I also had lots of Saints living         that was graded ‘Outstanding’ only a     I haven’t really had time to focus on
around me to make me feel at home.”          few weeks ago.”                          other things I want to achieve just yet
                                                                                      (like improving my photography and
Where are you now staying in                 What have you liked/disliked             completing other beauty/makeup
the UK?                                                                               courses), but will hopefully work
                                             about studying in the UK?                towards these this year. I have spent
 “I am still in a small town in                “I lived quite a way from my
Hertfordshire, although all of the                                                    lots of time travelling, which has
                                             university so had to travel long         been the highlight of my time away,
Saints have now left so I am the last        distances, having a car now makes
one.”                                                                                 and definitely got me through these
                                             life so much easier. I didn’t really     three years.”
                                             enjoy Uni to be honest, as it was hard
When were you last here on the               to make friends when I rarely spent
                                             much of my time there. I did however     What advice would you give
 “I came back for a quick period to          enjoy the teaching bit of my studying    young St Helenians who might
spend Christmas with my family in            and working in different schools.”       be thinking of a move abroad?
2015.”                                                                                 “It’s a great opportunity to
                                             Name one random thing you                experience life outside of St Helena,
Recently, you passed your degree             miss from St Helena, and one             but remember the grass isn’t always
                                                                                      greener on the other side. Make
– tell us a bit about this and your          you’d miss from the UK if you            decisions on where you’d like to
studies in general?                          moved back?                              visit/work/study based on what
 “I completed a two-year foundation           “I miss the easy lifestyle back home    you want, not others. And travel as
degree in Early Years, which was             and finishing work at 4pm! Can’t         much as you can whilst you have the
primarily studying teaching in the           say I miss the food, as you can get      opportunity.”
Nursery/Reception setting. I also            all of the South African products here
worked part-time in a Special Needs          now. If I were to leave the UK I would   Do you have any messages for
school. I then got accepted to study         definitely miss Nandos chicken - it’s
for a bachelors cegree in Primary            my weekly special! Oh, and the super     family and friends?
Education with Qualified Teaching            fast next-day delivery when ordering      “I’d like some black puddings sent
Status. This took around nine months         online.”                                 in the post please!”
14                                                                      Thursday 05 April 2018 | THE SENTINEL


 On St Helena, it is always said that there are more vehicles than people.
 So, with a large number of vehicles using a large number of tyres – and with the roads being rough on tyres and
there being no tyre recycling business on-island – what happens to the used tyres?
 Quite a few people on the island utilise old tyres for DIY projects. You can help give used tyres a new lease on life
by incorporating them into your garden or surrounding area. This idea is also a treat when you are in short supply of
gardening space, or if you rent a home and would like to have a temporary garden that
can be removed quickly and tidily.
PLANTER. If you choose to use it “as is,” simply painting the tyre can greatly enhance
the look, which can help you hold your head up high when others admire your efforts.

 If you do want to cut and invert a tyre: There are only three things you must know to make a planter out
of a used tyre. Skip any of these, and you will fail (with or without a hernia).

FIRST, choose your tyre carefully.            SECOND, cut the tyre - any sharp
Tyres can be found - usually free -           knife will do - in the sidewall. It is
outside of your garage, at a friend’s         very soft and cuts easily. You may
home or car repair shops. Horse Point         want to draw a pattern so the cut
dump often has a huge variety from            ends up where you want it to. Cut
which to choose, which is important           from almost to the tread (where the
- because some tyres simply cannot            steel belts start) and almost to the
be inverted, because they are too stiff       centre hole.
in a crucial spot.
                                              NOTE: cut AWAY from yourself in case
NOTE: It does NOT matter if the tyre is       the knife slips                            DONE! You can use the cut-out part
steel-belted or not. The steel wires are                                                 as a wall decoration, or around shrubs
only in the tread, which is not cut in this

There is a curve right where the tread
- the part of the tyre that meets the
road - meets the all-rubber sidewall
of the tyre. Use your foot or hand to
push this curve in a little way. If you
can push this in easily, the tyre will
be easy to invert. If you cannot push
this in easily, move on to another tire.
You may need to check several tyres
before finding one that is suitable.

                                              THIRD - and this is kind of tricky -
Push the tyre in right                        turn the tyre inside out. Stand the
  where the sidewall
                                              tyre up, cut side away, and push in
    meets the tread.
                                              the “soft spot” (remember step one)        By the way, if the tyre has a rim on it
CRUCIAL THING YOU                             with your knee, while pulling back         before you start, it will end up looking
             CAN DO                           with your hands. If it doesn’t invert      like an urn with pedestal. There is no
                                              easily, try again, putting your knee in    difference in the steps taken to turn
                                              a different spot.                          either inside out.

                                              Once the tyre has started going            If you want to paint your tyre planter,
                                              inside out, take your time to pull and     degrease it first (with household
                                              push the rest of the tyre, all the way     degreaser, or using warm soapy
                                              around. Do it a little at a time, and it   water). Any kind if paint will work,
                                              will go much faster. Don’t sweat it at     but fast-drying spray paint is easiest.
                                              first, just keep trying - it will work!
THE SENTINEL | Thursday 05 April 2018                                                                  15

                                                                                                          TIME OUT

                                                                                          Sea Maze
         UZZLE                      Best One-Liners
                                                                                   Can you navigate through
                                                                                   the maze under the crab’s

                                   “Money can’t buy happiness, but it
                                   sure makes misery easier to live with”                   castle?
                                  -When in Doubt, Mumble: Bureaucrat’s Handbook

               Three Little Pigs:
               Hidden Objects
    Can you find the 15 hidden items in this picture?

                                                                                     What to Make out
                                                                                     of a Cardboard Box
                                                                                  Do you have a cardboard box at home and
                                                                                  have no use for it? Do you want the box
                                                                                  to be of use for your kids? Well, this idea
                                                                                  can transform your ordinary cardboard
                                                                                  box into a play item.

                                                                                             Beanbag toss game:
                                                                                  The only thing you need to do is cut any
                                                                                  sized box in half, cut some holes and
                                                                                  toss beanbags, balls or other small toys
                                                                                  into the openings for loads of fun (as
                                                                                  illustrated below).

Joke of the Week:
  A  woman walked into a room and saw her simple-minded friend
 and hollering.
 “What’s the matter?” The woman inquired.
 “Nothing at all, I just done finished a jigsaw puzzle in record time!”
 friend beamed.
 “How long did it take you?” the woman again enquired.
 “Well, the box said ‘3 to 5 Years’ but I did it in a month!”
16                                               Thursday 05 April 2018 | THE SENTINEL


                                  A Month About Autism
     Children’s Services, Safeguarding Directorate, Contributed

 N   ame five or more of the below
famous persons with autism, to be
entered to win a free copy of next
week’s Sentinel.
 Submit this page with your answers
written in the blank name boxes to
SAMS by 4pm Wednesday, April 11,
or submit your answers to 22727 or
THE SENTINEL | Thursday 05 April 2018                                                             17

                                                                                            SCHOOL PAGE
Harford Places Spotlight on Reading
        Harford Primary School, Contributed

 A   s part of their School Development    taking their inspiration from the
                                           ‘enormous turnip’, Reception, as it
Plan, to ‘promote a love for and
raise awareness of the importance          was his birthday, chose Dr Seuss as
of reading’ , Harford Primary School       their focus. They enacted his books
held     a Reading Theme Day on            ‘The Lorax’ and ‘The cat in the Hat’.
Friday, March 2nd to do just that!         Activities included, making models
To create to the ambience of the day,      of the Lorax and placing rhyming
all staff and pupils were encouraged       words on the Cat’s hat etc . Y1/2 went
to come dressed as their favourite         under the sea with ‘The Rainbow
book character. The day began with         Fish’ and spent the day role playing,
parents coming in, to enjoy reading        weaving and creating a large rainbow
with their teachers followed by an         fish, with scales that explained,
assembly taken by the Headteacher          how to be a good friend. Yr 3 chose
to ‘ignite the fire’ for the rest of the   ‘Aliens love Underpants’. They
day. To help her get the message           used this to focus on performance
across that ‘Reading is the most           poetry which included expression,
important ingredient for becoming          nonverbal communication methods          presented in one big book.
all that you can be’ she enlisted          and presentation skills.          This     One of the objectives in our school
the help of people from various            enabled them among other things to       development plan is to produce
professions across the island, to          be journalists creating the front page   our own book for publication. The
come and speak to the children about       of a newspaper and to be artistic by     Theme day was the perfect timing to
why reading is important in their          designing their own underpants!          kick start this. This job was given
job; this emphasised to pupils that          Yr 4/5 chose the book ‘Charlie         to our lunch time creative writing
reading is life long, and whatever job     Cooks Favourite Book’. Following         group; led by Miss Emma Dee.
you are in, you will need to read to       the reading, the teacher told them       Taking inspiration from Creative St
succeed. ‘Reading as a Fundamental’        about her favourite book and asked       Helena’s recent publication ‘Rebel
was further explored with pupils,          the children to do the same. Then        with Velvet Paws’, they set about this
using inspirational reading quotes         they were challenged to make a’ pop      task. By the end of the day they had
and a powerful video clip showcasing       up’ to show the other children in the    explored their characters, engaged in
some famous characters- ie Little          school why that book is special to       word play and plotted a story line
Red Riding Hood, the Three Little          them and to encourage others to read     which was all agreed on. This will
Pigs etc. It ended with everyone           it for themselves.                       now be developed in further creative
impersonating          the dance stance      ‘The Pepper Tree’ by Mr Basil          writing sessions and the next Theme
used at the end of the TV series           George allowed Yr 6 to meet a real       Day with a view for publication by
Strictly Come Dancing but this time,       life author as part of their day. Mr     the end of the school year.
instead of saying Keep Dancing, it         George spoke to the children about        Harford Primary School would like
was … Keep Reading !!!!.                   his inspiration for the book and         to take this opportunity to thank
  Following this, all pupils worked        how he set about writing this. The       Connect St Helena, St Helena Fire
in their classes with their teachers       class was then being given a number      Service, , National Trust and SURE
who had been presented with the            of activities to choose from. This       for helping pupils to understand the
challenge of ‘Take a Book and              ranged from writing letters to           importance of reading beyond school.
make it come alive’. This sparked          the author, to writing character         Your messages hit home. Well Done
imagination and creative planning          descriptions designing illustrations     and Thank You! They would like to
by teachers, to great heights as the       for the pages not having any,            further thank SURE for the rulers
afternoon ‘show and tell’ revealed!        producing an alternative cover and       and pens that was given to all of the
Nursery had begun to create their          making a comic strip about the book      pupils. A great day which achieved its
own big book ‘The enormous carrot’         etc. Their efforts were collated and     objectives and was enjoyed by all!
18                                                      Thursday 05 April 2018 | THE SENTINEL

        BAHA’I FAITH                  HOLLOW HALL AT 7.30 PM. ALL         Cell meetings at Sandy Bay on            ARE WELCOME.                        Wednesday 11th April at 6:30pm
                                                                          and also at the home of Anthony
         “O Son of Man!               There is always a warm welcome      and Elaine Hopkins at 7:30pm.
Neglect not My commandments           for you at the Salvation Army.
 if thou lovest My beauty, and                                                     All are welcome
    forget not My counsels if         If you would like to know more
 thou wouldst attain My good          about The Salvation Army’s          For further information contact
            pleasure.”                activities, contact Lt. Coral Yon   23249
        Baha’i Scripture              on telephone nos 22703/24358.
			                                   Take care and God bless.
        BAHA’I CENTRE                 The Cathedral Parish of St Paul's
               8pm                     Sunday 8th April – Low Sunday
     THURSDAY EVENINGS                8 a.m. Mass at the Cathedral
                                      9.30 a.m. Reserved Sacrament at
                                                                                BAPTIST CHURCH
       ALL ARE WELCOME                St Martin's
                                                                             Sunday Service - 8th April
        Telephone 24342               5.30 p.m. Evensong & Easter
                                      Vestry at the Cathedral
                                                                          Sandy Bay Chapel            08.45 pm
                                                                          Head O'Wain Chapel          10.45 pm
                                             Thursday 12th April
                                                                          Jamestown Chapel            06.00 pm
      CATHOLIC CHURCH                 10 a.m. Mass at Arabia
            8th April                                                              Bible Studies
2nd Sunday of Easter & Sunday of           The Parish of St James
                                                                          Tuesday - 10th April
Divine Mercy                                                              Jamestown Schoolroom 07.00 pm
10 a.m. Holy Mass                      Sunday 8th April – Low Sunday
                                      9.30 a.m. Mass at St James
                                                                          Thursday     12th April
            Monday 9th                                                    Sandy Bay Chapel        05.30 pm
trfr Sol. Annunciation of the Lord           Thursday 12th April
7.30 a.m Holy Mass                    7 p.m. Mass at St James'
                                                                                ALL ARE WELCOME
                                          The Parish of St Matthew

                                       Sunday 8th April – Low Sunday
                                      11.15 a.m. Sung Mass

                                             Tuesday 10th April
                                      7 p.m. Eucharistic Service at St

Activities   at   the   Army   this                                            Saturday 07 April 2018
weekend                                                                   0915 – 1000
                                                                          Sabbath School Programme
EVERY FRIDAY                                                              1000 – 1045 Group Bible Study
‘QUALITY SECONDS’ SHOP FROM                                               1100 – 1200 Divine Service
10AM TO 1PM                                                               1400 – 1500 Masterguide,
                                                                          Pathfinders & Adventurers
PRAISE & WORSHIP SERVICE                                                          Every Wednesday
AT THE HALF TREE HOLLOW                                                       Wednesday 11 April 2018
HALL AT 6.30PM. EVERYONE IS           Prayer Meeting at the home of       1930 – 2030 Prayer Meeting
WARMLY WELCOME. BRING AND             Anthony and Elaine Hopkins on
SHARE TEA AND REFRESHMENTS            Saturday morning at 8am                     All are Welcome
                                      Praise and Worship at Kingshurst    For further information contact:
EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING               Community Centre on Sunday 8th      Pastor Paul Millin Tel No 22267
PRAYER MEETING & BIBLE                April at 11am also Sunday School
STUDY AT THE HALF TREE                at 11:30am
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