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The Schärding Times The official Student newspaper of Schärding International News they would fill bottles with wasps and throw it The Story of the at the participants, the serbian public authori‐ ties prohibited the parade. Banned Rainbows In 2010, when the gay pride was first Reisner Marie-Christine celebrated, right-wing extremists and hooligans fought on street and about 200 people were in‐ Rainbows - those colourful figures in the sky af‐ jured and bruised. ere were intended to be ter a rainy day, when the sun comes out again. about 300 people in the parade and 6500 po‐ Since the 30th of June they are banned in Rus‐ licemen to protect them, but immediately 10 sia. Well, actually what they stand for: Homo‐ groups of right-wing extremists registered sexuality. demonstrations for a “healthy serbia”. is anti-gay law should protect children from So on Friday aernoon, the vice prime- propaganda of non-traditional relationships, minister, Aleksandar Vučić said that the parade but neo-Nazis use this to crucify and torture would not be allowed to take place. It is am‐ homosexuals and transgenders legally. is ac‐ biguous if the parade was illegal or connived by tions are filmed and posted on websites, for ex‐ the authorities, but it is certain that at the same ample facebook. As a consequence of this, some time, in the center of Belgrade there were a lot victims have committed suicide. of policemen. e inside of the Westgate Mall ( But not only in Russia it’s difficult to be homo‐ While going around in town, the gays, lesbians, sexual. In some countries in Africa and Arabia bisexuals and transgenders protesters carried in Nairobi, Kenya. Aer killing 2 watchmen it is punished with the capital punishment, of‐ posters that said “at’s pride. “ they took 130 hostages and entrenched them‐ The not so selves in the mall called Westgate. glamorous side of e Kenyan Military formed a small “storm commando” and began with the retaking of the the 2014 Olympic mall on Saturday, but it was already too late for most of the hostages. 67 people were killed by Winter Games Al-Shabaab before the Kenyan Units even had a chance to help them. Julia Strauß On Sunday morning the government of Kenya On the 7th of February 2014 the XXII Olympic gave a statement that the mall was back under Winter Games will officially be opened in their control, but a few minutes aer that, shots Sochi, Russia. ere will no doubt be a glam‐ were fired. Aer 2 more days of fighting on orous and prestigious opening ceremony but so Sunday and Monday the government said in far the most events leading up to the Olympic another statement on Tuesday morning that the Games have not been so glamorous. In fact mall was entirely cleared. In the aernoon shots there has been a lot of controversy. were heard but government members explained It started with the people, who are living in that their troops shot in the rooms before enter‐ Sochi, being forced off their land and robbed of ing in case an Al-Shabaab member was hiding their homes. Due to there nearly not being any there. If this is the truth it will be totally clear in previous infrastructure, sport facilities, hotels the near future. and other buildings, everything had to be built from scratch. Needless to say, the inhabitants of e 2010 Gay Pride Parade in Belgrade ( Experts believe that the mall still was under the Sochi were not amused about that. control of the Al-Shabaab members when the ten it is seen as a psychic disease. Some reli‐ government made the statement that the mall e Russian government didn’t seem to care, gious groups have developed “therapies” against Bloodbath in had been cleared. Maybe they wanted to draw though. Russia’s president Vladimir Putin just homosexuality and want to heal this people away the attention of the world from the prob‐ started to take notice for the first time when the from their “illnesses” Kenya lems of Kenya. e official number of victims, actual costs of turning the town of Sochi into an according to NY-Times, is 67, but it’s very likely Olympic city began to greatly exceed the All over the world there are demonstrations Ronald Moritz that more dead bodies will be found. e mili‐ planned costs. According to him the games against the discrimination against gay, lesbian, tary says that it will rise above 100. were supposed to cost approximately 12 billion bisexual or transgendered people. Aer the law Aer planning the attack for several weeks a dollars, but experts estimate that the games will was made in Russia, the zebra crossings in front terrorist organization called Al-Shabaab took Al-Shabaab is a terror organization from Soma‐ actually cost over 50 billion dollars. is would of the Russian embassy in Stockholm and Oslo over a mall in Nairobi and entrenched them‐ lia. eir goal is to make an Islamic state and make them the most expensive Olympic Games was painted in the colours of the rainbow. selves with more than 100 hostages. e mili‐ the participation in a worldwide jihad, the Is‐ ever. tary of Kenya managed to get the mall back but lamic version of a crusade. In February 2012 On the 27th of September, there was a took heavy losses. they swore their loyalty to Al-Qaida and thus Another controversy that has recently got a lot overnight parade, called “Gay Pride” in Bel‐ they are an ally of them. of attention around the world has been Russia’s grade. Actually it should be on Saturday, but af‐ Friday 21th September 2013. Troops of the ter‐ new anti-gay law. is law forbids the promo‐ ter threats from right-wing extremists, who said rorist organization Al-Shabaab stormed a mall tion of homosexuality in any way. But no one
2 e Schärding Times - Student Newspaper knows what exactly “promoting Local News homosexuality” means. Nevertheless, people who are considered to have broken that law are getting forced to pay huge fines and can even get put into prison. President Vladimir Putin claims that this law is just a measure to fight the rapidly falling birth rates in Russia whereas the rest of the world thinks that this is just very ho‐ mophobic. In Russia, this so-called anti-gay propaganda Warehouse burns down to foundation wall Nadine Plöckinger A 6,000-square-foot warehouse has gone up in flames early on Wednesday morning in Bad Deutsch Altenburg, Lower Austria. e Fire Brigades battled all night against the blazing fire that was difficult to bring under control. Again Sochi is on course to be the most expensive and again straw bales, which were stored in the games ever. (Source:Reuters) warehouse, began to burn in the hall again. law has already led to horrible consequences for gay people. Because of that law the rest of the world is now worried about the well-being of the athletes that will be competing in the up‐ Schärding under water in 2013 ( coming games. Some of the athletes themselves have even talked about boycotting the games, police. e flames may have started inside the while others think it would be better to com‐ hall. Fire & Police investigators are trying to Number of car pete at the games and just openly stand up for find out the cause now. what you are and what you believe in. is of crashes in course could potentially be very dangerous, al‐ e warehouse fire was difficult to control be‐ though most people believe that Russia won’t cause of the straw it contained. (Source:Vien‐ Austria on the threaten or punish foreign athletes openly. It all naOnline) The flood in just remains to be seen, how the anti-gay law rises - More and will affect the Olympic Winter Games in 2014 e fire broke out about 6 o’clock in the morn‐ Schärding in Sochi in the end. ing and rapidly set fire to 20,000 bales of straw more traffic as well as the agriculture equipment, which was Lena Scharnböck parked in the hall. Because of the dense, acrid accidents smoke which was created residents were asked, On the morning of Monday the 3rd June 2013 Update Fukushima: to close the windows and not to leave their Schärding was flooded by the river Inn. A lot of Nadine Krautzer houses till the fire was out. people had to leave their homes because of the Nuclear Disaster rising water. More than 210 houses had to be A statistic shows that in 2012 there was 40,831 The steel gave way due to the heat evacuated and that's only in the morning. Dur‐ traffic accidents, resulting in 50.895 people be‐ Claudia Spadinger ing the day the water rose even more. A lot of ing badly injured. 531 died because of a car Overall there were 10 fire services with more people lost their homes and nearly all their per‐ crash, e year before (2011) it were 523. Two years ago the one of the world's night‐ than 150 men in use. ose men fought against sonal stuff, they only had a few minutes to grab mares came true, a second accident like Cher‐ the flames under extremely thick smoke. their most important things before they had to e highest quantity of traffic accidents had nobyl. Now in a Japan city called Fukushima, 2 leave their houses. been announced by the police in Lower Austria years later and new information is still coming e heat was so extreme, that aer a time the (7.921), Upper Austria (7.416), Vienna (6.348) in but it seems not to be good news. steel construction of the hall collapsed. More than 500 people tried to stop the flood by and Styria (6.186). building walls with sandbags. e level reached On 11 March 2011 a tsunami hit the east coast en the firefighter had to beat a retreat, other‐ a new record of 10,70 m. e water reached up 1 in 15 accidents are caused by the driver being of Japan and destroyed the nuclear power plant wise they would have been in danger them‐ to the first floor of some houses and flooded ev‐ drunk. is means that in 2012 were 2,684 car in Fukushima. e cooling system broke down selves. Just a few minutes later the hall col‐ erything under it, experts said it was the biggest crashes due to alcohol which lead to 3.425 in‐ and the core overheated. e plant exploded lapsed. Also the train tracks of the passing train flood of the century. jured people and 39 deaths. and radioactivity escaped. S7 were destroyed by the heat. e train service was interrupted and a replacement bus service A lot of the older people refused to leave their One of the latest accident in Upper Austria hap‐ e 19 miles/30 km area around the nuclear had to be established. homes because they have lived there their pened in Tauirchen on 14th of July. ere was power plant was evacuated two years ago and whole life and their houses were full of memo‐ a crash on the B 129 in Tauirchen an der there will not be anyone living there for the Fire watch over night ries. Some even burst into tears when they saw Pram. next 100 years. You will have heard and seen it their flooded home, in which they had lived for everywhere. On the TV, radio and the newspa‐ roughout the evening all the helpers were many years. e whole city had to be closed be‐ A 49-year-old from Kopfing was seriously in‐ pers. But what´s happening now?! busy to defeating the fire but the flames were cause most of the streets were already flooded. jured and a 54-year-old female passenger from rekindled again and again. Aer the fire was Neukirchen am Walde was found dead. A 18- ere is a problematic situation. ere are 300 under control, a fire watch was held overnight Aer the water returned the work really began, year-old mechanic from Andorf crashed into a tons of radioactive groundwater, which is slow‐ to defeat the fire and make sure it would not about 700 helpers had to remove the damage car in which two women were sitting ly tickling away into the ocean. e personnel start again. and clean up. Mud reach two meter high, chairs of the nuclear power plant built tanks for the and tables were lying on the streets because the e female drive, a masseuse from Kopfing, was radioactive water but by August, 80 percent of On ursday morning there were still four fire water carried it along with it, even cars dried seriously injured in the crash and airlied to the tanks have already been filled. Now the peo‐ brigades in use. e work is expected to last away. e cleaning-up operations ran at full Linz General Hospital by the Christophorus ple are looking for another place to take the nu‐ three days, Resperger described the difficulty speed, but it was very difficult because the enor‐ Europe 10 helicopter . clear waste. aer fighting duties: the collapsed giant tin roof mous damage. It will take months until every‐ Her co-driver, 54, from Neukirchen am Walde, was lying on the smoldering straw bales, so the thing looks like before. had no chance of survival because the car crash Few weeks ago there was another earthquake in firemen could not reach them to divide them was so serious. Japan. So another problem appeared. e prob‐ and to soak the embers. e President of Upper Austria Josef Pühringer lem is, that, because of the earthquake, there are said that e two passengers of the young driver from new leaks at the plant where much of the ra‐ Cause of fire unknown Andorf, both 17 years old, were admitted to the dioactivity is contaminating the air. People are "he would help the flood victims" Regional Hospital in Schärding with minor in‐ reporting, that they saw clouds rising up above How the fire broke out in the warehouse is not juries. Both cars are complete write offs. the plant. known now. ere were no machines in use and but will he really help all of them? the sliding door was closed, according to the is story of the latest car accident in Upper
e Schärding Times - Student Newspaper 3 Austria shows that are roads are really danger‐ Herbert H.: Yes, he called me shortly aer 7 completely. e woman wasn’t recognisable. ous. Everybody who is allowed to drive and has a driving license should still be carefully be‐ o’clock early in the morning and placed a kind of confession. It’s crazy, he’s a really good Psychologists say that’s typical when somebody kills somebody they love. A Short cause if you are not carefully, you risk your not friend. At first I thought that he informed me only your own life and the life of others. that he shot a deer in Allentsteig. He is an avid hunter. Aer the murder Lukas smashed the front door, so it looked like a burglary. en he threw the Message So think about it! axe into the Pram, a river in Tauirchen and drove to the restaurant where his grandfather was. ere he ordered a coke, because this was from the the sign for the grandfather that the grand‐ mother has been killed. Editor When the husband of the victim got home, he looked into the living room and then called the police. He said: “My wife is unconscious”. About the When the police and the paramedics came and saw the totally destroyed face of the victim, they thought that this is really strange. e woman Course was lying in a blood lake and wasn’t able to rec‐ ognize, but the grandfather said “unconscious”. I would like to take this opportunity to thank e second weird thing was that as the police all the students in the Journalism groups for came the man ran out of the house and their excellent work. ey have all written inter‐ screamed: “I have an alibi!” esting and informative articles and I hope you the reader will have as much fun reading them Aer weeks, Lukas confessed the crime. His as the students had writing them. grandfather told him to do it. And Lukas had to help him or he would make Lukas’ life a living During the course we wanted to cover some of hell so Lukas killed his gran without asking. Ex‐ the essential skills that every journalist needs. perts who talked to Lukas, said that he is de‐ By the end of the course each student should be pendent on the grandpa and that’s why Lukas able to: did this terrible thing. In court, images showed the grandmother’s dead body. e jurors were • Identify and prioritise “Who, What, shocked, while Lukas quietly sat there and When, Why and How” for each article. Police officers secure the area around a farm on which the poacher was entrenched. (Source:Sa‐ watched them. • Use the 5Ws and 1H to write a strong e grandfather didn't confess to the crime, he and informative introduction (lead). always said, he didn’t understand why Lukas • Follow the inverted pyramid of article Interviewer: What did he tell you? blames him. construction. Hostage crises in e trail started on 26th of August 2013, the • Give and carrying out interviews, using Hubert H.: He told me, “I am a poacher in judgement is: eighteen years in prison for the open questions and selecting good quotes. Austria Annaberg. I have three people shot. e house grandfather, twelve for Lukas. • Recognise ethical problems in journalism is surrounded by the police.” and ways to use journalist standards to help re‐ Bettina Olear solve conflicts. ree armored vehicles drove up to the farm. • Find bias in sources and articles, under‐ Again and again offenders have taken hostages e Cobra ran a "secure search" of the extensive stand a writer's perspective. in Austria in the past. Oen, bank robberies property. e 55-year-old man was heavily • Write a compelling short review of a where the trigger is robbers seeing their escape armed and had repeatedly fired shots from the book, film or sporting event. route cut off or when the police was hot on homestead in the course of the day. Shortly af‐ • Find and then caption accompanying their heels. ter midnight at 0.15 finally the burned body of graphics. the suspected gunman was found in a basement Some of the more spectacular hostage situa‐ of the property. In the secret bunker-like room e trail of 2 men accused of killing their tions: it was still burning when the police arrived. grandmother and wife (Source:OÖN) • 14th November 1996: Prisoners wants their release by taking hostages. • 9 May 2003: 16 Hostages were taken by a Grandmother What Does a bank robber in a BAWAG branch in Linz. • 27th February 2007: In a BAWAG branch murdered in Teenager from in Vienna Mariahilferstraße a 39-year-old takes several hostages. Taufkirchen Schärding do all • 3rd December 2012: Two bank robbers armed with machine guns in Laakirchen Christina kallab Summer? Initial planning, deciding what to write (Gmunden) take three hostages and hold them captive. A cruel murder occurred in a small Upper Aus‐ Magdalena Kohlbauer • 17th September 2013: is year their was trian parish. e nineteen years old student a tragic hostage incident in the district of Melk. Lukas S. killed his grandmother brutally. Holidays with the parents, meeting friends and • 55-year old Alois shot dead four people, simply having fun in 9 weeks of freedom from e police later found his body in a farm in “e grandmother has to go!”, prompted the school, teachers and homework. So are the holi‐ Großpriel. grandfather (72) multiple times. On October days of a normal schoolgirl from Austria? 26th 2012 he told Lukas to kill the woman be‐ e tracking of a poacher, sought for years, cause then he had an alibi: the class reunion, I interviewed Nadine Krautzer about her holi‐ ended with a tragedy. Alois Huber, a 44 year old where he saw his old classmates. While the days in summer is what she told me: from the district of Melk, killed two police offi‐ grandfather was out, Lukas crept into the cellar cers and a Red Cross paramedic during a night‐ of his grandparents and took an axe. en he "I was with my family in Croatia, there we were time inspection in Annaberg. went upstairs and walked into the living room. sightseeing, went shopping, visited restaurants, e budding Journalists researching His grandmother, Renate D., looked at him and but most of the time we were at the beach. We en he held a policeman hostage in his home said: “What’s going on?” “I can’t tell you”, an‐ rented a house and every day a dog came, town of Großpriel and barricaded himself in his swered Lukas. “Grandpa, am I right?” which we called our holiday pet!" home. ere, Huber had a wild shootout with Cobra elite police. e hostage was eventually en Lukas hit Renate the first time. It was a lit‐ What did you do back at home? killed by the weapon of the gunman. tle blow, so the Grandma tottered into the bath‐ room to clean the wound. en she went back "I met friends, went into city or swimming on a Alois confessed his friend to the murder on the into the living room to speak with her lake. My uncle married and I photographed ev‐ phone grandson. erything. It was a great marriage." Interviewer: Mister Huthansl, have you been But before she was able to say anything, Lukas So Austrian schoolgirls spend their well earned called in the morning by Huber? hit her again. But this time it was a strong blow. holidays! He hit her again and again, smashed her face in Typing up the final artciles
4 e Schärding Times - Student Newspaper Opinion & Comment Below is a few photos we took to show the mak‐ friends and the parents don’t know where the When a person tries to get information through “Children must be ing of this newspaper. children are so that could lead to the the chil‐ this cloudy mess, they can’t do it. Drugs make a Body Found in dren smoking, taking drugs or drinking person feel slow or stupid and cause him to punished all the alcohol. Raising children badly is a disaster for have problems in life. And as the user has more Car: Drugs and the whole of Austria. problems and life gets harder, they want more time” their effects Marina Azer Sophia Fuchs Some parents don’t know what real education On the 25th September a policeman found the means, they are too strict with their children - dead body of a young 26-year-old man who the most important point in raising them with died of a suspected drug and alcohol overdose love. in the car of an American man. It was only luck that the policeman from Vienna found him. Some parents think that punishment is the best e autopsy later confirmed as a drug poison‐ way to raise their children but in my opinion ing. e American man (38) wanted to hide the this is definitely the false way. ey are many corpse. points which can help parents in bringing up their children. e two men went out and consumed drugs and alcohol in a disco. When the two men came • First the child must feel that they are very to the flat of the American they took more drug important for their parents. To create this feel‐ and went to sleep. When the American man ing they could read to them every day or eat woke up the next day he saw the lifeless body dinner together so that the child knows they are from his friend. e young man died because of loved. ey must also give their children an overdose of heroin. He tried to help his enough playtime. friend but he couldn´t. He was shocked and • As I said at the beginning the most basic scared about the consequences and so took the point in raising children is to love them and be lifeless body in the trunk of his car. sure parents can never love their children too much. On the night to Monday he was driving around • e parents must learn to listen to the and was looking for a good place to hide his children, some parents are not able to do this dead friend. He le the car and tried to find one because they have no time and they always have in a forest. Some people that had gone for a to work but when they don’t do this from the walk in the evening found the car because and beginning the children will learn never tell saw the lifeless body. ey immediately called them anything. the police. • From the outset parents have also to treat the children with respect so the children learn e 38 old man said that he tried to hide the right from the start to respect the older and the Infographic showing global drug use ( body because he was afraid, shocked and he younger people. didn’t want any problems at his job or at home. • Some parents have no patience and when drugs to help him deal with the problem. He said he now knows that he made the wrong their child does something wrong they punish The danger of decision. them, I feel that is wrong and also dangerous Drugs destroy creativity: One lie told about because if the parent is angry they can punish drugs drugs is that they help a person become more Drugs aren’t only taken by 20 year old people. the child. too hard and possibly hurt them creative. e truth is quite different. Someone ere are young people who aren’t older than Sometime it’s necessary to punish the child but Jullia freihaut who is sad might use drugs to get a feeling of 14 years who are addicted to drugs. Most young the parents have to punish with a loving heart happiness, but it does not work. Drugs can li a people only consume drugs because they want that means be just. Drugs are not all the same. Different drugs have person into a fake kind of cheerfulness, but to have friends and they want to be in a group • And last but not least they must teach different dangers associated with them. It de‐ when the drug wears off, he or she will fall even with other people. their children to take responsibility for their ac‐ pends on how much the drug is taken, how of‐ lower than before. Eventually, drugs will com‐ tions. ten the drug is taken and how a drug is taken. pletely destroy all the creativity a person has. When you are addicted to drugs it´s hard to get e effects and danger are influenced by many e most dangerous drugs that exist in the away from them. More than 80% of addicted Everybody knows that we must treat our chil‐ things. modern world: Bath Salts, Crystal Meth, Ke‐ people die and usually you can only pack it in dren right and we must be careful but what will tamine, Street Methadone, Cocaine, Heroin, when you go to therapy. But for therapy you happen if ignore this advice and we just shout e mental or psychological state of the drug Opiates, LSD need a lot of money and addicted people nor‐ at the children and punish them? user is also very important, because if they are mally have little or no money because they had anxious, depressed or unstable they are more Why do people take drugs? sold all their things for buying drugs. Every day e answer is very easy, they won’t trust us, likely to have a disturbing experiences when us‐ People take drugs because they want to change you can hear stories about people who die of an they will be damaged and they won’t dare to do ing drugs. something about their lives. overdose on drugs. It is my advice when some‐ anything. In summary they will be closed off. Many scientific and psychiatric studies confirm Here are some of the reasons young people have body offers you drugs you should be able to say that there are a high number of drugs which given for taking drugs: to fit in, to escape or re‐ NO! So it’s very important to raise your children well have potentially extreme and dangerous effects lax, to relieve boredom, to seem grew up, to because if you as a parent don’t do this right the on the health of the individual who uses them. rebel, to experiment,… child will have a lots of problems in the future. People who are using drugs think drugs are a e danger is that the children spend more Drugs affect the mind: Normally, when a per‐ solution. But in the end, the drugs become the time with their friend and nowadays we don’t son remembers something, the mind is very problem. e consequences of drug use are al‐ know how these friends are. Are they good or fast and information comes to them quickly. ways worse than the problem one is trying to bad? If the children always are with their But drugs blur memory, causing blank spots. solve with them.
e Schärding Times - Student Newspaper 5 Travel & Transport Madame Tussaud´s is a world famous waxwork e Costa Concordia was a luxury ship with My top 8 must see museum. ere you can see figures famous peo‐ many decks, restaurants, bars and had capacity Plane crashes are ple, especially actors/actresses, sports legends, for 4,880 people, including crew. e tragedy sights in London famous writers and artists, religious figures and started as captain Franceso Schettino deviated happening across musicians, that are made of wax. Madame Tus‐ from the programmed route. saud´s is not only in London, there are some the world - A Johanna Lachmayr branches in Hong Kong, Amsterdam, Las Vegas, Berlin, Washington DC and New York Short Summary You want to go to London but you have no idea City but the first one is in London and was what you should visit? Don't worry, London has founded by Marie Tussaud in 1802. e current Elisabeth Pretzl something for everyone! museum suffered a fire in 1925 and many stat‐ ues were lost however some of the missing fig‐ Plane crashes are extremely unusual events. Per One of the most famous sights is the Houses of ures have been recreated. year about 500 people die by terrible plane Parliament. In 1265 a parliament was created crashes. Here are some famous examples you near here, it now has two houses: the Lords and Buckingham Palace, one of several palaces should know about: the Commons. e clock tower oen called Big owned by the British Royal family and is one of Ben is named aer the largest bell that is inside the major tourist attractions in London. e • A Douglas DC-8-63 that crashed into a the tower and was the world's largest bell when changing of the guard takes place daily at 11 forest aer a stopover at Gander Airport, Cana‐ it was installed in the middle of the 19th centu‐ o'clock in front of Buckingham Palace. It is a da immediately aer departure. at accident ry and still is the largest in Great-Britain. e must see! e Costa Concordia on her side before sal‐ occurred on December 12, 1985. All 256 pas‐ bell is probably named aer Benjamin Hall, the vage ( sengers lost their life. It was probably because of first Commissioner of Works although some Harrods is one of the most popular shopping Ice on the wings sources claim that it is maybe named aer Ben‐ centers in the world and one of the most visited At 21:45 local time, the ship struck its port side • On 17 July, 1996 a Boeing 747-100 jamin Caunt, a famous boxing champion at that attractions in London. It was founded by on the reef. e collision could be heard on crashed into the sea just off the coast Long Is‐ time. Charles Henry Harrod in 1834. e company´s board and resulted in a power outage because lands aer takeoff from JFK Airport in New motto is: “omni, omnibus, ubique” (everything water had flooded the engine room and had de‐ York. 230 people were killed in that tragic acci‐ stroyed the generators and machines. e crew dent. At first it was thought to be a bomb but tried to calm the passengers down and ordered aer a long investigation a short circuit in a fuel them to go to their cabins. By now, the captain tanks was blamed. had lost control over the ship but did not con‐ • On September 2, 1998, Swissair flight 111 tact the harbour for help. Aer the impact, the (a McDonnell Douglas MD-11) crashed on a vessel began listing to starboard. People who flight from New York to Geneva killing 229 witnessed the situation on board described that people. is flight was oen called the U.N bus nothing was well regulated and the crew was as lots of U.N officials used it. e cause was a not trained enough for such an emergency. fire that spread to the cockpit. Screaming passengers who had put their life • In May 25, 2002 China Airlines Flight jackets on ran around, some even jumped off 611 (a Boeing 747-200) broke apart because of the ship. material fatigue. e machine was on the way from Taipei to Hong Kong. 225 people died. At 22:50, the order to evacuate was given and • A recent example is a very bad crash that with the help of lifeboats, helicopters and other happened in San Francisco a short time ago. A ships most of the tourists were rescued. Because Boeing 777, which came from Seoul, had an ac‐ of the capsizing ship, the lowering of the cident at the San Francisco airport on Sunday lifeboat was very difficult. e evacuation lasted July 17, 2013 at 11:07. Two Chinese teenagers the whole night. e next day, rescue divers were thrown out of the plane and died in a cru‐ could only find 50 people who had been miss‐ el way. Furthermore 182 passengers were partly ing. e search for survivors was continued for badly injured. ose people injured were taken e London eye is just opposite e House of Parliament and next to London Aquarium (Source: two days, but without any success. All in all 32 by ambulance to a local hospital. Altogether people died and 64 were badly injured. 305 people were on the Boeing 777. e reason of the plane crash is unclear. e tail of the for everyone, everywhere). In 1849 disaster From 16th – 17th September 2013 the ship was plane was smashed durring the emergency Near of the Big Ben there is the London Eye. struck: e whole building caught fire and righted. e whole mission took 19 hours and landing. e London Eye is a big Ferris wheel from burned down and so it had to be rebuilt. was finished at 4.00 am. e risk of this project which you have a fantastic view of the area. was that the ship could have slipped into deeper Even if plane crashes are very rare, planes still While some travelers say the London Eye is an is is just a short summary of a few important water or could have broken apart. One week af‐ need to be checked more. Before every flight amazing experience, others have said it's really sights of London. ere are many other possi‐ ter the salvage divers found human remains on experts should inspect these planes. scary and not good for people who are afraid of bilities to spend your time in London. deck 4, which could be the last two missing the heights. passengers. e ship will be carried into the harbour next year because there are oen heavy In the London Aquarium there are a lot of dif‐ storms in the winter. e cost is expected to be ferent species of fishes. You can see thousands The finial story 600 million euros. of sea creatures in over 2 million liters of water. In fact it is possible to discover over 500 species of Costa e captain Francesco Schettino, who does not from every part of the world. want to take the responsibility of the accident, Concordia is accused of negligent homicide and leaving Another important sight is the Tower of Lon‐ the ship early, at around 23:30. At this time, don. Construction of the Tower was initiated in Florian Hufnagl there were still lots of passengers on it and 1070 and today it is best known for housing the Francesco Schettino did not obey radio the re‐ Crown Jewels. On 12th January 2012 the Italian cruise ship quest to come back. Costa Concordia, which is part of the ocean Also popular in London is the Tower Bridge carrier “Costa Conciere”, hit a reef near the Ital‐ Aer the catastrophe, fewer people booked a that was built in 1894. Five different contractors ian island Giglio and partially sank. e cruise, especially three days later. But now no‐ and nearly 450 workers were involved in the captain, Francesco Schettino, ordered the evac‐ body seems to be scared and shocked anymore Asiana Airlines Flight 214 that crash landed at construction of the 265 meter long bridge. You uation too late and lost the control over the and these trips are becoming more and more San Francisco International Airport on 6th can go inside the bridge, where you'll have a ship. Altogether 32 people died. 77 Austrians attractive again. July 2013 ( magnificent view over London from the walk‐ were on board. way between the two bridge towers.
6 e Schärding Times - Student Newspaper Arts & Music £31,200, which was well above their estimated time by the way, is characterized by a loud bass Banksy – Critical prices. as well as a strong melody. 2013 #1 Newcomer art that On 13 June 2009, the Banksy vs Bristol Muse‐ In 1920 Boogie-woogie spread all over America - Macklemore um show opened at Bristol City Museum and and at that time house parties started, where encourages Art Gallery, featuring more than 100 works of Boogie pianists played. ey were called: Michael Mayböck art. e reaction to the show was positive, over House-rent parties and worked like this: e thinking 8,500 visitors came to the show on the first occupier of the flat organized some bottles of Macklemore & Ryan Lewis’ ‘e Heist’ Hits weekend. grog. en using money from the people, who platinum and their single ‘ri Shop’ is offi‐ Camilla Auersperg visited the party, the occupier could pay his cially certified 7 times platinum. Banksy’s first film, Exit rough the Gi Shop, rent. e pseudonymous England-based graffiti made its debut at the 2010 Sundance Film Fes‐ Macklemore (Ben Haggerty) is an 30 year old artist, political activist, film director, and tival. e film was released in the UK on 5 Unfortunately in the year 1929 there was the rapper from Seattle, Washington. His and Ryan painter Banksy is a stunning artist, trying to tell March 2010. In January 2011, he was nominat‐ commercial crisis in the USA, which affected Lewis’ most successful song has been the chart us something important with his drawings. ed for the Academy Award for Best Documen‐ the musicians as well. Some lost their job – topping ‘ri Shop’. tary. pubs were closed and therefore they had Some consider his art a blemish on the city, dis‐ nowhere to perform at. Nevertheless aer this Aer this song it was easy to write him off as a regarding the law. Others think he is saying On September 24, over a year since his last crisis (1930-1940) Boogie-woogie became a fa‐ one hit wonder with this funny song about sec‐ something others are too cowardly to say. His work, a new Banksy drawing went up on his mous and popular music style all over the ond-hand shopping. But those who listen to street art combines dark humour with graffiti. website along with the subtitle ‘Better Out an world. Around this time the Boogie-woogie their album ‘e Heist’, must recognize that Such artistic works of political and social com‐ In’. dance was created as well, which is now some‐ Macklemore and his producing partner Ryan times more famous than the music because of Lewis are a serious force to be reckoned with in the wonderful clothes the dancers wear. the music business right now. One of the most famous groups of pianists was ey are a perfect example that if you believe in “e Boogie-woogie trio”, which consisted of yourself, work extremely hard and give yourself Albert totally to something, you can make your Ammons, Mead Lewis and Pete Johnson. In dreams come true and get very rich in the pro‐ 1938 they performed together on stage at a cess. So how did they do this and nevertheless spring concert in the Carnegie hall. Henceforth stay independent? the Boogie-Woogie became well-known all over the world. At the age of 14 Macklemore started writing his own lyrics. In 2005 he met his future producer Switzerland is also fascinated by Boogie-Woo‐ Ryan Lewis and since then the duo have worked gie and since 1977 there has taken place one of together. Unfortunately, as time went on Mack‐ the first events, where young people are able to lemore also developed a serious drug habit. By show their talents by playing the piano. 2008 he landed in rehab to treat his serious ad‐ diction problems. Aer he got clean Mackle‐ Today one young talent is Luca Sestak, who I more and Lewis continued their creative career saw in concert about one month ago. He was and between 2009 and 2011, the duo released born in Germany in 1995 and started playing various of self-produced singles and mixtapes. the piano at the age of seven. Aer two years of ey built up their own little fan base along the practicing he heard about the boogie-woogie west coast. eir big breakthrough finally came “Elephant In e Room”, an old English proverb. (Source:DailyTelecra) music and fell in love with this style. At the age in 2012. of eleven he put some videos on YouTube, mentary have been featured on streets, walls, where he earned a lot of popularity and success. e most exceptionally and admirable fact is: and bridges of cities throughout the world. Ac‐ “Do the Boogie- He has already played at a lot of festivals around ey've done it all without ever signing a record cording to author and graphic designer Tristan the world and in 2010 he recorded his first CD deal! Instead of taking the short money, Mack‐ Manco and the book “Home Sweet Home”, woogie and turn album, which is called “Lost in boogie”. One lemore formed his own company and decided Banksy was born in 1974 and raised in Bristol, year later Luca participated in the biggest Boo‐ to release e Heist on his own. ey keep 70% England. He was the son of a photocopier tech‐ around and that's gie-woogie festival of the world in Laroquebrou of the profits and they've sold 12 million singles nician and was trained as a butcher but later he (France). worldwide. Mackelmore and Ryan Lewis have became involved in graffiti. what it's all literally stuck their finger up at the mainstream Today his program mostly consists of his own music industry. Banksy says he was inspired by 3D, an English about…” - The compositions and interpretations in which he graffiti artist and musician. Banksy displays his expresses his unmistakable style! In his personal life Macklemore has two sib‐ art on public surfaces such as walls. He began History of lings, he became engaged to his girlfriend 2013 as a freehand graffiti artist in 1990–1994. He and is primarily of Irish descent.Macklemore was inspired by local artists and his work was Boogie-woogie processed his life into his music. part of the larger Bristol underground scene with Nick Walker, Inkie and 3D. Banksy's Julia Bamberger So in my opinion when we hear his mixtapes drawings feature humorous images sometimes and albums ‘e Heist’ and ’e Language of combined with slogans. e message is usually „e Boogie-woogie is the best music, that has my World’ we hear his life. For example in anti-war, anti-capitalist or anti-establishment. ever been invented for piano! “, this was a quote many songs ‘Otherside’ he speaks about his Subjects oen include rats, apes, policemen, of Axel Zwingenberger, who is a famous Ger‐ drug addiction and how he got clean and in the soldiers, children, and the elderly. One of man Boogie-Woogie pianist. song ‘Jimmy Lovine’ he describes why they Banksy's works was a live "elephant in a room," didn't go for a major record deal. Macklemore painted in pink and gold, which was intended In general Boogie-woogie is a part of the music is also a supporter of gay rights, including to draw attention to the issue of world poverty. style Blues and comes from the USA, where same-sex marriage and is against homophobia black and white people started to make music as shown in his song ‘Same Love’. Banksy also made artwork displaying Queen together. Musicians, especially pianists around Victoria as a lesbian. Christina Aguilera bought 1900 travelled through America and earned So you can hate on this guy, cause he is a self- the original of Queen Victoria as a lesbian and money by playing the piano. Most of the time Francesco Secchi & Sonja Emch Secchi are the made underground rapper that hit it big with two prints for £25,000. At an auction Banksy the musicians performed in crowded pubs and Boogie Woogie world champions 2013 the catchy ‘rishop’, but he is an independent got over £102,000 for his Bombing Middle Eng‐ so they had to play very loudly, so that the peo‐ ( artist who did it all on his own for many years. land. Two of his other graffiti works, Balloon ple were able to hear the music. Because of that Girl and Bomb Hugger, sold for £37,200 and the Boogie-woogie, it wasn’t called this in that
e Schärding Times - Student Newspaper 7 Tech, Films & Games of entering a passcode. Town, where he meets Donald and Goofy, ey Disney, you see many different characters you The New iPhone 5S finally tell him what’s going on. ‘The Bling Ring‘ may know from Final Fantasy or game worlds As a 4-inch phone the iPhone 5S is smaller than and see characters that you might know from Miriam Lechner Kingdom Hearts all its direct Android and Windows 8 competi‐ Sora starts travelling around with them. Donald Natascha films you Bischof watched in your childhood. All in all, tors, but it’s great in the hand, and more com‐ and Goofy are sent by King Mickey to follow Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite games “The closer you pact than most other phones. Also a new oper‐ the “key”, i.e. Sora and his key blade. On this and By this I just point, cant recommend everybody and it enough their former to you!lin‐ ating system has been developed for this phone journey, they find out that the key blade can gerie model mother knows that Sofia Coppola's get to the light, – the iOS 7. close keyholes, which are the paths used by the FIVE STARS "e Bling Ring"***** is based on a true story. heartless to travel between the worlds. the Conclusiongreater your The movie: Sora and Riku both try to find Kairi, and Riku shadow becomes.” In my opinion the flagship 5S is better than the joins some very bad people, who want to open High school friends Rebecca(Katie Chang) and iPhone 5, because it has improved in some ar‐ the keyhole to the Kingdom Hearts. e King‐ Marc(Israel Broussard) bond over fashion and Sarah eas. Maschik But there are not enough changes! Only a dom Hearts is the source of all hearts, knowl‐ celebrities. When they realize that they can few things like the color, processor and camera. edge and force. Malefiz, leader of this group, break into celebrity houses like that of Paris From Kingdom my point Heartsof isview thethe part of the firstfingerprint sensor King‐ is lies and tells Riku that Sora has found new Hilton and easily steal their belongings, it be‐ dom a littleHearts bit unnecessary series, made however, by Square I still Enix think and it`s friends and Riku turns against him. comes a nightly obsession. Soon, they’re joined e iPhone 5S has some new color variations Disney. the best e phonegame you is can about buy at a the fourteen moment.year old by their friends Nicki(Emma Watson), (Source: boy called Sora, who has to save many different Sora and his new friends get to Hollow Bastion, Sam(Taissa Farmiga) and Chloe(Claire Julian), worlds, because he is master of a mysterious where the great Ansem, a person who was very who are equally impressed by celebrities and Apple’s iPhone is one of the most popular and key blade. e creatures he has to fight against interested in heartless and the darkness, used to their ability to rob them of their belongings. Ul‐ highly anticipated smartphones in the world. are called “the heartless”, and they are destroy‐ live. Malefiz’ headquarter is also there. Riku timately, the ‘Bling Ring’ would get arrested and Apple says the 5S is “the most forward-thinking ing the worlds, so they fade into darkness. steals Sora’s key blade and runs away, Donald jailed for the break-ins and the of nearly three iPhone yet” and “the best smartphone in the and Goofy follow him, because they have to fol‐ million dollars. world.” Whether you love or hate Apple, the low the key. But Sora is very brave and also en‐ original iPhone revolutionised the way we view ters the Bastion. He tells Riku, that the true is movie seems very real, because it shows us and use our phone. e release date for both power of his heart comes from his friends and pieces of the real 21st century. It shows us that phones, the 5S and 5C, was September 20. that he doesn’t need the key blade. In fact, he there is a high number of young people who manages to get the key blade back and Riku es‐ commit crime. Design and Features capes. The ‘real’ Bling Ring: We wanted a bigger screen, an improved cam‐ Aer that, the trio has to fight against Malefiz. era and better battery life. Apple gave us a fin‐ Hereaer, they face a very strange Riku, who is Before Paris Hilton agreed to let Sofia Coppola gerprint sensor, an improved camera, and a obsessed with Ansem. Ansem tells Sora, that film scenes for “e Bling Ring” in her faster processor. Faster is better, especially Kairis Heart is snared in his body and the key‐ mansion, she didn’t know much about how a when battery life doesn't suffer. e iPhone 5, hole of Hollow Bastion, which consists of the group of San Fernando teenagers managed to which launched last year, arrived with a 4-inch hearts from the 7 princesses of hearts, can’t be break into her home four years ago. screen and diamond cut aluminium body. It`s completed without Kairi’s. Sora uses Ansem’s Apple’s way with it`s S phones, the iPhone 5S key blade to set Kairi’s heart free and trans‐ shares the same design. At first glance it looks forms himself in to a heartless. Kairi gets back identical, but there are some changes in the col‐ her heart and with the power of it, she can or options. ere are new color variations now. transform Sora back into a human. Sora, Don‐ e new gold option has been added, while the ald and Goofy follow Ansem once again, to de‐ 'black' is now a lighter 'space grey'. e silver feat his plan of getting to Kingdom Hearts… and white one we have, however, is exactly the same. I really like the game, it has a well-conceived plot and interesting graphics. It’s one of my fa‐ It’s an angular, timeless design – elegant and vorite games, because the storyline well written e Real Bling Ring ( slim. In hand the cut aluminium feels premium and you have many quests to do. e Enemies and solid, but the iPhone 5S is far lighter than Sora, the optimistic but naive hero of our sto‐ are kind of tricky and mostly really hard. e She was questioned by police about the rob‐ most other new phones. ry with his keyblade. (Source worlds are colorful and big, there is so much to beries, she says she never realized that the so- explore. Combined with the music, there is just called Bling Ring had been in her home six e iPhone 5S’ improved camera is probably its At the beginning, Sora has a strange dream, in the right atmosphere. You really connect with times. at was just one of the facts that came biggest selling point. Cameras are becoming the which it is predicted, that there will be some the characters, feel their emotions and experi‐ to light aer she teamed up with Coppola, film‐ most important feature. A double LED flash is special events soon. When he wakes up, he is ence the world with them. For example, Sora is ing a short scene with her in the movie and al‐ next to the camera while on the front the screen back on Destiny Islands, where he and his two this naïve, young boy, who thinks no one will lowing the filmmaker to use her actual home as bezels are slim. A suite of new und useful up‐ friends Kairi and Riku live. e teenagers harm him intentionally. He thinks, there is no a production location. grades make the camera even better than the dream of leaving the islands and discovering evil in the world - probably because he only iPhone 5 ones. e pixels seesms physically big‐ the other worlds. ey make a ra and plan to lived on the islands. “Sofia told me so many things I didn’t know,” ger, but they are the same number as the iPhone leave the next day. And then there is Riku, who opens himself to Hilton, 32, said on the red carpet at the film’s 5`. the darkness and is very pessimistic, he is kind Hollywood premiere on Tuesday evening. “I But that night, suddenly a storm arrives and of the opposite of Sora. ere are many inter‐ didn’t know they tried to take my dog. I didn’t e home button is detailed in a metal ring that Sora tries to save the ra. However hundreds of esting characters like this to discover, so it nev‐ know they were selling my things on Venice provides a useful function, the Touch ID. is heartless appear and the world gets destroyed. er gets boring. Boardwalk.” is Apple's fingerprint sensor, a secret souce of at night, Sora discovered that he is the key I also really like the design of the characters. clever scanning technology that amounts to a blade master. ere are so many details in it and it makes the e Bling Ring (also known as Hollywood Hills home button, that's now both capacitive and Sora and his friends get separated into different characters really lively. Burglar Bunch), were a group of seven clickable. Scanning your finger takes the place worlds. When he wakes up, he is in Traverse Because of the collaboration of Square Enix and teenagers and young adults based in and
8 e Schärding Times - Student Newspaper around Calabasas, California. ey burgled the Titanic: the eater Review homes of several celebrities over a period be‐ lieved to have been between October 2008 to unsinkable ship August 2009. eir activities resulted in the the of about $3 million in cash and Zauner Marlene belongings. Much of the stolen property be‐ longed to Paris Hilton, whose house had been burgled RMS Titanic several wastimes. a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912 aer colliding with an iceberg. Snow White and e sinking of Titanic caused the deaths of more than 1,500 people. e RMS Titanic was the 3 Dwarfs the largest ship afloat (Length: 269m; Height: 53m; Breadth: 28m) at the time it entered ser‐ David Gibbs (Editor) vice. Titanic was the second of three Olympic class ocean liners operated by the White Star Line, and was built by the Harland and Wolff On Friday 30th September 2013, e curtain shipyard in Belfast with omas Andrews as raised on the opening and unfortunately only her naval architect. Andrews was on the ship night of the English Activity Week - Drama e dwarfs return home from the mine e wicked queen practicing her lines during the sinking. On her maiden voyage, she Group 1's adaptation of Snow White. carried 2,224 passengers and the crew. But for all the people, only 20 lifeboats were provided. To a full house the play opened with the Evil e White Star Line decided that only 20 Queen asking her magic mirror just who was lifeboats would be carried, which could accom‐ the prettiest of them all? When she didn't get modate 1,178 people, only one-third of the answer she expected she sends the Hunts- Titanic's total capacity. women off the the forest with her more attrac‐ tive step-daughter Snow White. At 11.40 pm on 14 April (ship's time), lookout Frederick Fleet spotted an iceberg immediately However the Hunts-women is no James Bond ahead of Titanic and alerted the bridge. First and so Snow White escapes and ends up living Officer William Murdoch ordered the ship to with 3 dwarfs in a tiny cottage. Aer some be steered around, but it was too late; the star‐ problems over who drank who's Baunti they board side of Titanic struck the iceberg, creat‐ settle down in to the perfect patchwork family. ing a series of holes below the waterline. When the Queen finds out that her step daugh‐ Five of the ship's watertight compartments were ter is still "Miss Fairy-tale 2013" she sets off to breached. It soon became clear that the ship murder Snow White herself. was doomed, as she could not survive more than four compartments being flooded. Titanic e surprise ending featuring a certain English began sinking. Less than a third of that people Bard reciting King Lear, as well as the Dwarfs on the Titanic survived the disaster. Some sur‐ superb singing made of a great play! vivors died a few days or months aerwards. In 1997 the movie “Titanic” was released by James Cameron, that shows a fictional story on 5 STARS ***** the Titanic. e two chief characters are e full cast and crew of Snow White Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. Alice in Wonderland David Gibbs (Editor) With a tough act to follow aer Snow White, the English Activity Week - Drama Group 2 de‐ cided to not go for a fairy-tale but instead some real literature in the form of Lewis Carroll's 1865 classic - Alice in Wonderland. By combining some characters and shortening chapters, the group cut down the epic book to e sinking of the titanic is still a large part of just 9 scenes while still keeping all the impor‐ popular culture (Source:Fogmoviereviews) tant bits. In between writing all the dialogue and stage directions they also managed to pro‐ On 10 April 1912 Rose DeWitt Bukater duce props to bring the strange world of won‐ (Winslet) and Jack Dawson (DiCaprio) board derland to life. the Titanic, but at this time they don’t know each other. e wealthy 17-year-old Rose e Story follows Alice down the rabbit hole boards with her fiance Cal (Billy Zane) and her and into this bizarre land of talking animals and mother (Frances Fisher) to the maiden voyage e cast of Alice in Wonderland tea parties. Here she meets the Caterpillar and of the Titanic. Rose has to marry Cal against Cheshire Cat. ey eventually lead her to e her will, only because he’s a rich man. On the Mad hatter and here she finds out about her first evening the woman meets the third class quest to kill the Jabberwocky. passenger Jack. Despite their very different so‐ cial status and the completely different lives that e Climax is a fight to the death inside the Red they lead, they fall in love. Jack gives Rose a Queen's castle. Without wanting to ruin the feeling that she missed at Cal. ey decide to go ending, the result of the battle ends in regime to New York together and start a new life. But change in wonderland and everyone living hap‐ then the Titanic collides with an iceberg and pily ever aer. only Rose can survive. All in all a wonderful story that was really well Although the Titanic sank about 100 years ago, written and acted out by the participants! she affects our lives even today. It was an in‐ credible tragedy, 1,514 people lost their lives. Some people still get goose pimples today, if 5 STARS ***** they are thinking back to this day. e Mad Hatter's Tea Party with e Cheshire e Red Queen plays croquet against her sis‐ Cat, e Mad Hatter and Mr. Rabbit ter e White Queen
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