SDLP Manifesto Assembly Elections 2007 - CAIN: Northern Ireland Conflict
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Contents PAGE NUMBER Delivering Real Progress 2 Delivering Key Priorities 3 Delivering for You - Leading & Winning 6 Delivering the Agreement 9 Delivering a United Ireland 10 Delivering Public Services, Investment & Government Reform 11 Delivering Quality Healthcare 14 Delivering Quality Education for All 17 Delivering Economic Growth & Jobs 19 Delivering Investment in Workers & Skills 21 Delivering Safer Communities 23 Delivering Affordable Quality Homes 26 Delivering Social Inclusion 29 Delivering a Sustainable Environment 32 Delivering Balanced Regional Development 34 Delivering for Agricultural & Rural Communities 36 Ag soláthar Acht Gaeilge - Delivering for the Irish Language 39 Delivering Arts & Leisure Opportunities 41 Delivering Equality & Human Rights 42 Delivering a Shared Society 44 Delivering for Victims, Truth & Remembrance 45 Delivering on International Affairs 46 Please note that certain objectives appear under more than one heading to give a complete overview of each topic at a glance SDLP Manifesto Assembly Elections 2007 1
Delivering Real Progress Your Ambitions – Our Agenda The SDLP stands in this election proud of our record and confident of our prospects. We have stood consistently for the Good Friday Agreement’s core principles of a lawful society and an inclusive democracy. The SDLP has held nothing back. We only want to move forward. You deserve better than endless ‘process’ and stop-go politics. You need non-stop progress. The SDLP alone can be trusted to deliver that. The DUP and Sinn Fein want their ambitions for themselves to become the people’s agenda in this election. For the SDLP, people’s best ambitions are our only agenda. Your highest hopes are our driving political purpose. This manifesto outlines the SDLP’s clear, strong policies on issues that really matter to you – including water charges, rates, healthcare, jobs, poverty, education, policing and climate change. It underlines our determination - not just to deliver political progress - but to grow our economy, improve our society and fulfil the promise of a better way to a better Ireland. It sets out our radical proposals for: • Economic growth, social justice, environmental protection and cultural vitality; • Ambitious targets for North South development; • Cohesive plans for joined-up government; • Greater transparency, effectiveness and accountability; • Strong safeguards against ever-higher rates and other unjust charges; and • Imaginative ideas for far-reaching investment and improving public services. The difference between politics not working and a government working for you will be a strong SDLP. Ongoing political uncertainty is not a reason not to vote. It is a reason to vote SDLP. Your vote can make the difference. Use it to deliver real progress. Vote SDLP on Wednesday 7 March. Mark Durkan MP SDLP Leader 2 Let’s Deliver Real Progress
Delivering Key Priorities Delivering the Agreement • Strong long-term protection of Delivering Economic ratepayers’ interests in the form of Growth & Jobs • Stand strong for the Agreement and a revenue regulator; and • Single all-Ireland corporation tax seek the immediate restoration of its democratic institutions of • Two new Assembly Committees regime at 12.5%; Government; that will examine government • Create an all-Ireland Research Fund administrative expenditure as well and an Enterprise Growth Fund; • Keep pressure on all parties to as delivery and performance. respect the commitments at the • Create broadband capacity of heart of the Agreement to an 8Mbps across the North; Delivering Quality Healthcare inclusive and lawful society; and • Cleaner hospitals through improving • Investment in biotechnology and • Seek the Agreement’s full creation of biotechnology council; and monitoring cleaning standards implementation and development, and and integrating hospital cleaning including delivery of commitments back into healthcare management; • Increased provision of workplace in the Agreement and St. Andrews on devolution of policing and • Invest in health promotion, primary based training packages. justice; North/South co-operation; care and tackle health inequalities human rights; equality; to reduce the burden on acute Delivering Safer Communities demilitarisation; a shared future; care; • Work for an all-Ireland sex offenders victims; and the Irish language. register and end automatic 50% • Secure finances to implement the recommendations of the Bamford remission for dangerous offenders; Delivering a United Ireland Review of Mental Health and • Push for Garda secondments to the • Seek the recalling of the Forum for Learning Difficulties; PSNI as well as lateral entry; Peace and Reconciliation; • Ensure access to clinically effective • Creation of North/South bodies on • Engage in outreach with the drugs (where appropriate) for policing and justice including an all- unionist community to persuade treatment of conditions such as Ireland Criminal Assets Bureau and them of the benefits of a United MS, Alzheimer’s disease and an All-Ireland Law Commission; Ireland and reassure them of the Arthritis; and protections that the Agreement • Create an all-Ireland Public Safety • Improved access to NHS dentistry Body; offers them in it; and services across the North. • Seek a referendum on a United • Harmonisation of road safety Ireland when the Agreement’s Delivering Quality Education measures on the island; and institutions are operating stably and for All • Better measures to tackle anti- campaign vigorously for a yes vote. • The right for children to have a wide social behaviour, including penalty ranging education; notices. Delivering Public Services, Investment & Government • An end to academic selection by Reform opposing the use of pupil profiles and Computer Adaptive Testing as • A fairer rates system based on a method of selection; ability to pay; • Effective implementation of the • Strategic capital expenditure and Special Educational Needs Order; Service, Community & Enterprise all-Ireland funds; • Promote the introduction of modern languages at primary school; and • Joined-up government across all departments; • Investment in early years education. SDLP Manifesto Assembly Elections 2007 3
Delivering Investment in Delivering Social Inclusion Delivering Balanced Regional Workers & Skills Development • Further development of the • Campaign for a regional Pension Anti-Poverty Strategy to ensure • Legislate for decentralisation of Protection Fund; adequate oversight, dedicated government functions and agencies resources and realistic targets; including at least 2000 jobs to • Cross-departmental strategy to towns across the North, targeting augment protection and awareness • Address the shortage of available, areas with high unemployment; of the rights of migrant workers; affordable and quality childcare; • Create a new all-Ireland transport • Widen access to Higher Education • Work to eradicate child poverty by and infrastructure body; through additional core funding 2020; and packages for families on low • Develop a plan to convert public • Implement the Money & Debt incomes; transport to operate on bio-fuels; Advice strategy. • Eradicate adult illiteracy and • Secure major capital investment for innumeracy by 2015; and Delivering a Sustainable the Belfast-Derry rail line; and Environment • Create an all-Island Research • Develop a light rail system for the Alliance. • Introduce stronger targets on Belfast Metropolitan area. emissions with year on year Delivering Affordable Quality reductions so that emissions will be Delivering for Agricultural & Homes 20% below 1990 levels by 2010; Rural Communities • Explore proposals for a ‘use it or • Establish an All-Ireland Independent • Complete an all-Ireland Animal lose it’ policy on lands zoned for Environmental Protection Agency; Health Strategy; development; • Campaign for the immediate • Develop an all-Ireland strategy for • Increase the upper limit threshold in cessation of Mox production at the reform of the Common Fisheries the Co-ownership Scheme; Sellafield; Policy; • Release more land for social • Introduce marine legislation that will • Work for a fairer rates relief package housing from the government land address the issues of pollution and for agricultural properties; bank; and habitat protection; and • Replace PPS 14 with a system that • Address differentials between the • Annual publication of a State of the is fair to rural communities and two main communities in waiting Environment report. cherishes the environment; and times for public housing. • Develop a cross-cutting Rural White Paper to focus on the promotion of economic regeneration and social inclusion. 4 Let’s Deliver Real Progress
Delivering A Shared Society Delivering for Victims, Truth & Delivering on International Remembrance Affairs • Increased shared spaces and more mixed estates; • An over-arching victims strategy; • Lobby for full implementation of the G8 commitments to increase • The prevention of sectarian or • A victim centred Truth Body to volume, quality and effectiveness national flags flying on public direct the process of truth and of aid; property; remembrance for all victims, compile a register of victims and re- • Increase the number of Fair Trade • A strategy against hate crime for open police files at the request of towns and cities across the North; the criminal justice system; and victims’ families; • Reverse the decision to export • New powers for the Community • Well resourced and unimpeded refugees and asylum seekers to Relations Council to support the inquiries; and Scotland; and Good Relations work of local government. • Paramilitary assets to be used to • Campaign against the use of our fund victims’ families compensation. airports to facilitate Extraordinary Delivering Equality & Human Rendition. Rights Ag soláthar Acht Gaeilge - • Deliver the Single Equality Bill to Delivering for the Irish harmonise protection against Language discrimination and guarantee • Tacaíonn an SDLP le Acht Ghaeilge equality for all groups; atá cuimsitheach, bunaithe ar chur chuige cheartasach a dhéanfaidh • Deliver effective rights protection of teanga oifigiúil den Ghaeilge agus a our young particularly in the area of bhronnfaidh cearta fiúntacha ar mental health; chainteoirí na teanga i réimsí • A comprehensive Bill of Rights for éagsúla – na hinstitiúidi polaitiúla, Northern Ireland; and an rialtas áitiuil, riar na córa, an • Eliminate the differential in tOideachas, agus na meáin unemployment rates between chumarsáide ina measc. the two communities by 2012. • Support a comprehensive Irish Language Act founded on a rights based approach which will make Irish an official language and afford worthwhile rights to Irish speakers in various aspects of public life including: the political institutions, local government, the justice system, education, and the media. SDLP Manifesto Assembly Elections 2007 5
Delivering for You - Leading & Winning At the time of the Westminster Winning on Delivering elections, the SDLP asked voters to make us stronger to North South on policing help us deliver our vision of a The SDLP is convinced that this island The SDLP has always argued that the better way to a better Ireland. can be transformed through North best way of delivering Patten was by South cooperation to the benefit of getting on the Policing Board. Recent Since then, we have worked to nationalists and unionists alike. moves by other parties have vindicated deliver on what we were elected our position. to do. At the time of the last election, we were gravely concerned that the North South While others stood on the sidelines, the Although we have been held back by suspension from taking agenda was on go slow due to SDLP has been delivering Patten. As forward our plans on all suspension. Other parties were doing the report of the independent Oversight important bread and butter little to challenge this – for example, the Commissioner shows, over 86% of issues, we have nonetheless Sinn Fein/DUP Comprehensive Patten has been delivered in only year succeeded in delivering on key Agreement did not offer a single extra five of Patten’s ten year programme of planks of our agenda. area for North South cooperation or change. As he has also found, the implementation. Police, Policing Board and Police The SDLP has been: Ombudsman have done what was That’s why we launched our asked of them. • Winning on the North South agenda; North South Makes Sense campaign. • Delivering on policing; That campaign has done much Our achievements include: • Exposing the truth on to get the North South agenda • Collusion exposed - because the water charges; moving again. As a result: SDLP insisted that the Office of the • Plans for all-Ireland free travel for Police Ombudsman have the power • Defending the Agreement; older people are now underway; to investigate the past; • Leading the campaign against MI5; • The South is now investing • Special Branch dismantled and • Holding out for power-sharing; unprecedented money in the replaced by police intelligence North’s infrastructure through the structures that “meet the best • Safeguarding human rights; National Development Plan; practice requirements of any police • Preventing cover ups; force in the world” according to the • The two Governments are working Oversight Commissioner; • Winning the argument on guns; and on developing proposals on North • Keeping pressure on loyalist South funds; and • Catholic levels in the regular police paramilitaries. now over 21% - and rising; and • The Single Electricity Market is due to open later this year. • “More accountability than any “The words which come quickest to police agency that I am aware of” mind when writing about the SDLP Most importantly, it is now accepted in the words of Kathy O’Toole, are decency, courage and tenacity… that the North South agenda has to Patten Commission member. Over the long barren years when continue on whether or not we achieve there was little hope, or little to devolution by 26 March. And we are working to deliver more - hope for, the SDLP kept faith with like the new police college, accessible its democratic message… And in The SDLP will continue to lead the police stations and faster police Drapier’s view, that endurance is campaign on North South and work in response times. going to see it through the next particular to deliver the rich rewards of 30 years as well. ” an all-Ireland economy. Drapier, Irish Times 6 Let’s Deliver Real Progress
Exposing the truth That is why we have stood by the We have exposed their dangerous lack Agreement – and opposed attempts by of accountability and the way that they on water charges others to weaken its protections. will be able to operate beyond the The SDLP has led the campaign It is also why we opposed the flawed scrutiny of the Police Ombudsman. against water charges and exposed Comprehensive Agreement negotiated the truth about the direct rule by the DUP and Sinn Fein in 2004. At We will continue to oppose the MI5 administration’s plans. For example, St Andrews we succeeded in undoing takeover and campaign for the Police the direct rulers denied that there a lot of the damage done by that deal. Ombudsman to be able to investigate would be privatisation. The SDLP For example: wrongdoing by MI5 in the North. exposed the truth: that the Treasury • We have defended inclusion – and was pressing for “greater private sector 1 ensured the abandonment of the participation.” Comprehensive Agreement’s Holding out for The SDLP has also exposed the truth proposal for a new form of power-sharing automatic exclusion. about the level of water charges. The SDLP has stood strong for power- Contrary to British Government • We have ensured that DUP sharing at local government level – and assurances, limits on water charges ministers cannot veto who ministers opposed plans that could lead to the through an affordability tariff are only are – something that was conceded dominance of any one community over planned until 2010. to them in the Comprehensive the other. Agreement. The SDLP opposed water charges in Unlike Sinn Fein, we rejected the seven Westminster and will continue to do so • We have cut out much red tape council model – which we argued was in the Assembly. on North South that was also bad for minorities and bad for power- conceded to the DUP in the sharing. We did not make the mistake Comprehensive Agreement. of presuming that the seven council “The SDLP have shown leadership and courage for many years and • Above all, we have ensured a model would ensure a 25% minority in continue to do so to this day.” sunset clause – so that the DUP every council area and power-sharing. Pat Rabbitte TD, Labour Party Leader will not get any of the changes November 2005 conceded by others to the There are two simple reasons for this. workings of the Agreement if First, the seven council model does not they do not go into Government ensure a minimum 25% minority in Defending the by 26 March 2007. many council areas. In some, the Agreement nationalist minority would be well under The SDLP will continue to defend the 20%. Second, the British Government The SDLP believes that the Good Good Friday Agreement – and work for has not even given a commitment that Friday Agreement offers nationalists the restoration of its democratic there would be power-sharing even and unionists alike the chance to work institutions of government. where there is a 25% minority. together as partners and as equals. The SDLP will continue to hold the line We do not believe that there is anything wrong with the Agreement. All that is Leading the for real power-sharing, equality and partnership in local government. wrong is that too often parties have campaign failed to honour it. against MI5 The SDLP has been leading the campaign against British Government plans for MI5 to take over primacy for intelligence policing in the North. We have told the truth about MI5. 1 Civil Service Memorandum revealed in the Water Service Judicial Review SDLP Manifesto Assembly Elections 2007 7
Safeguarding human Winning the Keeping the rights and opposing argument pressure on loyalist paramilitary on guns paramilitaries vigilantes Some said that IRA decommissioning While IRA decommissioning marks a The SDLP is for restorative justice. But could never happen, would never major step forward, the SDLP remains we made clear that the Government’s happen and should never happen. concerned at the failure of loyalists to plans in December 2005 did not go far decommission or end their activity. enough – and risked creating state paid The SDLP pointed out that the paramilitary vigilantes. Agreement said that it must happen. We were the only party to object to We also argued that the failure to the Northern Ireland (Offences) Bill We forced David Hanson to admit that decommission was only giving anti- which would have let loyalists avoid the Government had “got it wrong” and Agreement unionists the excuse that both truth and justice without having bring forward revised proposals. they needed to hold back change. Our decommissioned a single bullet argument won out. Decommissioning or ended their drug dealing Those revised proposals, though happened. And the reason given? and intimidation. improved, still do not go far enough – Because the failure to decommission and we are still working to ensure that was being used to hold back change. We were also the only major party to people are protected from rough justice put pressure on the Secretary of State and paramilitary control. to declare the UVF ceasefire over – “…I believe that the pivotal role of the SDLP in courageously opening after they had murdered no less than political dialogue with the four people. Preventing republican movement must not be cast aside. Both governments need The SDLP will keep the pressure on cover ups to recommit themselves to the loyalist paramilitaries to wind up their The SDLP succeeded in getting the inclusive, all-party, transparent activity and destroy their weapons. British Government to withdraw the model of negotiations envisaged Northern Ireland (Offences) Bill. by the Good Friday Agreement.” Equally, we will continue to insist that so called “dissident republicans” Enda Kenny TD, Fine Gael Leader That Bill would have allowed loyalist, 18 October 2006 respect the will of all the people of state and republican killers alike to Ireland by ceasing all activity and avoid not only jail but even truth or decommissioning all weapons. the discomfort of having to look their victims in the eye. The SDLP exposed the dirty deal done by Sinn Fein and the British Government to cover up the past and forced the withdrawal of the Bill. We will continue to seek a better deal for victims and oppose cover ups of the past. 8 Let’s Deliver Real Progress
Delivering the Agreement The SDLP is determined to • ensured that the power of DUP • Keep pressure on all paramilitary deliver all of the Good Friday ministers to veto who other groups to decommission all their Agreement. Because we ministers could be has been weapons and end all activity – believe in each and every one scrapped; including loyalists and dissident of its key principles. And republicans. because, as a truly republican • got much red tape on the North party, we stand by the will of South agenda removed; • Seek the implementation of the the Irish people, North and SDLP’s North South Makes Sense • Above all, we have ensured a South, who voted for it. proposals. sunset clause – so that the DUP will not get any of the changes • Continue to undo the damage The SDLP is the only party to have conceded by others to the of the flawed SF/DUP worked all the Agreement’s institutions workings of the Agreement if they “Comprehensive Agreement.” – and a strong SDLP is essential to do not go into Government by 26 get the Agreement working. Left to • Seek the removal of the DUP’s March 2007. veto on the devolution of justice themselves, other parties just conceded by Sinn Fein in the cannot deliver. But there is more work to do: “Comprehensive Agreement” and legislated for by the At the time of the Westminster The SDLP will: British Government in the NI elections we promised to defend the • Stand strong for the Good Friday (Miscellaneous Provisions) Agreement and keep on pressure to Agreement and seek the Act 2006. get its democratic institutions of immediate restoration of government restored. That is what we • Stand for good government and its democratic institutions have done – especially at St Andrews. continue to oppose the DUP of Government. proposals that would cause • Keep pressure on all parties to gridlock, deadlock and allow tit for “Recent statements by Mark respect the commitments at the tat vetoes by different ministers. Durkan…have revealed him as a heart of the Agreement to an politician who is both surefooted • Ensure repeal of the Suspension inclusive democracy and a and determined. He will not easily Act and an end to stop-go politics. lawful society. be forced to abandon the Good Friday Agreement gains." • Seek the Agreement’s full • Seek new partnership implementation and development, arrangements between the British November 26 2002 including delivery of commitments and Irish Governments in the event in the Agreement and St Andrews that we do not secure restoration We have kept the pressure on the on: by 26 March 2007, while still problem parties to live up to the two working for restoration. - devolution of policing key principles at the heart of the Good • Oppose attempts by others to allow and justice; Friday Agreement: an inclusive the Assembly to continue past 26 - North/South co-operation; democracy and a lawful society. March 2007 if we do not achieve - human rights; - equality; restoration. And we have succeeded in undoing a - demilitarisation; lot of the damage done to the Good - a shared future; “[I]n the eyes of his party and Friday Agreement by the flawed Sinn - victims; and many bystanders, the SDLP Fein/DUP Comprehensive Agreement - the Irish language; leader has every right to call of 2004. For example, we have: himself the Agreement's champion.” • defended the right of all parties to Fionnuala O’Connor, Irish Times sit in the Executive in accordance Friday 8 October 2004 with their democratic mandate; SDLP Manifesto Assembly Elections 2007 9
Delivering a United Ireland The SDLP believes in a United Achieving a majority for Irish unity any Ireland. And we are the only time soon will require the persuasion of party with the vision, the standing some unionists. It will also require the and the strategy to deliver unity. reassurance of many others. Because we have always stood for peace and We believe that all the rights, partnership, only the SDLP can protections, and inclusion that persuade a majority in the North in nationalists have sought within favour of unity - just as we persuaded a Northern Ireland while it is in the United Kingdom, must equally majority of the North in favour of the be guaranteed to unionists Good Friday Agreement. within a United Ireland. That is why only the SDLP can deliver a So our vision of a United Ireland United Ireland. is based on equality. We are emphatic that unity must not Working towards a united be about the entrapment of a Ireland the SDLP will: new minority. • Seek the recalling of the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation. At the That is right in principle - since in a last Forum, Sinn Féin would not United Ireland we will still need to find a sign up to the emerging consensus way of sharing our society as equals on how unity could be achieved. At every bit as much as we do today - this Forum we will seek the and that is what the Agreement is all Agreement of all parties to our about. vision of and strategy for unity. It is also right in practice. The best • Engage in outreach with the context for holding and winning a unionist community to persuade referendum is when it is clear that the them of the merits of a United Agreement is fully bedded down and Ireland and reassure them of the that all its protections will continue protections that the Agreement regardless of the referendum’s offers them in it. outcome. A majority is most likely to • Seek a referendum on a United vote for a United Ireland when Ireland when the Agreement’s reassured that it is neither a vote institutions are operating stably and against the Agreement nor a vote for campaign vigorously in favour of a constitutional uncertainty. yes vote. ‘In a United Ireland we will still need to find a way of sharing our society as equals every bit as much as we do today - and that is what the Agreement is all about.’ 10 Let’s Deliver Real Progress
Delivering Public Services, Investment & Government Reform Reforming SDLP Goals: • Legislate to require decentralisation Social Partnership Approach of government functions and Government agencies including at least 2,000 • Ensure that an integrated approach is adopted with regard to the jobs to towns across the North Under direct rule, little has been implementation of cross-cutting within the next 5 years, targeting done to tackle the legacy of under- investment in infrastructure, strategies. areas of high unemployment in healthcare and our schools. In fact, order to secure balanced regional in many cases the situation has • Reshape the Programme for development (see also Regional worsened. In the last year Education Government, working with Development section). and Library Boards have received businesses, trade unions and the significantly less funding, hurting the voluntary sector on a basis of real • Utilise the leverage of children whose futures we should be social partnership to agree a five government spending through investing in. criteria for awarding government year programme of priorities for Government for the people of contracts, to achieve equality and The SDLP has pioneered the the region. environmental targets as well as advantages of an all-island approach to issues such as infrastructure, economic regeneration. • Reform the role and broaden economy, health and education. The recently published National membership of the Strategic Local Government Reform Development Plan provides further Investment Board to include detail of the benefits of a co- • Secure a legal requirement for unions and voluntary sector groups ordinated approach. The NDP sets power-sharing, ensuring cross to ensure longer-term, robust out a major proposed framework for community protection in decision making. all-island co-operation with representation and decision significant Irish Government • Work to ensure that services making. investment in North/South projects currently dependent on EU funds, and initiatives for the mutual benefit that reflect the priorities agreed by • Continue to oppose the seven of all on the island. Many of the council model announced in the social partners, are in future initiatives announced in the NDP Review of Public Administration. reflect policies from our North South supported by new mainstream recurrent expenditure. The proposed structures will lead to Makes Sense campaign – a result of the creation of super-councils that our intensive lobbying of • Pool transferable benefits that have an insufficient rates base to Government Ministers and Oireachteas committees. have been acquired through civil sustain them. The SDLP will work service and elected representatives’ to secure a model that ensures travel and redistribute them to effective local representation, value For four and a half years the population charities (e.g. air miles). for money, equality of opportunity of Northern Ireland has been living in the limbo of direct rule. This has meant and quality services for rate payers. Reforming Government that a new Executive will face many • Reform the delivery of public immediate challenges such as • Spend less on bureaucracy and services, creating opportunities for investment in infrastructure and people, more on front line services (roads, local ownership and delivery. For ensuring sustainable governance and nurses, schools etc.) The SDLP example, councils, voluntary bodies meeting our commitments on climate has proposals to introduce the or new partnerships could be change. The SDLP is committed to permanent scrutiny of government invited to bid for central government securing better services not only for performance in meeting set targets, funds to deliver services locally. today’s generation but also for future and government spending on generations. We want to reverse the department’s running costs rather years of decline by reshaping than on services. The SDLP will government and rebuilding public strive to improve public services; investing in a future that accountability, transparency and we all deserve. efficiency throughout government. SDLP Manifesto Assembly Elections 2007 11
Investing in Public Services Revenue Regulator This independent office would be a & Infrastructure watchdog against excessive rates People are rightly aggrieved by the big increases and other charges being • Reconfigure the Strategic rates increases imposed in recent years levied on householders and Investment Board (see also Social and the impact of water charges to businesses. It would effectively have Partnership) to enhance the come. “stop and search” powers on plans professional expertise available in and actions by regional and central considering funding options for all Ratepayers – both householders and government that are imposing costs public-led investment projects. businesses – have cause to worry on ratepayers. It will have power to about even more excessive demands investigate and cap not just specific • Release under-utilised public being made on them in the future. charges by the Assembly, departments land and assets and secure the further release of military bases to • The Treasury will be pressing the or Councils but their cumulative impact generate economic and social Assembly for higher rates and will on households and businesses. dividends for the whole community. put the squeeze on reliefs including the “affordability tariff” introduced In the role of “Payers’ Champion” this • Establish new ‘not for profit’ models for water. office would work with the Consumer for investment in the development of Council to ensure that people are only better public services. • The RPA’s purported savings are asked for a fair contribution for good unlikely to be realised, the new • Following the launch of the NDP services. It would also work with the councils might not get the extra ensure that a number of all-island Audit Office resources to match their new funds are created including: responsibilities and some councils - to encourage cost restraint - Strategic Capital Funds to will have much weaker rates bases within local and regional support infrastructure and all adding up to “Super-Rates Bills” government; capital spending. Our proposals from the Super-Councils. - to improve transparency and would require each jurisdiction to • The Policing Precept is designed to reliability of estimates with rates contribute to dedicated North- impose another band of rates on or other revenue implications; and South funds for part of such top of everything else. - to ensure justification for any spending, taking account of regional imbalance. The funds • Future revaluations could be used revenue demands or other would be deployed through joint to hugely increase the rates yield charges by regional or local planning and spending to rather than just redistribute the government. achieve shared benefits. The existing burden. funds would be similar to the The SDLP proposes that this office will Executive Programme Fund, but The SDLP promises to guard against also review the equity and efficacy of on an island-wide basis. all these factors in the Assembly, the relief measures. Executive and in Councils. But we - Services, Community & As an independent office it would are also offering strong, long-term Enterprise Funds for prepare reports for the Assembly protection of ratepayers’ interests in the programmes and services including one during the budget cycle. form of a Revenue Regulator. rather than capital investment In order to give Assembly weight to its which will help counter the work we envisage the office engaging decline in European funding. with a dedicated Assembly Committee • Promote greater co-operation and modelled on the Public Accounts information exchange between the Committee or, given its close work with Comptrollers and Auditiors general on the Audit Office, the PAC itself. the island, with a view to public services in each jurisdiction given the similarity of challenges faced in delivering effiency in services North and South. 12 Let’s Deliver Real Progress
Policing Precept • Oppose any plans to privatise Rates the water service; The SDLP is opposed to the The SDLP has clear concerns about the introduction of a policing precept • Modernise the water service new rating system and in the Assembly and would fully expect central and improve water quality; will work to secure: government to continue to meet its • Review other options for the status • A fairer system which is based on obligations to cover the costs of and structure of the Water ability to pay; implementing the Patten reforms, which Service including mutualisation; are so central to political progress and • Provide relief for students in the the future stability of Northern Ireland. • Upgrade the sewage system to form of student financial support The SDLP stress that a key issue in meet EU and modern packages rather than provide relief the devolution in justice and policing environmental standards; and to landlords; will be the adequacy of the budget • Develop a modern and • Lobby for extra finances for the transfer from the NIO to the streamlined procurement process support package for older people Assembly. The Treasury will try to for all major capital and structural with particular attention to single short-change Northern Ireland and maintenance contracts in order to pensioner households; force the Assembly to levy a heavy ensure increased accountability and policing precept on the rates. The • The extension of transitional relief transparency, providing better value SDLP has been the most vocal party beyond the three years if the rating for the public. against this future risk to ratepayers. system has not been reviewed by THE SDLP WILL CONTINUE then; Water TO OPPOSE SEPARATE WATER • Disability relief that is not The failure of other parties to agree has CHARGES AND WILL RESIST dependent on home adaptations; allowed direct rulers the opportunity to PRESSURES FOR PRIVATISATION push through the Treasury agenda of OF THE WATER SERVICE • A revenue regulator to act as a introducing water charges. The SDLP ‘ratepayer’s champion (see above); has been consistent in its opposition • A transparency mechanism to to new water charges as we already monitor where savings are being pay for water through our rates and we achieved e.g. the Audit Office should not be forced to pay twice. In overseeing the Review of Public the short term we will do what we can Administration; and to reverse the damage that this legislation has caused and the way • Create two high-powered that this new company has been Assembly committees styled on established. Such an obligation would the cross-cutting Public Accounts require the same commitment and Committee. One to challenge clarity from other parties. In the long departments on the cost of term the SDLP will mitigate against governmental administrative privatisation of our Water Service. expenditure and one to focus on policy delivery and performance. • Within the next Assembly scrutinise and review the water reform process in terms of fairness, affordability and sustainability, with a view to legislating for restoration of the transparent link between rates and water, for which the Barnett formula does not make provision; SDLP Manifesto Assembly Elections 2007 13
Delivering Quality Healthcare The Review of Public SDLP Goals: Health Inequalities Administration is a big Investment The SDLP acknowledges that our challenge to Northern Ireland’s public services and throughout • The SDLP is committed to ensuring health is affected by a series of wider the review speculation and a well-resourced health service determinants such as environment, expectation have been high. where money is spent more education and poverty. This provides an opportunity efficiently and effectively. • Improve the health of those worst- to reshape Northern Ireland’s • Dedicate additional resources into off in society by widening access public services in the best prevention and treatment of cancer, to services in schools, workplaces interests of the patient. heart disease, stroke and and the community. respiratory disease, among We must ensure that the 5 • Co-ordinate approaches from the largest causes of mortality Health Trusts relate effectively the Department of Health Social in Northern Ireland. to the relevant council areas Services & Public Safety and the and we must ensure that all Office of First Minister & Deputy Review of Public service users have equal First Minister and other relevant Administration access to their appropriate departments to ensure action on trust. It is evident that mixing • Use the RPA to cut bureaucracy anti-poverty measures that will public and private health care and ensure that all savings are help reduce health inequalities. undermines the National Health directed to front line services and Service. Everyone has a right to • Support community development tackling waiting lists. the best health care under the approaches and professional National Health Service. While Waiting Lists networks involving people working people have the right to choose in nursing, environmental health and private health care we must • Priority must be given to cutting health promotion north and south of ensure that it is not at the waiting lists. We need firm limits the border that will meet local expense of the NHS. for waiting times in every speciality health needs, improve people’s with investment in diagnostic health and tackle health inequalities. The SDLP is committed to a well- equipment and staff. resourced National Health Service, Primary Care with excellent and efficient healthcare, Health Promotion • Over 90% of the care we receive is delivered free at the point of need • The SDLP views a positive health delivered at primary level in the without reference to ability to pay. agenda as key to reducing demand community through GPs and other It is imperative that the RPA delivers on our health service. We need to allied professionals. The SDLP will organisational change that will improve tackle challenging lifestyles by work to secure a well-resourced the quality and speed of patients’ care. encouraging people to adopt primary care-led service delivered The benefits of better organisation in healthier lifestyle choices e.g. stop through real partnership between our hospitals could be seen most smoking, reduce alcohol GPs and other health workers in clearly in more available beds, more consumption, eat a better diet and order to reduce demands on acute efficient A&E departments and more exercise more. We support groups like services. appropriate staff in frontline services. the Healthy Living Centres who are getting this message through to hard Within an island of 6 million people it to reach groups in the community. makes sense to share expertise and equipment. The SDLP is committed to improved cross border arrangements regarding acute hospitals and GP out of hours services. 14 Let’s Deliver Real Progress
Hospitals Access to Services Mental Health • Co-ordinated strategy that will • Principles of equality and rural The SDLP believes that good mental enable hospital staff and other proofing must be adhered to so health is imperative to an individual’s health care workers to work in an local hospitals across the North will general well being. environment free from fear of deliver consistently high quality • Provide the necessary funds attack. health care. In all rural areas it is to implement in full the essential to have the retention of • Recruit and retain staff as required recommendations of the Bamford the ability to assess trauma and encourage modern, flexible Review of Mental Health and patients and stabilise them before work practices that will keep Learning Disabilities and the they are safely transported to the personnel working in the NHS. Suicide Prevention Strategy, trauma centre. addressing the chronic lack of child • Provide additional care packages, • Given the poor road infrastructure in and adult mental health services as step down care and the expansion some rural areas it is vital to have a a matter of urgency of rehabilitation services to ensure fully resourced ambulance service that people regain their • Advance island wide co-operation with adequate paramedic and independence after a hospital stay. in mental health services technician provision. providing better services for adult • Better management and simple • Ensure the delivery of services for and child psychiatry. changes in working practice to at risk, hard to reach and isolated ensure major improvements in bed • Develop an all-Ireland approach, groups and communities e.g. the availability by tackling inappropriate which would include an all Ireland delivery of tailored men’s health admissions, and poor anticipation of Forum on Mental Health, to programmes. Primary care services need e.g. in a winter crisis. suicide prevention, co-ordinating are especially important in rural approaches and resources to areas from the GP service to the reduce the alarming number of community groups e.g. NI Rural Healthcare Acquired Infection suicides on the island. Women’s Network. It is totally unacceptable that vulnerable • Ensure that local needs are Nursing and Personal Care for ill people go into hospital with the hope addressed while providing Older People of getting better, but pick up a consistently high quality care. preventable infectious disease that It is unacceptable that certain Older people should receive high contributes to further ill health. treatments and clinical drugs are quality health care and support which • Improve basic hygiene and available in some trust areas and should be free at the point of use. cleaning standards which will be not in others. • During devolution the SDLP constantly monitored. • Wider access to National Health secured funds to introduce free • Provide highly visible hand Service dentistry in all areas and nursing care; the SDLP continues washing facilities on hospital increased training places for dental to support the Royal Commission wards for patients, staff and visitors. hygienists and nurses as well as an proposals on free personal care improved working environment for and will continue to work towards • Integrate hygiene and cleaning dental care staff in the NHS. this goal. services back into hospital management and explore new ways of fighting healthcare-acquired infection such as MRSA. • Even though the occupancy bed ‘The SDLP is committed to a well-resourced turnover is increasing rapidly there needs to be strict adherence to National Health Service, with excellent and efficient hygiene standards. healthcare, delivered free at the point of need.’ SDLP Manifesto Assembly Elections 2007 15
Access to Clinically Disability Effective Drugs • Provide a co-ordinated cross • Work to ensure access to departmental approach so that clinically effective drugs (when people with physical and mental appropriate) that enhance quality of health issues have all the resources life, particularly in relation to they require to lead a full and conditions such as Alzheimer’s satisfying life. disease, Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis. Autism • Develop a strategy for these The SDLP believes that early conditions so people with these intervention and early diagnosis is key illnesses can identify the key in dealing with this developmental elements that they should be able to disability. expect from their health service. • Ensure that a comprehensive cross-departmental strategy is Valuing Carers implemented to secure the security • Increased support for carers with and human rights of people with greater access to advocacy and autism. information services Tackling Drug and • Access to suitable respite Alcohol Addiction provision for the individual being cared for. Increasing usage of alcohol and drug addiction cause major problems for our • Provision of services that promote society. good health and reduce the negative impact of caring on carers’ • Secure additional resources for health. the implementation of the Drug and Alcohol strategies and adequately resource public awareness campaigns on binge drinking. 16 Let’s Deliver Real Progress
Delivering Quality Education for All The present time is one of SDLP Goals: Acknowledging Special Needs uncertainty in which politics Education Reform • Ensure effective implementation and political bargaining are of the Special Educational Needs threatening to take priority over • Implement the findings of the our children’s future. The SDLP Order to enable children with a Costello Report affording all supports positive education disability to attend mainstream children the right to unrestrained reforms but will protect schools secondary, primary and pre-schools access to wide ranging education and communities from arbitrary if desired. and not be stigmatised by early school closures. The education experiences of rejection. • Oppose cuts in education system is under immense spending that would see a pressure with declining pupil • Invest in educational reforms that reduction in funding for SEN numbers and post primary will develop well-balanced and services rather than an increase as arrangements. highly skilled citizens of the future. experienced in England and Wales. • Ensure the end of academic The bureaucracy involved in The SDLP views a high quality selection by opposing efforts to securing SEN should be cut, not education as a human right. use new pupil profiles and the funding of services. Schools should be allowed to Computer Adaptive Testing as retain their ethos, whether that • Support the development of academic selection by the back be state, integrated or faith- increased teacher-training and door and ensure profiles are based and the SDLP supports classroom support in mainstream the right of parents to choose designed to achieve their objective schools to ensure that the what environment their child is to help parents make an informed enrolment of children with a educated within. decision about their child’s disability works in the interests of educational future. child, teacher and other pupils. We want to deliver an agenda for • Develop all-ability, co-educational progress which is transparent and • Support the introduction of an school system based on the gives confidence to parents and Autism Act for Northern Ireland availability of a common curriculum to help ensure that children with teachers about the shape of the and a wide spectrum of choice suited autism spectrum disorders receive post-primary education system. to each pupil’s particular needs. the services they need throughout We brought this debate to the heart • Replace A-Levels with a broader life. Also, advance the opening of of Westminster. Post-16 curriculum that would the Centre of Excellence for Autism offer all young people wider career at Middletown in County Armagh. The SDLP has a proven track record options and life pathway choices. on education. Our engagement with • Invest in improved services for teachers unions and parents • Develop an agreed future young adults with learning associations has given voice to those Sustainable Schools’ Policy disabilities (post 19), to connect most informed about the pressures through collaboration between the health and employment with and potential for progress in today’s Minister for Education and training provision and making better education system. education providers, which serves use of existing facilities. the community and upholds parental choice with attention to the Bain Independent Strategic Review of Education. • Invest in a safe and comprehensive school transport system that will provide for equal rights to ‘home to school transport’ for all pupils particularly those in rural areas. SDLP Manifesto Assembly Elections 2007 17
Investing in Early Years • Ensure the effective implementation Supporting the profession, & Primary Education of a schools’ policy to support managing change ethnic-minority children who have • Invest in and develop integrated • Invest in support for teachers, English as an additional language to early years care for 0-6 year olds prioritising health and well-being ensure that all children reach their incorporating the complete range of issues for our teaching full developmental potential. services including breakfast clubs, professionals through effective educational provision, child care implementation of the Curran Irish Medium Education and after school clubs, 2 years Report Part II proposals for funded pre-school access for those • Build on commitments in the Good improved working conditions. who need it and investment in Friday Agreement to Irish Medium • Secure fair pay for teaching Children’s Centres as a means of (IM) Education through the professionals by restoring pay tackling child poverty and establishment of a 10 year parity with England and Wales and disadvantage. development fund. seek the inclusion of Northern • Implement the Foundation Stage • Increase funding for the Comhairle Ireland in the terms of the legislation Primary Curriculum and the Play na Gaelscolaíochta to support protecting teachers in cases of false Policy for Northern Ireland parents to develop IM Education allegations. alongside a strategy to create through preschool, primary and • Increase funding to colleges in the physical environments for young post-primary education. North to teach and examine the children which meets their • Ensure oversight and delivery of the Irish language teaching qualification developmental needs. 10 year plan to establish a network to remove barriers to the • Invest in the training, registration of Irish Medium post-primary movement of teachers between and professional development of provision in key locations initiative the North and the South of Ireland. the workforce dealing with early by the establishment of an IM • Develop a cross-border General years provision through the delivery satellite of Coláste Feirste in Teaching Council to develop a of a Transformation Fund Cookstown. coherent approach to teacher emphasising recruitment and qualifications, superannuation working conditions so as to Citizenship entitlements and the movement of overcome low levels of pay. • Support the Young Enterprise trained professionals between • Develop an effective literacy Fund designed to strengthen links jurisdictions. strategy through promotion of a between schools and businesses to • Ensure that change is managed in structured language framework work with schools in devising an partnership with teachers, parents based on the model describing active citizenship programme that and governors, supported by the knowledge, understandings and will complement the citizenship development of a North-South skills appropriate at each year curriculum. Consortium to deliver a coherent from Primary 1 to Year 10. • Build on the success of existing and integrated approach to School, • Promote plans to explore the schemes, to promote an awareness Youth and Teacher exchanges. possibility of introducing modern of social responsibility, languages at primary school and participation and the beneficial devise a coherent language strategy use of leisure time among young to prepare our children for full people. participation in a global economy • Include personal budgeting, of the future. financial awareness & consumer rights within the citizenship agenda. 18 Let’s Deliver Real Progress
Delivering Economic Growth & Jobs The island of Ireland must SDLP Goals: • Extend the brief of InterTradeIreland recognise and react to the to include the development of Economy challenges presented by overseas investment opportunities. globalisation. In the North there • Continue to press for a single all- InterTradeIreland has successfully has been a legacy of Ireland corporation tax regime at pioneered innovative programmes underinvestment in our 12.5%. such as Fusion and Expertise Ireland infrastructure and we have which have created trade and become too reliant on the public • Place a cap on industrial rates with a menu of reliefs or business development networks sector. It is imperative that the exemptions to take into account across the island. InterTradeIreland Assembly address the direct areas of high unemployment. together with Invest Northern Ireland rule era of neglect and develop and the IDA, should develop a local solutions that will attract • Establish targets for economic common strategy to attract foreign direct investment, growth, job creation and all- promote private sector growth investment from overseas, Ireland business co-operation promoting the island as a whole and and value the work of small to and resource a proper strategy to working with individual companies to medium sized businesses. achieve this. tailor specific packages to help them • Establish an all-Ireland economic take advantage of separate and The Comprehensive Study on an all- policy unit under the auspices of shared strengths of the different Island economy and the National the North-South Ministerial Council. regimes North and South. Development Plan demonstrate how North-South collaboration can produce • Develop a North-South strategy to • Establish a Cross-Border benefits for all people on the Island of maximise overseas investment. Economic Development Zone to Ireland. The SDLP has embraced this promote development in the Border, vision and has developed policies that • Create a new “Enterprise Growth Midland and Western Region and will enhance the competitiveness and Fund” comprising a loan fund and the western counties of Northern growth of economies North and South. equity fund to work together to Ireland. The NDP offers unprecedented increase the number of business start ups, promote social economy • Work with Enterprise Agencies with opportunities in terms of co-operation enterprises and also to enhance the a view to increasing measures to on infrastructure improvements, all-island business co-operation enable those from low income research & development and innovation model. backgrounds with sound business “these projects and initiatives will benefit the entire island of Ireland • Implement IBEC-CBI Joint Business proposals to become self …they will benefit the entire community Council’s 20 key actions for employed (see also Employment in Northern Ireland on the basis of economic co-operation and & Learning). sound economic principles and international business. equality” 2. The SDLP will work to create the political stability that is required to make Northern Ireland an attractive place to invest in. “SDLP economic plan may cure North's malaise. The document's range of vision is unprecedented.” Marc Coleman, Economics Editor, Irish Times, 13 February 2006, following the launch of ‘North South Makes Sense’ 2 National Development Plan 2007-2013 Transforming Ireland a Better Quality of Life for All SDLP Manifesto Assembly Elections 2007 19
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