Selected features on the impact of rice research in Africa - Special supplement focusing on Africa - AfricaRice

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Selected features on the impact of rice research in Africa - Special supplement focusing on Africa - AfricaRice
Special supplement focusing on Africa

                        International Rice Research Institute
                        August 2016

Selected features on the impact
of rice research in Africa
Selected features on the impact of rice research in Africa - Special supplement focusing on Africa - AfricaRice
                Tanzania to lead rice production in Africa
                PaPa Abdoulaye Seck: an advocate of research for Africa’s
                                                                                                                                                                     rice                 TODAY

        8       Banking on Africa’s rice potential
       10       Cameroon: Central Africa’s potential rice granary
       12       Uganda: blazing a trail to rice success
       14       Giving an edge to young African researchers
       16       From tiger shrimp to rice
       18       Rice: Ethiopia’s millennium crop
       20       IRRI in Burundi
       22       Unleashing the force
       24       Women of war turn to rice in Burundi
       26       The pillars of Africa’s agriculture
       28       Rice for peace
       30       Africa seeks “Marshall Plan” for capacity building
       32       Pockets of gold
       34       Adapting to change
       36        Decoding patterns of clImate change and rIce diseases
       38       A SMART choice for Africa’s inland-valley rice farmers                                                                                  About the cover
       40       Adding value to Africa’s rice                                                                                                           Ex-combatant women in Burundi get a second chance
       42       Côte d’Ivoire: An emerging rice powerhouse in West Africa
                                                                                                                                                        at a peaceful life by turning to rice farming.

       44       A game changer in Africa’s rice agronomy
       46       Mapping rice in Africa
       48       Defining inland valleys in sub-Saharan Africa
       50       Scientists from Asia and Africa attend rice crop simulation training

           Rice Today is published by the International Rice Research Institute                              editor-in-chief Lanie Reyes
           (IRRI) on behalf of the Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP).                                  managing editor Alaric Francis Santiaguel
              IRRI is the world’s leading international rice research and training
                                                                                                             Africa editor Savitri Mohapatra
           center. Based in the Philippines and with offices located in major rice-
           growing countries, IRRI is an autonomous, nonprofit institution focused on                        Latin America editor Neil Palmer
           improving the well-being of present and future generations of rice farmers                        copy editor Bill Hardy
           and consumers, particularly those with low incomes, while preserving                              art director Juan Lazaro IV
           natural resources. It is one of the 15 nonprofit international research                           designer and production supervisor Grant Leceta
           centers that are members of the CGIAR consortium (                                 photo editor Isagani Serrano
              Responsibility for this publication rests with IRRI. Designations used
           in this publication should not be construed as expressing IRRI policy or                          circulation Antonette Abigail Caballero, Cynthia Quintos
           opinion on the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area, or its                      web master Jerry Laviña
           authorities, or the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.                                  printer Primex Printers, Inc.
              Rice Today welcomes comments and suggestions from readers. The
           opinions expressed by columnists in Rice Today do not necessarily
           reflect the views of IRRI or GRiSP.

           International Rice Research Institute
           DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, Philippines

           Rice Today editorial
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               International Rice Research Institute 2016
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Selected features on the impact of rice research in Africa - Special supplement focusing on Africa - AfricaRice
Tanzania to lead
rice production
in Africa                                          by Lanie Reyes

Tanzania is poised to meet the growing demand for rice in Eastern and Southern Africa. It can potentially
double or even triple its production through a strategy that combines improving agronomic practices,
delivering improved high-yielding rice varieties, capacity strengthening in research and outreach, and a
good strategy for seed production and distribution.

                anzania is set to become   9*-+/-  :        its rice production to greater heights

“T              the next rice granary in
                Africa,” said Abdelbagi
                Ismail, principal
scientist at the International Rice
Research Institute (IRRI). “It has
                                           +--+;# $  ! 
                                           will greatly help boost the country’s
                                           productivity,” Dr. Ismail said.
                                                                                   in both quantity and quality and be
                                                                                   the leading rice exporter in Africa
                                                                                   and even in the Middle East.

great potential to expand as it has        government views its future rice         IRRI SCIENTISTS and their partners work
advantages of having ample suitable        sector. Komboka means “to be             together to improve Tanzania’s rice sector. (From
                                                                                    left) Dr. Rosemary Murori, IRRI rice breeder; Dr.
lands and water resources, and a           liberated” and is telling of the         Joseph Bigirimana, IRRI coordinator in Eastern
good climate.”                             government’s desire to be free from      and Southern Africa; Dr. Matthew Morell, IRRI
     *# +--+      the problem of low rice production.      deputy director general for research; Mr. George
                                                                                    Iranga, head of Chollima Research Centre; Dr.
ies jointly released as Komboka and        #  ! 
Selected features on the impact of rice research in Africa - Special supplement focusing on Africa - AfricaRice
Superior performance of new               traders,” said Fermin Mizambwa,         - -  4 9*-+/
varieties                                  @           IRRI has provided, on the ground, a
                 Agriculture Seed Agency (ASA).          scientist with expertise in agronomy
$         ASA, through a joint demonstration      and seed systems and a local liaison.
two new varieties is twice to almost      with farmers, millers, and traders       '    
thrice the average rice yield of the      to identify preferred varieties,        new varieties is fully exploited, IRRI
country, which is 2.0 tons per hectare.   learned that yield, aroma, and          is working closely with the Regional
Komboka can yield 6.5–7 tons per          & $'$       Rice Centre of Excellence (RRCoE)
 #  $ =>       '  $ $    and other local institutions for the
per hectare. Komboka is aromatic          demonstration resulted in millers       development of improved agronomic
 # #            GLNPQT     management practices and good
rainfed lowland ecosystems, which         5) for production and branding. “In       $   & $ 
    ;          fact, a miller has a contract with      production and delivery to farmers.
     9  '   #         1,000 rice farmers to produce Saro      Moreover, Dr. Rosemary Murori, IRRI
twice a year—during the rainy season      5,” added Dr. Mizambwa. “Based on       rice breeder stationed in Kenya, is
from January to June and during the       our experience, Komboka has all the     overseeing the breeding activities.
dry season from August to December.         $   T >           “We are also looking to support
Farmers can cash in on their crop         such a business model.”                  ; ;
Selected features on the impact of rice research in Africa - Special supplement focusing on Africa - AfricaRice
experience serious weed problems,          $
Selected features on the impact of rice research in Africa - Special supplement focusing on Africa - AfricaRice
PAPA SECK (third from left) has
helped smallholder farmers gain
access to improved technologies.

an advocate of research for
Africa’s development

                                                                                                                        R RAMAN, AFRICARICE (2)
                                                                                 by Savitri Mohapatra

             His vision and commitment to the goals of AfricaRice have taken it to new heights
                                        of excellence and impact

      he winds of change that swept      aim to transform the rice production    Inventing a new type of scientist
      across the Africa Rice Center      of African countries, Dr. Seck has      On joining AfricaRice, Dr. Seck
      (AfricaRice) were unmistakable.    enabled several governments to          reiterated his strong conviction that
      This occurred from the time        formulate favorable rice policies       Africa would either develop through
Papa Abdoulaye Seck, a specialist        and make rice more available to the     science and technology or not
in agricultural strategy and policy      poorest in each country. Thanks to      develop at all.
analysis from Senegal, was appointed     him, AfricaRice has become a catalyst        “One of my cherished dreams
as AfricaRice director general in 2006   behind the remarkable visibility of        " |    
until his departure in 2013 to become    the rice sector in sub-Saharan Africa       *     
Senegal’s minister of agriculture and    (SSA).                                  this Center is without doubt an
rural equipment.                             Today, he is highly regarded        invaluable tool to develop a more
     His vision and commitment           by many young Africans as a man         vigorous African rice sector,” he said.
to the goals of AfricaRice have          #     " * Y         As part of his vision and strategy
transformed the Center and have          dream of feeding itself and as an          "
taken it to new heights of excellence    epitome of a new breed of leaders       sustainable institute, Dr. Seck put
and impact.                              who believe in the need to move         forward the idea of a “total scientist.”
     As an outstanding spokesperson      from theory to practice, and from            He said that the need of the hour
               thinking to action.                     for Africa was a “total scientist” who

36                                             Rice Today January-March 2014
Selected features on the impact of rice research in Africa - Special supplement focusing on Africa - AfricaRice
#   ^  "                                                          tripled since 2006, which helped
herself to a laboratory or a research                                                  substantially increase the number
station. This scientist would also                                                     and volume of joint rice projects
be able to listen, understand, and                                                     covering member states.
tackle the real problems of end-users,                                                      “He has left behind an
develop winning project proposals,                                                     exceptionally well-managed,
generate relevant knowledge and                                                        "  $  "  $
       $                                                     vibrant organization,” the AfricaRice
with partners, anticipate problems,                                                    Board of Trustees commended.
and be ready with options.
     “In brief, in today’s world, a                                                    Stronger partnership
‘total researcher’ must be able to            PAPA ABDUOLAYE Seck has                  Dr. Seck is a solid believer in the
      "           received the Legion d’honneur’,          power of collaboration. He and
       $          France's highest distinction.            Robert Zeigler, director general of the
anticipate future research needs,” he                                                  International Rice Research Institute,
explained.                                   out policies and projects that helped     made history in 2006 by entering into
     He called for a change in               smallholder farmers gain access           a real partnership for rice research.
               to improved technologies through               “We have to generate knowledge
administrators when spelling out the           ; "  ;     and technology that can have an
'$     #  |            and farm machinery.$          impact in Africa by pooling together
  $&$ "               policy activity since the onset of the    our resources, our intelligence, and
excellence, interdisciplinarity, a           rice crisis has had a positive impact        
Selected features on the impact of rice research in Africa - Special supplement focusing on Africa - AfricaRice
Banking on Africa’s
                                rice potential
                                                                                          by Savitri Mohapatra

                               The 3rd Africa Rice Congress issued a clarion call to increase
                               investments in Africa’s rice sector so that the continent can
                               realize its rice promise

                                     he 3rd Africa Rice Congress,       under the aegis of the Cameroonian
                                     held in Yaoundé, Cameroon,         government.
                                     in October 2013, emphasized             “We recognize the need to scale
                                     the need to invest in the          up our investments for modernizing
                               modernization and mechanization of       the rice sector and also increase our
                               Africa’s rice industry and aggregation   support to research and extension,”
                               of farm output, while safeguarding       stated Cameroon Prime Minister
                               land rights of smallholders and          Philemon Yang, in his opening
                               improving livelihoods. There was         message that was delivered by
                               also a call to establish a world-class   : U  T " 
                               research infrastructure in Africa to     Research and Innovation Dr.
                               identify rice genetic materials for      Madeleine Tchuinte.
                               resistance to major biotic and abiotic        The Congress took stock
                               stresses and to strengthen the rice      of advances in rice science
                               sector development hub network as        and technology and provided
                               well as other rice-related research,     opportunities to discuss institutional
                               extension, and capacity building for     innovations, policies, partnerships,
                               greater and faster impact across the     and investments needed to ensure
                               rice value chain.                        that rice sector development becomes
                                    Rice has become more critical to    a veritable engine for smallholder
                               achieving food security and political    and agribusiness development and
                               stability on the continent. Despite      economic growth in Africa.
                               rapid growth in rice production               “This will not only contribute
                               in sub-Saharan Africa (8.4% per          to food security, but will also help
                               year) from 2007 to 2012, the African     reduce rice imports and create
                               continent continues to rely heavily on     $   
                               the world market to satisfy increasing   value chain,” said AfricaRice Deputy
                               consumption demand for rice, with        Director General Marco Wopereis.
                               imports reaching 12 million tons of      “Let’s not forget that, over the next 15
                               milled rice in 2012, costing more than   years, an estimated 330 million young
                               US$5 billion.                            Africans will be looking for a job.”
                                                                             These issues were debated in
                               Engine of Africa’s growth                a Ministerial Policy Dialogue—
                               Themed Rice Science for Food Security    organized with support from FAO—
                               through Smallholder and Agribusiness     involving ministers from Chad,
                               Development in Africa, the Congress      Cameroon, The Gambia, Mali, and
                               was organized by the Africa Rice         Senegal.
                               Center (AfricaRice), the Food and
                               Agriculture Organization of the          Special events
                               United Nations (FAO), and the            Private-sector and research and
                               Institute of Agricultural Research for   development partners showcased
                               Development of Cameroon (IRAD)           their work in the Congress

34                                   Rice Today January-March 2014
Selected features on the impact of rice research in Africa - Special supplement focusing on Africa - AfricaRice
Exhibition, which featured a                   More than 650 participants
special section on small-scale rice       :   PN
mechanization. A Cameroon Rice            countries—including 35 African
Day allowed participants to visit the     countries. They comprised rice
IRAD research facilities in Yaoundé.      farmers, seed producers, rice
     Realizing Africa’s Rice Promise,     processors, input dealers, agricultural
a new book jointly published by           machinery manufacturers,
AfricaRice and CABI, was also             representatives from agricultural
released as part of the special events    ministries, national and international
of the Congress. The book provides        rice research and extension
a comprehensive overview of               communities, nongovernment
Africa’s rice sector and ongoing rice     organizations, donors, and other
research and development activities,      development partners.
indicating priorities for action on
how to realize the promise of rice in a   Ms. Mohapatra is the head of the
sustainable and equitable manner.         Marketing and Communications at
     A side event focused on a            AfricaRice.
training course in science journalism
relating to rice R&D activities in         The Congress formulated the following recommendations for governments, farmer
Africa was organized with support          organizations, civil society, the private sector, R&D partners, regional economic
from the Global Rice Science               communities, and donors:
Partnership (GRiSP), the CGIAR             Investments in Africa’s rice sector                  and management of abiotic and biotic
Research Program on Rice.                  y Invest in modernization and                        stresses in the face of climate change to
     A plaque of appreciation was            mechanization of Africa’s farming and              sustainably increase rice production;
presented to Cameroon President Paul         in aggregation of farm output, while             yEstablish world-class research
Biya for the support of the Cameroon         safeguarding land rights of smallholders           infrastructure in Africa to evaluate rice
government to the rice sector. A             and improving livelihoods;                         genetic material for major stresses
distinguished service award was            y Strengthen farmer organizations to                 and consumer demand, and ensure
presented to Dr. Papa Abdoulaye Seck,        ensure that farmers capture a fair share of        that progress made worldwide in rice
former AfricaRice director general and       value added in the value chain;                    genetics and breeding can be captured;
current minister of agriculture and        yStimulate the development of public-             yStrengthen and expand the rice sector
                                             private partnerships and small-scale               development hub network and facilitate
rural equipment of Senegal.
                                             enterprises, and provide technical and             rice knowledge exchange to achieve
                                             business training to Africa’s rapidly              greater and more rapid impact across the
Promising initiatives and                    growing cadre of unemployed youth to               rice value chain;
exchanges                                    find jobs in the rice sector;                    yUrge African governments and their
During the closing ceremony, awards        yCombine supply-shifting, demand-lifting,           development partners to substantially
were presented for best papers,              and value-adding investments to ensure             strengthen the retention and training
best posters, most promising young           rapid and sustainable development of               of new research and extension staff,
scientist, and outstanding local             affordable rice and rice-based products            while updating agricultural curricula
entrepreneurs from Africa in seed            for different consumers;                           in vocational training schools and
production and local manufacturing         yConsider the establishment of strategic            universities;
of small-scale machinery.                    regional rice reserves, relying on national      yUrge African governments to comply
                                             stocks, but with coordination at the               with the Maputo Declaration and
     Immediately after the closure
                                             regional level to reduce price volatility;         increase the proportion of their national
of the Africa Rice Congress, the           yEstablish minimum and maximum                      budgets to scientific research to levels
2013 Global Forum of GRiSP was               import tariffs agreed upon at the regional         commensurate with international
held, at which updates on global             level that allow for raising import tariffs in     standards;
and African rice initiatives were            times of low world market prices and vice        yAcknowledge AfricaRice as leading the
presented, followed by sessions              versa;                                             African component of GRiSP to enable
on Bilateral support for African rice      yDevelop sustainable seed systems                   the pooling of resources, building
and Coordinating investments in rice         through coherent policies, strategies, and         capacity, and aligning of national and
development in Africa involving a            functional public–private partnerships.            international rice research agendas;
broad range of investors interested in                                                        yAsk FAO to stimulate national, regional,
Africa’s rice sector.                      Investments in rice R&D and capacity                 and global partnerships to develop
                                           building                                             Africa’s rice sector, as part of the
     !T @  #   "
                                           yFoster greater regional and international          efforts of the Coalition of African Rice
ways to leverage opportunities and           collaboration on the development                   Development and under the overall
make the most of our resources and           and diffusion of improved varieties,               umbrella of the Comprehensive Africa
knowledge to boost Africa’s rice sec-        ecological intensification of rice farming,        Agriculture Development Program.
tor,” said GRiSP Director Bas Bouman.

                                                 Rice Today January-March 2014                                                         935
Selected features on the impact of rice research in Africa - Special supplement focusing on Africa - AfricaRice
by Savitri Mohapatra
                                         government is
                                         strengthening the
                                         country’s rural
                                                                                              Cameroon: Ce
                                                                                                potential ri
Cameroon may soon gain                   infrastructure such
                                         as irrigation, milling
fame as a rising star in rice            and processing
production                               facilities, and farm-
                                         to-market roads.
                                         owned corporations,

       he Republic of Cameroon is        such as the
       often described as “Africa in     Company for the
       miniature” because of its rich    Expansion and
       diversity of climate, ecology,    Modernization of
landscape, and culture. Few are          Rice in Yagoua in
aware that the country has huge          Far North province
potential to not only achieve rice self- and the Upper Nun
   $              Valley Development
granary of Central Africa.               Authority (UNVDA)
     The country is endowed with         in the Northwest
large areas of arable land, abundant     province, are being
water resources, and favorable           revamped to support
agroclimatic conditions that are         rice farmers.
                                                                    R RAMAN, AFRICARICE (2)

conducive to rice production.                 UNVDA, for
Recognizing its agribusiness             example, supports
                                                                    EXCLUSIVE SHOWROOM for rice of the Upper Nun Valley
potential, and in response to the food about 13,000 rice            Development Authority (UNVDA) in Ndop, Cameroon.
     $ :  farmers, facilitating
in 2008, the government is taking        their access to
measures to revitalize the rice sector.  improved seeds, fertilizer, herbicide,              Highlighting the vital role of
                   information, and training as well as           research in the revival of the rice sec-
improve the country’s food security      equipment rental services for farm             tor, IRAD Director General Noé Woin
are supported by the World Bank, the operations.                                        said, “The government recognizes
International Fund for Agricultural           The company also provides a               the need to support a strong research
Development, the Japan International market for farmers by buying rice                  and development program to develop
Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Afri-     from them. “Thanks to the UNVDA                improved technologies for smallhold-
can Development Bank (AfDB), and         support, I have been able to pay               er farmers to help them raise their
the Food and Agriculture Organiza-       school fees for my children and                output and income.”
tion of the United Nations (FAO).        medical bills from the sale of my rice
                                         harvest,” remarked Mr. Ako Thea                Serious constraints
Reviving the rice sector                 Francis, a rice farmer from Ndop.              [      
Rice is still a relatively new crop in                                                  constraints hinder the country from
certain areas of Cameroon although       Connecting researchers                         expanding and intensifying its
the Far North, Northwest, and West       and farmers                                    rice production. These challenges
provinces have a long tradition of rice The Institute of Agricultural Research          include a lack of good-quality
cultivation.                             for Development (IRAD) is a public             seed and adequate equipment for
     Moreover, rice is increasingly      institution that has been collaborating        labor-intensive tasks, and a lack of
becoming an important commodity          with international partners to                 postharvest technologies to make
fueled by shifts in consumer             develop improved rice varieties                local rice competitive in the market.
preferences and rapid urbanization.      and technologies to increase rice                   The country’s rice production has
In Tonga, for example, homage is paid productivity in the region. Technology not yet been able to keep pace with
yearly to the farmer who introduced      packages developed by IRAD are                 the increasing demand. Over the last
rice in the region. Here, local rice is  shared to farmers for faster adoption.         #$        $ 
preferred over imported varieties;            “We multiply the foundation seed has been less than 20%, according
when quality concerns are met,           of improved rice varieties received            to the United States Department
consumers are prepared to pay a          from IRAD and provide seeds to                 of Agriculture and FAO. In 2012,
premium for local varieties.             farmers at subsidized rates,” said             Cameroon produced 102,000 tons of
     With renewed interest in the        Ms. Lilian Yacoumbo, UNVDA chief               paddy rice and had to import up to
rice sector in recent years, the                                                   375,000 tons of rice to meet its demand.

36                                               Rice Today October-December 2013
entral Africa’s                                                        local rice in Central
                                                                       Africa.” Carried out
                                                                       by AfricaRice and
                                                                                               project to enhance the quality and
                                                                                               marketability of locally produced
                                                                                               rice through improved harvest and

ice granary
                                                                       its national partners   postharvest technologies.
                                                                       from Cameroon,                The project, which is carried
                                                                       the Central African     out by AfricaRice with its partners,
                                                                       Republic, and Chad,     aims to develop and evaluate suitable
                                                                       it aims to build        harvest and postharvest technologies
                                                                       rural enterprises       that help produce quality rice
                                                                       through co-sharing      products that respond to market
                                                                       mechanisms.             demand.
                                                                            Upland                   The project gives households
                                                                       and lowland             opportunities to raise their income
                                                                       NERICA varieties        by promoting the development of
                                                                       selected through        new rice-based products and rice by-
                                                                       participatory           products. Now, it is exploring the use
                                                                       varietal selection             " 
                                                                       were introduced         items.
                                                                       along with                    “Strengthening the capacity of
                                                                       improved crop           rice stakeholders throughout the
                                                                       management              value chain, from farmers through
                                                                       practices to boost      millers and parboilers to marketers,
                                                                       rice productivity.      is a major part of the project,” said
                                                                       After that, the         Dr. Jean Moreira, AfricaRice project
                                   Ndop Rice Value Chain Cooperative   project established     coordinator.
                                   Quality Processing and Training
                                   Center, Ndop, Cameroon.
                                                                       a “rapid-impact”
                                                                       seed program,           Looking forward
                                                                       postharvest             The Cameroon rice sector is
   Overcoming challenges                           technologies, processing activities,           $ " 
   Another constraint is the long distance and links with input dealers and                    collaborative research for
   between the major rice production                 "                       development activities carried
   facilities and the main cities, which are             “To ensure competitiveness,           out by AfricaRice and its partners
   " #              ‘one-stop shop’ quality-processing          with support from several donors,
   “Cameroon-made” rice.                           centers, were established to enhance        including the AfDB, CFC, Canada,
        “Thus, JICA has launched a                 quality along the whole value chain         the European Union, Japan, the Arab
   program to support mainly the                   from seed through milling, sorting,         Bank for Economic Development
   production of upland rice in the                and packaging to marketing,” said           in Africa, the Bill & Melinda Gates
   Center, South, and East provinces               Ms. Dorothy Malaa, IRAD national            Foundation, and the Global Rice
   of Cameroon, so that people living              project coordinator.                        Science Partnership, the CGIAR
   in these areas can eat their own                      The quality-processing center in      Research Program on Rice.
   rice,” said Dr. Yoshimi Sokei, a JICA           Ndop, which was inaugurated in 2013              IRAD is involved in all the
   advisor based in Yaoundé.                         $: Y    "          Africa-wide Rice Task Forces covering
        The National Rice Development                   "         breeding, agronomy, processing
   Strategy, drafted in 2009 within                the success of this model.                  and value addition, mechanization,
   the framework of the Coalition for                    Quality rice as well as rice bran     policy, and gender. It has welcomed
   African Rice Development, has an                and other by-products are sold              an approach, rice sector development
   ambitious aim to raise domestic                 to both wholesalers and retailers.          hubs, for greater coherence and
   production to 627,250 tons by 2018.             The production and marketing                  "
   To achieve this vision, the Cameroon                 #           hubs representing the main rice
   government has deployed the                     opportunities for women farmers             ecosystems in the country.
   following strategies.                           who can process and sell rice-based              With all these measures in place,
                                                   products.                                   Cameroon is well on its way to realize
   Building rural enterprises                                                                  its vision for a high-quality
                                                                                                                           y rice sector
   Some challenges are being tackled             Focus on postharvest                          serving the entire region.
   through collaborative research such           technologies
   as the innovative Common Fund for             Cameroon is one of eight pilot
   Commodities (CFC)-funded project              countries that are partnering                 Ms. Mohapatra is the head of Marketing
   on “Improving the competitiveness of          in a pioneering Canada-funded                 and Communications at AfricaRice.

                                                       Rice Today October-December 2013                                             11
                                                                                                    blazing a trail
                                                                                                    to rice success
                                                                         R. RAMAN, AFRICARICE (4)
                                                                                                    by Savitri Mohapatra

         Uganda’s rice imports decreased and its food security improved because of its
                                   growing rice production

            ganda—widely known            and Market Access at Sasakawa                                        upland rice as a major strategic
            as “the pearl of Africa”      Global 2000 (SG2000).                                                intervention for food security and
            for its exquisite natural                                              poverty reduction. Because of Dr.
              $            T                                   ['$Y   $4  #
fauna, and rich mosaic of cultures—       Africa would like to achieve. Yet, 10                                Museveni launched the Upland
    $          years ago, Uganda was barely known                                   - 4 ^ “NN’  # $
potential rice basket for eastern              $                                   acknowledged as the turning point for
Africa.                                   region. So, what triggered the rice                                  the growth of Uganda’s rice sector.
     Over the last few years, Uganda      transformation?                                                           The campaign encouraged several
has been experiencing a remarkable                                                                             nongovernment organizations (NGOs)
rice boom supported by good farming       NERICA fills the void                                                and development partners to join
practices, premium market prices,         In 2000 and 2001, when the price                                     forces with the Ugandan government.
and favorable policies that have          of maize plunged in the region,                                      These were the Japan International
stimulated large private investment       Uganda’s government and farmers                                      :  * $”
in the rice sector.                       were desperate for an alternative crop                               /   4 
     The growth of Uganda’s rice          that could provide food security and                                 Food and Agriculture Organization
production has contributed to greater     income.                                                              of the United Nations, Oxfam, and the
food security and a reduction in               Through the timely assistance                                   United States Agency for International
rice imports. For instance, according     provided by SG2000 and the National                                  Development, in addition to SG2000.
to the Ugandan government, rice           Agricultural Research Organization                                        The government and these
imports dropped between 2005 and          Q/*-Š‹   /Œ-+:*                                        ^    
2008, which helped save the country       varieties developed by the Africa                                    promote rice and strengthen the
about US$30 million in foreign            - :Q* - ‹                                   capacity of rice farmers, millers,
exchange earnings.                        /Œ-+:*‘’‘N#"                                 traders, and extension workers.
     The area sown to rice nearly         as a suitable replacement for maize.                                      The rice scheme also motivated
doubled from about 80,000 hectares in     /Œ-+:*’#   “NN“                                       $    
2002 to about 150,000 hectares in 2011.       # $/Œ-+:*‘‘N                                         /*TŒ:ŠT: $• #U 
Similarly, paddy production jumped             !+  /Œ-+:*’                                     T 4 T –  T 
from about 120,000 tons in 2002 to        became so popular that, by 2008, it                                  —+:*T 
more than 220,000 tons in 2011.           occupied almost 70% of the upland                                         !” - 4 ^  
     “The rice industry in the country    area under production,” said Dr.                                          $   
has rapidly moved from improved           Jimmy Lamo, a rice breeder at NARO.                                  partnership, with each partner playing
seed to production to processing                                                                                    "   
and to the markets over the last few      The turning point                                                    and commercialization,” said Nicolai
years,” said Robert Anyang, program       Gilbert Bukenya, the then vice                                       Rodeyns, managing director of
    4  44         ”"                                      /*TŒ:ŠT: $/*TŒ:Š

16                                                Rice Today April-June 2013
was instrumental in the production           value by developing niche products          Y # ˜                    “The activities involved in rice      The boom in Uganda’s rice production
(35% for Kenya), according to Mr.            value addition have potential to create    is also partly due to the resurgence of
Anyang.                                      wealth for all in the value chain,         the Kibimba Rice Scheme. It currently
     “As the Ugandan government              including farmers, transporters,           produces about 20,000 tons of rice per
didn’t have the money to support             middlemen, millers, traders, and the       year, which is 20% of the total rice
subsidies, this was a good way to              $
Training Africa’s national partners in rice biotechnology

                           Giving an EDGE to young
                           African researchers                                                                  by Savitri Mohapatra

         t was a proud moment for three         knowledge of rice in Africa,” declared   DR. NDJIONDJOP of AfricaRice, second from left, is
                                                                                         helping national partners to use molecular breeding
         PhD students from West Africa          Prof. Mark Laing, director, African      techniques to speed up the process of developing
         participating in the graduation        Centre for Crop Improvement at the       disease- and pest-resistant rice varieties.
         ceremony at the University of          University of KwaZulu-Natal. “They
     9#] / 4š            are also keen to apply their newly
     South Africa. They had just                acquired skills in their respective      extinction. These varieties were then
     taken a decisive step forward in           countries.”                                ; "  
      "                    Their doctoral research was         /* "      
         $                       supported through a USAID-funded            -U–
         Mounirou El-Hassimi Sow                AfricaRice project on the application    resistance.
     of Niger, Honoré Kam of Burkina            of marker-assisted selection (MAS).
     Faso, and Kouadio Nasser Yao of               "             The making of a work force
     Côte d'Ivoire all had worked in            $ #   Q-U–‹         +    $ 
         $   $               (see the news report on page 8) and      MAS to transfer major rice genes is
     the Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice)        #               ## $ ;   
     in Cotonou, Benin, under the               stresses, African rice gall midge              $ 
     supervision of Marie-Noelle                Q*-•U‹             develop varieties that are resistant
     Ndjiondjop. Their sense of pride was       (BLB).                                   to diseases and pests and tolerant of
       $• ^                 As part of their studies, the             
     Benin, who successfully defended his       students traveled thousands of                However, many African countries
     PhD thesis in front of an international    '   $   $            lack adequate local research capacity
     panel of scientists at the University of   to interview rice farmers and collect    in this area. In response to a strong
     * $: [                     their local varieties. Mounirou, for          
         “These students have each                      “=N          AfricaRice is progressively helping
     ^                   rice varieties, many of which face       develop a work force of national

14                                                   Rice Today October-December 2012                                                     31
researchers trained to apply                                                                                           
     $ &                                                                                      that scientists can apply their
critical to solving agricultural                                                                               newly acquired skills when
                                                                                                         they return to their countries,
     For Dr. Ndjiondjop, the                                                                                   Dr. Ndjiondjop and her
overall strategy is to advance                                                                                 team have helped purchase
Africa toward the concept of                                                                                   &   
to rice
by Savitri Mohapatra

A rice breeder from The Gambia looks back at his humble

                                                                                                                          R. RAMAN, AFRICARICE (2)

        eminiscing about his early       UY   @                    
        years, Baboucarr Manneh                          $  
          " @    stages of his career.                      farmers through research.
        with research was a few                                                          For Dr. Manneh, working
months after high school in 1988.        A lover of nature and science              #   ^ $ 
He served as a hatchery assistant in     Born to a farming family in a small        humbling. He is most touched when
an aquaculture lab where he looked       village called Sukuta, Dr. Manneh            $ 
       has always been fascinated with                  @  
larvae.                                  the beauty and diversity of nature.        # '       
     U ' @    ž $    ^  #   !$ #   
           biology, chemistry, and agriculture.       last chicken to a visiting agricultural
   $![          !+# $   $               
      |"        fellow in the Biotechnology Unit in       An advocate for partnership
              Cotonou, Benin, where he worked           Dr. Manneh is a strong advocate for
Agricultural Engineering Unit and           closely with his team on using             !/      
then in the Socioeconomics Unit.            marker-assisted selection and                 -
4  # '#                           sources to tackle the challenges faced
   &                           in converting Africa from a net food
for rice and coarse grains and to                Drought stress causes substantial       @ 
Rice                       by Savitri Mohapatra
                                                     millennium crop
                                                      Rice is now a major livelihood option for farmers in Ethiopia
                                                      and an important crop for the country’s food security

         thiopia, Africa’s oldest
         independent country and the            RICE HAS become a profitable crop for farmers
                                                of Fogera District in northwestern Ethiopia.
         cradle of an ancient civilization,
         is fast emerging as one of the big
rice-producing countries in sub-Saharan
     “Area rose from 6,000 hectares
in 2005 to nearly 222,000 hectares in
2010 and paddy production from 15,460
tons to 887,400 tons,” Dr. Tereke Berhe,
former regional rice coordinator at
Sasakawa Africa Association and current
special advisor for rice at the Agriculture
Transformation Agency in Ethiopia, said.
“At the same time, the number of rice
farmers increased from 18,000 to more
than 565,000.”

                                                                                                                                               R. RAMAN, AFRICARICE (4)
Millennium crop
Although rice has just been recently
introduced to Ethiopia, recognizing its
importance as a food security crop and
a source of income and employment
opportunities, the government of              available labor, and vast areas suitable for     have switched to this crop in the rainy
Ethiopia has named it the “millennium         both rainfed and irrigated systems.              season and have become prosperous
crop,” and has ranked it among the                 In Ethiopia, about 30 million               since then.”
priority commodities of the country.          hectares are suitable for rice, according             Rice has also become popular
     The national rice research and           to the NRRDS. Vertisols, or black clay           because it can be used to make many
development strategy (NRRDS) for              soils, are abundant in the country and           valuable by-products, such as rice husk,
2010-19 has been prepared to tackle           have a high agricultural potential. But,         rice bran, and beer. It can also partially or
rice-related progress in rice value chain,       to work with, as they           fully replace teff in the making of injera.
postharvest, grain quality, and marketing     are hard when dry and sticky when
issues.                                       wet.                                             Contribution of research
     According to Dr. Berhe, the rice              “Earlier, farmers used to abandon           Thanks to active rice R&D activities and
sector in the country saw a phenomenal        the waterlogged vertisols in the Fogera          with strong support from the Ethiopian
growth from 2005 to 2010.                     plains—a major rice belt in northwestern         government, Sasakawa Global 2000
                                              Ethiopia—during the rainy season,”               (SG 2000), and the Japan International
Abundant rice                                 explained Bayuh Belay Abera, national            Cooperation Agency (JICA), farmers
Until a few years ago, the staple food        rice research coordinator at Adet                have access to several improved varieties
crops in Ethiopia were maize, wheat,          Agricultural Research Center in Bahir            and crop management techniques.
                        Dar.                                                  SG 2000 introduced NERICA rice
to the country, which is used for making           “But now rice serves as a major             varieties from the Africa Rice Center
“injera,” a traditional Ethiopian bread.      livelihood option in this area,” said Mr.        (AfricaRice). In the last few years,
     Rice started to be recognized in the     Abera. “When farmers saw that it grows           NERICA 1 and NERICA 2 have been
country because of its good productivity,     well under waterlogged conditions, they                

26                                                   Rice Today January-March 2012
irrigated ecologies; NERICA 3,                                                             ONE OF the main thrusts of the national
         NERICA 4, and SUPARICA                                                                  rice development strategy in Ethiopia is the
             1 for upland ecologies;                                                             promotion of postharvest technologies such
                                                                                                 as rice threshers and rice mills.
                       and NERICA 14,
                        NERICA 15, and
                        NERICA 16 for
                       irrigated ecologies.
                           In addition,
                    various other improved
                varieties, such as Shebele
             (IR688059-76-3-3-3-2), Gode-1
             (BG-90-2), and Hoden (MTU-
             1001), have been released for
             irrigated systems. Among the
            traditional varieties, farmers
        continue to grow “X-jigna,”
      which was introduced by the North
     Koreans for the rainfed lowlands.
        However, since much of the
arable land in the country is located in
mid to high altitudes, cold-tolerant rice
varieties are essential for these areas.      tolerant varieties have been selected—        Breeding Task Force, which has been
As part of the IRRI-AfricaRice joint          FOFIFA 3737 from the Madagascar               launched to build the rice breeding
Stress-Tolerant Rice for Africa and South     national program released in 2010 for         capacity of national partners and stimulate
Asia (STRASA) project, researchers are        the irrigated ecology and WAB 189 from        the delivery of improved technologies
focusing on developing cold-tolerant rice     AfricaRice released in 2011 for rainfed       through strong partnership between
varieties for such regions.                   lowlands. Through participatory varietal      international and national rice scientists.
     “We have been evaluating varieties                               Such partnership will be vital to
for cold tolerance in partnership with        varieties have acceptable grain quality.      realizing the Ethiopian government’s
the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural            “The farmers showed great interest       plan to raise paddy production to about
Research and the Amhara Region                in WAB 189 because of its earliness, high     4 million tons in 2019 and increase rice
Agricultural Research Institute,” said        yield, and good biomass,” said Tadesse        area to 774,000 hectares.
Dr. Negussie Zenna, an AfricaRice             Lakew, rice breeder at Adet Center.
researcher who is closely involved with            Dr. Lakew is among the new
the STRASA project.                           generation of young African rice scientists
     As a result of this work, two cold-      who are trained through the AfricaRice

                                                                                            DR. BAYUH Belay Abera, national rice research
                                                                                            coordinator at Adet Agricultural Research Center in
                                                                                            Ethiopia, hopes to strengthen R&D partnership with
                                                                                            international organizations.

                                                                                            DR. TADESSE Lakew, rice breeder at Adet Agricultural
                                                                                            Research Center, shows variety WAB 189, which was
   Paddy production in Ethiopia, 2005-2010                                                  released in 2011 for the rainfed lowlands.

                                                     Rice Today January-March 2012                                                              19

IRRI in Burundi
Compiled by Sophie Clayton


                                                                  Rugombo                                          Ngozi



                                                                 Kinama                                       Bujumbura

            ice was introduced in Burundi     Burundi. The International

                                                                                                                                                                                          IRRI Sites
            in 1890, but it did not develop   Rice Research Institute
                            (IRRI) estimates that,
                                                                hatt, in
                                                                                                                                                                                          High elevation
            irrigated scheme of 2,550         2010, about 75,000 to
                                                                  ons of rough

hectares was installed.                       rice were produced inn the country,
                                                                                             RUGIRA GE

      Traditionally, in Burundi, rice was     and another 40,000 to
                                                                   ons of rice
eaten only once or twice a year during        were imported.
                                                                                    MAP: HABA

feasts and festivals. In the 1980s, with
the introduction of locally adapted rice      IRRI in Burundi
and the distribution of rice in schools       IRRI started working in Burundi in 2008
and the military by the government,           when a Memorandum of Understanding
it rapidly became popular. Now, many          between the country and the Institute was
Burundians eat rice every day.                signed. The beginnings of this agreement
      Burundi has three major rice-           came after current IRRI Liaison Scientist                                   Burundi: fast facts
producing ecologies: the irrigated            and Coordinator for Burundi Joseph                                          Population (July 2011 estimate):                  10.2 million1
areas of the Imbo plain, the rainfed          Bigirimana attended the Rice Research                                       Total land area (2011):                           2.8 million ha1
                                                                                                                          Annual rice consumption (2007):                   6.2 kg/person
(nonirrigated) areas of Imbo and Moso         to Production Training Course at IRRI                                       Area of rice production (2008):                   21,000 ha

lowlands, and the nonirrigated areas of       in 2006.                                                                    Average rice yield (2008):                        3.38 tons per ha

the elevated marshland region.                     !!                                                  1
                                                                                                                              CIA World Factbook
      Rice is grown once a year in            University of Burundi campus, in the                                        2
                                                                                                                              World Rice Statistics,

18                                                  Rice Today October-December 2011
Burundi: average rice consumption
                                                                                                                                  Rice production training for women
                                                                                                                                  In 2010, 398 ex-combatant women were
                              Kilograms per person per year
                              7                                                                                                   trained in a joint IRRI-CARE project
                                                                                                                                  in all aspects of rice production. (See
                              6                                                                                                   Women of war turn to rice in Burundi on
                              5                                                                                                   page 28.)

                              4                                                                                                   Tackling blast
                              3                                                                                                   Blast is the most serious disease that
                                                                                                                                  affects rice production in Burundi. A
                              2                                                                                                   total of 29 rice lines, each containing one
by Savitri Mohapatra

     The Africa Rice Breeding Task Force responds to the call for an improved research and extension capacity
                        on the continent through a collaborative approach to rice breeding
                                         R. RAMAN

        ice breeders in sub-                                                                                     that will build much-needed
        Saharan Africa (SSA)                                                                                     rice breeding capacity, facilitate
        are an endangered                                                                                        access of African rice breeders
        species, according to Dr.                                                                                to new materials, stimulate rice
Moussa Sié, Africa Rice Center                                                                                   germplasm evaluation across
(AfricaRice) senior scientist.                                                                                   the continent, and, in general,
“Since classical plant breeding                                                                                  shorten the time needed to deploy
is no longer fashionable, very                                                                                   new climate-resilient and stress-
few students are taking up this                                                                                  tolerant rice varieties for major
discipline,” he remarked. “Even                                                                                  production systems in SSA.
the handful of rice breeders who                                                                                      “The international
are working in national programs                                                                                 agricultural research centers
today are generally above 45 years                                                                               (IARCs) cannot do this alone nor
old.”                                                                                                            can the NARS,” said Dr. Sié, who
     A survey, which was                                                                                         is the overall coordinator of this
conducted among AfricaRice’s                                                                                     Task Force, which is supported by
   +                                                                                      the joint IRRI-AfricaRice Japan-
observation. It showed that even                                                                                 funded breeding project.
a country the size of Nigeria has                                                                                     Dr. Sié described the
only two rice breeders. “Africa                                                                                  Breeding Task Force as a
needs trained rice breeders—most                                                                                 partnership of rice breeders
African countries have none,” said                                                                               from NARS and IARCs in
? @             @                                                                                Africa, which will provide
for a Green Revolution in Africa,                                                                                synergy to breeding efforts
pointing out the lack of national                                                                                across the continent, thereby
                                       SOME MEMBERS of the Africa Rice Breeding Task Force team (from left
capacity in rice breeding.             to right): Ms. Bernice Bancole, laboratory technician; Mr. Abdoulaye      increasing impact. To enhance
     Drawing attention to the          Sow, agronomist; Dr. Mamadou MBare Coulibaly, chair; Breeding Task        communication and collaboration
desperate lack of research             Force; Dr. Jimmy Lamo, vice-chair, Breeding Task Force, and Dr. Moussa    among all the partners of the
                                       Sié, coordinator, Breeding Task Force.
and extension capacity, which                                                                                    Breeding Task Force, a dedicated
threatens to impede the progress                                                                                 Web site has been developed. (See
in developing Africa’s rice sector,              of critical mass, and ownership by the         
participants of the Second Africa Rice           national agricultural research systems
Congress, held in March 2010, urged              (NARS).                                                  The scope of the “force”
African governments and their partners                                                                    The Breeding Task Force covers mainly
to substantially strengthen the training         The Africa Rice Breeding Task Force                      the four mega-environments in SSA—
and retention of new staff.                      In response to this call, the Africa Rice                the rainfed lowland, irrigated, upland,
     The Congress also called for the            Breeding Task Force was launched in                      and high-elevation ecologies. The
revival of the successful Task Force             June 2010 to regroup scarce human                        challenges in these mega-environments
approach, introduced by AfricaRice in            resources devoted to rice breeding in                    are many and breeders must be able
the 1990s. The Task Force consists of            Africa and help build a new generation of to tackle these challenges through
an Africa-wide collective research for           rice breeders across the continent.                      improvements in productivity, stability
development effort on critical thematic                The main thrust of the Breeding                    and adaptability and grain quality of rice.
areas in the rice sector, based on the           Task Force is to adopt a systematic                           Responsibilities for the different
principles of sustainability, buildup            collaborative approach to rice breeding                  mega-environments have been divided

20                                                       Rice Today October-December 2011
among AfricaRice and IRRI breeders                 conditions. “This feature is a bit like the                       are expected to enhance the quality of
based in Africa, who work closely with             Olympic Games,” Dr. Kumashiro said.                               evaluation.
their NARS colleagues.                                    The second unique feature is that the                           This will result in increased
     The main thrust of the Breeding               breeding lines will be cultivated at many                         credibility on recommended varieties as
Task Force consists of a 3-phase                   sites and exposed to not just a few but                           well as credibility of data accumulated.
evaluation of rice breeding lines from             many breeders from different institutes.                          “We expect that this will shorten the time
IARCs and NARS, starting from the                  The multiyear and multilocation trials                            lag between the completion of breeding
regional trial, then national                                                                                                        +  
trials, and participatory                                                                                                    varietal release,” Dr. Kumashiro
varietal selection trials (a rice                  Multistage Regional Trial Network                                         stated.
garden followed by 2 years                                 Africa Rice Breeding Task Force                                         Training programs for
of mother/baby trials). These        Lines developed by ongoing AfricaRice                                                   breeding,  experimental design,
                                                                                               Varieties dveloped by
trials are done in multiple           Projects STRASA, GSR, GCP, Japan Rice
                                                                                                 NARES, IRRI, CIAT           and  germplasm    database
                                                    Breeding, etc.
locations in different countries                                                                                             management have been
(please see the map of Africa                                                                                                organized to upgrade the skills
Rice Breeding Task Force trial                                                                                               of rice researchers, including a
sites).                                                               Regional trials                  500 lines/year        training course held at IRRI in
     The International Network           Breeding                                                                            October 2010 for rice breeders
                                        Task Force
for the Genetic Evaluation of                                                                                                from various Asian and
                                                                       National trials                 100 lines/year
Rice (INGER)-Africa plays a                                                                                                  African countries as well as a
key role in the multiplication                                                                                               training workshop organized by
and distribution of new seed                                            Rice garden                     50 lines/year        AfricaRice in December 2010
for in-country hotspot testing                               Multilocation trial     Baby trial         5 nominated          to introduce the principles and
and participatory varietal                                   Multilocation trial     Baby trial           lines/year         new concepts of the experimental
testing trials and genotype-                                                                                                 planning for plant breeding.
environment analyses.                                                                                                              The Task Force will also
     Takashi Kumashiro,                                    Recommendation to target countries                                support  MSc and PhD students,
regional theme leader of                                                                                                     and link up with Global Rice
GRiSP Themes 11 and 22                                                                                                       Science Scholarships (GRiSS)
and leader of the AfricaRice                                                                                                  and other types of scholarships.
Program on Genetic Diversity         Map of Africa Rice Breeding Task Force trial sites.
and Improvement, explained                                                                                                    Spotting the champions
that one of the unique features                                                                                               The key to the success of the
of such an approach is that                                                                                                   Africa Rice Breeding Task Force
the breeding lines that enter                                                                                                 will be timely and quality data
the Task Force are provided                                                                                                   collection, management, and
by not one but many institutes                                                                                                interpretation for sound decisions
such as NARS in Africa as                                                                                                     on moving germplasm forward
well as IRRI, the International                                                                                               in the various trials, according to
Center for Tropical Agriculture                                                                                               Dr. Kumashiro. “If that is done
(CIAT), and AfricaRice.                                                                                                       well, smart G × E (genotype
     For example, in 2011,                                                                                                    by environment) analyses will
the breeding lines nominated                                                                                                  enable us to select promising
for the lowland regional trial                                                                                                breeding lines to proceed to the
consisted of 13% lines from the            High elevation                                                                     next phase, that is, spot potential
                                           Irrigated lowland
NARS, 34% from AfricaRice,                                                                                                    Y[   \  >]
                                           Rainfed lowland
14% from IRRI, and 39% from                Rainfed lowland and upland
                                                                                                                              Hopefully, these “Olympic
CIAT.                                      Upland                                                                             champions” will help remove
     The Task Force thus                                                                                                      some barriers toward improved
enables the evaluation of many                                                                                                quality and quantity of rice
breeding lines with prior                                                                                                     production on the continent
data on performance from                                                                     kilometers
                                                                                                                              and put Africa on the map of
different sources under different                                                                                             potential sources of rice food
biophysical and socioeconomic                                                                                                 security in the world.

    Theme 1: Harnessing genetic diversity to chart new productivity, quality, and health horizons.
    Theme 2: Accelerating the development, delivery, and adoption of improved rice varieties.

                                                                         Rice Today October-December 2011                                                   23

                          Women of war turn
                      by Sophie Clayton and Alaric Francis Santiaguel

                      Ex-combatant women in Burundi try a second chance for a peaceful life by turning to rice farming

                              urundi is a small landlocked                           ˆ =    ~  ~                         +     
                              country in Central Africa. Long-                    ~      +                            
                                    ^                           >      ~                   socially.
                              country broke out into a civil war                           >                          €@!’ "++ €
                       _     #                           "                                   €’@€     
                         #$$ $$$  >                                    >]                                               
                            #$$      ^                              @      =#}                       resources to rebuild businesses or                      !   % ƒ!!†    
                      day.1 ' #$$ '   ~                           + > @                            +        
                           !                     outcasts.                                                               
                       €                                   {‚                                   >
                      world.#                                                   ~  +       =<                     !       
                                                                                     > '  '                       '  ƒ Country snapshot
                      Women of war                                                     {‚%                           †           
                             '                                         !                        +      >  
                                    ~                            =4  =                          “$$ =                                                = • !~ !!%  
                      + !‚           +                                                                                 ’         " @ >
                       @  ‚              =<                   Replacing bullets with skills                           ˆ –    
                          ' ‡3                                        #$$                                                            >]

                           ‰ ' ~ ‡——  >  ~>—.
                          €      @  ƒ€@†‡  ‰ * ~ ‡—— >— 
                          !‚  ‡ *  =— ˜ >
                          › €  %’      œ+   @   €   ƒ€              +   * €  †>
                          €      +  '– ' >

                  28                                                                   Rice Today October-December 2011
n to rice in Burundi
                                               –   +                       +   
  “With IRRI’s assistance, I                        +                       > ”+
                                               !! €@!’                              
  produce rice myself and I                    '  +  >                                   >]
                                                     ”> " "     
  can eat rice with my children                   =   ‡ ˆ‰ !!%             Participatory science
                                                                    !!            { +
  whenever I need it.”                                               '       
                                               us produce rice for family consumption.         +          
                                                     ˆ‰  +                         + 
  Ms. Elisabeth Nibigira                       +     ]           >            
                                               ˆ‰                          + > ’     
                                                ~  !!%  > ‰                   –
                                                   ~                      ~   
                          used small quantities because we could           +          >
        >               >]                                          
  !  +    %               ’  ‚             to perform well in different growing
                                                  +    '            
              +            ˆ‰  !! –                       
         > ' ~                I now feel reintegrated into society. I                        
  ~      >              ~       Œ                  => @    + 
       ˆ*                                            '   =
                  =  =                            to be released soon as an outcome of
                             ˆ‰        ]             >
    ]   > • '                 ˆ                              ]
     –                                 +              The future
     ]       > ˆ‚           ~ +   ~                  *  
          <            >                      @   { +  ' 
                   +                !! ~      –
    '  >]                                          >                  > '
                                                     ˆ      ~            it also seeks funding to include more
  In their own words                            +                                       
      +                         +           =     + 
   ++   –                   ]   ”> ‚ >             ~      + 
                    ˆ[                         >

                                                     Rice Today October-December 2011                                                 25
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