Ethical recommendations for ocean observation - ADGEO
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Adv. Geosci., 45, 343–361, 2018 © Author(s) 2018. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Ethical recommendations for ocean observation Michèle Barbier1 , Anja Reitz2 , Katsiaryna Pabortsava3 , Anne-Cathrin Wölfl2 , Tobias Hahn2 , and Fred Whoriskey4 1 Institute for Science and Ethics, Nice, France 2 GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany 3 National Oceanography Centre Southampton, UK 4 Ocean Tracking Network, University of Dalhaousie, Halifax, Canada Correspondence: Michèle Barbier ( Received: 3 July 2018 – Revised: 12 September 2018 – Accepted: 22 October 2018 – Published: 22 November 2018 Abstract. The United Nations proclaimed a decade of ma- 1 Introduction rine science for sustainable development (2021–2030) to de- velop a common framework that will ensure that ocean sci- ence can fully support countries in achieving the goal of sus- The oceans are part of the complex ocean–atmosphere cy- tainable development. Marine scientific understanding is fun- cle that regulates the global climate and are vulnerable to damental to managing human activities that affect this en- natural and man-made hazards. However, the ocean remains vironment, and ocean observations have a particularly im- one of the least-known regions in the world. Scientific under- portant role in enhancing the knowledge base of our oceans. standing is fundamental to managing human activities that With this important task, scientists have the responsibility to affect this environment, and ocean observations heavily en- act in an ethical way and apply all the fundamental princi- hance the knowledge base of our oceans. Understanding this ples described in the Cape Town statement: (a) ethical val- ecosystem is essential to predicting extreme oceanographic ues, (b) social values and (c) cultural values (Peppoloni and and climatic events as well as geohazards (storms, hurri- Di Capua, 2017). canes, sea level rise and coastal erosion), pollution, oil spills, This article is a fist attempt to highlight the core values ap- invasive species, acidification and deoxygenation. We have plicable to ocean observation, which can then be improved entered a new geological era, the Anthropocene, as a result and adopted as part of geoethics and the stewardship of the of human pressures on the Earth system (UN, 2016; Nakicen- Earth system. It opens up avenues for reflection on geoeth- ovic et al., 2016). Therefore, knowledge of the oceans and ical implications in the field of ocean observation and sug- of the Earth system as a whole is an essential basis for ap- gests nine key principles that marine scientists could follow propriate sustainability management. “The Anthropocene is in their innovative research regarding open access to data, changing our relationship with the planet and we must de- effectiveness, compliance with laws, environmental respect termine how to assume this responsibility” (Nobel Laureate and nature conservation, reciprocal relation and cultural re- Elinor Ostrom, 1933–2012; Planet Under Pressure, 2012). In spect, equity and fairness, knowledge transfer, governance Anthropocene governance, decisions are based on scientific adapted to socio-ecological systems, and the use of animals evidence (Nakicenovic et al., 2016). Humanity must be the in research. steward of the planet’s natural resources and scientists must participate not only in the production of knowledge, but also in public discourse, decision-making, education and gover- nance to reduce anthropogenic damage to the environment (Rozzi et al., 2015; Bohle and Erle, 2017; Peppoloni et al., 2015; Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2015, 2016; Bobrowsky et al., 2017). Scientists must be concerned with societies and environments and be aware of their role in the Earth system as well as their relationships with colleagues (Bobrowsky et al., 2017; Bohle and Erle, 2017). Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
344 M. Barbier et al.: Ethical recommendations for ocean observation Responsibility is one of the values that the human commu- ent dimensions aligned with shared values (Peppoloni and Di nity accepts as universally representative of individual and Capua, 2015, 2017; Peppoloni et al., 2017). Geoethics has social good in terms of honesty, justice, and respect for life been defined as “research and reflection on the values that and the environment. Responsibility is also a value shared underlie appropriate behaviours and practices, wherever hu- by marine scientists and geoscientists. Responsibility for man activities interact with the Earth system. Geoethics ad- marine research activities is reflected in philosophy (Jonas, dresses the ethical, social and cultural implications of knowl- 1979), legislation (UNCLOS, 1982, Agenda 21, 1992) and edge, education, research, practice and communication in geoethics (Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2015, 2016; Peppoloni geosciences, as well as the social role and responsibility of et al., 2015; Wyss and Peppoloni, 2015). geoscientists in the conduct of their activities” (Bobrowsky In the 1970s, the German philosopher Hans Jonas (1903– et al., 2017; Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2012). The Cape Town 1993) wrote the following: “Modern technology has intro- statement on geoethics sets out the fundamental principles duced actions of such magnitude, objects and unprecedented of geoethics such as the honesty, integrity, transparency and consequences that the framework of ancient ethics can no reliability of geoscience and highlights, in particular, three longer contain them”. Jonas was concerned about the enor- aspects that are important for the marine environment: (1) re- mous power that comes from the technical sciences (such spect for natural processes and phenomena, to the extent pos- as genetic engineering, environmental technology, satellites) sible, when planning and implementing environmental inter- and understood the need to involve a new form of respon- ventions; (2) ensuring the sustainability of economic and so- sibility (Jonas, 1979). The “imperative of responsibility” for cial activities to ensure the supply of energy and other natu- future humanity has become a principle and, as such, it is ral resources for future generations; and (3) promoting geo- the precursor to the precautionary principle. Scientists must education and awareness for all to promote sustainable eco- ensure that the effects of their actions do not destroy the au- nomic development, prevent and mitigate geological risks, tonomy, dignity, integrity and vulnerability of future human- environmental protection, and improve the resilience and ity (Berdinesen, 2017). This new conception of the ethics of well-being of societies (Violante et al., 2017). the future goes far beyond philosophical theory in influenc- The United Nations has proclaimed a decade of marine ing national and international legal or political systems to sciences for sustainable development (2021–2030) to de- integrate the concepts of “common heritage of humanity”, velop a common framework that will enable the ocean sci- “sustainable development” and “future generations” (Gail- ences to fully assist countries in achieving the goal of sus- lard, 2015; Mantatov and Mantatova, 2015). tainable development. One of the objectives is to achieve Ambassador Arvid Pardo of Malta proposed to the United the integration of observations and data sharing, including Nations in 1967 that the seas and oceans beyond national the use of satellites, fixed and mobile observation platforms, jurisdiction should be considered as the common heritage and shipboard observation platforms (IOC-UNESCO, 2017). of humanity. It has also developed an ethical concept for a Ocean observing systems will become a major asset in this new world order based on new forms of cooperation, eco- task and it is incumbent on the marine scientific commu- nomic theory and philosophy: the oceans and their resources nity to adopt an ethical approach in its research. To promote are a common good open to the international community, geoethics among the marine scientific community, this article and their use should be subject to international administra- lists some of the most fundamental values of ocean observa- tion and management for the common good of all humanity. tion in order to sensitize scientists and managers of large- States should commit themselves to managing and protect- scale scientific projects to integrate an ethical approach into ing existing resources within their national jurisdiction, but their future project work plans. as a global interest and not only for national interests (Prue, We open up avenues for reflection on geoethical implica- 2011); it is the ethical core of the common heritage of hu- tions in the field of ocean observation and suggest nine key manity: the responsibility of human beings to protect and principles that marine scientists could follow in their innova- maintain the environment as a whole, of which we are a part tive research, inspired by the CIESM Charter and based on for present and future generations. the AtlantOS H2020 project used as a case study. The International Association for the Promotion of We define ethics in ocean observing systems as reasoned Geoethics (IAPG)1 was recently launched to create a mul- reflection and actions based on research activities and tech- tidisciplinary scientific platform to broaden debate and raise nological advances to develop ocean knowledge that takes awareness of ethical issues applied to geoscience, thus pro- into account external factors such as the social, legal, politi- viding a landscape for the development of geoethics. To help cal, economic, environmental and cultural dimensions in or- address ethical issues, the values of geoethics have been de- der to provide advice for commendable and responsible be- fined to adopt appropriate behaviours and practices by choos- haviour that will support sustainability, the stability of our ing the best solution to a problem that must consider differ- oceans and the resilience of the Earth system. 1 IAPG – (last access: 9 November 2018). Adv. Geosci., 45, 343–361, 2018
M. Barbier et al.: Ethical recommendations for ocean observation 345 2 EU Horizon 2020 project AtlantOS as a key study for 3 Ethics – key recommendations an ethical approach to ocean science In ocean sciences, ethical guidelines have been designed at CIESM2 (Mediterranean Science Commission, Barbier The AtlantOS project (H2020 project 2015–2019) aims to and Briand, 2014) in the context of access and use of ma- enhance and optimize the integrated Atlantic Ocean observ- rine genetic resources (Giuliano and Barbier, 2011, 2014). ing systems. One of the objectives of the AtlantOS network CIESM is an intergovernmental organization supported by is to strengthen the cooperation and exchange of knowledge 23 member governments to promote international research across countries, both in Europe and in the states border- in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. The commission cov- ing the entire Atlantic Ocean, to integrate all current re- ers a broad spectrum of marine disciplines, relying on a search activities in ocean observing and to provide informa- pool of vast human resources. On this basis, CIESM pro- tion and products necessary to cope with global challenges duces authoritative, impartial reports on the status and trends such as climate change, increased pressures on natural re- of Mediterranean marine systems, together with sharp rec- sources and global-scale hazards. The AtlantOS vision is to ommendations on priorities for actions, research and de- improve and innovate Atlantic observation to obtain an inter- velopment on a large range of sensitive issues concerning national, more sustainable, more efficient, more integrated, the whole Mediterranean Basin. These guidelines, embed- and fit-for-purpose system. By this means, the initiative aims ded into the CIESM Charter on Access and Benefit Shar- for a long-lasting and sustainable contribution to realizing ing (ABS) arising from the utilization of marine genetic re- societal, economic and scientific benefits arising from this sources, were designed in 2014 to reinforce the Nagoya Pro- integrated approach that will extend beyond the AtlantOS tocol3 in the Mediterranean. The Nagoya Protocol on Ac- project’s lifetime. The revised ocean observing system seeks cess to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing to provide new information products in several societal bene- of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (ABS) to the Con- fit areas (i.e. climate, risks, ecosystems, health and fresh wa- vention on Biological Diversity is an international agreement ter) including safety for offshore activities and coastal com- which aims at sharing the benefits arising from the utilization munities. The AtlantOS project pools the effort of 62 partners of genetic resources in a fair and equitable way. The Nagoya (research institutes, universities, marine service providers, Protocol, which entered into force in 2014, is a complement multi-institutional organizations and the private sector) from to the Convention on Biological Diversity – the CBD adopted 18 countries, including Europe, Canada, the US, Brazil and in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment South Africa. It has a budget of almost EUR 21 million for and Sustainable Development in Rio – for which economic 4 years (2015–2019) and is coordinated by the GEOMAR and social development related to environmental protection Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany (Mar- and sustainable development was at the heart of the debate. tin Visbeck). The CBD was adopted to protect biodiversity, highlighting From its inception, the AtlantOS project already recog- the need for the sustainable use of biodiversity and main- nized the concept of responsible research and innovation taining the integrity of ecosystem functioning to ensure the (RRI) to address important societal challenges. It has ad- viability of biodiversity (UNCLOS, 1982; De Paiva Toledo, dressed this by adopting principles of responsible science 2016). The CBD was reinforced by Action Agenda 21, which and innovation and directing research and innovation efforts is an action plan for the 21st century adopted by 173 heads towards valued societal objectives. RRI means that societal of state at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. actors work together throughout the research and innovation Principle 15 is a precautionary principle aiming to anticipate process to better align the process and its results with so- any negative impact and sustainably exploit resources in the ciety’s values, needs and expectations (European Commis- high seas. sion, 2014). RRI is an approach that anticipates and assesses The CIESM Charter on Access and Benefit Sharing aris- potential societal implications and expectations for research ing from the utilization of marine genetic resources has been and innovation, with the aim of fostering the design of inclu- conceived to stimulate scientific research and development sive and sustainable research and innovation that considers and provides ethical guidelines for providers, enquirers and different dimensions such as public engagement and aware- end users (, ness, open science, science education, ethics, governance and last access: 9 November 2018). The charter emphasizes es- gender equality (e.g. H2020 projects MARINA and Baltic sential core values, such as fair and equitable sharing of ben- Gender). Within AtlantOS, almost every work package (WP) efits, transparency and reciprocal relations, and fostering the is coordinated by both a man and a woman, and a strong com- sharing of scientific knowledge with concerted handing of munication strategy is deployed; one WP is dedicated to the data, traceability, nature conservation and environmental re- definition of societal requirements, and one WP is dedicated spect. It has been developed on the basis of extensive consul- to data management with strong encouragement to provide free and open access to data. All dissemination activities of 2 (last access: 9 November 2018). the project are open and freely available. 3 (last access: 9 November 2018). Adv. Geosci., 45, 343–361, 2018
346 M. Barbier et al.: Ethical recommendations for ocean observation tation with scientists and legal experts to maintain and pro- the market to improve the overall transparency of the scien- tect access to knowledge for everyone to prevent abuses of tific process. Industry is also becoming more open in disclos- ocean global commons. The CIESM Charter goes beyond bi- ing their data to the scientific community (Sylvie Pouliquen, ological approaches and extends beyond the strict perimeter personal communication, 2018) of the Mediterranean–Black Sea regions. Its concept is ap- Along with the rapid development of open-access data plicable to large scientific initiatives such as oceanographic platforms, the scientific community is becoming increasingly campaigns in the global oceans. engaged in sharing data and knowledge. One of the AtlantOS The ethical key points related to ocean observing and the objectives is to “showcase the power of integrated trans- subsequent recommendations below are inspired or adapted Atlantic observing to provide information necessary to cope from the CIESM Charter and recall geoethics fundamental with global challenges such as climate change, increased principles (Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2016). They provide the pressure on natural resources and global-scale hazards to the foundation for the nine recommendations below, which are benefit of society”; this meets the principle of open access to based on philosophical, scientific, environmental, societal or data. legal dimensions. These recommendations are illustrated by As an example, data on the Argo Data System, through concrete examples. which all data from the Argo international programme4 are stored, are relayed and made publicly and freely available 3.1 Open access to data within hours after collection. Argo is the international array of ∼ 3900 free-drifting profiling floats that provides mea- Technoscience has provided the marine scientific commu- surements temperature and salinity profiles from the surface nity with new opportunities to improve the understanding down to 2000 m below sea level every 10 days, with years of ocean systems. For example, satellites are now used to of data on the temperature and salinity of the global ocean. transmit oceanographic data in real time or near-real time, Measuring temperature and salinity with Argo floats provides providing information on changes happening in the ocean in the physical data necessary for a wider scientific commu- time and space. Although these data have been obtained from nity than physical oceanographers. In Europe, Euro-Argo5 many studies in different seas, their use is not yet optimal is managed by IFREMER, who put a lot of effort into coor- due to restricted availability. The benefit of linking the data dinating the data flux. The Prediction and Research Moored across different sectors readily and freely can therefore be Array in the Tropical Atlantic Network, PIRATA6 , puts at the lost. Moreover, access to data can be restricted by some gov- disposal of the scientific community a unique > 20-year time ernments for historical reasons or by some companies (a) due series of ocean monitoring data from the tropical Atlantic, to potential security reasons or (b) because they earn money which is indispensable for global climate change monitor- with the data they produce (Bernal and Simcock, 2016; UN ing. These data are crucial for global climate change moni- data revolution report, 2014). The United Nations recently toring. PIRATA includes France (IRD, Météo France, IFRE- called for action from scientific communities, industries and MER and CNRS/INSU), Brazil (DHN and INPE) and the policymakers to support aspirations for sustainable develop- USA (NOAA/PMEL). The scientific communities involved ment and avert risks, stop and reverse growing inequalities in share data based on voluntary participation. These include access to data and information, and ensure that the promise of the IHO-DCDB (International Hydrographic Organisation) the data revolution is realized for all (UN data revolution re- collecting bathymetric data and the recently launched Seabed port, 2014). Data sharing and access are fundamental for im- 2030 initiative7 . proving the ways we observe the oceans, especially because All these programmes and projects are united by the same it prompts collaborations between different scientific fields objective, which is collecting high-quality data. Based on the (multidisciplinary) and nations (Muller-Karger et al., 2018). UN definition, data are of high quality when they are accu- Free data access has been advocated by many international rate, comparable, unbiased, relevant, timely and accessible. programmes and organizations. For instance, many marine Data interoperability and standardization are crucial because initiatives in Europe follow the practices outlined in the they allow data from different sources or time periods to be UNESCO Report on Observations and Samples Collected combined and are essential criteria for defining the high qual- by Oceanographic Programmes (ROSCOP, late 1960s) and ity of data (Muller-Karger et al., 2018; Bernal and Simcock, CSRs (Cruise Summary Reports (since 1960). The GOOS 2016; UN report on data revolution, 2014). As an example, 2030 strategy specifically emphasizes this point to ensure the ocean modelling community needs to integrate physical, that ocean observation data and information are searchable, accessible, interoperable and reusable with appropriate qual- 4 (last access: 9 November 2018). ity (Toste Tonhua, personal communication, 2018). The Eu- 5 Euro-ERIC is coordinated by Ifremer, France (http://www. ropean Commission also strongly encourages open access to, last access: 9 November 2018). data to improve the quality of results, encourage collabora- 6 (last access: 9 Novem- tion, increase efficiency of data collection, avoid duplication ber 2018). of effort, and foster innovation and faster product delivery to 7 (last access: 9 November 2018). Adv. Geosci., 45, 343–361, 2018
M. Barbier et al.: Ethical recommendations for ocean observation 347 bathymetric, chemical, biogeochemical and biological data the scientific community, society, stakeholders and policy- to verify and build confidence in their simulations. More- makers. over, by combining biological and geological data, we can These observations are also multi-purpose, resilient and define habitat maps for valued species, delineate the bound- yet can be adapted to ensure relevant improvements, inno- aries of marine protected areas (MPAs), inform their moni- vation and growth. As an example, large areas in the Atlantic toring plans and define ecosystem status. Ocean have been mapped by various industries, but as these These data, which are interoperable, standardized and of data are not publicly available, scientists map the same areas high quality, can be considered as common data that must repeatedly. This is costly. Collaboration should be encour- be managed in a concerted manner. The scientific commu- aged to increase the efficiency of ocean observing8 . nity should ensure that contributors share responsibilities Sharing existing infrastructure and facilities for ocean ob- through data preservation, dissemination and management, serving (e.g. fixed-point observatories, research vessels, au- which must be clear and transparent. Data must be visible tonomous platforms such as gliders, floats, etc.) prevents du- and managed through established data management facili- plication of effort, minimizes investments, and ultimately re- ties. duces service and maintenance costs. This also allows for the To engage in a trustful relationship, keeping track of the future enhancement of observing capacity through the imple- following is essential: data and information, metadata, other mentation and integration of new technologies and new sen- environmental variables, any persons involved (private or sors, the optimization of existing practices (best practices), work-related contact) in collecting the data, the sampling and the development of new ones. It drives innovation for the dates and locations where relevant, and the state of the data understanding of the oceanic environment and processes. To in the quality control process (e.g. final data, (un)calibrated, provide a solid base of information on the main in situ ele- raw, etc.). The platforms gathering data must make the ments of the global ocean observing system (current ocean data openly available and provide details on data quality parameters measured) and thus help reduce duplication in assurance–quality control (QA–QC) and processing proce- sampling, the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for dures, including the methods used, reference persons, third Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) provides parties involved in any procedures and where the results are a comprehensive platform and monitoring tool on what is hosted. measured, where and how9 . The JCOMM in situ Observa- Finally, this principle does not contravene principles 4 tions Programme Support Centre (JCOMMOPS) is based on (compliance with laws) and 5 (reciprocal relations; see be- the existing DBCP, OceanSITEs, SOT, GO-SHIP and Argo low). The decision taken by a country on whether or not to coordination mechanisms. The centre provides essential data provide access to data obtained in their national waters needs and tools, as well as a centralized information and techni- to be respected. Data obtained in the sovereign waters of a cal support facility, required for coordinating and integrating nation require agreements with the state for the information many of the existing operational ocean observing networks to become public. under JCOMM. EMODnet10 follows a similar approach but The main recommendations for promoting open access to for European contributions with a focus on users and data data are as follows. platforms. To address the needs of society and researchers, and to – Make the results of research activities visible and free, deliver the expected benefits from sustained ocean monitor- and share access to data to improve our knowledge of ing, AtlantOS utilizes and builds on the capabilities of ex- the oceans. isting ocean observing platforms including infrastructure, re- sources, data management protocols, and knowledge transfer – Optimize the integration of data into a global ocean ob- and exchange. Collaboration and partnership between inter- serving system using criteria of interoperability, data national research institutes and the industrial and private sec- quality, standardization or best practices when avail- tors have been fostered to ensure mutual short- and long-term able. support and benefit. In AtlantOS, most working groups focus on improving ob- – Respect cultural and scientific diversity in data manage- servation efficiency by strengthening observation networks, ment. establishing interfaces between open, regional and coastal – Define and harmonize vocabulary while collaborating networks, cross-cutting technologies and observing system across sectors or disciplines. 8 3.2 Effectiveness ocean-infinity-donates-seabed-561884 (last access: 9 Novem- ber 2018) Ocean Infinity donates data to seabed mapping project. For ocean observations to be sustained, the collection of data 9 (last access: 9 November 2018). must be efficient. Efficient ocean observing networks provide 10 EMODnet is operated by EuroGOOS (http://www.emodnet. high-quality, robust and timely products, services and data to eu/, last access: 9 November 2018). Adv. Geosci., 45, 343–361, 2018
348 M. Barbier et al.: Ethical recommendations for ocean observation practices in the most cost-effective way. They also focus on (VOR) teams to collect oceanographic data for research, harmonizing data flow and integration so that essential ocean monitoring and operational services (e. g. weather forecasts). variables (EOVs) are measured and can provide the best in- These activities were supported by project and transatlantic formation to society. These EOVs are defined within the ma- cooperation partners such as the National Oceanic and Atmo- rine scientific community to meet the requirements of stake- spheric Administration (NOAA), JCOMMOPS (UNESCO- holders, users and customers. Management and innovation IOC), GEOMAR and SubCtech. procedures are being developed to improve and integrate in- The main recommendations to improve the effectiveness ternational observation networks and create a sustainable Eu- of the ocean observing system are as follows. ropean and transatlantic infrastructure. – Provide access to observation platforms and infrastruc- In many cases, such collaborations and sharing of observ- ture to accommodate new measurements and integrate ing infrastructure have already been conducted in practice: new sensors or devices. the Fixed-point Open Ocean Observatory network (FixO3)11 has put a large effort into integrating European open ocean – Adopt a multidisciplinary, flexible approach and adapt fixed-point observatories and improving access to these key your platforms and measures to these new disciplines installations for a broader community. FixO3 was coor- if this does not hinder major changes in the measures dinated by the National Oceanography Centre (UK) with already carried out (e.g. biological measurements). 29 partners from academia, research institutions and pri- – Define best practices to help the ocean observing com- vate partners to improve integration and harmonize the ex- munity adopt methodologies based on your expertise. isting technological, procedural and infrastructure processes. Members of the FixO3 consortia were able to access the data – Improve the visibility of the platforms, infrastructure service and products of the observatory infrastructure in the and networks to the ocean observing community. Atlantic Ocean in a coordinated manner and free of charge. – Be open-minded to discussion and welcome new uses The research project enhanced and innovated the capability of the platforms. for multidisciplinary in situ ocean observations, data output, and data access and sharing. Furthermore, it fostered strong 3.3 Environmental respect and nature conservation links with wider communities across academia, industry, pol- icy and the general public through outreach, knowledge ex- Before legislation and regulations were implemented, the change and training activities. PIRATA is another example ethical criteria for millennium were centred on the inter- of a platform offering additional measurements through the est of humans and their community. American ecologist integration of supplementary sensors on the PIRATA buoys and philosopher Aldo Leopold (1887–1948) broadened our for communities beyond those that were originally intended perspectives and, for many, transformed value systems by to be served by the infrastructure (e.g., acoustic receivers to extending the concept of ethics to land and enlarging the track acoustically tagged animals for global animal track- boundaries of the human community to include soils, wa- ers) but also through opportunities offered for additional ters, plants and animals (Leopold, 1949). This concept has studies and/or monitoring during yearly dedicated cruises, since been broadly supported and extended (for an overview, thereby optimizing vessel time use. Activities also include see Morand and Lajaunie, 2018). Environmental ethics are improvement, expansion, integration and innovation in ship- concerned with the moral relations that shape the linkage be- based observations undertaken by existing observing net- tween humans and the natural word (Miller and Kirk, 1992). works. These include the GO-SHIP network, the Voluntary And because we have entered the Anthropocene “humanity Observing Ship (VOS) scheme, the Ship of Opportunity Pro- must be the steward of the planet natural resources, ecosys- gram (SOOP) and FerryBox networks, which use voluntary tems, biomes” and act accordingly (Nakicenovic et al., 2016) observing ships and oceanographic research vessels to ob- The legal basis for the protection and preservation of the tain oceanographic data. In Germany, every ship (three at marine environment is provided by UNCLOS in harmony present) going to international waters for scientific purposes with the 1972 Stockholm Agreements. Article 192 (UNC- is obliged, on transit, to record bathymetric data for the geo- LOS) refers to the obligation of states to protect the ma- logical community. At the EU level, Eurofleets12 is a consor- rine environment. The preamble states that we must be “con- tium of 31 partners from 20 countries supported by the EC to scious that the problems of ocean space are closely interre- provide access to as well as coordinate and develop services lated and need to be considered as a whole. . . ”, which im- for research vessels and equipment. plies a global approach within and beyond national jurisdic- Effectiveness can also be based on the commitment of civil tion. Environmental respect begins with controlling and con- society. AtlantOS also collaborated with Volvo Ocean Race tinues up to the point of stopping pollution. Regional con- ventions and guidelines play an important role in environ- 11 (last access: 9 November 2018). mental protection (Boyes and Elliott, 2014). For the north- 12 (last access: 9 east Atlantic region, the OSPAR Convention (1992) is the le- November 2018). gal instrument to protect the marine environment; it obliges Adv. Geosci., 45, 343–361, 2018
M. Barbier et al.: Ethical recommendations for ocean observation 349 all contracting parties to take all possible steps to prevent vi. introducing policies and regulations for ocean acoustics and eliminate pollution and to take the necessary measures governance. to protect this maritime area against the adverse effects of human activities (Article 1, OSPAR Convention). Yet, the annual use of certain expendable tools is unavoid- Any observation and monitoring of the marine environ- able (e.g. XBTs, artificial weights, lost mooring chains) as ment may disrupt the ecosystem. Environmental respect and the benefits of the observations they support are widely be- nature conservation are key principles that need to be em- lieved to outweigh the impacts. The design of devices and braced by the research community. Scientists involved in sensors such that they can be broken down for recycling and ocean observing should, in particular, assess the environmen- the recovery of valuable or potentially toxic elements is a tal impact of their research in terms of noise pollution (e.g. major challenge to be considered in the future. single-beam and multibeam sonar systems, seismic testing), In geophysics, the investigation of the sea floor has an im- the fate of devices used as they approach their end of life- pact on marine fauna, but recommendations have been made time, long oceanographic campaigns employing single-use to minimize the noise impact (e.g. slowly ramp up the sonar (disposable) sensors and waste management in general. The from low to high power over 10 to 20 min to avoid poten- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO tially harmful startle and/or stress responses in animals; give (IOC-UNESCO)13 plays an important role in safeguarding mobile animals the time to leave a survey area; allow vessels the oceans from the impact of ship operators and marine sci- or observers to check for whales and switch off sonar sys- entific operations. Efforts have been made in this sense with a tems when mammals are around). Air guns are commonly code of conduct for marine scientific research vessels which used by the oil and gas exploration industry but also by re- was approved by the International Ship Operator Community searchers for mapping the structure and stratigraphy of the in China, (2007)14 highlighting the responsibility of scien- sea floor (sediment layers, change in sediment layers, basal tists collecting scientific information to minimize their envi- geology)15 . The emissions may be powerful enough to kill ronmental impact. or physically injure some animals and can change animal The equipment deployed by researchers to monitor the behaviour, distribution and habitat use (Normandeau Asso- ocean has minimal impacts (Bernal and Simcock, 2016) on ciates Inc., 2012; Popper and Hastings, 2009; Wardle et al., the marine ecosystem compared to, for example, commercial 2001). Sound source technology is evolving: now marine vi- shipping, drilling, operating offshore oil platforms, leisure brators have been designed that meet survey needs but pro- vessels and dumping space instruments. This, however, does duce a continuous, lower volume of noise that should be not not absolve the research community from reducing their as harmful as air guns, but the technology is currently very environmental impacts and showing leadership in reducing expensive and requires training and investment (equipment, ocean pollution. Scientists within the framework of AtlantOS software), inhibiting its uptake. A combination of regulations have identified several recommendations for reducing pollu- and financial incentives may be required to see this technol- tion from research activities (Barbier et al., 2016). Examples ogy adopted more widely. of prevention and control measures are the following: Shipping, including research vessels, is also heavily con- tributing to ocean noise (e.g. McKenna et al., 2012). As new i. encouraging float manufacturers to make their equip- ships are constructed, they should include the most current ment more environmentally friendly by revisiting floats design features and other technologies that dampen the noise design (use of sustainable materials); they emit (Southall and Scholik-Schlomer, 2008). ii. conducting research and development on new battery The main recommendations regarding nature conservation technology posing less risk of impacts, developing bet- and avoiding environmental impacts are the following. ter recovery-at-sea strategies for deployed equipment, – Ensure that sampling sites are not impacted on a large especially equipment that unintentionally breaks free of scale and/or irreparably damaged. its moorings; iii. appropriate recycling or disposing of equipment that has – Research activities must not impede the conservation of reached its end of lifetime; marine biodiversity. iv. developing a policy for recycling equipment; – Ensure priority is given to non-destructive sampling v. collaborating with complementary networks (DBCP) to techniques and, where environmental damage is un- minimize the equipment deployed by maximizing the avoidable, provide the means for restoration. use of existing floats and/or drifters; and 15 Air guns generate intense omnidirectional, low-frequency (20– 13 (last access: 9 November 2018). 200 Hz), repetitive (every 10–15 s) sounds (Hawkins et al., 2014; 14 Popper et al., 2014), whose reflections are recorded to generate 3-D Code_final.pdf (last access: 9 November 2018). maps to varying depths of the substrate. Adv. Geosci., 45, 343–361, 2018
350 M. Barbier et al.: Ethical recommendations for ocean observation – Plan science activities carefully to anticipate unin- that takes into account the interests and needs of all human- tended, potentially harmful impacts and avoid them be- ity (Prue, 2011). In areas beyond those recognized as falling fore they occur. under a nation’s jurisdiction (areas beyond national jurisdic- tion – ABJN), any resources present are viewed as belonging 3.4 Compliance with laws to the global commons because no national entity can claim sole jurisdiction under international law. To avoid conflicts At the global level, the United Nation’s Convention of the and attempt to provide sound management regimes for re- Law of the Sea (UNCLOS, 1982) provides a comprehensive sources in ABNJ, some international treaties have been nego- structure for dealing with human activities in the oceans and tiated. Examples include the International Whaling Commis- the legal framework to regulate key aspects of resources in sion17 , the International Seabed Authority18 and the Antarc- the sea and uses of the ocean. These include navigational tic Treaty System19 . More recently, the UN has adopted a rights, territorial sea limits, economic jurisdiction, the legal resolution regarding marine genetic resources in the high status of resources on the seabed beyond the limits of na- seas through an international legally binding instrument un- tional jurisdiction, passage of ships, conservation and man- der UNCLOS dealing with the conservation and sustainable agement of living marine resources, protection of the marine use of marine biological diversity in areas beyond national environment, marine research regimes, and binding proce- jurisdiction20 . This lays out the obligations of the signatories dures for the settlement of disputes between states16 . The aim and will change the use of marine biological resources in the is to facilitate marine scientific research, balance the interests future in the open sea. In coming years, scientific evidence and rights of coastal states with those of other states in the in- will be essential for this instrument (MPAs, environmental ternational community, and promote, inter alia, the equitable impact assessment, genetic resources and knowledge trans- and efficient utilization of their resources. UNCLOS defines fer, etc.) zones of coastal jurisdiction, for which states have different The Convention on Biological Diversity is dedicated to the rights and duties in each separate sector (UNCLOS, 1982). conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of These are more specifically outlined below. its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of bene- fits arising from the use of genetic resources. The Nagoya – The territorial sea links ipso jure to the territorial Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and sovereignty of the coastal state from the baselines to a Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization limit of 12 nautical miles (UNCLOS, Art. 3), which in- (ABS) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is cludes a right of innocent passage for ships of all states a supplementary agreement to the CBD. It provides a trans- (Article 17). parent legal framework for the effective implementation of one of the three objectives of the CBD: the fair and equi- – The exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is an area in which table sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of ge- the coastal state may claim exclusive rights for the ex- netic resources. The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the ploration and exploitation of marine resources over 200 CBD is also an international agreement which aims to ensure miles from the baselines (UNCLOS, Arts. 57 and 58). the safe handling, transport and use of living modified or- – The continental shelf comprises the submarine seabed ganisms resulting from modern biotechnology that may have and its subsoil beyond the limits of the territorial sea; adverse effects on biological diversity, also taking into ac- within 200 miles from the baselines up to 350 miles, it is count risks to human health. Compliance with these proto- related ipso jure to sovereign rights on natural resources. cols while working on biological resources is fundamental. With regard to the protection of the marine environment, Marine scientific research in the exclusive economic zone many international obligations emanating from the United and on the continental shelf may be carried out with the con- Nations and other bodies exist, sometimes overlapping re- sent of the coastal state (UNCLOS, Article 246), specifying gional conventions and policies as well as EU legislation. Re- the nature and timing of the research (the data collected may gional conventions have been designed to protect the marine be of different natures: biological, environmental, oceano- environment from human activities in specific regional seas: graphic, hydrographic, geophysical or geological; UNCLOS, the Black Sea (Bucharest Convention, 1992), the Mediter- Article 248). Within their national jurisdiction, states are re- ranean Sea (Barcelona Convention, 1995), the Baltic Sea quired to manage the use of ocean space and resources for (Helsinki Convention, 1992), the Atlantic (OSPAR Conven- their own benefit, but their responsibility goes beyond this tion, 1992), the South Pacific (Nouméa Convention, 1986), and UNCLOS commits them to contribute to the achieve- 17 (last access: 9 November 2018). ment of a just and equitable international economic order 18 (last access: 9 November 2018). 16 19 (last access: 9 November convention_historical_perspective.htm#HistoricalPerspective 2018). (last access: 13 November 2018). 20 UN resolution 69/292 of 19 June 2015. Adv. Geosci., 45, 343–361, 2018
M. Barbier et al.: Ethical recommendations for ocean observation 351 the East Sea (Kuwait Regional Convention, 2012) and the research integrity (Resnik and Shamoo, 2011) defines com- Red Sea (Jeddah Convention, 1982), with extensions to a mon standards while acknowledging the differences among wider geographical area (the London Convention, 1972 and nations (political, cultural, social and political) to promote the Bonn Convention, 1979). Moreover, in the last 50 years, ethical conduct among scientists. It includes four principles the EU has adopted more than 200 directives, regulations, (honesty, accountability, professionalism and stewardship) and many other forms of legislation and amendments that and 14 responsibilities for the ethical conduct of research. have direct repercussions for marine environmental policy These core values are recalled by the Montreal statement and management, resulting in a patchwork of EU legislation on research integrity in cross-boundary research collabora- and leading to a piecemeal approach to marine protection that tions (2013). This statement provides recommendations for tends to evolve in more simplified ways (Boyes and Elliott, individual and institutional partners when collaborating at 2014). the international level. It highlights global core values such as For ocean scientists, it is thus important to clearly identify integrity and trust but also, more specifically, ethical values obligations, regulations and laws governing access to and uti- while managing a collaboration such as agreements, commu- lization of ocean resources including for study purposes un- nication, transparency and monitoring. The CIESM Charter der national jurisdiction and any other agreements, treaties or for Access and Benefit Sharing arising from the use of marine conventions at the international, regional and national levels. genetic resources also addresses data integrity, data sharing, This might be a growing issue in coming years, especially re- record keeping, authorship and complying with regulations garding access to both biological resources and calls for open (Barbier and Briand, 2014) access to biological data. To prepare for this, national legis- In 2013 the European Union, the US and Canada recog- lation and national contacts must be clearly identified, and nized “the importance of the Atlantic Ocean to our citizens, principle 5 (reciprocal relationships; see below) must apply. prosperity, human health and well-being, adaptation to cli- Academic and research organizations or universities in the mate and other environmental change, and security”21 . They future will need to strongly support and help scientists with signed the Galway statement on Atlantic Ocean cooperation legal and ethical expertise to facilitate their research. and in 2017 the EU, Brazil and South Africa signed an accord The main recommendations concerning compliance with that states the following: “Oceans play a key role in develop- laws are the following. ing national and regional economies, achieving the Sustain- able Development Goals, and addressing climate change”22 . – Ask your institutions or organizations for help in clearly In the context of developing a strategy for sustainable At- identifying the regulations that may apply to your re- lantic observing systems, other countries overlooking the search activities (environment, Nagoya Protocol, guide- Atlantic Ocean will be invited in the future to collaborate. lines, etc.). For future development, the role and responsibilities of each party must be clearly established based on a mutual under- – Make sure you comply with these regulations, espe- standing with resolutions provided when conflicts occur. Of cially domestic laws. course, the responsibilities for the outcomes of research are also essential in international cooperations such as agreement – Adopt a transparent attitude during negotiations related regarding data, intellectual property and research records or to access to and use of biological resources. publication, authorship, and acknowledgement. – Keep track of your activities when you access biological To engage in a trustful relationship, keeping track of data resources in the sovereign waters of a country. and information and being transparent also facilitates the flow of communication: the scientific objectives and the – Honour the spirit of the CBD, the Nagoya Protocol, and proposed research (scientific prospection or commercial ex- other relevant international and global agreements. ploitation) should always be well defined and communicated to collaborators. Sometimes, in inter-sectorial, multidisci- 3.5 Reciprocal relation and cultural respect plinary research, the common definition and harmonization of terms might be useful. The role of each partner needs to be A reciprocal relationship is one in which each party bears a clearly defined and understood. Written agreements can set responsibility for the welfare and/or well-being of the other. out the terms and conditions for transparent procedures and The stability of the relationship comes from the extent to cooperation (CIESM Charter; Barbier and Briand, 2014). which those responsibilities are balanced. In some sense, each person earns rights because of responsibilities to the 21 Galway statement on Atlantic Ocean cooperation, 2013 other. Sustainable scientific exchange requires mutual re- ( spect for human diversity and different cultures, which is a ocean_cooperation.pdf, last access: 9 November 2018). fundamental right highlighted in the Charter of Fundamen- 22 Belém statement on Atlantic research and innovation coopera- tal Rights of the European Union and the European Code of tion, 2017 ( Conduct for Research Integrity. The Singapore statement on 2017_en.pdf, last access: 9 November 2018). Adv. Geosci., 45, 343–361, 2018
352 M. Barbier et al.: Ethical recommendations for ocean observation The main recommendations for building trust in interna- how. The participation of and consultation with local scien- tional collaborations are the following. tists when research activities are carried out in their local en- vironment is of course a key principle, but their consultation – Adopt the Montreal Declaration and the Singapore Dec- should be done prior to designing any new projects. The in- laration on research integrity, including honesty, ac- volvement of local scientific communities must be done in a countability, professionalism and stewardship. mutual relationship to identify, discuss and negotiate the best – Be transparent at all times and communicate about your way to share data, non-monetary benefits and the exchange of activities and the partners and/or third parties involved mutual benefits, specifically when exploring marine biolog- in a project, whatever their origin (private or public), for ical resources (CIESM Charter; Barbier and Briand, 2014). commercial, applied or fundamental research. A good example is the PIRATA network based on collabora- tions among France, Brazil and the USA. These very differ- – Communicate the objective of the project, whether com- ent cultures have established a long-lasting, mutually bene- mercial or for scientific research, and be flexible. ficial partnership that has also helped the global community since the mid-1990s. PIRATA has established itself as the – Clearly identify the benefits for each party. reference network of oceanic and atmospheric observations – Clearly define the role of each partner, and use written in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, supporting dedicated climate consent if necessary. research and operational climate and ocean prediction. An ideal approach would involve not only scientists, but – Be respectful and open-minded. also all stakeholders involved such as governments, civil so- ciety, NGOs and economic actors. The concept of co-design 3.6 Equality and fairness could be applied. The co-design approach has been devel- oped from participatory design techniques in Scandinavia in Major disparities exist around the world, which has reper- the 1970s into creative practice. Co-design is a term refer- cussions on marine research. Some parts of the world do not ring to participatory co-creation and open design processes have the infrastructure for an adequate collection of informa- and includes a wide range of people to make a creative con- tion about their local marine environment and are disadvan- tribution in the formulation and solution of a problem. This taged (Nakicenovic et al., 2016; UN report on data, 2014; concept could be applied to research when the co-designers Bernal and Simcock, 2016). The ocean observation research come from low-income countries and/or developing states communities, specifically in developed states with signifi- with their culture, means of reflection, ideas and traditional cant funding for their research and infrastructure, need to knowledge of their coasts. To deepen this principle, tradi- be aware of the issues encountered by low-income commu- tional knowledge should be incorporated in the overall un- nities with less infrastructure and lower budgets, who have derstanding of the ocean. Traditional knowledge is carried limited possibilities for participation in decision-making pro- by ocean end users such as fishermen, harvesters, divers and cesses (Wyss and Peppoloni, 2016). Sharing expertise and sailors. They have a deep knowledge of the local environ- infrastructure would be an asset in capacity building as re- ment and can help in identifying emerging issues. It is up to called during the high-level conference at UNESCO enti- the scientific community to validate this traditional knowl- tled “From COP21 towards the United Nations Decade of edge (Bernal and Simcock, 2016). Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021–2030)”, Viewed more broadly, our science community, which is 10–11 September 201823 . As oceans and seas are intercon- funded by public resources, could be viewed as having an nected, local information is an integral part of a global un- ethical obligation to involve in research and monitoring the derstanding of ecosystem functioning. Equality is an essen- different users of the maritime space, such as governments, tial component of planetary stewardship, and equality and civil society, NGOs and economic actors. This would im- sustainability are linked (Steffen and Stafford Smith, 2013; prove study designs and execution by incorporating historic, Wilkinson and Pickett, 2010). Scientists have an ethical re- local and/or traditional knowledge from different knowledge sponsibility to share infrastructure, resources and data. systems and make new resources available, directly inform In the context of developing a strategy for sustainable At- users about the research to be conducted along their coast, lantic observing systems, the issue of mutual respect for di- and perhaps stimulate their interest to participate (State of versity and cultures is a key ethical issue, as more Atlantic the Marine Environment: Trends and Processes, UNEP-GPA, coastal countries will be invited to join this expanding net- 2006) because “preserving the diversity of ways of under- work, as called for in the Belém statement. standing the natural world and of co-inhabiting with is an The term invited is important: sustaining collaborations essential aspect of the stewardship of both local places and has been unsuccessful or problematic in the past when devel- the entire Earth” (Rozzi et al., 2015). This participatory ap- oped states have decided on what would be done, where and proach requires the establishment of mutual engagement and 23 (last access: 9 respectful, open-minded interaction with the locals (Wyss November 2018). and Peppoloni, 2016; Rozzi et al., 2015). For example, har- Adv. Geosci., 45, 343–361, 2018
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