Unlocking new consumer experiences in the cloud - Telecom ...

Unlocking new consumer experiences in the cloud - Telecom ...

in the cloud

 Nathan Bell, Chief Digital Officer at M1 Limited

ZTE: Delivering data                     Comviva’s customer value     Huawei: Advancing
center efficiently to                    management platform drives   inclusive digital
help build a digital                     breakthrough growth for      transformation in Asia
economy                                  Indosat Ooredoo              Pacific
Unlocking new consumer experiences in the cloud - Telecom ...
Unlocking new consumer experiences in the cloud - Telecom ...
Unlocking new consumer experiences in the cloud - Telecom ...
Q3-2021                                                       CONTENTS                                                                   2


     4                                                                                                              10

       M1: Unlocking new consumer                                        Huawei: Advancing inclusive digital
       experiences in the cloud                                          transformation in Asia Pacific

 16                                                                                                                24

      ZTE: Delivering data center efficiently to                         Comviva’s customer value management
      help build a digital economy                                       platform drives breakthrough growth for
                                                                         Indosat Ooredoo

 8     Transiting to open RAN for next-generation operator           29        Enhancing cybersecurity: Protecting people, data and
       networks                                                                services

 14    How Asia-Pacific countries are gearing up for Agriculture     32        Beyond connectivity: Becoming digital service providers
       4.0                                                                     in a digital era
                                                                     34        Connectivity as a service: Trip to the cloud
 18    Hyperconnectivity: The essential building block of a smart
       city                                                          36        The role of telecoms in a growing big data analytics
 21    News
                                                                     38        Vendors’ News
 27    The future of direct carrier billing and carrier-OTT          41        The rise of location-based advertising in a digitalized
       partnerships                                                            world
Unlocking new consumer experiences in the cloud - Telecom ...
Q3-2021                                                   EDITORIAL                                                            3

  Editor in Chief & Senior ICT Analyst
                Toni Eid

                Journalist                                                                           Toni Eid,
               Corrine Teng                                                                           founder
    corrine@telecomreviewasia.com                                                               editor in chief
                                                                                  Telecom Review International
             Editorial Team
    Toni Eid (UAE), Marielena Geagea
  (Lebanon), Yvan Kougaz (Lebanon),
   Jennifer Saade (Lebanon), Lacinan
 Ouattara (Ivory Coast), Jeff Seal (United

                                             IPv6 and its importance in
  States), Christine Ziadeh (Lebanon),
         Corrine Teng (Singapore),
         Jonathan Pradhan (UAE),
   Elvi Correos (UAE), Elza Moukawam

              Sales Director
           Mohammed Ershad
         ershad@tracemedia.info              digital transformation

              Sales Team
                Paul Tan
      paul@telecomreviewasia.com                           ollowing the success and positive impact of last year’s edition,
                                                           Telecom Review held a webinar earlier this month, entitled “IPv6
            Marian Santos                                  Enhanced Innovation: Paving the way for digital transformation
     marian@telecomreviewasia.com                          in the Gulf region.”
            Graphic Designer
             Vanessa Haber                                 This year’s edition focused on the national digital development
                                                           and digital transformation in the Middle East and Gulf region.
         Responsible Manager                 Industry experts from telecom operators, regulators, analysts and vendors
          Joseph Bou Daher                   participated as speakers to share their business experience and their
  Provided in cooperation with AFP, the
          global news agency                 The challenge started years ago when IPv4 reached its full capacity, which
                                             was just 4 billion, while 7 billion devices need to be connected. So, IPv6 was
              Published by                   very important to continue the expansion of connectivity.

                                             With 5G, IoT and more devices to be connected, and with governments and
               Singapore                     enterprises shifting services to fully digital and with smart cities, even IPv6
         Corrine Teng; Paul Tan              was not enough.

              Philippines                    So, the need to move faster and invest in IPv6+ will lead the way to digital
             Marian Santos
                                             transformation as the pandemic pushed for a fully digital economy.
            Trace Media Ltd.
         Zouk Mikael, LEBANON                The IPv4 adoption will continue for years to come while IPv6 is using same
          Kaslik Sea Side Road,              basic technology with larger capacity and more flexibility to work on new
    Badawi Group Building, 4th Floor,        networks with faster connectivity and more bandwidth.
   P.O. Box 90-2113, Jdeidet el Metn
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Unlocking new consumer experiences in the cloud - Telecom ...
Q3-2021                                                COVER STORY                                                             4

  Nathan Bell, Chief Digital Officer at M1 Limited

M1: Unlocking new consumer
experiences in the cloud
To deliver next-generation digital experiences and differentiated services to its
customers, M1 is partnering with Microsoft to harness the power of cloud to accelerate
its digital transformation journey. Telecom Review Asia interviews Nathan Bell, Chief
Digital Officer at M1 Limited and George M.P., Director of Enterprise Commercial at
Microsoft Singapore to find out how this collaboration drives M1’s ambition to become
a digital service provider and add value to customers.

                  arlier this year, M1    and services, and COVID-19 has further        customers’ self-service experience so
                  unveiled a new brand    accelerated this shift. With changing         that people can work from anywhere and
                  identity and goal to    consumer behaviour and the advent of          everywhere. This enhanced our ability
                  become Singapore’s      digital interactions, it was important for    to connect with new partners in weeks
                  first digital network   M1 to relook how we can remain relevant.      instead of months – all done to achieve
                  operator, how is this                                                 the larger goal of customer centricity and
                  direction important     As much as the pandemic threw a wrench        to deliver personalised made-to-measure
today and in a post-pandemic world?       in many plans, it also highlighted the        experience.
                                          need to accelerate digital transformation
Nathan:                                   not only for M1, but for many other           In line with Keppel’s Vision 2030, which
Even before the pandemic, we have         organisations. As such, M1 embarked           includes empowering communities
already seen a shift in consumer          on a journey to evolve into a digital telco   with connectivity, M1 is doubling down
behaviour towards digital platforms       to increase scalability and enhance           on innovation and radical growth in
Unlocking new consumer experiences in the cloud - Telecom ...
Q3-2021                                               COVER STORY                                                          5

  George M.P., Director of Enterprise Commercial at Microsoft Singapore

our technology infrastructure to stay     As such, telco operators like M1 no        and we chose to build our digital
ahead in the digital landscape. Our       longer serve as just network service       platform in the cloud, so as to not face
advanced new digital capabilities that    providers. The increasing demand for       restraints and have access to scalability
further support our promise to deliver    always-on connectivity, communication,     – we are able to scale up with demand
personalised experiences, will ensure     and collaboration – from mobile and        or contract during market challenges,
M1 is at the forefront of building        entertainment to daily needs such as       such as the current global pandemic.
Singapore’s digital economy and           online banking and shopping – has
transforming the telecommunications       driven telco operators to double down      Another key factor in moving to the
landscape.                                on innovation to stay ahead.               cloud is the reliability, scalability,
                                                                                     flexibility and performance M1 will
George:                                   Coupled with the rise of 5G networks,      now have, alongside insight to data
COVID-19 has shown very clearly           telco operators are now more               analytics, without the worry of having
the critical role that telco operators    challenged than ever to embark on          to identify and procure additional
play in our society and economy.          digital transformation to deliver faster   infrastructure. With Azure Cloud,
The shift to a hybrid way of life and     connectivity, immersive experiences,       M1 has been able to simplify our
increased virtual engagement – from       and differentiated services to its         architecture and consolidate multiple
remote working to online learning –       customers. For M1, this transformation     processes with easy customisation.
has driven demand for connectivity        is built on the cloud, which brought       It has ensured the quality and
services and hybrid work and play         the scale M1 needed to serve an            performance of our digital platform
experiences on an unprecedented           increasingly discerning customer base      and has allowed for continuous growth
scale.                                    and allowed them to optimise the           as we move away from a premise
                                          overall customer experience.               approach. This allows us to focus
The rapid evolution of the internet                                                  on the needs of our business as we
into a primarily mobile platform has      M1 has chosen Microsoft Singapore          have the full support of a partner like
also changed consumer behaviors           as a strategic partner to chart its        Microsoft ensuring our infrastructure is
and their digital consumption habits.     evolution from an operator to a digital    always available.
Consumers now expect digital              services provider, tapping on Microsoft
services to be seamlessly available       Azure to power M1’s systems. How           George:
– anytime, anywhere, and on any           will this partnership on the cloud         Singapore is one of the most
device – prompting telco operators to     support M1’s digital transformation?       competitive telco markets in the world.
embrace digital transformation in their                                              To stay ahead of the curve and keep
operations and evolve their service       Nathan:                                    pace with consumer and business
offerings to deliver new, integrated      M1 utilised a software defined             needs, operators need to be at the
experiences for consumers.                approach to the digital transformation,    forefront of innovation, and this is why
Unlocking new consumer experiences in the cloud - Telecom ...
Q3-2021                                              COVER STORY                                                         6

they embrace solutions such as Azure     What are the new capabilities of           and flexibility the platform offers,
to power their digital transformation.   M1’s digital platform?                     customers can move from queueing
                                                                                    at the store to self-service and our
Through the power of the cloud, M1       Nathan:                                    customer support staff can effect
can take the first step to its goal of   Our digital transformation is enabled      changes immediately with a touch
becoming a digital service provider by   by a future-proof new technology           of a button. Our new digital platform
offering a much wider range of digital   stack which is able to integrate all       improves customer experience as it
services, and reduce costs by shifting   aspects of our systems onto one            streamlines our processes. By being
to digital-first channels. It removes    digital platform. Working with some        cloud native, a lot of tasks can be
a massive proportion of capital          of the world’s leading technology          simplified and fulfilled in real-time.
expenditure and operational load,        service providers, we were able to
allowing M1 to have the flexibility      shift almost all aspects of M1’s back-     Today, consumers can do everything
and scalability to build go-to-market    end system (barring physical network       from paying bills, shopping for new
muscle and develop new digital           assets) to the cloud – a first in the      devices and adding new services
services for its customers.              telco industry.                            holistically and in real time – right
                                                                                    from the palm of their hands. In fact,
                                         Today, we are 90% cloud native.            we have created over six million
                                         We managed to consolidate 150              permutations and combinations
                                         legacy applications down to only 30        to provide that ease of use to our
                                         applications to run the business. In       customers. With our single data
                                         addition, we were able to streamline       lake, we are also able to generate
                                         over 200 databases to a single data        real-time data analytics and provide
                                         lake, enabling real-time data analytics.   actionable insights to better serve
                                                                                    our customers. Tapping on this
                                         With a strong technology platform          technology also helps reduce
                                         as a foundation, we can continue           human errors and boost customers’
        Today, we are 90% cloud          to build new capabilities and
                                         develop innovative products for our
                                                                                    confidence when using M1’s services.

         native. We managed to           customers. As we are now cloud
                                         native, our platform will continue
                                                                                    At Microsoft, we envision a world
             consolidate 150             to evolve naturally as updates from
                                         our tech solution partners will be
                                                                                    where operators can transition
                                                                                    from costly and time-consuming
      legacy applications down to        integrated automatically, effectively
                                         and more frequently, removing the
                                                                                    investments of upgrading and
                                                                                    maintaining complex technology,
                                         manual integration barriers caused         to one where they can free up
       only 30 applications to run       by our previous legacy systems. This       resources to support the creation
                                         also makes it more cost effective in       and innovation of new services
     the business. In addition, we       the long run as we do not need to          for consumers and industries by
                                         invest in major system upgrades.           leveraging the power of the cloud.
     were able to streamline over
                                         How will this transformation deliver       Through our partnerships
       200 databases to a single         value to consumers and industries?         and combined experience in
                                                                                    telecommunications, Microsoft is
     data lake, enabling real-time       Nathan:                                    accelerating M1’s cloud adoption and
                                         M1’s new digital platform will change      powering a new suite of digital-first
              data analytics             and simplify the way we work and
                                         bring real value to our customers.
                                                                                    customer journeys. For instance, the
                                                                                    integration of Openet’s cloud-native
                                         The move to a cloud-based native           solution on Azure will enable M1 to
                                         platform will provide us tremendous        leverage real-time usage data and
                                         agile business benefits and flexibility    as a result offer its customers more
                                         such as allowing us to drive changes       personalized and seamless digital
                                         in real time, match business demand,       experiences across all touchpoints.
                                         ease up integration with business
                                         partners as well as allow customers        This partnership with M1 marks
                                         and partners to self-serve, and more.      a new chapter in Microsoft’s
                                                                                    collaboration with the local
                                         With this back-end technological           telecommunications industry to
                                         change, M1 will become even                unlock the power of 5G and bring
                                         more relevant and accessible to            cloud and edge closer than ever.
                                         our customers. With the ease               The introduction of Microsoft’s
Unlocking new consumer experiences in the cloud - Telecom ...
Q3-2021                                               COVER STORY                                                           7

technology to the operator’s edge,        a crucial role in the larger Keppel         and mixed reality into the cloud
coupled with our strong developer         ecosystem through leveraging our            and powering it with 5G, we get an
ecosystem, will help operators future     digital solutions and 5G network, we        intelligent cloud and intelligent edge
proof their networks, reduce costs,       are able to enhance Keppel’s suite          that presents tremendous potential
and pave the way for new services         of urbanisation solutions, including        for the industry to come together
and business models.                      smart yards of the future, smart            to provide real value to customers
                                          townships and buildings.                    through enhanced digital services.
Through this transformation, M1                                                       In the long run, these partnerships
is now leveraging Microsoft’s             Understanding and recognising the           will also drive the development
technology to innovate and derive         potential that 5G brings, M1 is excited     of sustainable developer and
new digital revenue models, products,     to see through the development of           commercial ecosystems, which will
and services for enterprises, which       use cases alongside the development         accelerate the delivery of exciting
will in turn be able to do the same       of the 5G network. Even as the              new capabilities at the edge, and
for their customers and industries        network progresses, the technology          spur continuous innovation for the
they serve. This will also create         will enable more services and new           telecommunications industry.
further acceleration of the industry-     industry applications as well. M1 is
wide transformation across                committed to driving innovation and
telecommunications.                       unleashing the capabilities of 5G to
                                          realise the vision of Singapore’s next
With the rise of 5G and IoT               bound in the digital world.
applications, as well as greater
demand for digital connectivity,          George:
what is the role of technology            As we move into an era of intelligent
in driving innovation for the             cloud and intelligent edge that is
telecommunications industry?              driven by massive technology shifts
                                          in ubiquitous computing, ambient
Nathan:                                   intelligence, and people-centered
5G is a crucial milestone to enable       experiences, the telco industry                 Through this transformation,
an interconnected infrastructure that     has taken on a unique role in the
makes our spaces more efficient,          realisation of 5G and next-generation                M1 is now leveraging
convenient, safe and liveable. With 5G    digital experiences for consumers.
capabilities incorporated into devices
and machines, it will drastically
                                          With the rollout of 5G, service
                                          providers must also continue to
                                                                                            Microsoft’s technology to
change the way we do things for both
consumers and enterprises. At M1,
                                          evolve their workloads – including
                                          operations, network management,
                                                                                            innovate and derive new
we see 5G as more than connectivity
infrastructure, but instead as a key
                                          sales and marketing, customer care,
                                          and billing – to quickly define, deploy,
                                                                                             digital revenue models,
driver of a digital future, and we look
forward to exploring more 5G use-
                                          and optimise new offerings that will
                                          realize the full business potential
                                                                                           products, and services for
cases for B2B, B2G and B2C projects.      of 5G-enabled services. Operators
                                          can simplify these workloads,                   enterprises, which will in turn
The rollout of the more secure and        reduce costs, increase productivity,
resilient 5G SA network in the next       realise efficiencies, and increase                  be able to do the same
few weeks will allow us to tap into the   organisational agility through
full potential of 5G technology and       intelligent processes and automation               for their customers and
open up a wider range of applications     on a trusted and secure cloud.
from cloud gaming to autonomous                                                                industries they serve
vehicles and remote surgery. Already,     Additionally, we believe that the
M1 has achieved a record of 15 5G         use of technology can automate
live use cases and trials, putting us     and accelerate not only the 5G
at the forefront of 5G development as     core network, but also expand the
we seek to continue stronger down         reach of programmable networks,
this path.                                delivering new edge solutions that
                                          offer advancements in cost, speed,
Over the past two years, M1 has           and security for operators. The rise
also been working closely with our        of 5G will also open new frontiers
key shareholder, Keppel Corporation,      for developers to unlock new use
harnessing synergies to strengthen        cases and create a next wave of edge
our propositions and creating             applications to benefit end users.
more business solutions. Playing          By infusing data, artificial intelligence
Unlocking new consumer experiences in the cloud - Telecom ...
Q3-2021                                                  FEATURE                                                             8

Transiting to open RAN for next-
generation operator networks
In the 5G era, networks must be flexible, scalable and agile. To support the evolving
needs of digitalized economies, the industry is undergoing an overhaul, slowly
transiting from legacy radio access networks (RAN) to open RAN as network operators
aim to expedite cost-effective 5G network rollouts to expand networks and meet the
surge in demand for connectivity to power future-ready networks.

                   enefits of open RAN   In an open vendor environment, operators       leverage artificial intelligence (AI)
                   Open RAN gives        are able to break away from vendor             and machine learning (ML). An
                   operators a greater   lock-in, as supplies can be sourced from       open and virtualized RAN enables
                   degree of autonomy    several interoperable vendors. While           the disaggregation of software
                   to manage their       this increases market competition, it          functionality and underlying
                   networks and          introduces vendor competition to lower         hardware. A cloud-native approach
                   the flexibility of    hardware and software costs, and hence         with open RAN also allows remote
choosing from different suppliers.       lower total cost of ownership. Smaller         management, which lowers costs
This allows operators to mix and         players will also enter the market owing       of upgrades and maintenance. With
match RAN equipment to upgrade           to lower barriers to entry. This contributes   the ability to host cloud network
or expand networks more flexibly, as     to a vendor ecosystem that is more             solutions, software updates can take
well as the ability to create networks   diversified and vibrant.                       place on the cloud to facilitate quicker
that deliver optimized custom                                                           turnaround for timely upgrades to
solutions to end customers with short    RAN can be optimized with the                  help operators keep abreast with
time to market.                          introduction of intelligent RAN to             evolving market demands.
Q3-2021                                                 FEATURE                                                        9

Challenges of deploying open RAN          Even so, open RAN has made             O-RAN Town in Neubrandenburg to
Even though open RAN promises             encouraging strides in the past        deliver open RAN based 4G and 5G
benefits aligned with the rise of 5G,     year as the industry has been          services. In one of the latest, Telecom
operators may not be able to enjoy        advancing open RAN standards           Eqypt will be working on a proof-of-
immediate perks in the short term         and specifications, carried out        concept trial for open RAN solutions
as they continue to support existing      predominantly by the O-RAN             together with partners like Cisco and
2G, 3G and 4G networks on RAN             ALLIANCE. Recognizing the              Altiostar.
networks, at least in many countries      importance of benchmarking and
in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region.        testing to help operators accelerate   According to the Dell’Oro group, open
                                          towards open RAN, the O-RAN            RAN investments grew by about five-
With open RAN still in its infancy,       ALLIANCE launched a minimal            fold year-on-year, with Asia-Pacific
operators face the challenge of           viable plan (MVP) earlier this year,   (APAC) fueling unprecedented growth in
ensuring interoperability and             specifying essential open RAN          open RAN. Last year, Japan’s Rakuten
manageability to reap optimized           functions such as fronthaul, open      Mobile launched the first 5G open
end-to-end performance. Before open       hardware and cloud. In June, Google    RAN network, with other operators
RAN becomes widely adopted, more          became one of the newest members       such as NTT DOCOMO and KDDI now
testing will have to be carried out to    to join the O-RAN ALLIANCE to          steering efforts towards open RAN
ensure that products from multiple        accelerate open RAN initiatives.       deployments. With the shift intensifying,
vendors work together seamlessly.                                                Rakuten Mobile recently announced
Operators are tasked to perform           Open RAN partnerships to grow the      strategic collaborations with NEC and
verification to ensure interoperability   ecosystem                              Fujitsu to separately deliver open RAN
between vendors before integrating        Globally, more operators are           solutions to the global market, with
products, potentially offsetting lower    modernizing their networks by          both partnerships focused on jointly
software and hardware costs in the        deploying open RAN. Last month,        developing 4G and 5G open RAN.
first place.                              Deutsche Telekom (DT) switched on
                                                                                 Moreover, Malaysia-based Axiata
                                                                                 announced the first and only open RAN
                                                                                 commercial pilots in Malaysia and Sri
                                                                                 Lanka. To propel its open RAN ambition
                                                                                 to boost an open network ecosystem,
                                                                                 Axiata is working with partners like
                                                                                 Mavenir, Parallel Wireless and Infosys.
      Open RAN investments grew by about five-fold year-on-year, with
                                                                                 To fully harness the benefits of open,
       Asia-Pacific (APAC) fueling unprecedented growth in open RAN              intelligent and flexible networks,
                                                                                 ecosystem stakeholders must work
                                                                                 collaboratively to push forth a viable
                                                                                 transition. Instead of waiting for open
                                                                                 RAN solutions to mature, operators
                                                                                 must take action now, rather than later,
                                                                                 to participate in this evolution.
Q3-2021                                               INTERVIEW                         10

   Jay Chen, Vice President, Asia Pacific Region, Huawei

Huawei: Advancing inclusive
digital transformation in
Asia Pacific
In an exclusive interview with Telecom Review Asia Pacific, Jay Chen, Vice President,
Asia Pacific Region, Huawei, shares how innovation and policy priorities can reshape
APAC’s digital landscape and socio-economic trajectory.
Q3-2021                                                    INTERVIEW                                                           11

                                             While no one is spared from the              stressed the importance of allocating
                                             adverse effects of the pandemic, the         operators adequate key spectrum
                                             hardest hit remains marginalized             resources such as C-band and 700
                                             groups. For Jay, whose role includes         MHz frequency to lay the foundation for
                                             leading Huawei to create shared social       optimal coverage and capability.
                                             values in the region, it is clear that
                                             inclusion must be embedded at the            For the successful deployment of 5G
                                             heart of digital connectivity to ensure      and sustained development beyond
                                             that no one is left out. In the words of     5G, the 6 GHz frequency – comparable
                                             Jay, “Digital inclusion is one of the most   to C-band in terms of performance and
                                             urgent and defining issues of our time.”     cost-effectiveness, as well as the last
                                                                                          remaining mid-band possibly available
                                             Closing the digital divide in APAC           for IMT in the future are crucial. In
                                             Studies have shown that a 1% increase        addition, research from Coleago
                                             in the digital ecosystem development         Consulting found that operators
                                             index can yield a 0.13% growth in GDP        should be allocated at least 1 GHz of
                                             per capita. In a post-pandemic era,          additional mid-band spectrum to scale
                                             digital inclusion promises a faster          according to future 5G development.
                                             economic recovery. However, closing
                                             the digital gap in APAC can be an uphill
                                             task when those marginalized lack the
                                             infrastructure, access, or know-how to
                                             participate in a digital economy.

                                             In the least developed countries, for
                                             instance, 17% of the rural population
                                             does not have mobile broadband
                                             coverage, while 19% of the rural
                                                                                                  Early investment into
                                             population is only covered by 2G
                                             networks. Where coverage is available,                     networks is
                                             high costs of an Internet-enabled
                                             device or Internet access are often                  essential for ensuring
                                             the main barrier of entry, as reported
                                             by the Broadband Commission for                            sustainable
                                             Sustainable Development on the basis
                                             that mobile broadband subscription                  development in the long
                                             for at least 1.5 GB of data costs about
                                             four times more in developing countries
                                             than in developed countries. The lack of
                                                                                               run. At the most basic level,
                                             literacy and digital skills is yet another         regulators could consider

                                             barrier to mobile Internet adoption for
                     OVID-19 has brought
                     to sharp focus
                                             this group of underprivileged.                      making provision for all
                     the importance of
                     digital connectivity
                                             To bring meaningful change to this
                                             divide, Jay opined that technology
                                                                                              frequency bands to support a
                     as societies face       must go hand in hand with sound
                     unprecedented           policies. On top of improvements
                                                                                                  5G-oriented evolution
                     disruptions and         to infrastructure, governments are
grapple with its devasting effects. With     recommended to champion change
remote working and online learning           through supportive top-down policies
becoming the new normal, digital             to facilitate technological progress that
connectivity has emerged as the lifeline     permeates every facet of society.
to support the continuance of social
and economic activities in a socially-       Regarding this, Jay explained that early
distanced world. It is also indispensable    investment into networks is essential
in the context of pandemic response to       for ensuring sustainable development
facilitate the rapid dissemination of top-   in the long run. At the most basic level,
down information from governments            regulators could consider making
regarding pandemic policies and              provision for all frequency bands to
regulations.                                 support a 5G-oriented evolution. Jay
Q3-2021                                                   INTERVIEW                                                              12

With infrastructure being the                home and organization for a fully           governments and operators in rolling
foundation to connectivity, it’s             connected, intelligent world.               out optimised, affordable, and hence,
important to continually improve                                                         inclusive networks.
existing 4G infrastructure by expanding      As a leading ICT solutions provider,
its coverage and increasing the              Huawei partners with governments to         Digital transformation founded on R&D,
penetration rate of this network.            provide policy support and with operators   innovation and talent-building
Accelerating VoLTE deployment in 4G          to develop optimized infrastructure to      According to the Asia Economic
networks should also be a priority to        power next-generation connectivity. To      Integration Report 2021, accelerated
expedite the sunset of 2G/3G to 4G.          greatly accelerate digital transformation   digital transformation in Asia will
                                             and close the digital divide, Huawei        generate an annual economic dividend
Within the industry, timely infrastructure   leverages on technology and expertise       of more than $1.7 trillion, or the
deployment is important for efficient        in areas such as spectrum assignment,       equivalent of more than $8.6 trillion
5G roll out. Deployment processes            site and fiber passive infra openness and   over the 5 years to 2025, creating 65
should be simplified to reduce complex       sharing. In India for instance, Huawei      million new jobs each year.
and lengthy processes. In areas              is supporting operators in enhancing
where population density is lower,           network quality and increasing capacity     However, the rapid development
and commercial drivers of network            to handle the surge in network traffic      reveals an imminent ICT talent
investment are smaller, governments          during the pandemic.                        deficient in the region that will impede
should extend public funding.                                                            growth if not addressed.
                                             For instance, Huawei SingleRAN offers
Finally, Internet-enabled devices and        an open and simplified networking           Moreover, the digital landscape varies
broadband Internet services should be        concept to help operators expedite          vastly from country to country in the
made affordable to users to reduce the       5G network deployment; CloudAIR             APAC region, as reported in Huawei’s
risk of increased marginalization in the     allocates air interface resources on-       Global Connectivity Index (GCI) 2020
region                                       demand, according to traffic demands        findings, which categorizes countries’
                                             or mobile user location; RuralStar          digital economy journeys according to
With the pandemic fuelling a greater         Pro provides cost-effective and quick       their ICT investment, ICT maturity, and
digital reliance, connectivity is no         installation of base stations as well       digital economic performance.
longer a luxury, but a necessity in          as provisioning of LTE and VoLTE in
our lives. In view of this global trend,     underserved areas; and Massive MIMO         With digitalization shaping
Jay shared that digital inclusiveness        yields improved network coverage and        economies and ICT becoming
is central to Huawei’s vision to bring       enhanced user experiences. Through          integral to most sectors, Huawei
digital connectivity to every person,        these solutions, Huawei assists             recognizes that the APAC region
Q3-2021                                                INTERVIEW                                                             13

                                          APAC region specifically, Huawei has        Sri Lanka. Collectively, Huawei will help
                                          built 8 research centers and labs in        cultivate more than 300,000 ICT talents
                                          countries like Hong Kong, Singapore,        in the APAC region within the next 5
                                          India, and Thailand.                        years.

        With supportive policy of         Committed to achieving shared
                                          success and joint innovation, Huawei
                                                                                      Unleash full 5G potential with Huawei
                                                                                      Huawei commenced on 5G research as
        spectrum assignment,              is vested in ecosystem-building
                                          with strategic partners. Broadly, this
                                                                                      early as 2009, with investments totaling
                                                                                      US$4 billion to date. Having invested
      site and fiber passive infra        ecosystem can be categorized into
                                          Startup, 5G, and Handphone Mobile
                                                                                      early and heavily into 5G, Huawei is at
                                                                                      the forefront of innovative 5G end-to-
         openness and sharing,            Services (HMS).                             end enterprise products and solutions,
                                                                                      designed based on insights into
                                          Driven by the Huawei Spark program          partners’ unique needs.
        Huawei is committed to            launched last year, the Startup
                                          ecosystem aims to accelerate tech           For example, Huawei launched the
       continuously cooperating           start-up growth in the region. Through      industry’s lightest TDD Massive MIMO
                                          this program, Huawei provides cloud         product this year to benefit 80% of
      with regulators, operators          and AI technical and consulting             commercial 5G networks using TDD
                                          support, as well as funding and             Massive MIMO technology. Weighing
         and industrial partners          mentorship.                                 just 19 kg, the module can be carried
                                                                                      and installed by just one person to
         to build national digital        In the 5G ecosystem, for instance,          greatly improve network deployment
                                          Huawei developed a 5G Ecosystem             efficiency. And in Europe, where FDD
        infrastructure, connect           Innovation Center with the Thai
                                          government last year to fast-track the
                                                                                      has been used to build 5G networks,
                                                                                      Huawei innovates with the industry’s
       the unconnected, explore           development of digital innovations for
                                          5G applications and services across
                                                                                      only commercial FDD Massive MIMO
      new possibilities, and bring        various industries. It will also incubate
                                          about 100 local SMEs within 3 years.        Through heavy investments and
     digital to every person, home        Efforts as such aim to greatly enrich the
                                          local 5G ecosystem and expedite digital
                                                                                      continuous innovations, Huawei
                                                                                      has helped global operators build
                                          progress.                                   differentiated networks that deliver
      and organization for a fully                                                    the best experience, but are yet easier
                                          Finally, the HMS ecosystem comprises        to operate, more cost-effective, and
     connected, intelligent world.        initiatives such as Huawei’s APAC DIGIX     simpler to deploy to reap greater
                                          Lab in Singapore. Launched this year,       returns on 5G investments. Just last
                                          the DIGIX Lab leverages Singapore’s         year, Huawei delivered over 100 5G
                                          position as a growing technological hub     networks worldwide.
                                          to spur mobile app development in the
                                          APAC region.                                Across industries, Huawei achieves
                                                                                      joint creation and shared success
presents its set of unique challenges     To address a potential talent gap,          through partnerships on diverse
and opportunities.                        Huawei is vested in nurturing national      5G applications across verticals. In
                                          digital talent ecosystems. Having           Thailand for example, Huawei has
“Inclusive digital transformation         debuted in 2008 for young students          partnered with the public healthcare
relies on collaborations with industry    in Thailand, Huawei’s Seeds for the         sector to pilot unmanned vehicles,
stakeholders and convergence of           Future program has since expanded           leveraging 5G to deliver medical
emerging technologies. Huawei             to benefit more than 5,000 students         supplies, among other use cases.
undertakes a multi-faceted approach       in 90 universities across 15 countries.
toward spearheading progress, working     Huawei has also established regional        In alignment with Huawei’s
with both upstream and downstream         training centers and ASEAN academies,       commitment to provide continuous
partners to build a holistic ecosystem    and forged partnerships with the public     support to societies, Jay concluded
focused on research and development,      sector in countries such as Thailand,       that the Chinese giant will continue to
innovation, and talent-building,” Jay     Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia,         engage and work with both regional
explained.                                as well as 159 universities on talent       public and private stakeholders to
                                          development programs. More recently,        advance both technologies and
Every year, Huawei invests over 10%       at the Digital Talent Regional Summit,      industries during and after the
of its revenue into R&D to bring added    Huawei has committed to grooming            pandemic to drive social-economic
value to its partners worldwide. In the   digital talent in Bangladesh, Nepal, and    progress and digital transformation.
Q3-2021                                         FEATURE                                                       14

How Asia-Pacific countries are
gearing up for Agriculture 4.0
Before the pandemic, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned about
worsening food scarcity as the world’s population grows in the next few decades.
Following the COVID-19 outbreak, the United Nations reported that the severity of
a food scarcity has been brought forward – doubling in numbers in the Asia-Pacific
region to affect more than 265 million last year.

             fter experiencing    resilience to prevent a food crisis.    AI and IoT to revolutionize farming
             a bout of food       This has spurred renewed interests in   According to Markets and Markets,
             supply chain         the future of food, with governments    AI and IoT for farming is a growing
             disruptions last     and enterprises more eager to           market that will reach US$22 billion
             year, countries      explore 5G for precision agriculture    by 2025, up from US$13.8 billion in
             are jolted to the    to power communication between          2020. It is also predicted by AgThentic
             need to build food   IoT devices on farms.                   in a recent report that IoT devices in
Q3-2021                                                    FEATURE                                                          15

agriculture will increase from just 30     smart greenhouses to set the ideal         12% of the country’s gross domestic
million in 2015 to 75 million in 2022.     temperature, lighting, humidity, and       product, the pandemic resulted
                                           fertilizer levels. Data is sent in real-   in an estimated loss of income of
As 5G networks roll out in more            time over the 5G network to ensure         US$120 million in 2020. With aims to
countries, farmers can benefit from        accuracy in settings, complete with        modernize the agriculture sector and
higher-connectivity sensors that utilize   control systems against pests’             bring it up to speed with Industry 4.0,
AI and IoT to monitor soil and control     diseases that can be managed               the Malaysian Agricultural Research
conditions such as water usage to          remotely.                                  and Development Institute (MARDI)
optimize farm yield for crops. Using                                                  started tapping on Maxis’ NB-IoT
AI, drones capture high-resolution         Farmers can also leverage new              network to carry out precision
images for real-time analysis of insect    technologies to ensure food                agriculture to enable systematic
infestations, weeds and even nutrients     traceability, using QR codes to help       sensing of environmental and soil
deficiencies. Data collected can then be   consumers learn about the product’s        conditions remotely. The network
deposited on the cloud and analysed        harvest location and date.                 is capable of supporting millions
for the most optimal conditions for any                                               of connected sensors without
crops. The result is better crop yields    South Korea                                consuming a lot of power. Separately,
and high quality produce.                  The first to roll out 5G in the world,     Celcom started partnering a drone
                                           South Korea introduced 5G to               maker to co-develop 5G drones for
The promise of autonomous tractors         smart farming to the world’s first         farms last year.
to sow seeds on farms is another           5G village in 2019. Powered by
advancement that revolutionizes            KT’s 5G network, this 5G village           Philippines
farming and helps reduce manpower.         in the Demilitarized Zone features         The government plans to inject new
On livestock farms, geolocation            smart farming. To expand on this           blood into the agriculture sector
services can be used to help farmers       capability, South Korea’s ICT ministry     by attracting the youth. Under the
locate and monitor livestock, to help      announced plans earlier this year to       nation’s Agriculture 4.0 vision,
track livestock throughout the supply      invest US$353.3 million to develop         the sector will embrace high-tech
chain. Geo-tagging on livestock can        smart farms over the course of the         technology, using blockchain,
also capture health data for its entire    next seven years.                          nanotechnology and genetic
lifespan, using blockchain to ensure                                                  modification to replace otherwise
traceability.                              Thailand                                   traditional farming techniques. Last
                                           Thailand, a major food exporter            year, South Korea announced that it
However, owing to a lack of 5G             where about 40% of the country’s           would fund joint smart agriculture
networks or coverage, most                 labour force works in the agriculture      projects amounting to US$2.7 million
countries in the Asia-Pacific region       sector, is one of the first countries      in several parts of the Philippines.
are still relying on 4G for farming        in Southeast Asia to adopt smart
– that is if smart technologies are        farming in line with the nation’s          Australia
deployed at all. For these countries,      Thailand 4.0 ambition. However, 5G         As the sixth largest producer of food
it would be some time before 5G            coverage is mostly concentrated in         in the world, Australia’s agriculture
networks become available in the           its capital, with little presence in the   accounts for 12% of the country’s
country or extend to the rural areas.      rural areas.                               GDP. Innovative pest control is
In the meantime, countries in the                                                     just one area that the country can
region are gearing up for major shifts     Japan                                      benefit from given that pests cause
in the industry in anticipation of the     Smart agriculture is the solution          Australian farmers AU$1 billion in
future of farming.                         to Japan’s problem of declining            losses each year, as reported by
                                           farmers, where the number of               the Commonwealth Scientific and
China                                      farmers will dwindle from 2.08 million     Industrial Research Organisation,
China has 20% of the world’s               in 2015 to 1.31 million in 2030.           a government agency in Australia.
population, but only 7% of its land        To promote smart agriculture, the          To grow the sector, the Australian
is arable. To ensure food security,        government of Japan has launched           government has committed to set
farms must be revolutionized to            WAGRI, a platform for agricultural         aside US$72 for smart farming by
help increase yields. Leading the          data for ICT vendors and agricultural      2030.
world in 5G deployments, China             equipment manufacturers to tap
is experiencing a shift towards            onto its rich resource to develop          Technological innovation is key
digitalization on farms, using             solutions. Last year, KDDI introduced      to ensuring food security. In the
innovative techniques like drone and       a 5G service from just below US$10 a       coming years, we can expect more
satellite imagery, as well as pattern      month to support smart farms.              investments to be poured into an
modelling to improve yield.                                                           area like 5G to promote agriculture
                                           Malaysia                                   digitalization to help countries
In Zhejiang, for instance, China           In Malaysia, where the agriculture         harness the full benefits of smart
Mobile’s 5G network is used in             sector accounts for between 7% and         farming.
Q3-2021                                           FEATURE                                                     16

ZTE: Delivering data center efficiently to
help build a digital economy
From June 17 to 19, 2021, China Data Center Working Group and Green Energy
Technology Alliance for the Data Center jointly hosted the 2021 China Data Center
Green Energy Conference which solemnly opened in the new Shanghai International
Expo Center. Under the themed “Innovative, energy-efficient, and low-carbon future,”
ZTE proposed its efficient Data Center Delivery Solution, demonstrating the end-to-end
delivery capability covering the full life cycle.

               With over 30 years   capability system worldwide to          ZTE can provide full life cycle
               of experience in     provide professional and efficient      services from consultation, planning
               telecommunication    services for customers,” said Zhang     and design, and delivery to operation
               network              Dayong, vice president of ZTE.          and maintenance management.
               construction, ZTE                                            Through continuous R&D, the whole
               has established      “With years of experience in large-     PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) has
an end-to-end engineering service   scale data center delivery worldwide,   been reduced to below 1.3 in
Q3-2021                                                       FEATURE                                                            17

                                                                                          (intelligent Data Center Infrastructure
                                                                                          Management), ZTE can optimize the
                                                                                          energy efficiency of the data center
                                                                                          in the full life cycle based on the AI
                                                                                          algorithm, and improve the energy
                                                                                          efficiency above 8%. Meanwhile,
                                                                                          intelligent O&M methodologies, such
                                                                                          as robot preventive maintenance, can
                                                                                          improve the O&M efficiency. “

                                                                                          Up to now, ZTE has over 300
                                                                                          success cases worldwide, and has
                                                                                          accumulated over 1,100,000 square
                                                                                          meters in construction and more
                                                                                          than 100,000 cabinets deployment
                                                                                          experience. In addition, ZTE has
                                                                                          won over 40 awards in China and
                     ZTE Data Center Construction Experience                              overseas, fully demonstrating ZTE’s
                                                                                          increasing technical strength and
the prefabricated fully-modular                 provide customized and integrated         brand influence in the data center
Data Center field, and large-scale              solutions on demand. In addition,         field from design, deployment and
commercial deployment has been                  ZTE cooperates with international         O&M management.
realized. ZTE is a reliable data center         first-class design institutes, and
partner in the industry.”                       applies professional 3D modeling          “As the leader in the data center
                                                tool, BIM (Building Information           industry, ZTE has been working for
Starting from 2009, ZTE’s data center           Modeling), for precise design to avoid    12 years in this field, continuously
was one of the first wave of enterprises in     risks in equipment installation and       assisting the data center industry in
the data center field. In 2014, ZTE built the   construction in advance, and relies       building the new infrastructure plan,
largest single micro-modular data center        on the integrated global supply chain     and becoming a reliable partner of
in Asia located in Pingshan, Shenzhen,          platform to effectively reduce the lead   customers,” said Zhang Dayong.
China, and began to lead the industry           time,” said Zhang Dayong.
trend. By 2016, ZTE had built dual-                                                       “In the future, ZTE will continue
uptime Tier IV certified national standard      “ZTE’s professional delivery team         to forge ahead in various aspects
data centers with reliability exceeding         has fully adopted the end-to-end          such as prefabricated, fully modular,
99.995% for Bangladesh. In 2017, ZTE            digital project management and            and end-to-end solutions, and
implemented the application of indirect         control platform, and has helped          continuously innovate to build a
evaporation cooling air conditioners and        improve engineering management            ‘green, reliable, fast, and intelligent’
deployed the storage fully-modular data         efficiency by 40% through refined         data center for customers. In this
center for the first time.                      project management. With ZTE              way, we can build a digital economy
                                                self-developed platform, iDCIM            together with customers.”
After years of technological
accumulation, the prefabricated fully-
modular data centers were deployed
on a large scale for the first time in
the industry, and will be deployed
abroad. The first large-scale edge data
center will be built in Philippines. With
excellent delivery quality and speed,
ZTE exclusive solution won the bid for
10 core and convergence equipment
rooms (100% share). In 2021, ZTE won
the bid for the centralized procurement
of fully-modular data centers by being
the top internet enterprises in China
with the maximum share, leading in-
depth transformation in the data center
industry solution.

“ZTE has a professional data                                                 ZTE Data Center Awards
center architect team, which can
Q3-2021                                OPINIONS                                      18

Hyperconnectivity: The
essential building block of a
smart city
We are now living in an age of increasing technological innovation. You could even say
that we are experiencing a technological renaissance as more people and businesses
are adopting advanced technologies at unprecedented rates. However, they are also
doing it faster than many cities – especially those within Asia-Pacific.
Q3-2021                                                 OPINIONS                                                            19

                                          smarter. However, it is a lesson that      across their respective urban
                                          builds on top of other pressing concerns   ecosystems. Currently, the above
                                          that were already mounting – namely        mentioned 20 cities are boosting
                                          high population growth, the straining      this adoption by improving their IT
                                          of the environment and growing             infrastructure, data collection and
                                          income disparities.                        analytics, telecommunications and
                                                                                     mobility solutions to drive overall
                                          To sustainably create smart                transformation.
                                          cities that can help alleviate such
                                          challenges, cities must first reach        One technology in particular is the
                                          a level of hyperconnected maturity.        Internet of Things (IoT) and its
                                          What degree of preparedness are            adoption by cities in Asia – both in
                                          Asian cities currently at in their         developed and developing markets –
                                          hyperconnected city development?           aimed at sustaining urban growth,
                                                                                     especially since populations are rising
                                          What is a hyperconnected city?             and more people are living in cities
                                          Essentially, a hyperconnected city         than ever before. Urban sustainability
                                          can unlock meaningful economic,            is crucial to creating healthy and safe
                                          business, and social values by             places for people to live and work,
                                          leveraging technology to transform         and IoT can help cities make the best
                                          and securely interconnect critical         use of digital opportunities that can
                                          areas of its urban ecosystem for its       improve the usage of current (and
                                          citizens. It goes beyond the more          future) urban infrastructure.
                                          conventional concept of smart city
                                          development, as a hyperconnected           One instance of how this is
                                          city focuses on the application            happening is in Seoul, where the
                                          of technology, while connecting            city has been deploying IoT-enabled
                                          governments, businesses, academia          sensors to measure traffic and air
                                          and citizens to improve the delivery of    quality, and is looking to deploy
                                          smart services. It is via the alignment    50,000 more IoT sensors by 2022 for
                                          of all four components that cities can     city-wide operations. Down under
                                          realize their fullest socio-economic       in Australia, the city of Melbourne
                                          and environmental benefits.                has turned itself into a testbed for
                                                                                     emerging technologies – notably in
                                          But how can we evaluate the strength       the areas of IoT and 5G to realize new
                                          of connections between the four            use cases in fields such as telehealth,
                                          components in a city, and what are         intelligent transport systems, traffic
                                          these four components? According           management, and pollution.
                                          to the Building a Hyperconnected
                                          City report which we worked on in          These are just two examples of how

                                          collaboration with ESI ThoughtLab,         hyperconnected cities are leveraging
                    s we inch ever        connectivity must be assessed by           IoT in their urban transformation, but
                    closer to Industry    the following four pillars of city         all the surveyed countries in Asia plan
                    4.0, it is now time   transformation: technology, data           to accelerate their IoT development
                    for urban leaders     and analytics, cybersecurity, and          over the next three years. It is one of
                    to apply innovative   connected citizens.                        the top priorities for them, since IoT
                    technologies to                                                  will be used to capture and generate
                    solve age-old         Based on the four pillars, we have         actionable data to further improve
urban challenges which came to the        identified that Asia-Pacific currently     urban management.
fore due to the ongoing COVID-19          has 20 cities that can be classified
pandemic. However, they must do           as being hyperconnected. While             Powering smarter cities via data
so by not purely focusing on digital      each city has reached some level of        Hyperconnected cities use
transformation for its own sake, but      connectivity between the pillars, they     advancements like IoT to draw on a
to use it to generate scalable, real-     still vary according to their maturity     wide variety of data to provide value to
world outcomes for cities.                stage.                                     urban stakeholders. This includes both
                                                                                     traditional data, i.e., those gleaned from
The primary lesson the pandemic           The full technological embrace of          city departments, local businesses,
taught us over the past year is           IoT                                        and citizen surveys – to new types of
that sustainability should be the         Hyperconnected cities are widening         data, i.e., from IoT sensors, artificial
underpinning factor of making cities      their use of advanced technologies         intelligence (AI), and even social media.
Q3-2021                                                   OPINIONS                                                            20

By synergistically using both               can generate the greatest ROI.              urban leaders must exercise patience;
advanced technologies and                   Based on research, governance               they will be faced with integrating
actionable data from multiple               projects are the ones offering cities       complex infrastructure, multiple
sources, hyperconnected cities              the highest return across the main          platforms, the need for different types
can improve urban management                areas of an urban ecosystem.                of data, and customized applications.
and sustainability. For instance,           To illustrate, especially in the
most of the cities we surveyed              area of e-governance, cities that           But more crucially – and this
are already using data to                   are just beginning to implement             applies to all cities, no matter what
manage IT infrastructure and                hyperconnected solutions see an             stage they are at in their smart
telecommunications, while half are          average ROI of 2.6%, whereas leading        city development – urban leaders
using it for financial services and         cities, which have more mature              must ensure continued citizen and
systems, mobility and transportation,       implementations, see a 5.6% ROI on          stakeholder support. Making a
as well as security (both physical          average. Conversely, it is no surprise      noticeable improvement in the lives
and digital). Meanwhile, a third of         that the hyperconnected cities in           of citizens is a fundamental element
them are using data for public safety,      our survey are also the ones with           in the creation of any smart city
health, and wellness.                       the most e-services offerings and           roadmap.
                                            programs to positively impact the
Tokyo is exemplifying how this              urban living experience. We observed        By Idris Vasi, head of sales, Nokia
is being done in Asia. As Japan’s           that – as cities become more                Cloud and Network Services, Asia-
capital city moves towards helping          hyperconnected – the network effect         Pacific & Japan
the nation realize its Society 5.0          multiplies the results.
ambitions, it is improving urban
management in critical urban spots,         Bangkok is one city that seeks to draw
with a particular focus on energy and       in more high-value investments via the
environmental sustainability. The city      national Thailand 4.0 roadmap. This
– largely due to COVID-19 – is also         includes improving urban infrastructure
preparing its society and economy for       in terms of public services,
business continuity (during crises).        transportation, and environmental
In line with such efforts, data is being    management. The city also brought the
used to model grand designs and             country’s healthcare to the future when
concepts of urban data infrastructure,      5G-based telehealth services were
which could then be used to launch          rolled out during the early months of the
pilot experiments in sustainability and     pandemic. While its primary aim was                To be hyperconnected, a
urban management.                           to support overburdened front liners,

Jakarta – which contains Southeast
                                            and healthcare facilities, the move
                                            has also fostered innovation in the
                                                                                            smart city must be one that is
Asia’s largest urban population – is
also pushing for greater data collection
                                            overall healthcare sector, which private
                                            healthcare stakeholders can leverage
                                                                                             on track to generate tangible
throughout the city. It is doing so
by focusing on real-time analysis,
                                            to cement their country’s regional
                                            leadership in the industry.
                                                                                              returns to realize business,
integration, and application of data
for urban planning and management,          Investing more in smart city solutions
                                                                                            economic, financial, societal,
especially in the areas of transportation   to boost foreign direct investment
and environmental sustainability.           (FDI) is also gaining traction in Asia’s         and environmental benefits
                                            emerging markets. For example, in
Hyperconnected cities can generate          Vietnam – already a leader in Asia’s
greater ROIs                                5G race – the country’s leading
Beyond addressing direct urban              business hub of Ho Chi Minh City
sustainability challenges, urban            has already made 5G commercial
leaders are also pressed to make the        networks available to industry. 5G
best use of smart city investments to       is an important component for
increase their ROIs. We believe that to     Vietnam’s continued economic
be hyperconnected, a smart city must        growth and FDI in manufacturing, and
be one that is on track to generate         its investments are starting to pay off.
tangible returns to realize business,
economic, financial, societal, and          Urban stakeholders must play the
environmental benefits.                     long, more valuable game
                                            We are now closer than ever to
However, cities must also understand        entering a world of smart and
which specific areas of investment          hyperconnected cities. However,
Q3-2021                                                       NEWS                                                                 21

Axiata expands network leadership with commercialise Open
RAN across Asia
                                             partnerships with leading global network     service integration of the Telecom
                                             solutions providers Mavenir and Parallel     Infra Project (TIP)’s Evenstar 4G Radio
                                             Wireless and supported by Infosys as         through Mavenir’s MAVair O-RAN
                                             systems integrator (SI).                     based solution for Open RAN. Axiata is a
                                                                                          participant of the TIP initiative in which
                                             Through its strategic partnership with       a global community of companies and
                                             Mavenir, the industry’s end to end network   organisations are working together
                                             software provider, Axiata has deployed       to accelerate the development and
                                             the MAVair Open vRAN solution including      deployment of open, disaggregated and
Axiata Group Berhad (Axiata) has             all G Open RAN, Packet Core and Mobile       standards-based technology solutions
embarked on an network transformation        Network applications at selected sites,      that deliver high quality, low cost
program, leveraging Open Radio               in Malaysia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. To     connectivity.
Access Networks (Open RAN) as a key          simulate non-ideal backhaul conditions,
technology for mobile networks designed      especially for rural areas, the sites        Axiata’s commercial pilot also
to narrow the digital divide and enhance     selected are connected with non-ideal        encompassed a collaboration with Parallel
rural connectivity across Asia.              backhaul (microwave links), and in some      Wireless, the US- based Open RAN
                                             cases satellite, making this the first       company delivering all G, cloud-native
Eyeing large scale commercial                satellite backhaul powered Open vRAN         Open RAN solutions. Axiata successfully
deployments by year end, the Group           sites in the world.                          demonstrated commercial deployment of
has successfully conducted Open RAN                                                       2G and 4G Open RAN connectivity within
commercial field pilots in Malaysia,         During the testing phase, Axiata was also    its network in Sri Lanka which is operated
Indonesia, and Sri Lanka through strategic   able to achieve the first live commercial    by Dialog Axiata.

M1 partners Samsung to be world’s first to support voice over
5G New Radio (VoNR) on 5G SA network
                                                                                          benefits of VoNR service as M1 gears
                                                                                          up for its 5G SA market trial launch on
                                                                                          the 27th of July.

                                                                                          In addition, VoNR service will open
                                                                                          up numerous 5G SA-enabled data
                                                                                          services and provide the baseline
                                                                                          for quality video conferencing or
                                                                                          augmented and virtual reality features,
M1 Limited (M1) and Samsung                  in the world, which marks a significant      offering a glimpse into the plethora of
achieved a significant milestone in          step towards the future of 5G voice          connectivity solutions 5G SA will enable
advancing the world’s 5G ecosystem           services.                                    M1 to bring.
by making available Voice over 5G New
Radio (VoNR) on M1’s 5G Standalone           The VoNR call service fully utilises the     Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, S21+ and
(SA) network.                                SA architecture of 5G network for an         S21 customers on M1 network will be
                                             improved high definition quality call        amongst the first in the world to enjoy
Tapping on Samsung’s expertise in 5G         experience, while providing 5G speeds        the benefits of the VoNR network via an
leadership, coupled with M1’s strong         for data-driven activities throughout        over-the-air software update on M1’s 5G
engineering team and proven track            the duration of the voice calls In           Booster Plan. Customers can also look
records in the development of 5G SA          comparison to calls made on the 5G           forward to seamless connectivity with an
use cases and trials, M1 and Samsung         non-standalone (NSA) network, which          ultra-fast data speed rate that is almost
successfully achieved the deployment         rides on existing 4G networks, the           five times faster than 4G. Furthermore,
of VoNR service on M1’s 5G SA                VoNR service boasts faster call setup        paired with Samsung’s 5G compatible
network. This partnership validates end-     time and seamless voice call continuity.     devices, multi-tasking is possible with
to-end 5G VoNR interoperability – a first    M1 customers will be able to enjoy the       remarkable productivity improvement.
You can also read