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WORKING WITH THE SUPER-UTILIZER POPULATION: THE EXPERIENCE AND RECOMMENDATIONS South Central Pennsylvania High Utilizer OF FIVE PENNSYLVANIA PROGRAMS Crozer-Keystone Health System William Warning, II, M.D. Lancaster General Health John Wood, M.D. Neighborhood Health Centers of the Lehigh Valley Abby Letcher, M.D. PinnacleHealth System Nadine Srouji, M.D. WellSpan Health Chris Echterling, M.D. Widener University Caryl Carpenter, M.P.H., Ph.D.
WORKING WITH THE SUPER-UTILIZER POPULATION: THE EXPERIENCE AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF FIVE PENNSYLVANIA PROGRAMS ____________________ Crozer-Keystone Health System William Warning, II, M.D. Lancaster General Health John Wood, M.D. Neighborhood Health Centers of the Lehigh Valley Abby Letcher, M.D. PinnacleHealth System Nadine Srouji, M.D. WellSpan Health Chris Echterling, M.D. Widener University Caryl Carpenter, M.P.H., Ph.D.
FORWARD The U.S. health care system is in a dizzying state of change. Those of us who work in the system can become discouraged about our ability to achieve better health for our individual patients and our communities. In this report, the members of the South-Central Pennsylvania High-Utilizer Learning Collaborative share our experience working to achieve this goal. We hope you’ll find our experiences encouraging, even though we have not found all the answers. We have learned that if health care providers have the courage to be creative and open to change, a dedicated inter-disciplinary team that focuses on meeting all of their patients’ needs – not just their medical needs – can improve quality of care while reducing health care spending. The lessons learned working with this population can bolster the transformation of the entire health care delivery system. We have shared details about the structure, processes, and outcomes of the programs in the Collaborative. You will learn that there is no single model for working with super-utilizers, but we hope our experiences will be helpful to those interested in the policy implications of focusing on the highest needs, highest cost patients. We also hope to provide a framework for those who decide to start a super-utilizer program. Drawing on our diverse experiences, we have proposed a set of Potential Program Benefits and Core Program Elements that may be useful to providers and policy makers interested in this work. For public and private payers, as well as potential program sponsors, we have outlined a set of Policy Recommendations that will support super-utilizer programs and this transformational work. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ● Aligning Forces for Quality and ● Our sponsoring health systems particularly Samantha Obeck, and federally qualified health Our super-utilizer teams are successful DNP, RN and Chris Amy, who centers that took the risk to because they are inter-disciplinary, provided the infrastructure for support our programs. collaborative, creative, and visionary. the Collaborative and funding. We aim to always put patients at the ● Our dedicated staffs for center of what we do. Our work has ● The Family Medicine Educational throwing themselves into this been made possible by many others Consortium for being the birth effort to serve our patients. we wish to acknowledge here. place of this movement and for ● Our growing group of partners Without them, this report, and the originally bringing us together. – social service providers, programs it highlights, would not ● Ellen Smith, M.D. (FMEC), community members, have been possible. Uchenna Emeche, M.D. government officials - who see, ● The Highmark Foundation for (Super-Utilizer Fellow), with us, a new way forward and funding our South Central Wendell Kellum, M.D. are willing to take the risk to Pennsylvania High- Utilizer (Super-Utilizer Fellow), seize this opportunity. Learning Collaborative and Barry Jacobs, Psy.D (Crozer- this report. The Highmark Keystone) ), Kimberly Bahata, Foundation provided funding MBA, RN, CPHQ (Lancaster to support learnings and General). sharing of best practices, ● Jeff Brenner, M.D. and the many patient data, and cost savings dedicated members of the among Super Utilizer Camden Coalition of Healthcare programs in Pennsylvania. Providers who have been our Funding for direct care to mentors in this work. patients was not provided by the Highmark Foundation. __ 2 __
6/25/2014 6/25/2014 The h United The Uniited States States is is approaching approaching a critical criitical time time off change cha h nge for for healthcare. he h althc h are. Th rising he The riising cost cos o t and and d unacceptabl b y poor outcomes unacceptably outcomes off our our he hhealthcare althcare system system are are unsustainable. unsus u tainable. WWee must must change change n to to produce high-value produce high-value ccare are – better outcomes better outcomes at at lower lower cost. cost. One sstrategic One trategi g c way way to to approach approach the the needed neeeded system system change change is is to to give give priority priority attention attention to to the the highest utilizing highest utilizing patients. patients. T hese “Super-utilizer” These “Supe u r-utilizer” patients patients not only only account account for for a disproportionate dispropportionate amount off medical amount medical cost, cost, but also also provide proovide high-yield high-yield case case studies studiies for for understanding understanding thethe weakness weakness off our ccurrent urrrent system, system, particularly particularly when when faced ffaaced with with complex complex medical medical and and psychosocial psychosocial needs. needs. Innovativee, data-driven Innovative, data-dri d iven cclinical liniical redesign rede d sign that tha h t helps h lps this he this segment segment off our patient patient population popullation o will will give a rapid give rapid return return off investment investment in in terms terms off cost cost savings savings andand will will produce produce the the learning learning about about system cchange system haange and and reorganization reorganization that tha h t will will benefit benefit all all patients. patients. Our Our healthcare healthcare ssystem ystem desperately needs desperately needs centers centers off innovation innovation to to design, design, test test and and validate validate new new models models toto address addreess our highest needs, highest needs, highest highest costs costs patients. patients. W Wee also also ne ed a firm need ffiirm commitment com mmitment to to collaboration collaborationn and and shared llearning shared earni r ng so so that that successful successful innovations innnovations can can be disseminated disseminan ted as as rapidly rapidly and and broadly broadl d y as as possible. possible. The work The work of of tthe he Aligning Aligning Forces Forces for forr Quality Quality South South Central Central Pennsylvania Pennsylvania High-Utilizer High-Utilizer Learning Learning Collaborative, presented Collaborative, presented inin the the pages pages that that follow, ffol ollow, embody embody these these essential essential elements elements off innovation innova n tion and sshared and hared learning. learning. In addition addition to to presenting p senting the pre the work work off the the collaborative collaborative members, members, this thi h s paper paper demonstrates clearly demonstrates clearly the the need need for for institutions, insstitutions, insurance insurance payers payersr and and government government toto create create environments that environments that foster ffos oster this this discipline discipline off data-driven data-driven aattention ttentionn to to the the outliers outliers with with eeffective ffective engagement engagementn and and redesign redesign off our clinical clini n cal processes processes toto improve improve care care and and reduce reduce cost. cost. Pennsylvani n a’s state Pennsylvania’s state government government is is currently currently in in a key key position positionn to to support support this this work work and and become become a national leader national leader on the the front frontt lines lines off healthcare h althcare reform he reform for for our m ost costly most costly and and vulnerable vulnerable patients. patients. I urge tthe he State State off Pennsylvania Pennsylvania to to embrace embrace and and expand expand the the ‘super-utilizer’ ‘supe u r-utilizer’ model model and and utilize ut u ilize the the recommendations contained recommendations contained in in this this white white paper. paper. Sincerely Sincerely, Jeffrey Brenner, MD Executive Director are Providers Camden Coalition of Healthcare Pro oviide d rs th Coopeer S 800 Cooper t, 7 F St, Floor loor Ca mden, NJ Camden, NJ 08102 (609) 876- 876-9549 9549 eff@camde d __ 3 __
A super-utilizer (SU) program is a data-driven, high-intensity, community-based, patient-centered, inter-disciplinary team that engages SU patients to deliver high-quality, comprehensive care, while simultaneously encouraging self-advocacy and personal accountability. EXECUTIVE high-quality, comprehensive care, Some are homeless; many while simultaneously encouraging experience social isolation in SUMMARY self-advocacy and personal sub-standard housing. Some In October of 2012, the South accountability. patients live in an environment of Central Pennsylvania High-Utilizer family and/or community violence. This report documents the Learning Collaborative was Some are uninsured. However, experience of these five programs established. The five members most are patients on Medicaid. and presents recommendations of the Collaborative are Most lack the disposable income to based on that experience. Pennsylvania programs in pay for medications or the co-pays It is intended to be useful for York/Adams/Lancaster (WellSpan required by some payers, including organizations that want to Health), Lancaster (Lancaster Medicare. develop a SU program, as well General Health), Harrisburg (See Exhibits 3, 4, and 5.) as policy makers. (PinnacleHealth System), System Failures: Although Delaware County (Crozer- Driving Diagnosis: A small many SU patients make Keystone Health System), and percent of patients consume a uninformed decisions about how Allentown (Neighborhood significant share of health resources and where to access the health Health Centers nationally. This same skewed care system, most encounter a of the Lehigh Valley) distribution of health care spending fragmented non-system with poor that work with patients who are has been documented in the coordination across providers – frequent users of hospital services, communities served by the SU medical, behavioral and social both emergency department and programs in the Collaborative. service providers. inpatient. These programs were Who Are the Super- (See the patient stories throughout inspired by the work of Dr. Jeffrey Utilizers?: The SU programs that document how system failures Brenner and the Camden Coalition use different criteria to define a contribute to patients’ health of Healthcare Providers in Camden, problems.) super-utilizer. In general, they are NJ, who have provided invaluable patients who have frequent and Program Structure: advice and support for the preventable hospital admissions There is no single model for a SU Collaborative’s efforts. and/or emergency department program. The five programs in the A super-utilizer (SU) program (ED) visits. Typically, these patients Collaborative vary in terms of is a data-driven, high-intensity, have multiple, chronic conditions their structures and processes, but community-based, patient- such as diabetes, emphysema, and they share the common goal of centered, inter-disciplinary team heart failure. Almost all have working with SU patients to that engages SU patients to deliver, behavioral health co-morbidities. __ 4 __
improve the quality of care they programs consider home visits to 162 and 56 patients, respectively, receive and their quality of life, and be an essential component of SU and have continued to grow. to reduce preventable utilization of work. Home visits provide insights (See Appendix 3 for most recent expensive inpatient and ED to the patient’s living environment, data from programs.) services. Four of the programs in family and other social Three of the programs – Crozer, the Collaborative are based in relationships, nutrition, and LG Health, and WellSpan – have health systems; one is based in medication management. been able to merge and analyze a neighborhood health center. The programs consider in-person their data. These three programs (See Appendix 1 for a detailed program contact critical to establishing combined served 138 patients as comparison of team composition, strong relationships with patients community partnerships, and role in of December 31, 2013, with patient care.) that can lead to improvement significant growth in the programs in their health and well-being. since that time. For these three Program Processes: The (See Appendix 1 for a comparison of programs collectively, inpatient programs have different target processes used by the SU programs. ) admissions dropped 34 populations and different methods (See Exhibit 11 for a list of assessment percent after enrollment in of identifying and engaging their instruments used by the programs to evaluate patients’ needs.) an SU program. In contrast, target populations, depending on ED utilization increased after what data sources they can access. Program Outcomes: enrollment. The programs believe Patients may be engaged during a The SU programs in the that the reason for the increase hospital admission, in the ED, or in Collaborative typically started in ED utilization is that through a primary care practice. All of the small and gradually expanded. effective communication with The programs at Pinnacle and the EDs, the patient is able to be Lehigh Valley have just begun discharged from the ED, avoiding the data sharing portion of their a much more costly inpatient work with preliminary results admission (but resulting in an shown in the Appendix. As of ED visit recorded as opposed December 31, 2013 they served to an inpatient visit). (See Exhibits 12 and 13 to see the change in utilization after enrollment in the SU programs.) __ 5 __
Home visits provide insights to the patient’s living environment, family and other social relationships, nutrition, and medication management. If the average Medicaid Common Challenges: data allow programs to 1) identify expenditure per hospital admission Although the programs in the potential SU patients and map their is approximately $75001, then a Collaborative use a variety of location geographically, 2) design 34 percent reduction in admissions models for providing services to programs that meet the needs of for these patients would equal SU patients, the programs face the identified population, including $1,242,000 in estimated savings similar challenges, specifically with team composition, care processes, to Medicaid for 138 patients over data, patient engagement, care and community partnerships, 3) 12 months. If the average coordination, and funding. Of develop program evaluation expenditure per ED visit, not these, access to data is one of measures, and 4) plan for the resulting in a hospital admission, the most important. A robust impact of SU work on the health for adults 18-64 years of age is system sponsors such as workforce healthcare data stream is critical redeployment. approximately $10972, then a 12 to SU programs. Timely, (See Exhibit 16 for a case example percent increase in ED visits would comprehensive and accurate from Lancaster General Health.) equal $54,498.96 additional utilization, claims and cost-related estimated expenditures over 12 months. The net effect would be an estimated savings of $1,187,501.04 for 138 patients over 12 months. (See Exhibits 14 for estimated pre and post enrollment expenditures). Of the 138 patients presented in RECOMMENDATIONS: these exhibits, 33 percent are no Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Provide state support for the development of health information exchanges longer enrolled in the programs. that deliver real-time, all-payer data to programs on a daily The vast majority (68 percent) basis, including utilization data from all hospitals. (A crucial successfully “graduated” from the interim step would be to facilitate access for super-utilizer program and returned to a primary programs to Medicaid data including medical, behavioral care provider for on-going care. and substance abuse data from all sources at the state level.) Some patients died (14 percent); a Public and Private Payers: Use alternative payment small percent dropped out of the mechanisms such as case management fees, per episode of program or were lost to follow-up. care payments, and shared savings contracts for SU A very small number (4 percent) programs. were asked to leave by the program Sponsoring or Partnering Health Systems: Provide for failure to actively engage. access to 1) real-time utilization data for super-utilizer (See Exhibit 15 – reasons for patients, and 2) current and historical charge, payment and leaving program. ) cost data for super-utilizer patients. __ 6 __
THE DRIVING INTRODUCTION DIAGNOSIS The U.S. leads the world in health care In October of 2012, the South Central Pennsylvania High-Utilizer Learning Collaborative was established. The five members expenditures per capita, roughly $8,995 of the Collaborative are Pennsylvania programs in in 2012; health care in the U.S. consumes York/Adams/Lancaster (WellSpan Health), Lancaster the largest share of GDP of all nations in (Lancaster General Health), Harrisburg (PinnacleHealth the world.3 Researchers have known for System), Delaware County (Crozer-Keystone Health some time that the distribution of health System), and Allentown (Neighborhood Health Centers care expenditures is skewed, with a small of the Lehigh Valley). These programs work with patients who are frequent users of hospital services, both emergency percent of the population consuming department and inpatient. These programs were a disproportionately high share of inspired by the work of Dr. Jeffrey Brenner and the Camden resources. In 2010, the top 1 percent Coalition of Healthcare Providers in Camden, NJ, who have (ranked by their health expenses) provided invaluable advice and support for the Collaborative’s accounted for 21.4 percent of the $1.3 efforts. trillion spent on health care in the U.S. The Collaborative is called the High-Utilizer Learning that year.4 Most are people with Collaborative. However, the programs in the Collaborative multiple chronic conditions whose typically refer to their work as “super-utilizer” work. This term annual expenses are roughly $88,000 is used throughout the country. As Dr. Brenner has frequently per person. noted, either term - “super-utilizer” or “high-utilizer” - is inherently misleading, as it suggests the problem of over-uti- There are many factors that explain the lization lies entirely with patients. As the Camden Coalition and rapid growth in total health care expen- the five programs in Pennsylvania have learned, over-utilization ditures. Economists estimate that about often reflects failures within the health care delivery system. 63 percent of spending growth is due to The Collaborative was created so that these super-utilizer increases in utilization; the remaining 37 (SU) programs could share best practices, patient data, and percent is due to increases in prices.5 cost-saving strategies. Lessons learned from the SU programs The increase in utilization, in turn, is due could help to transform the health care delivery systems in to 1) the aging of the U.S. population, 2) their communities. The Highmark Foundation funded the the growing prevalence of chronic Collaborative beginning in April, 2013, with the following diseases, 3) the development of new objectives: 1) to provide each regional health care provider with the tools to provide high quality, efficient care for high-utilizing technologies and treatments, and 4) patients; 2) to realize cost savings through the SU programs; unnecessary or preventable use of and 3) to serve as pilots for new payment mechanisms to expensive services including inpatient support new care delivery models. Super-utilizer programs hospital admissions and emergency provide intensive outpatient care coordination services to department (ED) visits. patient populations with complex medical, behavioral, and social needs. This report examines the experience of the five super-utilizer programs in the Collaborative and recommends policies that could facilitate and extend the work with the SU population to other locations in Pennsylvania and around the country. __ 7 __
The U.S. leads the world in health care expenditures per capita, roughly $8,995 in 2012; health care in the U.S. consumes the largest share of GDP of all nations in the world.3 Inappropriate use of hospital receipts for hospital services.6 The Camden Coalition services can be physician-and/or The programs in the Collaborative demonstrated that through consumer-driven. Consumer-driven have identified similar patterns in intensive outpatient care utilization of hospital services their communities. In Lancaster, coordination, it was possible to can result from poor consumer for example, only 3 percent of all reduce expenditures while decision-making about their health Medicaid patients in the county improving quality of care. “By needs and/or system failures that account for 51 percent of Medicaid helping manage the physical, make it difficult to utilize out-of- spending. At WellSpan in York, 4 behavioral and social needs of these hospital services. The SU programs percent of patients represent about individuals, the Coalition has been focus on the consumer-driven half of all expenditures. The patient successful in breaking the harmful overuse of hospital care and the stories included throughout this and costly cycle of inappropriate system failures that contribute report vividly illustrate how a small emergency department (ED) or to that overuse. number of patients can consume a inpatient admissions.”7 This work large share of health spending in inspired a number of communities In their initial work with super- their communities. to develop SU programs of their utilizing patients, the Camden own, including the communities Coalition of Healthcare Providers (See Exhibit 1, the story of Bill at PinnacleHealth, whose very high that are part of the Collaborative. found that 5 percent of hospital hospital utilization was reduced by patients in Camden accounted 80 percent after enrolling in the SU for more than 50 percent of all program.) __ 8 __
Most SU patients have multiple, chronic conditions, including one or more mental health or substance Each program has its own metric abuse diagnoses. Some are for defining a “super-utilizer”, e.g. at homeless; many experience Pinnacle a super-utilizer is defined social isolation in sub-standard as an adult with 2 or more inpatient housing. Some patients live in admissions OR 6 or more ED visits an environment of family and/or WHO ARE THE in a 6-month period; whereas the community violence. Others lack SUPER-UTILIZERS? program at Crozer has focused the disposable income to pay The answer to this question varies primarily on patients with 2 or more for medications or the co-pays that by community. In general, SU inpatient admissions in 6 months. are required by payers, including patients are those who have Medicare. In Camden, most of the patients frequent and preventable hospital who make high use of inpatient (See Exhibit 2, the story of Carole at admissions and/or ED visits. WellSpan, as an example of a patient services are insured, often by with significant emotional problems Medicare and/or Medicaid; whereas that went unattended by her doctor before enrollment in Bridges to Health those who utilize the ED frequently and resulted in preventable hospital are more likely to be uninsured. The admissions.) same is true for the patients served As of December 31, 2013, three of by the Collaborative’s programs. the programs (Crozer, LGHealth, and WellSpan) had seen 138 patients, with an average age of 52.2 years. Exhibit 3 presents the payer distribution for these __ 9 __
The patients cared for by the Collaborative’s programs experience a fragmented health care system with poor coordination across providers – medical, behavioral health, and social service providers. patients. Some are uninsured; a Preventable use of the hospital can Consumer Decisions large group are on Medicaid; and be triggered by many breakdowns Super-utilizer patients often make many are dual eligibles, i.e. those in this delivery system. For uninformed decisions about their with both Medicare and Medicaid. example, in the Lehigh Valley use of services because they lack an program, a patient on dialysis had a Exhibit 4 lists the percent of the understanding of 1) their illnesses, costly inpatient stay because the 138 SU patients with various 2) the appropriate ways to manage community transportation service diagnoses. Ninety percent have a their health, 3) the “language” the never picked him up for his regular documented behavioral health system uses, and 4) how to navigate outpatient dialysis appointment. A diagnosis, along with chronic the system to get the services they patient in Lancaster had inpatient conditions such as diabetes and need. Often they have received stays due to a history of emphysema. Exhibit 5 presents little or no explanation about their uncontrolled diabetes and the social determinants of disease(s) or how to manage their childhood trauma that led to post- utilization for these patients. Even health outside of the hospital. traumatic stress disorder, which was though most of these SU patients Those with multiple prescription never appropriately addressed by have insurance, 90 percent of them drugs can be confused about the delivery system outside the list financial issues as a major life which medication treats which hospital. A patient at Crozer with stressor. Financial limitations result illness or how their prescriptions complex medical problems was in problems with housing, should be taken. discharged from a skilled nursing transportation and food, all of facility to home with no record of Even those who have a PCP may which affect their health, and the medications prescribed at bypass the PCP office and go to the use of services. discharge, making it difficult to ED because they aren’t able to (See Exhibit 6, the story of Robert at manage her care as an outpatient. schedule a timely appointment, are LG Health, whose frequent hospital admissions and ED visits were the unable to reach office staff, or result of problems with housing, Many SU patients lack access to a believe they will receive “better” transportation and food insecurity.) primary care provider (PCP), and timelier care in the ED. Staff in particularly in cities like Camden System Failures the SU programs spend time and Chester (Crozer). Patients teaching patients how to make and The patients cared for by the without insurance or with Medicaid keep appointments with both Collaborative’ s programs may have difficulty finding a PCP. specialists and primary care experience a fragmented health Federally-qualified health centers providers. Often staff accompany care system with poor coordination (FQHC) provide an important patients to appointments to teach across providers – medical, safety-net but may lack the capacity patients what questions to ask and behavioral health, and social service to meet all of the need for primary how to advocate for themselves, or providers. Exhibit 10 is a graphical care services. Cultural and to assure the patient understands representation of the health and language differences between the provider’s treatment plan. social service “systems” in Lancaster patients and providers also serve as County – the systems that SU barriers to receiving the right care patients find so difficult to navigate. in the right place at the right time. __ 10 __
THE CAMDEN conditions that could be treated by a PCP outside the hospital 8 COALITION Dr. Brenner further segmented the Starting in 2003, Dr. Jeffrey Brenner, super-utilizer population to develop a family physician practicing in different strategies for different Camden began to look at patterns sub-sets of this population. of hospital use by Camden Dr. Brenner found that patients who residents, using a process dubbed were frequent users of inpatient “hotspotting.” The coalition he and ED services clustered in certain founded built a citywide database geographic locations. Two of the of claims data from the three local original hotspots were a high-rise hospitals. These data showed that residential complex for seniors and 50 percent of Camden residents people with disabilities, and a visited a local ED or hospital in a nursing home with both skilled single year, twice the rate for the and long-term beds. U.S. overall. The majority of the inpatient or ED visits were for The Camden Coalition of Health Care Providers is a not-for-profit collaborative of practitioners, health centers, and hospitals. The Coalition created a citywide care __ 11 __
Dr. Brenner found that patients who were frequent users of inpatient and ED services clustered in certain geographic locations. management system with the the development of personal the SU program. The health mission to improve the quality, autonomy in the healthcare arena. system-based SU programs also capacity, and accessibility of the As with the Camden Coalition, are advocates within their own health care system for vulnerable the five SU programs of the organizations for the delivery populations in Camden. The Collaborative have demonstrated system transformations needed Coalition now includes active the potential of this approach to meet the needs of the SU participation from all three Camden to offer outstanding care, population. hospitals, two Federally Qualified meaningful patient engagement, One disadvantage of health system Health Centers, private medical and significant cost reduction. ownership of an SU program is practices, and social service Appendix 1 is a chart that that the program lacks access to agencies serving Camden residents. compares the five programs on a utilization data from other providers The goal of the Coalition is for number of dimensions of structure, in the region. SU patients often Camden to be one of the first cities process and outcomes. As this move around, visiting multiple in the U.S. to dramatically bend the comparison clearly demonstrates, hospitals for both inpatient and cost curve while improving there is no single model for an SU ED services. A health system SU healthcare quality and access. program. The five programs in the program may have difficulty It is the work of Dr. Jeffrey Brenner Collaborative vary in terms of their developing a comprehensive and the Camden Coalition that structures and processes, but they picture of a patient’s utilization inspired the development of SU share the common goal of working patterns that includes providers programs in the five health care with SU patients to improve the outside their system. organizations that make up the quality of care they receive and The fifth program, Lehigh Valley, South Central Pennsylvania High- their quality of life, and to reduce is based in a neighborhood health Utilizer Learning Collaborative. preventable utilization of expensive center. The Lehigh Valley program inpatient and ED services. is funded by a Center for Medicare THE COLLABORATIVE Unlike many other SU programs and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) - STRUCTURE around the country, four of the grant administered by Rutgers Program Location Collaborative programs are part University in New Jersey. The of multi-hospital health systems grantees in this program are more A super-utilizer (SU) program (Crozer-Keystone Health community-based than the other is a data-driven, high-intensity, System, LG Health, programs in the Collaborative. community-based, patient- PinnacleHealth System, and For example, all of the CMMI-funded centered, inter-disciplinary team WellSpan). These programs have programs employ a community that engages SU patients to deliver the advantage of access to hospital organizer to help community high-quality, comprehensive care utilization and cost data that would members advocate for pragmatic while simultaneously encouraging not be readily available to programs solutions to the gaps in health self-advocacy and personal operating outside a health system. and social service systems. accountability. The team assists Hospital databases are used to patients to navigate the health identify potential participants in care delivery system but also fosters __ 12 __
the life of an SU patient. The patient has several medical issues and lacks “mind” and “spirit” support. The post-intervention map The Lehigh Valley program has those who do not have a PCP. The demonstrates an increase in the the most extensive community program has a formal partnership “mind” and “spirit” parts of the partnerships, both formal and with the Community Exchange, a patient’s life, and a complete informal, including partnerships volunteer Time Bank. They are able elimination of hospitalizations. with the faith-based community to involve volunteers in the care The primary disadvantage of the in their area. The advantage of coordination process. They Lehigh Valley program’s location is a community base is that encourage SU patients to their lack of access to hospital data. coordination with community become volunteers themselves. Although the program has informal agencies may be easier. In addition, Participation in volunteer activities affiliations with the hospitals in the operating out of a neighborhood has been shown to improve area, they have only begun receiving health center gives the program a physical and mental health by data from the hospitals about site to provide primary care for reducing social isolation. Exhibit 7 admissions and ED visits. Therefore, presents two spaghetti maps, a they have not yet begun mining the tool used by the Lehigh Valley data to identify potential program program to help patients visualize participants based on their a snapshot of their lives medically, utilization patterns. Until recently, mentally, and spiritually. The the program relied entirely on pre-intervention map shows referrals to identify potential the tangled “spaghetti” that is patients. The program has now completed an agreement with a large health system in the area to __ 13 __
All SU programs provide care coordination; some also provide primary care services and are termed “transitional PCP super-utilizer programs”. provide data about inpatient and features. One of the many benefits and “graduating” them back ED utilization that will allow the of the Collaborative is the to the practice’s Patient-Centered program to start data-driven patient shared learning from different Medical Home (PCMH). selection. They hope to develop program models. Exhibit 8 presents a side-by-side similar agreements with two Role of the SU Program comparison of PCMH and SU other local health systems. programs. Although the two All SU programs provide care The strong community base of concepts share some features, coordination; some also provide the Lehigh Valley program may there are important distinctions. primary care services and are produce a wider range of referrals Care coordination is the focus of termed “transitional PCP super- than those in the health system- SU programs, rather than the direct utilizer programs”. The WellSpan based programs, but it is harder provision of medical care, even and LG Health programs assume to apply the program’s inclusion though some programs do provide the role of PCP on a temporary and exclusion criteria to patients primary care services. SU programs basis in the Bridges to Health referred by other providers and are more proactive in engaging program and Care Connections community groups. As a result, patients and have more resources clinic, respectively. In addition, the program often works with directed at patient engagement. they provide intensive care the extreme outliers in terms management services, coordinating Pinnacle has three projects where of medical and psychosocial specialty, mental health, and social patients can receive care coordination complexities and challenges. services. The programs’ goals are to with or without primary care Given limited resources, all SU stabilize patients’ health, coordinate services. One is an internal medicine programs need to prioritize cases other needed services, equip them residency clinic; another is in the to work with those patients who to navigate the system, and then hospital emergency department; are most likely to benefit from return them to their previous PCP. and the third focuses on providing intensive, outpatient care The Crozer program is located in medical services and navigation for coordination. This has not always the outpatient practice of the patients in an independent living been an option for the Lehigh health system’s family medicine facility that was identified through Valley program but should residency program, the Center for hot-spotting. improve with the new data Family Health in Springfield. Their agreement. The program in the Lehigh Valley target population is SU patients in is the most community-based The other programs in the that practice, so all patients have a program of the five. Primary care Collaborative would like resident or attending physician. is provided at the Neighborhood to emulate the community The SU team does not take over the Health Centers of the Lehigh connections features of the primary care role but does provide Valley clinic. Care coordination Lehigh Valley program but lack intensive care coordination is provided by a team, working the time and resources to do so. services, with the goal of patient with an extensive network of As these programs expand, they self-sufficiency, teaching them community partners. hope to develop some of these how to navigate the system, __ 14 __
The SU Team provide primary care services to SU patients; others have residents All the SU programs in the (usually family medicine) in the Collaborative use inter- direct-care role. All of the programs disciplinary teams. The composition have physician leaders who oversee of the SU team depends on enrollee care and medical the characteristics of the target management issues. population and the role of the SU program. The comparison Nursing: Some of the Collaborative chart in Appendix 1 outlines programs employ nurse (RN) case the staff composition of each managers on a full or part-time program in the Collaborative. basis to do medical needs The SU team may include: assessment and, in some cases, oversee care coordination. Physician or Advanced Practice Nurse: Some programs Pharmacy: All programs have have a physician or nurse clinical pharmacists in a consulting practitioner working full-time to role. Medication reconciliation is __ 15 __
The composition of the SU team depends on the characteristics of the target population and the role of the SU program. a key function in SU programs. nurses (LPNs), care navigators (this Clinic. They have two partnerships Medication reconciliation involves term encompasses many workers with community pharmacies for comparing the medications listed including, but not limited to, nurses enhanced services, as well as a link in the patient’s medical record and emergency medical with the Lancaster Emergency or discharge summary with the technicians), community health Management Service Agency medications the patient actually workers (a lay person trained to which staffs two of their navigator has and uses at home. The diff- provide basic health education positions. WellSpan partners erence can be striking at times. and care), or health coaches (usually include Healthy York Network Some programs also use clinical lay persons trained in motivational (a charity care program) pharmacists and drug manage- interviewing and goal setting and Healthy York Pharmacy ment programs to allow pharmacists techniques). (a not-for-profit pharmacy). to titrate medications. Finally, programs have consultation All programs have developed Behavioral Health: Most relationships with dieticians, informal arrangements with a SU patients have at least one diabetic educators, legal service variety of health and social behavioral health diagnosis attorneys, clergy, and others. service resources within their own that requires either direct care organizations (specialty services Partnerships or consultation from a behavioral within the health systems) and in health specialist, such as a No SU program has the resources the community. Typically, these psychologist or social worker. to meet all of their patients’ needs, include area agencies on aging, These professionals do behavioral therefore all SU programs community mental health health needs assessments and, collaborate with a variety of organizations, county social service in some cases, provide counseling community organizations through agencies, and homeless shelters. services to SU patients. formal or informal partnerships. The WellSpan and LG Health Formal partnerships in the Lehigh programs have periodic community Social Work: Several programs Valley program include the Parish care coordination meetings, similar have a full or part-time social Nursing Coalition, Community to the community-wide case worker to assist patients with their Exchange (volunteer Time Bank), management conferences started social service needs, including and Congregations United for in Camden. Other Collaborative housing, insurance and other Neighborhood Action (CUNA). programs lack the staff to organize benefit enrollment. The LG Health program has a and manage this kind of arrange- Community Health Worker: formal agreement with the ment, but all would like to develop Programs employ a variety of Lancaster County Human Services a stronger community base for their personnel to work with patients in Office, and has a full-time, county- programs in the future. their homes and in the community. supported social service liaison These include licensed practical working in their Care Connections __ 16 __
The Role of SU Programs The residency-based Crozer change management, population in Health Professions program partnered with the health, as well as complex medical Education Camden Coalition to form a management. Super-Utilizer Fellowship funded All of the Collaborative’s The advantage of residency by the Aetna Foundation. The first programs have affiliations with affiliations is that physicians-in- two family medicine fellows started graduate medical education training (residents) may be available in the summer of 2012. A principal programs. In two programs to assume the PCP role for some SU goal of the fellowship is to train (Crozer and Pinnacle), the patients. In addition, students from physicians in the development residents may serve as the PCP social work, psychology, or pharmacy and management of SU programs. for SU patients. All programs are are available to serve as active Fellows spend half their time in committed to educating current members of the SU team. Programs Camden, learning from the and future physicians, as well as can make a significant contribution Coalition, and half their time at health system administrators, about to health profession programs by Crozer developing their SU the SU population and their needs exposing future physicians, nurses, program and working with SU through case conferences, formal psychologists, pharmacists, and patients. Fellows are actively presentations, rotations, and social workers to the SU population involved in educating medical lectures. Some programs have and the system failures that are students, residents, and the hospital affiliations with other professional barriers to effective patient care. system’s administrative and medical education programs, e.g. the York staff. Building on the Crozer The disadvantage of residency College of Nursing and the experience, LG Health started a affiliations is that resident physicians WellSpan program. Most Population Health Fellowship in and other health professions programs have other health July, 2014 that will train family students graduate, making professions students on the SU medicine residents in leadership, continuity of relationships with team. The Crozer program, for example, has Master of Social Work and Doctor of Psychology students as active team members. __ 17 __
Programs can make a significant contribution to health profession programs by exposing future physicians, nurses, psychologists, pharmacists, and social workers to the SU population and the system failures that are barriers to effective patient care. patients more difficult. Programs medicine residency, the initial target or have Medicaid as their payer. that utilize residents and students population was high-utilizing Ideally the program would must plan to help patients make patients from the residency demonstrate savings to the the transition to a new provider. practice in Springfield. A grant from Crozer-Keystone system at least the Aetna Foundation to support equal to the cost of the social This is not an easy process for two Super-Utilizer Fellows worker’s salary and benefits. many patients who already feel facilitated this work with the abandoned by the health care In contrast, the program at primary purpose of educating system. LG Health decided to start with future physician leaders about the the Medicaid population but development and management THE COLLABORATIVE - rapidly expanded to other target of SU programs. PROCESSES populations. The program at In January of 2014, a major health WellSpan targets charity care Target Population insurance company in the patients and those with Medicaid, The structure and processes of a Philadelphia market funded a full- plus employees in the health SU program can be tailored to fit time nurse case manager position system’s health plan. the specific sub-set of the SU to work with the Crozer SU PinnacleHealth targets high population that a given team or program, targeting patients in the users of inpatient and ED services, organization chooses as the target Crozer-Keystone system who have regardless of payer, but focuses group for their intervention. The a Medicare Advantage policy with primarily on Medicaid and self-pay choice of target population is often this payer and have significant patients. The program in the linked to the likely sources of claims for their care. The funding Lehigh Valley targets patients funding as well as the needs of supports a proof of concept that with complex conditions with a the community. For long-term the SU team can significantly behavioral health component. sustainability, a SU program must reduce claims for these patients, They are currently negotiating save money while improving while maintaining or improving agreements with area hospitals quality of care. Programs must quality of care. to receive data about patients with eventually demonstrate a return on frequent and preventable inpatient The Crozer-Keystone Health investment (ROI) to their funders, admissions and/or ED visits. System is considering an expansion whether the funder is a payer like of the SU program at a later date, Most of the programs have exclusion Medicaid, a foundation or other but will need to find funding for a criteria. All of them target adults, 18 grant-funding agency, or a full-time social worker. The target and over. Most exclude patients who program’s parent health system. population in this case would be are pregnant, have an active cancer SU work at the Crozer-Keystone the patients that represent the diagnosis, have high expenses due Health System is a good example greatest losses to the health to a single catastrophic event, or of how the choice of target system, patients whose costs of have only a serious mental health population can depend on the care are significantly higher than diagnosis without chronic program’s source of financial the payments received. Typically, medical problems. support. Based in Crozer’s family these patients either are uninsured __ 18 __
Patient Enrollment – First Contact The time and place of initial contact with the potential SU patient are critical determinants of program success. The Camden program receives real-time admission data from the local hospitals which enables a staff person from the Coalition to make first contact in the hospital and arrange for a home visit after discharge. The staff in Camden report there is an advantage to meeting patients in the hospital when they may be most receptive to making positive Patient Identification hospital-owned health plans. changes to manage their health. and Selection The program’s selection criteria Programs that lack access to real- (definition of a super-utilizer, time hospital data typically make All of the programs, except target population, and exclusions) the first contact in a clinic or by Lehigh Valley, identify SU patients are applied to the patients in the phone. WellSpan and LG Health through various hospital inpatient databases to identify potential prefer to meet patients in their databases (admissions, observation candidates for the SU program. PCP’s office, with a “warm hand-off” stays, and ED visits) and outpatient Programs also accept patients by from the PCP. Crozer patients are records of health system-owned referral, typically from the patient’s often introduced to the team while practices. Some have access to primary care team or inpatient they are visiting their PCP in the high-risk lists from payers, including service. The patient selection residency practice. Blue Cross or Medicaid, and process is essential to program success. Programs must prioritize All of the programs consider home patients to assure the most efficient visits to be an essential component use of limited resources. of SU work. Home visits provide insights to the patient’s living environment, family and other social relationships, nutrition, and medication management, insights that do not occur in the hospital or office. There is good evidence demonstrating that telephonic case __ 19 __
The program’s selection criteria (definition of a super-utilizer, target population, and exclusions) are applied to the patients in the databases to identify potential candidates for the SU program. management is less effective than All of the programs train their and housing situations, and in-person case management with team members in motivational substance abuse habits. One the SU population.9 The SU interviewing techniques. This program uses PAM 13 for assessing programs consider in-person helps team members establish patient engagement at enrollment, contact – at home, in the relationships that respect the and every 3 months thereafter. community, or the physician’s patient’s autonomy and ultimately Programs use a number of practice – is critical to establishing lead to patient engagement for behavioral health instruments strong relationships with patients the duration of their enrollment in including Montreal Cognitive that can lead to improvement in the SU program. The first contact Assessment Tool (MoCa), Patient their health and well-being.10 is also the time to begin an Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and assessment of the patient’s Self-Sufficiency Matrix, to name a Patient Enrollment – “readiness for change” which is few. After assessing patients’ needs Engagement key to patient engagement. and goals, a shared care plan or care The initial contact is the time to To-date team members have used agreement is developed and begin exploring the patient’s clinical judgment and subjective signed by the patient and program. assessment of their health and measures of readiness for change. Patients are also asked to sign a utilization patterns. The programs Some programs have tried formal HIPAA release form so that offer to help patients with complex instruments, such as the PAM 13 information from other providers health problems and frequent (See Exhibit 11), but have not can be integrated into the patient’s hospital use to achieve goals for found them useful. Although record and two-way care better health and wellness. Team helpful for a general population, coordination can occur. Exhibit 11 members must gauge the patient’s these instruments have been contains a list of the assessment willingness to change their use of untested with high risk populations. instruments used by the hospital services and their self- There is a need to develop Collaborative’s programs. assessment of health. Patients may readiness for change instruments be asked to identify barriers to care that are appropriate for an SU or discuss why they make frequent population. use of the hospital. The team offers Patient Assessments to work with the patient to navigate the system and coordinate Programs use a variety of services to achieve their goals instruments to gather vital for well-being. information to develop a detailed (See Exhibit 9, the story about Victor medical, psychological, and social at Crozer. The language barrier was history for each patient. Unlike overcome when a Spanish-speaking histories taken in the typical physician joined the team, Victor then learned to schedule and keep medical setting, the SU histories appointments, secure better housing, include the patient’s social and manage his COPD outside of the hospital.) supports, food needs, employment __ 20 __
THE COLLABORATIVE However, problems with data access for each patient, the data are and collection limited the data for presented as rates, e.g. ED visits – OUTCOMES this report to Crozer, LG Health, per patient per month and The SU programs in the and WellSpan. Exhibit 12 shows and inpatient admissions Collaborative typically started the change in hospital utilization per patient per month. small and gradually expanded. (inpatient days and ED visits) before For these three programs Three of the programs – Crozer, and after enrollment in these three collectively, inpatient admissions LG Health, and WellSpan – programs. The pre-enrollment data per month dropped 34 percent started with small pilot projects. represent hospital utilization for after enrollment in an SU program. As of December 31, 2013 these each patient in the 18 months prior On average, patients had 0.29 three programs had served 138 to enrolling in an SU program. The inpatient admissions per month patients, though they have grown post-enrollment data represent the prior to enrollment and 0.19 significantly since then. The utilization for each patient after admissions per month after program at Pinnacle has served enrollment. Because the post- enrollment. The programs 162 patients and the program at enrollment periods vary in length accomplished this reduction in Lehigh Valley has served 56 hospital use in a number of ways. through December 31, 2013. To prepare for this report, the programs planned to consolidate the data from all five programs. __ 21 __
On average, patients had 0.29 inpatient admissions per month prior to enrollment and 0.19 admissions per month after enrollment. First and foremost, the programs Exhibit 13 illustrates this point. COMMON encounter patients where they The number of days spent in are – in the hospital, the clinic, the hospital decreased from CHALLENGES the office or the community. 1.83 per patient per month to Although the programs in the Some patients had crucial social 1.53 per patient per month. Collaborative use a variety of service needs met, such as housing models for providing services to If the average Medicaid expenditure and transportation, that made it SU patients, the programs face per hospital admission is easier to manage their health as an similar challenges, specifically approximately $75001, then a 34 outpatient. with data, patient engagement, percent reduction in admissions care coordination and funding. Some patients were connected to for these patients would equal a primary care provider. Most $1,242,000 in estimated savings to Challenges with Data learned how to overcome barriers, Medicaid for 138 patients over 12 A robust healthcare data stream advocate for themselves, and months. If the average expenditure is critical to SU programs. Timely, manage their health problems per ED visit, not resulting in a comprehensive and accurate outside the hospital. hospital admission, for adults utilization, claims and cost-related 18-64 years of age is approximately In contrast, ED utilization increased data allow programs to 1) identify $10972, then a 12 percent increase by 12 percent after enrollment. potential SU patients and map their in ED visits would equal $54,498.96 This paradox can be explained location geographically, 2) design additional estimated expenditures by how some SU patients are first programs that meet the needs of the over 12 months. The net effect engaged. Often the SU program identified population, including team would be an estimated savings is notified that a patient has composition, care processes, and of $1,187,501.04 for 138 patients presented in the ED. An SU team community partnerships, 3) develop over 12 months. member engages the patient to program evaluation measures, and (See Exhibit 14 for pre and post 4) plan for the impact of SU work determine if the patient’s needs enrollment estimated expenditures.) can be met without an inpatient on the health system sponsors such admission. If the inpatient Of the 138 patients presented in as workforce re-deployment. admission is averted, then the these exhibits, 33 percent are no Claims-related information allows hospital records the encounter longer enrolled in a SU program. for a data-driven enrollment process. as an ED visit. If the patient is The vast majority (68 percent) Claims data allow SU programs admitted from the ED, the successfully “graduated” from to segment patients and tailor encounter is recorded as an the program and returned to a interventions. Typically, patients inpatient admission. To the extent PCP for on-going care. Some with cancer and trauma related that SU programs can re-direct the patients died (14 percent); a admissions are excluded from patient to resources outside of the small percent dropped out of participating in a SU program hospital, the number of ED visits the program or were lost to because utilization is much less may increase but the number of follow-up. A very small number amendable to intervention admissions/days in the hospital (4 percent) were asked to leave in these groups. will decrease. In essence, patients the program for failure to get back ‘life days’ that they actively engage. would have spent in the hospital. (See Exhibit 15.) __ 22 __
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