2017 Centre for Disability Studies - Providing expertise in disability knowledge and practice

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2017 Centre for Disability Studies - Providing expertise in disability knowledge and practice
Centre for Disability Studies



Providing expertise in disability knowledge and practice
2017 Centre for Disability Studies - Providing expertise in disability knowledge and practice

Building Capacity For Change

Our mission is to create and disseminate knowledge that improves the lives of
people with disability. We focus on designing and developing research, teaching
and workforce development initiatives, and clinical practice that informs disability
policy and practice. Our work is guided by the lived experience of people with
disability, and we strive to meaningfully engage people with disability in the
creation, development and execution of our programs.

We work with a range of stakeholders including people with disability, non government
organisations across the sector, government, and families. Through our close links with
research communities worldwide we have both an Australian and international focus.

We consist of a multi-disciplinary team from diverse backgrounds including medicine,
health sciences, education, psychology, speech pathology, occupational therapy,
physiotherapy, sociology and law. Our approach is person-centred and based upon the
social model of disability.

Professor Patricia O’Brien
Director | Centre for Disability Studies
2017 Centre for Disability Studies - Providing expertise in disability knowledge and practice

Chairperson’s Report
                                              Pillar 2: Disability Access & Clinical Education
Page 1                                        Pages 35 - 36

Message from the Director
                                              Pillar 3: Education & Training
Pages 2 - 8                                   Page 37 - 40

CDS Board Directors
                                              Pillar 4: Research, Evaluation & Development
Pages 9 - 12                                  Page 41 - 45

CDS Leaders
                                              Events, Visits & PhD Students
Pages 13 - 16                                 Pages 46 - 50

CDS Staff
                                              Publications & Conference Presentations
Pages 17 - 26                                 Pages 51 - 52

CDS Associates
Pages 27 - 32                                 Pages 53 - 56

Pillar 1: Clinical and Consultancy Services
                                              Annual Financial Reports
Pages 33 - 34                                 Pages 57 - 60
2017 Centre for Disability Studies - Providing expertise in disability knowledge and practice
Chair person’s Report

                                   o-Anne Hewitt

    The end of 2017 marks another successful year            with a Fellowship Award from the Australasian
    for CDS. This report is written with mixed feelings      Society for Intellectual Disability (ASID). Vivienne
    as I step down as Chairperson after just over            has made an immense contribution to international
    7 years in the role. I am incredibly proud of the        research across her substantial career and has
    work of CDS and although sad to be stepping              been a key contributor to the work of ASID for many
    away from the Chair, I am pleased to remain on           years, making her a fitting recipient of this honour.
    the CDS Board and thus continue to contribute to         In addition, our own Professor Patricia O’Brien
    the future of this wonderful organisation.               was bestowed the Senior Scholar Award at the
                                                             recent Inclusive Education Summit in Adelaide.
    This year has been one of great celebration, as CDS      Congratulations to both Vivienne and Patricia on your
    marked its 20 year anniversary. The achievement          achievements!
    of this milestone gave cause to honour the work of
    current and past contributors who have been key          CDS owes its continued success to our committed
    to the success of CDS including Professor Emeritus       and hard-working staff and the exemplary leaders of
    Trevor Parmenter, whose vision and tenacity saw the      our four strategic pillars under the tireless leadership
    establishment of CDS as a world leader in Disability     of Professor Patricia O’Brien. On behalf of the Board
    research and practice, and Professor Patricia            of Directors I would like to extend my thanks to
    O’Brien whose innovation and leadership has              the staff and leaders of CDS for your passion and
    taken CDS from strength to strength over the past        excellence in the pursuits of CDS’s mission.
    8 years, setting CDS on a sustainable path for the
    future in the current changing policy landscape. We      My sincere thanks goes to the CDS Board of
    celebrated the work of past and present staff and        Directors who have given freely of their time and
    supporters and the significant body of work CDS          expertise throughout the year to support and grow
    has, and continues to produce, including a specific      the work of CDS. In particular I would like to thank
    focus on uni 2 beyond.                                   and acknowledge Professor Karen Fisher who
                                                             is stepping down from the Board after 7 years of
    A flagship initiative of CDS, uni 2 beyond,              service. Karen has provided expertise in the area of
    was honoured at this years’ National Disability          research and evaluation, as well as wise counsel to
    Services conference with an International People         Patricia and to her fellow board members over the
    with Disability Day award. CDS won the award             course of her tenure. I’m confident that Karen will
    in Leadership in accessibility and inclusion in          remain a friend and supporter of CDS.
    November in Canberra. Our recent “Crowd Funding”
    campaign has generated financial support from            Final thanks go to Dr Amanda Mead, who stepped
    a wide cohort and will contribute to the ongoing         in as Interim Chairperson upon my recent
    success of the program                                   resignation. Amanda brings extensive experience in
                                                             Board Governance and Chairpersonship and I am
    As in other years, our CDS staff have been the           confident she will take CDS from strength to strength
    recipients of prestigious awards throughout this year.   in the future.
    Clinical Professor Vivienne Riches was honoured

1   CDS | Annual Report | 2017
2017 Centre for Disability Studies - Providing expertise in disability knowledge and practice
Message from the Director

                                rofessor Patricia O’Brien

Maori have a saying “by acknowledging the past           The multi-disciplinary team at Cremorne has
and laying down the foundations for the future,          delivered the following number of consultations:
past, present and future are brought together in
one space’ (Marsden, 1990). Such a quote seems             1 adult comprehensive health assessments,
to be very relevant in the 20th anniversary year          including 1 transition client
of CDS. As a result my report for the year past is        39 adult review assessments
one that focuses on activities that can be traced
to the past, and activated over both the last             27 adult psychiatry consultations
financial and calendar year, with potential
for future growth.                                        68 paediatric consultations with paediatrician
                                                           and/or psychologist, including 23 school clinic
STRATEGIC PLAN 2017- 2020                                  consultations.

In 2016 CDS introduced a new strategic structure to      I would like to acknowledge the work of the
capture its vision of ‘Building Capacity for Change’.    Cremorne team comprising:
Objectives for the following four pillars were
introduced under the titles of: Pillar 1: Clinical and     linic Director, Developmental Disability Physician
Consultancy Services –Existing Clinical Services;         - Dr Seeta Durvasula
Pillar 2: Disability Access, Clinical Education,
NDIS Initiatives; Pillar 3: Education and Training;        taff Specialist Developmental Paediatrician
Pillar 4: Research, Evaluation and Development. I         - Dr Yvette Vella
will now highlight how throughout the time period         
                                                          Staff Specialist Rehabilitation Physician
under discussion the foundations of CDS have              - Dr Elizabeth Thompson
been strengthened with a view to its future. My
commentary will also capture ongoing challenges.          Paediatric Psychologist - Mr Ashwin Singh

PILLAR 1: CLINICAL AND CONSULTANCY                         taff Specialist Psychiatrist - Dr Keith Johnson
SERVICES - EXISTING CLINICAL SERVICES.                    followed by Dr Luisa Butler

Throughout the last year both the Northern Sydney         Clinic Coordinator Ms Elizabeth Hammond
Intellectual Disability Health Team (NSIDHT) at
Cremorne; and the NSW Developmental Disability             roject Officer - Evaluation and Database
Health Unit (DDHU) Ryde, have continued to provide        - Dr Sam Arnold
much demanded health assessment and allied                Social Worker - Kate Flannery
health services under the leadership of Dr Seeta
Durvasula.                                                Clinic Nurse - Rebecca Stack.

2017 Centre for Disability Studies - Providing expertise in disability knowledge and practice
Message from the Director

    Similarly at DDHU, I would like to acknowledge           but it has also laid the foundation for CDS to now
    the team involving                                       introduce a PCAS Instructor Model Program where
                                                             the training will focus on certifying Instructors through
      linic Director, Developmental Disability Physician
     C                                                       the delivery of a PCAS train-the-trainer program.
     - Dr Seeta Durvasula
                                                             I-CAN v5
     Psychologist - Dr Vivienne Riches
                                                             This pillar has also seen regional training in the
     Clinic Coordinator - Ms Nicky Shellard                  I-CAN needs assessment tool delivered by Laura
      on- salaried staff - Dr Jane Law, Dr Diana Merhi,
     N                                                       Hogan, Sam Arnold, and David Ackling- Jones in
     Professor Ian Cameron, Dr Avanti Karve                  Dubbo and Grafton. Building upon this success a
                                                             hub and spoke model has been developed where
     Social Worker: Christine Papangelis.                   CDS will have certified licensed trainers in hubs
                                                             (external to Sydney) running commercial workshops
    The team at DDHU has delivered                           once again linking the development work of previous
                                                             years to a future where I-CAN training is more
     369 consultations including 65 new clients             accessible throughout Australia. A USB stick with
     291 medical consultations                              I CAN program on it is also soon to be launched.
                                                             Staff member, Jemima MacDonald, has also recently
     12 Ageing and Dementia Clinic consultations            joined the team of I-CAN trainers from CDS.

     48 psychologist sessions                               NDIS Readiness

     18 dentist sessions.                                   As an overall organisation CDS is registered with
                                                             the NDIS but in order for individual staff to provide
    Further the staff of both clinics are recognised         services under the scheme much work coordinated
    through the reports they deliver, not only to their      by Sarah Wagstaff is being done to gain Third Party
    patients but also to both referring medical and allied   Verification (TPV) for the organisation.
    health professionals. In doing so they transfer much
    needed knowledge to the generic medical and allied       Social Networking Group
    health fields. The value of their specialisation has
    been validated by family members who over the 20         Another aspect of this pillar that has continued to
    year history have found answers for their sons and       play its part in fostering community inclusion as
    daughters undiagnosed health issues, enabling            well as natural relationships is that of the work of
    them to cease the ongoing search, going from one         the Social Networking group (SNG) led by Jemima
    Professional to another.                                 MacDonald and supported by Jessica Buhne and
                                                             Sarah Wagstaff. On a monthly basis this inclusive
    PILLAR 2: DISABILITY ACCESS, CLINICAL                    group meets to build networks, friendships, as
    EDUCATION AND NDIS INITIATIVES                           well explore new social activities experiencing
                                                             pub culture, concerts, walking, picnics and beach
    Person Centred Active Support (PCAS)                     activities. Travelling to and from venues, meeting
    Throughout 2016/ 2017 the work of this new pillar        new people on a regular basis, trying out new social
    under the leadership of Laura Hogan has seen the         activities has enabled the members of the group
    completion of a major contract to train over 200         to grow in social confidence and build inclusive
    direct support staff and managers in Person Centred      networks between people with and without disability.
    Active Support (PCAS) funded by ADHC. Not only
    does this leave a legacy from ADHC within the field

3   CDS | Annual Report | 2017
2017 Centre for Disability Studies - Providing expertise in disability knowledge and practice
Message from the Director

PILLAR 3: EDUCATION AND TRAINING                         MacDonald joining the team in Alice Springs in
                                                         December. In Singapore a 7-day workshop was
Here I would like to acknowledge the work of the         facilitated by Professor Patricia O’Brien, Ray Murray,
co-leaders Emma Doukakis and Friederike Gadow            Emma Doukakis and Deborah Espiner for Rainbow
with Kate Flannery taking up maternity cover for         Centre School and members of its consultancy team.
Friederike since May 2017.
                                                         uni 2 beyond
An area where the past has come full circle is
the return of CDS staff teaching on the Masters          The education and training strand also incorporates
in Developmental Disability through School of            the uni 2 beyond initiative coordinated by Jemima
Health Sciences, University of Sydney. In 2016 Dr        MacDonald, supported by Jessica Buhne and
Seeta Durvasula taught a unit in ‘Physical health,       Kate Flannery. The 2015 uni 2 beyond cohort of
developmental disability’ and this year an online unit   students completed their two year experience at
of study titled ‘Positive Behaviour Support Promoting    the end of 2016 with a ceremony of awards in the
Quality of Life’ was delivered by Clinical Professor     grandeur of the MacLaurin Hall. The 11 members
Vivienne Riches and Laura Hogan.                         of the 2017 intake are carrying on the tradition of
                                                         presenting their work on a six monthly basis through
Training workshops and Bespoke courses                   oral presentations to their peers, family members
Apart from formal qualifications 2016-2017 has seen      and university staff. 2017 has also seen the uni 2
the refinement and further development of CDS            beyond students collaborating with their peers in
Professional Development workshops in a range            the School of Education and Social Work across a
of areas, such as medication management, cross-          series of service learning projects built around the
cultural awareness training, anxiety and depression      strengths of the students with intellectual disability.
management, relationships and sexuality, and             Such collaboration is indicative of how students with
research fundamentals for human services.                intellectual disability can contribute to university
Collectively these workshops have attracted a range      scholarship versus being seen only as recipients of
of participants from Sydney, regional NSW and            traditional services.
interstate (Queensland and Victoria), and breadth        This last year has seen the uni 2 beyond initiative
of participant roles ranging from direct support         reap the benefits of its founding vision to gain public
professionals to executive staff. A highlight was the    recognition inclusive of: NDS Industry Innovation
return of a breakfast meeting where Al Etmanski          Award; Professor Patricia O’Brien receiving the
and Vickie Cammack from Vancouver, Canada,               Senior Scholar’s award from The 2017 Inclusive
encouraged discussion and reflection on Achieving        Education Summit (TIES); and at the time of this
Impact and Caring, Leading and Impacting in              meeting uni 2 beyond is a finalist in the National
Turbulent Times which was attended by senior             Disability Awards celebrating International Day for
executives from across Sydney.                           People with Disabilities, which will be announced in
In terms of bespoke training programs building           the first week in December.
upon the leadership that CDS has given in person-        In terms of the theme of this report that the past,
centred practice, CDS won two major contracts            present and future are interconnected, much energy
to deliver person-centred training respectively for      has been placed in locating funding including
the Rainbow Centre, Singapore and the Northern           a crowd funding campaign for the uni 2 beyond
Territory Government. Within the Northern Territory,     initiative to continue post 2018 arising from loss of
workshops have been delivered by Emma Doukakis           core funding with the closure of Ageing, Disability,
and Laura Hogan across multiple sites inclusive          Home Care (ADHC). Corporate sponsorship
of Darwin, Katherine, Nhulunbuy, with Jemima

2017 Centre for Disability Studies - Providing expertise in disability knowledge and practice
Message from the Director

    packages have been developed and are being              A literature review was completed that indicates
    distributed; fund raising events, such as, a luncheon   significant unemployment and underemployment
    attended by insolvency lawyers, facilitated by Hall     among people with ASD worldwide. Australian
    & Wilcox, a Melbourne- Sydney based law firm,           data also indicate huge variations in placement
    have seen senior staff and students attend and          and retention outcomes achieved among Disability
    speak about the value of the initiative. Within this    Employment Service (DES) providers.
    context CDS was pleased to win for the first-time
    competitive funding from Sydney City Council to         The study is investigating key barriers and facilitators
    fund employment internships for uni 2 beyond            for improving valued economic and non-economic
    students. Our corporate sponsors including Crown        employment outcomes for and with people with
    Development, MI Engineering, Commonwealth Bank,         ASD, and aims to identify evidence based practices
    Hall and Wilcox continue to support uni 2 beyond.       and support strategies to assist people gain and
    New funding strategies continue to be developed         retain valued employment. Strategies include an
    and promoted by Kate Flannery and Jemima                online survey of DES providers, interviews with key
    MacDonald.                                              stakeholders, and identification of key evidence
                                                            based practices. Data will be used to design a
    NDCO                                                    prototype program that could be trialed with a group
                                                            of jobseekers with ASD.
    This year the position has been co-shared by Vera
    Laptev and Jessica Buhne. A highlight was the           Inclusive Research Network (IRN)
    series of lectures well attended on ‘Return to Work’
    with three sessions that covered topics including:      The work of the Inclusive Research Network has now
    Starting your own Business, Advocacy in Education       been sustained since 2010 with its co-ordination
    and Return to Work.                                     moving from Dr Marie Knox and Professor Patricia
                                                            O’Brien to Dr Tanya Riches. This year its work
    PILLAR 4: RESEARCH, EVALUATION AND                      culminated in four presentations at the 2017 ASID
    DEVELOPMENT PILLAR                                      Conference, Hobart, as outlined below:

    Key to the theme of the relationship between past       1. Two of Us Project
    and present research and the future is sustainability
    of ongoing relationships illustrated below:             This project was inspired by the Good Weekend
                                                            column called the Two of Us and examines what
    Improving Employment Outcomes among People              makes for good individual relationships between
    with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)                     people with intellectual disability and those that
                                                            they choose to relate to, such as family members,
    This project was led by Clinical Professor Vivienne     mentors, long-standing friends. The project was
    Riches and supported by Dr Tanya Riches &               a team effort between Jack Kelly, Sarah Wagstaff
    Vera Laptev in 2016. CDS was funded by NOVA             and Emma Doukakis. The stories were on display
    Employment to investigate the employment                at the CDS 20th Anniversary celebration and were
    outcomes for people with disability and key evidence    thematically analysed for a presentation at the 2017
    based practices and processes that enhance              ASID Conference.
    employment outcomes. Following on from this highly
    successful research project, in 2017 CDS was            2. Reporting Back Project
    again contracted by NOVA to study the employment
    outcomes among people on the Autism Spectrum            This year Dr Marie Knox, who I would like to
    and the barriers and facilitators impacting these       acknowledge as my colleague who shared the
    outcomes.                                               initial CDS vision of ‘No Researching Without Us’

5   CDS | Annual Report | 2017
2017 Centre for Disability Studies - Providing expertise in disability knowledge and practice
Message from the Director

back in 2010 , worked with a team of inclusive           Ministry of Education - Singapore
researchers. Together they collected data on the
inclusive researcher experience of reporting findings    In 2017, Clinical Professor Vivienne Riches was
to management on how person-centredness was              again contracted by the Special Education
implemented within their respective services.            Department (SPED), Ministry of Education,
                                                         Singapore to provide further consultancy and
This project has documented the experience of            professional development in Transition from school
bridging the power divide between service-users          to post-school planning and implementation and
and management. The findings were also presented         the school-to work (S2W) initiative. A number of
at the 2017 ASID Conference.                             professional development workshops were provided
                                                         in May 2017 for staff from SPED schools across
3. Publishing Project                                    the four phases of the project. These focused on
This group project co-led by Dr Tanya Riches and         understanding the purpose and elements of the
Professor Patricia O’Brien involved well known           Transition Planning process and best practices
international and national university inclusive          for students with special needs; how to customize
researchers being interviewed by members of the          the curriculum to meet transition goals; and
CDS Inclusive Research Group. The aim was to             understanding the importance of and working
identify their views on what they saw as inclusive       in collaborative partnerships with parents and
research and if and how they had gone about              caregivers and SG Enable.
publishing with people with intellectual disability.     Review of FACS assessment procedures for
The outcomes of this project were also presented at      identifying residents that need specialist nursing
2017 ASID Conference. In 2016 the IRN published          support in group homes
its first article in the British Journal of Learning
Disability, reaping its work of the past in developing   This project was led by Clinical Professor Vivienne
a publication record for the future.                     Riches with team members Dr Seeta Durvasula,
                                                         Dr Tanya Riches, Professor Patricia O’Brien with
Down Syndrome Singapore Adult Enhancement                support from Dr Lani Campbell. The report is being
and Infant Toddler Projects                              finalised with implications for assessing the type and
Both of these projects continue with ongoing             level of nursing and medical care in the devolution of
consultancy. Several visits have been made to            people with high and complex health, behaviour and
Singapore in 2016-2017 by Professor Emeritus             ageing needs from large residential services into the
Trevor Parmenter, Clinical Professor Vivienne            community.
Riches and Professor Patricia O’Brien to support         ARC Independent Supported Living Project (ISL)
staff of the Adult Enhancement Program to both
individualise and personalise the program and to         Professor Patricia O’Brien, Friederike Gadow and
promote community inclusion for its adult members.       Dr Tanya Riches were involved in bringing the ISL
The Infant Toddler program has flourished since its      Grant to fruition with a final report submitted, a film
introduction at DSA in 2016 under the guidance and       illustrating the value of individual living for a young
mentoring of Maureen Corby. Maureen is contracted        man with intellectual disability, and an updated
as a CDS early intervention consultant advising on       evaluation tool. CDS is now involved in a further
the development of a play-based, family-centred          application to the ARC with a view to exploring the
approach to early intervention for infants between       learning of independent living for the devolution of
the age of 0-6 years and their families.                 the group home model.

2017 Centre for Disability Studies - Providing expertise in disability knowledge and practice
Message from the Director

    CRC Bid                                                  making a difference for its stakeholders. I wish to
                                                             thank them both as they step down, Karen from
    Professor Patricia O’Brien has also joined a team to     being a Board Member, and Jo-Anne from CDS
    develop an application for a Cooperative Research        Board Chair.
    Centre Grant (CRC) entitled Integrated Health and
    Human Services for Australia and Asia Pacific. The       Personally I would like to thank Jo-Anne Hewitt, who
    University of Sydney has contributed $10,000 seed        as Chair has always been available to me to discuss
    funding for CDS and the Menzies Centre to join the       and problem solve ongoing issues associated with
    team led by Dr. Robbie Lloyd of Port Macquarie           keeping CDS on the path of its mission, solvent and
    Community College.                                       a place that staff liked to be. In going forward we
                                                             are very fortunate that Amanda Mead has picked
    PhD Students                                             up the mantle as Chair capturing the present and
    Several students, Peter Smith, Emma Gentle, Jing         embracing the future with the full support of both
    Li, Friederike Gadow, Adel Suda, Sharon Kerr             Board and CDS staff members.
    and Rachel Wotton continue with supervision from         A further farewell for CDS occurred in February 2017
    Professor Patricia O’Brien, Professor Emeritus Trevor    with the resignation of Dr Sam Arnold after 10 years
    Parmenter, Clinical Professor Vivienne Riches and        of service to CDS. Sam’s contribution spanned all
    Dr John Gilroy. In 2018 Dr Tanya Riches will also be     areas of the work of CDS, with involvement in both
    joining the PhD supervision team. Congratulations        training and research, particularly associated with
    must go to Ali Al-Alosi who graduated with his           the I –CAN and Active Support. I know that staff join
    doctorate in December entitled: ‘The Right of            me in thanking Sam for his valued contribution and
    Political Participation for People with Disability’.     we wish him well in all his future endeavours.
    Recognition                                              In closing I would like to acknowledge the work of
    Over the 20 year history of CDS it has played its        the CDS staff. Their commitment and professional
    part in leadership roles within ASID, IASSIDD and        competency ensures that the contribution of CDS
    within this context it was very pleasing that Clinical   over the last 20 years now goes into a third decade.
    Professor Vivienne Riches was recognised at the          I would also like to mark my appreciation of the work
    recent ASID Conference with a Fellowship Award           of the administrative staff of CDS, Peta Hurst and
    recognising not only her service to NSW ASID, also       Bruce O’Brien for their support to myself and staff
    her contribution to disability research.                 and for their good nature, creative problem-solving
                                                             and unfailing commitment to meeting deadlines.
    Over the last year the CDS Board has invested            Thanks also to Glenn Murray and his team from
    its energy and resources in ensuring that the            Accounting for Good, Rose Zhao, and Jane Chen for
    organisation is commercially viable. The introduction    smooth financial management and to Vaia and John
    of the strategic pillars with senior leaders appointed   Webster, Your HR Manager, for their sound advice
    has had the full support and strategic guidance of       across all HR matters.
    the Board. As an organisation over the last seven
    years CDS has been fortunate to have leadership          In conclusion as we move into 2018 we can learn
    within the Board from both Jo-Anne Hewitt as Chair       from what is reported here in the 2017 Annual Report
    and Professor Karen Fisher as a Director. Both have      in preparing for another year actively engaging as
    given freely of their time and wise counsel arising      our mission indicates in:
    from depth of knowledge within the disability field       ‘Providing expertise in Disability Knowledge
    and deep commitment to the role that CDS plays in
                                                                             and Practice’.

7   CDS | Annual Report | 2017
" We Are Only Human Through
 the Humanity of Others and if
 we are to accomplish anything
in this world it will be in equal
  measure due to the work and
    achievements of Others."
                          Nelson Mandela, 2010
   In Preface of Stengel, R., Mandela’s Way: Lessons for an Uncertain Age
                  Broadway Books, United States of America.

CDS Board Directors

     Jo-Anne Hewitt                                         Dr Amanda Mead
     Chairperson                                             Interim Chairperson

    Jo-Anne Hewitt is Executive Director Disability at      Amanda has been a Board Member of CDS since
    The Benevolent Society.                                 2015 and became Interim Chair in July 2017.

    Jo-Anne has over 35 years’ experience in the not-       Amanda has been a Director of Variety Australia
    for-profit sector and has held senior executive roles   since 2012 and Variety NSW since 2004 and has
    in a number of large NGOs including at Uniting,         been the Chair of Variety NSW/ACT since 2015.
    where she previously held the role of Director
    Disability, and more recently, as General Manager       Amanda came to CDS with senior-level strategic
    Client Services at Cerebral Palsy Alliance.             marketing and organizational change experience,
                                                            both nationally and internationally. She mentors,
    Jo-Anne was the Board Chair for Centre for              researches and advises in corporate strategy and
    Disability Studies until July 2017. She is a former     change management. Amanda’s work focuses on
    Board Director of Mater Dei School (Camden)             the food and humanitarian supply chain sectors
    and is the founding chair of the Futures Alliance,      and her research interests are in organizational
    a collaboration of community representatives            transformation, disability and social impact.
    from the disability and aged care sectors in NSW
    seeking better futures for people with disability
    who are ageing.

9   CDS | Annual Report | 2017
CDS Board Directors

 Professor Patricia O’Brien                           Craig Gallagher
 Board Member                                          Board Member

In 2009 Patricia returned to Australia from Trinity   Craig is a consultant at Hunt & Hunt Lawyers,
College Dublin to take up the position of Director    North Ryde and practices in the property, estate,
at the Centre for Disability Studies (CDS), and       planning, commercial law and commercial
Professor of Disability Studies, University of        litigation areas and has acted for many clients
Sydney.                                               within the Parramatta Local Council area for a
                                                      period of 33 years.
At Trinity College Patricia was the Foundation
Director, National Institute for Intellectual         He is Chairman of Western Sydney Venues
Disability where her work supported a mission         Council and Director Venues NSW. Craig was a
of Inclusion through Education, Research and          former trustee of The Parramatta Stadium Trust
Advocacy. Prior to Ireland, Patricia worked at the    for thirteen years, and Chair of that Trust for six
University of Auckland where she taught both          years.
graduate and post graduate courses in human
services and special education. Patricia has          He was also a Trustee of The State Sports Centre
co-edited two books that promote the needs for        Trust for fifteen years. Craig served on both trusts
disability services to be value-driven and person-    as Chair of the finance and audit committee for
centred organisations.                                many years. Craig lives at Meadowbank and is
                                                      involved in the local community having been a
Since taking up the position at CDS Patricia          member of Epping Rotary for 15 years and also
has led a team of researchers, educators and          being a director of Bendigo Community Bank,
clinicians in implementing the vision of the          North Epping.
organisation, ‘Building Capacity for Change’.
At CDS Patricia promotes research that is
inclusive of people with intellectual disabilities
as researchers.

CDS Board Directors

      Professor Ian Cameron                                  Dr Phillip Morath
      Board Member                                            Board Member

     Ian is a Rehabilitation Physician who holds the         Phillip has nearly 30 years’ experience in senior
     Chair of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of   management of non-government organisations
     Sydney and is Head of the John Walsh Centre for         providing services to people with disabilities.
     Rehabilitation Research. He has broad interests in
     disability and rehabilitation issues, and provides      Phillip is currently the CEO of a community
     health services to people with disabilities.            housing provider. He has extensive experience in
                                                             implementing organisational change and has been
                                                             a participant in several Commonwealth and State
      Professor Karen Fisher                                Government committees that have reviewed key
      Board Member                                           service areas. He has held directorships in several
                                                             service and peak organisations.

                                                             Phillip has a PhD in organisational change,
                                                             a Company Directors Diploma, and is a fellow of
                                                             the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

     Karen is a Professor in the Disability Research
     Program at the Social Policy Research Centre,
     University of New South Wales. Her research
     interests are the organisation of social services in
     Australia and China; disability and mental policy;
     inclusive research and evaluation; and social
     policy process.

     Karen retired from the CDS Board in
     November 2017.

11   CDS | Annual Report | 2017
CDS Board Directors

 Tim Connell                                       Professor Gerard Goggin
 Board Member                                       Board Member

Tim is a founder and currently the Managing        Professor Gerard Goggin is the inaugural
Director of Quantum: Reading, Learning,            Professor of Media and Communications at
Vision. For over 30 years Quantum has been         the University of Sydney, a position he has
working with people who have a print disability    held since 2011. Previous appointments
including blindness, vision impairments or         include Professor of Digital Communications
reading disabilities such as dyslexia, providing   at University of New South Wales (2007-2010),
assessment, support and the latest assistive       the University of Queensland, Southern Cross
technology products.                               University, and, as visiting professor, at the
                                                   University of Barcelona.
Tim has been a regular presenter at
international disability conferences including     Gerard’s research focusses on social, cultural,
CSUN, Closing the Gap, ICEVI and AER.              and political aspects of digital technologies,
More recently he was a member of Federal           especially the Internet and mobile phones and
Governments Dyslexia Working Party.                media. He has published 13 books and over
                                                   140 journal articles and book chapters.
Prior to joining Quantum, Tim worked with the
Innovation Centre at the University of             Gerard has been a CDS Board member since
New South Wales.                                   November 2016.

CDS Leaders

      Clinical Professor Vivienne Riches               Dr. Seeta Durvasula
      Co-Leader - Research,                             Leader - Clinical and Consultancy Services
      Evaluation and Development
                                                        DIRECTOR, HEALTH CLINICS (DDHU&NSIDHT) 
                                                        MBBS, DCH, MPaed, MPH, PhD
      BA, Dip.ED, MA (Hons), PhD, M.A.P.S., FASID

     Semester 1, 2017 involved sharing the Unit of     I am a developmental disability physician, Clinic
     Study Coordinator role with Laura Hogan for       Director of two multidisciplinary health clinics for
     the Post Graduate Program in Developmental        people with intellectual disability, and a Senior
     Disability Unit GSDD5012 – Positive Behaviour     Lecturer at the Sydney Medical School. In 2017
     Support and Quality of Life (QOL).                I continued direct clinical work, development of
                                                       clinical services, research and teaching.
     Active Support Training was provided to the
     staff of the Adult Enhancement Program (AEP),     I continue to teach medical, dental and pharmacy
     Down Syndrome Association (DSA), Singapore,       students at the University of Sydney in the area of
     and this has been followed up with ongoing        developmental disability health.
     consultancy in conjunction with Professor         I am supervising four medical students in their MD
     O’Brien and Professor Emeritus Trevor             Research Project that will be completed this year.
     Parmenter.                                        This year, I have undertaken field supervision of a
                                                       Master of Social Work student in her final year.
     Mentoring and teaching has been provided
     to Lifeline psychologists and counsellors via a   My colleagues and I have started clinical research
     number of mentoring and supervision sessions,     into frailty in people with intellectual disability,
     while several training workshops were provided.   and aim to develop a Frailty Index that will be
                                                       used to monitor people attending the clinics. I am
     In the research space, Professor O’Brien and      the co-chair of the Research and Development
     I are currently sharing the leadership role of    Subcommittee, Intellectual Disability Network,
     the research pillar and many changes are          Agency for Clinical Innovation; a member of the
     occurring Australia wide in the research space    Executive Committee, Australian Association
     with an increasing emphasis being placed on       of Developmental Disability Medicine; and an
     collaboration with industry.                      editorial consultant and reviewer for a number
     I have also continued to provide psychological    of journals including, Journal of Intellectual and
     services to clients through the NSW               Developmental Disability, and the Medical Journal
     Developmental Disability Health Unit this year.   of Australia.

13   CDS | Annual Report | 2017
CDS Leaders

 Laura Hogan                                            Emma Doukakis
 Leader, Education, Training & NDIS                    Co-Leader - Education & Training
 BAppSc (Occupational Therapy), MHlthSc                  B.Econ (SocSci), LLB, GDipLegPrac,
 (Developmental Disability), Cert IV TAE                 Cert IV TAE

This year has been diverse and busy. Training           This year my focus has been on developing CDS’
in the I-CAN and Person-Centred Active Support          education and training opportunities, including a
(PCAS) has taken me to Dubbo (3 times), Grafton,        diverse public workshop calendar and in-house
Newcastle and numerous locations around greater         training offerings for organisations. In April 2017,
Sydney. The redevelopment of the CDS training           CDS was awarded a Northern Territory Government
calendar and workshop series has allowed me to          sector development grant to deliver Person Centred
develop and deliver sector training in the areas of     Practice and Planning Workshops across the
Supervision, Sexuality & Relationships, Anxiety and     Northern Territory in the 2017/18 financial year.
Depression and the practical application of Person      To date this project has taken CDS staff to Darwin,
Centredness for clinicians.                             Katherine, Alice Springs and Nhulunbuy. This has
                                                        been an exciting piece of work for CDS to branch
CDS continues to work towards being an active           into a new geographical location and the staff,
provider of NDIS services to individuals across         including myself who have worked on the project
many of the areas of our business and I have been       have reported positive individual outcomes through
grateful of the support from Sarah Wagstaff with this   the challenges of tailoring the content and delivery
work, especially her diligent approach to third party   of the training package to a whole new target
verification preparations.                              population.
The changing disability sector has required us to       CDS continues to expand our in-house training
be responsive in the way we deliver services. I         and education program. This includes domestic
am looking forward to launching some of our new         and international contracts, one example of this
approaches in the near future including: the I-CAN      is the series of workshops run by myself and
USB, the I-CAN member’s network and the Active          colleagues in Singapore across the year, taking
Support and I-CAN Instructor Certifications. These      person centeredness to disability specific schools,
new and innovative approaches have been well            accommodation providers and services. Our in-
received by our pilot and potential partnership         house training and education programs enable CDS
organisations.                                          to work with providers to tailor our material to meet
I have continued in the role as Vice President of       their individualised needs, ensuring participants
ASID Ltd over the past 12 months which has been         receive the best possible learning opportunities.
a challenge but also a career highlight.

CDS Leaders

      Kate Flannery                                         Friederike Gadow
      Co-Leader - Education & Training                       Co-Leader - Education & Training
      BSocWk, MA (DevelStuds),                               MA (Special Education, Speech Pathology),
      Grad Cert SocResearch                                  PhD candidate

     I joined CDS in May 2017 to cover Friederike           In 2017 I have split my time between coordinating
     Gadow’s maternity leave. It has been a great           the NSW research component for the ARC
     opportunity to work with the uni 2 beyond team at an   Linkage Grant study “Quality and outcomes of
     exciting and challenging time.                         individual supported living (ISL) arrangements
                                                            for adults with intellectual and developmental
     My focus has been on developing the initiative’s       disabilities” and uni 2 beyond, which facilitates
     strategic direction and future sustainability,         opportunities for people with intellectual disability
     creating internship placements and putting in place    to experience university life.
     evaluation measures. I have also been engaged
     as a Social Worker at the CDS Clinic in Cremorne,      I am currently on maternity leave and will return to
     as well as developing and co-delivering a sector       the office in 2018.
     training workshop on Supported Decision Making for
     Young People.

15   CDS | Annual Report | 2017
Article 24, clause 5 indicates
      its responsibility to
   "ensure that persons with
 disabilities are able to access
  general tertiary education,
   vocational training, adult
education and lifelong learning
 without discrimination and on
  an equal basis with others."
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2006.

CDS Staff

      Jessica Buhne                                      Vera Laptev
       ational Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO)
      N                                                   National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO) 
      and Education & Research Officer 
      BSocSci, DipCouns, DipBus (Legal Services)

     Here at CDS I work within the uni 2 beyond          My role at CDS is the National Disability
     initiative and in the National Disability           Coordination Officer (NDCO) for Sydney
     Coordination Officer Program. Funded by the         Region. This position is funded by the Federal
     Federal Department Education and Training,          Department Education and Training until June
     the National Disability Coordination Officer role   2022. The NDCO Program works strategically
     involves working with educators, employers          to assist people with disability access and
     and other people in the community to identify       participate in tertiary education and subsequent
     and address the barriers faced by people            employment, through a national network of
     with disability in relation to education and        regionally based NDCOs.
     employment, and to raise the awareness of
     rights and responsibilities in these areas.         I am involved in projects and events related
                                                         to transition for people with disability into
     My role within the uni 2 beyond initiative has      education and employment in the Inner City,
     been to facilitate the connections between uni      Eastern Suburbs and St George-Sutherland.
     2 beyond students and their mentors. This has
     given me the opportunity to work closely with       Currently I am undertaking a Masters Degree in
     uni 2 beyond students and bear witness to the       Arts and will be on maternity leave in 2018.
     developing relationships that have grown with

     Between both of these roles, there have been
     a number of projects that I have worked on,
     with the common theme being the full inclusion
     of people with disability in education and

17   CDS | Annual Report | 2017
CDS Staff

 Jemima MacDonald                                     Dr Tanya Riches
 Education, Development & Research Officer            Training, Development & Research Officer 
 BAppSc (Speech Pathology),                            BA (Psych/Pol Econ), MATS, M Phil, PhD
 MHlthSc (Dev. Disability)

Over the year my focus has mostly been around         Within my role at CDS, I have contributed to
the coordination of uni 2 beyond. There have          a range of different projects, working with a
been a few key highlights of the year with this       number of government and industry partners.
initiative. We have seen a new cohort of 11           The research pillar at CDS has various
students, and have engaged 40 mentors, our            bespoke research projects to answer pressing
highest number yet. We have also begun to roll        questions that investigate solutions to needs
out internship opportunities for the students.        that have emerged within the new disability
I also led a crowd funding ‘Creating Futures’         landscape. Our team has contributed to a
campaign, raising $20,899 for the initiative, which   number of important projects including: gaining
was then featured in the Sydney Morning Herald        understanding of how the NDIS rollout affects
Newspaper and in The University of Sydney             public health providers in one of the public
website.                                              health regions; evaluating the determination
                                                      of the level of support in accommodation
I really enjoyed coordinating the Social              for people with disability; and assessing the
Networking Group (SNG) for another year, as           contributions of peer support workers that have
I can see the benefit for both members of the         children with disabilities. We also completed
group (people with and without disability) and        the work associated with an ARC grant on
local businesses. In July we were successful in       Independent Supported Living (ISL) with Curtin
securing a grant with the City of Sydney Council      and Melbourne Universities. I travelled to
to support us in accessing venues in the City of      Bougainville, Papua New Guinea and was able
Sydney area.                                          to witness the formation of a disabled person’s
Over the year I have also delivered training          organisation (DPO) within this very vulnerable
sessions such as a one day workshop on                region.
Relationships & Sexuality for disability support      Within my role as facilitator of the inclusive
staff in Sydney, along with a ‘Person Centered        research network (IRN) it was exciting to
Practice and Planning Workshop’ and                   publish our first paper this year. The group
‘Supervision, Mentoring and Peer Support’ in the      continued to build their skills in coding data,
Northern Territory. I look forward to 2018 and the    and in writing.
new and exciting challenges it will bring.

CDS Staff

      David Taylor                                       Peta Hurst
      Research Assistant                                 Personal Assistant/ Office Coordinator 
      BA (Hons)                                           BA Cert TESOL

     I obtained my Bachelor of Arts with Honours         I work on a full-time basis at CDS, supporting
     majoring in philosophy from the University of       Patricia and the Team, as a Personal Assistant
     Sydney in 2014. I then went on to do a Master       and Office Coordinator. I have really enjoyed
     of Arts (Research) where I completed my thesis      the variety of work I have been exposed to,
     looking at areas of legal abandonment called        and working with the supportive and caring
     ‘sacrifice zones.’ Throughout my postgraduate       staff here.
     studies I was employed St George’s Anglican
     Church to run an ongoing lecture series called      The highlight of my time this year at CDS,
     PEACEtalks which focused on issues around;          was helping to organise and coordinate the
     politics, ethics, the arts and culture. I also      CDS short course program which included
     have served for three years (2014-17) on the        international presenters. I also enjoyed
     UNSW Human Research Ethics Committee as             attending the ASID conference in Hobart,
     a pastoral representative. Prior to finishing my    where CDS had an information booth.
     undergraduate degree I also worked as a youth
     worker for Barnardos Australia.

     I currently work with the research pillar of CDS,
     offering research and administrative support
     for various projects. I am involved in data
     collection, assisting with ethics applications,
     and conducting interviews for research
     purposes. Most recently I assisted Professor
     Patricia O’Brien in completing an in-depth
     report on the use of peer-support facilitators to
     assist parents of children with disabilities in a
     Sydney based community organisation.

19   CDS | Annual Report | 2017
CDS Staff

 Bruce O’Brien
 Administrative Assistant

                                               Dr Michelle Bonati, Sydney University with Jemima MacDonald, CDS

I am a member of the CDS administration
team where I support staff with conferences,
photocopying, binding, coordinating mail-
outs and general office work. This year
I really enjoyed being a part of the CDS
Inclusive Research Network and I enjoyed
going to Hobart and presenting at the ASID
conference. I am also a life member of Self-
Advocacy Sydney. I am also currently the
President of Self-Advocacy Sydney.

                                               Past and Present NDCO Staff- Timothy Hart, Vera Lapev and
                                               Jessica Buhne

                                               Ray Murray, Jessica Buhne, Friederike Gadow, Prof Patricia O’Brien,
                                               Dr Michelle Bonati and Jemima MacDonald

CDS Staff

      Jack Kelly                                          Sarah Wagstaff
      Administrative Assistant                             Research Support Officer/ Project & Training Officer 
      Inclusive Research Coordinator
                                                           BA (Psych)(Hons.), M. Teach(School Counselling)

     I have worked at CDS since January 2016 and          I have been a jack-of-all-trades at CDS this
     worked one day a week on the FACS ADHC               year. I work two days a week as a Project &
     Change Action Project in 2016 and this year I have   Training Officer supporting the delivery of
     been working on ‘The Two Of Us Project’. I have      I-CAN training, coordinating CDS’s registration
     also been part of the Inclusive Research Network     as an NDIS provider, and applying for grants to
     for three years and presented in Melbourne at        expand CDS’s scope and services.
     the ASID Conference in 2015 and at the IASSIDD
     conference in 2016 I also presented this year at     I also work alongside a colleague as a
     the ASID Conference in Hobart.                       research support officer. This year, we have
                                                          completed a project called ‘The Two of Us’
                                                          which investigates effective relationships that
                                                          people with intellectual disability have with
                                                          others. Two big successes that have occurred
                                                          as part of this project were people’s stories
                                                          being presented on banners at CDS’s 20th
                                                          anniversary and presenting the project’s
                                                          findings at the ASID Conference held in Hobart.
                                                          In addition to these bigger roles, I am also a
                                                          member of the Inclusive Research Network
                                                          (IRN) and have roles in organising the Social
                                                          Networking Group and the Disability Research
                                                          Students’ Group for research students in the
                                                          disability field at the University of Sydney.

                                                          Currently I am undertaking a Master Degree in
                                                          Health Sciences (Developmental Disability).

21   CDS | Annual Report | 2017
An affiliate of


       The Two of Us PRoJeCT
       This project is called
       ‘The Two of Us’ because it
       is about the relationships
       between two people.

       This project focuses on the relationships that are important to people with an
       intellectual disability and how they change over time. with this project we also
       wanted people to be able to share their stories if they wanted to.
       Part one - The Interviews
       The first part of the project was finding out about the relationships that are important to people with an intellectual disability.
       We asked people with a disability to choose a person who is important to them in their life. For example a friend, family
       member, work colleague, mentor, advocate or team mate.
       We asked about:
       • How did the relationship start?
       • What makes the relationship strong?
       • Why it is important?

       Part Two - The Banners
       We also wanted to celebrate the good stories about relationships that were shared with us in the interviews by having a
       display of stories and photographs.
       Both people who shared their relationship story needed to agree to be in the show. We hoped that these banners would
       showcase different types of relationships.
       The Researchers
       This project was worked on by Jack Kelly and Sarah Wagstaff, who both work at the Centre for Disability Studies.

       Jack already had some experience in inclusive research when he started working on ‘The Two of Us’.

       I came out of school at the age of 18 and went over to a local day program in my area. One day a support worker came to me
       and said “There is this study group called inclusive research that does research on different topics for people with a disability
       by people with a disability”. I’ve always had interest in the background of people with a disability because I am a person with a
       disability myself, so I joined.
       Then they had a job going. It was a paid job one day a week for the Centre for Disability Studies. I applied for it and came
       in for an interview and got the job. I worked on a project for a year funded by a Government department called FACS. I was
       contracted to see what employees with a disability thought about the closure of ADHC which looked after disability and was
       closing because of the NDIS. The closure of ADHC was scary for them. Then last year I was presented with the idea of ‘The
       Two of Us’ and thought “That’s interesting.”
       In the end, the most interesting thing about this project is being able to showcase my own relationship. It’s interesting to see
       how it evolved over time. I would just like to add that this has been a great experience and a great learning curve for me, and it
       has been so interesting to hear about people’s different backgrounds.
       for sarah, doing this project is her first experience of inclusive research.

       I come from a psychology background, so I have a lot of experience doing research, but most research in psychology is about
       crunching numbers. For my psychology honours project I taught people memory techniques and tested how many words they
       could remember. It was very different to ‘The Two of Us’- the memory project was done online so I didn’t even meet any of my
       Jack and the CDS team have been a really valuable resource for me, and have supported me to learn every step of the
       inclusive research process: including finding participants, doing interviews and analysing data. I have really enjoyed hearing
       everybody’s stories, and am really excited that we get to share them with everyone through these banners. This project has
       been a wonderful experience, and I have learnt a lot.
       Jack and sarah have really enjoyed working together.

       When Sarah started I feel like even though sometimes it’s hard for her, she carried the ball and ran with it so well, I’m really
       impressed with her efforts. At least when I started I had some knowledge of inclusive research, Sarah has had to learn
       everything from the beginning.

       A very interesting part of working on ‘the Two of Us’ project has been getting to know Jack and getting to know ways that we
       can work together. When the project first started Jack and I would make a list at the beginning of the day of everything that
       we needed to do and kind of go through it point by point. I think we worked very much side-by-side for the first few weeks.
       During that time it was really great to get to know Jack and learn a bit about his life and for him to learn a bit about mine. Over
       time we got more used to the way that we prefer to work and the kind of tasks that we really excel at naturally so we were
       able divvy out tasks at the beginning of a day and work independently for longer and longer each week. That said, inclusive
       research involves a lot of collaborative work so there are also times where Jack and I are working side-by-side for a whole
       day. I think we work together really well as a team.

       The Centre for Disability Studies would like to express enormous gratitude to the NSW Department of Family and Community
       Services for providing funding for this project.
       We also want to give a big thank you to all the people who participated in this project and chose to share their story!

       Funded by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services.

CDS Clinic Staff

      Ashwin Singh                                      Elizabeth Hammond
      Paediatric Psychologist                           Clinic Coordinator, Northern Intellectual
                                                         Disability Health (NIDH) 
      BSc/BCom, GDipSci (Psych)
                                                         Justice of the Peace

     I am the Paediatric Psychologist at Northern       I have worked at the Northern Sydney
     Intellectual Disability Health(NSIDH) in           Intellectual Disability Health (NSIDH) Clinic for
     Cremorne. In 2017, Dr Vella and I continued        four days a week, since it opened five years
     to provide comprehensive health assessments        ago. It continues to be a privilege to work
     and reviews with young people who have an          for the clinic, as I believe that the dedicated
     intellectual disability and other complex needs.   and hard-working team, continue to make a
     I have also really enjoyed my work with young      positive difference to the lives of our clients,
     people and their families to develop some          who are living with intellectual disability and
     ways of improving their lives.                     complex health needs.

     I have recently completed training in
     providing comprehensive autism diagnostic
     assessments (the gold-standard ADOS 2
     assessment) and look forward to providing
     a broad range of assessments, including
     non-verbal intelligence, sensory processing,
     attentional, emotional and behavioural
     measures to families in the coming year.

23   CDS | Annual Report | 2017
CDS Clinic Staff

 Christine Papangelis                             Rebecca Stack
 Social Worker                                     Clinic Nurse 
BA (Hons), MSW(Q)                                  BSc (Hons) Intellectual Disability Nursing

I began working at the NSW Developmental          I joined the Northern Sydney Intellectual
Disability Health Unit in September 2017,         Disability Health Team (NSIDHT), based in
following a student social work placement.        Cremorne in August 2017. I work primarily
I work with service users with intellectual       within the adult clinics in Cremorne and
disabilities, their carers and other clinic       Ryde at the Developmental Disability Health
staff. Using person-centred and strengths-        Unit (DDHU). My role involves liaising with
based approaches, it is a privilege to use        families and/or care providers to gather health,
my social work education to assist people to      functional and social information about client’s
thrive and gain the best outcomes possible.       prior to their appointment. In addition I obtain
I am involved in case management and              relevant patient medical records external to
psychosocial assessment and support for           the clinic as required. Together with Dr Seeta
clients, and assistance with access to the        Durvasula we have completed comprehensive
most suitable NDIS services. I also support       health assessments, providing information,
families and carers, and facilitate access to a   recommendations and necessary supports for
range of health-related, community, financial     the health requirements of the clients.
and respite services. recommendations and
necessary supports for the health requirements    It’s a pleasure to have joined such a
of the clients.                                   passionate and supportive team and I look
                                                  forward to the year ahead.

CDS Clinic Staff

      Dr. Yvette Vella
      Developmental & General Paediatrician 
      BAppSc (OT), MBBS, FRACP, MPH

     I am the Developmental and General Paediatrician
     at Northern Intellectual Disability Health (NSIDH)
     in Cremorne. I joined the team in June 2015. I work
     with school age children and young people who
     have an intellectual disability and other complex
     needs. I provide health assessments and attend
     multidisciplinary clinics in schools for specific
     purposes in the Northern Sydney Local Health

     The team has continued to enjoy a collaborative
     relationship with teachers and families through
     our school clinic model and we are now attending
     Clarke Road School in Hornsby twice each school
     term.The school clinic continues to provide an
     opportunity to discuss and plan management to
     support children with very complex behavioral
     presentations that are impacting on school and
     family function.

     We have continued to see patients regularly
     at the paediatric clinic at Cremorne, maintain
     our connections with local paediatricians and
     community health services to care for young
     people with complex behavior needs.

     As a service, a future goal is to develop resources
     to provide parent and teacher education sessions.
     We would like to focus on an approach to behavior
     support and understanding the presentation
     of learning difficulties in the context of Autism
     Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability.

25   CDS | Annual Report | 2017
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