Friday 2nd TO Sunday 11th July 2021 - - Frome Festival

Page created by Bradley Lawson
Friday 2nd TO Sunday 11th July 2021 - - Frome Festival
Friday 2nd   TO   Sunday 11th July 2021                     1
Friday 2nd TO Sunday 11th July 2021 - - Frome Festival
The Lightning Seeds / Event 2007
        WITH THANKS TO:                                        WELCOME TO THE                                            This is my thirteenth festival in the hot seat

                                                               20th Anniversary
                                                                                                                         which, I hope, is not a bad omen! I could not have
                    Patron: Morag McLaren​​​                                                                             survived in the job without the help and support
            Founder and President: Martin Bax MBE
                                                                                                                         of Bev Jones the General Manager, Margaret Perry
     Vice Presidents: David Heath CBE, John Birkett-Smith,     FROME FESTIVAL                                            our Festival Accounts Manager, and the Chairman
                        Marjorie Morris
                     Chairman: Gavin Rea​​​​                                                                             of the Board Gavin Rea, who contributes so much
                    Vice Chair: Hugh Deed                                                 Welcome back! After            to our Friends and sponsorship activities.
                                                                                          last year’s inevitable
                    OFFICE TEAM                                                           Covid       cancellation,      We thought we might produce a much smaller
              Creative Director: Martin Dimery                                            we are now all set to          festival this year. We have failed abysmally. So,
    General Manger: Beverly Jones, Treasurer: Margaret Perry
                                                                                          celebrate    the    20th       no room for waxing lyrical about all our star
      Board of Trustees / Directors of Frome Festival Ltd:                                Frome      Festival    in      names, past and present. If you want to know more
        Jeremy Towler, Gail Norris, Lockhart Murdoch,                                     style. At the time of          about the background of the festival and all the
    Dara O’Hare, Simon Norris, Andy Jones, Dr Mick Randall,
                                                                                          going to press all the         great names we’ve attracted over the years, then
       Roger Southard, Dr Rick Rycroft, Emma Reynolds
                                                                                          events in this brochure        please go to the exhibition. The Guardian recently
      Sponsorship Team: Marjorie Morris, Suzanne Cooke,                                   were confirmed, but            featured the Frome Festival amongst ten of the top
            Gavin Rea, Andy Jones, Roger Southard                                         mindful of how rapidly         festivals in the UK. Who are we to argue?
                                                               things might change, we have put numerous
            Social Media: Gail Norris, Dawn Denton​​
                    Stewards: Theresa Clark                    contingencies in place, just in case.                     Martin Dimery FRSA, Creative Director
              Printers: Avon Printing Services Ltd             It seemed to us the best option would be to brave
                                                               the weather and increase the number of open-air
                   Illustrator: Sholto Walker

                                                               events taking place this year. To this end, we have

                                                                                                                                                                               Reginald D Hunter / Event 9012
                                                               arranged a roof over the stage area on the lovely
                                                                                                                         APPEAL 2020
                                                               Ecos amphitheatre, next to the Merlin Theatre on
        Frome Town Council, Frome Community Lottery,
          Frome Society for Local Study, our sponsors,         the Frome College campus, enabling many events
                event organisers and venues.                   to go ahead even if safe distancing restrictions are
                                                               not fully lifted. The Silk Mill will also be presenting   Following the cancellation of the 2020 Frome
      The Festival also wishes to thank Mercer Design, PPS
        Commercial Print and Frome Printing Company.           wonderful concerts in their courtyard. A new              Festival we launched our Anniversary Appeal to
                                                               venue, Marston Park, will be opening its gates with       see us through a very difficult Summer and to
                                                               free live entertainment nightly. There will be a          create a reserve of funds for future contingencies.
                                                               number of pop-up performances around town and             We were overwhelmed by the response and the
                                                               free events in Victoria Park and Rodden Meadow to         support we received from the people of Frome.
                                                               look forward to.
                                                                                                                         In total, over £6,700 (including Gift Aid) was
                                                               Sadly, our confidence doesn’t stretch to running a        raised. The money raised has gone a long way
                                                               Food Feast this year given the challenge of crowd         to ensuring the future of the Festival. We would
                                                               control, but we hope for it to return in the future.      like to thank everyone who contributed, many
                                                                                                                         anonymously, and in particular the following
    INSIDE:                                                    One of the highlights for us has been working on          for their significant donations: Richard Ackroyd
                                                               the 20th Anniversary Festival exhibition at Rook          / Elizabeth Boyle / Sheila Gore / Andrew Jones /
                                                               Lane, curated by Sue Bucklow. The exhibition              Pamela Curtis / Laurence Elton / Emma Hardie
    04 - 22         Festival Events                            takes a year by year look at how the Festival has         / Patricia Harrison / Margery Hyde / Peter Ives /
    23 - 24         Visual Arts &                              evolved. On Sunday 4th July, Martin Bax MBE, our          David Mack / Christine Milne / Bob and Marjorie
                                                               Founder and President, will give a talk on the first      Morris / Dara O’Hare / George Rodgers / Richard
                                                               seven years of the Frome Festival. This will be the       Rycroft / The Silk Mill / Caroline Walsh-Waring.
    25 - 29         Information                                first annual Bob Morris Lecture dedicated to our
    30              Map                                        wonderful long serving Chairman, Dr. Bob Morris,
                                                               who died earlier in the year. He was an inspiration
    31              Venues & Places                            to work with and we became great friends. We are
                                                               so happy his wife Marjorie continues to make a            Programme is subject to change.
                                                               tremendous contribution to our invaluable team
                                                               of volunteers.
                                                                                                                         For latest updates see:
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Friday 2nd TO Sunday 11th July 2021 - - Frome Festival
EVENTS                                                THURSDAY 1 JULY / FRIDAY 2 JULY                              FRIDAY 2 JULY                            Box Office 01373 455420 //

                                                                                                                                                      19:30 - 21:00                                           the world and will present some of these tunes
                                   THURSDAY 1 JULY                                          FRIDAY 2 JULY                                             SONIC SILENTS PRESENTS                                  live, a World Premiere.
                                                                                                                                                      “BEGGARS OF LIFE”                                       The Silk Mill / £10.00 / £8.00 Students / Event 2004
                                                                                                                                                      A trio of masters of Bluegrass & Old-Time Country
                                   20:00 - 21:30                                         10:00 - 16:00                                                String-music play a live, original, specially-          20:00 - 21:30
                                   GOD OF CARNAGE BY YASMINA REZA                        THE FROME FESTIVAL - 20TH                                    composed score, bringing new life to the Hollywood      GOD OF CARNAGE BY YASMINA REZA
                                   When two boys have a fight it’s up to their parents   ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION                                       Silent Movies of a long-gone era. ‘Beggars Of Life’,    See Event 1001.
                                   to act like grown-ups. What should be a mature        A special exhibition to celebrate the 20th Anniversary       presented by Kate Lissauer (Buffalo Gals), Jason        Assembly Rooms / £10.00 / Event 2005
                                   discussion rapidly unravels. What happens to          of the Frome Festival. Curated by Sue Bucklow, the           Titley & Leon Hunt, takes a thrilling, moving & witty
                                   the thin veneer of adulthood under the strain of      exhibition will reflect on the growth of the Festival        approach to this legendary film, starring iconic        20:00 - 22:30
                                   social posturing, legal threats and that damned       from its inception in 2001 with art, memorabilia,            actress Louise Brooks. In an absorbing, poignant        THE MELLOW TONES
                                   mobile phone? Yazmina Reza’s award-winning            video installations and more. The exhibitions look           glimpse of a bygone time, evocative, live music is      Original uplifting, soul searching, rhythmic songs.
                                   follow-up to ‘Art’, God of Carnage is a hilarious     back on some of the projects and personalities who           punctuated with humour to reawaken the work of          A splash of reggae and folk with a flavour of
                                   examination of the volatile child in us all. God of   have helped shape the Festival and influenced the            filmmaker William Wellman. Premiering in 2020 it        Caribbean Blues. You may get the urge to wiggle...
                                   Carnage is another quality production by Frome        incredible cultural life of Frome, as well as many of        was declared “a treat indeed...a high octane event”     it’s an exciting journey so come along and join us...
                                   Drama. Tickets on the door or festival box office.    the star names who have performed in the Festival            Merlin Theatre / £16.00 / £12.00 concs / Event 2002     with the Hoodos!
                                   A bar will be open before and after the show.         over the years. Sponsored by the Frome Society for                                                                   Cornerhouse / FREE / Event 2006
                                   Assembly Rooms / £10.00 / Event 1001                  Local Study and Frome Lottery.                               19:30 - 20:30
                                                                                         Rook Lane / FREE / Event 2000                                STEPHEN MARQUISS PIANO CONCERT                          20:00 - 22:00
                                                                                         		                                                           Stephen Marquiss returns to the Frome Festival          THE LIGHTNING SEEDS
                                                                                         18:00 - 23:00                                                with this sumptuous celebration of piano music          The Lightning Seeds is the enduring platform for the
The Lightning Seeds / Event 2007

                                                                                         FROME FESTIVAL 2021 @ MARSTON PARK                           and a return to concertgoing. Scarlatti’s quirky,       work of writer, producer and front-man Ian Broudie.
                                                                                         Friday 2nd: Folk ‘n Funk Friday - Leander Morales,           tuneful sonatas sit alongside Mozart’s beloved          Hit singles such as “Marvellous”, “Sugar Coated
                                                                                         Ahynha. Saturday 3rd: MoTown & Classics - Al                 Variations on Ah, Vous Dirai-je, Maman (Twinkle,        Iceberg”, and “Lucky You” propelled the band into
                                                                                         O’Kane, Back of the Bus. Sunday 4th: Top Ranking             Twinkle, Little Star). Scriabin’s Preludes Op. 16       the UK charts in the 1990’s. “The Life of Riley” took
                                                                                         Reggae Takeover - Brunetov. Monday 5th: The                  are rapturous, melodious miniatures which               on a life of its own as the regular accompaniment
                                                                                         Not Monday Blues - Tom Pace, Martin Kolarides.               complement Chopin’s tortured and ecstatic First         to “Goal of the Month” on “Match of the Day”, and
                                                                                         Tuesday 6th: Jazz & Classical - Live musicians, Art          Ballade. A selection of Chopin’s dazzling etudes,       football played an even bigger part in Broudie’s
                                                                                         Class to Music. Wednesday 7th: The Golden Era -              including the “Revolutionary”, conclude the concert     song writing credits when, with comedians David
                                                                                         DJs, Live Graffiti Art. Thursday 8th: Jungle in the          with a flourish. Wine and soft drinks afterwards.       Baddiel and Frank Skinner, he produced the greatest
                                                                                         Woods - Presented by DJ Jeckal. Friday 9th: Singer           Christ Church / £12.00 / £5.00 Students /               of all English soccer anthems “Three Lions”, in 1996.
                                                                                         Songwriter Showcase - Big Hug Management.                    Event 2003                                              With Euro 2020 entering its belated final stages,
                                                                                         Saturday 10th: How Deep is your House? - Mi.Re.                                                                      what better band to celebrate the joys of life and the
                                                                                         La. Sunday 11th: Soul Sunday - Bonne Nouvelle.               19:30 - 21:30                                           opening night of the Frome Festival!
                                                                                         More to be announced. Free day tickets must be               PAGODA PROJECT/MANIACS IN CONCERT                       Cheese & Grain / £29.50 / Event 2007
                                                                                         booked in advance:                    A concert featuring Paul Hutchinson (accordion),
                                                                                         Marston Park / FREE / Event 2001		                           Karen Wimhurst (clarinets) and Seona Pritchard          20:30 - 23:00
                                                                                                                                                      (violin/viola). Paul and Karen have been working        ONE TONES
                                                                                                                                                      together for a number of years as Pagoda Project        A night of love-ska music from the fabulous
                                                                                                                                                      ( and with Seona in The         One Tones.
                                                                                                                                                      Maniacs. Recently they have also collaborated on        The Sun Inn / FREE / Event 2008
                                                                                                                                                      a lockdown album with musicians from around

                                                                                                                                                  Frome Festival @ Marston Park / Event 2001

                    4                                                                    Frome Festival 20th Anniversary / Event 2000                                                                                                                                  5
Friday 2nd TO Sunday 11th July 2021 - - Frome Festival
                                        EVENTS                                                                            FRIDAY 3
                                                                                                                       SATURDAY  6 JULY             SATURDAY 3 JULY                         Box Office 01373 455420 //

                                                                                               14:30 - 16:30
                                        SATURDAY 3 JULY                                        A NATURE WALK & TALK WITH STEPHEN                    19:30 - 21:15                                           - we finally broke, totally. In their most honest
                                                                                               MOSS, ONE OF BRITAIN’S LEADING                       FROME CONSORT: BACH, MARCELLO,                          and personal show yet, Jonny & The Baptists learn
                                                                                               NATURE WRITERS, BROADCASTERS AND                     TELEMANN & VIVALDI                                      to accept and engage with their grief, telling the
                                        10:00 - 16:00                                          WILDLIFE TV PRODUCERS                                Frome Consort formed in 2016 to play the music          story of denial, anger, bargaining, depression
                                        THE FROME FESTIVAL - 20TH                              Come and listen to naturalist Stephen Moss as he     of JS Bach and his contemporaries and have              and acceptance through their trademark blend of
                                        ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION                                 leads you on a walk and talk through the natural     quickly established a reputation for lively and         silly, joyful songs, deadpan stand-up and riotous
                                        See Event 2000, pg4.                                   world at Chesterblade Hills, just 15 minutes         expressive performance of Baroque repertoire on         storytelling. Finding meaning, humour and
                                        Rook Lane / FREE / Event 3000                          outside Frome. TV credits include the BAFTA          modern instruments. This year’s concert includes        beauty in the hardest part of life.
                                                                                               award-winning Springwatch and his latest book,       Marcello Oboe Concerto in Dm (soloist James             Merlin Theatre / £16.00 / Event 3008
                                        11:00 - 17:00                                          The Swallow, is out now. Wear footwear and           Watts), Vivaldi’s Flute Concerto in D ‘Il Gardellino’
                                        THE FROME OPEN ART TRAIL                               clothing for walking. Tea and biscuits included.     (soloist Leslie Sheills), Bach’s Violin Concerto in     20:00 - 21:30
                                        The Frome Open Art Trail celebrates local artists      The Green Heart / £15.00 / £5.00 u16 / Event 3003    Am (soloist Oscar Tabor) and Trio Sonata in G, and      GOD OF CARNAGE BY YASMINA REZA
                                        and makers. To view will be a variety of beautiful                                                          a little-known gem by Telemann: Concerto in Em          See Event 1001.
                                        arts and crafts, exhibited in studios, homes and       14:30 - 15:30                                        for Recorder & Flute. There will be an interval of 20   Assembly Rooms / £10.00 / Event 3009
                                        venues. Some of the Art Trail is in walking distance   NOT ON THE BUSES - A GUIDED TOUR OF                  minutes with tea & coffee available.
                                        of the town centre, and the more adventurous will      FROME                                                St. John’s Church / £20.00 / £5.00 Child / Event 3007   20:00 - 22:30
                                        be rewarded by visiting more outlying venues.          Join Rare Species Theatre Company for “Not On                                                                FLASH HARRY
                                        There is affordable art for everyone including         The Buses - A guided tour of Frome” Supported        19:30 - 22:00                                           Flash Harry have secret powers that lift your
                                        ceramics, paintings, textiles, photography, glass,     by Cooper Hall. Expect the usual mix of              JONNY AND THE BAPTISTS - DANCE LIKE                     spirits and move your feet. The rhythms weave
                                        and jewellery. See Visual Arts pg24.                   immaculately detailed comic characterisations,       IT NEVER HAPPENED                                       their magic as the instruments take you on a
                                        Frome / FREE / Event 3001                              cheeky irreverent observations and downright         This is a show about grief. This is a show about        rootsy mystery tour. Flash Harry are masters of
                                        		                                                     silliness as they lead you on a merry dance around   loss. Just not how you’d expect. Dance Like It          their craft. Their music puts a smile on your face,
                                        12:30 - 13:00                                          Frome’s cobbled and recently paved streets. Dress    Never Happened, is the funniest, most joyful and        sweat on your brow and stomp in your feet.
                                        FLASH MOB OPERA                                        code: Urban 1970s. Atmosphere: Party. Bring a        uplifting show you will ever see about feeling          Cornerhouse / FREE / Event 3010
                                        Cooper Hall with Give Music bring joyful,              bottle and a Fanny Craddock inspired nibble.         totally bereaved. At the end of 2019 we lost
                                        accessible Opera to the centre of Frome (see           Not suitable for under 14s. Meeting location to be   another election and our place in Europe. But           20:30 - 23:00
                                        website for details). Find our fantastic Flash         revealed with ticket purchase.                       worst of all for us, we lost a friend we loved more     WESTERN ROCK
                                        Mob and enjoy spectacular, Covid safe, operatic        Frome / £10.00 / £5.00 Age 14-18 / Event 3004        than life. This, followed by the year that was 2020,    The wonderful Western Rock entertaining us with
                                        entertainment where you least expect it!                                                                    and our decades-long system of dealing with grief       a night of country music.. rockabilly style!
                                        Frome / FREE / Event 3002                              18:00 - 23:00                                        - ignoring it, drinking heavily and making jokes        The Sun Inn / FREE / Event 3011
                                                                                               FROME FESTIVAL 2021 @ MARSTON PARK
                                                                                               See Event 2001, pg4.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Jonny & The Baptists / Event 3008
                                                                                               Marston Park / FREE / Event 3005

                                                                                               19:30 - 22:30
                                                                                               THE BREATH
                                                                                               Ríoghnach Connolly and Stuart McCallum are
                                                                                               the creative heart of The Breath. Connolly writes
                                                                                               the only way she knows how; a stream of poetic
                                                                                               consciousness giving rise to honest, personal,
Ray Jones: Getting the tram in Lisbon

                                                                                               heartfelt songs as likely to touch on childhood
Frome Open Art trail / Event 3001

                                                                                               summers and first love as cultural dislocation,
                                                                                               post-colonial injustices and grief. But it’s her
                                                                                               deeply soulful, utterly engaging, stop-you-in-
                                                                                               your-tracks voice —whether delicate and hushed
                                                                                               or powerful and gutsy— coupled with Stuart’s
                                                                                               understated brilliance and their exquisitely
                                                                                               crafted songs, that give The Breath such
                                                                                               emotional depth.
                                                                                               The Silk Mill / £13.50 / Event 3006

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Friday 2nd TO Sunday 11th July 2021 - - Frome Festival
     EVENTS                                                                                  FRIDAY 4
                                                                                            SUNDAY  6 JULY             FRIDAY 64JULY
                                                                                                                       SUNDAY    JULY                           Box Office 01373 455420 //

                                                                11:00 - 17:00                                          14:30 - 16:30                                            18:00 - 19:00
     SUNDAY 4 JULY                                              THE FROME OPEN ART TRAIL                               FROME TOWN WALK                                          CHORAL EVENSONG
                                                                See Event 3001 pg6, Visual Arts pg24.                  Frome Town Walks are organised by the Frome              Join us for a reflective, traditional church service
                                                                Frome / FREE / Event 4002                              Society for Local Study. They are designed to            with beautiful music: a calm and peaceful oasis in
     10:00 - 16:00                                              		                                                     give an understanding of the development of              a frazzled world. Music will include the Magnificat
     THE FROME FESTIVAL - 20TH                                  13:00 - 14:30                                          the history and economy of the town from its             and Nunc Dimittis composed for Truro Cathedral
     ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION                                     ‘HARP-GUITAR’ IN CONCERT                               foundation in 685 AD by St Aldhelm, through              by Gabriel Jackson; responses by Neil Moore; and
     See Event 2000, pg4.		                                     A lunchtime of musical bliss. ‘Harp-Guitars’ are       the Middle Ages to the present day. There is a           as a memorial to those lost in the pandemic,
     Rook Lane Chapel / FREE / Event 4000                       extremely rare instruments with a beautiful and        special emphasis on Frome’s listed buildings.            Sir Hubert Parry’s “Crossing the bar” and Sir
                                                                unique sound - an extended guitar with extra           Meet opposite the Round Tower in Justice lane. All       William Harris’s sublime “Faire is the heaven”.
     10:00 - 23:00                                              banks of ‘harp-like’ strings creating a wonderful      proceeds go to the Frome Festival. Age 10+               Choir directed by Alan Burgess. Free admission.
     FROME TOWN FC #BA11 FAMILY FUN DAY,                        fusion of musical textures and possibilities.          Frome / £5.00 / Event 4005                               Retiring collection for church funds.
     MUSIC SHOW, OPEN AIR CINEMA                                Jon Pickard has a background of Classical, Folk,                                                                Christ Church / FREE / Event 4010
     Following the great success of the club’s family           Rock and Jazz, and is recognised internationally       14:30 - 16:00
     training days, which started just 3 years ago to much      as one of the most unique and interesting              THE TERRY HILL BIG BAND                                  18:00 - 23:00
     fanfare, Frome Town FC are delighted to introduce          new player/composers in this genre. Not to be          Nothing’s impossible I have found, for when my           FROME FESTIVAL 2021 @ MARSTON PARK
     the further expanded plans for 2021! In addition to        missed!                                                chin is on the ground I pick myself up, dust myself      See Event 2001, pg4.
     the ever-popular open training session featuring           The Silk Mill / £9.00 / £7.00 U16s / Event 4003        off, start all over again! The Terry Hill Big Band are   Marston Park / FREE / Event 4011
     the FTFC first team and management, which also                                                                    tuning up for the perennial fixture at our spiritual
     includes the opportunity for young fans to take part       14:00 - 15:00                                          home: Frome’s finest bandstand. We have 25               19:00 - 22:00
     in activities on the pitch at The Robin’s Nest, the        BEEKEEPING TASTER SESSION                              outstanding players geared up to deliver the big         JAZZ JAM
     daytime event will also feature an array of family         Bees are vital for pollinating much of the food we     band classics, both instrumental and vocal, and          Come along, tap your feet and just enjoy the best
     friendly activities and street food stalls from the        eat. They also produce honey. Come along and           also some lesser-known gems. If your musical             of Frome jazz.
     local area. Once the training draws to a close, the        explore the wonders of the honey bee; see inside       taste goes from Duke Ellington via Anita O’Day to        Cornerhouse / FREE / Event 4012
     next level of festivities will commence with a host        a working beehive. Identify the workers, drones        Smokey Robinson, this is your gig. Bring your rug
     of local musicians showcasing their talents at the         and hopefully the Queen. See developing bees           or chair of choice and your best toe-tapping shoes!      19:30 - 21:30
     FTFC Clubhouse; acts confirmed so far are Sara Vian        in the comb as well as stored honey and pollen.        Victoria Park - Bandstand / FREE / Event 4006            THE BOB MORRIS LECTURE: ‘THE FIRST
     & The Graham Dent Trio and The Brue River Band,            Bee suits and gloves are provided but please bring                                                              SEVEN YEARS’ PRESENTED BY MARTIN BAX
     with more to be announced in due course! Moving            along wellies. You will need to make your way to       14:30 - 17:00                                            Martin Bax will give the first Bob Morris Memorial
     into the early evening, we will then host the first ever   our apiary near the entrance of the Cheese Show        SECRET SOUNDS                                            Lecture, an illustrated talk about the early years
     open air cinema experience at FTFC, with those that        field on the Maiden Bradley road. Someone will         Chesterblade Hills presents an afternoon of magical      of the Frome Festival, of which he is the Founder
     purchase tickets having the opportunity to watch           meet you there, Grid ref: ST 780431, BA11 5ER.         music in a special location. Two high quality special    and President. Free entry but please book in
     one of two fantastic films whilst sitting with family      Not suitable for those with allergies to bee stings.   guest artists will perform in the wonderful Green        advance at the Festival box office at the Cheese
     and friends on the hallowed turf. Daytime: Free            Minimum age 14.                                        Heart Space, an eco outdoor/indoor venue set in          and Grain. A donation to the Frome Festival on
     Entry, Evening: Open Air Cinema; £10 per adult. For        Frome / £8.00 / Event 4004                             beautiful countryside just 15 minutes outside            departure will be appreciated. Please book your
     more info see:                          		                                                     Frome. Bring a cushion or camping chair and chill        complimentary ticket through the Box office.
     Frome Football Club / £10.00 / Event 4001                                                                         out and enjoy some wonderful musical vibes. Light        Rook Lane Chapel / FREE / Event 4013
     		                                                                                                                refreshments will be available but you’re welcome
                                                                                                                       also to bring a picnic and drinks.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Event 4013
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Bob & Marjorie Morris with Martin Bax
Paul Foot In “Swan Power”                                                                                              The Green Heart / £15.00 / FREE U12s / Event 4007
Event 4015
                                                                                                                       16:00 - 17:00
                                                                                                                       BEEKEEPING TASTER SESSION
                                                                                                                       See Event 4004, pg 8.
                                                                                                                       Frome / £8.00 / Event 4008

                                                                                                                       17:00 - 18:15
                                                                                                                       SLAVERY, SEDITION AND SIN!
                                                                                                                       Join local authors Crysse Morrison and David
                                                                                                                       Lassman on a guided walk, as they once again
                                                                                                                       reveal aspects of historical Frome’s dark and murky
                                                                                                                       past. 60 mins long. Meet outside Cheese & Grain.
                                                                                                                       Cheese & Grain / £5.00 / Event 4009

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Friday 2nd TO Sunday 11th July 2021 - - Frome Festival
EVENTS                                                                                                            SUNDAY 4 JULY / MONDAY 5 JULY                                                                          MONDAY 5 JULY                           Box Office 01373 455420 //

     19:30 - 21:00                                                                                                                                                                                                            14:00 - 18:00                                           19:30 - 23:00
     ‘HARP-GUITAR’ IN CONCERT                                                                                           MONDAY 5 JULY                                                                                         COME AND HAVE A TRY AT BOWLS                            CELEBRATION FOR FROME WITH ACTIVE
     An evening of musical bliss. ‘Harp-Guitars’ are                                                                                                                                                                          Are you looking for a new hobby, or would you           AND IN TOUCH
     extremely rare instruments with a beautiful and                                                                                                                                                                          just like to give something new a try? Why not          A celebratory evening to mark ‘release from
     unique sound - an extended guitar with extra                                                                       10:00 - 16:00                                                                                         come and have a go at bowls, at Frome Park bowls        lockdown(!) and the gift of Frome: Festival, Friends
     banks of ‘harp-like’ strings creating a wonderful                                                                  THE FROME FESTIVAL - 20TH                                                                             club based in picturesque Victoria Park. Bowls is       and Community’ - sponsored by Active and In
     fusion of musical textures and possibilities. Jon                                                                  ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION                                                                                a sport that can be played by all ages and abilities.   Touch celebrating its 10th Anniversary. Including
     Pickard has a background of Classical, Folk, Rock                                                                  See Event 2000, pg4.		                                                                                There will be experienced bowlers on hand to give       live music from local bands The Meanies and The
     and Jazz, and is recognised internationally as one                                                                 Rook Lane Chapel / FREE / Event 5001                                                                  you some tuition, and within minutes you will be        Hammervilles
     of the most unique and interesting new player/                                                                                                                                                                           bowling. All equipment will be provided, please         Cheese & Grain / £5.00 / Event 5008
     composers in this genre. Not to be missed!                                                                         11:00 - 17:00                                                                                         wear flat shoes.
     The Silk Mill / £9.00 / £7.00 U16s / Event 4014                                                                    THE FROME OPEN ART TRAIL                                                                              Victoria Park - Bowls Club / FREE / Event 5004          20:00 - 22:00
                                                                                                                        See Event 3001, pg6, Visual Arts pg24.                                                                                                                        MITCH BENN IN “TEN SONGS TO SAVE
     20:00 - 22:00                                                                                                      Frome / FREE / Event 5002                                                                             17:45 - 20:15                                           THE WORLD”
     PAUL FOOT IN “SWAN POWER”                                                                                          		                                                                                                    FROME TUNNELS TOUR                                      Mitch Benn is a hilarious comedian and
     Paul Foot is a unique talent who has inspired                                                                      11:00 - 12:00                                                                                         Another chance to join members of the Frome             songwriter with a long pedigree of radio and TV
     other comedians (notably Russell Brand) with his                                                                   TIME’S WINGED CHARIOT: WORDS                                                                          Tunnels Project on one of their ever popular tours.     performances. He is favourite at the Edinburgh
     inventive, quirky and bizarre trains of thought. A                                                                 AND MUSIC FROM 400 YEARS AGO                                                                          Listen to stories of Frome’s history both above         Festival and with a significant following on You
     regular at the Edinburgh Festival, with numerous                                                                   Travel back in time to the year 1621 and survey                                                       and below the streets and visit some of the sites       Tube for his satirical observational songs. One
     TV appearances and a notable following in                                                                          the glories of music and poetry from that era.                                                        that the team have investigated in their search for     of his most popular recent compositions in “Ten
     Australia. The Sydney Morning Herald describes                                                                     Influential Dutch composer J. P. Sweelinck                                                            the famed Frome Tunnels. Please be aware that           Songs to Save the World” is the much viewed
     him as “something of a genius” whilst the                                                                          died in 1621 and metaphysical poets Andrew                                                            we will be underground for short periods only           “Moving to Scotland” suggesting a post-Brexit
     Independent summarises Paul Foot as “Sublime,                                                                      Marvell + Henry Vaughan were born in 1621.                                                            and that some degree of mobility is necessary to        exodus north of the border, presented in a style
     original, brilliant.” The performance may take                                                                     The programme will also include words by                                                              access tight spaces. Tours will start outside the       reminiscent of “The Proclaimers”. “Song after
     place outdoors on Ecos, so come prepared. See                                                                      William Shakespeare, Robert Herrick and                                                               library and hard hats will be provided. Wellington      song of exquisitely crafted satire” The Scotsman
     website for updates.                                                                                               Lancelot Andrewes (translator of the King                                                             boots are essential and a torch and gloves are          Masonic Hall / £12.00 / Event 5009
     Merlin Theatre / £12.50 / Event 4015                                                                               James Bible) + music by their contemporaries                                                          recommended. Age 14+.
                                                                                                                        Martin Peerson, Giles Farnaby, Thomas                                                                 Frome Library / £12.50 / Event 5005

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mitch Benn / Event 5009
                                                                                                                        Tomkins and John Blow, played on the
                                                                                                                        chamber organ by Ann Burgess. Real coffee                                                             18:00 - 23:00
                                                                                                                        and tea will be available from 10.30am.                                                               FROME FESTIVAL 2021 @ MARSTON PARK
                                                                                                                        Christ Church / £8.00 / Event 5003                                                                    See Event 2001, pg4.
                                                                                                                        		                                                                                                    Marston Park / FREE / Event 5006

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              19:30 - 21:00
                                                          Beekeeping Taster Session / Event 4004, 4008, 11007, 11012

                                                                                                                                                                          Science & Adventure on Mount Everest / Event 6004
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SPOILS OF WAR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              An illustrated talk by Christopher Joll based on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              his recently published book. The author takes a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              robust and controversial view of the contemporary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              issues surrounding the repatriation of the nation’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              acquisitions. Surprisingly local examples include
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bath’s missing Crimean War cannons, Hitler’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              last desk in Dorchester, Napoleon’s dispatch case
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              in Wilton. The presenter of ‘Thinking Outside
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the Box’, about the S.S. Great Britain and author
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              of historical fiction including the Speedicut Saga.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Christopher Joll is Director of many national
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              military events and also a military historian.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Rook Lane Chapel / £8.50 / £7.50 (FSLS Members)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Event 5007

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      11
Friday 2nd TO Sunday 11th July 2021 - - Frome Festival
EVENTS                                                                               FRIDAY 6 JULY
                                                                                         TUESDAY                                                WEDNESDAY 7 JULY                         Box Office 01373 455420 //

                                                              19:30 - 22:00                                                                                                                              19:00 - 21:00
     TUESDAY 6 JULY                                           BELSHAZZAR’S FEAST - FOLK DUO                                                     WEDNESDAY 7 JULY                                         LATER... WITH FROME COLLEGE AT ECOS
                                                              ‘They can do things with a squeeze box and an                                                                                              Following last year’s virtual “Later…With Frome
                                                              oboe that can break your heart’ – Independent on                                                                                           College at Ecos” - still available to view on YouTube
     10:00 - 16:00                                            Sunday. A mix of seasonal songs and tunes, plus                                   10:00 - 16:00                                            - students return to live performance, this year as
     THE FROME FESTIVAL - 20TH                                classical music, pop, music-hall and traditional                                  THE FROME FESTIVAL - 20TH                                part of the Festival at the ECOS arena. “Amazing…
     ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION                                   folk, all topped off with audience participation and                              ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION                                   inspirational… an absolute gem… a real community
     See Event 2000, pg4.		                                   lashings of wry humour. Paul Sartin (vocals, oboe,                                See Event 2000, pg4.		                                   event... brave and genuine… fabulous!” - so say the
     Rook Lane Chapel / FREE / Event 6001                     violin and swanee whistle) and Paul Hutchinson                                    Rook Lane Chapel / FREE / Event 7001                     audience as Frome College musicians showcase
                                                              (accordion) together entertain audiences across                                   		                                                       their diverse talents with a programme of pop, jazz,
     11:00 - 17:00                                            the UK, Australia and beyond with their eclectic                                  11:00 - 17:00                                            acoustic, classical, choral, percussion and electronic
     THE FROME OPEN ART TRAIL                                 and eccentric mix of tunes, songs and chat that                                   THE FROME OPEN ART TRAIL                                 music – a unique school concert, open to all, featuring
     See Event 3001, pg6, Visual Arts pg24..                  sends audiences home with a smile.                                                See Event 3001, pg6.                                     the remarkable youth of Frome! Under-12s should be
     Frome / FREE / Event 6002                                The Silk Mill / £15.00 / £12.00 U16 / Event 6006                                  Frome / FREE / Event 7002                                accompanied by an adult. Show time(s) TBC.
     		                                                                                                                                         		                                                       Ecos Outdoor Stage at the Merlin Theatre
     18:00 - 23:00                                            20:00 - 21:30                                                                     11:00 - 12:15                                            £6.00 / £4.00 Students & concs / Event 7005
     FROME FESTIVAL 2021 @ MARSTON PARK                       FROME POETRY CAFE... IN THE STONES                                                SONGS OF TRAVEL : A RECITAL OF SONGS
     See Event 2001, pg4.                                     Frome Poetry Cafe has moved this year to the ECOS                                 AND PIANO MUSIC                                          18:00 - 19:30
     Marston Park / FREE / Event 6003                         stones, and you can still expect a great night of                                 Richard Pinnock (tenor) and Gareth Burgess               FROME FOLKLORE
                                                              live poetry performance. We have the sensational                                  (piano) return for their fourth Frome Festival           Join two of Frome’s Town Guides as they veer off
     18:30 - 19:30                                            Liv Torc as special guest, and the Open Mic will                                  recital with a diverse mix of songs about travel         the paths of traditional history into the Otherworld
     SCIENCE AND ADVENTURE                                    be ready for your own original poems, with spot                                   and transport, including favourites by Vaughan           of legend and folklore. There will be traditional
     ON MOUNT EVEREST                                         prizes - and entry is still only a fiver! As always,                              Williams, Ireland and Flanders & Swann, as well          stories, ghost tales, a little fakelore and a few dodgy
     Lawrence Wager, geologist, mountaineer and               no advance booking - pay on arrival.                                              as less familiar repertoire. Also piano music by         anecdotes on this ninety-minute walk around the
     explorer, took part in the 1933 British expedition to    Merlin Theatre / £5.00 / Event 6007                                               Ravel, Grieg and others. Real coffee and tea will be     town. Expect respectable history from local author
     climb Mt Everest from the Tibetan side, in the first                                                                                       available from 10.30.                                    and historian David Lassman, magical tales from
     attempt since Mallory and Irvine disappeared on the                                                                                        Christ Church / £8.00 / Event 7003                       local storyteller Lisa Kenwright and a few fibs from

                                                                                                                     Poetry Cafe / Event 6007
     mountain in 1924. He reached a point less than 1000                                                                                                                                                 both of them. Meet outside the Cheese and Grain.
     feet below the summit: the geological specimens he                                                                                         16:00 - 22:30                                            The walk includes step-free access on hard paths
     collected on the way up and down are now in Oxford,                                                                                        THE OPENING                                              and pavements with some steep cobbled streets.
     where he became Professor in 1950. Professor Dave                                                                                          The Opening is a celebration of the community in         Suitable for adults and older children.
     Waters tells the story of the expedition using Wager’s                                                                                     which we live. As the world around us opens up we        Cheese & Grain / £6.00 / Event 7006
     photographs and diaries, and explains the science of                                                                                       welcome re-connection and interaction we all long
     how the Himalayan peaks were raised up, through                                                                                            for. Curated by Dave Smith and Joseph Hyde, The          18:00 - 23:00
     recent research on his collection.                                                                                                         Silk Mill will be hosting an open air stage & events     FROME FESTIVAL 2021 @ MARSTON PARK
     Cheese & Grain - Market Yard / £5.00 / Event 6004                                                                                          area featuring local producers and musicians             See Event 2001, pg4.
                                                                                                                                                over a three-day period. The line-up includes Pete       Marston Park / FREE / Event 7007
     19:30 - 21:00                                                                                                                              Gage, Natalie Brice, Justin Adams, Batch Gueye,
     NEW HORIZONS                                                                                                                               Ian Ballamy, Heather Truesdall, Chris Redmond            18:30 - 21:00
     Alison Howell FRCO will give a concert of                                                                                                  and John Law. This is an event for everyone and          STORIES AND MUSIC FROM PALESTINE
     inspirational and reflective organ music including                                                                                         includes as well as stage performances a rhythm          HISTORY
     works by Cecilia McDowell, Bach, Guilmant                                                                                                  & pulse workshop, a West African dance class             Tonight, Frome Friends of Palestine present Michael
     and Rebecca Groom Te Velde. Alison works as                                                                                                and Groove Tots for 0-5s (free entry for kids). The      Loader, storyteller, with musicians Knud Stuwe
     a freelance musician based in Bristol, having                                                                                              Opening will take place over three days from Weds        (oud, Arabian lute) and Simon Leach (percussion).
     received many awards since graduating in                                                                                                   7th - Fri 9th July, 4:00pm - 10.30pm at the Silk Mill.   Together they will weave the threads of stories
     1985. She has played for choral days with David                                                                                            On sale now are advance (adult) tickets for all three    inspired by the Palestinian History Tapestries
     Willcocks, John Rutter and Bob Chilcott and                                                                                                days at a reduced price of £15 with standby & day        alongside tales and poetry from the Arabic world
     accompanied Dame Felicity Lott in concert. She is                                                                                          tickets on sale nearer the time. These will depend       and events occurring today in Israel/Palestine.
     organist of St John the Baptist Church, Keynsham                                                                                           on availability, so an advance booking is the best       Subject to Covid restrictions, Palestinian-themed
     and a member of the newly formed Society of                                                                                                way to be sure of a ticket!                              food will be available from 6.30pm (extra charge).
     Women Organists. As a recitalist she has played                                                                                            The Silk Mill / £15.00 / Event 7004                      Please see Frome Festival website for updates.
     in many cathedrals, concert halls and churches.                                                                                                                                                     Trinity Hall / £12.00 / £10.00 student,unwaged
     Trinity Church / £10.00 / £5.00 U18 / Event 6005                                                                                                                                                    Event 7008

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 13
Friday 2nd TO Sunday 11th July 2021 - - Frome Festival
EVENTS                                               WEDNESDAY 7 JULY / THURSDAY 8 JULY                                                    THURSDAY 8 JULY                          Box Office 01373 455420 //

     19:30 - 22:00                                                                                                                              19:00 - 20:30                                            20:00 - 22:00
     DAISY CHAPMAN & SOMERSET                                                                THURSDAY 8 JULY                                    PETER THE WILD BOY                                       JOHN HEGLEY PRESENTS “PEACE, LOVE
     RUSSETS. MUSIC THROUGH FOUR                                                                                                                Frome Openstorytellers present Peter the Wild Boy,       AND POTATOES”
     CENTURIES                                                                                                                                  a true story that is even more relevant today during     John Hegley is one of the UKs foremost performance
     Celebrating contrasting yet complementary                                               10:00 - 16:00                                      the pandemic. Our cast are no strangers to the           poets. A regular for BBC radio and a headliner in
     four centuries of music, Daisy Chapman,                                                 THE FROME FESTIVAL - 20TH                          risks of a society that hasn’t yet learned to adapt.     festivals around the country including Edinburgh,
     singer songwriter, performs her own                                                     ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION                             The story of Peter the Wild Boy is enhanced by the       he has produced ten books of verse and prose, two
     beautiful songs of love, lust and loss as well                                          See Event 2000, pg4.		                             lived experiences of the tellers themselves. This        CDs and one mug. His poems manage to take the
     as tales from history. With her outstanding                                             Rook Lane Chapel / FREE / Event 8001               18th Century man with learning disabilities forged       minutiae of modern life like dogs, potatoes and
     vocals, and accompanied by violinist Sue                                                                                                   an incredible journey: from the forests of Hamelin       handkerchiefs spinning them into a philosophical
     Lord, this is guaranteed to give you goose                                              11:00 - 17:00                                      to the palaces of the Royal Court; from farmhand         framework. Acerbic, fond and funny, John Hegley
     bumps. Normally touring Europe now we                                                   THE FROME OPEN ART TRAIL                           to prisoner; from feral child to respected elder. Join   also has the rare distinction of having written a
     are lucky to have them. Wind back to the                                                See Event 3001, pg6, Visual Arts pg24.             us for this immersive theatre event and discover for     limerick about Frome and rhymed it accurately
     18th and 19th centuries and the Somerset                                                Frome / FREE / Event 8002                          yourself - what stories live in the wild within?         with “broom”. For this alone, he should be rewarded
     Russets aim to recreate the sound of bands                                                                                                 Rise / £12.00 / £8.00 disability & age 6-18              with the freedom of the town. He also describes
     who provided accompaniment to country life.                                             11:00 - 12:15                                      Event 8008                                               himself as an “urgent” ukulele player.
     Played on strings, winds and squeezeboxes                                               SLAVERY, SEDITION AND SIN!                                                                                  Masonic Hall / £12.50 / Event 8012
     and punctuated by occasional readings to                                                See Event 4009, pg9.                               19:00 - 21:00
     make you smile.                                                                         Cheese & Grain / £5.00 / Event 8003                FELTING WORKSHOP
     St Leonards Church, Marston Bigot                                                       		                                                 See Event 8004, pg14.
     £10.00 / Event 7009                                                                     13:00 - 15:00                                      Black Swan Round Tower / £20.00 / £12.00 child
                                                                                             FELTING WORKSHOP                                   Event 8009
                                                                                             Local Felt and community artist Bessie Bidder
                                                                                                                                                19:30 - 20:30                                             John Hegley presents “Peace, Love & Potatoes”
                                                      The Fabulous Red Diesel / Event 8011

                                                                                             is running Felt making workshops in the Round
                                                                                             Tower at Black Swan Arts. Places are limited       QUORUM RE-UNITED,                                         Event 8012
                                                                                             to keep social distance. Two adult workshops:      JOINED BY CHARLES WIFFEN
                                                                                             Thursday 8 July Flat felt, picture making; 1-3pm   A varied programme of chamber music to include
                                                                                             Three dimensional Felt flowers; 7-9pm £20. Two     Mozart and Shostakovich.
                                                                                             hand puppet making workshops for all adults        Christ Church / £10.00 / Event 8010
                                                                                             and Children 4.00-5.30pm Friday 9 July and
                                                                                             2.00-3.30pm Saturday 10 July. For tickets go to:   20:00 - 23:00
                                                                                                       THE FABULOUS RED DIESEL
                                                                                             Black Swan Round Tower / £20.00 / £12.00 child     The Fabulous Red Diesel are a riot of original
                                                                                             Event 8004                                         new music, amazing vocals delivering wonderful
                                                                                                                                                soaring melodies, a skin-tight rhythm section
                                                                                             16:00 - 22:30                                      and even the occasional tuba. They are a circus
                                                                                             THE OPENING                                        full of jazz, and their new single ‘’Butterfly Mind’
                                                                                             See Event 7004, pg13.                              spent 6 weeks on the Jazz FM playlist. DJ Anne
                                                                                             The Silk Mill / £15.00 / Event 8005                Frankenstein said: ‘’ This band made it onto my
                                                                                                                                                wish list of groups I intend to see live, as soon
                                                                                             17:00 - 18:00                                      as I physically possibly can.’’ Their latest album
                                                                                             QUORUM RE-UNITED, JOINED BY CHARLES                ‘’The Queensbury House Sessions’’ is getting rave
                                                                                             WIFFEN                                             reviews and is available on Spotify and Amazon
                                                                                             A varied programme of chamber music to include     or directly from
                                                                                             Mozart and Shostakovich.                           Merlin Theatre / £12.00 / £8.00 unwaged /
                                                                                             Christ Church / £10.00 / Event 8006                Event 8011

                                                                                             18:00 - 23:00
                                                                                             FROME FESTIVAL 2021 @ MARSTON PARK
                                                                                             See Event 2001, pg4.
                                                                                             Marston Park / FREE / Event 8007

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             15
Friday 2nd TO Sunday 11th July 2021 - - Frome Festival
EVENTS                                                                               FRIDAY 9 JULY            FRIDAY 9 JULY                           Box Office 01373 455420 //

                                                           19:00 - 20:00                                           20:00 - 22:00                                          20:30 - 21:30
     FRIDAY 9 JULY                                         SOMETIMES IN BATH                                       REGINALD D HUNTER                                      GRAHAM LLOYD “A LOAD OF OLD BALLS”
                                                           Award-winning journalist and local author               Since his arrival in the UK Reginald’s searingly       As Euro 2020 reaches its climax, “A Load of
                                                           Charles Nevin talks about his latest collection         honest observations both onstage and on TV have        Old Balls” is an hour-long collection of songs
     10:00 - 16:00                                         of short stories, set throughout Bath’s history         garnered him a cross-generational fan base. His        and poems celebrating some of the most
     THE FROME FESTIVAL - 20TH                             and featuring, among others, King Bladud, the           TV appearances have included Have I Got News For       famous football personalities of the modern
     ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION                                Goddess Sul, The Wife of Bath, Beau Nash, Dr            You?, and two series of the BBC2’s hugely popular      game. Graham Lloyd has been a freelance
     See Event 2000, pg4.		                                Johnson, Horatio Nelson, Jane Austen’s Mr Bennet,       Reginald D Hunter’s Songs Of The South and Songs       broadcaster and journalist for forty years. He
     Rook Lane Chapel / FREE / Event 9001                  the Emperor Haile Selassie and a failing lifestyle      of The Border. Reginald has been performing            has commentated and reported on football
                                                           salesman called Clive.                                  comedy in the UK for over 20 years. During that        for BBC, ITV, Talksport, the Independent, the
     10:30 - 17:00                                         Masonic Hall / £5.00 / Event 9008                       time he has become one of the comedy industry’s        Guardian and The SkySports Football Yearbook.
     THE HIDDEN GARDENS                                    		                                                      best-known performers for his distinctive take on      A published poet, he has written eight football
     Hidden Gardens £5 per person to cover over 30         19:30 - 21:00                                           the most diverse range of subjects. His work can       and cricket books and performed his one-man
     gardens over 3 days from 9-11th July inclusive. See   MUSIC FROM STAGE & SCREEN. LIAM                         be brutally honest and is often considered to be       shows about football and cricket around the UK
     Information page 25 for further details.              DAVIES PLAYS PIPE ORGAN                                 controversial but it is always meticulously thought    for fifteen years. Bar open throughout. “A very
     Frome / £5.00 / Event 9002                            Music from theatre and films, instantly                 out and he has never been afraid to face challenging   funny, clever entertainment…come prepared to
                                                           recognisable to all musical lovers, a broad selection   issues head on even when the focus is on his own       laugh - even if you don’t know the offside rule!”
     11:00 - 17:00                                         will be played in style with attitude by Liam Davies    principles or beliefs. Support from the brilliant      Arts Alive! Shropshire and Herefordshire rural
     THE FROME OPEN ART TRAIL                              on Marston’s unique and lovely traditional pipe         Jarred Christmas.                                      touring network.
     See Event 3001, pg6, Visual Arts pg24.                organ. Liam is a self trained organ player having       Memorial Theatre / £22.00 / Event 9012		               Masonic Hall / £5.00 / Event 9015
     Frome / FREE / Event 9003                             started with piano at the age of four he transferred
     		                                                    to church organ aged 12. He now tunes, restores         20:00 - 22:00

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Rob Heron & The Tea Pad Orchestra / Event 9013
     13:00 - 13:45                                         and plays organs and having worked on ours at           ROB HERON AND THE TEA PAD
     MARIE ELLIOTT (MEZZO SOPRANO)                         Marston describes it as a brilliant instrument. His     ORCHESTRA
     LUNCHTIME RECITAL                                     favourite genre is film scores and musical theatre.     Based in Newcastle Upon Tyne but with members
     Marie Elliott (Mezzo Soprano) has established         Those who love to hear music from stage and             hailing from Orkney to Warwickshire, the Tea
     a reputation both as an outstanding operatic          screen will not be disappointed.                        Pad sound draws on myriad influences – from
     and oratorio soloist and also as a Lieder singer,     St Leonards Church, Marston Bigot / £10.00              Hank Williams to Django Reinhardt, Tom Waits
     performing at many prestigious venues, including      Event 9009                                              to The Beatles – yet ultimately sounds like nobody
     Glyndebourne. Most recently she set up a Baroque                                                              else, that North Eastern Swing style that’s utterly
     ensemble, Bath Consort, with whom she performs        19:30 - 21:00                                           their own. Performances include festivals like
     regularly. In this lunchtime recital Marie performs   A THOUSAND SONS                                         Glastonbury, Bestival, Wilderness and Cambridge
     Elgar’s Sea Pictures and Schumann’s Frauenliebe       A THOUSAND SONS follows Bertie, a Nuclear               Folk Festival. They’ve appeared three times on
     und leben, accompanied by pianist Jacquelyn Bevan.    Veteran who was present in the South Pacific            Radio 4’s Loose Ends, and had their music played by
     St. John’s Church / £10.00 / Children FREE            in the 1950’s during Britain’s nuclear weapons          everyone from Marc Riley to Huey Morgan. Joining
     Event 9004                                            tests. We follow him through his life: from             Rob Heron (vocals/guitar) is Tom Cronin (mandolin/
                                                           witnessing the detonation of the first bomb, to the     harmonica/guitar), Colin Nicholson (accordion/
     16:00 - 22:30                                         subsequent effects it had on him and his family         organ/piano) and Ted Harbot (double bass/electric
     THE OPENING                                           later in life, and finally his struggle for justice     bass) and Paul Archibald (drums). This concert will
     See Event 7004, pg13.                                 and recognition from those in charge. Bertie is a       take place outdoors on the Ecos Amphitheatre-
     The Silk Mill / £15.00 / Event 9005                   fictional character, however all events are based       come prepared!
     		                                                    on true testimonies of British service personnel,       Merlin Theatre / £15.00 / Event 9013
     16:00 - 17:30                                         shown through recreation, poetry and verbatim
     FELTING WORKSHOP                                      testimony. Ages 12+.                                    20:00 - 23:45
     See Event 8004, pg14.                                 Trinity Church / £8.00 / £6.50 OAP, Students, U16s      SCOTT MILLS - DJ SET
     Black Swan Round Tower / £20.00 / £12.00 child        Event 9010                                              One of the UK’s favorite radio presenters comes to
     Event 9006                                                                                                    headline Frome Festival 2021. Bringing his famous
                                                           20:00 - 22:30                                           wit, charisma, and anthems for a must see DJ night.
     18:00 - 23:00                                         THE FRUKES                                              Cheese & Grain / £20.00 / Event 9014
     FROME FESTIVAL 2021 @ MARSTON PARK                    A loose collection of forgotten souls who try to
     See Event 2001, pg4.                                  find meaning in their lives by plucking small
     Marston Park / FREE / Event 9007                      instruments.
                                                           Cornerhouse / FREE / Event 9011

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                17
Friday 2nd TO Sunday 11th July 2021 - - Frome Festival
EVENTS   FRIDAY 9 JULY / SATURDAY 10 JULY                        SATURDAY 10 JULY                         Box Office 01373 455420 //

                                                                                                     guides will be available in each churchyard.             16:00 - 17:00
                                             SATURDAY 10 JULY                                        Children must be accompanied by a parent or              TUBAS, TRUMPETS AND TRIANGLES
                                                                                                     guardian. Refreshments available.                        A talented group of Royal Academy music
                                                                                                     Trinity Church / FREE / Event 10006		                    students will introduce you to their fine array
                                             9:00 - 13:00                                                                                                     of brass and percussion instruments. This is an
Frome Farmers Market/ Event 10000

                                             FROME CHEESE & GRAIN                                    14:00 - 15:30                                            inclusive workshop for accompanied children of
                                             FARMERS MARKET                                          FELTING WORKSHOP                                         all ages. Led by Eliza and Stan Talman, who both
                                             A wide range of award winning farmers & food &          See Event 8004, pg14.                                    began their musical careers in Frome Town Brass
                                             drinks producers. We are back in the Cheese &           Black Swan Round Tower / £20.00 / £12.00 child           Band, this afternoon will enthuse young and old
                                             Grain for the first time since lockdown. For the full   Event 10007                                              alike, with novel ideas to get everyone joining in,
                                             line up and to sign up for a newsletter visit www.                                                               in a COVID-safe but fun-charged environment.
                                    Covid measures            14:30 - 15:30                                            Christ Church / £5.00 / Event 10010
                                             in place including sanitiser stations, stewards         NOT ON THE BUSES -
                                             controlling numbers and cashless payment options.       A GUIDED TOUR OF FROME                                   18:00 - 23:00
                                             Cheese & Grain / FREE / Event 10000                     See Event 3004, pg6.                                     ASWAD
                                                                                                     Frome / £10.00 / £5.00 U18 / Event 10008                 With 21 studio albums stretched across 5
                                             10:00 - 16:00                                                                                                    decades, Aswad is one of the most important
                                             THE FROME FESTIVAL - 20TH                               14:30 - 15:00                                            reggae groups to ever emerge from the UK. Early
                                             ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION                                  CHALGUH CHENGI                                           hits from the 1970s like ‘Warrior Charge’ and
                                             See Event 2000, pg4.		                                  A family friendly 35 minute Turkish Oriental             ‘Three Babylon’ established a huge following for
                                             Rook Lane Chapel / FREE / Event 10001                   extravaganza with singing, dancing, veils, swords,       the band, which culminated in a UK number one
                                                                                                     drums, oud, accordion, violin, clarinet, zurna, davul,   hit with ‘Don’t Turn Around’ in 1988. Support
                                             10:30 - 13:00                                           etc. The 6 member band, Hazir, is based in and around    from Revelation Roots & Irie Fire.
                                             FROME TUNNELS TOUR                                      Bristol and the accordionist, Jo Levine, is based        Cheese & Grain / £22.00 / Event 10011
                                             See Event 5005, pg11.                                   outside of Frome. The show is ground breaking in
Reginald D Hunter/ Event 9012

                                             Frome Library / £12.50 / Event 10002		                  that it is a female majority production and designed     18:00 - 23:00
                                                                                                     to introduce/bring high quality live music and dance     FROME FESTIVAL 2021 @ MARSTON PARK
                                             10:30 - 17:00                                           from the SWANA region to communities around              See Event 2001, pg4.
                                             THE HIDDEN GARDENS                                      England who might not otherwise encounter it.            Marston Park / FREE / Event 10012
                                             Hidden Gardens £5 per person to cover over 30           Victoria Park - Bandstand / FREE / Event 10009
                                             gardens over 3 days from 9-11th July inclusive. See
                                             Information page 25 for further details.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Aswad / Event 10012
                                             Frome / £5.00 / Event 10003

                                             11:00 - 17:00
                                             THE FROME OPEN ART TRAIL
                                             See Event 3001, pg6, Visual Arts pg24.
                                             Frome / FREE / 10004

                                             14:00 - 16:30
                                             FROME CHURCHYARDS’
                                             BIO-DIVERSITY TRAIL
                                             Enjoy an afternoon exploring the churchyards of
Scott Mills DJ Set / Event 9014

                                             Frome and looking at the bio-diversity flourishing
                                             within them. Churchyards are among the few
                                             areas unaffected over the centuries by farming
                                             and development, and each provides its own
                                             unique blend of plants and habitats for wild-life.
                                             The trail commences with a short introductory
                                             talk at Holy Trinity churchyard at 2pm and will
                                             continue to Dissenters Cemetery and Christ
                                             Church finishing at St John’s churchyard. Trail

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EVENTS                                                                       SATURDAY 10 JULY                 SUNDAY 11 JULY                           Box Office 01373 455420 //

                                           19:00 - 20:00                                        19:30 - 22:00                                                                                                    14:00 - 15:00
                                           GEOFF ROBB - THE MUSIC OF TREES                      GEORGE EGG’S MOVABLE FEAST                               SUNDAY 11 JULY                                          BEEKEEPING TASTER SESSION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 See Event 4004, pg8.
                                           Join Geoff Robb, winner of the 2018 Brighton         Brand new comedy from the stand-up who cooks
                                           Fringe Live Music Award, as he returns to            on stage. In this show he’s on the road! It’s time for                                                           Frome / £8.00 / Event 11007
                                           Frome for an evening of magical storytelling         Planes, Trains and Automob-meals!                        10:00 - 16:00
                                           & new music. Geoff brings virtuoso acoustic          Merlin Theatre / £15.00 / £12.50 students, People        THE FROME FESTIVAL - 20TH                               14:30 - 16:30
                                           guitar to his show, ‘The Music of Trees’, which      receiving income support / Event 10015                   ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION                                  FROME TOWN WALK
                                           earned him rave reviews at the 2019 Edinburgh                                                                 See Event 2000, pg4.		                                  See Event 4005, pg9.
                                           Fringe. ‘The Music of Trees’ weaves together         19:30 - 20:30                                            Rook Lane Chapel / FREE / Event 11001		                 Frome / £5.00 / Event 11008
                                           tales of our woodland folklore & history with        YOGA TEACHER ATE MY PET!
                                           a suite of new original compositions featuring       One Woman Stand Up Comedy Show. Join stand               10:30 - 17:00                                           14:30 - 16:00
                                           Geoff’s signature blend of classical, jazz, Celtic   up comedian Rose Wadham and the coterie of               THE HIDDEN GARDENS                                      JACKDAWS SONGBIRDS
                                           and Spanish influences, promising to transport       mad people who live in her head as she addresses         Hidden Gardens £5 per person to cover over 30           Nothing’s impossible I have found, for when my
                                           you out into the woods.                              the problem of frustrated yoga teachers, bad             gardens over 3 days from 9-11th July inclusive. See     chin is on the ground I pick myself up, dust myself
                                           The Silk Mill / £10.00 / £9.00 U18s, Universal       mothers, country life, cocktail parties, teenage         Information page 25 for further details.                off, sing all over again! Jackdaws Songbirds and
                                           Credit, Over 65s / Event 10013                       dogs, married sex, schadenfreude, new age                Frome / £5.00 / Event 11002                             special guests fly free for a lucky 7th concert at
                                                                                                healers, art galleries, feet, and why she has the        		                                                      the glorious Christ Church, armed with a sackful
                                           19:00 - 21:00                                        soul of an 85 year old Jewish man.                       11:00 - 17:00                                           of tunes from the soothing to the soul-inspiring,
                                           TUBAS, TROMBONES AND TRIANGLES                       Rook Lane Chapel / £10.00 / Event 10016                  THE FROME OPEN ART TRAIL                                swinging across time and continents to deliver
                                           - THE CONCERT!                                                                                                See Event 3001, pg6, Visual Arts pg24.                  an a cappella feast. Homemade treats and tea on
                                           Inspiring brass musicians from the Royal             20:00 - 22:00                                            Frome / FREE / Event 11003                              sale at half time. Retiring collection for Jackdaws
                                           Academy of Music have collaborated with a            BLACK EYED DOGS - (ETHAN JOHNS, NICK                     		                                                      Educational Trust.
                                           (soon-to-be) Royal College percussionist for an      PINI & GEORGINA LEACH)                                   11:00 - 14:00                                           Christ Church / FREE / Event 11009
                                           evening of surprising arrangements of pieces         We welcome the return of the Black Eyed Dogs for         PICNIC IN THE MEADOW
                                           you may have heard before. In the wonderful          an intimate trio show helmed by one of the fathers       Frome Town Council invite you to a community            14:30 - 16:00
                                           acoustic of Christ Church, this promises to be       of Americana, Ethan Johns. With band members             picnic at Rodden Meadow. Bring your own picnic,         FROME SHORT STORY COMPETITION
                                           a magical evening. They will bring passion and       Nick Pini on bass and Georgina Leach on fiddle.          enjoy the meadow and; depending on COVID                PRIZE-GIVING
                                           enthusiasm as well as beautiful music - as they      This is a trip through space and time via the folk       restrictions; we will put on some free and fun          The annual short story competition attracts
                                           say “after a year of COVID restrictions, we are      roots of new world music. Unplugged and by oil           family activities, and some food and drink vendors      entries from all over the UK and beyond. The
                                           all very excited to be able to perform to people     lamp and candlelight in this lovely acoustic space.      Rodden Meadow / FREE / Event 11004                      competition organisers look forward to welcoming
                                           in real life again, without worrying about our       There will be light refreshments provided during         		                                                      the shortlisted entrants to the ECOS outdoor
                                           neighbours and relatives complaining about           the event included in the ticket price.                  12:00 - 14:00                                           stage, and invite you to come and support them
                                           the noise!” Let’s raise the roof!                    The Tin Church - Brokerswood / £16.00 / £12.00           FLASH FICTION FRENZY                                    as the overall, local and under 21 winners are
                                           Christ Church / £10.00 / £7.00 U18s, students,       U16s / Event 10017                                       Join Frome Writers’ Collective in an open air event     announced. This year’s judge, Frances Liardet,
                                           OAPs, registered disabled, Universal Credit                                                                   celebrating the (very) short story. Both participants   will award the prizes and the winning story will
                                           recipients / Event 10014                             20:00 - 22:30                                            and listeners are invited, and you are welcome to       be read, while Alison Clink will reveal her choice
                                                                                                RAGGEDY MEN                                              bring cushions and a picnic. Please note that while     of local entries. The results of the local Writers in
George Egg’s Movable Feast / Event 10015

                                                                                                The Raggedy Men play classic punk rock from 1976-        the stage will be undercover, the audience area will    Residence Competition will also be announced.
                                                                                                79 - done different. With all the energy and vitality    be open. There will be a maximum of 15 slots for        Bring cushions, plus rainwear if need be.
                                                                                                that gave the scene its style and verve.                 stories, which must be no more than 600 words and       Ecos Outdoor Stage / FREE / Event 11010
                                                                                                Cornerhouse / FREE / Event 10018                         include a given prompt. To book a place, please email
                                                                                                                                                by Sunday June         16:00 - 17:00
                                                                                                20:30 - 23:00                                            27th when your place will be confirmed and you          STORIES FROM THE MISSING GLOBES
                                                                                                41 FORDS                                                 will be given the first line prompt for your story.     A report in 1820 on the old Frome Grammar School
                                                                                                Prepare to be blown away by the energy and talent        Ecos Outdoor Stage / FREE / Event 11005                 (on the site of the Bennett Centre) noted that the
                                                                                                of 41 Fords... punk, but not as we know it!              		                                                      school’s globes had gone missing. Rev’d Colin
                                                                                                The Sun Inn / FREE / Event 10019                         14:00 - 16:00                                           Alsbury takes us on a journey around the globe with
                                                                                                                                                         BRASS IN THE PARK                                       a range of colourful stories from the family of Rev’d
                                                                                                                                                         Brass in the Park - Frome Town Band playing a wide      W M H Williams, Master of the Grammar School
                                                                                                                                                         range of music Please bring your picnics, blankets      from 1819 to 1870 and also Rector of Orchardleigh.
                                                                                                                                                         and listen to your local community Brass Band           Light refreshments will be on sale.
                                                                                                                                                         Victoria Park - Bandstand / FREE / Event 11006          St. John’s Church / FREE / Event 11011

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EVENTS                                                                                                   SUNDAY 11 JULY   VISUAL ARTS & EXHIBITIONS

                                                                                                     Hogweed Pots & Prints, The Frome Open Art Trail
                                              16:00 - 17:00                                                                                                             FROME FESTIVAL AT 20:                                   RE-CONNECTIONS – ST JOHN’S CHURCH
                                              BEEKEEPING TASTER SESSION                                                                                                 A CELEBRATION                                           Floral and visual displays by the people of St John’s
                                              See Event 4004, pg8.                                                                                                      - Celebrating 20 Years of the Frome Festival            Church, in conjunction with Frome Floral Art
                                              Frome / £8.00 / Event 11012                                                                                               A special exhibition to celebrate the 20th              Society. The displays will look at re-connecting
                                              		                                                                                                                        Anniversary of the Frome Festival. Curated by Sue       with our lives after a year like no other. Light
                                              18:00 - 23:00                                                                                                             Bucklow, the exhibition will reflect on the growth      refreshments will be on sale. Donations welcome.
                                              FROME FESTIVAL 2021 @ MARSTON PARK                                                                                        of the Festival from its inception in 2001 to the
                                              See Event 2001, pg4.                                                                                                      mainstay of the Frome calendar that it is now. In       Open: 2 - 11 July 10:00 - 16:00, Sundays 12:00 - 1600.
                                              Marston Park / FREE / Event 11013                                                                                         the words of those who have helped shape it we will     May be closed for special events.
                                              		                                                                                                                        find out the behind-the-scenes stories of some of the   St John’s Church
                                              19:30 - 20:30                                                                                                             most well-loved events. With a wealth of original art
                                              PETRUSHKA AND CARNAVAL: A PIANO                                                                                           work, memorabilia and video footage the exhibition      STILL WEAVING! STILL SPINNING!
                                              RECITAL BY CHARLES WIFFEN                                                                                                 will celebrate some of the incredible projects and      Still Weaving! Still Spinning! Is a celebration of
                                              Charles Wiffen performs music inspired by puppets,                                                                        personalities that have made the Frome Festival so      work undertaken by members of Frome Weavers
                                              lovers and carnivals, including Stravinsky’s                                                                              unique and influenced the cultural life of Frome.       Spinners and Dyers during the past year. Although
                                              celebrated Three Movements from Petrushka,                                                                                Whether you’re a ‘Fromie’ coming to reminisce,          our studio has been closed for much of that time,
                                              Rachmaninov’s transcription of Kreisler’s Liebesleid                                                                      a newbie coming to learn about the town or a            members have been busy on their own projects and
                                              and Schumann’s Carnaval. Celebration, love and                                                                            tourist who’s stumbled into Rook Lane, there’ll be      have come together via Zoom meetings to share
                                              sorrow exist alongside each other; brilliance,         Alexandra Brown, The Frome Open Art Trail                          something there for everyone to enjoy.                  ideas, inspiration and importantly the joy of their
                                              virtuosity, excitement and energy exist alongside                                                                                                                                 craft. This festival we look forward to welcoming
                                              introspection, sadness and tragedy. Charles has                                                                           Exhibition open: 2 - 11 July 10.00-16.00                you to The Old Sunday School to talk about our
                                              performed extensively as a pianist in the UK and                                                                          The Bob Morris Lecture by Martin Bax:                   work, perhaps tempt you into a purchase or two
                                              internationally, including recitals in London’s                                                                           Sunday 4th July 19.30-21.30,                            and to tell you of our plans for the autumn which
                                              Wigmore Hall and Purcell Room and Manchester’s                                                                            Rook Lane Chapel                                        will include welcoming new members and running
                                              Bridgewater Hall. He has also broadcast on BBC                                                                            Sponsored by the Frome Society for Local Study          courses.
                                              Radio 3 and Classic FM.                                                                                                   and Frome Lottery.
                                              Christ Church / £12 / £5 students / Event 11014                                                                                                                                   Open: Both Weekends Sat & Sun 10.00 - 15.00
                                                                                                                                                                        IAN MARLOW                                              The Old Sunday School
                                              19:30 - 22:00                                                                                                             A week-long exhibition of sculpture inspired by
                                              PETE GAGE                                                                                                                 nature and natural forms in the sculptor’s studio

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Re-Connections – St John’s Church
                                              Blues piano, guitar and harmonica. Worked as                                                                              and sculpture garden at Buckland Dinham.
                                              a vocalist with Jet Harrison’s Band in the 60’s,                                                                          Ian Marlow is a member of the Royal Society of
                                              various blues/soul bands, then Dr Feelgood’s                                                                              Sculptors. Entry is free.
                                              vocalist from 1995 to 1999, then from 2000 until
                                              the present time, he continues to work with his                                                                           Open: 3 - 11 July 11.00 - 17.00
                                              own band, The Pete Gage Band and Pete Gage                                                                                Ian Marlow Studio, Buckland Dinham
                                              Blues Trio (piano/bass/guitar).
                                              Cornerhouse / FREE / Event 11015
                                                                                                     Will Gould, The Frome Open Art Trail
Bonne Nouvelle – Marston Park / Event 11013

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