Gorilla Journal Journal of Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe

Page created by Jamie Newton
Journal of Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe
No. 56, June 2018

The Current         Education Efforts    Being a Good        New Population
Whereabouts of      Prevent a Cross      Guest – A Guide     Estimate for
Coco and Pucker     River Gorilla from   for Tourists        Western Lowland
                    Being Killed         Visiting Gorillas   Gorillas

CONTENTS                                    Authors of this Issue                     became conservator for the Mt. Tshia­
                                                                                      berimu sector of the Virunga National
D. R. Congo                             3      Brian Batstone worked with apes        Park and in 2017 the Director of the
Street Lighting in Mwenga Centre        3   in the Cologne zoo from 1973 to 1985.     Itombwe Reserve.
More Rangers Killed in Virunga              He was keeper for ele­phants from 1985       Dr. Fiona (Boo) Maisels has
National Park                           5   to 2012. During his holidays he worked    worked in the Central African forests
Rwanda                                  6   with elephants in Asia. He retired        for the last 30 years as a conservation
Gorillas in our Midst: the Current          in 2014 and is still engaged for the      scientist. She has been in the IUCN
Whereabouts of Coco and Pucker 6            Cologne Zoo as a project assistant at     SSC Primate Specialist Group (PSG)
Memories – Working with Mountain            the Elephant Transit Home Udawalawe,      since 2007 (and on the IUCN SSC
Gorillas in the Cologne Zoo             7   Sri Lanka.                                PSG Great Ape Section Executive
Cross River                             9      Anna Behm Masozera has                 Committee since 2013).
Education Efforts Prevent a Cross           worked for the International Gorilla         Dr. Henry Pihlström is a researcher
River Gorilla from Being Killed         9   Conservation Programme since 2010,        and lecturer at the Faculty of Biological
Gorillas                               11   currently as the programme’s director.    and Environmental Sciences, Uni­
New Virunga Gorilla Number             11   She holds a Master of Science degree      versity of Helsinki, Finland. Among his
Being a Good Guest – A Guide for            from the University of Florida’s School   research interests are the taxonomy,
Tourists Visiting Gorillas             11   of Forest Resources and Conservation.     anatomy and biogeography of mam­
Certified Gorilla FriendlyTM – Gorilla         Andrew Dunn is Project Manager         mals, including primates.
Tourism as a Conservation Tool         14   for the WCS biodiversity research pro­       Dr. Martha Robbins, a research
New Global Population Estimate for          gram in southeastern Nigeria, having      associate at the Max Planck Institute
Western Lowland Gorillas               18   taken up his appointment in March         for Evolutionary Anthropology, has
Reading                                20   2004.                                     been studying the behavioural ecology
Berggorilla & Regenwald                        Janne Granroth, Senior Museum          of gorillas since 1990. Since 1998, she
Direkthilfe                            21   Technician at the Finnish Museum          has been studying the mountain gorillas
Impressions from our Members’               of Natural History, maintains the ver­    in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park,
Meeting in Nuremberg Zoo               21   tebrate collections at the Zoological     since 2005 she has been working with
Finances                               22   Museum in Helsinki. During the last       the gorillas in Loango.
Impressions from the Species Con­           couple of years he has participated in       Dr. Samantha Strindberg has
servation Day in the Stuttgart Zoo 23       taxonomic review and restoration of old   worked as a quantitative conservation
                                            mammal and bird specimens.                scientist in the Global Conservation
                                               Dr. Inaoyom Imong is the Director      Program of the Wildlife Conservation
                                            of the Cross River Landscape Project      Society (WCS) since 2001. She provides
Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018               of WCS Nigeria. He has been involved      statistical design, field implementation,
Editor: Dr. Angela Meder                    in Cross River gorilla conservation       and analysis assistance to WCS staff
Augustenstr. 122, 70197 Stuttgart,          since 2004.                               world-wide.
Germany                                        Jean Claude Kyungu Kasolene               Dr. Iris Weiche started her work with
E-mail meder@berggorilla.org                headed the Tayna Gorilla Reserve,         primates in 1990. For her dissertation
Translation and Proofreading: Ann           the Walikale Community Gorilla Re­        she studied female gorillas in zoos.
DeVoy, Bettina and Andrew Grieser           serve and was Project Manager for         Since 1994 she has been active for
Johns                                       the Tshiaberimu Gorilla Project for       B&RD, and from 1997 to 2002 she was
Cover: Kamaya, Loango National              The Gorilla Organization. In 2008 he      a member of the Board of Directors.
Park, Gabon                                                                           Currently she is lecturing at the Uni­
Photo: Martha Robbins                       Organization Address:                     versity of Tübingen and involved in zoo
                                            Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe       research, especially on gorillas.
Bank Account:                               c/o Burkhard Broecker                        Dr. Liz Williamson is a Research
IBAN DE06 3625 0000 0353 3443 15            Juedenweg 3                               Fellow at the University of Stirling and
BIC SPMHDE3E                                33161 Hoevelhof, Germany                  the IUCN Red List Authority Coordinator
Switzerland:                                E-mail broecker@berggorilla.org           for great ape taxa. She began fieldwork
IBAN CH90 0900 0000 4046 1685 7             Website:                                  on apes in 1982 and is a former director
BIC POFICHBEXXX                             http://www.berggorilla.org                of the Karisoke Research Centre.

2 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

First Phase of Street                      against poverty of populations adjacent
                                                                                         Parc National
                                           to protected areas but not actively par­
Lighting in Mwenga                         ticipating in the management of these
                                                                                         de Kahuzi-Biega
Centre                                     protected areas, and thus not deriv­                        Bukavu
                                           ing legitimate advantages and benefits
The Democratic Republic of the Congo       from them.                                         Mwenga
teems with important natural and               Furthermore, the legislation had                            Mt. Mohi       BURUNDI
                                                                                                           (3464 m)
biological resources. As they are so       nothing to say concerning the respon­
important for growth, development,         sibilities of neighbouring populations –                               Uvira   Bujumbura
the fight against poverty and climate      and indeed of all the stakeholders, both           Réserve Naturelle
regulation, strategies and effective       public and private – to participate in the         d’Itombwe
rules for the conservation of these        planning process, nor in regard to na­
resources need to be put in place.         tional policies to implement conserva­                      Itombwe
   In fact, nature conservation was reg­   tion and sustainable use of biodiversi­                     Massif Baraka
ulated long ago through Decree no. 69-     ty, and neither did it say anything about
041 of 22 August 1969. However, the        the practical modalities of the consulta­
                                                                                           D. R.               Fizi
implementation of this law turned out      tion process.
                                                                                           CONGO                            TAN-
to be difficult as appropriate implemen­       In fact, Decree no. 69-041, of 22
tation measures had not been planned       August 1969, was unsuitable as na­                                               ZANIA
which would take into consideration        ture conservation legislation. A new                                             Kigoma
new challenges to sustainable devel­       Decree, no. 014/003, of 11 February                                  Boko
opment. Key among these is the fight       2014, on nature conservation, com­
                                           bined with the ICCN’s (Congolese Insti­       The Itombwe Reserve in South Kivu
                                           tute for Nature Conservation) national        and the town Mwenga
                                           strategy for community conservation,                          Map: Angela Meder
                                           have brought about several major in­
                                           novations, among them APA (Areas of             lights along the main road, based on
                                           Indigenous Heritage) which benefit lo­          the APA principle, which is stipulated
                                           cal communities.                                not only by the CBD (Convention
                                               The managers of Itombwe Nature              on Biological Diversity) but also by
                                           Reserve (INR) in partnership with the           the NSCB (National Strategy for the
                                           organisation “les SAGES” and with fi­           Conservation of Biodiversity);
                                           nancial support from their partner Berg­      – to mitigate the insecurity caused by
                                           gorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe were            a lack of lighting;
                                           pleased to be able to finance and im­         – to demonstrate to the population
                                           plement an electrification project in se­       the merit of protecting the natural
                                           lected public places in important cen­          resources of the IRN in general and
                                           tres adjacent to the INR. Putting theo­         the gorillas in particular;
                                           ry into practice, the first electrification   – to help the population develop trust
                                           phase was launched by the Mwenga                in the IRN such that the community
                                           Territory Administrator on 12 January           will participate in the conservation of
                                           2018 in the presence of all the relevant        the reserve’s natural resources.
                                           state services and tribal chiefs, in front
                                           of a crowd that was happy to receive            Results:
                                           this gift from the ICCN/IRN and its part­
                                           ner organisation Berggorilla. This is an      – The trust between the IRN and the
                                           innovative project for Mwenga Centre.           neighbouring population has been
                                               The objectives:                             strengthened.
One of the street lights during the                                                      – The population joins in the
ceremony                                   – to contribute to the development of           participatory conservation of the
                     Photo: ICCN RNI         Mwenga Centre by providing street             IRN.

                                                                                               3 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

– The APA principle and its application      who had arrived for the occasion. All        forts. Only two months after their arriv­
  in favour of the people living in the      the words and speeches expressed joy         al, they have already made the ICCN
  neighbourhood of the IRN replace           and satisfaction with the support given      very visible. Building on the public elec­
  that of exclusive conservation.            by the ICCN/IRN and its financial part­      trification event, which has just been
– The population understands the             ner Berggorilla, which has allowed the       implemented, his association has now
  merit of protecting the natural            accomplishment of this first phase of        become involved in the sensitization of
  resources of the IRN in general and        providing Mwenga Centre with electric­       the people living adjacent to the IRN in
  the gorillas in particular.                ity. Highlights of the speeches are as       the Mwenga Territory.
                                             follows:                                         The Director of the IRN first intro­
This report gives an account of the              The Chief of Mwenga Centre               duced his team to the people, then
ceremony for the launch of the pilot         could not hide his sense of achieve­         explained the origin of the project. In
project for public electrification and its   ment about these electrical installa­        his speech, he showed that the pro­
official presentation to the population      tions. He offered his warmest thanks         ject originated through a meeting with
and the completion of the first phase.       to the ICCN/IRN for the electrification,     SAGES. During this meeting, the as­
Six electricity poles have been installed    the first in the history of Mwenga, and      sociation had presented a tortoise that
in a parking place in Mwenga Centre.         saluted the approach of the SAGES            had been found and was then put back
The street lighting will benefit the         association in supporting this initiative.   into the forest. The association ex­
population of Mwenga Centre. The             He promised that the population would        pressed its wish to collaborate with the
activity was implemented as part of the      get involved in the sustainable conser­      IRN in sensitization. Within this con­
community conservation programme.            vation of the IRN.                           text, the demand for public electrifica­
   The public ceremony, which was                After introducing all the associa­       tion was mentioned and the IRN direc­
held on 12 January 2018, was facili­         tion’s members including all the lead­       tor passed it on to Berggorilla & Regen­
tated by the local chief/community con­      ers and prominent citizens of the area,      wald Direkthilfe, whose response was
servation officer John Baliwa. Several       his association’s aims and activities,       favourable and who thus also needed
personalities offered a few appropriate      the President of the Mwenga ­SAGES           to be thanked. In addition, he informed
words in front of a large crowd consist­     association thanked the new IRN              the audience that the street lights are
ing of the local population and others       management team and lauded their ef­         a gift from the IRN in order to protect
                                                                                          the gorillas. In this sense, if the people
                                                                                          commit to conservation, they will ben­
                                                                                          efit from the IRN.
                                                                                              Finally, the director of the IRN
                                                                                          thanked the administrator of the terri­
                                                                                          tory, the representatives of the chiefs of
                                                                                          Basile and Wamuzimu chieftains, the
                                                                                          members of the security council, the
                                                                                          partner organisations WWF and Afri­
                                                                                          capacity, the priests, the doctors, the
                                                                                          Mwenga office of the public prosecu­
                                                                                          tor and the local notability for having
                                                                                          agreed to support the IRN and for grac­
                                                                                          ing the ceremony with their presence.
                                                                                              The partner organisation Africa-
                                                                                          pacity expressed its satisfaction about
                                                                                          such an initiative: lighting up the park­
                                                                                          ing places not only helps the local peo­
                                                                                          ple but also travellers who are passing
During the ceremony: from left to right, the representative of the Mwami of                   The partner organisation WWF
Basile, the Administrator and his wife, and the Director of the IRN. Behind               hoped that the population will use this
them are the partner organisations WWF and Africapacity.                                  model initiative to become more in­
                                                             Photo: ICCN RNI              volved in the conservation of the IRN.

4 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

As far as WWF is concerned, the new            which is the centre of all socio-eco­
IRN team should be supported in its            nomic activities of Mwenga, and where
work, as its arrival has given impetus to      cases of insecurity have been regis­
the WWF’s community activities which           tered at night. The population in gen­
have been going on in the area for a           eral – and female sellers in particular –
while.                                         were pleased and relieved as the pub­
    The representative of the Mwami            lic lighting guarantees them a minimum
of the Basile chieftain said it was an         of security during their nightly sales ac­
honour to see the main road of his area        tivities. As a result, the population has    Distribution of gorilla traces in the
provided with electricity, which is a first.   promised to make the installations their     Itombwe Reserve, sector Muku­ngu­
    The Mwenga Territory Administra-           own and to protect them.                     zi, noticed during the patrols in
tor, after having closed the series of                             Jean Claude Kyungu       January to March 2018 (at the top of
speeches, called on the population to                                                       the map, in the middle)
protect the new installations like rea­                                                                            Map: ICCN RNI
sonable people. Just having light in the
night will reduce insecurity. With these
words, the speaker made the case that
this initiative is the beginning of the
development of Mwenga Centre. This
initiative constitutes the first phase of
electrification of the localities border­
ing the IRN.
    After his speech, the Administrator
proceeded to the official launch of the
                                                  More Rangers Killed in Virunga National Park
first phase of the provision of electric­         During a rebel attack on 9 April 2018, five rangers and a driver were killed.
ity by cutting a symbolic ribbon and              Another ranger was wounded. The team was ambushed while driving
by turning on the first pilot lamp by re­         through the central sector of the park near Lake Edward between Lulimbi
mote control while waiting for the time           and Ishasha, close to the border to Uganda. The men who died were
of the automatic lighting of the lamps            between 22 and 30 years old. Although it is not clear which one of the
(6.30 pm) to arrive for the other lamps           many rebel groups ranging in the park is responsible for the attack, officials
to light up. At the sight of the light be­        believe that it was a Mai-Mai group.
ing turned on, the population could not              This was not the first attack to Virunga National Park staff in April: on
hide its satisfaction – crying out and ap­        1 April, a ranger was killed by armed men when he and his colleagues were
plauding when they saw a dream come               on a routine patrol in the central sector.
true. And with this outpouring, the cer­             Including these most recent cases, the number of Virunga National Park
emony ended with a cocktail offered by            employees who have died during their work for the park has risen to 175
the SAGES association.                            within the last 20 years.
    The purchase price on the mar­
ket was high, which meant that not all            On 11 May 2018, a ranger was killed again and 3 persons were abducted
the material that was planned could               by armed attackers – the driver of the vehicle and two British tourists. They
be bought. Instead of buying 10 poles,            were driving from Kibumba to Goma after having visited the mountain go­
only 6 could be bought due to budget­             rillas in the park when they were ambushed. Two days later the kidnappers
ary constraints. Apart from these con­            released their hostages in the national park.
straints and other logistical hazards,                The ranger Rachel Masika Baraka, who died after her critical injury
both technical and financial, it must             during the attack, was only 25 years old. She was one of 26 women who
be noted that all activities were imple­          worked as rangers for the Virunga National Park.
mented as reported above.                             Tourism was halted in Virunga National Park after this incident to impro­
    However, there is notable success             ve the security of park personnel and visitors.
in that we have succeeded in provid­                         Summary of several blog entries of the Virunga National Park and
ing street lighting to a part of Mwenga’s                                                                          other media
main road, particularly to the carpark,

                                                                                                 5 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

Gorillas in our Midst: the                 gorillas would not fare well in a Euro­          Coco and Pucker’s earliest days in
                                           pean zoo. Nevertheless, Fossey volun­         captivity have been recounted both
Current Whereabouts of                     teered to nurse both Coco and Pucker          by Fossey herself (1970, 1983) and
Coco and Pucker                            to health after their capture, in order to    by others (e.g., Mowat 1987). Rather
                                           increase their chances of surviving the       less has been published about Coco
Dian Fossey’s famous book Gorillas         trip to Germany. In Fossey’s care, both       and Pucker’s later life, but the fact that
in the Mist (1983) contains several        Coco and Pucker did indeed rapidly re­        they did indeed end up in Cologne Zoo
memorable episodes from her years          gain their strength.                          is widely known. However, what hap­
of studying the mountain gorillas in           In May 1969, Coco and Pucker ar­          pened to these two gorillas after their
the Virunga Mountains. One of them is      rived in Cologne Zoo, where they would        deaths has received little attention, at
the story of Coco and Pucker, the two      live for nine years. Originally, it was be­   least in print.
juvenile females which were captured       lieved that Coco was male and the zoo            Originally, Coco and Pucker ended
from the wild and destined for the         thought that it had received a potential      up as specimens in the collections of
Cologne Zoo, (West) Germany.               breeding couple. However, a chromo­           the Alexander Koenig Research Muse­
   The capture of Coco and Pucker in       some test in the early 1970s showed           um (or the Zoologisches Forschungs­
1969 was sanctioned by the Rwandan         that both gorillas were females (Hen­         museum Alexander Koenig, ZFMK)
government. Fossey, however, strong­       ning 1974). In 1978, Coco and Puck­           in Bonn, Germany (R. Hutterer, per­
ly disapproved of the affair, especially   er suddenly succumbed to bacterial in­        sonal communication). At the time of
when she subsequently learned that         fection within a few months from each         Coco’s death, the possibility that her
in order to capture these young goril­     other. Coco died on April 5, 1978, and        skin should be preserved as a museum
las, the hunters who were assigned for     Pucker on June 6 in the same year. An         specimen was apparently not consid­
this task apparently killed all the oth­   autopsy was performed on both ani­            ered. During the autopsy, Coco’s head,
er members of both Coco’s and Puck­        mals; it was found that Coco and Puck­        including the skin, was detached from
er’s respective family groups (Fossey      er suffered from congenital immune            the rest of the body, thus making the
1983). She also feared that mountain       system defects (Krüger 1979).                 skin unusable for taxidermy purposes.
                                                                                         Pucker’s skin, however, was kept intact
                                                                                         after her death.
                                                                                            The ZFMK had traditionnally close
                                                                                         institutional ties with the Finnish Muse­
                                                                                         um of Natural History (FMNH) in Hel­
                                                                                         sinki, Finland. These two museums
                                                                                         exchanged zoological specimens on
                                                                                         several occasions in the early 1980s.
                                                                                         It was as a result of one such speci­
                                                                                         men exchange that Coco and Puck­
                                                                                         er’s remains eventually ended up in
                                                                                         the FMNH. Pucker’s skin was made
                                                                                         into a taxidermy specimen and she has
                                                                                         been on public display in the FMNH
                                                                                         since 1985.
                                                                                            In the FMNH, Pucker has been
                                                                                         placed in a diorama with a Virunga
                                                                                         Mountains setting, positioned on a slop­
                                                                                         ing, moss-covered tree trunk. Pucker is
                                                                                         mounted in a quadrupedal pose which
                                                                                         is similar to that of a mountain gorilla in
                                                                                         one of Robert Campbell’s photographs,
                                                                                         originally published in the National Ge­
                                                                                         ographic magazine (Fossey 1971, pp.
Pucker in her diorama setting in the FMNH                                                574–575). Pucker’s skull and virtually
                                                            Photo: Janne Granroth        complete skeleton are not on display;

6 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

                                                                                            We thank Risto Väinölä and Martti Hildén at the
                                                                                            Finnish Museum of Natural History LUOMUS
                                                                                            for providing us with access to specimens in
                                                                                            their care, Rainer Hutterer, Eva Bärmann, and
                                                                                            Erik Weckman for providing us with valuable
                                                                                            information, and Jeroen Stevens and Sonja
                                                                                            Koski for help with the literature.

                                                                                            Fossey, D. (1970): Making friends with
                                                                                            mountain gorillas. National Geographic 137
                                                                                            (January), 48–67
                                                                                            Fossey, D. (1971): More years with the
                                                                                            mountain gorillas. National Geographic 138
                                                                                            (October), 574–585
                                                                                            Fossey, D. (1983): Gorillas in the Mist.
                                                                                            Houghton Mifflin Company
                                                                                            Henning, G. A. (1974): Olympiatest für Gorillas.
                                                                                            Die Zeit, 19. April
                                                                                            Krüger, G. R. F. (1979): Coco und Pucker, die
                                                                                            Berggorillas (Gorilla g. beringei) des Kölner
                                                                                            Zoo – ein Epilog. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoo
                                                                                            22 (3), 95–99
                                                                                            Mowat, F. (1988): Woman in the Mist: The
                                                                                            Story of Dian Fossey and the Mountain Gorillas
                                                                                            of Africa. Macdonald, London & Sydney
                                                                                            Smith, B. H. et al. (1994): The age of eruption
                                                                                            of primate teeth: a compendium for aging
                                                                                            individuals and comparing life histories.
                                                                                            American Journal of Physical Anthropology
                                                                                            37, 177–231
                                                                                            Thompson, N. E. & Almécija, S. (2017): The
                                                                                            evolution of vertebral formulae in Hominoidea.
                                                                                            Journal of Human Evolution 110, 18–36
                                                                                            Williams, S. A. (2011): Variation in anthropoid
                                                                                            vertebral formulae: implications for homology
Pucker’s skull                                                                              and homoplasy in hominoid evolution. Journal
                                                                Photo: Janne Granroth       of Experimental Zoology (Molecular and
                                                                                            Developmental Evolution) 318, 134–147
they are part of the FMNH’s research           tain gorilla vertebral formula (Williams
collection (where they have been giv­          2011, Thompson & Almécija 2017).
en collection number UN 1416). Coco’s          Coco’s vertebral column is incomplete.
                                                                                            Memories – Working with
skull and the skin of the head are un­         The first cervical vertebra (the atlas) is   Two Mountain Gorillas in
fortunately missing, and are presumed          missing, and while there are 13 thorac­      the Cologne Zoo
lost. However, most of her postcranial         ic vertebrae, only two lumbar vertebrae
bones (collection number UN 2718) as           and no sacral or cervical vertebrae are      The two mountain gorillas from the
well as the rest of the skin (UN 1720)         preserved.                                   Virunga Mountains in Rwanda, Coco
are preserved.                                     Coco and Pucker have ended up far        and Pucker, arrived in the Cologne Zoo
    Pucker’s skull is in fairly typical con­   away from their native Rwanda. Their         in May 1969. At that time it was a very
dition for a female gorilla of her age,        lifespans were, sadly, not as long as        controversial theme worldwide. Coco
which was estimated to have been cir­          they ideally should have been, and           and Pucker were a present from the
ca 13 years at the time of her death           neither one of them ever had any off­        Rwandan government to the mayor of
(Krüger 1979). All permanent teeth are         spring. However, their earthly remains       Cologne, Theo Burauen. The Cologne
in place, with the exception of the man­       are, at least for the most part, pre­        Zoo was the only zoo in the world at
dibular third molars which were still          served for posterity. Thus Coco and          that time to display mountain gorillas.
erupting (cf. Smith et al. 1994). Puck­        Pucker still serve as silent ambassa­        They were given as a pair to breed,
er has, in addition to 7 cervical verte­       dors for their endangered species, long      unfortunately they turned out to be two
brae, 13 thoracic, 3 lumbar, and 6 sa­         after their deaths.                          females.
cral vertebrae, i.e., the typical moun­           Henry Pihlström and Janne Granroth           I was fortunate to work as a keep­

                                                                                                   7 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

er with Coco and Pucker from 1973 to        cold or diarrhoea but nothing serious.
1978. During the summer I took them         In March 1978 Pucker showed signs
out for walks. I remember they loved to     of discomfort and did not have an ap­
climb the beech tree opposite the zoo       petite. In spite of the consultation of a
director’s house. On top of the tree they   paediatrician and immediate treatment
built themselves sleeping nests. Every      she died a few days later. Coco had
time I pass this tree during my walks       the same symptoms and died sever­
through the zoo today, I think of Coco      al weeks later (on 1 June). They both
and Pucker. They were very playful.         died of a bacterial infection. The post
   Gorillas prefer varied diets and have    mortem results showed symptoms of a
individual preferences for food. Since      defect in the immune systems (heredi­
we did not have the same food as in         tary or acquired) of both mountain go­
the wild, we supplemented their food        rillas which might have been the rea­
with celery, onions, broccoli, other veg­   son why the treatment with antibiotics
etables, bamboo shoots and wheat            etc. failed.
sprouts. Celery, both sticks and root,          I remember Coco and Pucker as
and fresh spinach leaves were their fa­     very gentle apes and it was great fun       Pucker in Cologne Zoo
vourite food.                               to work with them.
   Coco and Pucker had an occasional                                  Brian Batstone

Brian Batstone with Coco

8 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

Education Efforts Prevent                           vi­
                                                      sion of the Cross River National
a Critically Endangered                             Park.                                              Population
                                                        Researchers believe the gorilla is a
“Blackback” Cross River                             “blackback” – a young male that has
Gorilla from Being Killed                           recently left its family group to start            In western gorillas and Grauer’s
                                                    its own. Gorillas normally live in small           gorillas, male emigration is
In November 2017, Wildlife Conserva­                groups composed of a large domi­                   common, while among mountain
tion Society (WCS) received a report of             nant male known as a silverback to­                gorillas less than 50 % of the
a lone male Cross River gorilla sighted             gether with three to four females and              males emigrate. In the Virunga
near two Nigerian villages (Ofambe                  their young. When these young goril­               mountains, in Bwindi and Bai
and Okiro), miles from the nearest                  las mature, they leave to join another             Hokou, a large percentage of the
protected area. Fewer than 300 Cross                gorilla group. Each blackback gorilla              groups includes more than one
River gorillas remain in the wild in                must roam the forest in search of a                adult male.
Nigeria and Cameroon and are rarely                 mate. These wanderings are very im­                   Solitary males make up 5
seen. They avoid humans by living                   portant for the long-term survival of the          to 10 % of the western lowland
on the steepest, most inaccessible                  species, allowing for the exchange of              gorilla populations. Among east­
mountain slopes.                                    genes between groups.                              ern gorillas, the percentage
   News of this gorilla sighted close                   This gorilla is believed to have been          seems to be lower: up to 3.5 %
to the villages, several miles outside              making an attempt to migrate from                  in Kahuzi-Biega and 1.8–4.0 %
of Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary                  the AMWS to the Mbe Mountains, the                 in mountain gorillas.
– the nearest gorilla stronghold – was              nearest Cross River gorilla site. So
therefore surprising. In Nigeria, gorillas          far away from the sanctuary (see fig­
occur at three sites – the Afi Mountain             ure next page) and without the protec­          ing killed by villagers for bushmeat or
Wildlife Sanctuary (AMWS), the Mbe                  tion offered by ranger patrols within the       as reprisal for perceived threat to peo­
Mountains, and the Okwangwo Di­                     sanctuary, he faced serious risk of be­         ple and crops on farms. Fortunately
                                                                                                    however, rather than attacking and kill­
                                                                                                    ing this young, adventurous gorilla, the
                                            Anape                            protected area
                              Butatong                                                              villagers tolerated its presence so close
                                                        Akwaya               gorilla distribution   to their communities and reported its
    Afi Mountain                                                                                    presence to the Cross River State For­
                                                                             national border
    Wildlife       Okwangwo                                                                         estry Commission (CRSFC), which
    Sanctuary    Mbe                                                                                manages the sanctuary, and WCS staff
                 Mountains                                                                          at Afi. In December 2017, WCS staff
  Afi River         Cross River            Takamanda
  Forest Reserve                           National
                                                            Mbulu Forest
                                                                           CAMEROON                 and CRSFC rangers found a fresh trail
                    Park                   Park                                                     heading back into the sanctuary – the
                                                    Basho                                           last sign of the animal seen outside
                                                                     Kagwene                        the sanctuary and indication that it had
                                                                     Gorilla Sanctuary              safely returned back to the sanctuary.
                        Takamanda                                                                   The attitude and behaviour of the vil­
  NIGERIA                                    Mon                                                    lagers towards this gorilla is commend­
                                                                                                    able, a possible indication of the suc­
                        (Cr                         Mone River                                      cess of WCS’ long-standing education
                                ) Ri
                                    ver             Forest Reserve                                  program.
                                                                                                        Although protected by law in Nige­
                                   Mamfe                                                            ria and Cameroon, Cross River goril­
                                                                                                    las are still occasionally hunted and
                                                                     Tofala Hills                   they are particularly vulnerable to hunt­
                                                                     Wildlife Sanctuary             ing outside protected areas where
                                                                                                    they are not protected by ranger pa­
Distribution of the Cross River gorilla in Nigeria and Cameroon                                     trols. WCS works to save Cross Riv­
                       Map: Angela Meder, with information from Richard Bergl                       er gorillas through support for protect­

                                                                                                          9 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

                                             terials such as T-shirts, caps and note­
                                             books are produced and distributed
                                             as souvenirs in the local communities
                                             and schools to encourage people to
                                             take pride in Cross River gorillas as
                                             their natural heritage. Thanks to this
                                             increased awareness, and two enlight­
                                             ened village chiefs in Ofambe (Chief
                                             Julius Ochui) and Okiro (Chief Augus­
                                             tine Bitte), the presence of this gorilla
                                             so close to their villages was tolerated.
                                                However, more needs to be done
                                             to protect gorillas outside protected ar­
                                             eas. With funding support from Berg­
                                             gorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe, WCS
                                             recently launched a “Gorilla Guardi­
                                             an” project at Afi, working with the sur­
                                             rounding communities to monitor and
                                             protect Cross River gorillas outside the    Interview session for My Gorilla –
                                             sanctuary. A similar project is imple­      My Community with Hon. Abu­bakar
Locations where signs of the gorilla         mented by WCS in Cameroon.                  Ewa, Executive Chairman of the
were observed outside the AMWS                    Inaoyom Imong and Andrew Dunn          Boki Local Government Area
                Map: WCS Nigeraia                                                                         Photo: WCS Nigeria

ed area management and wildlife law
enforcement, community-based gorilla
protection, research, sustainable live­
lihood development and conservation
education. WCS has been implement­
ing an education and awareness pro­
gram in the Cross River gorilla land­
scape since 2002, reaching over 100
villages and 80 schools in Nigeria and
Cameroon. Activities implemented in­
clude community meetings, great ape
film shows, field trips for conservation
clubs, schools visits, and a radio pro­
gram called My Gorilla – My Commu­
nity. The My Gorilla – My Community
program is a weekly radio magazine
program that combines entertain­
ment and education to influence atti­
tude and behaviour change. The pro­
gram includes a drama segment and
an interview segment which provides
a platform for listeners to interact with
conservation experts and local politi­
cians, and promotes adoption of sus­
tainable livelihood activities that reduce
pressure on the gorillas and the for­        Recording a scene of the drama for My Gorilla – My Community
est. Cross River gorilla campaign ma­                                                              Photo: WCS Nigeria

10 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

New Virunga Gorilla                          600

Number                                       500
A survey in 2015–2016 documented             300
604 mountain gorillas in the trans­
boundary Virunga Massif, one of the
two areas where this gorilla subspecies      100
is found. This is the largest number
of Virunga gorillas ever record­     ed –    1971-73   1976-78   1981    1986 1989                       2003         2010    2015/16
124 individuals more than during the
previous census (in 2010)! When com­         Virunga gorilla census results
bined with the published figure of 400                                                                     Drawing: Angela Meder
gorillas from Bwindi Impenetrable Na­
tional Park, Uganda, as of 2011, an          the Uganda Wildlife Authority, respec­        ity to these national parks who co-exist
estimated 1,004 mountain gorillas ex­        tively) under the transboundary frame­        with mountain gorillas and contribute to
isted in the wild as of June 2016.           work of the Greater Virunga Trans­            conservation efforts.
    In the area encompassing the Mike­       boundary Collaboration, and supported             The two populations of mountain go­
no Sector of Virunga National Park in        by many partners and various donors.          rillas remain small and vulnerable to a
the Democratic Republic of the Congo,           The increase in mountain gorillas in­      potential rapid decline due to factors
Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda,           habiting the Virunga Massif is attrib­        such as their limited habitat, climate
and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in        uted to the effectiveness of conserva­        change, dependency on resources in
Uganda, the 604 gorillas were found          tion policies, strategies, notably reg­       the park by people, and the risk of dis­
in 41 groups and as 14 solitary males.       ulated tourism, daily protection and          ease transmission. The Greater Virun­
Survey teams walked pre-determined           veterinary interventions, intensive law       ga Transboundary Collaboration calls
“recces” (reconnaissance trails) ensur­      enforcement, community conservation           upon all conservation institutions and
ing a thorough coverage of all forest        projects, and transboundary collabo­          organizations and in fact all individu­
areas to sweep the area and search           ration among government institutions          als, to join efforts to conserve moun­
for signs of gorillas, other key mam­        and NGO actors. Further, these results        tain gorillas and their habitat for future
mals, and illegal activities. When fresh     are a testament to the tireless effort of     generations.
gorilla signs were detected, the teams       the rangers and trackers who daily pro­           Source: press release of the Greater
followed the gorilla trail to locate three   tect and monitor mountain gorillas and          Virunga Transboundary Collaboration
recent night nest sites. At each of these    their habitat, including those that have
nest sites, the teams collected fecal        been killed in the line of duty. It is also
samples from nests.                          important to recognize the role of the        Being a Good Guest – A
    However, during this past census         communities that live in close proxim­        Guide for Tourists Visiting
in 2015–2016, the survey effort was                                                        Gorillas
doubled by sweeping the Virunga Mas­
sif twice; first from October to Decem­                                                    As with many types of wildlife tourism,
ber 2015 (57 days) and second from                                                         viewing gorillas has grown in popularity
March to May 2016 (59 days). A sec­                                                        since the 1980s. Currently tourists
ond sweep allows to find gorillas that                                                     can visit more than 20 gorilla groups
were undetected during the first sweep                                                     in the Virunga Massif and another
and thus provides more reliable num­                                                       14 in Bwindi Impenetrable National
bers of gorillas. Fecal samples were                                                       Park, Uganda. Approximately 50,000
analyzed genetically to determine indi­                                                    tourists visit mountain gorillas each
vidual genotypes.                                                                          year. Tourists can also visit Grauer’s
    The survey was conducted by the                                                        gorillas in Kahuzi-Biega National Park,
Protected Area Authorities of DRC,                                                         Democratic Republic of the Congo as
Rwanda, and Uganda (l’Institut Congo­        A young Virunga gorilla on the                well as see habituated western gorillas
lais pour la Conservation de la Nature,      mother’s back                                 at four sites (Bai Hokou in Central
the Rwanda Development Board and                           Photo: Martha Robbins           African Republic, Mondika and Odzala

                                                                                                11 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

                                                                                           tivities of a gorilla family. I also enjoy
                                                                                           talking with tourists about their experi­
                                                                                           ences and sharing the world of gorillas
                                                                                           with them. I view being with the goril­
                                                                                           las the same way as being a guest in
                                                                                           someone’s house, or in this case, for­
                                                                                           est. As a guest, I treat the hosts with
                                                                                           respect and behave in a polite manner.
                                                                                           If guests behave in an inappropriate
                                                                                           way, they are likely to offend the hosts,
                                                                                           cause them stress, or in the worst case
                                                                                           threaten their safety.
                                                                                               What are the “house rules” for vis­
                                                                                           iting gorillas and why do these rules
                                                                                           exist? When conservationists devel­
                                                                                           oped gorilla tourism in Rwanda in the
                                                                                           1980s, they realized that if it were to
                                                                                           succeed as a conservation strategy, it
                                                                                           would need to be regulated (Weber &
                                                                                           Vedder 2001). The rules are in place
                                                                                           primarily to minimize disturbance to
Tourists with Mukiza, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park                                    the gorillas, reduce the risk of disease
                                                    Photo: Martha Robbins                  transmission from humans to the go­
                                                                                           rillas, and provide a safe, high quality
in Republic of Congo, and Loango              able to get a close view into the lives of   experience for tourists (Macfie & Wil­
National Park, Gabon).                        some gorillas because they have been         liamson 2010). People visiting the go­
   With little doubt, tourism has been        habituated. Habituation, or when the         rillas will hear these rules a few times
beneficial for gorilla conservation. The      gorillas grow accustomed to humans           and the majority of visitors are inter­
permit fees provide millions of dollars in    being in close proximity, is a form of       ested in protecting the gorillas. None­
revenue for the park services and as­         trust between the gorillas and us. They      theless, it is valuable to spend some
sociated tourism businesses. Routine          learn to expect us to act in a certain       time thinking about the justification for
monitoring of the habituated groups           way and in return, they will permit us       the rules. Furthermore, putting your­
provides increased protection of those        to be nearby.                                self in the “shoes” of the gorillas – our
gorillas and enables veterinarians to             Therefore, in the excitement of a        hosts – may help you remember what
treat habituated gorillas. This greater       unique encounter with habituated go­         the rules are and provide a more mean­
protection of habituated gorillas is be­      rillas, we should also not forget that       ingful experience. The guidelines have
lieved to be partially responsible for the    like most things in life there are guide­    changed little over the years:
large increase in the number of moun­         lines to be followed. The rules for go­
tain gorillas in the Virunga Massif since     rilla tourism are in place essentially as    1) A maximum of 8 visitors to each
the mid-1980s (Robbins et al. 2011).          a means to maintain the trust of the            group of mountain gorillas (or 4 for
However, tourism can also be a threat         gorillas as well as protect them from           most western gorilla sites). This is
to the gorillas if not properly managed.      too much disturbance. These rules ex­           in place to minimize the amount
   Seeing gorillas in the wild is a dream     ist not only to ensure the safety of visi­      of disturbance to the gorillas and
of many people and is an unforgetta­          tors but also to attain the main goal of        to ensure that all tourists can get
ble wildlife experience. It is very differ­   gorilla tourism: the conservation of the        a good view of the gorillas. We all
ent from observing wildlife from a ve­        gorillas.                                       know the difference between having
hicle on a game drive, because there              There is something very special             a few friends visit versus hosting a
is nothing except some forest vegeta­         about being embedded with a gorilla             party. When visiting the gorillas, it
tion between the gorillas and us. This        group. Even after studying gorillas for         should be an intimate visit, not a
makes it an incredible event but also         nearly 30 years, I still enjoy the priv­        large party. The gorillas are aware
brings in different challenges. We are        ilege of watching the day-to-day ac­            that there are different visitors every

12 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

     day, but the more people they need            also become stressed or agitated if          If a gorilla screams or charges at
     to keep track of, the more stress and         humans are too close. The closer             visitors, it is because the humans
     disturbance it is for them.                   humans get to the gorillas, the higher       did something to provoke it. Maybe
2)   One tourist visit per group of gorillas       the risks. Humans have unwritten             the visitors approached too closely
     per day. Studies have shown that              rules about personal space, es­              or made a rapid movement that
     gorillas may feed or rest less during         pecially with strangers, so respect          frightened the gorilla. If gorillas
     the hour that tourists are visiting. To       the personal space of the gorillas. If       scream or charge, they are trying
     maintain as much of the normal daily          the guides are taking you too close          to protect themselves and the rest
     schedule of the gorillas as possible,         to the gorillas or other tourists are        of their family. Occasionally I hear
     only one tourist visit is permitted per       asking to be taken closer, do not            tourists say that “it was so cool
     day.                                          hesitate to ask them to respect this         to be charged by a gorilla”, which
3)   A maximum of one hour per visit.              rule too.                                    upsets me because it means that
     This rule is also in place to enable       6) Do not go to the gorillas if you are         the visitors caused that gorilla too
     the gorillas to follow as much of             sick with a cold, flu, or intestinal         much stress. Who would brag about
     their normal daily routine in an              problem. One of the biggest risks to         being shouted at by the host of a
     undisturbed fashion as possible.              gorillas is the transmission of human        get-together?
     Can you imagine what it would be              disease to the gorillas (Spelman et        11)Follow the advice of the guides. The
     like to have 8 strangers sit in your          al. 2013). Cases of gorillas being           guides are experienced in telling
     living room for an hour every day?            ill with human respiratory disease           people where and when to move
4)   Visitors must be 15 years old or              have been documented. Colds                  when with the gorillas, with the goal
     older. Children are more likely than          and flu may put us out of work for           of minimizing disturbance to them.
     adults to harbor various diseases             a few days, but they can be lethal
     that can be transmitted to the go­            for gorillas. Would you visit friends if   If your guide is not following the rules,
     rillas. Also, small children may have         you were sick?                             say something to him and/or to the
     difficulties walking in the forest or      7) All visitors must wear a surgical          park managers at the office. We live
     find the gorillas very frightening.           mask (only in the Congolese                in an age where you can voice your
5)   Maintain a minimum distance of                portion of the Virungas and Loango         opinion and rate the quality of anything
     7 m between people and gorillas.              National Park, Gabon). This rule           online (TripAdvisor etc.), which in­
     Without a doubt, this rule is the             is in place to minimize the risk of        cludes gorilla tourism. Sometimes
     most difficult to abide and is the one        disease transmission. The gorillas         guides may bend the rules in hopes of
     most commonly broken. Often it is             are not disturbed by people wearing        getting a larger tip from tourists, which
     nearly impossible to see the gorillas         masks and it provides one additional       is shortsighted on the part of both
     when 7 m away because of the                  boundary to prevent human germs            the guide and the tourists. Everyone
     thick vegetation. The gorillas also           getting to the gorillas. Wearing           – the park staff, tourists, tour operators,
     do not always follow this rule. It is         masks does not diminish the im­            conservationists, and researchers –
     not uncommon for juveniles to be              portance of the 7 m distance rule.         must work together to maintain the
     very curious about humans, when            8) Do not eat, drink, or smoke when           rules for the long-term benefit of the
     they should be busy playing with              with the gorillas. Do not litter in the    gorillas. It may be easy to think “oh,
     their peers. However, this rule is in         forest. Any food or water particles        I’m only seeing the gorillas once, so
     place to minimize the risk of disease         dropped in the forest may have             it is okay if I sit one meter away from
     transmission from humans to go­               human germs on it. We do not want          this infant gorilla if the guide allows
     rillas. Studies show that particles           the gorillas ingesting human food.         me”, but please remember you are one
     from a human sneeze can travel this        9) Do not use flash photography.              of thousands of people visiting these
     distance. In addition, being too close        Nobody likes having bright lights in       critically endangered animals and it
     to gorillas can cause them stress             their faces, including gorillas.           only takes one person to transfer a
     and be threatening to them. Yes,           10)Speak quietly and do not make any          cold. Do you want to be the person that
     it is amazing that wild gorillas can          sudden movements. Do not run if            gives the gorillas a cold virus? Do you
     be so tolerant of humans at a close           a gorilla charges. The gorillas are        want to be causing stress to the mother
     distance, but that does not mean              accustomed to humans moving                and father of that infant gorilla?
     that it is worth the risk of giving them      slowly and quietly. Therefore, do not          Lastly, while it is not an official rule, I
     a respiratory disease. Gorillas may           do anything that may disturb them.         suggest that when visiting gorillas you

                                                                                                   13 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

put your camera down for at least five           Spelman, L. H. et al. (2013): Respiratory        of tourism as a conservation tool for
minutes of the hour. Photos are a great          disease in mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei   mountain gorillas within their three
                                                 beringei) in Rwanda, 1990–2010: outbreaks,
way to document your experience, but             clinical course, and medical management.
                                                                                                  range States. While IGCP does not
rather than spending the full hour tak­          Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 44,         manage mountain gorilla tourism
ing many, many photos, take some                 1027–1035                                        – that is left strictly to the Protected Area
time and simply watch the gorillas. Why          Weber, B. & Vedder, A. (2001): In the Kingdom    Authorities – we strongly advocate for
                                                 of Gorillas. New York (Simon and Schuster)
are you visiting the gorillas in the first                                                        the continued pursuit of best practice
place? Is it simply to get a photo or is                                                          approaches by all involved, from
it for the overall experience? After all,        Certified Gorilla                                authority, to manager, to guide, to
you would take photos the entire time            FriendlyTM – Safeguarding                        private operators, to tracker, to tourist.
you were visiting friends?                                                                            What underlines best practice ap­
                     Martha M. Robbins           Gorilla Tourism as a                             proaches is the precautionary principle –
                                                 Conservation Tool                                utilize as few gorilla groups as needed,
Macfie, E. J. & Williamson, E. A. (2010): Best                                                    take as few people as possible, and
Practice Guidelines for Great Ape Tourism.       The International Gorilla Conservation           stay no more than one hour of viewing
IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group (PSG).         Programme has been operating for                 at a safe distance. It is even better to
Gland, Switzerland
Robbins, M. M. et al. (2011): Extreme Con­
                                                 more than 25 years, and has provided             wear a mask or at a minimum at least a
servation Leads to Recovery of the Virunga       financial and technical support for              barrier (even a cloth bandana) to cover
Mountain Gorillas. Plos One 6                    the introduction and development                 your nose and mouth in proximity to go­

During a tourist visit of the Umubano group, Parc National des Volcans                                                   Photo: Karin Linke

14 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

rillas. These principles have been doc­
umented in best practice guidelines by
IUCN (Macfie and Williamson 2010; Gi­
lardi et al. 2015).
    These best practice approaches can
be perceived as a barrier to greater
revenue by an authority, and a bar­
rier to getting better tips from tourists
for perceived good service by a guide.
However, there is a stronger case to be
made for the best practice approaches
in ensuring greater visitor satisfaction
and willingness to pay, and ensuring
that the objectives of gorilla tourism are
sustained – conservation of the spe­
cies itself.
    In 2012, the International Gorilla
Conservation Programme began work­
ing with the Wildlife Friendly Enter­
prise Network to explore transitioning
the best practice guidelines into stand­
ards on which the various actors could
evaluate themselves against best prac­
tice, and also provide the basis for an
audit to establish eligibility for a spe­
cific tourism ecolabel. Certified Goril­     contribute to the conservation of a spe­      mountain gorilla tourism stipulated the
la FriendlyTM was born, and since its        cific wildlife species is. Wildlife Friend­   percentage of great ape population to
inception, and through a consultative        ly Enterprise Network’s exploration of        be exposed to tourism, the number of
process, the following set of agreed         Certified Gorilla FriendlyTM standards        tourists per visitation, and the use of
required and recommended standards           has led to the development of similar         face masks.
have been developed:                         ecolabels – Sea Turtle FriendlyTM and             We hope that in the near future, peo­
– Parks & Park Guides                        Elephant FriendlyTM.                          ple will start seeing the Certified Gorilla
– Hotels & Lodges                                A professional standards writer was       FriendlyTM label (http://wildlifefriendly.
– Tour Operators                             engaged to translate the best practice        org/gorilla-friendly-tourism/) as a way
– Drivers & Private Guides                   guidelines into auditable standards.          to identify and confirm that a business,
– Travel Agents                              For each standard extracted from the          park, or product they are supporting as
– Park-edge Community Products               best practice guideline, an informed          a consumer meets or exceeds stand­
These are complimented with a full           decision was taken after consultation         ards. In the meantime, individual tour­
suite of documents – certification           of experts and stakeholders in regards        ists can take the Gorilla FriendlyTM
manual and audit forms, as well as           to which standards were required, and         Pledge at www.gorillafriendly.org and/
a brand manual. While these were             which standards were recommended.             or provide feedback on your experi­
developed specifically for mountain          Certified Gorilla FriendlyTM went one         ence at the same site.
gorillas, Certified Gorilla FriendlyTM is    step further and identified those re­             We strongly encourage all authori­
a voluntary ecolabel and the standards       quired standards considered to be Crit­       ties, private operators, and conserva­
were developed so that they can              ical, for which non-compliance would          tion organizations involved in gorilla
be applied to tourism of any gorilla         subject the entity to exclusion or sus­       tourism to reach out to IGCP or the
subspecies.                                  pension of the designation of Certified       Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network to
    The pursuit of an ecolabel to create     Gorilla FriendlyTM.                           initiate an audit against the standards,
a market-driven incentive mechanism              Through the process, the IUCN best        and to seek certification if eligible. We
to maintain best practices is not new,       practice guidelines which were difficult      are actively seeking pilot sites, opera­
but the application of an ecolabel to        to reconcile with current practices in        tors, and facilities. While we focus on

                                                                                                15 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

16 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

           17 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018

tourism, it is important to recognize that   References                                       ern lowland gorillas occur in the are­
any human–gorilla interaction – wheth­       Gilardi, K. V. et al. (2015): Best Practice      as surveyed” (Maisels et al. 2016). Al­
                                             guidelines for health monitoring and disease
er by tourists, researchers, park and        control in great ape populations. Gland,         though at face value, the new estimate
security staff, or illegal/legal resource    Switzerland: IUCN SSC Primate Specialist         seems higher than previously reported,
users – can contribute to habitat de­        Group                                            we already knew that gorillas were also
struction, behaviour change, and dis­        Macfie, E. J. & Williamson, E. A. (2010): Best   living in the parts of their geographic
                                             Practice Guidelines for Great Ape Tourism.
ease transmission if not carefully man­      Gland, Switzerland: IUCN SSC Primate             range that had not been surveyed –
aged. It is this improved management         Specialist Group                                 we just didn’t know how many. Now we
and monitoring, and the constant pur­                                                         have been able to “fill in the gaps” and
suit of better practices across all man­                                                      come up with the most accurate popu­
agement activities, which will help se­      New Global Population                            lation estimate to date.
cure the future for mountain gorillas.       Estimate for Western                                 We did this by first identifying the
   About to visit gorillas or know some­     Lowland Gorillas                                 various factors (explanatory variables
one who is? Here are some pointers:                                                           in statistical parlance: guard presence,
1) Make sure your visit is an authorized     In a paper published in the journal              previous occurrence of the Ebola virus,
   visit and you have an original receipt    Science Advances, Samantha Strind­               canopy height, various human pres­
   from the appropriate authority. Cor­      berg, Fiona Maisels and 52 coauthors             sure variables, etc.) that previous re­
   ruption is the biggest threat to any      provide the most comprehensive as­               search had shown to influence great
   tourism as a conservation tool.           sessment to date of western lowland              ape density. Subsequently, using data
2) Avoid any tour operator or product        gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and            from all sites where surveys of western
   – even if on offer by the relevant        central chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes              lowland gorillas and central chimpan­
   authority – which promotes longer         troglodytes) populations (Strindberg et          zees had taken place, we fitted statisti­
   stays (more than one hour).               al. 2018). Here, we wish to explain in a         cal models that reflect the relationships
3) Follow park authorities’ guidance         little more detail the approach used in          between great ape density and the ex­
   and observe gorillas from a safe          this first ever rangewide assessment of          planatory variables. These multi-varia­
   distance (minimum distance of             these two great ape taxa, in which we            ble models allowed us to find the com­
   7 m/23 feet if wearing a mask, or         examined the weight of each potential            bination of explanatory variables that
   10 m/33 feet if not wearing a mask),      driver of their density, which allowed           best described the survey data, that is,
   and only take and share photos that       us to estimate abundance across their            to identify the model best reflecting the
   respect this principle.                   geographic range and refine their                real world system. For each taxon, we
Observing gorillas from a safe distance:     distribution map, as well as investigate         selected the model that best explained
1) Approach slowly, together, until the      population trends in time. Prior to this         density and distribution in the areas
   gorillas come into view.                  analysis, no one had assembled time              surveyed, and then used these same
2) Viewing will not always be perfect –      series data from survey sites located            models in conjunction with explanatory
   appreciate that there may be              across the entire range of either                variable values to produce “predicted
   branches and other vegetation be­         subspecies. This assessment was an               density” layers across the entire ge­
   tween you and gorillas.                   essential component of a strategic               ographic range (one for each taxon).
3) Move slowly, deliberately, and to­        planning process and builds on work              The abundance estimates were ob­
   gether – do not disperse.                 carried out in 2005 and 2013 (Tutin et           tained from this density surface, which
4) Be patient where you are, and only        al. 2005, IUCN 2014) [for background,            also defines the distribution of these
   shift after the gorillas do, keeping      see Gorilla Journal 50, 20–21].                  great apes.
   in mind that some gorillas may be              In the paper “Guns, germs and trees             We estimate that almost 20 % of
   behind you.                               determine density and distribution of            western lowland gorillas were lost be­
If your guide does not respect these         gorillas and chimpanzees”, we esti­              tween 2005 and 2013, and that they
principles, please leave this as a           mate that in 2013 around 360,000 go­             are continuing to decline at an annu­
com­ ment in the guest book, inform          rillas were living in the forests of West­       al rate of 2.7 %, mostly due to poach­
a park manager, and/or register your         ern Equatorial Africa (WEA). The IUCN            ing for bushmeat, disease, and habi­
experience through the feedback sec­         Red List entry for western lowland go­           tat loss and degradation. By 2020, the
tion of www.gorillafriendly.org.             rillas states that “extensive surveys            total number of western lowland go­
                  Anna Behm Masozera         carried out since the mid-2000s have             rillas will be around 300,000, and 25
                                             suggested that 150,000–250,000 west­             years from now, the current population

18 Gorilla Journal 56, June 2018
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