JUNE 6, 2021 | ST PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCHH - Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 6, 2021

Page created by Bernard Curtis
JUNE 6, 2021 | ST PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCHH - Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 6, 2021

                     Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ — June 6, 2021   1
JUNE 6, 2021 | ST PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCHH - Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 6, 2021
SACRAMENTS                          Act of Spiritual Communion
                                        My Jesus,
      & PRAYER                          I believe that You are present
                                        in the Most Holy Sacrament.
                                        I love You above all things,
SACRAMENTS                              and I desire to receive You into my soul.
BAPTISM                                 Since I cannot at this moment
Baptism is celebrated at a communal     receive You sacramentally,
service on the 1st Saturday of the
                                        come at least spiritually into my heart.
month or, by request, during Sunday
Mass. Contact Matt Gill at 972-219-
                                        I embrace You as if You were already there
1686 or mattg@stphilipcc.org            and unite myself wholly to You.
                                        Never permit me to be separated from You.
CONFESSIONS                             Amen.
Wednesdays, 4:30-6 PM
Saturdays, 2:30-3:15 PM
Private by appointment                                    ST PHILIP THE APOSTLE CHURCH
1ST EUCHARIST & PENANCE                 Address                               Office Hours
Contact Kim Carr at 972-219-1511 or     1897 West Main Street                 Monday-Thursday, 9 AM-5 PM
kimc@stphilipcc.org.                    Lewisville, TX 75067                  Closed for lunch 12 Noon-1:30 PM
                                                                              Friday, 9 AM-1 PM
CONFIRMATION                            Phone
                                                                              Bulletin Deadlines
High School: Zach Barton at 972-        Main: 972-436-9581
                                                                              Submit by 12 Noon, 9 days in advance
219-8565 or zachb@stphilipcc.org        Emergency Line: 972-709-2364          of publication date to Sarah Fritcher at
Adults: Matt Gill at 972-219-1686 or                                          sarahf@stphilipcc.org
mattg@stphilipcc.org                    Main Email
Contact Matt Gill at least 9-12
months in advance at 972-219-1686
or mattg@stphilipcc.org                                  CLERGY & PASTORAL HELP
ANOINTING OF THE SICK                   Pastor
                                                                                          To request a priest
Available at any Mass; notify the       Fr. Raymond McDaniel
                                        972-436-9581, fathermcdaniel@stphilipcc.org        in an emergency:
sacristan on arrival. Contact the
                                                                                           Call 972-709-2364
Office for Anointing at other times.    Parochial Vicar
                                        Msgr. Francis Boakye Tawiah
                                        972-436-9581, monsignorfrancis@stphilipcc.org

ROSARY FOR LIFE                         Weekend Ministry
1st Saturdays, 8:30 am                  Fr. Allan Hawkins……817-277-4041……frallanhawkins@gmail.com
The Rosary is also prayed 30 minutes    Dcn. Ramiro Rodriguez……972-436-9581……deaconramiro@stphilipcc.org
prior to all Masses                     Dcn. Joe Standridge……972-436-9581……deaconjoe@stphilipcc.org
                                        Dcn. Patrick Quinn……972-436-9581……deaconpat@stphilipcc.org
                                        Funerals                                 Annulments
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION                   Mike McArdle                             Jackie Jones
Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm Chapel           214-415-0427                             972-219-7280, jackiej@stphilipcc.org
Wednesdays, 7-8 pm Church               mmcardle@stphilipcc.org
Thursdays, 9:30 am-12 Noon Church
Adoration for Life, 2nd Monday of the
Month, 9:45 am—12 Noon, Chapel
                                                       STAY CONNECTED WITH ST. PHILIP’S
Cover Image:                            VISIT OUR WEBSITE                     RECEIVE PARISH EMAILS
“Allegory on the Eucharist”             Online resources, live stream Mass    www.flocknote.com/stphilip or text
by Unknown
                                        broadcasts www.stphilipcc.org         spacc to 84576

                                        YOUTUBE                               FACEBOOK AND TWITTER
                                        StPhilipCC                            @stphilipcc

2   St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church
JUNE 6, 2021 | ST PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCHH - Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 6, 2021
                                                                            SATURDAY, JUNE 5
                                                                            Saint Boniface
                                                                            9 am, +Fr. David Bristow
                                                                            4 pm, Tina Robbins Family

                                                                            SUNDAY, JUNE 6
                                                                            Solemnity of the Most Holy Body
                                                                            and Blood of Christ
                                                                            7:30 am, Jose Landerverde
                                                                            9:30 am, +Michelle Bilski

Corpus Christi Procession                                                   11:30 am, The People of St. Philip
                                                                            5:30 pm, +George Klinger
Sunday, June 6, 12:30 PM
                                                                            MONDAY, JUNE 7
The Solemnity of Corpus Christi (The Body of Christ) is the special feast   9 am, +Msgr. Ralph Martin
honoring the Blessed Sacrament, the Living Presence of Jesus Christ in
our world.                                                                  TUESDAY, JUNE 8
                                                                            9 am, Jerome & Joseph Baner
We celebrate this feast with a public procession, carrying the Blessed
Sacrament out of the church and through our parking lot. Our proces-        WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9
                                                                            Saint Ephrem
sion will conclude back in the church with Benediction.
                                                                            6:30 pm, Michael O’Dea

Protocols for Attending Mass                                                THURSDAY, JUNE 10
                                                                            9 am, +Scott Parcha
Following the guidance of our Diocese, St. Philip’s observes safety pre-
cautions for attending Mass. We continue to offer live-streaming for        FRIDAY, JUNE 11
those who still need to remain at home.                                     9 am, TEACH Homeschool

                                                                            SATURDAY, JUNE 12
Required Precautions                                                        The Immaculate Heart of the
                                                                            Blessed Virgin Mary
·   Sanitize hands on entering the buildings                                4 pm, +Dorothy Berthelsen

·   Maintain 3 feet of distance between yourself and others                 SUNDAY, JUNE 13
                                                                            Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                            7:30 am, Janet Gibson, Joy Gyurman
Optional Precautions                                                        9:30 am, The People of St. Philip
·   Face masks are now optional. Our volunteers, including those            11:30 am, +John Swartz
    distributing Holy Communion, will be masked when they serve.            5:30 pm, +Jack Mann

Holy Communion
Holy Communion will be distributed either in the hand or on the tongue.
                                                                            Live-Stream Schedule
Am I Obliged to Attend Mass?                                                Watch at stphilipcc.org/mass
Our bishop has now reminded us of the importance of fulfilling our
grave obligation to attend Holy Mass on Sundays and Days of Obliga-         Sunday
tion, unless any of the three criteria apply on an individual basis:        9:30 AM and 11:30 AM

·   Those who feel sick, or have symptoms of COVID or any contagious        Daily Mass
    virus                                                                   Monday, 9 AM
                                                                            Tuesday, 9 AM
·   Those who care for a vulnerable persons, and are concerned about
                                                                            Wednesday, 6:30 PM
    infecting their care recipients
                                                                            Thursday, 9 AM
·   Those who do not feel safe attending Mass because of ongoing            Friday, 9 AM
    fears of contracting the virus

                                        Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ — June 6, 2021       3
JUNE 6, 2021 | ST PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCHH - Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 6, 2021
The Collections Report for May 24
will be printed in a later edition of the   Pick up Program Materials this weekend!
Sunday bulletin.
                                            Join our fun, engaging, and FREE summer program to help your
                                            child on the road to Sainthood.. The Making of Saint _______
                                            Each week, children will learn about a different saint with activities
Total Actual             $188,764.00        that use all the senses. Pick and choose what your child wants to do.
Total Budgeted           $175,699.00
                                            For every saint there are 6 ways to participate: Learning (watch a vid-
Difference                $13,065.00
                                            eo or read a book), Community Service, Prayer, Liturgical Living,
                                            Crafts, Pilgrimages, plus Bonus Activities.
Total Actual           $1,867,266.00        Sample activities:
Total Budgeted         $1,729,930.00        Celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart by playing with your food!
Difference               $137,336.00        Cupcakes with a slice of strawberry and some chocolate sprinkles can
                                            look like the Sacred Heart.
Credit Cards/ACH           $92,242.02       Create Blessing Bags to keep in your car to hand out to the homeless.
                                            Pray the Novena of the Sacred Heart as a family.
                                            Make a Sacred Heart of Jesus Stained Glass window to display in your

                                            Children who are enrolled will receive a t-shirt, and each week your
                                            child may earn a Saint Tag by completing just 4 of the activities. In
                                            addition, for every week they complete, they may put their name into
                                            a prize drawing for a chance to win more prizes.

                                            The program runs from Sunday, June 6 to Sat-
                                            urday, August 7. Join in anytime during these
                                            dates. We will celebrate together on August 7 with
                                            a community gathering, TBA.

stphilipcc.weshareonline.org                Enroll now at stphilipcc.org/summer-program or by
                                            scanning the QR code.
For assistance with online giving,
please contact Kathy Loy at
KathyL@stphilipcc.org                       For Those with Gluten Sensitivity:
or 972.219.0754
                                            Receiving the Holy Eucharist
                                            If you or a family member suffer from a sensitivity to gluten, options
                                            are available for you to receive the Holy Eucharist under the species of
                                            bread. Low gluten-hosts are available by request; please check in with
                                            a sacristan or usher before Mass for assistance.

4    St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church
JUNE 6, 2021 | ST PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCHH - Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 6, 2021
WEEKLY CALENDAR                                         June 6 - 13, 2021
       Sunday, June 6                  Monday, June 7               Tuesday, June 8               Wednesday, June 9
SOLEMNITY OF CORPUS               Men’s SCOF                   Mass                           Confessions
CHRISTI                            6:30 AM Room 3                9 AM Church                   4:30-6 PM Church
                                  Mass                         Women’s SCOF                   Mass
Corpus Christi Procession
                                   9 AM Church                   10 AM Room 6/8                6:30 PM Church
 12:30 PM Parking Lot
                                                               Eucharistic Adoration          Holy Hour
Chin Community
                                                                 6:30-8:30 PM Chapel           7 PM Church
                                                               RCIA In Person & Online
                                                                 6:30 PM CLC
This Weekend
                                                               Respect Life Meeting
  ·    Catholic Summer                                           7 PM Classroom 6/8
       Program Materials Pickup

      Thursday, June 10                 Friday, June 11             Saturday, June 12              Sunday, June 13
Mass                              Men’s SCOF                   SCOF– Men                      ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN
  9 AM Church                       6:30 AM Room 6/8            7:30 AM Classroom 3           ORDINARY TIME
Eucharistic Adoration             Mass                         Confessions
  9:30 AM—12 Noon Church            9 AM Church                 2:30-3:15 PM Church           Burrito Breakfast TO GO
Prayer Shawl Meeting              Grief Support                Mass                            After 7:30 & 9:30 AM Masses
  7 PM Classroom 3                  9:30 AM CLC                 4 PM Church                   Chin Community
                                  Women’s SCOF                                                 1 PM CLC
                                    12 Noon Classroom 7/9      This Weekend
                                                                ·    Knights of Columbus
                                                                     Flag Sale for Flag Day

                                               UPCOMING EVENTS

                                            Flag Sale
                                            After all Masses
                                            Weekend of June 12/13
                                            U.S. Flags, Lapel Pins, U.S Flag
                                            Stickers and Thin Blue Line Stick-
                                            ers will be offered for sale by the
                                            Knights of Columbus Pope Paul VI
                                            Assembly 2291 4th Degree next
                                            weekend. Get ready for Flag Day
                                            (June 14) with a new flag!

                                            Bring us your
                                            “Grand Old Flags”
                                            The Knights will also be collecting       Breakfast To-Go
Pray the Rosary with                        U.S. Flags in need of a proper re-
                                            tirement after all Masses on the          Sunday, June 13
                                                                                      After 7:30 & 9:30 AM Masses
Our Parish Online                           weekend of June 12/13.
                                                                                      Our Knights of Columbus will offer
The Holy Rosary is live-streamed                                                      breakfast burritos for takeout out-
30 minutes before each of our                                                         side the church after 7:30 and
scheduled online Masses at                                                            9:30 AM Masses next weekend.
stphilipcc.org/mass                                                                   Net proceeds will benefit
                                                                                      Love Thy Neighbor and the
                                                                                      Rosary Makers.

                                               Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ — June 6, 2021       5
JUNE 6, 2021 | ST PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCHH - Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 6, 2021
                                              Alaina Le
                                              Flower Mound HS
                                              Going to Texas Woman’s University

                                              Joseph Lenski
                                              Marcus HS
                                              Going to Pittsburgh State University

                                              Nathan (Ryan) Malapitan
                                              Flower Mound HS
                                              Going to Midwestern State University

                                              Nadia Elisabeth McCarthy
                                              Marcus HS

                                              Madison Milligan
                                              Homeschool and North Central Texas College
                                              Going to Texas Christian University

College Graduates                             Jomri Velard Paule
                                              Founders Classical Academy Lewisville
                                              Going to community college
Denise Koch                                   Alexia Nicole Rutledge
Western Governor’s University                 Lewisville HS
                                              Going to the University of Texas at Austin
Duane E. Long, II
University of North Texas                     Jacob Sang
                                              Lewisville HS
Bridget Mann                                  Amanda Smith
Texas Tech University                         Flower Mound HS
                                              Going to the University of Oklahoma

                                              Caleb St. Cyr
High School Graduates                         Flower Mound HS
                                              Going to Oklahoma State University

                                              Helena Tial
Jillian Capps                                 Lewisville HS
Flower Mound HS
Going to Southern Arkansas University         Miranda Tisdale
                                              Flower Mound HS
Larisa Alesandra Carrera                      Going to SFA College
Lewisville HS
Going to the University of North Texas        Vincent D. Torpie
                                              Marcus HS
Evan Cavalier                                 Going to Regis University
Marcus HS
Going to Mississippi State University         Brendan Walker
                                              Lewisville HS
Piper Louisa Cobb                             Going to Texas A&M University
St. Rose of Lima Academy
Going to Dallas College

Lauren Michelle Faria                         Attending College Locally?
Flower Mound HS

                                              Join in St. Philip’s College/
Going to US Naval Academy Prep School

Alexander Jansen

                                              Young Adult Activities
Lewisville HS
Going to SFA University

Diya Jones                                    Our College and Young Adult group meets
Flower Mound HS
Going to the University of North Texas        weekly at St. Philip’s. Sign up for email updates at
                                              stphilipcc.org/young-adults or contact Victoria Ha-
Emily Kane
Marcus HS                                     maty, Director of Discipleship, at 972-219-1498 or
Going to the University of Texas at Austin    victoriah@stphilipcc.org

6    St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church
JUNE 6, 2021 | ST PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCHH - Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 6, 2021
The “Most Necessary
   THE MOST HOLY                                                               Mission to the Church”
                                                                               “Eucharistic Adoration is the most
   EUCHARIST                                                                   necessary mission to the Church,
                                                                               which has even more need of
                                                                               prayerful souls than of powerful
                                                                               preachers or men of eloquence.”
   “He became flesh                                                            - St. Peter Julian Eymard
   so that He might                                                            St. Philip’s offers Adoration at
   become bread.”                                                              these scheduled times:

                                                                               6:30-8:30 PM in the Chapel

                                                                               7-8 PM in the Church

“God has truly come to dwell with us in the Eucharist. He became flesh
                                                                               9:30 AM-12 Noon in the Church
so that He might become bread. He gave Himself to enter into the ‘fruit
of the earth and the work of human hands’; thus He puts Himself in our         Adoration for Life
hands and into our hearts. God is not the great unknown, Whom we               Second Monday of the month
can but dimly conceive… He is there, and we always know where we can           9:45 AM-12 PM in the Church
find Him, where He allows Himself to be found and is waiting for us.”
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, God is Near Us: The Eucharist, the Heart of Life

24 Hours of Adoration
Begins 10 AM, June 18
Closes 10 AM, June 19
Adoration takes place in the Chapel
Sponsored by ACTS

“I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.” Jn. 14:18

Eucharistic Adoration is adoring and honoring the Eucharistic Presence
of Christ—Jesus is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament—Body,
Blood, Soul, and Divinity!

Adoration will begin on Friday, June 18, with Exposition at 10 AM and
conclude with Benediction on Saturday, June 19, at 10 AM.

“Could you not keep watch for one hour?” Mk 14:37.

Please help us to ensure there is sufficient presence before Our Lord in
the Blessed Sacrament by signing up for an hour at
stphilipcc.org/adore24 or by using the QR code on this page.

Do you have prayer requests?
Contact our Prayer Request line at 972-353-5756 to speak to our
Outreach Staff. To place a prayer request in the bulletin, please email

                                            Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ — June 6, 2021    7
JUNE 6, 2021 | ST PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCHH - Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 6, 2021

Matt Gill
Director of Formation
and Evangelization
Sacrament Prep: Baptism for Infants
Adults: Baptism, Confession, Communion,

                                                           If you are interested in...
Confirmation, Matrimony
972-219-1686, mattg@stphilipcc.org

Kim Carr                                                   ·   Being Baptized
Director of Elem. Formation (K-6)
                                                           ·   Being received into the fullness of the Catholic Faith
Sacrament Prep for Children
1st Communion and Confession                                   (Becoming Catholic)
972-219-1511, kimc@stphilipcc.org                          ·   Returning to the Catholic Faith
                                                               (Confirmation and/or Communion)
Zach Barton
                                                           ·   Growing in knowledge of the Faith
Director of Youth Ministry (7-12)
Sacrament Prep for HS Confirmation
972-219-8565, zachb@stphilipcc.org                         Please consider joining RCIA
                                                           RCIA Classes are held Tuesday nights at 6:30 PM,
Victoria Hamaty
Director of Discipleship
                                                           both IN PERSON (Parish Office) and ONLINE (via Zoom).
HS, College, Young Adult, Adult SCOFs                      More information at stphilipcc.org/becomecatholic
                                                           Upcoming Topics:
Gwen Kramer
                                                           June 8 — Sacrament of Matrimony
Formation Administrator
Formation Database, Sacrament Records,
                                                           June 15— The Nature of the Church
Infant Baptism Coordinator,
Ministry Scheduler                                         Meet with us; tell your story
972-219-7448, gwenk@stphilipcc.org
                                                           We are available to meet with you. To set up a private meeting to
                                                           tell your story and have your questions answered, please contact Matt
                                                           Gill at 972-219-1686 or mattg@stphilipcc.org to set an appointment.
                                                           More information at stphilipcc.org/becomecatholic
                                                           Marriage on the Map
                                                           For couples who are engaged, civilly
                                                           married, or just dating, Marriage on the
                                                           Map offers answers to your questions
                                                           about Catholic marriage.

                                                           Marriage on the Map is a private meeting
                                                           between the couple and marriage prepara-
                                                           tion director. All information needed to
                                                           continue marriage preparation will be given
                                                           at Marriage on the Map.
                                                           See upcoming Marriage on the Map dates and RSVP at
TY WITH A CONCEALED HANDGUN.                               stphilipcc.org/marriage-on-the-map or contact Matt Gill at
                                                           mattg@stphilipcc.org or 972-219-1686. If Marriage on the Map dates
                                                           do not fit in your schedule, please contact Matt Gill to set up an ap-

 8     St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church
JUNE 6, 2021 | ST PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCHH - Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 6, 2021
GROWING                                                                     PLEASE PRAY FOR
 IN GRACE                                                                   Safety of St. Philip’s New Church
                                                                            Construction Workers

                                                                            Our brothers and sisters who are ill or
     Prayer for the Week                                                    distressed, especially . . .
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant                                           Agnes Ann Martin, Clare Bennett, Cissy,
                                                                            Darrel, Erika, Kelly Skenesky, Amber Las-
me the fervor, forgetfulness of self
                                                                            ley & Family, Dan H., Bertha Peña, Ryan
 and humility of the saints that I                                          McLain
may enter your Heart in so loving         June: Month of the
 an embrace and return it to you          Sacred Heart of Jesus             Our brothers and sisters with long-
    through service to others!                                              term or on-going health conditions,
                                                                            especially . . .
                                                                            Joni Thompson, Patricia Bell, Marilyn
Devotion to the Sacred Heart in the Lives of the Saints                     Harms, Joyce Pezdirtz, Nickie Williams,
                                                                            Jim Wagner, JR Closner, Mary Dutton,
Many well-known saints were devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and        John Williamson II, Elaine Cavallo, Ron
lived their lives in response to the love they received from Our Lord,      Gourlie, John Rainey, Sue Herrera, Gene
because “He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). The saints teach us to for-      Caouette, Sophie Jones, Melanie Beaudry,
get ourselves that we may be humble enough to enter the Heart of Je-        Lucas Gorley, Luke, Alexandra Henry, Don
                                                                            Hughes, Ken Johann, Tristan Dodd, Quinn
sus. Once we enter the Heart of Jesus, we experience goodness and           Oteo, “L.J.” Lawrence Jermyn, John
pleasantness, and His Heart becomes a sanctuary and refuge. Like St.        Glenn, Rachel Stroup, Jennifer Segreto,
Teresa of Calcutta, our goal is to belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus.   Ben Wilson, Maiyrin Najera, Mike
As we devote ourselves to the Heart of Jesus, He pours out His graces       Palmesano, Jane Luman, Pat Sikich, An-
                                                                            drea Barron (daughter of W.J. Mildfelt),
upon us that we may return that love through service to others. Take        John-Paul Kalapati
some time to look up these saints and their lives to better understand
their devotion to the Sacred Heart. Here are some examples:                 Our brothers and sisters who have
                                                                            been born into eternal life . . .
                                                                            Hannah Bartolo, Frank McCoy, Cherri
“Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, teach me an entire forgetfulness of my-        Harris, Abel Pantoia
self, since that is the only way one can find entrance into you.”
                                                                            Our parishioners who have gone be-
– St. Claude La Colombière                                                  fore us marked with the sign of faith
                                                                            Charles Harding, 6/7/2014; Eugene
“How good and pleasant it is to dwell in the Heart of Jesus! Who is         Brown, 6/8/2009; Neil McKenna,
                                                                            6/8/2013; Richard Graziano, 6/9/2015;
there who does not love a Heart so wounded? Who can refuse a return
                                                                            Betty Brooks, 6/10/1990; Anthony Falvo,
of love to a Heart so loving?” – St. Bernard of Clairvaux                   6/11/2005; Andy Komuves, 6/11/2012;
                                                                            Adam Grace, 6/12/2004; Tom Morris,
“No matter what my sufferings may be, I will never complain and if I        6/13/2010
have to undergo any humiliation, I will seek refuge in the Sacred Heart     Vocations . . .
of Jesus.” – St Alphonsa                                                    Br. Elijah, Michael Marincel, Austin
                                                                            Hoodenpyle, all our diocesan seminarians,
                                                                            and for vocations to the priesthood and
“By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, an Indian. By faith, I am a
                                                                            religious life.
Catholic Nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart,
I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus.” – St. Teresa of Calcutta

“O Sacred Heart of Jesus, fountain of eternal life, Your Heart is a glow-
ing furnace of Love. You are my refuge and my sanctuary.”
– St. Gertrude

“There is in the Sacred Heart the Symbol and express image of the In-
finite Love of Jesus Christ which
moves us to love in return.”             Indulgenced Prayer
– Pope Leo XIII
                                         Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Courtesy of Stewardship Committee            Have mercy on us!

                                         Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ — June 6, 2021       9
JUNE 6, 2021 | ST PHILIP THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCHH - Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 6, 2021
SOCIAL                                HELP OUR NEIGHBORS IN NEED
                                               Drop off the following in the bins at St. Philip’s to assist local
                                               agencies during this time:

                                               CCA: boxed cereal, oatmeal
Contact Outreach Staff to request one of       The Salvation Army: feminine hygiene products, ready-to-eat soup,
these services provided by our parish:         chili, stew, pasta (pop-top cans preferred)

                                               Loreto House (the “block” box): diapers, baby wipes
Ministers of Care reach out to the             PediPlace: Tuna (cans or pouches), trail mix (individual bags or trail
sick and homebound in nursing facili-          mix bars), children’s face masks
ties, hospitals, and private homes.

A program to provide social
interaction and fellowship to the
lonely and isolated of our parish.

One-on-one care to those in crisis
situations such as divorce, illness,
long-term hospitalization, anxiety,
depression, loneliness, etc.

St. Philip’s offers two resources for
grief support: a 5-week program
“Grieving with Great Hope” and also
a monthly support group.

Sandi Rockne
Social Outreach Coordinator
972-353-5756, outreach@stphilipcc.org

Denise Koch
Social Outreach Coordinator
972-353-5756, outreach@stphilipcc.org

Employees and volunteers are required to
have current certification in the Diocese of
Fort Worth Safe Environment program
before beginning service. For assistance,
please contact:

Carolyn Ditsworth
Volunteer & Safe Environment Coordinator
214-222-6701, carolynd@stphilipcc.org

To create your profile and register for
                                               Lost and Found
an Awareness Session, go to the St.            Please check Lost and Found promptly for any items that may have
Philip Safe Environment page:                  been left in the church. Items that have been left for more than a
                                               month will be donated.

10 St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church
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