June 12, 2022 - cloudfront.net

Page created by Roy James
June 12, 2022 - cloudfront.net
June 12, 2022

                Father Esteban Sanchez,

                Deacon Carlos Campoverde,
                Permanent Deacon

                Scan this QR code to be
                directed to:
                Church of the Assumption
                Special Events page or go to
                and click on Special Events.
June 12, 2022 - cloudfront.net
Pentecost Sunday 2022………...........$11,689.21
          (Includes WeShare amount of $384.21)

Pentecost Sunday 2021……………......$9,101.00
          (Includes WeShare amount of $825.00)

————————————————————————————————————————————————————-          Registration will open for the
                                                                   2022-2023 year on
                                                                  Monday, June 16th
Ascension of the Lord 2022.……..…..$11,061.25
          (Includes WeShare amount of $589.25)
                                                                 Religious Education Office
Ascension of the Lord 2021.……….…..$9,935.00                           Office Hours:
          (Includes WeShare amount of $775.00)                        (914) 737-2231

If you would like to enroll in We Share, please go
                                                                      Monday- Thursday
     to assumptionpeekskill.churchgiving.com                          2:00pm-5:00pm
               OR call the Rectory.

                                                                    Sunday, June 19th
              WEDDING BANNS
       Third Time: Celso Ivan Morocho
              & Fanni Morocho

     Second Time: Jose Mauricio Otavalo
         & Jennifer Jazmin Cabrera
                                                        8:00am ~ English Mass ~ Church

           First Time: Silas Barrera                    8:00am ~ Spanish Mass ~ FWH
                & Maria Lobos
                                                        10:00am ~ English Mass ~ Church

                                                        10:00am ~ Spanish Mass ~ FWH

Pro-Life Holy Hour                                      12:00pm ~ English Mass ~ Church
    Monday, June 22                                     2:30pm ~ English Mass ~ Assumption Cemetery
     6:00pm-7:00pm                                              Special Mass for Deceased Fathers.

            Church                                      4:00pm ~ Spanish Mass ~ Assumption Cemetery

 Respect, protect, love and serve life,                         Special Mass for Deceased Fathers.

          every human life!                             7:00pm ~ Spanish Mass ~ Church
June 12, 2022 - cloudfront.net
The Legion of Mary at                             Prayer
                      Church of the Assumption,
                      would like to request         to Become Stewards of God's Creation
                      parishioners to promote
                      praying the Rosary in the
                      families by inviting Our     Creator God,
                      Lady of Fatima’s Statue to   As we feast our eyes on autumn reds and
                      their homes for a week.      yellows,
This devotion has been well received among our
parishioners resulting in                          we sense your creative power.
Peace in the homes and prayer intentions           As we marvel at the uniqueness of each winter
answered.                                          flake,
Please take advantage of this great opportunity    we rejoice that you know us each by name.
by contacting our member, Gina Cardoza at
914.325.6076 to book the statue in advance.        As we hear the songs of birds of spring,
                                                   we yearn to sing your praises.
           Novena for the                          As we breathe the delicious scents of summer
        Sacred Heart of Jesus
                                                   our souls rest in your love.

                                                   Forgiving God,
                                                   We have not lived out our responsibility to be
                                                   faithful stewards of creation.
                                                   For this, we seek your pardon.
                                                   Our over-consumption has impacted the poorest
                                                   members of our human family most of all.

           June 15th - 23rd
                                                   For this, we ask your mercy.

       In the Church After all Masses              Our actions have endangered both the lives of our
                                                   children today as well as those yet to be born.
  Friday, June 24th Bilingual Mass ~ 7pm           For this, we seek your forgiveness.
       Rosary at Dawn                              Living God,
                           Last Saturday           As we meet you in nature,
                           of the month            inspire us to see anew our place in the web of
                             June 25TH
                              6:15am               In our daily lives,
                                                   help us to make daily choices that reflect global
                             at the
                                                   As we reflect on the teaching of our faith,
                                                   equip us to advocate for laws and policies that
                           Green Park              reflect your call to faithful stewardship.

         Confessions:                              We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who
 Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday:                     lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
        4:00pm-5:00pm                              one God for ever and ever.
        in the Church or
  by appointment in the Rectory                    Amen.
June 12, 2022 - cloudfront.net
MASS INTENTIONS                                       MEMORIALIZATIONS
Sunday, June 12 - The Most Holy Trinity                                 ALTAR CANDLES
8:00a Alton Clemente                                                        Sister Angelene
        Requested by: Family
                                                                         Requested by: A Friend
        Domingo Guiao
        Requested by: Antonio Guiao and family                      ALTAR BREAD AND WINE
8:00a Spanish Mass (Father Wilson Hall)                                     Sister Angelene
10:00a Pro-populo                                                        Requested by: A Friend
10:00a Spanish Mass (Father Wilson Hall)
12:00p St. Anthony
                                                                             PRAY FOR
        Requested by: Natalia Fernandes
7:00p Spanish Mass                                                     THOSE WHO ARE ILL
Monday, June 13 - Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and
                   Doctor of the Church                             Julio Tenezaca, Thomas Mullo,
7:00a In Thanksgiving to St. Anthony                                Linda McGarr, Mustafa Joseph,
        Requested by: The Aguiar family                                Kevin Joseph, Janet Fortier,
        Anthony Remedios                                            Mary Lou Fortier, Robert Fortier,
        Requested by: Dorina Lopes                                 Maria Gallagher, George Rooutis,
7:00p Spanish Mass
                                                                    Emilio Santos, Gladys Cedeño,
Tuesday, June 14
7:00a All deceased and living members of the Lemak and             Nicole Neidhardt, Kathy Neidhardt,
        Gyetko family                                               Wayne Roberts, Angela Suarez,
        Requested by: Donald Lemak                           Lady Michelle Martinez, Arthur “Artie” Bromback,
7:00p Spanish Mass                                              Judy Mastronardi, Esperanza Enriquez,
Wednesday, June 15                                               Melissa McDonagh, Garry McDonagh,
7:00a John Jordan
                                                                  Marlene Costanza, Angel Carabella,
        Requested by: The Boryk family
7:00p Spanish Mass                                                Barbara Gorbecki, Marcelino Pagan,
Thursday, June 16                                                  Rose M. Liga, Janet Koulikoordis,
7:00a Larry and Carmen Ribeiro                                        Julie Hogan, Judy Bromback,
        Requested by: Natalia Fernandes                            Glenn Creeden, Russell Blondell,
7:00p Spanish Mass                                                    Christine Knowles, Ed Leoni
Friday, June 17
                                                                      Eileen Routis, George Routis,
7:00a Teresa Diaz
        Requested by: Her daughters and grandchildren                   Pete Routis, Stanley Foy,
7:00p Spanish Mass                                            Rosa Ramos, Mary Hermina and Ron Chomiw
Saturday, June 18
8:00a Joaquim Aguiar                                                  RECENTLY DECEASED
        Requested by: Jinelle Aguiar                                        † May R Ferrera
        Loretta Donohue                                                     † Rose Cesarini
        Requested by: Family
5:00p The deceased members of the Braganza and D’Cunha                   † Maria I Guamantario
        family                                                                † Ninfa Quas
        Requested by: Lawrence Braganza and family                          † Pablo Mendez
7:00p Spanish Mass
                                                                        † Matthew Charles Vincy
Sunday, June 19 - The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ ~
                   Corpus Christi
8:00a Giovanni DeRico
        Requested by: The DeRico family
        Bruno Valente
        Requested by: The Valente family
8:00a Spanish Mass (Father Wilson Hall)
10:00a Joseph Aguiar and Manuel D’Cunha
        Requested by: Lucy Aguiar and family
        Diogo Lino Fernandes                                                           THE
        Requested by: Natalia Fernandes                                        ADORATION CHAPEL
10:00a Spanish Mass (Father Wilson Hall)
12:00p Pro-populo                                                                    IS OPEN
7:00p Spanish Mass                                                                6:15am-9:00pm
June 12, 2022 - cloudfront.net
Novena to the
                              Sacred Heart
                                of Jesus
                              Every First Friday                Meeting Every Wednesday
                               of each month                                   7:00pm
                                                                        St. Kateri Room
                               Friday, July 1
                                   6:00pm                      Prayer of the Rosary
                              In the Church                        Every Saturday
                                                               after the 8am Mass
        PRIESTS NEED OUR PRAYERS!                                In the Church
CONFESSOR OR FFRIEND MADE A POSITIVE IMPACT ON YOUR         “The Rosary is the most beautiful and the most rich in
                                                            graces of all prayers; it is the prayer that touches most
LIFE?                                                       the Heart of the Mother of God…and if you wish peace
             WE INVITE YOU TO MAKE A ONE-MINUTE VIDEO, OR   to reign in your homes, recite the family Rosary.”
                                                                                                                    - Pope Saint Pius X
                      CHRISTY.VAISSADE@ARCHNY.ORG                                         CENACLE OF
            & WE WILL POST IT ON OUR SOCIAL MEDIA FOR                                THE MARIAN MOVEMENT
                                                                                          OF PRIESTS
                                                                                              Every Saturday
                                                                                            After the 8am Mass
                                                                                         in the St. Kateri Room
                                                               “Through this movement I am calling all my children to
                                                                 consecrate themselves to my Heart, and to spread
                                                                          everywhere cenacles of prayer”
                                                                         - To the Priests Our Lady’s Beloves Sons (473i)

                                                                                                      Meeting every Saturday
                                                                                                            at the
                                                                                                       Bean Runner Cafe
     A brand new outdoor chapel has been                    We believe that God has given us a desire to belong to a community, which
     constructed at our beautiful cemetery.                 should be based on our love for Him and each other.
                                                            We form this Men’s Group as a safe place to gather to share our time,
   In the new chapel we will have the                       treasure and talents for the betterment of the group and each other.

possibility of memorializing the new pews                   With the grace of God with St. Michael as our Patron.

 & the Statue of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel                                                                    Fridays
       in honor of your loved ones.                                                              4:00pm-5:15pm
                                                                                                Rectory Parking Lot
If you wish to participate in this wonderous opportunity                                        Donations are accepted
                    please contact the
                                                                                                      & appreciated.
       Rectory: (914)737-2071 for further details.
                                                                     Contact the Rectory for more information.
June 12, 2022 - cloudfront.net
Misa Mensual en
                          Honor a
                      San Judas Tadeo
                    Miércoles, 15 de junio

   Misa Mensual en honor a

        El Señor de
        Misericordia                                          Inscripciones comenzaran el
                                                                   Lunes, 16 de junio
   Domingo, 19 de junio
                                                                para el año 2022-2023
                                                                      Oficina de Catecismo
                                                                      (914) 737-2231
         Domingo, 19 de junio                                              Lunes– jueves
                                                                                             MISA MENSUAL
                                                                                               EN HONOR A
                                                                             LA VIRGEN DE EL CISNE
                                                                                           LUNES 20 DE JUNIO
8:00am ~ Misa en Ingles ~ Iglesia

8:00am ~ Misa en Español ~ FWH                       Hora Santa Pro-Vida
10:00am ~ Misa en Ingles ~ Iglesia
                                                     Lunes, 22 de junio
10:00am ~ Misa en Español ~ FWH                           Capilla
12:00pm ~ Misa en Ingles ~ Iglesia                               ¡LOS SACERDOTES NECESITAN
                                                                      NUESTRAS ORACIONES!
2:30pm ~ Misa en Ingles ~ Cementerio                       ¿UN SACERDOTE COMO PASTOR, DIRECTOR ESPIRITUAL, ORADOR,
                                                          CONFESOR O AMIGO HA TENIDO UN IMPACTO POSITIVO EN SU VIDA?
         Misa Especial para las Padres Fallecidos.   TE INVITAMOS A HACER UN VIDEO DE UN MINUTO, O ENVIAR UNA FOTO Y UNA
                                                                               HISTORIA EXPRESANDO GRATITUD.
                                                                 ENVÍALO A
4:00pm ~ Misa en Español ~ Cementerio                                     CHRISTY.VAISSADE@ARCHNY.ORG
                                                                Y LO PUBLICAREMOS EN NUESTRAS REDES
         Misa Especial para las Padres Fallecidos.
                                                                SOCIALES PARA

7:00pm ~ Misa en Español ~ Iglesia                              #THANKAPRIESTTHURSDAY
June 12, 2022 - cloudfront.net
NOVENA AL                           SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO
                                                  (Para menores de 6 años)
SAGRADO CORAZÓN DE JESÚS          Nota: deben traer al momento de la inscripción el
                                  certificado de nacimiento original del niño, a la
                                  Casa Parroquial: 131 Union Ave.—Peekskill, NY

                                     Padres deben estar participando en nuestras
                                                   Misas regulares.
                                   Padrinos deben haber recibido el Sacramento de la
                                      Confirmación y estar casados por la Iglesia.

         25 - 23 de junio         Nuestros bautismos se celebran regularmente los días
                                              sábados a partir de la 1:00 PM.
          Después de cada Misa    Y el último sábado de cada mes dentro de nuestra Misa
           Templo Parroquial                     en español de las 7:00PM
                                      Se requiere llenar el formulario; asistir padres y
           Viernes, 24 de junio    padrinos a la catequesis pre-bautismal. Rogamos no
           Misa Bilingüe ~ 7pm                           traer niños.

       Confesiones:                DISTRIBUCIÓN DE ALIMENTOS
  Martes, jueves y sábados:              Viernes | 4:00 pm - 5:15pm
       4:00pm-5:00pm                   Estacionamiento de la rectoría
        En la iglesia O           Las donaciones son apreciadas y aceptadas.
con cita en la Casa Parroquial    Para mayor información contacte a la rectoría.
June 12, 2022 - cloudfront.net June 12, 2022 - cloudfront.net June 12, 2022 - cloudfront.net
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