GLADE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - May 10, 2020 10:30 a.m. Welcome Members, Friends, and Visitors!

Page created by Tyler Owens
GLADE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - May 10, 2020 10:30 a.m. Welcome Members, Friends, and Visitors!
         May 10, 2020 10:30 a.m.
Welcome Members, Friends, and Visitors!
  “to experience and share the love of Jesus Christ”
GLADE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - May 10, 2020 10:30 a.m. Welcome Members, Friends, and Visitors!
                   Welcome to a time of Sabbath, rest, and renewal
                                   May 10, 2020
Glade Matters
    Shared moments of information and inspiration about our church family
Prelude “In Christ There Is No East or West”                         Raymond H. Haan
*Processional Hymn “Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation”                            #400
*Call to Worship
Leader: Jesus said, I go and prepare a place for you, and I will come again.
All:     We gather in this place to know your presence and your love, now and
Leader: Jesus said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. If you know me, you
         know God.
All:     We pray to know you more deeply, that we may know God more
         intimately, now and always.
Leader: Jesus said, Ask me for anything, and I will do it.
All:     Help us to ask for the right things, Lord Jesus Christ, that we may ful
         fill your will, now and always.
Leader: Jesus said, Believe in me, and Follow me.
All:     Help us to worship you fully believing and following – now and always!

Opening Prayer (Offered by all)
Ever-gracious, Way-Making God, we celebrate the gifts of your Spirit. You have not
fed us a diet of shame or shrinking, but with the milk of your truth you have made us
strong and faithful servants of Christ. You call us to take up the mantle of justice and
to follow wherever faith leads us. You fill us with strength and hope, and you invite
us to share in the cost and joys of discipleship. You promise us splendor and beauty
in this life and in the world to come. Meet us here, we pray, that your word will be
fulfilled in our hearing and that your Spirit will fill us with courage. Amen.
Scripture Readings: Acts 7:55-60; 1 Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-4
       L: The Word of God, for the people of God.
       P: Thanks be to God!
GLADE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - May 10, 2020 10:30 a.m. Welcome Members, Friends, and Visitors!
Sermon “Difficult Decisions”                                   Rev. Guy S. Johnson
*Hymn “Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life”                                      #331
Silent Prayer
The Prayer Jesus Taught Us
       Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
       Thy kingdom come.
       Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
       Give us this day our daily bread,
       And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
       And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
       For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
       forever. Amen.
*Recessional Hymn “In Christ There Is No East or West”                       #394
* Benediction

                              Worship Participants
           Pastor:                 Rev. Guy S. Johnson
           Music Director:         Dr. William Powell, III

Your weekly or monthly tithes and offerings can still be made to the
church by mailing a check to the church office at:
                            21 Fulton Ave,
                             PO Box 236
                   Walkersville, MD 21793-0236
or by going to our webpage at and clicking on
the blue DONATE button at the bottom of the front page.

GLADE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - May 10, 2020 10:30 a.m. Welcome Members, Friends, and Visitors!
** New Joys & Concerns**
Please email any joys and concerns you would like to have
announced during our live worship services to our new email

               If you would like to join in with Pastor Guy and Bill
               each Sunday when they sing the hymns during our
               recorded service you can come by the church and
               check out a hymnal. Please call the office before
               dropping by to make sure someone is there. Tammie
               is in the office most Monday, Tuesday, and
               Thursday’s from 9:00 a.m. —1:00 p.m.

         The Second Mile Giving for May

                 Homewood Retirement Centers
      The Homewood Foundation is proud to serve residents living
      within Homewood Retirement Communities. Our efforts re-
      volve around
      securing charitable support for three areas of focus:
      • Benevolent care for Homewood residents who outlive their
      • Capital campaigns for community enhancements.
      • Special projects and activities within the Homewood
GLADE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - May 10, 2020 10:30 a.m. Welcome Members, Friends, and Visitors!
Pastor Guy and Tammie are working in the church office approximately
three days a week. Monday, Tuesday & Thursday on an abbreviated
schedule. Please contact the church office by phone 301-845-6775 or
email if you have any questions or concerns.

                Food Bank Suggestions for May
All non-perishable food items are welcome. Clean plastic grocery bags
are always needed. As well as food donations, cash donations are also
accepted by the Glade Valley Community Services at P. O. Box 655,
Walkersville, MD.

Cereal            Canned Fruit         Peanut Butter
Canned Peas       Canned Pasta (Spaghetti-O’s, ravioli)
Rice              Boxed Potatoes (mashed, scalloped, etc.)
Baked Beans       Toilet Paper
                 Thanks for supporting this project!

  Glade Church services, bulletins
         and information
You can find our latest church services and any announcements since
March 29th and going forward until we can meet again as a group in our
sanctuary on our webpage, facebook page or youtube channel.
Youtube: Glade UCC
GLADE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - May 10, 2020 10:30 a.m. Welcome Members, Friends, and Visitors!
Glade Church would like to wish a Happy
                                 Mother's Day to all the past, present and
                                 soon to be moms. May your day be filled
                                 with love, joy and laughter.

            Our deepest condolences to Mary Jane & Sam Roop and family on
            the passing of Mary Jane’s mother Thelma Ramsburg. If you
            would like to send a card. Mary Jane’s address is:
            8313 Ramsburg Rd, Thurmont, MD 21788

Our deepest condolences to the family of Bernadine Hummer on her
passing. You can view her obituary on the back page of this bulletin.
If you would like to send a card to Doug or Bob Hummer, their
addresses are below:
Doug Hummer—4343 Lee Highway, Condo Unit #802, Arlington, VA 22207-3244
Robert (Bob) Hummer—7310 Pin Oak Drive, Middletown, MD 21769-7621

                    Cancellations & Postponements
                           •   Handbell & Senior Choir
                               weekly practices
                           •   Walkersville Day

                           •   American Sign Language Class
* Kevin Dorsey, ALS                                 * David O’Planick, health issues
* Jim Ball, health issues                           * Steve Torbeck, liver disease
* Stephanie O’Planick, health issues                * Steve Angleberger, health issues
* Charles Snow, health issues                       * Kathy Bonney, health issues
* Betty Baggett, health issues                      * Wade Douglas, health issues
* Pat Turner, Lorijean Turners mother, heart issues
* Robert Turner, Lorijean Turners uncle, cancer
* Ruth Ann Wilson, recovery from fall
* William Powell, Bill Powell’s dad, health issues
* Paislee Offutt, daughter of Melyssa Bauguess & Chris Offutt

                             THIS WEEK AT GLADE
  Sun., May 10           10:30 a.m. Worship Service
                         (Posted on Facebook & YouTube)
  Sun., May 17           10:30 a.m. Worship Service
                         (Posted on Facebook & YouTube)

                                   GLADE UCC STAFF

   Rev. Guy S. Johnson – Pastor
   Bill Powell – Music Director
   Tammie Shumaker – Church Administrator
   Church Phone: 301-845-6775 Fax: 301-845-2733
   Mailing Address: 21 Fulton Ave., P.O. Box 236, Walkersville, MD 21793-0236

             Glade UCC

Bernadine Larue Hummer, age 99, passed away at her home on April
               30, 2020, surrounded by her family. She is survived by her two sons,
               Douglas E Hummer (Jo Bennett) Arlington, VA and Robert D
               Hummer (wife Joy Hummer) Middletown, MD; a granddaughter, Jan
               E Hummer; and a great granddaughter, Delia A Shugrue; and by
               many dear friends and neighbors.

Bernie was the daughter of Paul Harry Douglas and Martha Ellen (Ifert) Douglas.
She was born and raised in Woodsboro, MD. She married Joseph Elwood Hummer,
in 1940. They were recognized by the Frederick County Marriage Resource Center
on their 75th anniversary as the longest married couple in Frederick County. This
coming August would have been their 80th anniversary. Elwood died in November,
Bernie graduated from Walkersville High School in 1937. After high school, she
attended the Catholic Convent Secretarial School and worked as a secretary. She and
Elwood moved into their home in Frederick in 1942. They were long-time members
of the Glade United Church of Christ and served on various committees.
While enjoying an active social life, her family was first and foremost. She was
always there for her husband and sons in whatever sporting activities they were
involved in and to support them through whatever life brought their way. She loved
the beach, catching and eating hard-shell crabs, playing cards, dining and dancing to
the big band sound, and traveling. She was a wonderful cook. She also loved tending
to her flowers, particularly the red geraniums that she planted along the front of the
house every summer. Her spirit, her enjoyment of her friends and neighbors, and her
boundless love and devotion for her family will all be greatly missed.
There will be a private grave site burial service for family. A memorial service will
be held later. Memorial contributions may be made to the Glade United Church of
Christ building fund.
The family wishes to thank the Hospice of Frederick County for their expert care of
Mrs. Hummer these past months. The family also wishes to extend special thanks to
Betty for her loving and devoted care for Bernie.

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