JOURNAL May 2021 - Construction Management/ Infrastructure - Ardmore Roderick

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JOURNAL May 2021 - Construction Management/ Infrastructure - Ardmore Roderick
JOURNAL                     May 2021

 Construction Management/
JOURNAL May 2021 - Construction Management/ Infrastructure - Ardmore Roderick
Construction Management 101
    Basics for a Successful Project

                                                               onstruction Management involves the application of integrated
                                                               systems to reach the goals of a construction project throughout
       In principle, the development of a                      the planning, design, pre-construction, construction, and
                                                      closeout phases. The construction industry recognizes the following
       project may seem simple, but it is             main functions of a construction project: cost, time, quality,
      rather a complex process requiring              sustainability, safety, risk, and management and administration.
             the integration of numerous              Additional critical soft elements required for a successful execution
                                                      of a construction project include effective communication, positive
              stakeholders and variables.             attitude, trust development, disciplined adherence to processes and
                                                      procedures, and a focused commitment to the project goals.
                                                           In principle, the development of a project may seem simple,
                                                      but it is rather a complex process requiring the integration of
                                                      numerous stakeholders and variables. An owner identifies a need
                                                      for an infrastructure or building project and assembles a team of
                                                      professionals with the skills, knowledge, and expertise to meet their
                                                      need. Depending on the selected project delivery method, the owner
                                                      plays different roles. For the traditional design-bid-build model, the
                                                      owner will hire a designer, typically an architectural engineering
        Eric M. Jiménez, PE, PMP, CCM                 firm (A&E), and subsequently hires the general contractor (prime)
                  Vice President                      through a separate contractual agreement. Occasionally the owner
                                                      may hire multiple prime contractors. In the design-build model, the
              Ardmore Roderick

20 | JOURNAL Florida Engineering Society | MAY 2021                                                            
JOURNAL May 2021 - Construction Management/ Infrastructure - Ardmore Roderick
owner executes one       established. The PEP serves as the basis for
                             contract with a firm     the development of a Project Management
                             performing all scope     Plan (PMP), which with a Project Procedures
                             of work, including       Manual serves to develop each function of
                             planning, design,        the project. An organizational chart defining
                             construction, and        roles and responsibilities for the project
                             closeout. Frequently,    staff and stakeholders including consultants,
                             the design-builder       subcontractors, vendors, and suppliers, is all
                             is a partnership or      part of the PMP.
                             joint venture of              The project description is an important
                             separate design and      part of the PMP and requires the development
                             construction firms.      of overall site logistics including safe access,
                             Another delivery
                             method commonly
                             used is Construction      Effective cost management, including
                             (CM), in which the
                                                         value engineering during planning
                             owner delegates the
                             management of all
                                                       and design, and change management
                             aspects of the project          during preconstruction and
                             to a CM firm. The
                             owner maintains the      construction, becomes a critical function
                             contracts with other
                             stakeholders such as           for the success of a project.
                             the designer and prime
                             contractor, unless the
                             Construction Manager     security requirements, laydown area, material
                             is hired in a CM at      handling, and temporary facilities. For
                             Risk contract. In this   projects with space limitations, site logistics
                             case, the CM firm        are constantly adjusting as the project
                             holds the subcontract    progresses. Not having a proper plan for site
                             agreements and is        logistical adjustments due to construction
   responsible for executing the construction         phasing is frequently a cause for additional
   phase.                                             cost and potential claims. Unfortunately,
        One of the most important elements for        often it is not until a contractor is selected
   the success of a construction project is the       and integrated into the project team that
   development of a project charter defining          many site logistical issues are properly
   the framework under which the project              considered. In other instances, changes to the
   will be executed. During my 30+ years of           scope of work may have a significant impact
   experience in this industry, I have learned        on the site logistical plans, hence another
   that to finish right, one must start right.        good reason to have the scope of work well
   Within the charter, or Project Execution Plan      defined early in the project development
   (PEP), key stakeholders and communication          process.
   protocols are defined, project champions                When defining the scope of work, it is
   are identified, funding sources and project        critical not only to understand the client’s
   administration platforms are recognized,           limitations, restrictions, and requirements,
   contract type and structures are developed,        but also those that are inherent due to
   procurement strategies are determined,             location, local laws and regulations, and
   budgets and schedule baselines are set,            current market conditions. This involves
   and the client goals and expectations are                                     continued on next page                                                                     MAY 2021 | JOURNAL Florida Engineering Society | 21
Construction Management 101 continued from page 21

                                                                                                       client should all be
                                                                                                       considered in the
                                                                                                       Change Management
                                                                                                       Plan. This plan
                                                                                                       should also assess
                                                                                                       conflict prevention
                                                                                                       and resolution, a
                                                                                                       vital factor in the
                                                                                                       success of a project.
                                                                                                       Common reasons
                                                                                                       for change orders in
                                                                                                       construction projects
                                                                                                       are ambiguous or
                                                                                                       inaccurate drawings
                                                                                                       and specifications,
                                                                                                       unforeseen conditions
                                                                                                       at the site, unrealistic
                                                                                                       budgets, unattainable
                                                                                                       schedules, and
                                                                                                       delays in delivery of
                                                                                                       materials. These items
                                                                                                       should be addressed in
                                                                                                       the Risk Assessment
                                                                                                       and Mitigation Plan
                             consideration of labor force, equipment            for the project.
                             availability, and cost of materials.                    Another critical function of a project is
                             Sustainability requirements including              project scheduling. A Master Schedule should
                             LEED certification and other environmental         be developed as part of the Project Execution
                             factors should also be considered when             Plan. As scope is defined and parameters
                             developing the scope of work. All these            established, the schedule is expanded to
                             elements will influence the establishment          include all activities. The interaction and
                             of a realistic project budget, which is a          dependencies of these activities are set up
                             key project function impacting how the             in milestone and detailed schedules, which I
                             project is planned, designed, constructed,         strongly suggest should be resource and cost
                             and closed. Cost estimates with appropriate        loaded. Proper and timely communication
                             contingencies are developed considering time       plays a critical role in the development
                             constraints, quality, and client goals. Ideally,   and monitoring of a construction schedule.
                             cost estimates are developed following a           Given its complex nature due to the
                             work breakdown system (WBS) that aligns            interdependencies of many activities,
                             with the client’s accounting code system and       the scheduler relies on the information
                             the schedule of values of the contractors.         received from all stakeholders to set up the
                             Effective cost management, including value         schedule and monitor and track progress.
                             engineering during planning and design, and        It is important to understand the impact of
                             change management during preconstruction           changes of one stakeholder in the overall
                             and construction, becomes a critical function      plan when changing sequencing of activities
                             for the success of a project. Procedures for       or recovery plans due to delays caused by
                             time extension, handling contractor change         productivity, material delays, or other causes.
                             orders, and potential scope creep by the           Providing timely and accurate schedule

22 | JOURNAL Florida Engineering Society | MAY 2021                                                             
updates with a narrative report is a good         ensuring safety of construction personnel and
   practice in a successful construction project.    nearby public. Safety considerations are vital
   During my career, reminding myself of the         in project designs, and the project leaders
   Russian proverb “trust but verify” has been       must show strong safety leadership to ensure
   very useful when monitoring and tracking          proper support for project safety. Nothing in
   activities in a construction schedule.            the construction process is more important
        Another function of a construction           than executing and providing a safe project.
   project is quality. Quality control and quality   As engineers, we have a duty to protect the
   assurance plans are implemented to ensure         public’s health, welfare, and safety through
   the project is executed in accordance with        our services as well as the execution of our
   industry standards and the client’s needs,        plans. It is our obligation to also protect our
   goals, and expectations as defined in the         personnel and all project stakeholders.
   construction plans and specifications. The             Firms using lessons learned from
   plan identifies the quality team and clearly      previous projects, industry benchmarking,
   defines roles and responsibilities, as well as    and project-specific metrics to measure
   the forms and checklists, required testing,       progress are better positioned to provide
   reports, and processes and procedures during      added value to a project. Clients should strive
   all phases. Quality must be engrained in the      to partner with firms that align with their
   day-to-day operations of all stakeholders and     business culture and can bring the knowledge
   throughout all phases of the project. Review      and expertise needed to meet project goals
   and approval processes may include parties        and client expectations. Personalities play a
   that are not project stakeholders such as         key role in teambuilding, and the attitude of
   utility companies and government agencies         personnel, safety leadership, and willingness
   having jurisdiction over the project. During      to resolve conflicts promptly and amicably
   the last few decades Building Information         can make a significant difference in the
   Modeling (BIM) has been a significant             successful completion of a construction
   contributor to the enhancement of the quality     project.
   of the design and construction processes by            Applying these functions as the basic
   providing a virtual environment to manage         tenets of a construction project help to reach
   the project throughout its duration.              established goals throughout the project
        The integration of functions in a            lifetime and achieve a successful project
   construction project comes at a risk of           completion for all stakeholders.
   multiple potential failure points throughout
   the process. This is why a risk analysis
   and mitigation plan is essential. A Project           About the Author
   Risk Analysis serves as the basis for the             Eric M. Jiménez, PE, PMP, CCM
   development of a Risk Management Plan                 is Vice President and Director of
   which helps define contract terms and                 Operations at Ardmore Roderick, a
   conditions, as well as insurance and bonding          design and construction management
   needs. The stakeholders must identify all             firm headquartered in Chicago with a
   potential risks and provide a mitigation for          regional office in Orlando, Florida. He
                                                         has completed over $1B in projects
   each before the project starts.
                                                         and has over 30 years of industry
        The project-specific Safety Plan is an           experience applying management
   integral part of the risk assessment and              techniques to complex industrial and
   mitigation plan, although it is a standalone          commercial projects with demanding
   function of the project. The Safety Plan must         requirements and challenging
   be developed as early in the construction             schedules. Eric currently serves on
   process as possible, outlining the safe               the board of FECON and is Vice Chair
   execution of all phases following minimum             of the Industry Advisory Board for the
   OSHA guidelines and regulations, and                  School of Engineering, Design and
                                                         Construction at Seminole State College
                                                         of Florida.                                                                    MAY 2021 | JOURNAL Florida Engineering Society | 23
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