January 8, 2020 - Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES

January 8, 2020 - Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES
January 8, 2020
                                 Happy New Year!

NYS Next Generation ELA & Math Learning
Standards Instruction and Assessment
Implementation Timelines
As schools begin to build capacity for the New York State Next
Generation Learning Standards in English Language Arts and
Mathematics, the O ce of Curriculum and Instruction has
developed visual timelines that sequence the implementation
of instruction and assessment aligned to the new standards:
    NYS Next Generation ELA Learning Standards Instruction and Assessment
    Implementation Timeline
    NYS Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards Instruction and Assessment
    Implementation Timeline

2020 Ibero Hispanic Scholarship Application
- Please share with students & families!
Attached is the Ibero Hispanic Scholarship Application for
2020. Please share with students and parents to let them know
about this opportunity! The Ibero-American Action League
strongly encourages and supports excellence in education and
works with other organizations, businesses and individuals to provide scholarships to college
bound Hispanic students in the area. The deadline to apply is March 6, 2020.

Adjunto la solicitud de becas hispanas de la Liga de Acción Iberoamericana (IBERO) para el
año 2020. Por favor compártala con estudiantes y padres para que conozcan de esta
oportunidad. La Liga de Acción Iberoamericana (IBERO) fomenta y apoya la excelencia en la
educación y trabaja con otras organizaciones, empresas e individuos para proveer becas a
January 8, 2020 - Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES
estudiantes hispanos que están próximos a entrar a la universidad. La fecha límite para
aplicar es el 6 de marzo de 2020.

               Scholarship Application 2020.pdf
                                                                                             227.4 KB


                                    Engaging Parents & Families of …                      www.smore.com

                                    Engaging Parents & Families of ELLs - 3 Week Online PD by Nicole

                                    Newcomers in Your Class:                              www.smore.com

                                    Newcomers in Your Class: - Instruction and Assessment Strategies
                                    for ELLs by Shawnna Sweet

                                    TALK-READ-TALK-WRITE                                  www.smore.com

                                    TALK-READ-TALK-WRITE - Creating a Language-Rich Classroom by
                                    Shawnna Sweet

   A Day of Professional Learning
   in Support of Multilingual       A Day of Professional Learning i…                  www.eventbrite.com
                                    Eventbrite - American Reading Company presents A Day of
                                    Professional Learning in Support of Multilingual Learners - Thursday,
                                    March 5, 2020 at Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES, Spencerport, NY. Find
                                    event and registration information.
January 8, 2020 - Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES
A Day of Professional Learning in Support
of Multilingual Learners featuring Kathy
Thursday, March 5th, 12:30-2:30pm
3599 Big Ridge Road
Spencerport, NY
Join us for a full day of learning with sessions by Kathy
Escamilla, RBERN staff, and American Reading Company.
Lunch will be provided. For more information or to register,
visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-day-of-professional-

           American Reading Escamilia MWRBERN.pdf
                                                                519.0 KB
January 8, 2020 - Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES
Job Posting:
Victor CSD:
English Language Learner ELL Short Term Substitute

In the News:
U.S. Schools See Surge in Number of Arabic- and Chinese-
Speaking English-Learners
While Spanish remains the most commonly spoken English-
learner language by far, the numbers for speakers of Arabic and
Chinese have grown dramatically over the past decade, federal
data show.

BOCES 2 Boss Undercover
January 8, 2020 - Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES
Surprise! Our very own Lourdes Roa was featured in last
month's BOCES 2 Boss Undercover.
The RBERN Team is grateful for her leadership!

                         BOCES Boss Undercover 94                      ensemble.monroe2boces.org

                                  SAVE THE DATES!

  NYSABE Annual                  Vendor Preview                   NYSTESOL Winter
  Conference                     Day                              Conference
  March 19-21, 2020              March 13, 2020                   March 7, 2020
  White Plains                   Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES           University of Rocheser

                              About Mid-West RBERN
                              The goal of Mid-West Regional Bilingual Resource Network
                              (RBERN) is to assist districts and schools in creating an
                              educational environment for English Language Learners (ELLs)
                              which engages everyone in meaningful teaching and learning.
                                   Find us on Twitter or Tweet about us using #mwrbern!

                                   Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES, 359…    midwestrbern@monroe2boces…

                                   585-352-2790                    monroe2boces.org/rbern
January 8, 2020 - Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES
Mid-West RBERN Events:
Visit Frontline to view and register for Mid-West RBERN professional development.
January 8, 2020 - Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES January 8, 2020 - Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES January 8, 2020 - Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES January 8, 2020 - Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES
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