January 16, 2022 - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
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January 16, 2022 - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time WE ALL HAVE GIFTS FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT – EACH OF US! In the Second Reading today we hear of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is given as a gift to all of us. Through this precious gift of the Holy Spirit, all of us receive the gift of faith and God’s eternal Love. The gifts of faith and love are freely given to all. These gifts reside and grow in everyone when we allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us. In addition to the gifts of faith and love, the Holy Spirit has bestowed on each of us other gifts through our Baptism. In Baptism, we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit which are referred to in Isaiah 11:23: Understanding, Know- edge, Counsel, Fortitude, Piety, and Fear of the Lord. These good gifts from God empower us to seek the Lord, to come to a clearer understanding of our mission as the People of God. We are called to use our gifts to show forth the love God has placed in each one of us: to reach out and help those who are in need, those who are hurting and those struggling in our community and world. We are also called to allow others to help us in our times of trials. As we experience the pandemic surging locally and in other parts of the world, we know that God is with us despite the hardships that are being faced by so many. To the extent we are able in these difficult times, we are called to use the gifts God has given us to reach out and help others and to ask for help. We have a God who cares deeply for us, a God who provides and journeys with us at all times, in our time of joys, and in our times of difficulty and sadness. We have a God of Love. In the Gospel, Jesus demonstrates this overabundance of love in His first miracle of love. He changes water into the finest wine. He creates an abundance of wine so that the wedding feast at Canna can go on. Jesus is likewise working in our lives. He is pouring an abundance of love into our lives. Sometimes, this is hard to understand and feel because of the trials we are going through but we can be assured, in this day, we have God’s abundant love being poured into us. Let us be strengthened and transformed by this abundant love. Deacon Duncan Pastoral Associate, St. Joseph’s Church 585-586-8089 x113 Duncan.Harris@sjcpenfield.com Co-Director, Penfield Hope 585-586-5139 penfieldhope@gmail.com MASS WITH ANOINTING OF THE SICK This Wednesday, January 19 at 11am St. joseph’s church
Stewardship: Time, Talent and Treasure When you give to the Catholic Ministries Appeal your gift is joined with thousands of others to enable our diocesan community of faith to: • Fund ministries that nurture children and teenagers in the Catholic faith and teach values they'll carry into adulthood. • Help pay for the proper education of our seminarians on the road to priestly or- dination • Ensure we can help struggling families find their way through economic crisis and back to stability • Prepare engaged couples for God-centered marriages rooted in the Catholic Church • Educate and prepare those who wish to become Catholic for the fullness of life in the Church through RCIA • Enable us to promote Catholic values about the sanctity of all life and make our voice heard in society • Fund programs that give young adults on college campuses a connection to the Church. • Provide important services to your parish that it would find difficult to afford on its own • Support ministries that reach out with the hands and heart of Christ to the aged, the sick, and the imprisoned • Help fund the crucial work of Catholic Charities, which serves more than 250,000 people annually COOKING TALENTS NEEDED! Saturday night priests’ dinners have been scheduled at St. Joseph’s for: JANUARY 22th You are invited to plan the meal and shop using the parish Wegmans card, then prepare and serve the dinner and clean up afterwards. A great thing for a couple or friends to do together! To learn more and sign up, contact Kathy Best at 585-586-8089 x.120, Kathleen.Best@sjcpenfield.com. Weekly Collection Report 2
Worship MASS WITH GOSPEL AND QUESTION OF THE WEEK ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 23 Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Wed., Jan. 19 Since many have undertaken to compile a narrative of 11:00AM the events that have been fulfilled among us, just as at St. Joseph’s Church those who were eyewitnesses from the beginning and ministers of the word have handed them down to us, I The Sacrament of Anointing of too have decided, after investigating everything accu- the Sick is a sacrament of rately anew, to write it down in an orderly sequence for healing, an encounter with the you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may realize living Christ. The sacrament is the certainty of the teachings you have received. Jesus for anyone living with any returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news serious or chronic illness or condition, those preparing of him spread throughout the whole region. He taught for surgery, and those who are preparing to go home to in their synagogues and was praised by all. He came to God. All are welcome to join in prayer at this Mass. Nazareth, where he had grown up, and went according to his custom into the synagogue on the sabbath day. MASS & CONFESSION SCHEDULE He stood up to read and was handed a scroll of the NYS MASK REQUIREMENT prophet Isaiah. He unrolled the scroll and found the New York State has passage where it was written: implemented a new mask The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, mandate that applies to our because he has anointed me parishes. We fall under the to bring glad tidings to the poor. “Business/Venue Mask- He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives Wearing Requirement” and recovery of sight to the blind, because we do not require to let the oppressed go free, proof of vaccination for entry. and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord. All people age two and over who are participating in Rolling up the scroll, he handed it back to the attendant Mass, or attending any other and sat down, and the eyes of all in the synagogue indoor gatherings, meetings, athletic events, looked intently at him. He said to them, practices, or rehearsals are required to wear a “Today this Scripture passage mask; extra masks will be made available for those is fulfilled in your hearing.” who do not bring their own. Since the NYS mask On January 23, mandate is in effect until February 1, 2022, we will Father Jim Schwartz is preaching at Holy Spirit revisit these protocols again next month. Father Sadhanala is preaching at St. Joseph’s Holy Spirit Church: GOSPEL QUESTION OF THE WEEK Weekday: Monday - Friday 9:00am The Lord Jesus set the tone for his ministry in today’s Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Gospel reading. The Holy Spirit is Jesus' gift to the Sunday: 8:30am & 11:00am Church and enables the Church to continue the mission of Jesus. When we do what Jesus did—bring glad Reconciliation: Saturday 2:30pm tidings to the poor & liberty to captives, bring healing to the sick & freedom to the oppressed—we serve the St. Joseph’s Church: Kingdom of God. Weekday: Monday - Saturday 9:00am Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm In what ways am I poor, oppressed or held captive? Sunday: 8am, 9:30am, 11am & 5:00pm How does the Lord’s promise speak to me? Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30pm How can I bring these glad tidings to those who are poor and oppressed? LIVE-STREAMING MASS Daily readings are always available at Live-stream St. Joseph’s Masses : www.usccb.org/bible/readings •www.holyspirit-saintjoseph.org/online-ministries For the weekly parish email contact •On Facebook, “LIKE” St. Joseph’s Penfield cathy.kamp@sjcpenfield.com with the subject line: •YouTube - subscribe to Saint Joseph Church Penfield. Add me to the question of the week email list! 3
Prayers and Mass Intentions Monday January 17th St. Anthony of Egypt Saturday January 22nd 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 am 4:00 pm Holy Spirit † Jane Long by Tom (SJ) † Ross and Prospera Scardino by Chuck and Mary Ann Scardino † Mary Talty by Lorna Talty (SJ) (HS) † Emma Lebron by Maria Mercurio and Family (HS) † Joan Valvassori, Anniversary Mass by Glenn Valvassori (HS) Tuesday January 18th 4:30 pm St. Joseph’s 9:00 am † Henry Ippolito by Mariann & Joe Consiglio (SJ) † Joseph Nunn by Wife, Lucy (SJ) † Megan Garbach by Her Loving Family (SJ) † George Weimer by Peter & Loretta Braunschweig (SJ) Andy Ryan (Special Intention) by Joanne Andresky (HS) Sunday January 23rd 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Joseph’s Wednesday January 19th 8:00 am 9:00 am † Katherine F. Manno, Birthday Remembrance by The Family (SJ) † Joyce DeFranco, 2nd Anniversary by Joyce & Joe DeRosa (SJ) † Kevin Talty by Lorna Talty (SJ) † Carl Lamendola by Wife, Barbara (HS) 9:30 am † Jean & Jim Jacoby by The Family (SJ) Thursday January 20th St. Fabian, St. Sebastian † Antonio Palucci by Maria Benjamin (SJ) 9:00 am 11:00 am † Bill & Virginia Sweeney, Wedding Anniversary Remembrance † Jerry Oesterly by Wife, Rosemary (SJ) by The Czarnecki & Fisher Families (SJ) † Tina Nellucci by Enza & Glen Willing (SJ) In Honor of Our Lady Queen of the Angels (Special Intention) In 5:00 pm Thanksgiving by Grace Ann Culiano (HS) † Rose Piazza by Diane and Bob Edwards (SJ) † Robert Hall by Anne Nevinskas (HS) † Concetta Nellucci by Saverio and Elenor LaPietra (SJ) Friday January 21st St. Agnes Holy Spirit 9:00 am 8:30 am † Frank DeRosa, Birthday Remembrance, & Basil Oliver, Ryan O'Malley (Special Intention) by The Mackenzie Family (HS) Anniversary Remembrance by Joyce & Joe DeRosa (SJ) 11:00 am † Charles Scardino by Joe & Anne Sakmyster (HS) † John Nania, Jr. by Barbara & Ralph Meleo (HS) Saturday January 22nd St. Vincent, Memorial of Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00 am † Rosemarie Thummler by Ellen Barry-Jensen (SJ) Carlo Viavattene (Special Intention) by His Family (SJ) The Sanctuary Candle at Holy Spirit burns this week in memory of: Deceased Members of the Parish For all who are grieving by Father James Schwartz (HS) The Sanctuary Candle at St. Joseph’s burns this week in memory of: Peter M. DeJonge by Debra & Gary Reisdorf (SJ) The Legion of Mary Invites You to Pray The Rosary with Them during the Pandemic CONFESSIONS: Every Saturday at 2:30pm at Holy Tuesday Afternoons at 3:00 pm Spirit in the Youth Room and 3:30pm at St. Joseph’s Church in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at St. Joseph’s or by appointment. All are Welcome! Fr. Jim: 585-586-8089X 112 or schwartz@dor.org Fr. Sadhanala 585-586-8089X 123 or IN REMEMBRANCE fr.sadhanala.sriram@dor.org St. Joseph’s In Remembrance column is now online with bios of parishioners who recently celebrated Low Gluten Hosts are available at both Parishes funerals at St. Joseph’s: upon request https://holyspirit-saintjoseph.org/in-remembrance 4
Shepherd Home Respect Life MARCH FOR LIFE JANUARY 21, 2022 BUS TRIP TO WASHINGTON D.C. The March for Life will be held on January 21, 2022. We are now taking reservations for the 2022 “March for Life” Bus Trip departing from Church of the Holy Spirit to Washington D.C. Participants must arrive to Holy Spirit January 20th at 9p.m. If you would like to attend, please visit our web site at: http://march4life.gmsander.info and fill out a reservation request form. The cost this year is only $30.00 per person. For more info, visit the website, call Gerry Sander at 585-503-3256, or email us at: committeeforlife@yahoo.com. Couples Weekend Retreat COUPLES WEEKEND RETREAT February 18th - 20th “EUCHARIST, GOD’S GIFT TO HIS PEOPLE” Jesus reaches out to all of us...It is up to us to accept this gift and then go live what we have received . Join other couples as the Notre Dame Retreat Team leads you through a weekend of listening, sharing, and building friendships. Come and join us a the Table - all are welcome! For more information visit: https://notredameretreat.org or call Notre Dame Re- treat House at 585-394-5700 Notre Dame Retreat House 5151 Foster Rd. Canandaigua, NY 5
SYNOD 2021-2022 Outreach IS THE SYNOD A NEW PARISH PROGRAM? PENFIELD HOPE Actually, it is not a parish program. The synod is a RE-LOCATION IS UNDERWAY! specially crafted process that Pope Francis has chosen THANK YOU TO ALL for the church —- to listen —- to the church. All in WHO ARE MAKING IT HAPPEN! dialogue with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Penfield Hope volunteers have been working through- It’s part of a prayerful process that we probably know out the Christmas season to pack all of the donated well, but just in another way. If we’ve ever said even food, clothing, housewares, diapers and cleaning one prayer, we have been guided by the Holy Spirit! products that were in the St. Joseph’s Pastoral Offices WHAT IS A SYNOD? basement. This space has served the ministry well for A synod process is a close to four years, and we deeply appreciate the time sharing between people of and dedication of our volunteers. different ages, backgrounds, spirituality, Now we are moving into 1771 Penfield Road with a but with a desire to be one re-opening date of this Monday, January 17! This will with the Spirit, and be a “softer” opening than planned due to the Covid together create a bright surge. We will serve clients at curbside and look future. forward to the day in the near future when we can safely introduce our walk-through food pantry. SOUNDS LIKE IT’S FOR CLERGY OR THEOLOGIANS More volunteer photos will be shared in the weeks Not at all! The process is meant to be clergy, religious ahead, but this week we focus our gratitude on the & laity learning how to be ‘missionary disciples,’ amazing generosity and spirit of St. Joseph’s Knights TOGETHER! It’s like Jesus taught the apostles—he of Columbus. They transported the bulk of all that had taught them and prepared them for the time when he to be moved on a cold, snowy Saturday morning. would no longer be there. It’s our turn to enhance our Their smiles, good will and heavy lifting are much preparation for the mission. appreciated! They also took the occasion to share proceeds from recent fundraisers. May their ministry HOW CAN MY ONE VOICE SPEAK TO THE be blessed. Deacon Duncan Harris, Cathy Kamp FUTURE OF THE CHURCH? Our input isn’t meant to be directed at changing Church teaching. BUT your voice is vital in the way we live, pray and treat one another as God’s family. Every voice, knitted together, becomes a beautiful contribution! SHARING Which phrase expresses your vision of church? Why? The beautiful vision of Pope Francis for this time of dialogue includes: planting dreams allowing us to see what church can be—vision allowing hope to flourish inspiring trust healing wounds weaving together relationships awakening a dawn of hope learning from one another 6
Music Ministry St. Joseph School ENROLLMENT FOR THE SPRING SEMESTER AND 2022-2023 ACADEMIC YEAR OPEN For more than 60 years St. Joseph has offered a safe, respectful, nurturing environment which A HUGE thanks to our Music Ministers who shapes both the mind and heart of enriched our Christmas celebrations with the each and every student -- sounds of the season. academically, emotionally, Your time and talents are greatly appreciated! socially, and spiritually. At the heart of it all, St. Joseph School encourages students to be faith-centered while creating a strong and confident foundation for success in school and life. WHY CHOOSE ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL? Academic excellence Value-based education supporting your child’s character development State-certified teachers and support staff who put Faith for Life your children first After school care until 6pm Academic Intervention Services (AIS) FIRST EUCHARIST Community Service Projects PREPARATION MATERIALS Holy Spirit and St. Joseph’s First Eucharist Preparation materials will be available in the West Transept of St. Joseph’s Church the weekends of January 22nd and January 29th. Please pick up the materials for your students during this time. FIRST EUCHARIST PARENTS’ MEETING FEBRUARY 1st 6:00PM Holy Spirit and St. Joseph’s PRESCHOOL PROGRAM We invite our First Eucharist parents to join us The Preschool program is designed for in preparation for their child’s sacrament on 3- and 4 year-olds whose birthdays are February 1st at 6:00pm on ZOOM. Invitations prior to December 1. and after school with the meeting information are forthcoming. care is available for our elementary We look forward to growing students with a wraparound program closer to Christ and His offered for our preschool students. church together! Please contact Amy Johnson at 585-586-6968 ext 302 to arrange for a tour. 7
Prayer Outreach EUCHARISTIC ADORATION—HOLY SPIRIT Sunday & Monday 2pm to 9pm, Tuesday 10am to 9pm, Wednesday 10am to 4pm, Thursday 3pm to 9pm, Friday from 10am to 9pm, Saturday 9am to 3pm VOLUNTEER NEEDS: Saturdays Noon - 1:00pm, Tuesdays 8:00-9:00pm, Thursdays 4:00 - 5:00pm Please contact Mary Reardon for more information: 671-3822 or plainjan@rochester.rr.com Our friends at Mary’s Place need drivers to deliver food to refugees at their homes. Covid-19 precautions are in place for deliveries. Food pickup is at Mary’s Place on Lexington Avenue at 11:45am and deliveries can be made in an hour. If you can volunteer to drive and deliver, please contact Matthew Palocy at Mary’s Place: 585-270-8626, matthew.palocy@marysplaceoutreach.org Lifespan Volunteer Request Live Class Available on ZOOM New Year -- A New Opportunity For more information or to register for an upcoming class please use this link https://vipelnk.com/afdwvi7 Many older folks in our community have given up their keys and no longer drive. Yet, they still need to Currently Live Classes are held at 6:00pm the 2nd get to medical appointments, go shopping, do their Tuesday of each month at the Church of the Assump- banking, have their hair cut. tion in Fairport (gym). What you need: Comfortable clothing Can You Help? Exercise mat Small hand weights (optional) If you have a couple of hours a week, or even a couple of hours a month, consider being a volunteer driver. Water bottle You can select your geographic area and the times you An open heart wish to drive. You will be provided with training, and supplemental accident and liability insurance. SoulCore Instructor Terezeja Lemieux invites you to integrate body and soul in prayer, fully orienting the Call Sr. Anne Guerin at 244-8400, ext. 142, or email at heart and mind toward Christ, while discovering the aguerin@lifespan-roch.org beauty of the rosary. SoulCore is movement born from and she will help you get the desire to nourish body AND soul through prayer started. and core strengthening, functional exercise. Why wait? 8
General Parish Information To contribute an article or photos to the bulletin LADIES AUXILIARY—KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS about current activity at either parish, Eleanor Czarnecki, President - St. Joseph’s please email or call: sjpladiesauxkofc@gmail.com Maria.Crowe@dor.org, 585-586-8089 x110 Pat Schichler, President - Holy Spirit SUBMISSIONS DUE FRIDAY ONE WEEK PRIOR pschichler@yahoo.com PASTORAL MINISTRY OFFICE MANAGEMENT Fr. James Schwartz, Pastor Patrick Vogt, Finance Director/Maintenance Schwartz@dor.org 585-586-8089 ext. 112 Patrick.Vogt@dor.org 585-586-8089 ext. 119 Fr. Sriram Sadhanala, Parochial Vicar, Kathy Best, St. Joseph’s Church Secretary Youth Ministry & Confirmation Kathleen.Best@sjcpenfield.com 585-586-8089 ext. 120 fr.sadhanala.sriram@dor.org 585-586-8089 ext.123 Maria Crowe, St. Joseph’s Church, Secretary Fr. Bob Kreckel, In Residence Maria.Crowe@dor.org 585-586-8089 ext. 110 Fr.Robert.Kreckel@dor.org 585-899-0098 Marc Magagnoli, Network Systems Administrator: Deacon Ray Garbach, Pastoral Associate, Holy Spirit Marc.Magagnoli@dor.org 585-671-5525 Ray.Garbach@dor.org 585-671-5525 Kathy Zink, School Business Administrator Deacon Duncan Harris, Pastoral Associate, Kathleen.Zink@dor.org 585-586-8089 ext. 111 St. Joseph’s, Penfield Hope Co-Director SCHOOL OFFICE Duncan.Harris@sjcpenfield.com 585-586-8089 ext.113 Open Monday to Friday from 7:30am to 3pm Deacon Roger DeBell, Roger.DeBell@dor.org www.sjspenfield.com 585-586-6968 Fax 585-586-4619 Susan Gividen, Director of Music, St. Joseph’s, Amy Johnson, Principal 585-586-6968 ext. 302 Susan.Gividen@dor.org 585-586-8089 ext.125 Amy.Johnson@dor.org Cathy Kamp, Pastoral Associate, St. Joseph’s, Colleen Giallanza, Lisa Lynd, School Secretaries Penfield Hope Co-Director Cathy.Kamp@sjcpenfield.com Contact Us, Follow Us! 585-586-8089 ext. 115 Gabriel Pellegrino, Director of Music, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit: 1355 Hatch Road, Webster, NY 14580 Gabriel.Pellegrino@dor.org 585-671-5520 Nancy Veronesi, Director of Worship, St. Joseph’s Phone: 585-671-5520; Fax: 585-671-7262 Nancy.Veronesi@sjcpenfield.com Email: pholyspi@dor.org 585-586-8089 ext. 124 Website: www.holyspirit-saintjoseph.org Facebook: ChurchofHolySpiritWebster FAITH FOR LIFE Jeanne Mooney, Faith for Life Director (K-7) St. Joseph’s, 43 Gebhardt Rd, Penfield, NY 14526 Jeanne.Mooney@sjcpenfield.com Joint Parish Office Hours: 585-586-8089 ext. 116 Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm PASTORAL CARE & SOCIAL OUTREACH Phone: 585-586-8089; Fax: 585-586-0674 Email: info@sjcpenfield.com Confidential Lines Website: www.holyspirit-saintjoseph.org Stephen Ministry 585-586-8089 ext. 130 Facebook: SJCPenfield, hopepenfield Penfield HOPE 585- 586-5139 Instagram: @sjcpenfield, @penfieldhope, penfieldhope@gmail.com @st.joes_yg 41 Gebhardt Rd. in Pastoral Offices Twitter: @SJCpenfield, @HopePenfield, PARISH LEADERSHIP @PhillipTheVan Anthony Gramza, Pastoral Council Chair -Holy Spirit A reminder to all ministers/ Ned Sayegh, Pastoral Council Chair - St. Joseph’s volunteers in any area of Parishcouncil@sjcpenfield.com parish life at Holy Spirit and James Hopper, Finance Chair - St. Joseph’s St. Joseph’s that we need to Brian Weaver, Finance Chair - Holy Spirit complete online training. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS GRAND KNIGHT LINK: C.A.S.E. Training. Ross Giardino - St. Joseph’s rossgiardino@gmail.com https://holyspirit-saintjoseph.org/creating-a-safe-environment John Veloski - Holy Spirit jveloski@frontier.com 9
We Hold in Prayer this week all those who are ill.... Mayra Anastasi (SJ) Pat Hammell (HS) Maryann B (HS) Angie S (HS) Debbie A (SJ) Gary Hosenfeld (HS) Victor & Jean Mastrandea (SJ) Joyce Shood (SJ) Declan Beaton (SJ) Martin Hosenfeld Jr. (HS) Barbara Meleo (SJ) Sharman Steltenpohl (SJ) Sharon Brognia (SJ) Jim Hynes (SJ) Michael R. (HS) Susan (HS) Courtney (SJ) Joseph B (HS) Evelyn M (SJ) Beverly Stutzman (SJ) Olivia Caines (SJ) Julie (HS) Donald Mongeon (SJ) Gail Trabalzi (SJ) Steven Colon (HS) Katie (SJ) Carla Myers (SJ) Jo Vigianni (SJ) Tim Crowley (SJ) Kelly (HS) Deb Nau (HS) Valerie (HS) Julia D’Anza (SJ) Karen Kelly (SJ) Kevin P. (SJ) Cori Vincent (HS) David D (HS) Christopher Knight (SJ) Frank Palermo III (SJ) Dan Wiles (SJ) Patricia David (SJ) Domenic Lamb (HS) Kim Paterson (SJ) William Zink Ethan DiIulio (SJ) Andrew B. Lane (SJ) Nancy Pelletier (SJ) Eleanor (SJ) Barb Leibenguth (SJ) Rob Perialas (SJ) Steven Elinsky (HS) Jim Lovelock (SJ) Deanna Peters (HS) Ethan (HS) Amelia Maley (SJ) Sandra Piccolo (SJ) Heidi Liebert-Fine (SJ) Marian & Michael (SJ) Ann & Gary Ras (SJ) Adam Greenly (SJ) Mary A (HS) James Rutigliano (HS) Please call either St Joseph’s Church (586-8089) or Holy Spirit (671-5520) to have a name placed on this list. We Hold in DO YOU NEED PRAYERS? Prayer this week A Prayer Ministry Phone Line is available at St. Joseph’s. For all those who are many years a group of parishioners have been praying daily serving in the individually and weekly as a group for special intentions. They military including: Kyle Bachman (SJ), would like to include you by name with your need in their daily Peter Lajoie (SJ), Ian McLellan (SJ), Holton and weekly prayer. Call our Prayer and Stephen Ministry Pratt (SJ), John Siniscalco (SJ), Liam Confidential Phone Line 585-586-0674 X130. Leave your name Osborn (SJ). as the person wanting prayers (it can be only your first name) and Please call either St Joseph’s Church the specific reason for the prayer request. You may wish to leave (586-8089) or Holy Spirit (671-5520) to a name and number if you wish someone to call back to pray with have a name placed on this list. you individually. Remember, Celebrate & Heal Jennings, Turning 65 Is Easy. Knowing What To Do Is The Hard Part. Nulton & Mattle Please Call Today To Have Your Questions Answered Funeral Home, Inc. HVAC Energy Experts Joe Centanni 585-469-3911 1704 PENFIELD RD. | PENFIELD For all of your Commercial HVAC Needs 585-663-7826 jcentanni1@rochester.rr.com • www.t65beyond.com Tune in to “Medicare U” on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm on WYSL 1040 AM 381-3900 info@Ambroseheatingandcooling.com Harloff Funeral Home 803 S. WASHINGTON ST. | E. ROCHESTER Elegant Senior Living 586-5948 in Penfield 40 Willow Pond Way Licensed Funeral Directors Penfield, NY 14526 Jeffrey A. Jennings Robin M. Jennings 585-441-6203 Scott L. Schmitt legacywillowpond.watermarkcommunities.com CANCUN BEACH DEALS 7 NTS ALL-INCLUSIVE W/ NON-STOP FLIGHTS FROM BUFFALO FROM $1479* Family Fun KIDS STAY FREE AT SELECT RESORTS February Recess February 20-27, 2022 Stress-Free Non-Stop Flights From Our Family SINCE 1947 to Yours DEBBIE WELSCH 585-433-0113 TILL O ’S WWW.ALWAYSTRAVELNOW.COM P O N ZERIA OTHER DATES AND DESTINATIONS AVAILABLE PIZ (585) 385-4848 BUFFALO TO CANCUN DEALS pontillospizza.com All- Inclusive Vacation Packages w/ Non-Stop Air Save Even More with Exclusive Non-Stop Flights 1811 Penfield Rd Save more and spend more time on the beach soaking up the tropical sun by flying our non-stop flights to Cancun! Penfield, NY 14526 Save your spot now with a low $225 deposit! 10 • www.4lpi.com Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 St. Joseph, Penfield, NY 06-0030
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