Jährliche Sicherheitsunterweisung Yearly Safety Instruction - Platzhalter für Bild, Bild auf Titelfolie hinter das Logo einsetzen
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Platzhalter für Bild, Bild auf Titelfolie hinter das Logo einsetzen Jährliche Sicherheitsunterweisung Yearly Safety Instruction Reinhard Hehl, Institut für Genetik. 14.05.2020
Allgemeine Sicherheitsunterweisung für das Arbeiten im Labor ( 20 GefStoffV) Unterweisung nach 12 Abs. 3 der Gentechnik Sicherheitsverordnung (GentTSV) Diebstahlsicherung |2
Information about chemicals – MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET •Informations about any chemicals are generally contained in MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS s) •The MSDS is a multipage document, provided by the manufacturer, that contains the •following information about a chemical: -Product or chemical identification (name and CAS number) -Hazardous ingredients, if a mixture of chemicals -Physical data, such as boiling point or melting point -Flammability and explosion danger -Reactivity data -Health hazards (toxicity) -First aid and emergency information -Measures to control exposure -Personal protective equipment -Spill handling procedures -Special procedures, such as waste disposal |3
Information about chemicals – CAS Number One off the first information you will find in an MSDS is the name of the chemical. Often a chemical will have more than one appropriate name. For instance, all of the following are names given for acetone: Acetone, dimethyl ketone, 2-propanone In addition, a chemical may yet different names in other languages (German, French, Russian, etc.) To avoid the problem of what to correctly name a chemical, the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) assigns a unique number, the CAS Number, to each compound. You will find this universal number in the MSDS along with the names. This number allows an easy computer search for information about a compound. Emergency personnel can readily access safety information with this number, and chemists can use it to find literature articles and to order the compound. |4
Basic Hazards Flammable chemicals will ignite and burn. •Corrosive or caustic chemicals will cause damage (immediate burns) to your skin: -Corrosive usally applies to acids -Caustic usally applies to bases Strong oxidizers may cause a fire when they come in contact with other chemicals and are extremely reactive. •Volatile compounds readily evaporate (from a vapor) when left in an open container. The vapor could be flammable or toxic. |5
Toxicity •Toxicity: Relates to the adverse effects of a chemical on a living system •There are two types of toxicity: •Acute Toxicity: The chemical has a rapid bodily absorption and exerts its effect during a •single exposure. •Chronic Toxicity: The chemical exerts its effect because of repeated exposure over a period of time (days, months, years); and the exposures may be cummulative. •Special MSDS Toxicity Terms: ü Carcinogen - Causes cancer ü Teratogen - Causes birth defects ü Sensitizer - Causes allergic reaction ü Irritant - Causes inflamation of the skin, or mucous membranes, or lungs |6
Pregnancy •Although the lab is planned to be as safe as we can make it, there will undoubtedly be some inadvertant exposure to chemicals. •Be responsible and inform as soon as you know about your pregnancy the leader of the institute about your situation. •We will check your workroom and we will find a healthy solution for you and your baby. |7
First Aid •Emergency Call: 0-112 •There is a first aid station in every lab. •A variety of bandages will be found here. •All small injuries have to be written down in the first aid book (Verbandbuch). •You must report serious injuries ( seeing a doctor) to the lab assistant. •The lab assistant will complete an injury report form (Unfallanzeige). More information? Read the First Aid leaflet (Erste Hilfe Merkblatt) |8
Safety Showers •Learn the location of the safety shower(s) nearest to your postion in the laboratory. •These showers are to be used if .you spill chemicals on your clothes or person .your clothing or hair is on fire. •Push the handle down. •Remove any clothing which has absorbed a hazardous chemical. •Also check your shoes. •If you removed clothing ask for a lab coat. •Seek medical attention if you have chemical burns. •Do not play with the shower, there are no floor drains and the water must be mopped up. |9
Eyewash Fountains •Learn the location of the nearest eyewash fountains. •Eyewash fountains are used if you splash a chemical in your eyes. •Push the red handle down and lower face into the jet so that it spray into the eye. •Rinse at least 10-15 minutes. •Seek medical attention. •Do not play with the shower, there are no floor drains and the water must be mopped up. | 10
Fire Safety •There will be no unauthorized use of flames in the laboratory. •Many chemicals are flammable and will burn. Avoid flames. •For most heating operations hotplates will be used. •Small fires may be extinguished by smothering them or using a fire extinguisher. •Learn the location of the nearest fire extinguisher. | 11
Using the Fire Extinguisher •There are several classes of fire extinguishers, that are designates for specific uses by letter: The class B (carbon dioxide) extinguisher is the one most commonly used in laboratories. Operating instructions: •A pin must be pulled in order to operate the extinguisher. •After pulling the pin, aim the nozzle at the base of the fire. •Squeeze the handle. •Sweep back and forth. •Once a fire extinguisher has been used, you should report its use, so that it can be recharged. | 12
Fire Procedures .Alert people in the laboratory. .Make sure you have a clear extit path. Avoid smoke or fumes. .Small fires: Smother fire or use correct extinguisher. .If the fire will not extinguish, call 0-112 and evacuate the area. .In most cases a fire alarm will sound Close all doors to confine the fire. .Exit building through the stairwell . .Do not use the elevators! .Wait for instructions. | 13
Personal Protection •The most common type of exposure in the lab is the inhalation of chemical vapors. •To protect yourself from vapors, always work with chemicals in a hood. •The second most common type of exposure is to the eyes and skin. •Always wear goggles to protect your eyes. •Chemically resistant gloves will protect you from the most common type of skin exposure. | 14
Goggles •Ordinary eye glasses do not provide adequate protection to your eyes. •If you wear glasses, the goggles have to fit over them. •Do not wear contact lenses in laboratories. •Goggles must be worn at all times when working in the laboratory. •The goggles have to seal completely arround the eyes and provide splash protection from top, bottom, and the sides, as well as from the front. | 15
Gloves •Not all types of gloves are equally effective at blocking chemicals. •The most effective gloves for general use are the “nitrile” gloves (blue). •Some chemicals may require special types of gloves. | 16
Protective Work Practices •Never allow chemicals to touch your skin or hands. •Wash your hands frequently: üAfter handling chemicals. üAfter removing gloves. üBefore you leave the lab. •Use good housekeeping. üWash your benchtop before and after working. üReturn Chemicals to their proper storage. üClean up any spills. üRemove gloves, goggles and labcoat before you leave – leave them in the lab. •Understand the hazards of your work. •Never work alone in the lab. | 17
Protective Work Practices •Do not put chemicals back into reagent bottles. •Take only as much as you need. •Do not use any unlabelled chemicals. •Never smell, inhale or taste laboratory chemicals. •Coats, backpacks, and other personal belonging must be placed in the racks, not on the table or on the floors. •Your belongings are at risk from chemical attack when placed on the table or the floor, and they can get in the way of your work, presenting a safety hazard. •Never stir with a thermometer. •Always check your glassware for imperfections before use. | 18
Protective Work Practices •Do not place items inside the hood where they will block air flow. •Any situation that blocks or disturbs the air flow in a hood causes turbulence, and can cause air to spill out of the hood: -Always move deliberately while working in the hood, using slow rather than rapid movements. -Walk slowly when you pass a hood. •No eating or drinking will be allowed in the laboratory. •Be sure you wash your hands well before eating or drinking, your hands may be contaminated with chemicals. No smoking in the laboratory and in the whole building. | 19
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Waste Disposal •Follow the “Guidlines for Handling and Disposal of Hazardous and Nonharzardous Waste” at the University of Braunschweig. •General Rules: •No laboratory glass in domestic waste. •All recyclable material ( especially: Paper, Styropore, Plastic materials and compostable domestic waste) must be collected separately. •All harzadous wastes must be collected in accordance with declaration, packaging and transport regulations. | 26
Betriebsanleitung für das Arbeiten in S1 Laboratorien Manual of Instructions to Work in S1 Laboratories 1. Gentechnische Arbeiten der Sicherheitsstufe 1 (S1) dürfen nur in den mit "Genlabor" gekennzeichneten Laboratorien durchgeführt werden. Der Zugang zu den Genlabors ist nur für Befugte gestattet. Die allgemeinen Hinweise für Brand- und Notfall sind Bestandteil dieser Anleitung. 1.The work with genetically modified organisms of the safety level 1 must only be carried out in labs designated „Genlabor“. The general instructions on how to behave in cases of emergency are part of this instruction. 2. Alle Arbeiten mit gentechnisch veränderten Organismen (GVOs) müssen anhand der vorgesehenen Formblätter und Plasmidkarten protokolliert werden. Die Protokolle werden vor Beginn der Arbeit vom Projektleiter unterschrieben und nach Beendigung der Arbeit im vorgesehenen Ordner abgeheftet. 2. All work with genetically modified organisms (GVOs) has to be recorded in writing, using designated forms and schematic representations of plasmids. These records are signed before beginning of the work by the project leader and are filed at the end of the work | 27
3. In den S1 Labors darf nicht gegessen, geraucht, getrunken und keine Kosmetika aufgetragen werden. In den S1 Labors muß ein zugeknöpfter Kittel getragen werden, der vor dem Verlassen des Labors ausgezogen wird. Jede(r) Mitarbeiter(in) muß in ausreichender Zahl Laborkittel besitzen, sodaß ein 2x wöchentlicher Wechsel möglich ist. Die Laborkittel der Mitarbeiter(innen) werden vom Institut gestellt. Bevor die Kittel zur Reinigung das Genlabor verlassen, sind sie zu autoklavieren. Zu reinigende Kittel werden in einem Autoklavierbeutel in der Spülküche, Raum 337, gesammelt und nach dem Autoklavieren im Auftrag des Instituts gereinigt. Bei großflächigen Kontaminationen der Kittel mit Gefahrstoffen, werden die Kittel fachmännisch entsorgt und durch neue, vom Institut gestellte Kittel, ersetzt. Nach Beendigung der Arbeit werden die Hände gewaschen, desinfiziert, abgetrocknet und rückgefettet. 3. It is not permitted to eat and drink in S1 laboratories and cosmetics must not be applied. A buttoned up lab coat must be worn, which has to be removed prior to leaving the lab. All coworkers have to have a sufficient number of lab coats to permit two changes per week. The required lab coats are provided by the institute. Before the lab coats leave the lab, they must be autoclaved. Lab coats that have to be cleaned are collected in a bin labelled „zu autklavierende Laborkittel“ in room 337, then autoclaved, and washed on behalf of the instutute. After finishing work, hands must be washed, desinfected, and moisturized. 4. Nicht mehr benötigte GVOs und kontaminierte Gefäße werden in den vorgesehenen Behältern gesammelt und durch Autoklavieren sterilisiert. Evtl. kontaminierte Flächen am Arbeitsplatz werden gründlich mit 5% Na-Hypochlorit und anschließend mit Ethanol gereinigt. 4. Genetically modified organisms to be discarded and contaminated containers are collected in designated containers and autoclaved. Contaminated surfaces are cleaned with 5% Na-Hypochlorit followed by ethanol. | 28
5. Unvorhergesehene Abweichungen vom geplanten Verlauf eines Versuchs mit einem GVO und Verletzungen werden dem Projektleiter unverzüglich gemeldet. 5. Unexpected deviations from a planed experiment with genetically modified organisms as well as injuries are to be reported immediately to the project leader. 6. Teilnahme an den jährlichen Sicherheitsbelehrungen ist Pflicht 6. Participation at the yearly safety instructions is mandatory 7. Im Brand- und Notfall sind die Hinweise aus dem Alarmblatt für den Brand- und Notfall der Abt. Sicherheitswesen zu beachten. 7. In case of fire and emergency instructions according to the manual for fire and emergency of the Safety department are to be considered. | 29
Schutz vor Diebstählen – Protection against theft Verschließen Sie Ihre Zimmertür, wenn Sie den Raum verlassen und sich niemand anders mehr im Raum befindet. Das gilt auch für ein nur kurzzeitiges Verlassen! Lock your door when you leave the room and nobody else is in the room. Also when you leave your room only for a short time. Verschließen Sie Flur- und/oder Haustüren, wenn nicht mehr mit Besuchern (Studierende, Lieferanten) zu rechnen ist oder Sie allein auf dem Flur oder im Gebäude sind. Lock your entrance or hallway doors when you when you do not expect any visitors and when you are alone on your floor or in the building. Also when you leave your room only for a short time. Öffnen Sie Flur- oder Haustüren nach dem Klingeln persönlich, nicht per Summer! Open doors personally. | 30 (Quelle: Strahlenschutzkurs, Zentrum für Strahlenschutz und Radioökologie, Hannover, 22.11.-03.12.1999)
Schutzmaßnahmen – Protective measures Tragen Sie Wertgegenstände immer am Körper (Hosentasche) und nicht im Rucksack, in der Handtasche usw. Carry valuables always near your body (trouser pocket) not in a backpack or a purse.. Lassen Sie Wertgegenstände wie Portemonnaie, Schlüssel oder Handy nicht auf dem Schreibtisch liegen und verschließen Sie Ihr Arbeitszimmer, wenn Sie es verlassen und keine Kollegin oder kein Kollege im Raum sind. Don‘t leave valuables not on any desktop and lock your room whenyou are leaving | 31 (Quelle: Strahlenschutzkurs, Zentrum für Strahlenschutz und Radioökologie, Hannover, 22.11.-03.12.1999)
Schutz vor Überfällen – Protection against assault Nutzen Sie gerade in der dunklen Jahreszeit im Freien helle, gut ausgeleuchtete Bereiche. When it is dark outside only use illuminated areas Meiden Sie dunkle Ecken (z. B. den dunklen Fahrradständer hinter dem Gebäude). Machen Sie das Licht an im Flur und Treppenhaus. Avoid dark corners. Turn in the light in the hallways and staircases. Ziehen Sie bei Alleinarbeit die Jalousien zu, wenn man von außen gut in Ihren Arbeitsraum hineinsehen kann (z. B. Erdgeschoss, Souterrain). Close jalousie if someone from outside of the building can see you alone in the office or lab (ground floor and basement) | 32 (Quelle: Strahlenschutzkurs, Zentrum für Strahlenschutz und Radioökologie, Hannover, 22.11.-03.12.1999)
Vielen Dank Thank you very much | 33
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