Swiss Insights News - #02 Making the Case for Ethics in Market Research


           Making the Case for Ethics in
#02        Market Research
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3                                                                                                                                                        Swiss Insights News #02

                                     Making the Case for Ethics in
                                     Market Research

                                     What can market researches do to build trust? There are new tools which
                                     technically raise privacy to a new level. Understanding and using those is a
                                     business opportunity.

                                     In order to discuss the topic of ethics in market                   unaware of the customer’s motives for the re-
                                     research we have to draw a distinction between                      search and how the outcomes could be abused.
                 Monique Morrow      “ethics“ and “compliance“. Ethics refer to a strong                 The Cambridge Analytica scandal may indeed
    Senior Distinguished Architect
                                     association to your organizational values, and                      be the top of this iceberg. In the market research
     for emerging technologies at
           Syniverse Technologies    “compliance“ evokes a legal obligation to do so-                    world, this polarity between consumer, enterpri-
                                     mething like manage risk or adhere to regulations                   se and the potential for abuse presents ques-
                                     specific to privacy, for example General Data Pro-                  tions about the governance model. Who is the
                                     tection Regulation or GDPR.1                                        target of this research and for what purpose?

                                     Trust is foundational to this topic and we may                      In an article first published in 2010 by Marcus J.
                                     consider the thesis that there is a trust deficit.                  Schmidt, entitled, “Ethics in Marketing Research”,
                                     Why? In fact, trust should be core to general                       the author had pointed out some areas that are
                                     business and research practice as a whole.                          ripe for abuse such as “The market research
                                     Trust as the old adage goes, takes many years                       agency may disguise errors in the survey or in sta-
                                     to build, seconds to break and forever to repair.                   tistical computations. Sometimes, clients have a
                                                                                                         hidden agenda and try pressurizing agencies to
                                     To get from a metaphorical level to current re-                     make them come up with certain prespecified
                                     search findings, please consider the following                      findings. Clients may misuse a methodological
                                     examples:                                                           framework developed by an agency and agenci-
                                     • 39% of UK public don’t trust marketers with                       es may inappropriately reuse a research design
                                       their personal data.2                                             worked out exclusively for a specific client.
                                     • According to a recent poll by the Global Re-

                                       search Business Network, only 34% of respon-                      Data mining techniques certainly have the po-
                                       dents from around the world said they trusted                     tential of eroding trust and privacy. Frankly, there
                                       market research companies — similar to the                        is not a day that passes without a breach or an
                                       level of trust they have in government.”³3                        abuse of data privacy being posted. In the end,
                                                                                                         what is required is a model that encourages
                                     How data and research may be abused                                 transparent handling of data. Paving the path to-
                                     The focus on the customer is one aspect of                          ward creating a “fair data” framework that could
                                     this narrative. For example, researchers may be                     be standardized and may go beyond what we
                                                                                                         see today.4
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Protecting privacy – there is much more than                      It’s not unusual for residents to interact with
guidelines                                                        their local agencies multiple times every year.
Data Ethics and Enhanced Privacy Techniques                       One person might renew a driver’s license, ap-
intersect with one another. Data Ethics are stra-                 ply for a building permit and pay taxes in a sin-
tegic for organizational boards as there is an                    gle month. Each interaction requires signing in
opportunity to understand what data transpa-                      to different portals, with different credentials,
rency research guidelines must be. In fact, the                   and filling out the same personal information,
European Union has published recommenda-                          even if not all of that information is required for
tions for board level functions in this space.5                   the transaction.
However, data privacy enhancing techniques
are indeed a space to follow. The hypothesis is                   With an SSI, the individual only gives out what
that data is never really anonymized especially                   is required for that specific transaction and
when there is reference to so called metadata                     can dictate how that data is used. For examp-
or data about data.                                               le, a person applying for a liquor license for a
                                                                  business may not be required to provide home
Self-Sovereign Identity or SSI is an example                      address. With an SSI, they don’t have to -- they
here. There are several principles that encom-                    can just provide whatever information is ne-
pass SSI one of which is selective disclosure.                    cessary to complete the transaction. The same
Selective disclosure translates to disclosing                     goes for something like a vaccine passport --
what is required for the situation. Hence, SSI is                 there‘s no need for a Social Security number
contextual.                                                       to be shared during the validation process. It‘s
                                                                  enough for a user to verify vaccine status -- no
Earlier this year, Texas launched its Texas x Te-                 other personal details are required.6
xas online portal, a single location for residents
to access government services and connect                         More tools enhancing privacy
with local agencies, and plans to make a TxT                      The toolkit against data leakage includes Dif-
mobile app available for download in 2022.                        ferential Privacy, Homomorphic Encryption, Se-
Both examples could be considered first steps                     cure Multiparty Computation, Zero Knowledge
toward self-sovereign identities (SSIs), where                    Proofs or ZKPs. This is an alphabet soup of
residents’ personally identifiable information is                 Privacy Enhanced Techniques or PETS. In fact,
digitized and controlled by each individual, not                  Gartner believes that over half of organizations
a government agency.                                              will implements PETS by 2025.7 Differential
                                                                  Privacy applies a mathematical definition to
SSIs are different from a physical form of iden-                  privacy itself.8 Homomorphic Encryption [HE]
tity, like a laminated driver’s license or a paper                permits computations to be performed on en-
vaccination card. Physical IDs can contain a                      crypted data without access to the secret key.
variety of information related to a person’s                      We commonly see HE used in cloud implemen-
identity (birth date, home address, etc.). With                   tations with a variety of use cases that include
a digital SSI, users control what and how much                    healthcare as an example.
information they share and whom they share it
with, and they can choose to provide only the                     Secure Multiparty Computation or sMPC can
information necessary to complete a transac-                      be thought of as a cryptographic primitive whe-
tion. No information is kept by the organizati-                   re functions can be jointly computed without re-
on asking for identification, and everything re-                  vealing the outputs.9 We have been witnessing
mains in the user’s control.                                      the commercialization of Zero Knowledge
5        8
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    Proofs or ZKPs over these past several years.           Autor
    The application is that I can prove something           With over 25 years’ experience as a global technolo-
    is true without revealing the data that proves          gy leader, Monique Morrow is Senior Distinguished
    it. One common use case cited is age, “I am             Architect for emerging technologies at Syniverse
    between the age of x and y.” Bringing academia          Technologies where her main role and responsibili-
    and enterprises together for ZKP has been the           ties are to provide thought leadership and to deve-
    motivation for the Zero Knowledge Proof Stan-           lop the strategic direction and vision for Syniverse‘s
    dards Group.10                                          emerging technologies across the company, partners
                                                            and industry forum.
    Understanding how these PETs can be applied             Monique‘s expertise are in cybersecurity, privacy, mo-
    in market research is an industry opportunity.          bile payments, ethics in extended reality and distri-
    Finally, what kind of Ethics-Trust Barometer do         buted ledger technologies for example, blockchain.
    you want to create?11 We have only discussed
    the tip of the iceberg on this topic on making          Contact
    the case of ethics in market research. I do look        The Humanized Internet, Monique Jeanne Morrow
    forward to continuing the discussion further!           +41 79 334 5723,

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                          Swiss Insights

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    Unsere Mitglieder

    Im Verband sind alle relevanten Markt- und So-       Die Corporate Mitglieder sind Unternehmen, die
    zialforschungsinstitute unter einem Dach or-         sich für den fairen Umgang mit Auskunftsperso-
    ganisiert. Alle Mitgliedsinstitute unterliegen ei-   nen und Auftraggeber sowie für den Schutz der
    nem strengen Regelwerk von schweizerischen           Privatsphäre engagieren.
    und internationalen Normen.
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amPuls Market Research                          gfs.bern. Menschen. Meinungen. Märkte.
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+41 41 612 14 14 /               +41 31 311 08 06 /                         

amrein+heller MarktforschungsTreuhand AG        gfs-zürich, Markt- & Sozialforschung
Südweid 7, 6274 Eschenbach                      Riedtlistrasse 9, 8006 Zürich
+41 748 63 70 /          +41 44 360 40 20 /                    
Bilendi Schweiz AG                              gfs-befragungsdienst
Reinhardstrasse 19, 8008 Zürich                 Schaffhauserstrasse 491, 8052 Zürich
+41 79 801 88 80 /       +41 44 360 26 40 /                        

Boomerang Ideas AG                              GIM Suisse AG
Sihlquai 131, 8005 Zürich                       General-Wille-Strasse 10, 8002 Zürich
+41 44 500 88 60 /   +41 44 283 18 18 /                
Constant Dialog                                 Happy Thinking People AG
Alte Steinhauserstrasse 33, 6330 Cham           Staufacherstrasse 101, 8048 Zürich
+41 41 310 05 40 /      +41 44 204 16 26 /                

DemoSCOPE Data + Research                       INNOFACT (Schweiz) AG Research & Consulting
Klusenstrasse 17, 6043 Adligenswil              Flurstrasse 50, 8048 Zürich
+41 41 375 40 00 /       +41 43 931 77 82,                      
dr-ouwerkerk ag – just-medical!                 Instight Institute AG
Blegistrasse 5, 6340 Baar                       Bergstrasse 138, 8032 Zürich
+41 41 766 11 55 /        +41 44 387 90 90 /                  

Gallup AG                                       intervista
Reinhardstrasse 19, 8008 Zürich,                Optingenstrasse 5, 3013 Bern
+41 78 891 31 15 /          +41 31 511 39 00 /                      
gff Swiss Research Services                     IPSOS Suisse SA
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+41 41 560 01 60 /,                  +41 22 591 06 00 /                            

GfK Switzerland AG                              Kantar Media Switzerland AG
Suurstoffi 18A, 6343 Rotkreuz                   Bahnhofstrasse 4, 3073 Gümligen
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LINK                                                        TX Group AG
Baslerstrasse 60, 8048 Zürich                               Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zürich
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Seefeldstrasse 19, 8008 Zürich                              Täfernweg 1, 5405 Baden
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Pont Bessières 3, 1005 Lausanne
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+41 44 500 50 54 /
Flurstrasse 26, 3014 Bern
+41 31 335 64 00 /

Publicom AG
Alte Landstrasse 55, 8802 Kilchberg
+41 44 716 55 11 /
Qualitest AG, Institut für Marketing- und Sozialforschung
Rosenberghöhe 3, 6004 Luzernr
+41 41 712 12 21 /

Industriestrasse 16, 6300 Zug
+41 41 710 71 61 /
NielsenIQ (Switzerland) GmbH
Park 4, 6039 Root D4
+41 41 445 64 64 /

TransferPlus AG Market Research
Haldenstrasse 11, 6006 Luzern
+41 41 618 33 11 /
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