Issue No 18 21 November 2019 - Bateman Primary School

Page created by Marion Payne
Issue No 18 21 November 2019 - Bateman Primary School
Issue No 18
                                                         21 November 2019
                           From the Principal                                                              TERM 3
We are now over half way through our last term and as always there is plenty that is           Thursday 21 November
keeping students, staff and parents busy. Yesterday we voted for next year’s school             Movies @ Bateman
leaders a er hearing many fantas c speeches on Monday. Our new leaders will be
announced at our Gradua on and Presenta on Evening next month. Tonight is our
                                                                                                     FRIDAY 22 NOVEMBER
always enjoyable “Movies at Bateman” evening and tomorrow all staff will be                              PUPIL FREE DAY
involved in professional learning about reading and comprehension to ensure we                       Students to not a(end.
have a consistent approach, language and understanding across the school.                      Monday 25 November
Next Friday we have the always fun to watch Pre-Primary assembly where Miss                    7pm P&C AGM
Flanagan’s class will entertain us. Before that we have the almost as entertaining
                                                                                               Wednesday 27 November
P&C mee ng from 7pm on Monday night where we will discuss some of our end of
                                                                                               ICT Open A ernoon & BYOD
year arrangements and plan for 2020. Less entertaining but s ll important is our
                                                                                               Info Session
open School Board mee ng at 5pm on Monday 2 December to which all are invited
to see how governance of the school is conducted. Topics to be covered at this                 Friday 29 November
mee ng are the BYOD Report and progress on the Business Plan 2020 – 2022.                      Assembly Pre-Primary
Speaking of the School Board, Natalie Walchshofer, Marny Marsh and Jenni                       MOB Dinner
Beauchamp have renominated for parent posi ons and they are joined by Wendy
Mobley for the next two years.                                                                 Monday 2 December
I’d like to say thank you to those parents who responded to our reminder le;er                 Board Mee ng
about outstanding costs for excursions and ac vi es that their child had been
involved in. If you have not yet made your payment could you please pop into the               Wednesday 4 December
office before next Friday 29 November and finalize your account so Jenni, our MCS,                Parent Helper A ernoon Tea
can complete end of year financial repor ng requirements. I acknowledge that the                at 2.00pm
Voluntary Contribu ons are just that and can be removed from the total should you
wish.                                                                                          Thursday 5 December
                                                                                               Wellness Fes val
I met last week with a representa ve of the Department about an upgrade to all of
our toilets that is likely to happen late 2020 or early 2021. $160 000 has been put            Friday 6 December
aside for this project and I am nego a ng with them to see if we can use any le over           Wellness Fes val
money, or the money assigned for knocking down the psych hub demountable, to                   End of Year Sundowner
fund our stage and undercover area which would make our end of year
performances so much be;er for our community. I will keep you posted on our
                                                                                               LAST DAY FOR TERM 4 IS
                                                                                               THURSDAY 19 DECEMBER
Did you hear or read about the school in the northern suburbs who reduced their
total free play me to 15 minutes a day? Please rest assured if you hear from your
child that I was going to do the same and they had to write a le;er to me to say why I
should or shouldn't cancel recess, this was just a wri ng prompt used to s mulate a
persuasive text and would be the last thing I would ever really consider doing .    ᱮ
For those of you yet to see the Bush Tucker Track, it looks amazing and well worth a
walk through. This is an ongoing project linked to our 50th Anniversary next year and
we hope to have more of the gardens opened up during 2020. Before the end of the                Please contact School
year we are hoping to have our wings restored and protected for the children’s                 Watch Security on 1800
enjoyment. We have a lot of projects underway around our school as we con nue to               177 777 if you see any
make Bateman Primary a safe, happy and s mula ng learning environment for all of
                                                                                                suspicious ac5vity at
our students.
                                                                                               the school a6er hours.
                                     Bateman Primary School, Bartling Crescent, Bateman WA 6150
                            T: 6258 6900 E:
Issue No 18 21 November 2019 - Bateman Primary School
Page 2                                                                                             21 November 2019

                    2020 Schedule of Contribu5ons and Charges
In accordance with the Educa on Act schools are required to communicate to parents all contribu ons and charges
within two months of the following school year. These have gone home today. Please note, payment is not
required un l 2020. A statement will be mailed within the first two weeks of the new year.

For families that have prepaid their 2019 contribu ons and charges in advance, the balance in your account will
automa cally roll over into 2020. This will be reflected in your 2020 statement. If you have any queries please see
Jenni Fewster in the office.

                                  Personal Items Lists for 2020
                The Personal Items Lists for 2020 went home today to all students (except Year 6).
             Visit / School Code for Bateman is BAT / Password is ZZY261
                    Please read and follow the instruc ons as detailed on the Ziggies order form.

                                     Apple Screen Time Guide
As promised there is a guide to seJng up Apple Screen Time which has a number of restric ons that can be put
into place. We ask that you consider these and set up what you would like for home. There may be some
instances where it may affect what your child can do at school. If this happens your class teacher will be in contact
to discuss it. The guide will be sent out through SkoolBag this a ernoon and be available on the website for your

                                    BYOD Program Informa5on
As an easy reference all informa on that has been published in the newsle;er and through Skoolbag can be
accessed from the website. The pathway is Learning Opportuni es>Ipads at Bateman>BYOD Documenta on or ICT
News. The ICT Commi;ee are currently reviewing the documenta on and will be pos ng the latest versions in the
next couple of weeks.

                                   Bateman Primary School, Bartling Crescent, Bateman WA 6150
                          T: 6258 6900 E:
Issue No 18 21 November 2019 - Bateman Primary School
Page 3                                                                                             21 November 2019

         Gi6ed and Talented Secondary Selec5ve Entrance Programs
Key dates for students entering Year 7 in 2021 (Students in Year 6 in 2020).

Applica ons are now open. Applica ons close 11.59pm Sunday 9 February 2020.

Your child can discover a world of opportuni es in our Gi ed and Talented Secondary Selec ve Entrance Programs.

Your child will study with other excep onally able students in learning environments that will challenge, inspire and
empower them to excel every day.

They will follow a curriculum designed specifically for their needs and will have access to universi es, industry
bodies and mentoring programs as well as the opportunity to take part in compe ons at na onal and
interna onal levels.

Programs are offered at 22 select public secondary schools, including a fully selec ve academic school, an arts
college, a regional school and an online program for country students.

To apply online or to find out more informa on regarding key dates and applica on guidelines, parent informa on
presenta ons and more, visit h;ps://www.educa ed-and-talented

If you have any queries, you can contact the Gi ed and Talented Selec on Unit via email
gtsu@educa or telephone 9264 4307.

                                   Bateman Primary School, Bartling Crescent, Bateman WA 6150
                          T: 6258 6900 E:
Issue No 18 21 November 2019 - Bateman Primary School
Page 4                                                                                             21 November 2019

                                                 Chinese Day
Chinese Day was celebrated in week 4. It was a fantas c day beginning
with an assembly which included a cultural dance, a performance by
Room 6 and a costume parade.
Thank you to all the parents who helped to cook the more than 900
dumplings. From reports they were more delicious than last year.
Thank you to all the teachers who did ac vi es in their classrooms.

                                   Bateman Primary School, Bartling Crescent, Bateman WA 6150
                          T: 6258 6900 E:
Issue No 18 21 November 2019 - Bateman Primary School
Page 5                                                                            21 November 2019

                                Chinese Day

                  Bateman Primary School, Bartling Crescent, Bateman WA 6150
         T: 6258 6900 E:
Issue No 18 21 November 2019 - Bateman Primary School
Page 6                                                                                             21 November 2019

                                        P&C Grounds Report
Bush Tucker-Indigenous Educa5on Reserve - Thank you to everyone involved!
A HUGE thanks to all the many people involved in bringing the Bush Tucker-Indigenous Educa on Reserve to
frui on. A small but keen band came out in the oppressive heat last Friday to plant and finish up the reserve and
listen to a fabulous talk by Elder Aunty Taylor.
Also a thanks to the companies and organisa ons that donated products, services and their me including Rotary
                                          Booragoon who sponsored the laser cut sculptures, Bunnings for
                                          their amazing work in mulching and puJng in the frog pond/habitat,
                                          Tree Care WA for crea ng the outdoor teaching area, and the City of
                                          Melville for their con nued support. A special thanks to Ali Moore
                                          who worked relessly all year on geJng the area ready to go, Glenn
                                          Beauchamp (who took a sicky from Beauchamp Industries - et’s hope
                                          the owner doesn’t find out) who drove the bobcat all last Thursday to
                                          get the path ready, and all the special people who carried out work in
                                          the area preceding the busy bee. Also a thanks to our sensa onal
                                          science teacher Tania Allen who ensured some of the classes were
                                          involved in building the frog pond.

If you have not had a chance to walk through the reserve I would
encourage you to wander through and enjoy this new space for the
school and community. I have heard several classes have already
started using the outdoor teaching area which is fabulous.

Huge thank you to Emily Cheng and helpers for the brick pavers!
A big thanks to Emily Cheng for dona ng a huge amount of pavers to
the P&C so we can pave the area surrounding the chook pen and
kitchen garden. A big team of Bateman Family helpers turned up on
the weekend to move the pavers so thanks to all.

                                                                        Vacancy: Would you like to be involved with
                                                                        the P&C Grounds and Gardens commi(ee in
                                                                             2020 (School 50 year anniversary)?

                                                                                         Come on board!

                                                                       There is a vacancy for an individual or a team of
                                                                        people that would like to take on the grounds
                                                                          and gardens role for the P&C next year.

                                                                        If you would like to be involved come along to
                                                                               the next P& C mee ng or contact
                                                                            Mike on 0406 666 567 for more details.

                                  Bateman Primary School, Bartling Crescent, Bateman WA 6150
                         T: 6258 6900 E:
Issue No 18 21 November 2019 - Bateman Primary School
Page 7                                                                                              21 November 2019

                                                    P&C News
End of Year Sundowner - Friday 6 December
Our end of year Sundowner will be held on Friday 6 December from 5.00pm to 8.00pm. Please bring a picnic,
drinks, chairs/picnic rug and come and catch up with the other Bateman families and teachers from the school. So
come along and enjoy a great family night out! Watch this space for more details.
P&C Christmas Appeal for The Salva5on Army
This year, instead of the usual Christmas hampers we collect and raffle off at the end-of-
year Sundowner, we are collec ng dona ons to help support The Salva on Army
Christmas Appeal and help make Christmas a li;le brighter for families in need.
White ‘Christmas Appeal’ baskets have been placed in each classroom. Please place your kind dona ons in the
class baskets by Thursday 5 December 2019. All baskets and their contents will be delivered to The Salva on Army
Bentley Corps. Thank You.
Please refer to the below for some guidelines and suggested items you might like to donate for the Christmas
Appeal Hampers.

Men Of Bateman dinner - Friday 29 November
A;en on all fathers and father figures, don't forget about the MOB dinner at Cabin 401 on Friday 29 November
from 7.00 pm onwards. Last year was a great night out having dinner and watching some ice hockey.
The food is excellent and well priced. There was a successful chili chicken wing challenge completed last year and
this year some of the other dads are looking at having a crack at it. Part of the evening will also be the planning for
next year’s events and sugges ons for new events, so if you have not been to an event yet please come on down or
bring a father or father figure who has not been before. If you would like further informa on please contact Lance

                                    Bateman Primary School, Bartling Crescent, Bateman WA 6150
                           T: 6258 6900 E:
Issue No 18 21 November 2019 - Bateman Primary School
Page 8                                                                                             21 November 2019

                                            P&C News...cont...
Men Of Batemen - Dads and Kids Camp Out - Thanks
Thanks to all those who came down to the MOB Father and Father Figures & Kids School Camp Out last week. It
was a good turnout given the really hot weather and the kids had a fantas c me which is the aim of these events
and having the kids connect with their fathers and father figures. A big thank you to Tim Norris for organising the
event and having another successful event.

Uniform Shop
Uniform shop Volunteers Needed for 2020
A couple of our wonderful volunteers are finishing up at the end of this year. So, if you are available for 45 minutes
on a Thursday morning once every 2 or 3 weeks, please get in touch:
The uniform shop is open on Thursdays from 8:30am to 9:00am in the U5lity room.

School Banking
School Banking Day: Wednesday mornings 8.30 to 8.50 in the P&C U5lity room
Don’t forget, if you can’t make it to see us Wednesday mornings, to pop your
deposit book into the orange locked box (front office) by 2.50pm Tuesdays, your
deposit will be processed on Wednesday. Last chance to order and receive a
reward in this year is Wednesday 27 November.

A er that you can s ll choose a reward from the variety of old stock that we have. Come in and have a look!

Icecreams, Icypoles (and Juice Boxes—Limited 5me) for sale - Friday lunch5me Term 4
Ice-creams, Icypoles and Juice Boxes will be on sale during Term 4 on Fridays at lunch me in the P&C U lity Room

Lifesavers icy poles                       $2.00
Frozen yoghurt (mango or strawberry)       $2.00
Billabong (chocolate or rainbow)           $1.50
Quelch icy poles                             50c
Juice Box (Apple/Orange/Paradise Punch) $1.00
Note: P&C have chilled juice boxes le over from fac on
carnival day. Will not be geJng any more once sold out.

Vacant posi5on - P&C Treasurer
Our treasurer posi on is vacant for 2020. If you have some spare me to take on this role, we would love your help.

For informa on about what the role involves or any other ques ons, please contact Sylvie Broadway, treasurer, on
0423 166 836.

Your Feedback and Get in Touch
We welcome any feedback and ideas you may have that would help benefit the children and school.
Please email or come along to one of our regular P&C mee ngs.

What's Happening on Facebook?
Our Facebook page, h;ps://, is frequently updated with events, pictures,
videos and informa on on what is happening at Bateman PS.
Like us to keep up to date with what is happening and stay in touch.

                                   Bateman Primary School, Bartling Crescent, Bateman WA 6150
                          T: 6258 6900 E:
Issue No 18 21 November 2019 - Bateman Primary School
Page 9                                                                                              21 November 2019

                                             P&C News...cont...
P&C Annual General Mee5ng (AGM) - Monday 25 November 2019 - All Welcome
Each year, parents and members of the community work together on a variety of fundraising ini a ves and
projects around the school to benefit your children’s educa on experience. You can support the school by
volunteering a few hours a months with things ideally matched to your skills and exper se. All posi ons on the
P&C will be open for elec on and vo ng, with new P&C members commencing their role in 2020.

When:             Monday, 25 November 2019 at 7.00 pm
Where:            P&C U lity Room/Uniform Shop

P&C Posi5ons

          P&C Office Bearers          P&C Representa5ves/Coordinators/Commi(ees
          President                 Services Coordinator - Uniform
          Vice President            Services Coordinator - Lunches
          Secretary                 Grounds/Buildings Commi;ee
          Treasurer                 Men of Bateman Coordinator
                                    Events Coordinator/s
                                    Marke ng/Communica ons Coordinator/s
                                    Newsle;er Coordinator
                                    Auditor (2019 Records)
                                    Book Club Coordinator
                                    School Banking Coordinator/s
                                    Ice-Cream Shop Coordinator (Friday’s Term 1 & 4)

All posi ons are declared vacant during the AGM. All current P&C members are encouraged to a;end the AGM to
vote and/or nominate for vacant posi ons. If you are unable to a;end the mee ng, please contact Glenn
Beauchamp on 0411 116 966 or if you wish to nominate for a posi on or would like to
know more informa on about a posi on. Drinks and nibbles provided.

                                    Bateman Primary School, Bartling Crescent, Bateman WA 6150
                           T: 6258 6900 E:
Issue No 18 21 November 2019 - Bateman Primary School
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