What is it?
The ISEE (Indicatore Situazione Economica Equivalente/Equivalent Economic Situation
Indicator) certificate is issued by the INPS institute and certifies the economic and
estate capacity of the family unit.
In order to obtain the ISEE you must sign the DSU form (Dichiarazione Sostitutiva
Unica/Comprehensive Replacement Declaration).

How do I get it?
Any member of the registered family unit can request it at a CAAF (Centro Autorizzato
Assistenza Fiscale/Authorised Fiscal Assistance Office) office in Italy. The ISEE can be
requested from January until December and, regardless of the day of request, it is valid
until December 31st of the year in which it has been signed and issued.

What do I say to the CAAF in order to request the ISEE Universitario?
You must request that the QUADRO C Prestazioni Universitarie (Panel C –
University services) of the DSU form is filled out (page 3 of the section of the DSU
form referring to you must be filled out).

How do I know if the ISEE is the Universitario type (in case my parents requested the
You must check that YOUR fiscal code appears in the first page of the ISEE certificate.
BEWARE! If in the line highlighted above you find the fiscal code of another
member of your family unit, not yours, it means that the ISEE does NOT APPLY
TO THE UNIVERSITY SERVICES to you. In this case your result in the
provisional ranking lists will be EXCLUDED, and you will be able to fix your
situation ONLY IF you submit an ISEE certificate that applies to the university
services to you through the complaint procedure (“ISEE Data” section) by the
deadline of the complaint referring to the benefit you applied for (please check
the deadlines on the Notice of Competition).

Which documents must I submit to the CAAF office for requesting the ISEE
   •   Self-certification about the composition of your family unit (nucleo
       familiare anagrafico: family unit registered in the civil registry records).
       We advise you to check the exact composition of the family unit by
       contacting the Ufficio Anagrafe (Civil registry Office) of the
       Comune/Municipality in which you reside (Beware! Moving your domicile
       to a different address does not mean that the residence address has
   •   Legal separation/divorce decree (yours or your parents’, if present);
   •   If it is the case, a document stating the fact that you are listed in a
       cohabitation registry (convivenza anagrafica in Italian). It applies in case
       you live in a foster home/casa famiglia, host community/comunità di
       accoglienza, if you are a soldier/serviceperson, if you are on prison
       regime, or if you belong to a religious order  BEWARE! Your residence
       must be registered in one of the facilities mentioned above;
   •   Any measure issued by the Autorità Giudiziaria (legal authorities, or
       certification from the social services) about your removal from your
       family of origin, or certificates about the economic and emotional
       extraneousness of one or both parents towards the student;
•   Certificate of disability referring to you or to a member of your family
       unit/cohabitant of yours (if present);
   •   Expenses (previously included in the dichiarazione dei redditi/tax
       declaration) which entitle you to a deduction, as you can deduct them in
       the ISEE too;
   •   Incomes (including the ones that are IRPEF exempted, like the EDISU
       Piemonte Scholarship and the economic treatments referring to tax year
       2019 received by your family unit  EDISU (or other Ente per il Diritto
       allo Studio Universitario) CU 2020 referring to 2019 incomes);
   •   Incomes earned abroad by members of your family unit in 2019;
   •   patrimonio mobiliare (movable property), including the final balance and
       the average daily balance (giacenza media in Italian), referring to the
       date of December 31st, 2019. As for building and plots of land possessed,
       you must refer to their IMU value;
   •   real estate assets possessed abroad by members of your family unit at
       December 31st, 2019 (IVIE value for both buildings and plots of lands);
   •   patrimonio mobiliare (movable property) possessed abroad by members
       of your family unit at December 31st, 2019;
   •   rental fee of the family unit registered at the Agenzia delle
       Entrate/Revenue Agency, if present (you must submit a copy of the
       lease/rent contract and the details of registration of the contract);
   •   number plate of the vehicles of the family unit (engine
       capacity/displacement of 500cc and/or higher);
   •   If you are a CARE LEAVER student, you are entitled to sign the DSU
       form as the only member of the family unit. You must submit to the
       CAAF office a copy of the removal order from your family of origin.
BEWARE! The inserted data will be cross-referenced with the ones in the database of
the dell’Agenzia delle Entrate and credit institutions! YOUR ISEE MUST NOT HAVE ANY
so please check the bottom of the first page of the ISEE certificate. The box showed
below must NOT appear on the ISEE certificate.

this box appears on the ISEE, it means that the certificate is annotated (annotato in
Italian). You must contact the CAAF office, submit the missing documents pointed out in
the ISEE and sign a new DSU form.

How do I submit the ISEE Universitario to EDISU?
You do not have to submit any document, as EDISU will download the certificates
•   EDISU will download the last available certificate on the INPS database;
   •   Within 48 hours after receiving the confirmation of the acquisition of the
       paperwork, you will receive the “Ricevuta Dati INPS/INPS data receipt” 
       check your email inbox;
   •   If the receipt shows some download errors (ISEE not of the Universitario
       type, ISEE with annotations of omissions/dissimilarities, ISEE certificate
       that cannot be found) you must request and sign a new ISEE. Once the
       ISEE has been issued, you can:
       - submit the correct data through the Web Adjustment procedure (by
           the application deadline of the benefit you requested);
       - submit an official complaint (after the application deadline of the
           benefit you requested).
   •   Check that the data that were downloaded match the ones you want to
       submit to EDISU. If the ISEE data do not coincide, you can:
       - submit the correct data through the Web Adjustment procedure (by
           the application deadline of the benefit you requested);
       - submit an official complaint (after the application deadline of the
           benefit you requested).

FURTHER INFORMATION about the ISEE UNIVERSITARIO are available at art. 6
of the Notice of Competition a.y. 2021-2022. You can also open a ticket in the
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