Digital Transformation with PI System in Food Industry - Emilio Anglés Isern November 5th, 2020 - OSIsoft

Page created by Zachary Henry
Digital Transformation with PI System in Food Industry - Emilio Anglés Isern November 5th, 2020 - OSIsoft
Digital Transformation with
PI System in Food Industry

Emilio Anglés Isern
November 5th, 2020

          Virtual Industry Summits   © 2020 OSIsoft, LLC   1
Digital Transformation with PI System in Food Industry - Emilio Anglés Isern November 5th, 2020 - OSIsoft
•About Kellogg Company.
•About Kellogg Manufacturing Valls (Spain).
•Valls Plant PI System Architecture.
•Using PI Notifications and PI Vision for silos inventory
•Using PI System data for Energy Saving projects.
•Improving Operations Efficiency with PI AF and PI Analysis.

Digital Transformation with PI System in Food Industry - Emilio Anglés Isern November 5th, 2020 - OSIsoft
About Kellogg Company
Digital Transformation with PI System in Food Industry - Emilio Anglés Isern November 5th, 2020 - OSIsoft
Digital Transformation with PI System in Food Industry - Emilio Anglés Isern November 5th, 2020 - OSIsoft
100+ Year Heritage, Progressive Growth
                                                                                 Enters biscuits,                                Acquired
                                                                                cookies, crackers                                  Mass
  1906 ‐ Kellogg Overseas expansion                                Expands into   with Keebler                                                 Acquired
                                                                                                                                Food Group,     RXBAR,
Company founded into UK, Australia                                select Frozen    acquisition                                    leading
                                                                Food products in                                                            fastest-growing
                                                                  U.S. and bars                                         Tolaram  Egyptian     US nutrition
                                                      1960s –                                                            Africa    cereal
                                                 Asia, Japan entry                                                                             bar brand
                                                                                                                          joint  company
                                         1950s –                                                           Wilmar       venture
          Canadian                    Latin America,                                                    International
          expansion                    Mexico entry                                                         joint

     1906         1920        1940            1960         1980         2000          2012          2013         2014            2015       2016       2017   2018

                                 Numerous iconic foods                                                     $14.6 billion                                     Verïval
                          launched from the 1930s to the 1980s                                               in sales                                      Austrian Bio
                                                                                                                            Acquired        Acquired       Organic food
                                                                               Acquired Kashi and                                             Parati,
                                                                               MorningStar Farms                           Bisco Misr,                      company
                                                                                                                        Egyptian biscuits    leading
                                                                                   soy‐based                                                Brazilian
                                                                                  vegetarian                                company
                                                                                                                                         biscuits, pasta
                                                                                     foods                                                and powder

Digital Transformation with PI System in Food Industry - Emilio Anglés Isern November 5th, 2020 - OSIsoft

Digital Transformation with PI System in Food Industry - Emilio Anglés Isern November 5th, 2020 - OSIsoft
About Kellogg Manufacturing Valls (Spain)
Digital Transformation with PI System in Food Industry - Emilio Anglés Isern November 5th, 2020 - OSIsoft
Digital Transformation with PI System in Food Industry - Emilio Anglés Isern November 5th, 2020 - OSIsoft
Kellogg Manufacturing Valls

    47.060m2                        24H 7DAYS

      + 300
    EMPLOYEES                 CAPACITY 120M KG
Digital Transformation with PI System in Food Industry - Emilio Anglés Isern November 5th, 2020 - OSIsoft
What do we produce?
                              AREA 1 Sp K : Classic + Variants
                                        2 packing lines

  AREA 2   Corn / Rice
           2 packing lines

                             AREA 3   Coex/Dx
                                      2 packing lines
Digital journey
Valls Manufacturing Plant
Kellogg’s Valls Plant PI System Architecture
Using PI Notifications and PI Vision
     for silos inventory control
• Challenge
         We have to pay an additional cost for having raw material trucks waiting to unload in
         the Silos, for requesting more raw material than necessary because the silo was still full.
• Challenge          Raw Materials Management
     In Co-Extrusion process we had Unplanned plant shutdown due to lack of Chocolate Cream supply.





Using PI Notifications for silos inventory control
 PI Notifications
Food and Beverage

Using PI Notifications for silos inventory control

                                        Solution                           Benefits
                                                                          - Increased production and
 - Reduce unplanned plant               Deployed the latest OSIsoft       operational efficiency, eliminating
 shutdown due to lack of raw            PI technology including PI AF &   the unplanned plant shutdowns for
 material supply.                       Analytics and PI Vision plus      run out of chocolate cream in Coex
                                        email PI Notifications.           process..
 - Avoid the extra costs for having
 raw material trucks waiting for                                          - We reduce the waiting cost for
 discharge in the Silos.                                                  discharge by 100%.

             Virtual Industry Summits                                                             © 2020 OSIsoft, LLC   18
Using PI System data for Energy
        Saving projects.
• Challenge
                                    Energy Management
   In 2005 Kellogg’s Company
   had a challenge to reduce 20%
   Energy usage (Kw/Ton) in 15
   years in all Kellogg
   Manufacturing Plants worldwide
Energy Management Architecture
GAS 13
Electricity 58
Water 12
Compress air 10
We have reduced the
kW / Ton consumption
 by 30% in the last 15
Food and Beverage

Using PI System data for Energy Saving

   Challenge                           Solution                              Benefits
   20% Energy usage (Kw/Ton) in        Deployed the latest OSIsoft       -    30% energy consumption
   15 years in all Kellogg             PI technology including PI AF          reduction in 2020 YTD compared
   Manufacturing Plants                and PI Vision along with energy        with 2005.
                                       meters, (Electricity, Gas
                                       Compress Air and Water) for       -    The information in real time
                                       Monitoring energy consumption          enables to take actions at shift
                                       in real and use the data for           basis
                                       defining Energy Saving
                                       Engineering projects

            Virtual Industry Summits                                                               © 2020 OSIsoft, LLC   26
Improving Operations Efficiency
with PI Asset Framework and PI
Challenge: Be in the best in Class Consumer Product Goods Industry = 80% OEE
 In 2017 the packing lines OEE was 68%
Operations TEAM needs data in order to:

                                              • Eliminate the historical fights
                                                between Maintenance and

 •   Measure the improvement after the
     periodic “Pit Stops” where maintenance
     and cleaning task are executed.
Packing lines MTBF in 2017

  10 minutes of MTBF
  6 minor stops per hour

        2017               2018   2019   2020
Use the PI System data along with SAP xMII

Valls PI System Architecture
2020 for Smart Factory, Packing
Lines Analytics (PLA)
1. Create a Digital Twin connecting all Packing machines to PI System via PI Interface for OPC DA
                                                                                                    Digital Twin
2. Set up PI AF structure and Analytics for calculating line status
3.We set up Packing line stop reason analyses
4. We created a packing line equipment structure and analyses in PI AF
using Element Templates.
Packing Line equipment status and MTBF
Results 2020 YTD

          MTBF improvement = 180%                     28 minutes of MTBF
                                                      2 minor stops per hour
          Minor Stops Reduction = 67%

     10 minutes of MTBF
     6 minor stops per hour

           2017                         2018   2019                2020
Smart Factory
Digital Workstation Paperless Plant
Food and Beverage

Using PI Notifications and PI Vision for silos inventory

                                         Solution                          Benefits
                                                                         - 76% OEE in packing lines
   - 68% Valls Plant packing lines
   OEE 2015
                                                                         - 67% less of minor stops per hour.
                                       Deployed the latest OSIsoft
   Reduce line minor stops, 6 per      PI technology including PI AF &
   hour in 2015.                                                         - MTBF increased from 10 minutes to
                                       Advanced Analytics and            28 minutes. (180%).
                                       connect to SAP xMII in order to
   Improve the 10 minutes MTBF         monitor the packing line status
   that we had in 2015.                                                  - We have eliminated paper in the
                                       and stop reason in real time      packing lines.
   No automatic data capture for
   Root Cause Analysis                                                   - The information in real time enables
                                                                         to take actions at shift basis

            Virtual Industry Summits                                                              © 2020 OSIsoft, LLC   41
Thank you

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Virtual Industry Summits   © 2020 OSIsoft, LLC   43
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