WIN World Survey Post Coronavirus Times - Published: 28th December 2020

Page created by Jessie Ward
WIN World Survey
Post Coronavirus
Published: 28th December 2020
REF: 481720
WIN World Survey – Post Coronavirus Times – Key Findings

    Vast majority (71%) are likely to        Majority in Ireland give the
                                             government a positive rating for           Likelihood of travelling
    get the COVID-19 vaccine when                                                       outside of Ireland for business
    available                                its handling of the pandemic
                                             crisis                                     or holidays in 2021 is low
    Globally, the vast majority (71%) are                                               Likelihood to travel outside of
    likely to get the COVID-19 vaccine       Following some of the most stringent
                                                                                        Ireland in 2021 is low, particularly
    when available, with Ireland in line     restrictions in Europe, the majority in
                                                                                        for business travel (7%), while
    with this global average.                Ireland (63%) give the government a
                                                                                        likelihood to travel on holidays is
                                             ‘very well/pretty good’ rating for its
                                                                                        higher (38%).
    However, this view varies across         handling of the pandemic crisis
    demographic groups in Ireland and is     despite the majority (54%) rating the
                                             capacity of the health system poorly.      There is evidence that 18-34 year
    most widely held amongst men,                                                       olds, who are considered less at-
    older ages, and those in higher social   18-34’s and lower social grades,
                                             groups who were disproportionately         risk from the effects of the virus,
    grades, which suggests challenges lie                                               are more up for travelling.
    ahead in rolling out the vaccine to      affected by the economic downturn,
    the wider population in Ireland.         tend to be more critical in this regard.
                                                                                        Compared to other countries, Irish
                                             Irish people rank their performance        people are less likely than average
    Asian countries including Vietnam,                                                  to plan business travel for 2021,
    India and China appear most likely to    higher than most other countries’
                                             populations rank their governments’        but more likely to plan a foreign
    get the vaccine, while Denmark has                                                  holiday.
    the highest likely uptake in Europe.     performance, although they are at the
                                             same time more likely to regard the
                                             capacity of their health system more
7 in 10 Irish people
                                                               % Likelihood of
are likely to get                                           getting vaccinated for
the COVID-19                                                      COVID-19

Vaccine                                                                                        % Will get vaccinated
Significant differences exist
                                                                                      TOTAL                                   71%
within gender, age, and social                            11%
grade, with men, 55+ ages, and
higher social grades claiming                                      71%                 Male


they are more likely to get                                     Definitely/probably   Female

vaccinated.                                               18%   will get vaccinated
                                                                                       18-34                                 70%

This highlights the long term                                                          35-54                              63%
challenges of rolling out the
vaccine to the rest of the                                                              55+                                      81%
population once at risk groups                                     Definitely will     ABC1                                     77%
receive their vaccinations.                                        Probably will
                                                                                       C2DE                                65%
                                                                   Probably won't
                                                                   Definitly won't

Base: All adults in ROI aged 18+, n=1,001
Q.8 – When a vaccine for the coronavirus becomes                                                   Indicates significant difference vs. Total
available, how likely or not are you to get vaccinated?
Irish intentions to get vaccinated are on par for the global average
With 7 in 10 people saying they will probably or definitely get the vaccine, Ireland is on par for the global
average across the 32 countries surveyed, while Vietnam, India, and China lead in this regard.
% Will get vaccinated once the COVID-19 vaccine is available

100%          98%
                     91% 91%
90%                               87% 87% 86%
                                                      83% 83% 82% 81% 81%
80%                                                                             77% 76%
                                                                                        74% 72% 72%
        71%                                                                                         71% 70%
70%                                                                                                           67% 67% 66% 65%
60%                                                                                                                                 56% 56%
                                                                                                                                              53% 51%
50%                                                                                                                                                     44% 44%

Base: All adults across X countries worldwide – n=26.757
Q.7 – When a vaccine for the coronavirus becomes available,
how likely or not are you to get vaccinated?
Gov’t handling of
crisis rated higher
than capacity of                                                        Rating of…                              Rating of…
                                                                   Irish Government’s                        Capacity of health
health system                                                   handling of COVID-19 crisis                  system in Ireland

Over 6 in 10 think the                                                   12%                                            6%
government has done well, but                                                                               21%
more than half rate the capacity
of the Irish health system badly.
                                                                  63%                      Very well
                                                                                           Pretty good
                                                                                                                   46%                               Very well
                                                                                                                                                     Pretty good
                                                                  Very well/                                       Very well/       40%
                                                                                           Rather badly                                              Rather badly
Groups disproportionately                                         pretty good
                                                                                           Very badly
                                                                                                                   pretty good
                                                                                                                                                     Very badly
affected by the 2020 economic                                                   51%                        30%
downturn, such as 18-34 year
olds and lower social grades,
tend to be more critical of both                       TOTAL                      63%                     TOTAL                46%
the government’s handling and                           Male                      63%                      Male                 49%
also the capacity of the health                        Female                     63%                     Female              43%
                                                        18-34                    56%                       18-34             37%
system in Ireland.                                      35-54                    56%                       35-54              42%
                                                         55+                         78%                    55+                   58%
                                                        ABC1                        70%                    ABC1                47%
Base: All adults in ROI aged 18+, n=1,001               C2DE                    53%                        C2DE               42%
Q.8 – How would you rate each of the following, with
regard to the coronavirus pandemic?                                                                                         Indicates significant difference vs. Total
Irish government’s handling of crisis is above global average
Over 6 in 10 Irish people were satisfied with the government’s response to the crisis – well above the global
average. However, Irish people were less happy than most other countries with the capacity of our health system.
Rating of Irish Gov’t and health system on COVID-19 crisis
                                                                                        % Very well/pretty good
                                                                             Irish Government’s handling of COVID-19 crisis
             100% 99%
100%                       87% 82%
                                   77% 75% 75% 75% 73% 71%
 80%                                                                         63% 63% 57%
       52%                                                                               50% 49% 47% 44%
 60%                                                                                                     39% 35% 35% 35% 33% 32% 32%
 40%                                                                                                                                 30% 30% 30% 30% 27% 27% 26%

                                                                                           % Very well/pretty good
                                                                                      Capacity of health system in Ireland
            98% 98% 90%
100%                    88% 86% 81% 81%
                                        77% 76% 74% 71% 69%
 80%    58%                                                 62% 62% 61% 61% 60% 55%
                                                                                    51% 46% 46%
 60%                                                                                                                          36% 36% 36% 35% 35% 32% 30% 30%
 40%                                                                                                                                                          27% 22%

Base: All adults across X countries worldwide – n=26,763
Q.8 – How would you rate each of the following, with regard to the coronavirus pandemic?
Most don’t see
travelling outside                                          % Likelihood of travelling                         % Likelihood of travelling
                                                           outside of Ireland in 2021…                        outside of Ireland in 2021…
Ireland in 2021                                                    on HOLIDAY                                        on BUSINESS
Less than 4 in 10 say they are
likely to go on a foreign holiday in                                    8%      14%                                       6%2%4%
2021, while less than 1 in 10                                                                                                        18%

                                                                    38%                                                 7%
                                                                                               Very likely                                               Very likely
think they will go abroad for
business reasons.                                                                        24%   Quite likely                                              Quite likely
                                                                        Very/Quite                                     Very/Quite
                                                                          likely               Not very                  likely                          Not very
This reluctance to travel is less                                                              likely                                                    likely
prevalent among 18-34 year olds,                                                               Not at all           69%                                  Not at all
                                                                          25%                  likely                                                    likely
who are not considered to be as                                                                Don’t know                                                Don’t know
at-risk from COVID-19 as those in                              TOTAL                  38%                           TOTAL     7%
older age groups.                                               Male                   41%                           Male     8%
                                                               Female                36%                            Female    6%
                                                                18-34                   45%                          18-34     11%
                                                                35-54                36%                             35-54    7%
                                                                  55+                35%                              55+    2%
                                                                ABC1                   42%                           ABC1     7%
Base: All adults in ROI aged 18+, n=1,001                       C2DE                 36%                             C2DE     7%
Q.9 – How likely do you think it is that you will travel
outside of Ireland in 2021?                                                                                                     Indicates significant difference vs. Total
Irish more likely than others to holiday, but business will wait
Almost 4 in ten Irish people intend to go on a foreign holiday in 2021, considerably above the average for the 32
countries surveyed. However, with only 17% planning a foreign trip in 2021, Ireland is far below the global norm.
Likelihood of travel in 2021
                                                                                                     % Likelihood
                                                                                of travelling outside of Ireland on a HOLIDAY in 2021
             60% 58%
60%                        51% 46% 45%
                                       43% 39% 39% 38% 37%
                                                           37% 35% 35% 34% 31%
40%   29%                                                                      31% 30% 30% 29% 29% 27% 26%
                                                                                                           24% 20% 19%
                                                                                                                       17% 15% 14% 13% 12% 12%
20%                                                                                                                                                                                        6%

                                                                                                      % Likelihood
              58%                                                                of travelling outside of Ireland for BUSINESS in 2021
60%                  51%
50%                         40% 37%
40%                                 34%
                                                 30% 26%
30%                                                      23% 22% 21% 20% 20%
       17%                                                                   19% 16% 16% 15%
20%                                                                                          14% 13% 13% 12%                        9%   9%   9%   8%   8%   8%   7%   7%   7%   7%   7%   6%

Base: All adults across X countries worldwide – n=26,763
Q.9 – How likely do you think it is that you will travel outside of Ireland in 2021 for…?
Sample and Methodology


The WWS (WIN Worldwide Survey) is a study conducted every year with the purpose to measure people´s
thoughts, expectations, worries and perceptions related to relevant topics for society and business.

Sample Size and Mode of Field Work:

A total of 26,763 people were interviewed globally. See below for sample details. The fieldwork was conducted
during October 2020 – December 2020. The margin of error for the survey is between 2.4 and 4.4 at 95%
confidence level.

The global average has been computed according to the share of the covered adult population of the surveyed

Questionnaire – Post Coronavirus Times

About the WIN Survey

 Media enquiries (worldwide data)                                                        Local Media Enquires (Irish data)

 Elena Crosilla, WIN Coordinator                                                         Richard Colwell, CEO RED C
 +39 335.62.07.347                                                                       +35316930201

 About the WIN Survey
 The Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research (WIN) is a global network conducting market research and opinion polls in every continent.
 RED C Research are the Irish members of the WIN network

 Our assets are:
 •    Thought leadership: access to a group of the most prominent experts and business entrepreneurs in Market Research, Polling and Consultancy
 •    Flexibility: tailormade global and local solutions to meet clients’ needs
 •    Innovation: access to the latest strategic consultancy, tool development and branded solutions
 •    Local experts: access to a network of experts that truly understand the local culture, market and business needs
 •    Trust: highest quality of talented members in all countries covered

 In the years, WIN has demonstrated wide competences and ability to conduct multi-country surveys following the highest standards requested by the
 market. The accumulated expertise of the Association is formidable: Third World issues, advertising and media research as well as retail, economics, and
 corporate research.

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