Ireland Past and Present - June 16 - 25, 2022 - Witte Tours

Page created by Michele Rhodes
Ireland Past and Present - June 16 - 25, 2022 - Witte Tours
Past and Present

  June 16 – 25, 2022
    Hosted by Debra Freeberg
Ireland Past and Present - June 16 - 25, 2022 - Witte Tours

                      Hosted by                                                Tour Pace
                      Debra Freeberg                                                                   Tour Cost Includes:
                                                                                                       • Roundtrip air
                   Debra, former Calvin Director of Theatre and
                   Professor of Communication, loves exploring                                         • Hotel accommodations
                   different cultures and landscapes-- and sharing                                     • Breakfast daily and 6
                   them with others! She has led students and                                            dinners
                                                                      MODERATE – Activity
                   alumni groups to explore culture, faith, and       levels vary from day to day.
                                                                                                       • Dublin city tour
                   arts in Scandinavia as well as Ireland, England,   Sightseeing is often a brisk     • St. Patrick’s Cathedral
and Scotland. With Gary Schmidt, she also regularly leads a           walk over distances of several
                                                                      miles on cobblestone streets     • Abbey Theatre Show
popular CALL Shakespeare trip to Stratford, Ontario. There’s no       and uneven ground.
                                                                                                       • Guinness Storehouse
one better to guide your discoveries of Ireland!
                                                                                                       • Rock of Cashel
Debra L. Freeberg
                                                                                                       • Cork city tour
                                                                                                       • Blarney Castle
 Tour Cost                                                                                             • Cobh Heritage Castle
 $5,154 per person from Grand Rapids,
                                                                                                       • Ring of Kerry
 based on double occupancy                                                                             • Cliffs of Moher
                                                                                                       • Galway city tour
 Register online at
                                                                                                       • The Famine Museum
                                                                                                       • Kylemore Abbey
 use booking code 061622FREE
 or complete and return the printed registration form.                                                 • And more!
Ireland Past and Present - June 16 - 25, 2022 - Witte Tours
                                                                                                         21, Tuesday
                                                                                                          Ring of Kerry,
                                                                                                          A day of splendid scenery
                                                                                                          awaits as we tour the Ring
                                                                                                          of Kerry. This drive is said
                                                                                                          to contain some of the
                                                                                                          most magnificent scenery
                                                                                                          in Ireland. We pass through
                                                                                                          the small towns and villages
                                                                                                          of Killorglin, Caherciveen,
                                                                                                          Waterville, Sneem, and finally,
                                                                                                          Molls Gap in the heart of the
                                                                                                          black mountains. Returning to
                                                                                                          Killarney, there is free time this
                                                                                                          afternoon. (B)

                                                                                                          22, Wednesday
                                                                                                          Tarbert, Shannon
                                                                                                          Ferry Crossing,
                                                                                                          Cliffs of Moher,
                                                                                                          Coole Park, Galway
                                                                                                          Today we depart from Killarney
                                                                                                          and head northwards. Tralee
                                                                                                          is the first large town we
                                                                                                          come to before Listowel and
                                                                                                          Tarbert, where we wait to
16, Thursday                       the Guinness Storehouse to          20, Monday                         board the ferry that crosses
Depart                             discover all there is to know       Cobh, Blarney                      the Shannon. Once on the
The day of departure has           about this world-famous beer.       Castle, Killarney                  other side, we travel along the
arrived. We meet at the airport    It is a dramatic story that         Our first stop this morning        Atlantic until we come to the
for our overnight flights.         begins over 250 years ago and       is to Cobh Heritage Centre.        holiday town of Lahinch and
                                   ends in Gravity, the sky bar,       This exhibition showcases the      then onto the Cliffs of Moher,
17, Friday                         with a complimentary pint of        origins, history, and legacy       700-foot cliffs into the Atlantic.
Arrive, Dublin                     Guinness and an astonishing         of Cobh, a port town. From         It’s then on to to the small
We arrive in Dublin where we       view of the city. After an          1845 – 1960, over 2.5 million      town of Gort where we will
are met by our tour manager.       independent lunch, we enjoy         people emigrated from Ireland      have a brief visit discovering
Then we head out for an            some free time. Tonight, we         via Cobh. Here we relive the       the tranquility of Coole Park.
orientation tour of the city.      visit one of Dublin’s leading       drama of the ill-fated Titanic     There are two trails that we
After the tour, we go to our       theatres, the Abbey Theatre.        which called Cobh (then            can walk, one around 1km and
hotel for check-in. Dinner and     Before the play begins, we          Queenstown) her last port of       the other 5km. We can also
overnight will be in Dublin. (D)   have dinner in a nearby typical     call. Then it’s onwards through    see the walled gardens, which
                                   Irish restaurant. (B, D)            the countryside to Blarney         were much loved by Lady
18, Saturday                                                           Castle. This historic castle is    Gregory. In 1898 she asked
Dublin                             19, Sunday
                                                                       world-famous for the Blarney       WB Yeats to carve his initials
After breakfast, we commence
                                   Rock of Cashel,                     Stone, which has the traditional   on a mature Copper Beech and
our tour of the capital city.
                                   Cork                                power of granting eloquence        many others have followed
Dublin is a place where            Today we leave Dublin and           on all who kiss it. The word       suit. We continue to Galway
tradition and cultural heritage    head south through the              ‘blarney’ was introduced           for our dinner and overnight.
have merged seamlessly             midland counties of Kildare         into the English language by       (B, D)
over the centuries. Our            and Kilkenny to Tipperary. Here     Queen Elizabeth I who used
first stop is at St. Patrick’s     we visit the Rock of Cashel.        it to describe pleasant and
Cathedral. Here we wonder          This is a spectacular group of      entertaining conversation that
at the majestic presence of        Medieval buildings set on an        was possibly not all true. Then
this Dublin landmark. Built        outcrop of limestone. After our     we transfer to Killarney for
on the oldest Christian site in    visit, we head to Cork to enjoy     dinner and our overnight. (B, D)
Dublin, St. Patrick’s Cathedral    a city tour. Cork is often known
embodies the Celtic, Anglo-        as Ireland’s second capital city.                                       Cliffs of Moher
Norma, Medieval, and Anglo-        Dinner and overnight in Cork.                                           Killarney Mountains
Irish traditions. We then visit    (B, D)                                                                 Cover: Rock of Cashel
Ireland Past and Present - June 16 - 25, 2022 - Witte Tours

23, Thursday                        24, Friday                           
Galway, Connemara,                  Famine Museum,
Kylemore Abbey,                     Dublin
Galway                              Today we leave Galway and
This morning we enjoy a             visit the National Famine
city tour through the narrow        Museum on our way to Dublin.
streets of Ireland’s third-         Filled with letters and the
largest city. We see the            history of the famine, you
Cathedral, Lynch’s Castle, and      learn about the hardships
the Spanish Arch. We will then      living in Ireland during the
discover Connemara. Here we         Great Famine of 1845-1852.
can experience the wild and         After our visit, we continue to
desolate beauty of Connemara        Dublin where we will overnight
– the ancient Gaelic Kingdom        in a hotel near the Airport.
where it is still possible, in      Tonight, we have our farewell
the present, to “touch” the         dinner. (B, D)
Irish Past. They say when
you visit Connemara you             25, Saturday
“experience the real beauty of      Return
Ireland.” From there we visit                                                                         Connemara National Park
                                    Transfer to Dublin Airport and
Kylemore Abbey: the convent                                                                           Kylemore Abbey
                                    bid farewell to the Emerald
of the Benedictine Nuns of          Isle. (B)
Ypres, beautifully set on Lake
Kylemore. Visit the picturesque
Abbey (reception rooms,
video, and exhibition), and
enjoy a stroll to the beautifully
restored Gothic Church;
browse in the craft shop and
sample our home-cooked
food. Then we head back to                                           3250 28th Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Galway. (B)                                                                 616.957.8113 | 800 GO WITTE
Ireland Past and Present - June 16 - 25, 2022 - Witte Tours
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