Inventory and Check-in Report

Page created by Julie Ramos
Inventory and Check-in Report

            Inventory and Check-in Report

Date:                                     18/01/2021

Property Address:                         Flat 4 Providence Works
                                          Howden Clough Road
                                          LS27 0LR

Produced By:                              Tara Walsh

        For interactive online report with high quality images, please visit

Inventory and Check-in Report
Table of Contents

      This Schedule of Condition Report........................................................... 3

      Landlord and tenant responsibilities......................................................... 4

      Overview................................................................................................... 5

      Photographic Schedule of Conditions....................................................... 6
            Meter readings................................................................................................................. 6
            Smoke alarms.................................................................................................................. 7
            Fire alarms....................................................................................................................... 8
            Keys................................................................................................................................. 9
            Exterior.......................................................................................................................... 10
            Hallway.......................................................................................................................... 11
            Kitchen........................................................................................................................... 14
            Reception room............................................................................................................. 17
            Bedroom 1..................................................................................................................... 20
            Bedroom 2..................................................................................................................... 23
            Bathroom 1.................................................................................................................... 25
            Bathroom 2.................................................................................................................... 27
            Cupboard....................................................................................................................... 29
            Toilet.............................................................................................................................. 30

      Declaration.............................................................................................. 31
Inventory and Check-in Report
Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

This Schedule of Condition Report
This Inventory and Schedule of Condition Report provides a fair and objective record of the general condition of the
contents and fixtures and fittings of the Property as well as its general condition.
When is it used?
It is usually used at the start and end of the tenancy term to enable the inventory clerk to determine whether there is any
damage or missing items which would have to be paid for by the tenant.
Why is it used?
The report reduces disputes at the end of the tenancy term and enables the tenant deposit to be returned to the tenant in
a timely manner.
What is included in the Report?
The Report identifies all of the Contents at the Property, creating an Inventory. Each item is photographed and labelled.
Contents are defined as any removable item or items which are not generally considered part of the Property. Another
way of looking at it is those items which would normally be removed by the owner if he or she moved and wished to take
his or her furniture. Examples are crockery, kitchen utensils, furniture, linen, lamps and appliances.
This Report also highlights the condition of the fixtures and fittings not included in Contents (doors, walls, floors etc).
All items are considered to be in Good Condition unless stated otherwise.
Fixtures and fittings (doors, walls, floors etc) in Good Condition are not separately labelled and identified but will be seen
in general photographs of each room.
What if the tenant or landlord disputes the Report at the start of the tenancy term?
Both Landlord and Tenant have seven days from the later of the start of the tenancy and the production of this report to
challenge its contents, failing which, it will be assumed that this Report has been accepted. Both parties will be
encouraged to sign the report confirming their acceptance.
What happens at the end of the tenancy term?
Appointed Inventory Clerk will prepare a Check-Out Report which compares the Inventory and Schedule of Condition of
the Property and the Contents against that at the beginning of the term.
What does a Tenant have to pay for?
The terms of the tenancy agreement normally determine what costs are for the account of the Tenant. As a general rule
in respect of this Inventory and Schedule of Condition, the Tenant must pay the replacement cost of any missing items,
for any damage beyond normal wear and tear, costs incurred in returning the Property and its Contents in the same state
of cleanliness as they were at the start of the tenancy term, any costs incurred in removing the Tenant's personal
possessions or other rubbish and any costs incurred in returning each item to the place that it was at the start of the term.
What does this report not tell you?
Each inspection is non-invasive. This means that the inventory clerk does not take up carpets floorcoverings or
floorboards, move large items of furniture, remove secured panels or undo electrical fittings.
Common parts in relation to flats, exterior structural elements of the main building and the structure of any outbuildings
will not be inspected. Roof spaces and cellars are not inspected. Areas which are locked or where full access is not
possible, for example, attic or excessively full cupboards or outbuildings are not inspected.
Any disputes will be dealt with in accordance with the tenancy agreement.
This inventory report provides a fair, unbiased and accurate record of the contents and internal condition of the property.
It is the responsibility of the landlord and tenant to agree between themselves (via the letting agent where required) on
the accuracy of this report if disputed.
This inventory report has been prepared on the accepted principle that in the absence of comments, an item is free from
obvious damage or soiling
No attempt has been made to identify any item by its original manufacturer or the period in which it was produced. The
inventory clerk preparing the report is neither a qualified surveyor nor an expert on fabrics, woods, materials or antiques.
This report is not a guarantee of, or report on, the adequacy of, or safety of any furniture, equipment or contents. It is a
documented record that such items exist within the property, at the date of the inventory and the superficial condition of
the same.
The inventory clerk is not a qualified electrician or plumber or an expert in fire regulation. The inventory clerk is not
required to report on anything which might contravene housing or safety regulations. Smoke alarms and heat detectors in
the property have not been tested and it is the tenant's responsibility to inspect these regularly to ensure they are in full
working order as per the manufacturer's instructions

                                                                Page 3
Inventory and Check-in Report
Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Landlord and tenant responsibilities
The general tenant and landlord responsibilities are summarised as follows (your agreement may specify certain responsibilities differently):

Internal decoration                                                            Structural and other repairs
The tenant is responsible for keeping the interior of the dwelling in          The landlord:
reasonable decorative order.                                                   - walls, staircases and all structural timbers, roof, chimney and rainwater
External works                                                                 - wall and floor tiling
The landlord:                                                                  - architraves, skirting boards, timber sills and other internal decorative
- repairs to garden paths, walls, fences and gates where installed by the      woodwork
landlord                                                                       - airbricks and ventilators
- the replacement of wheely bins every seven years where replacement is        - roofspace insulation (where the tenant has not been receiving grant aid)
deemed necessary                                                               - timber rot
- replacement of rotary clothes driers
                                                                               The tenant:
- maintenance of communal amenity areas, unless these are the
                                                                               - sweeping chimneys and the cost of any work required because of the
responsibility of the local council
                                                                               failure to sweep chimneys
- outside repair work involving structural repairs to walls, outside doors,
                                                                               - internal plaster cracks on walls and ceilings
windows (but not replacement of glass), roofs, chimneys, valleys, gutters,
downpipes and house drains (excluding cleaning of gullies) - external          Fire safety standards
paintwork                                                                      Landlord must:
The tenant:                                                                    - follow safety regulations
- care and upkeep of gardens and hedges                                        - provide a fire alarm on each storey and a carbon monoxide alarm in
- cleaning of gully traps                                                      rooms with a usable fireplace or woodburner
                                                                               - check tenants have access to escape routes at all times
Electrical repairs                                                             - make sure the furniture and furnishings they supply are fire safe
The landlord:                                                                  - provide fire alarms and extinguishers (if the property is a large HMO)
- electrical wiring
                                                                               Tenants must:
- repair to electrical appliances, fires and heaters where fitted by the
                                                                               - make sure fire alarms, smoke detectors and carbon monixide alarms are
                                                                               kept in working order and must not take out batteries or cover these
- door entry systems to communal blocks
- ceiling roses, lamp holders and flexes                                       Gas installation safety
- socket outlets and switches                                                  Landlord has duties under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use)
The tenant:                                                                    Regulations 1998 to arrange maintenance by a Gas Safe registered
- repair to electrical appliances, fires and heaters not installed by the      engineer for all pipe work, appliances and flues, which they own and have
landlord                                                                       provided for your use.
- door bells and plug tops on appliances                                       Landlord must also arrange for an annual gas safety check to be carried
- re-setting of trips and replacement of fuses, except main service fuses      out every 12 months by a Gas Safe registered engineer. They must keep
which are the responsibility of the grid supplier                              a record of the safety check for 2 years and issue a copy to each existing
                                                                               tenant within 28 days of the check being completed and issue a copy to
Cooking and heating appliances                                                 any new tenants before they move in.
The landlord is responsible for landlord installed appliances:
- repairs to defective solid fuel cookers and stoves                           Electrical installation safety
- solid fuel room heaters                                                      Landlords are required by law to ensure:
- fire hearth and surrounds                                                    - That the electrical installation in a rented property is safe when tenants
                                                                               move in and maintained in a safe condition throughout its duration.
Plumbing                                                                       - That a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) has a periodic inspection
The landlord:                                                                  carried out on the property every five years.
- clearing blocked sewers, drains and external waste pipes other than          - That any appliance provided is safe and has at least the CE marking
gullies and waste pipes blocked through tenant misuse                          (manufacturer's mark that it meets all the requirements of European law).
- boilers and hot water cylinders
                                                                               To meet these requirements a landlord will need to regularly carry out
- pipe work, radiators, fittings and valves
                                                                               basic safety checks to ensure that the electrical installation and
The tenant:                                                                    appliances are safe and working.
- stoppers and chains for baths, sinks and basins
- replacement of wash basins, wc bowls and wc seats (except where              Energy performance certificates
damaged or discoloured through fair wear and tear or by faulty                 Landlord will need to get an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). It
installation)                                                                  rates the energy efficiency of a property and is based on the building's
- replacement of baths, sinks and drainers (except where damaged or            energy performance - for example, how much heat is lost through the roof.
discoloured through fair wear and tear or by faulty installation)              An EPC also takes account of the property's heating and lighting. EPCs
                                                                               do not cover domestic appliance performance, like washing machines. An
Doors and windows                                                              EPC is valid for ten years - even if new tenants move into the property
The landlord:                                                                  during that time. Landlord should give a copy of the property's current
- window frames, sashes and window furniture                                   EPC to each new tenant.
- repair of defective internal and external doors, saddles and door frames
- hinges, locks, handles, trapper bars and letter boxes on external doors      Smoke alarms and monoxide
                                                                               From the 1 October 2015 landlords must ensure that a smoke alarm is
The tenant:
                                                                               fitted on every floor of their property where there is a room used wholly or
- hinges, locks and handles to internal doors
                                                                               partly as living accommodation. They will also have to put a carbon
- kitchen and bedroom unit doors, door hinges, handles and catches on
                                                                               monoxide alarm in any room where a solid fuel is burnt, such as wood,
                                                                               coal or biomass and includes open fires. It does not include gas, oil or
- draught proofing of doors and windows
                                                                               LPG. Landlords or agents will then have to ensure that the alarms work at
- replacement of broken glass
                                                                               the start of each new tenancy. For example by pressing the test button
                                                                               until the alarm sounds.

                                                                              Page 4
Inventory and Check-in Report
Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

The following is an indication of the level of cleanliness attributed to the overall property in the view of the inventory clerk,
for individual room and / or item conditions, please refer to the following pages.

Property:               Newly Decorated                            Garden:                 N/A
Doors:                  Professionally cleaned                     Skirting:               Professional
Woodwork:               Professional                               Paintwork:              Professional
Windows:                Professionally cleaned                     Flooring:               Professionally cleaned
Carpets:                N/A                                        Tiles:                  Professionally cleaned
Linen:                  N/A                                        Curtains and Blinds: Average
Mattresses:             N/A                                        Hob:                    Professionally cleaned
Oven:                   Professionally cleaned                     Kitchen:                Professionally cleaned
Bathroom:               Professionally cleaned                     Fireplaces:             N/A

Suggested room actions
The following is an indication of the actions that may be required in the view of the inventory clerk to remedy a condition
of each room, for individual room detail and / or item conditions, please refer to the following pages.

Meter readings:         N/A                                        Smoke alarms:           N/A
Carbon monoxide
                        N/A                                        Fire alarms:            N/A
Keys:                   N/A                                        Exterior:               N/A
Hallway:                N/A                                        Kitchen:                N/A
Reception room:         N/A                                        Bedroom 1:              N/A
Bedroom 2:              N/A                                        Bathroom 1:             N/A
Bathroom 2:             N/A                                        Cupboard:               N/A
Toilet :                N/A

Additional Comments:
2 Bedroom apartment, newly decorated and professionally cleaned unfurnished

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Inventory and Check-in Report
Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Photographic Schedule of Conditions

Meter readings:
91754kwh taken 24th November

General (Meter readings)

                   Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:49:09 GMT

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Inventory and Check-in Report
Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Smoke alarms:
2 smoke alarms in the property

General (Smoke alarms)
                    Located in hallway, tested and working                      Located in kitchen tested and working

                    Taken: 24/11/2020 13:34:56                                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:35:37

                    Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:28 GMT                           Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:29 GMT

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Inventory and Check-in Report
Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Fire alarms:
General (Fire alarms)
                   Located in hallway

                   Taken: 24/11/2020 13:38:14

                   Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:30 GMT

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Inventory and Check-in Report
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General (Keys)

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:05:44

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:31 GMT

                                                         Page 9
Inventory and Check-in Report
Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

General (Exterior)
                     Located on 2nd floor

                     Taken: 24/11/2020 13:33:29                                Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:50:20 GMT

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:32 GMT

                                                         Page 10
Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

General (Hallway)
                    The hallway has been newly decorated

                    Taken: 24/11/2020 13:36:47

                    Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:33 GMT

Doors (Hallway)
                    Oak door with chrome mortise lock
                    and handle

                    Taken: 24/11/2020 13:38:40

                    Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:34 GMT

Flooring (Hallway)
                    Laminate flooring throughout                              Some damaged to laminate flooring
                                                                              near entrance

                    Taken: 24/11/2020 13:37:12
                                                                              Taken: 24/11/2020 13:37:39
                    Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:33 GMT
                                                                              Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:39 GMT

Walls and skirting boards (Hallway)
                    Walls are freshly painted in Magnolia
                    emulsion, skirting boards freshly
                    painted in white satin

                    Taken: 24/11/2020 13:39:33

                    Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:35 GMT

                                                            Page 11
Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Windows (Hallway)
                     Blind present and working                                 The key lock is missing but window still
                                                                               locks securely

                     Taken: 24/11/2020 13:39:47
                                                                               Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:52:56 GMT
                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:36 GMT

Ceiling (Hallway)
                     Ceiling freshly painted in white

                     Taken: 24/11/2020 13:40:27

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:37 GMT

Lighting (Hallway)
                     Light present and working                                 Light present and working

                     Taken: 24/11/2020 13:40:41                                Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:51:23 GMT

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:37 GMT

Heating (Hallway)
                     Wall heater present

                     Taken: 24/11/2020 13:39:12

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:35 GMT

Sockets and Switches (Hallway)

                     Taken: 24/11/2020 13:41:13                                Taken: 24/11/2020 13:41:34

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:38 GMT                         Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:40 GMT

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Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

          Taken: 24/11/2020 13:41:53                                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:42:43

          Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:40 GMT                           Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:41 GMT

                                                Page 13
Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

General (Kitchen)
                     Fitted kitchen with integrated
                     appliance, newly decorated

                                                                               Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:54:21 GMT
                     Taken: 24/11/2020 12:32:22

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:42 GMT

Doors (Kitchen)
                     Oak wood door and chrome handle in
                     good order

                     Taken: 24/11/2020 12:33:04

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:43 GMT

Flooring (Kitchen)
                     Black vinyl tiles throughout appears in
                     good order

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:54:45 GMT

Walls and skirting boards (Kitchen)
                     Walls have been freshly painted in
                     Magnolia emulsion, skirting boards
                     freshly painted white stain

                     Taken: 24/11/2020 12:33:38

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:43 GMT

                                                               Page 14
Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Ceiling (Kitchen)
                     The ceiling is freshly painted in white

                     Taken: 24/11/2020 12:34:12

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:44 GMT

Lighting (Kitchen)
                     Chrome spotlight with 4 bulbs, working

                     Taken: 24/11/2020 12:34:28

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:45 GMT

Sockets and Switches (Kitchen)
                     Brushed steel light switch, some of the
                     paintwork is scratched

                                                                               Taken: 24/11/2020 12:35:39
                     Taken: 24/11/2020 12:35:12
                                                                               Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:48 GMT
                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:45 GMT

                     Taken: 24/11/2020 12:35:46                                Taken: 24/11/2020 12:35:54

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:50 GMT                         Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:51 GMT

                     Taken: 24/11/2020 12:36:09

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:53 GMT

                                                               Page 15
Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Appliances (Kitchen)
                  Electrolux integrated fridge                                Crack in the middle of the door
                                                                              shelves, on two of the 3 shelves

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 12:38:33
                                                                              Taken: 24/11/2020 12:37:10
                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:46 GMT
                                                                              Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:48 GMT

                  Integrated freezer                                          Bush washing machine, not tested for

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 12:38:52
                                                                              Taken: 24/11/2020 12:39:15
                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:50 GMT
                                                                              Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:52 GMT

                  Electrolux integrated dishwasher not                        Integrated cooker, tested for power
                  tested for power                                            only

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 12:40:07                                  Taken: 24/11/2020 12:41:09

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:53 GMT                           Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:54 GMT

                  Extractor fan tested for power only, no                     Stainless steel hob, marks to rings and
                  filter cover at time of inventory                           hob general wear and Tear not tested
                                                                              for power

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 12:42:02
                                                                              Taken: 24/11/2020 12:43:06
                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:55 GMT
                                                                              Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:56 GMT

Shelving and Units (Kitchen)
                  Inside draws clean and empty                                Inside off cupboards all clean and

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:04:42
                                                                              Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:49 GMT
                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:47 GMT

                                                            Page 16
Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Reception room:
Large reception room Newly decorated

General (Reception room)

                   Taken: 24/11/2020 13:44:30

                   Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:57 GMT

Doors (Reception room)
                   Oak door and chrome handle

                   Taken: 24/11/2020 13:44:50

                   Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:57 GMT

Flooring (Reception room)
                   Laminate wood flooring throughout                           Dent to laminate flooring

                   Taken: 24/11/2020 13:47:12                                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:47:51

                   Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:02 GMT                           Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:06 GMT

                   Some slight damaged to laminate
                   general wear and tear

                   Taken: 24/11/2020 13:47:58

                   Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:07 GMT

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Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Walls and skirting boards (Reception room)
                  Walls freshly painted in magnolia
                  emulsion and skirting boards freshly
                  painted in white satin

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:45:04

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:58 GMT

Windows (Reception room)
                  White upvc french doors

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:45:18

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:45:59 GMT

Ceiling (Reception room)
                  The ceiling is freshly painted in white

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:45:49

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:00 GMT

Lighting (Reception room)
                  spotlight tested and working                                Spotlight tested and working

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:45:58                                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:46:04

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:00 GMT                           Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:03 GMT

Heating (Reception room)
                  Wall heater present appears in good

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:46:16

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:01 GMT

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Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Sockets and Switches (Reception room)

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:46:26                                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:46:34

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:02 GMT                           Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:04 GMT

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:46:50                                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:47:03

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:05 GMT                           Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:06 GMT

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Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Bedroom 1:
General (Bedroom 1)
                  Double bedroom newly decorated

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:51:46

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:08 GMT

Doors (Bedroom 1)
                  Oak door and chrome handle                                  2 chrome coat door hangers, one of
                                                                              them is damaged

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:52:25
                                                                              Taken: 24/11/2020 13:52:35
                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:09 GMT
                                                                              Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:13 GMT

Flooring (Bedroom 1)
                  Laminate wood flooring throughout

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 19:09:33 GMT

Walls and skirting boards (Bedroom 1)
                  Walls newly painted in magnolia and
                  skirting newly painted in white satin

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:52:49

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:09 GMT

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Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Windows (Bedroom 1)
                  Blind present and working

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:53:05

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:10 GMT

Ceiling (Bedroom 1)
                  Ceiling freshly painted in white

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:55:39

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:11 GMT

Lighting (Bedroom 1)
                  Spotlight present and working

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:58:34

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:13 GMT

Heating (Bedroom 1)
                  Wall heater present appears in good

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:55:59

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:11 GMT

Sockets and Switches (Bedroom 1)

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:56:13                                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:56:22

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:12 GMT                           Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:14 GMT

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Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

          Taken: 24/11/2020 13:56:38                                  Taken: 24/11/2020 13:56:45

          Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:15 GMT                           Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:16 GMT

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Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Bedroom 2:
General (Bedroom 2)
                  Double bedroom newly decorated

                                                                              Taken: 24/11/2020 14:07:06
                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:06:22
                                                                              Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:22 GMT
                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:17 GMT

Doors (Bedroom 2)
                  Oak door and chrome handle

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:07:39

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:18 GMT

Flooring (Bedroom 2)
                  Laminate wood flooring throughout                           Dent to laminate flooring

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:08:12                                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:08:20

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:18 GMT                           Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:23 GMT

Walls and skirting boards (Bedroom 2)
                  Walls freshly painted in magnolia,
                  skirting newly painted in white satin

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:11:40

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:20 GMT

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Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Windows (Bedroom 2)
                  Blind present and working

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:09:16

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:19 GMT

Ceiling (Bedroom 2)
                  Ceiling freshly painted in white

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 19:10:54 GMT

Lighting (Bedroom 2)
                  Spotlight present and all bulbs working

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:15:20

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:21 GMT

Heating (Bedroom 2)
                  Wall heater present appears in good

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:12:41

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:20 GMT

Sockets and Switches (Bedroom 2)

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:15:39

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:22 GMT

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Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Bathroom 1:
Fitted bathroom with bath and over head shower, newly decorated

General (Bathroom 1)

                    Taken: 24/11/2020 14:04:41

                    Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:24 GMT

Doors (Bathroom 1)
                    Oak wood door and chrome handle                             Some scratches to door, around

                    Taken: 24/11/2020 14:00:04
                                                                                Taken: 24/11/2020 14:03:59
                    Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:24 GMT
                                                                                Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:29 GMT

Flooring (Bathroom 1)
                    Black tiled effect vinyl

                    Taken: 24/11/2020 14:00:16

                    Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:25 GMT

Walls and skirting boards (Bathroom 1)
                    The walls are part tiled and the walls
                    are newly painted in white emulsion

                    Taken: 24/11/2020 14:00:35

                    Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:26 GMT

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Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Windows (Bathroom 1)

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:00:52

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:26 GMT

Ceiling (Bathroom 1)
                  Ceiling freshly painted in white
                  emulsion, light present and working

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:01:29

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:27 GMT

Sockets and Switches (Bathroom 1)
                  Wall heater

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:03:24

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:28 GMT

Furnishings (Bathroom 1)

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:01:45                                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:02:14

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:27 GMT                           Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:28 GMT

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:02:37                                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:03:03

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:30 GMT                           Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:30 GMT

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Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Bathroom 2:
Ensuite with walk in shower, freshly painted in white emulsion

General (Bathroom 2)
                                                                                Roller blind fitted to window , tested
                                                                                and working

                     Taken: 24/11/2020 14:21:03
                                                                                Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:59:51 GMT
                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:31 GMT

                     Chrome shower head and mixer tap

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:59:52 GMT                          Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:59:53 GMT

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:59:54 GMT

Flooring (Bathroom 2)
                     Black vinyl throughout

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:58:14 GMT

Walls and skirting boards (Bathroom 2)
                     Some of the grout round shower is
                     slightly discoloured

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:58:50 GMT

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Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Lighting (Bathroom 2)
                  Light present and working

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:59:25 GMT

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Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

General (Cupboard)
                  Cupboard off the hallway houses boiler

                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:18:40

                  Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:32 GMT

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Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Toilet :
Separate WC , freshly painted in magnolia

General (Toilet )
                     Black vinyl flooring throughout,

                     Taken: 24/11/2020 14:19:06

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:32 GMT

Furnishings (Toilet )

                     Taken: 24/11/2020 14:19:17                                  Taken: 24/11/2020 14:19:35

                     Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:33 GMT                           Uploaded: 24/11/2020 18:46:34 GMT

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Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

I/We have inspected the items in the foregoing photographic schedule of conditions and hereby agree, that they represent
the current state of the property:

Certification of electronic signature:

Tenant signature(s):

Landlord / agent signature(s):

Prepared by:

Tara Walsh
Signed On:            24/11/2020 18:44:04

Signed from:          SIGNED ON DEVICE

                                                           Page 31
Flat 4 Providence Works, Howden Clough Road, Morley, LS27 0LR - Inventory and Check-in - 18/01/2021

Signing trail:
24/11/2020 18:46:34 Signee Tara Walsh uploaded to clerk signees list with signature from device

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