INCOME FOR LIFE NEW POLL: How the pandemic is reshaping

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INCOME FOR LIFE NEW POLL: How the pandemic is reshaping
We show you how to manage your retirement savings to achieve the lifestyle you want. p 50

How the
is reshaping
retirement. p 62

                                                                              OCTOBER 2021
INCOME FOR LIFE NEW POLL: How the pandemic is reshaping
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INCOME FOR LIFE NEW POLL: How the pandemic is reshaping
                                                                    KIPLINGER’S PERSONAL FINANCE
                                                                    FOUNDED 1947
                                                                                                                        VOL. 75 NO. 10

                    A NEW CAREER
                    MAY BE CALLING.
                    PAGE 40                                                                9 TOPIC A Cash-rich states lower taxes ...
                                                                                           October is a spooky month for stocks ... Don’t
                                                                                           lose track of your retirement savings ... New
                                                                                           perks at work, for a price.

                                                                                           18 WE RANK THE ONLINE BROKERS A record
                                                                                           number of new investors trading stocks and ETFs
                                                                                           are putting brokerages through their paces. We
                                                                                           reviewed nine online brokers to see which ones
                                                                                           have handled the surge with aplomb. We also
                                                                                           rated their investment options, mobile apps,
                                                                                           tools, research and more. PLUS: Fledgling firms
                                                                                           that fill a niche.

                                                                                           28 THE BEAUTY OF BORING STOCKS Roller-
                                                                                           coasters aren’t for everyone, nor are volatile
                                                                                           stocks that take you on a wild ride. So we found
                                                                                           six companies that will deliver predictable sales
                                                                                           and steady profit growth whether the economy
                                                                                           is booming or contracting.

                                                                                           31 STREET SMART The truth about index
                                                                                           funds, by JAMES K. GLASSMAN.

                                                                                           37  INCOME INVESTING Stay above the interest
                                                                                           rate fray, by JEFFREY R. KOSNETT.

                                                                                           34 MORE ABOUT INVESTING ETF spotlight
                                                                                           (34). Fund spotlight (36). Kip 25 update (38).

                                                                                           40 HOW TO DECIDE IF IT’S TIME FOR A
                                                                                           CAREER CHANGE The pandemic upended
                                                                                           millions of jobs and changed the way many

                                                                                           of us work. If those changes have you thinking
                                                                                           about finding a new job or new career, check
                                                                                           out the stories of four people who did just that.
                                                                                           PLUS: Get help from a career coach.

                  ON THE COVER: PHOTO-ILLUSTRATION BY C.J. BURTON                                        10/2021   KIPLINGER’S PERSONAL FINANCE   1
INCOME FOR LIFE NEW POLL: How the pandemic is reshaping

49 CREDIT/YIELDS Credit cards offer travel           top worry, and many preretirees are boosting
                                                     savings and planning to work longer.
                                                                                                              68 COMPLAIN AND GET RESULTS Faulty prod-
                                                                                                              ucts and bad service can be frustrating. But by
COVER STORY                                          FUNDAMENTALS                                             using time-tested strategies for complaining
RETIREMENT                                                                                                    effectively, you’ll have a good chance of getting
                                                     64 PRACTICAL PORTFOLIO A company’s sus-                  satisfaction. PLUS: A look at car lemon laws.
50 SPEND WITHOUT WORRY Retirees often                tainability report will tell you whether it is meeting
withdraw less from their nest egg than they can      its environmental, social and governance goals.
afford to because of worries about running out                                                                IN EVERY ISSUE
of money. We tell you how to ensure that your        66 MILLENNIAL MONEY Should you invest in
                                                                                                              5 READER FEEDBACK Great retirement spots.
savings will last and provide the income you need.   crypto? by RIVAN STINSON
                                                                                                              6 FROM THE EDITOR Complain and be heard.
62 THE PANDEMIC IS RESHAPING RETIRE-                 67 BASICS Think twice about applying for                 72 MAKING IT WORK The pandemic pet
MENT Our latest poll shows that inflation is a       credit.                                                  problem.

    NEED IT. PAGE 50

                                                                                                                                                                  JULIA ALLUM

INCOME FOR LIFE NEW POLL: How the pandemic is reshaping
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INCOME FOR LIFE NEW POLL: How the pandemic is reshaping

                            ALL NEW
       New weekly episodes bring y
       advice and guidance to help
       ƀ Invest for growth                      ƀ make
        and income,                               of you
       ƀ slash taxes,                           ƀ mainta
       ƀ save for retirement, ƀ and m
                                                                                                                                    13 REASONS TO SHOP AT                                                                                                         WALMART (EVEN IF YOU
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                                                                                                                                    The retail giant polarizes people but has savings
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                                                                                                                                    Meet (and profit with) the “unsung heroes” of the
                                                                                                                                    market: stocks that aren’t too big or too small.

                                                                                                                                    TACKLE YOUR DEBT BEFORE
                                                                                                                                    You don’t want to carry a heavy debt load
                                                                                                                                    into a time you’re supposed to be relaxing.


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INCOME FOR LIFE NEW POLL: How the pandemic is reshaping

                                                                                 automatically eliminating              access (“Think Twice
Great Retirement Spots                                                           cities that are either not
                                                                                 historically diverse or do
                                                                                                                        Before You Close a Credit
                                                                                                                        Card,” Aug.). Being able
I smiled to myself as you noted that you may not want to withstand               not make special efforts               to look at transaction his-
Michigan winters in retirement (“From the Editor,” Aug.). Rethinking             to attract residents based             tory becomes difficult at
is good. I’m 82 and have been retired for almost 20 years. Having                on skin color or sexuality.            best. Many of us have be-
relocated several times, we stayed in my last community, New
                                                                                 While there is certainly               come accustomed to not
                                                                                 nothing wrong with want-               having paper copies of state-
Rochelle, N.Y. We bought a ranch house built on a slab, with no
                                                                                 ing to live in a diverse com-          ments, as they are so easily
steps to enter and an ability to live entirely on the first floor. Look
                                                                                 munity, in the final analysis          available online.
for something similar, or a condo with a couple of elevators. Walking            that should be an individual                               R. PETER HEINKEL
and climbing steps will become a concern. Also, you’ve likely spent              choice, and you should not                                        VIA E-MAIL
many years building friendships; moving to a single-family home                  limit your selection of po-
in a new community will not replace those friendships or easily let              tential retirement locations           Indexing gurus. In “Lessons
you make others. It’s better to find a retirement community where                to those that are diverse              From Top Investing Gurus”
people have left friends and communities behind and are seeking                  because some of your read-             (Aug.), I think you should
new friends. If there are children and grandchildren and you can re-             ers have indicated that they           have included a guru to
locate reasonably nearby, so much the better. The desire for family              want you to. A far better              speak about index investing.
only grows stronger as you age.                                                  approach would be to pro-                                    JOHN E. CLINARD
                                                                                 vide available demographic                                            DENVER
                                                         PETER A. KORN
                                                      NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y.         data on each potential re-
                                                                                 tirement location and let              Editor’s note: We have given
                                                                                 readers make the decision              a lot of space over the years to
People from moderate cli-            I strongly disagree with                    as to whether a particular             some pretty good indexers, in-
mates often don’t realize the        the way you have decided                    location is desirable for              cluding Jack Bogle and Burton
extremes of hot and cold             to introduce diversity into                 them.                                  Malkiel, just to name two. We
in other areas. Those of us          your annual selection of                                          TERRY POWERS     just interviewed former Van-
who have lived in Minne-             places to retire. By looking                                          VIA E-MAIL   guard CEO Jack Brennan in the
sota have seen changes from          for “cities that are welcom-                                                       July issue. For more on indexing,
+105 degrees to –34 degrees.         ing to minorities and people                Closing card accounts. Once            see “Street Smart,” on page 31.
And that is in the Twin Cit-         with less-mainstream life-                  you close a financial ac-
ies. People come to fish for         styles,” you run the risk of                count, you lose online                 Better security. There is ab-
walleye in the spring, when                                                                                             solutely no reason that you
it’s 80 degrees, and don’t                                                                                              have to put down correct,
understand that we have                 READER POLL                                                                     honest answers to password
fished in winter through                                                                                                security questions (“Tech,”
2 to 3 feet of ice at –20               What is your strategy when you have a                                           May). In fact, most people
degrees and colder. One                                                                                                 would have many fewer
young lady came up to the
                                        complaint about a product or service?                                           headaches if they had not.
bus stop on a late-October                                                                                    94%       All you need to do is write
day wearing high heels, a               I go to the source (or customer service rep) to try to get it fixed             down your answer.
light summer dress and no               or improve the service.                                                                               JOHN ROBIDEAU
coat. She stood there shiver-                                                                                                                      VIA E-MAIL
ing and said to me, “I hope             I post an unfavorable review online.
it doesn’t get much colder.”                                                                                            CONTACT US
Only one month into fall, at                      13%
                                                                                                                        Reader Feedback may be edited
40 degrees in the morning,              I contact the CEO or high-level manager.
                                                                                                                        for clarity and space, and initials
I didn’t have the heart to                    8%                                                                        will be used on request only if
tell her winter doesn’t start           I complain to the Better Business Bureau or other consumer organization.        you include your name. Send to
until December and lasts                                                                                                Kiplinger’s Personal Finance,
until mid March. Test-drive                 4%                                                                          1100 13th St., N.W., Suite 1000,
                                        I go to Facebook or Twitter to complain.                                        Washington, DC 20005, or e-mail
all seasons, as you have said.                                                                                          to Please
                    KEN JAROSCH         For more on how to complain effectively, turn to page 68.                       include your name, address and
                         ST. PAUL                                                                                       daytime telephone number.

                                                                                                                        10/2021   KIPLINGER’S PERSONAL FINANCE   5
INCOME FOR LIFE NEW POLL: How the pandemic is reshaping

Mark Solheim                                                                                             my account online. Getting nowhere with my
                                                                                                         “elite team” reps, I found the e-mail and cor-
                                                                                                         porate address of the E*Trade CEO at www
                                                                                                and fired off a letter to him (not

Complain and Be Heard                                                                                    invoking my Kiplinger connection). I quickly
                                                                                                         heard back from a “corporate support man-
                                                                                                         ager,” who investigated the issue and helped
                                                                                                         repatriate my funds within a few weeks.
                                                                                                            Speaking of brokers, this issue includes our
                                                                                                         annual broker rankings, written by senior asso-

         early everyone has a story about a de-      and it took patience and persistence, plus por-     ciate editor Nellie Huang. After hearing reports
         fective product, disappointing service      ing through a lot of fine print, to get results.    from frustrated readers about long waits on
         or a financial transaction gone awry.                                                           hold when contacting their brokerages, we
How to resolve those issues—which may in-            Broker woes and wins. I have also used the          recruited a team of staffers to make test calls,
volve hundreds or even thousands of dollars—         tactic of going to the top, as in my quest to re-   record the length of time on hold and see how
is the subject of our article on page 68, by staff   cover funds from the Dutch Ministry of Finance      accurately customer service reps could answer
writer Emma Patch. I have my own tales of            in the Netherlands. I owned shares of MobilEye,     a series of questions. The top firm for customer
complaining and employing the strategies rec-        an Israeli company that developed driver-           service: Merrill Edge. The top firm overall?
ommended in the article—and getting results.         assistance technology, and Intel acquired the       Please turn to page 18 to find out.
    I shared some details in my June 2019 col-       company in 2018. I sat back to wait for the buy-
umn about my struggle with a car dealership          out money to hit my E*Trade account, as it hadUpdate for subscribers. We have switched
that sold a used SUV to my daughter. I had           with previous mergers and acquisitions.       to a new customer service bureau. For the past
helped her search for the vehicle and negotiate         This time, because it was a foreign stock, few years, we’ve worked with a bureau in Palm
the price, but because she lived 900 miles           I was supposed to fill out a                                               Coast, Fla., but
away, in Wisconsin, she went to the dealer           tender offer. But I missed the                                             starting now your
without me.                                          alert that E*Trade posted in                                               correspondence
                                                                                             GETTING OUR MONEY
    All went smoothly until she hit the F&I (fi-                                                                                should go to
nance and insurance) office. My daughter made                                             BACK FOR THE EXTENDED                 P.O. Box 37234,
a hefty down payment and financed about half                                                  WARRANTY AND GAP                  Boone, IA 50037-
the cost of the car to bolster her credit record.                                           INSURANCE WE DIDN’T                 0234. (You will see
But without realizing it, in the flurry of paper-                                                                               several P.O. Box
                                                                                            WANT TOOK PATIENCE
work and signatures, my daughter also signed                                                                                    numbers—37231,
up for an extended warranty ($2,500) and gap                                                    AND PERSISTENCE.                37232, 37233 or
insurance ($895). The gap insurance was su-                                                                                     37234—on cus-
perfluous because even if the car was totaled,                                                                                  tomer service, sub-
there was no way its value would be less than                                                      scription and renewal correspondence.) Please
the amount owed on the loan.                                                                       watch out for unscrupulous agents who at-
    By the time I got wind of all of this, it was                                                  tempt, without our permission, to solicit sub-
too late to cancel the transactions within the                                                     scription and renewal payments (at higher
“cooling off” period (typically a three-day                                                        prices than we charge) at addresses elsewhere.
window, but it varies by state). After a lot of                                                    The new address in Boone (also listed on pages
spadework to find out that the dealership’s                                                        4 and 8) is the only legitimate address for send-
business manager had to handle the unwind-                                                         ing correspondence or subscription and renewal
ing, we went through the laborious process of                                                      payments for Kiplinger publications. During the
filling out the forms to cancel the unwanted                                                       transition, any correspondence or payment you
items. It was supposed to take four to six                                                         send to Palm Coast will be automatically for-
weeks to process, and after three months had                                                       warded to the new bureau in Iowa. ■
gone by with no refund, I wrote a note to the
                                                                                                                                                            POON WATCHARA-AMPHAIWAN

dealer’s chief financial officer and threatened
to complain to the Better Business Bu-
reau, as well as the state department
of transportation. He authorized the
                                                                                                         MARK SOLHEIM, EDITOR
refund check that day. The process                                                                       MARK _ SOLHEIM@KIPLINGER.COM
was grueling and frustrating,                                                                            TWITTER:   @MARKSOLHEIM

INCOME FOR LIFE NEW POLL: How the pandemic is reshaping
Female Monthly Rates
Age     $100,000 $250,000 $500,000 $1,000,000
21-35     $7       $9       $12       $15
 40       $8       $11      $15       $22
 45       $10      $15      $24       $38
 50       $13      $20      $34       $58
 55       $18      $28      $50       $90
 60       $24      $41      $73       $131
 65       $34      $65      $122      $213

          Male Monthly Rates
Age     $100,000 $250,000 $500,000 $1,000,000
21-35     $7       $10      $14       $19
 40       $8       $12      $17       $23
 45       $11      $17      $27       $45
 50       $14      $24      $41       $68
 55       $20      $37      $68       $117
 60       $30      $59      $109      $192
 65       $44      $101     $191      $335

 102,000 Customer Reviews
INCOME FOR LIFE NEW POLL: How the pandemic is reshaping
   MOVEMENT                                                                                                                                                  EDITORIAL
                                                                                                                                                        Mark K. Solheim
                                                                                                                                                           Anne Kates Smith

                                                                                                                                            EXECUTIVE EDITOR
                                                                                                                                         MANAGING EDITOR Frederic Fane Wolfer
                                                                                                                                              SENIOR EDITOR Sandra Block

  ACCELERATE                                                                                                                                 EDITOR AT LARGE Janet Bodnar
                                                                                                                                        SENIOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR Nellie S. Huang
                                                                                                                                             ASSOCIATE EDITOR Adam Shell

     CANCER                                                                                                                               CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Lisa Gerstner,
                                                                                                                                        James K. Glassman, Jeffrey R. Kosnett
                                                                                                                                     STAFF WRITERS Emma Patch, Rivan V. Stinson

    RESEARCH                                                                                                                                     INTERN Michael Korsh

                                                                                                                                             DESIGN DIRECTOR      Stacie A. Harrison
Right now, most clinical information
                                                                                                                                          ASSOCIATE ART DIRECTOR      Natalie F. Kress
is not regularly shared with the
researchers who are trying to uncover                                                                                                                           SALES

new information about cancer every                                                                                     PUBLISHER     Paul Vizza (202-887-6558;

day, but you can help change that.                                                                                         ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER         Stevie Lee (
                                                                                                                   SENIOR ACCOUNT DIRECTOR          Maggie Kinsky (
Patients can help accelerate research
                                                                                                                    ACCOUNT DIRECTOR, EAST COAST           Meg Power (
by sharing their data and unique
                                                                                                                      ACCOUNT MANAGER         Rebecca Haber (
                                                                                                                 DIRECT RESPONSE       Anthony Smyth (914-409-4202;

When patients stand together with                                                                                                                 ADVERTISING OPERATIONS
researchers, they can unlock new                                                                            HEAD OF REVENUE OPERATIONS, NORTH AMERICA  Andy Price (
discoveries and treatments. People with                                                                          ADVERTISING OPERATIONS EXECUTIVEMike Roche (
                                                                                                                     MEDIA PLANNING MANAGER Andrea Crino (
all types of cancer may be eligible to
join Stand Up To Cancer, Count Me                                                                                                                         KIPLINGER.COM
In and more than 7,500 patients                                                                                                                               Kyle Woodley
                                                                                                                                           SENIOR INVESTING EDITOR
who have already participated in                                                                                                                            Rocky Mengle
                                                                                                                                              SENIOR TAX EDITOR
this mission to accelerate the pace of                                                                                                SENIOR ONLINE EDITOR David Muhlbaum

cancer research.                                                                                                                     SENIOR RETIREMENT EDITOR Jackie Stewart
                                                                                                                                    ONLINE EDITORS Lisa Kiplinger, Robert Niedt
                                                                                                                                       ASSOCIATE TAX EDITOR William Neilson
     Find out more and sign up                                                                                               CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Brandon Copeland, Karee Venema
      to join the movement at                                                                                                            CONTRIBUTING WRITER Dan Burrows
                                                                                                                                           PRODUCT MANAGER Jenny Cohan
                                                                                                                                    AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT MANAGER Ben Demers
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                                                                                                                                                        CUSTOM CONTENT
                                                                                                                                     CUSTOM CONTENT DIRECTOR      Barbara Baker Clark
Uzo Aduba
                                                                                                                                            ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR   Megan Harmon
Stand Up To Cancer
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                                                                                                                                        THE KIPLINGER WASHINGTON EDITORS INC.
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                                                            DURING THE HEIGHT OF THE
                                                            pandemic in early 2020, the eco-
                                                            nomic downturn forced states to

                                                            furlough employees and cut ser-
                                                            vices. Faced with the prospect of a
                                                            prolonged recession, state officials
                                                            braced for steep declines in reve-
The economic turnaround sparked a wave of cuts in           nue from sales and income taxes.
state tax rates. But some say the efforts could backfire.     But the past year and a half now
BY SANDRA BLOCK                                             looks like a horror movie that

ILLUSTRATION BY ROBERT NEUBECKER                                       10/2021   KIPLINGER’S PERSONAL FINANCE   9

abruptly turned into a musical. Ten                          (see the box below), along with a con-                 lower-income taxpayers as well. For
states are so awash in cash that                             solidation of tax brackets. For example,               example, Montana increased its stan-
they’ve cut individual income taxes,                         Arizona’s state legislature lowered                    dard deduction to conform with the
with some of the tax cuts taking effect                      taxes for residents with income of                     federal threshold, which will reduce
in 2021 and others scheduled to phase                        more than $250,000 ($500,000 for                       taxes for taxpayers at the lower end
in over the next few years, according                        married couples filing jointly) starting               of the income spectrum.
to the Tax Foundation, a tax policy                          this year; they will see their top mar-
research organization. Some people                           ginal rate drop from 8% to 4.5%. Be-                   Too soon? Not all states are celebrating
won’t have to wait for tax relief: Idaho                     ginning in 2022, Arizona will also                     an increase in revenue. States that rely
is sending every resident a tax rebate                       consolidate its four-bracket structure                 heavily on the hard-hit hospitality
check for $50 or 9% of their 2019 tax                        into two brackets, with a 2.55% rate                   industry are still struggling to recover
bill, whichever is greater.                                  for income up to $27,272 for single                    from the pandemic. “In Hawaii and
   The dramatic turnaround in state                          filers ($54,544 for married filers)                    Nevada, no one is talking about big
finances was propelled by the eco-                           and a 2.98% rate for income over that                  income tax cuts,” says Richard Auxier,
nomic rebound and revenue from fed-                          amount, down from the current mar-                     senior policy associate at the Urban-
eral stimulus packages. The stimulus                         ginal rate of 4.17% on income over                     Brookings Tax Policy Center, a tax
legislation also delivered billions of                       $54,444 ($109,088 for married couples).                research nonprofit. “They’re talking
dollars in stimulus checks to individu-                      Iowa consolidated its nine tax brack-                  about using funds to plug budget holes
als, which enabled them to continue                          ets into four and reduced its top tax                  and prevent tax increases.”
to spend money during the pandemic.                          rate from 8.5% to 6.5%, effective in                      And even fiscally healthy states
That bolstered state sales tax reve-                         2023. The state had earlier approved                   could see their tax revenues decline
nues, says Katherine Loughead, senior                        tax cuts that depended on meeting                      if the highly contagious delta variant
policy analyst for the Tax Foundation’s                      certain revenue triggers; the legisla-                 of COVID-19 contributes to another
Center for State Tax Policy. Likewise,                       tion accelerated the reductions by                     hit on the economy. State finances
enhanced unemployment benefits                               eliminating those triggers.                            have been volatile during the past
lessened the economic impact of fur-                            Although a reduction in top tax                     two years, Auxier says, and states can
loughs and layoffs.                                          rates primarily benefits high earners,                 no longer rely on federal assistance to
   The most common form of state tax                         other states enacted legislation that                  get them through downturns. States
relief is a reduction in top tax rates                       will lower taxes for middle- and                       that cut tax rates will need sustained
                                                                                                                    economic growth to provide enough
                                                                                                                    revenue to fund programs and ser-
     Windfall for High Earners                                                                                      vices, he adds.
                                                                                                                       Perhaps with that in mind, several
     Higher-than-expected revenue for fiscal 2021 prompted these states to enact legislation                        states have phased in their tax cuts
     that will lower individual income tax rates.
                                                                                                                    over several years and/or tied them
                                                                                                                    to revenue targets. Theoretically, that
                                       INCREASE IN                   REDUCTION
                                                                                                                    gives them the flexibility to postpone
                                     REVENUE, FISCAL               IN TOP INCOME                EFFECTIVE
             STATE                   YEAR 2019 TO 2021                TAX RATE                    DATE              the reductions if they find themselves
                                                                                                                    in fiscal difficulties.
            Arizona                             21%                  4.5% from 8%                   2021               Loughead contends that such a
              Idaho                             35%                 6.5% from 6.9%                  2021            scenario is unlikely because she be-
              Iowa                              13%                 6.5% from 8.5%                  2023            lieves the tax relief will encourage
                                                                                                                    economic growth. “These are reforms
           Louisiana                            6%                  4.25% from 6%                   2022
                                                                                                                    that will attract more people to these
            Missouri                            17%                 4.8% from 5.4%                  2028*           states, especially when there’s a huge
            Montana                             19%                 6.5% from 6.9%                  2024            rise in remote work,” she says.
        New Hampshire                           11%                  0% from 5%†                    2027*
                                                                                                                       Still, reducing taxes is much more
                                                                                                                    politically palatable than raising them,
              Ohio                              13%                  4% from 4.8%                   2021
                                                                                                                    and if states miss their targets, or find
           Oklahoma                             5%                  4.75% from 5%                   2021            themselves in fiscal distress, Auxier
           Wisconsin                            9%               5.30% from 6.27%§                  2021            doubts that lawmakers will roll back
                                                                                                                    the scheduled tax cuts. “Anytime a
     *Tax cut phased in over several years. †Tax on income from interest and dividends. §Second-highest tax rate;
     top rate remains the same. SOURCE: Tax Foundation
                                                                                                                    policymaker says, ‘We’ll raise taxes
                                                                                                                    later,’ I raise an eyebrow,” he says.

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The risk now is a surprise shift to tighter monetary policy by the Federal Reserve.

James Stack is a market his-                  which often is a precursor         anticipate a larger correction   the Fed take its foot off the
torian, investment adviser                    to higher volatility. The lull     at some point between now        gas in coming months. We
and president of InvesTech                    creates a sense of compla-         and year-end, particularly       wouldn’t have to see much
Research, an investment                       cency for investors who            with high valuations and a       of a change in Fed policy
newsletter with its home on                   expect the market only to          high degree of exuberance        to create a bearish climate.
the shores of Whitefish Lake,                 go up. When it starts going        and public participation.
Mont., a world away from                      down and drops more than           But it doesn’t necessarily       Are you more worried about a
Wall Street.                                  10%, you end up with an            mean a crash is coming.          Fed misstep, COVID-19 or high
                                              unusually large number of                                           stock valuations? I doubt
After October stock market                    investors suddenly heading         Do past crashes have things      that the residual effects
crashes in 1929 and 1987 and                  for the exit.                      in common? Yes. Prior to         of COVID are going to be
the October 2008 meltdown                                                        crashes in October 1929 and      severe enough to cause a
during the financial crisis, Wall             It has been a quiet year on Wall   1987, you had very hostile       market panic or crash. And
Street gets the jitters this time             Street. Should investors be        monetary climates. Interest      overvaluation doesn’t cause
of year. Why do past “Shock-                  worried? The largest pull-         rates were rising rapidly.       a bear market, but it does
tobers” still cause fear? I also              back for the S&P 500 this                   In the 90 days prior    raise the risks that when
recall 1978 and 1979 having                   year has been 4.2%,                            to Black Monday      a bear does start it can be-
October mini-crashettes.                      and there have been                               in 1987, rates    come a larger one.
But it was Black Monday in                    only three other                                   went up 1.5
1987 [when the Dow Jones                      years with draw-                                    percentage      So, are rising rates the main
industrial average fell 23%]                  downs of 4.2% or                                    points. We      threat? That’s the one dark
that cemented October’s                       less in the past 70                                 don’t have a    cloud. It worries me be-
reputation as a bad month                     years. The average                                 hostile mon-     cause nobody expects it—
for investors. Ever since                     intra-year drop                                    etary climate    the Fed said it won’t start
then, whenever October                        is 13.5%. It would                                now, although     raising rates until 2023.
nears, it brings back fears.                  be logical to                                    we could see       But if the Fed is backed into
                                                                                                                  a corner by inflation pres-
Can fear make things worse?                                                                                       sures and starts talking
Psychology plays a big role                                                                                       about raising rates by year-
in sudden and more-severe                                                                                         end, it could create havoc
corrections. It goes back to                                                                                      on Wall Street. The stock
the saying from boxer Mike                                                                                        market’s dependence on
Tyson: “Everyone has a                                                                                            today’s record-low rates
plan until they get punched                                                                                       makes it the most interest-
in the nose.” Every novice                                                                                        rate-sensitive market in
                                                                                                                                                  COURTESY INVESTECH RESEARCH; PHOTO BY TREVON BAKER

investor is buy-and-hold                                                                                          history. Monetary policy
through thick and thin                                                                                            is the wild card and by far
until the market starts                                                                                           the greatest risk.
falling more than they
thought.                                                                                                          What should investors do?
                                                                                                                  I’d keep more dry powder
What makes October so                                                                                             as we go through a season-
treacherous? The sum-                                                                                             ally unfavorable period,
mer months heading                                                                                                and I’d look at November or
into October tend to be                                                                                           December as a time to add
low-volatility months,                                                                                            to positions. ADAM SHELL


LOST AND FOUND                                                                                Unclaimed Retirement Benefits, www
DON’T LOSE TRACK OF                                                                           Next steps for your money. If your old
YOUR RETIREMENT SAVINGS                                                                       401(k) plan is still with a former em-
                                                                                              ployer, one option is to leave the money
A national database to track orphaned 401(k)s and pensions                                    there. But you may not pay as much
could be on the way, but savers shouldn’t wait to take action.                                attention to the account, which could
                                                                                              lead to a portfolio that’s not appropri-
                                                                                              ate for your age and risk tolerance.
                                                                                                 If you’re still working and have a
AT A TIME WHEN MANY AMERICANS ARE             and contact information for the plan            401(k) at your new job, another option
worried that they won’t have enough           administrator. If you don’t have any            is to roll over the funds into your ex-
money to retire comfortably, thou-            statements, contact your former em-             isting plan, assuming your employer
sands have lost track of billions of          ployer’s human resources department.            allows it. Another option is to roll
dollars in savings.                             If your employer filed for bankruptcy,        the money into an IRA. Having your
   There are more than 24 million             your 401(k) balance is protected from           savings in one place will make it easier
“forgotten” 401(k) accounts contain-          creditors and is likely still held at the       to manage your investments.
ing some $1.35 trillion in assets, ac-        investment company that adminis-                   If you’ve lost track of a pension,
cording to a report from Capitalize,          tered your plan. In the case of a pen-          request a pension benefits statement
which helps workers roll over their           sion, it was either taken over by an            from the plan administrator. Give the
retirement plans when they change             insurance company or the federal                administrator your address and phone
jobs. Companies are also holding on           Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.,                 number so it can reach you to begin
to billions in unpaid pension payments        which protects traditional pensions.            payments. You may need to prove your
earned by former employees.                   You can track down your pension at              work history and eligibility for the
   The problem is so widespread that                pension; you can do so by providing
Congress is considering legislation to          It’s also possible that your employer         the plan administrator with old W-2
address it. “SECURE Act 2.0,” which           turned over your 401(k) balance to              forms or an earnings statement from
includes a wide range of benefits and         your state’s unclaimed property fund.           Social Security, which you can get by
protections for retirement savers             Your state’s treasury department                filing Form SSA-7050. You can get this
(see “You May Get More Time to                should offer an online service that lets        form at
Tap Retirement Accounts,” Aug.),              you search for your money. You can              ssa-7050.pdf or by calling Social Secu-
would create a national online lost-          also check the National Registry of             rity at 800-772-1213. DAVID RODECK
and-found database to help people
track down these orphaned plans.
   Brian Stivers, owner of Stivers
Financial Services, in Knoxville,               The Forgotten 401(k) Problem
Tenn., says he typically meets one              As of May 2021, there was more than $1.3 trillion in “forgotten” 401(k) accounts
to two new clients a month who are              owned by more than 24 million participants. The average balance in the
in this situation. Most of the time,            orphaned plans is $55,400.
they’ve changed jobs and forgotten                                                                                      $1.32T   $1.35T
about an old plan, usually because                                                                            $1.25T
                                                                                                     $1.18T             23.8M    24.3M
it had a small balance. Retirement                                                      $1.25T                22.6M
                                                                      $1.03T   $1.2T                 21.3M
                                                           $1.00T                       20.2M
plans are also misplaced when one                                              19.1M
                                                  $790B    18.0M      18.3M
spouse dies and the survivor is un-
aware of accounts with his or her                  14.8M
former employers.

Tracking down your plan. If you think
you’ve lost track of a savings plan,
search your files for old retirement
account statements. These should                   2013       2014      2015    2016      2017      2018      2019      2020      2021
provide some key data to help your                 SOURCE: Capitalize
search, such as your account number


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NEW PERKS AT                                    10/2021
enrollment this fall, many will see an
expanded menu of benefits, ranging from
pet insurance to legal services. A survey
by consulting firm Willis Towers Watson
found that 94% of employers believe that
voluntary benefits—which typically aren’t
subsidized but are offered to workers at a
group rate discount—are important to their
employees, up from 36% in 2018.
   Lydia Jilek, senior director of voluntary
benefits solutions at Willis Towers Watson,
says the pandemic and an increasingly
diverse workforce have accelerated calls
for benefits that meet employees’ differing
needs. And faced with a labor shortage,         ▲ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1                     turns. To find stocks that are less
                                                The Free Application for Federal        likely to be affected by market
employers are feeling pressure to offer bene-
                                                Student Aid for the 2022–23             volatility, turn to page 28.
fits that will attract and retain employees.
   Voluntary benefits appeal to employers       school year should be released
because “they’re able to give their employ-     today. You’ll have until June 30,       THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21
ees significantly more choice than they may     2023, to submit the form for fed-       Get Smart About Credit Day is
have otherwise had, but there is a limited      eral aid, but consider filling it out   a good time to review your credit
out-of-pocket cost,” Jilek says.                as soon as possible. Some states        reports. The three major credit
   Among the fastest-growing voluntary          and schools award money on a            bureaus—Experian, Equifax and
benefits are those that protect workers         first-come, first-served basis or       TransUnion—are offering free
against criminals seeking to steal their        have deadlines earlier than the         weekly credit reports through
personal information, Jilek says. Driven by     federal deadline.                       April 20, 2022, at www.annual
a rise in unemployment fraud, 78% of em-                                       For advice
ployers surveyed will offer identity theft      FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15                      on whether you should take
protection by 2022, up from 53% currently       Medicare open enrollment starts         advantage of credit card issuers’
offering the benefit. Other high-growth         today. Medicare Advantage or            enticing offers, turn to page 67.
offerings include pet insurance, legal bene-    Part D prescription drug plan           EMMA PATCH
fits and critical illness coverage, which       participants who aren’t happy
provides supplemental health insurance          with the changes in their Annual
following, for example, a heart attack or       Notice of Change have until             * DEAL OF THE MONTH
cancer diagnosis. MICHAEL KORSH                 December 7 to shop for a new            With the height of grilling
                                                plan. Advantage enrollees can           season over, retailers are
                                                switch to original Medicare—            interested in clearing their
                                                and vice versa.
                                                                                        shelves for fall and winter in-
                                                                                        ventory. Labor Day sales may
                                                TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19                     have reduced the selection,
                                                Today marks the 34th anniversary
                                                                                        but if you’re not picky, you
                                                of the 1987 stock market crash,
                                                                                                                              ISTOCKPHOTO.COM (2)

                                                when the Dow Jones industrial           can get a good discount on
                                                average plummeted nearly 23%.           an outdoor cooker, says Julie
                                                Historically, October is known          Ramhold, consumer analyst
                                                for unsettling stock market down-       with

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     Our survey spotlights firms with great investment
  choices, tools, advice and more. BY NELLIE S. HUANG

                 nline brokers are enjoying explosive growth as investors beat a path to
                 their virtual doors. In fact, 2020 was a record year: More than 10 million
                 new brokerage accounts were opened, many by first-time investors,
                 according to market research firm J.D. Power.
   This year, many firms say they’re on track to surpass that. Over the first six months
 of 2021, Fidelity opened an average of 40,000 new accounts every trading day—“a
 company record,” says Scott Ignall, who heads Fidelity Investments’ brokerage business.
   This moment has been building for some time. The seemingly unstoppable bull
 market, commission-free trades and the pandemic lockdown all helped to break down
 investing barriers, both financial and emotional. And the meme-stock frenzy enticed
 hordes of eager investors to open accounts to trade stocks and options in volatile


names such as GameStop and AMC                  Mobile apps received the greatest
Entertainment Holdings.                       emphasis in our rankings—20% of the
  The influx of new investors has             final score—because more customers
put a spotlight on finding a good             are turning primarily to their mobile
brokerage firm. In this year’s annual         devices to connect to their accounts.
online broker survey, we review nine.         Tools—including charts, calculators
Five are large brokers that offer some-       and educational resources—accounted
thing for almost every kind of inves-         for 15% of the score, as did investment
tor: Charles Schwab, E*Trade, Fidelity,       choices, advisory services and research.
Merrill Edge and TD Ameritrade.               Fees and user experience were each
(Schwab’s 2020 acquisition of TD              10% of the total.
Ameritrade has not resulted in changes
to most of the services the firms offer,      And the winner is… Fidelity, a strong
and it may not for at least another           finisher in nearly every category, won
year.) The remaining four—Ally Invest,        the top spot by a good margin. Runner-
Firstrade, Interactive Brokers and J.P.       up Schwab fared well, thanks to strong
Morgan Self-Directed Investing—are            finishes in the categories of research,
contenders in this area, but to some          advisory services and mobile plat-
extent they target particular customers.      form. Beyond the better-known bro-
We look at which types of investors           kers, Ally deserves a shout-out for
may be best served by particular firms        outranking Firstrade and J.P. Morgan
in “Find the Best Broker for You,” on         overall with some offerings that fared
page 26.                                      pretty well, such as its mobile app
                                              and tools. To see how each firm per-
Clearing the hurdle. To be included in        formed in every category, see the table
our survey, a firm must offer online          on page 22.
trading in stocks, exchange-traded
funds, mutual funds and individual            FEES & COMMISSIONS
bonds. That left out fast-growing             Readers tell us that low fees and com-
brokerages such as Robinhood, M1              missions are the most important fea-
Finance and SoFi, which don’t offer           ture in an online broker. But account
mutual fund and bond trading. But we          fees and many trade commissions
briefly review those services, and two        are things of the past.
others, in “Fledgling Firms That Fill a          So, we dug deeper. Brokers have a
Niche,” on page 25. T. Rowe Price and         duty to deliver the best possible execu-    the interest rates on margin loans.
Vanguard declined to participate, as          tion price to you for your trade, for in-      Merrill Edge earned the best score
did two participants in last year’s sur-      stance. We scrutinized how often each       in this category. It does not accept
vey, TradeStation and Wells Trade.            firm offers the so-called NBBO quote,       payment for order flow (neither does
   As in past years, we analyzed each         which stands for national best bid and      Fidelity; J.P. Morgan didn’t disclose
brokerage in seven areas, including           offer and represents the best available     this information). Merrill excelled, too,
commissions and fees, investment              “ask” or offering price when you are        on price improvement. The firm re-
options, advisory services, research,         buying securities and the best avail-       ported the highest cost savings on this
tools, and the nimbleness and func-           able “bid” price when you are selling.      front—an average improvement of
tionality of their mobile app. We also        We asked about price improvement,           $22.10 on big-company stock trades
measured what we call customer ser-           which happens when firms improve            of 1,000 shares. Schwab, with $18.78
vice, which graded the responsiveness         on the NBBO and execute your orders         in price improvement, and TD, with
of the firm at its “touch points”—chat,       at even better prices, and we asked         $18.70, came next. Ally and J.P. Morgan
e-mail and phone—and included a test          whether firms accept payment for            both declined to answer this question.
of each firm’s customer service by a          order flow, which can pose a conflict          Most firms are competitive on fees
group of Kiplinger reporters. Aside           of interest because it is compensation      to trade options and bonds. But Firs-
from customer service, each category          that a brokerage receives for funneling     trade stands out because option trading
score was based primarily on data pro-        trades to a certain market maker. We        is free—there’s no commission and no
vided to us by the brokerages, which          also looked into the fees charged for       additional fee per option contract. On
we checked to the best of our abilities.      bond and options trading, as well as        margin trading, in which you borrow

trading of ETFs is typically a given.)
                                                                                            Access to foreign stock exchanges
                                                                                         helped our top three finishers, too.
                                                                                         We didn’t give a lot of weight to this
                                                                                         feature, but Fidelity, Schwab and In-
                                                                                         teractive Brokers each offer trading
                                                                                         on exchanges in dozens of developed
                                                                                         and emerging markets, from Austria
                                                                                         to Australia to Japan to Lithuania.
                                                                                            Fidelity shone in other areas, too,
                                                                                         which propelled it to the top of this
                                                                                         category. The firm’s municipal bond
                                                                                         offerings exceeded those of its peers.
                                                                                         And Fidelity customers had access
                                                                                         to more than 250 initial public stock
                                                                                         offerings in the 18-month period be-
                                                                                         tween the start of 2020 and June 2021,
                                                                                         including Rocket Companies, the firm
                                                                                         behind Rocket Mortgage, and Pactiv
                                                                                         Evergreen, a maker of sustainable food
                                                                                         packaging. Merrill came close, with
                                                                                         166 deals available over the period. But
                                                                                         the IPO offerings at E*Trade, Schwab
                                                                                         and TD Ameritrade numbered in the
                                                                                         dozens. And Ally, Firstrade, Interac-
                                                                                         tive Brokers and J.P. Morgan didn’t
                                                                                         offer IPO deals to customers at all.

                                                                                         MOBILE APPS
                                                                                         The competition was so close in this
                                                                                         category that the winner, E*Trade,
                                                                                         won by a margin of six hundredths
                                                                                         of a point, thanks in part to the slightly
                                                                                         more robust charting capabilities of
against your portfolio to trade, Inter-      ing stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds       its mobile app. Fidelity finished close
active Brokers has everyone beat. The        and more, to fare well in this category.    behind, and TD Ameritrade, Merrill
firm charges a flat 2.59% interest rate      Fidelity came in first, Interactive Bro-    Edge and Interactive Brokers were
in its “Lite” service for retail investors   kers was second and Schwab, third.          hot on its heels.
no matter how big or small the balance.        The ability to buy a portion of one          The results point to how much we
(Its “Pro” service, for sophisticated,       share of stock, or fractional trading,      live on our smartphones these days.
active traders, charges even less.) At       was a driving factor in the final scores.   Merrill Edge said that roughly half of
other firms, the higher the margin           Fidelity, Interactive Brokers and           its customers use the firm’s mobile app
account balance, the lower the fee. But      Schwab are the only firms we sur-           exclusively. At Fidelity, 52% of all cus-
none of the other firms could compete        veyed that offer investors the ability      tomer interactions occur via its app.
with Interactive Brokers at any bal-         to buy stock slices. But while Fidelity        Every company’s mobile app allows
ance level. (Ally came closest, with a       and Interactive Brokers offer partial-      you to trade stocks, ETFs and mutual
3.25% interest rate on margin balances       share trading in thousands of stocks,       funds, pull up research reports, view
of $1 million or more.)                      Schwab’s program is limited to the          detailed data on securities, and review
                                             500-odd stocks in the S&P 500 index.        your portfolio’s performance. But
INVESTMENT CHOICES                           Fidelity and Interactive even offer         some of the apps aren’t as loaded with
If a brokerage doesn’t offer access to       fractional trading in ETFs, giving          features as others. Only five firms,
a broad range of investments, little         each of them an edge. (This is outside      including E*Trade, Merrill Edge and
else matters. A firm must have ample         of each brokerage firm’s digital ad-        Schwab, allow you to measure your
offerings for each type of asset, includ-    visory service, in which fractional         portfolio’s performance against a

                                                                                                    10/2021   KIPLINGER’S PERSONAL FINANCE   21

benchmark, for instance. (Merrill                           educational videos embedded within                           in the local branch office for face-to-
lets you choose among a whopping                            the app—in other words, to watch a                           face consulting.
35 indexes.) And not all offer tax-lot                      video, you stay in the app and aren’t                           Schwab and Fidelity’s automated
information on holdings on the mobile                       redirected to a mobile browser or to                         services stood above the others as
app—the ones that do include E*Trade,                       YouTube. That’s a plus, in our view.                         well. Fidelity’s robo adviser, Fidelity
Fidelity, J.P. Morgan and Schwab. That                                                                                   Go, has a super-low, $10 minimum, a
data can be helpful when you make a                         ADVISORY SERVICES                                            flat 0.30% management fee and port-
trade. (This service is set to debut at                     More investors want advice and are                           folios with no expense ratio. Schwab’s
Merrill and Ally later this year.)                          willing to pay for it. Fortunately, fi-                      Intelligent Portfolios service doesn’t
   But the look and feel of these apps                      nancial services firms are delivering,                       charge a management fee at all, and
vary, and their beauty rests in the eye                     with low-cost, low-minimum robo                              it’s one of just two digital adviser ser-
of the beholder. Sophisticated inves-                       advisory services and plenty of high-                        vices to offer tax-loss harvesting, the
tors, for instance, may appreciate that                     end options, too, with personalized                          practice of selling some investments
on a tablet, Interactive’s app opens                        portfolios filled with a variety of assets                   at a loss to offset gains realized by
with multiple windows. And E*Trade                          that are professionally managed.                             selling others at a profit. (E*Trade’s
recently overhauled its app to make                            That said, firms that offer a wide                        robo offers tax-loss harvesting in its
it “easier than ever to invest, trade                       range of advisory services did best here.                    tax-efficient accounts.)
and save.” It has a nifty “dark” view                       Fidelity tops this category; Schwab                             Interactive Brokers, E*Trade and
that we found easy on the eyes. But                         came in second. They each offer access                       J.P. Morgan get honorable mention in
experienced investors might find it                         to extensive advisory services with a                        this category for their low-fee hybrid
a little bare. Ally’s mobile app has a                      variety of different outside firms. And                      services, which combine a robo with
black-screen view, too. Finally, TD’s                       an army of certified financial planners                      a little human touch. Ally offers a com-
mobile app offers a smorgasbord of                          is just a phone call away—or available                       petitive automated service, with low

     The Rankings

     The overall score depends on the weight assigned to each of the                    advisory services accounted for 15%; and mobile apps received the
     seven categories. This year, commissions & fees and customer ser-                  greatest weight, 20%, because more customers are turning primarily
     vice represented 10% each; tools, research, investment choices and                 to their mobile devices to connect to their accounts and to trade.

                                                        Overall       Commis-        Invest-
                                                         score         sions          ment          Mobile       Advisory                            Customer
       Rank            Broker                           (1–100)        & fees        choices         app         services        Tools    Research    service
                                                         91.8             2             1              2             1             1         3          8

                 Charles Schwab
                                                         83.0             5             3              6             2            4          1          3

                                                         76.1             7             4              1             5            2          2          5

                 Merrill Edge
                                                        73.4*             1             6              4             6            5          4          1

                 TD Ameritrade
                                                        73.4*             6             5              3             2            6          5          4

                 Interactive Brokers
                                                         71.4             4             2              5             4            3          7          9

                                                         48.9             9             7              7             7            7          8          6

                 J.P. Morgan Self-Directed Investing
                                                         46.3             8             9             8              8            8          6          7
     NA Not available. *Test account not provided.
                                                         38.7             3             8              9             9            9          9          2

     *Merrill Edge, with an overall score of 73.38, inched past TD Ameritrade, which finished with an overall score of 73.37.


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       Investments in securities involve the risk of loss. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.

fees and minimums, but its score suf-         for preferred stocks, for example.         in third. But the firm offers plenty
fered in this category because it doesn’t     Firstrade suffered in part because it      of third-party reports on stocks, in-
offer a hybrid service. And Firstrade         doesn’t allow customers to measure         cluding, for example, reports from
doesn’t offer an advisory service at all,     portfolio performance against a bench-     11 research firms on Apple and 10 on
which hurt its ranking in this category       mark or offer daily updates on overall     Goldman Sachs. And the firm’s “View-
and overall in the survey.                    portfolio performance.                     points” reports offer regular stock and
  Finally, a note about TD Ameritrade:           TD Ameritrade has a middling            bond market outlooks, as well as fixed-
Unlike the rest of the firm’s brokerage       showing in this category. But the          income investing ideas.
services, its automated advisory prod-        firm is competitive on some measures,         Again, size makes a difference. The
uct, Essential Portfolios, is already in      including educational webinars, tech-      smaller outfits—Ally, Firstrade and
an early stage of merging with Schwab.        nical indicators and charting.             J.P. Morgan—can’t match their bigger
Interested investors are directed to                                                     brethren when it comes to indepen-
Schwab’s robo, Intelligent Portfolios.        RESEARCH                                   dent research. Interactive Brokers
That’s why TD receives the same score         Investors today expect abundant re-        offers a surfeit of choices, but it has
as Schwab in this category.                   search from online brokers, for every-     no stock or market research reports
                                              thing from market outlooks to bond,        from an independent, established
TOOLS                                         stock, ETF and mutual fund analysis.       investment bank, nor any in-depth
Calculators, charts and screens for           But as the scores in this group show,      fundamental mutual fund analysis.
stocks, ETFs and mutual funds help            size matters: The big brokers do a
investors put their money to work in          better job at this than the small ones.    CUSTOMER SERVICE
smart ways. Fidelity trumps the com-             Schwab outperformed the others in       Can you talk to a certified financial
petition here. The race for second was        this category. In some areas, Schwab       planner if you need one? Get an answer
tight—E*Trade, Interactive Brokers            doesn’t have the most research. Third-     to a question via chat or e-mail in a
and Schwab finished second, third             place finisher Fidelity, for instance,     reasonable amount of time? Reach
and fourth, respectively, but they were       offers research from 35 different          a live representative on a customer
separated by fractions of a point.            firms—more than any other brokerage        service phone line? Does the rep
   Fidelity offers more than 30 savings,      we surveyed—while Schwab’s roster          answer your question correctly and
tax and retirement calculators. The           of research firms numbers just under       completely? These are just a few of the
firm also excels in screening tools. Its      20. But Schwab’s research resources        areas we scrutinized in this category.
stock screens include 162 different cri-      cover more ground, including market           Merrill Edge emerged head and
teria, and its website offers nearly as       insights and analysis, bond market         shoulders above its peers. The average
many data points for each of its fund         reports, and audio webcasts.               wait time for a phone rep: less than
and ETF screening tools. No other                In addition, Schwab offers a bounty     30 seconds (J.P. Morgan reports the
firm could match that in total, across        of recommended fund and stock lists,       same wait time). The average reported
the board, but Schwab and Interactive         which can be a rich trove of ideas. The    wait time among all firms: 2.5 minutes.
Brokers came close, which helped lift         numerous stock lists include large-        E-mail and chat response times at
their rankings in this category. One          company and small-company stocks, as       Merrill are also fast relative to peers.
caveat: Most of Interactive’s tools are       well as favored stocks in each sector,        Firstrade was a surprise second-
available only on its Trader Worksta-         among others. Schwab says it “uses         place finisher. The firm’s representa-
tion platform, which must be down-            an objective and disciplined approach”     tives aren’t the fastest responders
loaded; the tools on the firm’s website       to select stocks that are most likely to   on the phone or with chat or e-mail,
are too simple to be of much use.             outperform the market.                     but they aren’t the slowest, either.
   Considering just calculators,                 E*Trade comes in a solid second in      And they earned a solid score on our
E*Trade takes the cake, with dozens           this category, with similar attributes     customer service phone line test. Rep-
of interactive calculators and evalua-        to Schwab. Morgan Stanley completed        resentatives were, for the most part,
tors, including 15 retirement- and            its acquisition of E*Trade last year, so   clear, informative and accurate when
IRA-related calculators alone.                customers now have unfettered access       they answered questions on the phone.
   The laggards in the tools category         to this blue-chip investment bank’s           The influx of new accounts has wal-
are Firstrade and J.P. Morgan. Both           research on stocks and markets. But        loped the customer service side of
offered fewer how-to webinars and             Schwab bested E*Trade in bond and          nearly every broker’s business. Many
in-person events on investing basics or       stock market outlook reports.              firms, including Ally and Fidelity, have
specific strategies than the standouts           Fidelity’s mutual fund research         hired throngs of customer service reps
in this category. J.P. Morgan doesn’t         doesn’t match the level of Schwab and      to help with the flood of calls. And
offer a bond-ladder tool or a screener        E*Trade, which is one reason it came       warnings about long wait times were

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