In The Zone - Hipe Magazine

Page created by Ivan Robles
In The Zone - Hipe Magazine
In The Zone
                                         Vol 8 November 2020
                                          The Birthday Edition

The birth of Zone Radio
Learn a bit more about the history of the station

                    Presenter Profile
                    Rob and Kelly Hoffman

Music 101
City Grooves

         Living under lockdown
         Looking back at seven months of lockdown

                 The Voice of the Valley
In The Zone - Hipe Magazine
                                                                                                 November 2020

                                                                                                                                                                    Page 44

Welcome To Shorties Blue Bottle Noordhoek
Blue Bottle Liquors has been operating successfully since the year 2000. We carry huge

                                                                                               Music 101
ranges of wine, malt whiskies, and are geared for all functions. Our emphasis is on personal
service in a safe environment, promoting responsible drinking.
                                                                                               City Grooves
We pride ourselves in quality products. We haven’t left it there though!! We have now
extended our operation and set up a Traders Association involving several very successful
independent liquor stores who understand their customer’s needs and are extremely aware
of promoting responsible drinking. They have revamped their stores for a better, secure and
informative shopping experience. Being part of the Blue Bottle membership means we offer
better prices, professional advice and don’t forget the personal touch of the owner.                    Features
                                                                                                                                  22                             40
                                                                                               6                                  Thank you from Zone Radio      Tony’s Top TIps
                                                                                               The Birth of Zone Radio        Paying tribute to all the adver- Chef Tony Zola bring us more
                                                                                               We take a look back at the tisers that supported Zone.          tips.
                                                                                               history of Zone Radio and cel- 26                               42
                                                                                               ebrate one year on FM.
                                   Click on the link on the left to                                                               Murphy’s Laws                  The shape you’re in
                                          visit our website.                                   10                                 Ryan Murphy is not impressed Dress according to your body
                                                                                                                                  with customer service in South shape.
                                                                                               We must remember them              Africa.
                                                                                               Raymond Fletcher examines the                                     21 & 57
                                                                                               origins of Remembrance Day 28                                     Quizes
                                                                                               and the two-minute silence.   You heard it first...               A quiz on local music and one
                                                                                                                             New music played on Zone Ra-        on The Beatles.
                                                                                               14                            dio in October.
                                                                                               Living with lockdown           32                                 Also in this month’s edition
                                                                                               Why now is not the time to be-                                 Health - from page 48
                                                                                               come complacent.               The Little Wretches
                                                                                                                                  We chat to Robert Wagner of Sport - page 54
                                                                                               18                                 this folk rock band.        Entertainment - page 62
                                                                                               The Perfect Storm
                                                                                               We meet a talented South Afri-     36
                                                                                               can-born musician who is also      Presenter profile
                                                                                               doing incredible things for con-   Meet Rob and Kelly Hoffman -
                                                                                               servation.                         father and daughter.
In The Zone - Hipe Magazine
for turning a dream into a re-
                                                                                                                           ality, and for allowing all of us
                                                                                                                           the privilege of sharing in that
                                                                                       From the                            dream.

                                                                                                                              In my humble opinion it is
                                                                                                                           one of the best radio stations

  Bierman Straus
                                                                                                                           around - if not the best. And
                                                                                                               desk        I’m not saying that just because
                                                                                                                                                                   Hipe Media
                                                                                                                           I work there.

     Sunvalley                                                                         C
                                                                                               an you believe that it’s       Now on to more mundane               EDITOR
                                                                                               already been a year         things. As you’ve probably no-          Matt Tennyson
                                                                                               since Zone Radio began      tice, this is the 11th month of
                                                                                       broadcasting on FM? Time re-        the year. That means that next          ASSISTANT EDITOR
                                                                                       ally does fly when you’re hav-      month it’s Christmas and the            Judy Roberson
                                                                                       ing fun.                            month after that we will be in
                                                                                          I did my very first show on      2021. Where did the year go?            CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                                       Zone Radio on Sunday 10 No-         It feels like just the other day        Raymond Fletcher Richard
                                                                                       vember and what a pleasure it       when Uncle Cyril came on                Griggs, Ryan Murphy, Matt
                                                                                       has been working with the sta-      television and told us that we          O’Brien, Judy Roberson, An-
                                                                                       tion. I actually look forward to    would be going into a three-            nelize van Niekerk, Tony Zola.
                                                                                       Sunday mornings.                    week lockdown.
                                                                                          We often talk about the Zone        It’s been a bit of a strange            In The Zone is published on-
 We are a family orientated Optometry practice, with                                   Family and believe me, work-        year to say the very least and          line every month. The articles
professional staff looking after the person behind the                                 ing at Zone really does feel like   I’m sure that everyone will join        used in In The Zone are copyright-
                         eyes.                                                         being part of a family. And a       me in trusting that 2021 is go-         ed and may not be used without
  Visit us at Sunvalley Mall or call us on 021 785 3141                                very special family at that.        ing to be a better year. Hopeful-       prior permission from the editor.
                                                                                          When I interviewed Rob and       ly they will come up with a vac-
                                                                                       Kelly Hoffman, Rob said that        cination for the Covid-19 virus           The views stated in this mag-
                                                          Click on the above link to   one of the reasons he enjoys        and we can put this nightmare           azine do not necessary reflect
                                                           visit our Facebook page.    working at Zone Radio is be-        behind us. Although I think we          the views of In The Zone, the
                                                                                       cause of the real people that       will still feel the effects of it for   editor, the staff, Zone Radio, or
                                                                                       make up the station. It is a sen-   a long time to come.                    Hipe Media.
                                                                                       timent that I can echo.                A few weeks ago I went out
                                                                                          I sometimes wonder if people     to listen to some live music. I                      Hipe!
                                                                                       know just how much Richard          realised that it had been seven          P.O. Box 31216, Tokai, 7966
                                                                                       and Judy put into Zone Radio.       months since I did anything like                South Africa.
                                                                                       They are two of the most real       that. Remember when we used
                                                                                       people that I have met in a long    to do things like that on a regu-                    email
                                                                                       time. Respect and love to both      lar basis.                          
                                                                                       of you.                                That’s about it for this month.
                                                                                          I’ve always thought that if      Next month we will be bringing                   Back Issues
                                                                                       Zone Radio was a wild West          you a bumper Christmas edi-               To view any back issues of
                                                                                       town then Janet Scanlon would       tion, so it’s something to look         In The Zone, go to www.hipe.
                                                                                       be the sheriff. She takes no        forward to.                   
                                                                                       nonsense, but she has a heart of
                                                                                       gold.                                 Until next month.
                                                                                                                                                                      Right click on any
                                                                                          Congratulations to Zone Ra-                                               advertisement to visit

                                                                                       dio on celebrating one year of
                                                                                                                                                                       their website or
                                                                                       broadcasting on FM. Congrat-
                                                                                                                                                                       Facebook page.
                                                                                       ulations to Richard and Judy
In The Zone - Hipe Magazine
Zone! cover story                                                                                                                                 and months of red tape which       mongpong.
                                                                                                               On 4 November                      we won’t bore you with, a low         Richard had spent a month

The birth of Zone Radio                                                                                       2019 “The Voice
                                                                                                              of The Valley”,
                                                                                                                                                  powered FM licence to convert
                                                                                                                                                  the online station into a com-
                                                                                                                                                  mercial community station in
                                                                                                                                                                                     training local people from the
                                                                                                                                                                                     valley to be presenters and the
                                                                                                                                                                                     new additions throughout this
What began as an idea 9,636 kilometres away would eventually grow into ‘The Voice                                                                 Sun Valley was finally granted.    first year were Rob Hoffman,
of the Valley’ - Zone Radio. But turning the idea into a reality would take a lot of com-                       went live on
                                                                                                                                                     With the help for our current   Ernie Sierra, Sue Hair, Col-
mitment and hard work. By Judy Roberson and Richard Griggs.                                                       88.5fm.                         landlady, Susan James, prem-       leen van Heerden, Alison Fara-

                                                                                                                                                  ises were found in Sun Valley.     day, Shellee-Kim Gold, Adrian
    n the tiny town of Krabi in     ious presenters that Richard had     morning, after Richard and          Blaine Mills (The Canuck)            The move and studio construc-      Buckland, Matt Tennyson, Alan
    rural Thailand, the idea of a   worked with in the past. Num-        Donovan pulled an all nighter,      opened the first show with “We       tion was undertaken in October.    Marriot, Rob Martin, Bilaal St-
    new radio station began to      ber crunching, begging and bor-      the Facebook page of Zone Ra-       Will Rock You” by Queen with         Chris Grant and his wonder-        ofile, John Verster, Edwin Bar-
take shape in the mind of Rich-     rowing, scraping together what       dio went live. Judy was in the      the whole team beaming with          ful team at NetDynamix once        nard and news readers, Angela
ard Griggs.                         resources they had and with the      kitchen baking for the present-     excitement.                          again equipped and helped to       Timm, Huw Charles and Susan
  It would be a radio station       help of some wonderful friends,      ers as she too could not sleep,       That was the start, with many      build the studio.                  James (yes, our landlord reads
that would play the music peo-      John, Michelle and Dave, Rich-       and was the first one to like the   changes in the journey taking           Ads were placed for volun-      the news!) as well as Ashleigh
ple want to hear, support South     ard and Judy took the plunge.        page.                               place, including a couple of         teer presenters, Angel Black-      Pitchen.
African and Independent musi-          Research was done on a num-         Tired and excited Richard         moves to different studios at        wood was approached to sell           Janet Scanlon, our studio
cians, offer a training platform    ber of ideas for the name, and       and Judy and in separate vehi-
for new presenters and focus on     the overwhelming majority            cles, drove to Park Mews where
the development of small and        chose the name “Zone Radio”.         Rory Leonard of Meditek Sys-
medium enterprises.                    Donovan Griggs was asked to       tems had kindly allocated space
   After brainstorming the idea     design a logo for this new on-       for the station to operate from.
with his partner, Judy Rober-       line radio station. It is a logo       Studio construction and for-
son a decision was taken to turn    we are still so proud of as if one   matting had taken place the few
“the dream” into a reality and      looks into the Z and R the mag-      days before with the help of
the minute they arrived back in     nificent Table Mountain can be       Chris Grant at NetDynamix and
Cape Town, work began in ear-       seen in the background.              under the watchful eye of Brett
nest.                                  On 1 April 2011 (yes! April       Kannemeyer.
  Meetings were held with var-      Fools Day), at 02h30 in the            At 08h00 on 1 April 2011,

                                                                                                             Edgemead Space: From this.....				                                 to this.

                                                                                                             Red Shed V&A Waterfront and          advertising, and Richard started   manager, who has been part of
                                                                                                             when that was demolished to          training people from the valley    our team for many years, was
                                                                                                             Damelin College in Mowbray.          as presenters.                     trained as news reader and pre-
                                                                                                                Fast forward to 1 March             On 4 November 2019, after a      senter.
                                                                                                             2019. After much soul search-        few technical twists and turns       This is the story so far and
                                                                                                             ing, Richard and Judy decided        that were sorted out by Rob        with the support of the people
                                                                                                             that the best way forward for        and Ernie of Tri-Tel, Zone Ra-     of the Deep South, we believe
                                                                                                             Zone Radio would be to launch        dio, “The Voice of The Valley”,    that there will be much, much
                                                                                                             it on FM.                            went live on 88.5fm and began      more to follow in the coming
                                                                                                                Pooling their limited resourc-    broadcasting to the good folk of   years.
                                                                                                             es and with the generous assis-      the Deep South.                      However, nothing ever hap-
                                                                                                             tance of a listener who wishes         When we started on the 4th       pens in isolation and we have
                                                                                                             to remain nameless, they took a      the only experienced present-      so many people to thank for
                                                                                                             further leap of faith in the hopes   ers we had were Richard , Judy,    their contribution over the past
                                                                                                             that this would to take them into    Ernest Gravett, Shane Malfent,     nine and a half years. We have
                                                                                                             their twilight years together.       Samantha Noon, Chad Davids,        compiled a special thank you
                                                                                                                After months and months           Jacques de Klerk and Greg Sir-     edition acknowledging the ad-
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                  7
In The Zone - Hipe Magazine
nyson, our In The Zone Maga-        teners, old and new, we would      deepest gratitude and you are
    Without our                                                                                        zine is his brain child and we so   have spent the past nine and a     the reason that the Zone Radio
 loyal listeners,                                                                                      appreciate all the hard work and    half years talking to the walls.   team rises each day to play “The
                                                                                                       late nights that go into each and     Your support means the           Music You Want To Hear”.
   old and new,                                                                                        every edition.                      world to us and it will never be
 we would have                                                                                           Finally, without our loyal lis-   taken for granted. You have our
  spent the past
 nine and a half
 years talking to
    the walls.
vertisers and landlords who
have believed enough in our
dream to contribute.
  But from a past presenter and
staff point of view, we cannot
exclude any of these names and
express our heartfelt gratitude   A CLOSE EYE: Beanie Brett watching the setup closely.
to each and every one of them :
  Blaine “The Canuck” Mills,      Duddy, Given Nkanyane, Nick      Lumka Quva, Lebo Magagoba,
Michelle Loxton, Adrian Larg-     Snow, Chanel Hurlin, Nale-       Martin Venter, Larry Thomas,
er, Brett Kannemeyer, Shirley     di Tlailane, Dave “The Pirate”   Ayanda Nyati, Michael Owen,
Meyer Jenner, Justin Hoskins,     Wood, Alain Howes, Otis Vo-      Zikhona Jack, Lydia Motena-
Alister Harrison, Ian Gor-        cal, Gabi Pinto, Kelly Wragg,    na, Richard Thompson, Babs
don, Mike Combrink, Charlie       Deon van Heerden, Tomb-          Memani, Dumi Npayapele and
King, Scott Miller, Brett Al-     stone Pete Faure, Quentin “The   Chad Davids.                        ABOVE: The new studio in Sun Valley.
len- White, Byron Hite, Eme-      Goose” Kotze, Chi Chi Gule,         We truly want to thank our
rina Bakkes, Ernest Gravett,      Shanaaz Speelman, Danielle       current team at the Voice of the    TOP RIGHT: The all nighter took it’s toll
Charl Ellman ,Bryan Vally, Si-    Scheepers, Dermah van Niek-      Valley. You have all shown so
mone Hindle, Simone Factor,       erk, Asheeqah Howa, Lor-         much dedication and commit-         BOTTOM RIGHT: Proud Owners Richard and Judy outside
Nikola Milosavljevic, Nicola      en Loubser ,Sarah Summers,       ment. Without you, we could         Edgemead studio.
                                                                   not broadcast daily. You are
                                                                   very special to both of us and
                                                                   we look forward to growing
                                                                   with you as our team.
                                                                      No story about Zone Radio
                                                                   would be complete without                                                                          Crn Cape Road And, Buller Louw Blvd,
                                                                   mentioning Money Zone pre-                                                                         Sunnydale, Phone: 021 785 1997
                                                                   senter, Paul Volker from Volker
                                                                   Consulting, who has been with
                                                                   us right throughout this journey.
                                                                      We really thank you for your
                                                                   friendship and loyalty through-
                                                                   out the years, not to mention the
                                                                   valuable insights you have giv-
                                                                   en us. You and Tracy have been
                                                                   there for us in so many ways,
ON AIR: Opening show with Blaine “The Canuck” Mills.               thank you!
                                                                      A huge thank you to Matt Ten-
8                                                                                                                                                                                                           9
In The Zone - Hipe Magazine
Zone! feature                                                                                                                                       It was mainly fought between        right across Europe. Sometimes
                                                                                                                                                  the Allied Powers, which con-         the trenches were less that 100

 We must remember them                                                                                                                            sisted of France, the British
                                                                                                                                                  Empire (including Australia, In-
                                                                                                                                                  dia, Canada and South Africa),
                                                                                                                                                  Russia and Italy. The Ameri-
                                                                                                                                                                                        metres apart. The area between
                                                                                                                                                                                        the trenches was called ‘no-
                                                                                                                                                                                        man’s land’.
                                                                                                                                                                                           By all accounts life in the
At 11.00 am on November 11 most countries in the world will observe two minutes of                                                                cans joined the Allied Powers         trenches was horrific at the best
silence. Raymond Fletcher looks at the significance of Remembrance Day and imag-                                                                  in 1917 when they declared war        of times. Rain would turn them
                                                                                                                                                  on Germany.                           into mud pits. The floor of the
ines what it must have been like to fight in the ‘war to end all wars’.
                                                                                                                                                    On the other side was the           trench was covered with planks
                                                                                                                                                  Central Powers that consisted         called ‘duck boards’. Some-

    f there was one subject that I   worst subjects to my favourite,     started after World War I to                                             of Germany, Austria-Hungary           times the mud would be so
    really didn’t enjoy it would     along with English.                 honour the memory of all the                                             and the Ottoman Empire.               deep and thick that if someone
                                                                                                             THE TIN HAT: The symbol of
    have to be history. I’ve al-        One of the things none of us     soldiers that died during that      the Memorable Order of Tin             There were a number of things       stepped off the duck board they
ways been far more interested        could ever work out was the         war.                                Hats (MOTH).                         that I learnt about World War I       would disappear into the mud
in what’s happening now, not         badge that our history teacher        Charles Alfred Evenden was                                             that left me amazed, shocked          never to be seen again.
what happened centuries before       always wore on the lapel of his     a soldier, cartoonist and author.   ly he couldn’t have fought in        and sad.                                 The treatment of soldiers was
I was born.                          jacket. It was a small soldier’s    But he will be best remem-          World War I. He laughed and            One of the things that did          often barbaric. If, for example,
  Then last year a strange thing     helmet. During one lesson we        bered as the man that started the   told us that after Word War II,      amaze me was the fact that the        you were on guard duty at night
happened. We got a new history       asked him about it.                 Moths. It was after he had seen     those that had fought could also     majority of the British Empire        and fell asleep, an officer had
teacher at my school and his            He told us that he was a Moth.   a drawing in a newspaper (pic-      join the Moths.                      soldiers were volunteers. They        the right to shoot you. If he
whole approach to history was        We all had a good laugh and had     tured opposite) that he made a        Since then membership has          were not forced to go and fight,      found you sleeping he could
just so different. He puts things    no idea of what he was talking      decision that those that fell in    been extended to anyone who          they did so willingly.                take out his pistol and shoot
into context and makes history       about. Then he explained.           battle should never be forgot-      fought in other wars such as           Often an entire class from          you dead without even bother-
come alive.                             The word MOTH stands for         ten.                                Korea, the Gulf War, and even        a university would go to a re-        ing to wake you up.
  Since he arrived history has       Memorable Order of Tin Hats.          We asked our teacher how he       our own Border War.                  cruitment office and sign up.            Attacks on the enemy would
gone from being one of my            It’s an organisation that was       could be a Moth because sure-         He then asked us how much          Very few of them ever returned        always result in massive casu-
                                                                                                             we knew about World War I and        to complete their studies.            alties. The object would be to
                                                                                                             most of us, myself included,           Officially you had to be at         capture a section of the enemies
                                                                                                             knew very little about it.           least 18 years of age to sign up      trench. The normal procedure
                                                                                                               I’ve watched a lot of movies       as a soldier and go off to fight in   would be to bomb the opposi-
                                                                                                             about World War II and Viet-         the war. Yet as losses mounted        tion trench with artillery for up
                                                                                                             nam, but I can’t recall ever hav-    and replacements were desper-         to three days. Then the artil-
                                                                                                             ing seen anything about World        ately needed the recruitment          lery would stop and the infantry
                                                                                                             War I. All I knew is that it was a   teams began to turn a blind eye
                                                                                                             long time ago.                       to the age requirement.
                                                                                                               I was right. It was a long           I’m 16 years old and I know
                                                                                                             time ago and it began on July        that there were many boys my
                                                                                                             28, 1914 and ended just over         age that fought in World War I.
                                                                                                             four years later on November         Many were even younger than
                                                                                                             11, 1918. By the time it ended       that. It is a documented fact that
                                                                                                             an estimated 20 million people       the youngest person to fight as
                                                                                                             had lost their lives.                a British soldier in World War I
                                                                                                               The war was a true global          was only 12 years old.
                                                                                                             conflict that took part in Eu-         The war on land quickly de-
                                                                                                             rope, Africa, the Middle East,       veloped into a stalemate that
                                                                                                             the Pacific Islands, China and       became known as trench war-
                                                                                                             off the coast of South and North     fare.
                                                                                                             America. The war was fought            These trenches stretched from
                                                                                                             on land, sea and in the air.         the coast to the Swiss border,
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11
In The Zone - Hipe Magazine
‘land battleship’ and were sent      third choice was to shoot him-      would probably be dead.             with the Moth credo which my
                                                                       to France in crates that were        self, which most of them did.          Would I have lied about my history teacher told me about. I
                                                                       stamped ‘tank’ on the outside.         It is estimated that more than    age to get into the army? Would think it is very fitting.
                                                                       This was so that people would        14,000 Allied pilots were killed    I have volunteered, knowing
                                                                       think they were water tanks.         during World War I. The fig-        full well that there was a strong They shall not grow old, as we
                                                                       The name stuck and everyone          ures for the Axis powers is not     possibility that I would die?          who are left to grow old.
                                                                       called them tanks.                   known but it is estimated that it      While you can hate war and Age shall not weary them. nor
                                                                          The tank was first used during    was even higher than those of       all it stands for, you cannot but         the years condemn.
                                                                       the Battle of Flers-Courcelette      the Allies.                         admire the courage of those that At the going down of the sun,
                                                                       on 15 September 15, 1916. It           World War I ended with the        fought, many of them paying               and in the morning,
                                                                       had limited success. They could      official surrender of the Central   the ultimate sacrifice.                We will remember them.
                                                                       only move very slowly, would         Powers at 11.00 am on Novem-           At 11.00 am on November
                                                                       often break down, and were           ber 11, 1918.                       11 most of the world will ob-
FOR KING AND COUNTRY: At the start of the war men of all               used in very limited numbers.          It became known as ‘The           serve two minutes silence for
ages flocked to the recruiting office to sign up. Many would go           Another first was the use of      Great War’ and ‘the war to end      all those that fell in World War
into “Pals Battalions” and fight alongside their friends.              aircraft. The Wright brothers        all wars’. Yet a mere 21 years      I and other wars.
                                                                       had only taken the first pow-        later they would be at it again        This year I will be one of
would launch an attack.               Yet even though these tactics    ered flight 11 years earlier on      in another war that would result    those that stands to attention
  This was known as ‘go-           proved fruitless time after time,   December 17, 1903. Yet the           in even more deaths. The Great      and observes two minutes of si-
ing over the top’. The infantry    the generals and war planners       aircraft would soon play a vital     War was renamed World War I.        lence. It is the least I can do. It
would climb out of their trench-   on both sides persisted with        role in war.                           I wonder if I would have had      is vital that we remember them.
es and advance at a steady walk    them. No matter how many               Most World War I pilots           the courage to go over the top.        At the eleventh hour of the
towards the enemy. The only        died.                               would have as little as 10 hours     Or climb into an aircraft with      eleventh day of the eleventh
problem with this was that the        Take the Somme offensive for     flying time before being sent        only 10 hours training, know-       month, we will remember them.
enemy were normally waiting        example. It lasted from July 1 to   into combat. The average life        ing that in less than two weeks I      I would like to end this article
for them.                          November 18, 1916. The Allies       expectancy of a pilot was 11
  The enemy would have sat in      took 60,000 casualties on the       days.
their bunkers dug into the side    first day of the battle. This was      During April 1917, known
of the trench during the artil-    the most casualties the British     as ‘Bloody April’, the life ex-
lery fire and few of them would    had ever taken in a single day.     pectancy of a new pilot was 20
have been killed or injured.          By the end of it they would      minutes.
  As soon as the artillery         suffer a staggering 623,907 ca-        Although the parachute had
stopped they knew the infantry     sualties.                           been invented (they were is-
would be on their way.                The war also saw many new        sued to balloon observers) they
  They would set up machine        innovations and weapons be-         were not issued to pilots. It was
guns covering no-man’s land        ing used. The French were the       thought that pilots would then
and wait for the attack. The       first to use chemical weapons in    be too quick to bail out of a
advancing infantry would usu-      1914.                               damaged aircraft rather than try
ally be mown down before they         They used tear gas against       and return it to its base.
had advanced more than a few       the Germans, but it was largely        Because the planes were made
steps.                             ineffective. A few months later     mostly from wood and canvas
  Even if an attack did man-       the Germans retaliated by using     one of the greatest dangers was
age to succeed and a section of    chlorine gas.                       from the aircraft catching fire.
the enemy trench was captured,        In 1917 the Germans intro-          A pilot in an aircraft that was
both sides had a second, third     duced the far more deadly mus-      on fire had three choices. The
and forth line of trenches. They   tard gas.                           first was to bail out and fall to
would launch a counter attack         The tank was developed and       his death. The second was to
and normally recapture the lost    first used during World War         stay with the aircraft and burn
territory very quickly.            I. It was originally called the     to death. Nearly every pilot car-
                                                                       ried a revolver with him. His
12                                                                                                                                                                                                          13
In The Zone - Hipe Magazine
Zone! feature                                                                                               taverns, bottle stores and all       passenger flights were prohibit-      down for a total of 207 days.
                                                                                                            other stores not selling essential   ed, except for flights authorised
                                                                                                            goods were to close during the       by the Ministry of Transport, for     Take it from the top - Level 5
Living with                                                                                                 lockdown period.                     the evacuation of South African          How many of you remember

                 L ckd wn
                                                                                                              Schools, already closed a          nationals in foreign countries,       what it was like at the start of
                                                                                                            week before the lockdown pe-         and for certain repatriations.        the lockdown?
                                                                                                            riod, would not reopen until af-        A liquor and tobacco ban was          From the time the president
                                                                                                            ter the lockdown. Non-exempt         put in place and it was illegal to    announced the lockdown, we
                                                                                                            people were only allowed to          buy or sell any alcohol or tobac-     had three days to stock up on
Most of us can still clearly remember the start of the Coronavirus and the announce-                        leave their homes during this        co products, including e-ciga-        essentials.
ment by President Cyril Ramaphosa about the upcoming lockdown. We have become                               period to access health servic-      rettes, and related products.            On Tuesday 24 March I went
used to wearing face masks and living under restrictions. Yet now is not the time to                        es, collect social grants, attend       On 9 April the President an-       down to the local supermarket,
relax says Ryan Murphy.                                                                                     small funerals (no more than 50      nounced a two-week lockdown           only to find a long line waiting

                                                                                                            people) and shop for essential       extension, until the end of April.    to be admitted. The supermar-
        here is a Chinese curse       curred from the disease was re-    sa addressed the nation and        goods.                                  President Ramaphosa an-            ket was only allowing a certain
        which says “May you           ported on 27 March 2020.           announced a 21-day national          South Africans were ordered        nounced that from 1 May 2020,         number of customers in at a
        live in interesting times.”      On 15 March, the President of   lockdown effective from mid-       not to take their dogs for a walk    a gradual and phased easing           time.
And let’s face it, 2020 has been      South Africa, Cyril Ramapho-       night 26 March through to 16       during the lockdown, though          of the lockdown restrictions             I remember buying three car-
an interesting time. It has also      sa, declared a national state of   April, with the deployment of      they could walk them around          would begin, lowering the na-         tons of cigarettes, which I knew
been frustrating, depressing,         disaster, and announced meas-      the South African National De-     their house or apartment build-      tional alert level to 4.              would last me for the three
and down-right scary. And the         ures such as immediate travel      fence Force (SANDF) to sup-        ing.                                    From 1 June, the national re-      weeks that I wouldn’t be able to
reason it has been interesting        restrictions and the closure of    port the government.                 Exempt from the lockdown           strictions were lowered to level      buy them. Little did I then know
can be summed up in one word          schools from 18 March.                         The lockdown rules     were people deemed necessary         3. The restrictions were low-         that it would be five months be-
- COVID-19.                              On 17 March, the Na-                         and regulations       to the effective response to the     ered to alert level 2 on 17 Au-       fore I could legally purchase
   Coronavirus disease 2019           tional     Coronavirus                            were strict.        pandemic.                            gust 2020.                            a cigarette again. But more of
(COVID-19) is defined as              Command Council                                      During the         All borders of the country            From 21 September 2020 re-         this later.
illness caused by a novel coro-       was established,                                    lockdown,         were closed during the lock-         strictions were lowered to alert         As a journalist I had a permit
navirus now called severe acute       “to lead the na-                                     all    gather-   down, except for designated          level 1. As I write this article on   to travel and I must confess that
respiratory syndrome coronavi-        tion’s plan to con-                                   ings except     ports of entry for the transpor-     20 October this is were we cur-       it was weird driving around and
rus 2, which was first identified     tain the spread                                        for funer-     tation of fuel, cargo, and goods.    rently stand - Lockdown Level         seeing almost no traffic on the
amid an outbreak of respirato-        and mitigate the                                        als    were     International and domestic         1. We have been under lock-           road. To be honest with you,
ry illness cases in Wuhan City,       negative impact of                                       prohibit-
Hubei Province, China.                the coronavirus”.                                        ed. Res-
   It was initially reported to          On 23 March,                                           taurants,
the World Health Organisation         President Cyr-
(WHO) on 31 December 2019.            il Ramapho-
   On 30 January 2020, the
WHO declared the COVID-19
outbreak a global health emer-
gency. On 11 March the WHO
declared COVID-19 a global
   On 5 March 2020, South Af-
rican Minister of Health Zweli
Mkhize confirmed the spread of
the virus to South Africa, with
the first known patient being a
male citizen who tested posi-
tive upon his return from Italy.
   The first death to have oc-
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                  15
In The Zone - Hipe Magazine
I rather enjoyed it. Strange-         ing home schooled and there        that from 1 May 2020, a grad-     Revenue Service that it would        open and on-site consumption          that a second wave of the virus
ly enough, I have only been           were various e-learning plat-      ual and phased easing of the      encourage the growth of illicit      will be permitted until 22h00.        could strike. The effects of this
stopped once in a roadblock           forms for those that had Inter-    lockdown restrictions would       tobacco sales thereby growing          From 21 September with the          would be devastating. Can you
during lockdown.                      net access.                        begin. The phases would range     the power and influence of or-       lowering or restrictions to Stage     imagine if we suddenly had to
  Something that I did notice            Many people were now us-        from Stage 5 (total lockdown)     ganised crime.                       1, most businesses could open,        go back to Stage 5 restrictions?
was that as far as the taxi in-       ing various digital platforms to   down to Stage 1. Level 4 would      It was estimated that about        although with strict conditions          For many businesses and
dustry was concerned, lock-           work from home.                    begin on 1 Many 2020.             one million smokers quit during      in place.                             companies that have managed
down was for other people and            The lockdown began to hurt                                        this period. This still meant that     Alcohol could now be pur-           to survive by the skin of their
not them. From day one of the         the economy. Most shops and        Restrictions still in place       as many of 10 million South          chased from Monday to Friday          teeth, it could very well be the
lockdown they were operating,         many businesses were unable         Most places still had to re-     Africans were still looking for      and the sale of cigarettes and        final nail in the coffin.
with many of them carrying a          to open. The hospitality and     main shut during Stage 4. A         their nicotine fix.                  tobacco was now allowed.                 With the lowering of the re-
full load of passengers.              tourism industry was among       curfew was in place from 20:00        Cigarettes and tobacco be-           A curfew was still in place         striction to Stage 1, many South
                                      the hardest hit.                 to 05:00.                           came freely available on the         between midnight and 04:00.           Africans are under the impres-
Extension                                Denied of any income, many       The good news was that peo-      black market. Most brands            250 people could attend indoor        sion that it is all over. That life
   On 9 April it was announced        restaurants and pubs were        ple could walk, run, or cycle       available were cheap, poor           events and 500 people were al-        can return to normal.
that the lockdown period was          forced to permanently close      between 06:00 and 09:00, with-      quality cigarettes from China        lowed at outdoor events.                 The wearing of face masks,
being extended for another two        their doors, even after five     in a 5 km of their place of resi-   and Africa, brands that most           Sporting events could now           washing and sanitizing hands,
weeks until the end of April.         weeks. It also meant the loss of dence.                              South Africans had never heard       take place, albeit without any        and maintaining social distanc-
   While the concept of a lock-       many jobs.                          It was now mandatory to          of before.                           spectators.                           ing seems to be ignored by far
down may have felt like a bit of         While many people were        wear a face mask when in pub-         A box of 20 cigarettes ranged                                            too many people.
a novelty at first, the reality was   earning no income, they were     lic. Before entering a shop or      in price from as much as R340        Counting the cost                        In the early 2000s I was lucky
now beginning to bite.                still expected to pay for ser-   workplace you would have to         during the height of lockdown           At the time of writing this        enough to interview Nikolas
   Most businesses and shops          vices such as water, electrici-  sanitize your hands.                to as low as R70 towards the         article 43,374,933 Corona-            Wallenda. He is a tightrope
were forced to close during           ty and rates. Some banks were       The ban on the sale of alcohol   end of the restrictions.             virus Cases have been re-             walker and was the first person
lockdown. Not only did if have        good enough to freeze HP and     would remain in place, but on         This meant that someone was        ported world-wide. A total of         to walk a tightrope stretched di-
an adverse effect on them, it also    credit payments during the ini-  23 April President Ramaphosa        making a lot of money. For ex-       1,159,472 have died as a direct       rectly over Niagara Falls.
had an impact on employees of         tial stages of the lockdown. Yet announced that the sale of to-      ample, if every one of South         result of the virus.                     When I asked him what the
these businesses and shops.           everyone was well aware that     bacco would be re-legalised.        Africa’s 10 million smokers             South Africa has the 12th          most dangerous part of tight-
   Some larger companies were         those payments would have to        This was good news for South     bought one box of 20 per day at      highest number of reported            rope walking was, he told me
still paying their employees          be settled at some stage.        Africa’s estimated 11 million       an average of R100, this meant       cases with 715,868 cases and          that it was the last 10 metres.
their monthly salary, yet many                                         smokers. After five weeks most      that the illegal cigarette indus-    18,968 deaths.                        Because the walk is almost over
smaller businesses were unable        Phases of lockdown               were running out or had already     try was bring in on average one         The world-wide pandemic            it is easy to lose concentration,
to do this.                             Towards the end of April Pres- run out of cigarettes or tobacco.   billion Rands per day. Not a         has caused an economic crisis         and this is when you can fall.
   Many scholars were now be-         ident Ramaphosa announced           On 29 April by Minister          single cent of this money was        that we have still not yet felt the      We can learn from this ad-
                                                                       Dlamini-Zuma contradiced the        going towards taxes.                 full impact of.                       vice. Just because we are at
                                                                       president and declared that the                                             Within the first month of the      Stage 1 and many feel that the
                                                                       ban would remain in place until     Lowering the stages                  lockdown three million South          end of the virus is near, this is
                                                                       further notice. By 4 May Presi-       From 1 June, the national re-      Africans had lost their jobs con-     the time we need to concentrate
                                                                       dent Ramaphosa confirmed the        strictions were lowered to level     tributing to an increase in food      more than ever.
                                                                       continuation of the ban during      3. The restrictions were low-        insecurity and poverty.                  Make sure you always wear
                                                                       level 4.                            ered to alert level 2 on 17 Au-         By mid-July wide spread            your face mask, wash and sani-
                                                                          The Democratic Alliance ac-      gust 2020.                           food shortages were reported          tize your hands as often as pos-
                                                                       cused Dlamini-Zuma of lying           From 21 September 2020 re-         across the country and in rural       sible, and maintain social dis-
                                                                       to the public over the strength     strictions were lowered to alert     Eastern Cape in particular.           tancing. If not, we are inviting
                                                                       of support for the tobacco ban      level 1.                                Covid-19 is far from over.         a second wave of the virus. Re-
                                                                       and called for her removal from       From Stage 2 on 17 August          While scientists are working          main focused and vigilant for
                                                                       office.                             the sale of alcohol was now per-     hard, there is still no sign of       those final few steps.
                                                                          The ban raised concerns by       mitted. Retailers could only sell    any vaccination or cure for the
                                                                       the Human Sciences Research         alcohol from Monday to Thurs-        virus.
                                                                       Council and South African           day. Restaurants could now              Experts are already warning
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                   17
In The Zone - Hipe Magazine
Zone! feature                                                                                  stupidity or mismanagement.
                                                                                                   With my new single “Ghost”,

The Perfect Storm                                                                              I hope to spread awareness on
                                                                                               illegal poaching by singing and
                                                                                               talking about this very contro-
The Perfect Storm was a 2000 movie that starred George Clooney and Mark Wahl-                  versial topic.
berg. In 2020 Zone Radio interviewed someone that could also be best described as                 I am fortunate to have a team
The Perfect Storm.                                                                             of people that have been willing
                                                                                               to help me add credibility and
M     y name is Storm.

   I was born in South Africa at
                                                        ents. I categorically could not
                                                        and cannot do it without them.
                                                          I have always been passion-
                                                                                               share this message to shed light
                                                                                               on the plight of our vanishing
                                                                                               giants. I am extremely thankful
the turn of the millennium to a                         ate about animals. I don’t think       to Nathan Sanan, an incredibly
South African Mother and Ger-                           I ever realized how lucky I am         talented street artist from Port
man Father. Music has always                            to have been born in Africa, the       Elizabeth, who I commissioned
been my first love.                                     birthplace of some of the most         to paint a canvass of a Rhino to
   At the age of four, my mother                        iconic species on the planet and       auction off as well as use it for
introduced me to the “Phantom                           sadly some of the most endan-          the cover art of this single.
of the Opera” and I was hooked!                         gered and vulnerable.                     The incredible Jo from Root-
My parents always shared mu-                                My parents instilled in me         ing4Rhino and her fellow con-
sic with me by introducing me                           how important it is to love all        servationist Carole, who have
to every genre and of course                            animals and have always taught         supported this from the start
all the oldies.                                         me to make sure I understand           and helped me turn this into a
   I love and am influ-                                   the background of anything           campaign that will benefit The
enced by all types                                             and everything involving        Chipembere Rhino Foundation.
of music and have                                                 animals before I sup-           I would also like to thank
too many spikes                                                     port it.                   long time family friends Meg
to be put into a                                                       With so many            and Riley, fellow Rhino warri-
box.                                                                  pseudo sanctuaries       ors, for contributing the Rolling
   Currently                                                           and people exploit-     Rhino games and connecting
most of my                                                             ing animals in the      me to the right people!
music pulls                                                             name of CON-ser-          Thank you to Joey Lay, Miran-
toward the                                                               vation. I am proud    da Pierce and Oliver Brown for
                                                                                                                                        After all you may be the very
rock      gen-                                                            to say that I have   the part they played in turning        thing that stands between them
re, however                                                               never ever visited
remaining                                                              a circus that uses
                                                                                               me into a Rhino to help me ex-            thriving or going extinct.
                                                                                               press what a poached Rhino
“Genre-flu-                                                           animals and never        possibly endures and that when      who is on the front line of this   how we can save them!
id” is most                                                           will.                    we do nothing, we all have their    battle to save the Species has       Despite the challenges of
likely where                                                            I have made plenty     blood on our hands!                 added credibility to this initi-   Covid-19 we are putting togeth-
I will always                                                        of mistakes and mis-          I have been incredibly fortu-   ative by allowing me to inter-     er an auction/fundraiser event
hover.                                                              judged the animal’s        nate that Dr. William Fowlds,       view him and share important       by using music, passion and art
   I am current-                                                   involvement as “they        who I look up to as someone         information about Rhino and        to raise funds and awareness of
ly living in the                                                  don’t know any bet-
USA and have                                                     ter” but one thing I have
been fortunate                                                  learned for sure, is there
enough to have                                                are no winners when we
access to some                                             exploit animals, not us and
great musicians                                            certainly not them.
who mentor and                                                The animal always pays
nurture my tal-                                             the ultimate price for human

18                                                                                                                                                                                               19
Rhino poaching and a call to                                                                                            Zone! quiz
action for the average person
on the street like myself to use
their God given talents, drive
and determination to stand up
                                   Local is lekker
for and fight for what you be-
                                   Test your knowledge of South African music with this quiz.
lieve in.                          Local is lekker (nice), or so they   14. I Like                       43. One More Angel In Heaven
   After all you may be the        say. That may not always be the      15. ZX Dan                       44. Toy Train
very thing that stands between     case, but if we’re honest there      16. The Spaniard                 45. Ag Pleez Daddy
them thriving or going extinct.    are some really great South Af-      17. When Love Comes Knock-       46. Heart
Reach out to people, you may       rican bands and artists around           ing At Your Door             47. Lady Soul
be surprised who will be will-     at the moment.                       18. Woodpeckers From Space       48. Better The Devil You Know
ing to work with you!                Yet we’ve also had some in-        19. Born In A Taxi               49. Weeping
                                   teresting bands and artists in the   20. Celebrate!                   50. Dear Abby        past. All of these songs below       21. My Kind Of Girl              51. Mama Tembu’s Wedding
Facebook/Twitter/                  charted on the local hit parades.    22. Man on the moon              52. The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine
Insta @StormSSofficial               Now let’s see just how much        23. Picking Up Pebbles               Anymore         you know about local music.          24. Sunglasses                   53. Kinders Van Die Wind
Nathan Sanan @na041art (ins-         We’ll give you a list of 60        25. Seagull’s Name Was Nelson    54. Heaven Is My Woman’s Love
ta)                                songs, all of them local hits,       26. Put Your Hand In The Hand    55. Haai Casanova
The Single will be on all plat-    and you tell us the artist or band   27. Kentucky Blue                56. Burnout
forms from November 15th.          that had a hit with the song.        28. Little Jimmy                 57. Boy Van Die Suburbs
                                     Here you go then.                  29. Hello A                      58. The Bushman
                                                                        30. A Million Drums              59. Die Royal Hotel
                                   1. Taximan                           31. It’s Amazing (The Incredi-   60. Don’t Fly Too High
                                   2. Hey Boy                               ble Dance)
                                   3. Clowns (See Yourself)             32. Whisper Your Secret          Answers on page 62
                                   4. Slow Rain                         33. Feel So Strong
                                   5. Johnny Calls The Chemist          34. Live On
                                   6. This Boy                          35. Paradise Road
                                   7. Charlie                           36. I Need A Little Love
                                   8. Substitute                        37. The Wonder Of Your Love
                                   9. Mammy Blue                        38. How Do You Do
                                   10. Jabulani                         39. The Child Inside
                                   11. Venus                            40. Master Jack
                                   12. Give Me The Good News            41. Exclusively Yours             39
                                   13. Buccaneer                        42. Sally Sunshine

20                                                                                                                                 21
Zone! feature                                                                                         Sharon van Rensburg         Liberty        Glamore Cosmetics
Thank you from Zone Radio
We have many people we would like to acknowledge in this Birthday edition of In The
Zone. The magazine is not yet a year old, but the fm station opened a year ago on 4
November 2019. Click on any logo to visit their website or Facebook page.                                Ngwenya Glass        Edge Multimedia    Themi Stergianos
                                                                                                                                                  Business Coach

       one Radio began its jour-    As of 4 November 2019 we started operating as an fm commu-
       ney as an online radio nity station from our premises in Sun Valley and are now known
       station on 1 April 2011. as The Voice of the Valley for the people of the deep south, whilst
                                 still continuing to stream online as well. We would like to thank
  Chris Grant and the amazing Susan James for providing us with our wonderful current premis-
team at NetDynamix helped us es with Harry James watching over us daily from above.
build the station and equip it.                                                                          Somerset Lodge       St Lukes Hospice   Choice Marketing
                                    The Following advertisers have supported us over the past nine
                                 years and we would like to acknowledge and thank each and every
                                 one of them:
                                         CA Interiors              Celestial Gift Experiences
  Our very first premises were
in Edgemead Park Edge Mews
and kindly provided to us by
Rory of Meditek Systems.

                                                                                                      Indulge Coffee Lounge   Boston Breweries     iData Services

                                      Joe’s Easy Dinner            Nomads Motorcycle Club
We then moved to the Red Shed
in The V&A Waterfront.

                                                                                                           EasiHealth           Vergenoegd         Augusta Villa

   After the Red Shed was de-         Perdeberg Wines                       Hill & Dale
molished, we moved to Dame-
lin in Mowbray.

22                                                                                                                                                                   23
Awake Online                        Newskoop                           Easy Pay                GForce Mind & Body      Global Fabrics         JSJ Motors
                                   Our News, Sports and Finan-
                                 cial Reports as well as some
                                 advertising is supplied by
                                 Newskoop and we thank them
                                 for their great support of our ra-
                                 dio station.

     AL Garage Doors                                                       Liquid Blast                Mugg and Bean       Leopardstone Hill        The Family
                                                                                                       Longbeach Mall                            Counselling Centre

 Over and above the current advertisers in this edition, we would also like to thank the following     Attorneys West     Westpoint Properties      Storageland
who supported us as a brand new station in the valley :                                                 and Rossouw
     Julz Accounting                       Cape Gas                          F1 Tyre

                                                                                                       Western Cape                               The Bread Baker
                                                                                                       Blood Services                              Extraordinaire
         StarShare                            IData                       Cape Dutch
                                                                         Veggie Gardens

24                                                                                                                                                                    25
Zone! feature                                                                                                  they have spoken to me dur-          ample of bad customer service.      of the bicycle with a flag that
                                                                                                               ing the entire transaction was,        Part of the service that I paid   read ‘James Garden Service’.

                                      Murphy’s Law
                                                                                                               “plastic.” I presume they were       for with these guys was that        Attached to a piece of rope and
                                                                                                               asking if I wanted to purchase a     they would not only do that gar-    being towed behind him was a
                                                                                                               plastic carrier bag.                 den, but that they would clean      lawn mower.
                                      Why is it, asks Murphy, that customer service in South                      My lawn was getting a bit         up afterwards and dispose of          I stopped him and told him I
                                      Africa is usually so bad. And why do most companies always               out of hand. It was so bad I         the cut grass and rubble. This is   needed by lawn done. He took
                                      seem to get it wrong?                                                    could actually get lost in it. So    something they neglected to do.     out a small notebook and took
                                                                                                               I phoned a professional garden         When I called them the next       down my address, telling me
                                                                                                               services. Their number rang for      morning they told me that           he would be there at eight the
                                      your product or service is, if      denly find that the price has in-    ages before going to voice mail.     someone would be around that        following morning. And guess
                                      you do not have someone to          creased from R7.99 to R11.99.        I left a message for them to call    afternoon to remove the rubble.     what, he was there on time.
                                      buy the product or pay for the      This is an increase of 50%. You      me. To this day I am still wait-     Again this was something that         Since then I use James every
                                      service then you are not going      ask the manager why it has in-       ing for them to return my call.      did not happen.                     month and have told all the
                                      to make a profit. In fact you’re    creased by so much.                     The next garden service I tried     When I called the following       people in my street about him

                                      not going to make anything.           “I don’t know,” he tells you.      told me that they would be at        day I was told that the manager/    and quite a few of them are now
            hen it comes to busi-        So what I’m saying is that the   “You must ask the supplier.”         my home the following morn-          owner of the company would          making use of his services.. He
            ness there is a saying    customer is probably the most         Wrong answer! You don’t            ing at ten. I waited for them the    call me back. I’m still waiting.    is innovative, motivated, and
            that ‘the customer is     important aspect of your busi-      buy your chocolate from the          entire morning. They eventu-         Yet another classic example of      offers excellent customer ser-
king’. Yet in South Africa the        ness. And if that’s the case, why   supplier. You buy it from the        ally pitched up just before two      bad customer service.               vice.
saying seems to be ‘the custom-       do so many businesses in South      shop. What the manager should        that afternoon. The didn’t both-       Not long ago I was driving          Well done James. You’re
er is an inconvenience.’              Africa have such issues when it     have said is, “I’m not sure why      er to phone me and let me know       to the local shop and I saw a       showing your bigger competi-
  Most businesses work on the         comes to dealing with custom-       the price has gone up so much.       that they were running late, nor     guy on a bicycle. There was a       tors how it should be done.
principle that they have a prod-      ers?                                Let me take your contact details     did they apologise. Another ex-      thin pole attached to the back
uct or service to offer at a cer-        The way you deal with your       and I will phone the supplier
tain price. People will then buy      customers is known as ‘custom-      and find out why there has been
your product or make use of           er service’. The basic principle    an increase.”
your services and pay the price       is that if you treat your custom-     That’s the right answer. And
that you request. These people        er right then not only will the     then make sure you do phone
are known as your customers or        buy your product or make use        the supplier and then get back
clients.                              of your services, but they will     to your customer to let them
  If, for example, you are sell-      come back.                          know the outcome.
ing a product then you either            If, on the other hand, you         Another classic example is
need to manufacture the prod-         don’t treat them right then they    the till points at most super-
uct or buy it from someone            are not going to come back.         markets. The person operating
else. The cost that it takes to       And if they are really unhappy      the till point should greet you,
manufacture the product or the        with your service not only will     ring up your goods, tell you
amount you spend on buying            they not come back, they will       how much the total is, and then
the product is known as your          also tell other people about it.    thank you once you have paid.
cost price. You then sell the            So when it comes to dealing      Yet how often does that actually
product, or service, at a higher      with customers the basic prin-      happen?
price and this is know as your        ciple of any business should be       On far too many occasions I
retail price. The difference be-      to keep the customers happy.        have reached the till and the till
tween your cost price and your        Yet more often than not this just   operator has scanned my pur-
retail price is your profit. If you   doesn’t seem to happen. Let me      chases - all while carrying on
do not make a profit then your        give you a few examples.            a conversation with one of her
business will not last very long.        You go into a certain shop       colleagues. They have not both-
This is, after all, basic business    everyday and you buy yourself       ered to greet me, nor even both-
principles.                           a chocolate. This cost R7.99.       ered to glance in my general
  Now no matter how good              Then one morning you sud-           direction. In fact the only word

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                 27
Zone! feature                                                                                           Leanne Mayer					See Through Lies
                                                                                                        Hellz							Waiting On The Other
You heard it first                                                                                      Kúlu							Biggest Tone
                                                                                                        Smash Into Pieces 					 Wake Up
                                                                                                        Fonzy & Company 				    Is It Me
Every Monday Zone Radio playlists new music, both local and international, as part of their
Mission Statement to provide a platform for musicians to showcase their talent.
                                                                                                        Monday 12 October 2020

                                                                                                        South African Artists
       art of Zone Radio’s Mis-    rotational playlist.               the airwaves.                     Artist 						Song Title
       sion Statement is to pro-     On Tuesday evenings be-            Take a look at some of the      Henrico Coetzer					Hoor My Woorde
       vide a platform for musi-   tween 6 and 9 pm these new         new songs that Zone Radio         Reynardt Hugo					Diep Binne My
cians to showcase their talent.    submissions are showcased on       played during the month of Oc-    Lily Hollows 					Rebuild
  Zone Radio doesn’t just talk     the SA & Indie Music Zone,         tober.                            Bad Scooter						Watching And Waiting
the-talk, they also walk-the       providing some insight into the                                      Juan Boucher					Ek Dink Ek Mis Maar Net Jou Hart
walk.                              artists and their songs.              NB: Click on any song under-   Heinz Wickler ft Worship House 		 Our Nation
  Every Monday new songs             For the majority of these        lined in blue to listen to it.    Henri Alant						Jy Is Lig
from both local and internation-   songs, it is the very first time                                     Zander						Voorwaarts
al musicians are added to the      that they are being played over                                      Johan Anker 					Soldaat
                                                                                                        Amber Fieldgate					Borders
Monday 5 October 2020                                                                                   OLI Milne						Making Me
South African Artists                                                                                   Charlie Void 					You & Me
Artist 						Song Title                                                                                 Patricia Rose 					So Lonely
The Signal Rose					Spacer                                                                              Storm							Gypsy
December Streets					Last Forever                                                                       Amersham						Cute As A Button
Noa Milan						Those Dreams (New Version)
Jan Blohm						Levi Jeans
Phil Soda & GoodLuck				 Freak Like Me                                                                  International Artists
Gerald Clark					Elderflowers                                                                           Artist 						Song Title
Future Radio 					Break Us                                                                              Xylia							Heights
Poster Boy Junkie 					Weavers                                                                          Ten Penny Gypsy					Lonesome No More
Chris Duvenage					Bly By My                                                                            Shayne Cook 					Matters Of the Heart
Wit Kasteel						Herinnering                                                                            Mike Ross 						Don’t Say A Word
Rinel Day						Breek Die Mure Af                                                                        Billy Ray Rock 					        I’m Bringing Rock Back
Christian Heath					Mine                                                                                JJ’s Music Retaliation 				 Slim Beat
Nicole Carlse					Are you Alive?                                                                        The Cranberry Merchants			  Diosa De La Luna
Pirates Of Radio 					   Glow                                                                           Sundays						Salt Of The Earth
Corné Pretorius					Halfvol                                                                             Efa Supertramp					How Far
                                                                                                        If By Whiskey					Higher Planes
International Artists                                                                                   Sam And Sounds 					Addicted To You
Artist 						Song Title                                                                                 The Sea At Midnight 				    Afterglow
PERK							Love Is All We Got                                                                           Dave Molter Band					(Really Nothin’ New) Under The Sun
The Reverent Cavaliers				 Groove Line                                                                  Shaun Frank 					Take Me Over
Dustin Wray						Stay Close To Me                                                                       Wily Bo Walker 					Drive (Mescalito Mix)
Skyfever						Americana Fame
The Impersonators 				     Rodeo                                                                        Monday 19 October 2020
Jakkal The Bones 					Something About                                                                   South African Artists
Richard Lynch					He’ll Make Everything Alright                                                         Artist 						Song Title
Tiger Kid 						Ever On                                                                                 Springbok Nude Girls				        Rolling Thunder
Gulf Stream Riders 				    Old Hannibal                                                                 Josh Wantie & Conor Maynard 			 Never Let Me Go
Outwave						Moving Tangle                                                                              Vaughn Prangley 					Oasis
28                                                                                                                                                                29
Riaan Smit						Hoe Ver Is Die Hemel                                     International Artists
Nicholas Arumugam 				Label                                              Artist 						Song Title
This Summer					Shadows                                                  Wild Horse 						Time’s Up
Christiaan Baartman				Die Beste Deel                                    Larry Jay						Drunk On Dreams
Clint Slate 						The Sixth Trip Plan                                    United Duality ft Caleb Cabiness		  Cheer Up
Saalim Ismail & Various Artists			 We Are Survivors (Singabasindileyo)   Bill Abernathy					More Than Meets The Eye
RAMDAZ						Won’t You                                                    The Mojo Slide 					                Good Man Down
Gia Mckay						I Won’t Ask Why                                           Belau ft Belle Doron				            Together Alone
Byron Major 					Finding The Light                                       Blank Pages 					Nagging Feeling
Venus & The Snake				              Danger                                One And A Half Dog 				             Game Over
Mondrey						Weerloos                                                    Tony Angelo ft Casey				            Annie
                                                                         Davey Woodward & The Winter Orphans Warm Hands
International Artists                                                    The Cloud Surfers 					             Tumbling
Artist 						Song Title                                                  Tim McDonald 					Spankin’ Bottom Red
Izzie’s Caravan					Stick It To Ya                                       Little Winter 					Julia
Geary Nelson					Replay                                                  We Three Kings					Savoir Fair
Joe Matera						Only One                                                 NOPRISM						Happiness
TBelly						Tired of Listening Bone                                      Caper Clowns					The Club Of Humanity
308 Ghost Train					Love You More
Kirby							Runaway
Basic Television					Fade
Julo							Rain Of Tears
Tarraska						Trailblazer
Pulse Park 						Apollonian Heart
Kellindo						Long Gone
Ethan Gold						The Last Drive
Liberty						         Do You Feel The Same Way I Do
Erin Bloomer					Sad
Interns 						Mac User

Monday 26 October 2020
South African Artists
Artist 						Song Title
Beverly Jayne					See You There
Headfury						Pantomime
Jesse Clegg						Speed Of Light
Stefan Jansen					Verdienste En Genade
Gerduan Kemp					Sesde Sintuig
Stand Against Man Ft Melanie Kincaid Dont Leave
Titus							To The Heroes                                                                                  False Bay Firearm
Midget Submarine 				                Lola The Steamroller                                                  Training Academy
Celine						I Don’t Miss You (Sloani Remix)
Chris J Clarke					                  Never Be The Same                         Shooting range, Shooting lessons, Handgun training, Rifle shooting, Hunting accessories
Saving Oliver					I Can Be The Devil In You                                    including Telescopic Sights, Sports shooting, Target shooting, Gunsmith services, Arms
James Deacon					Take Control                                                 and ammunition. Team building programs offered. Gun club. Clay Pigeon Shooting, Clay
SonOfOld						Whiskey And Plastic                                                                                      Targets
Future Radio 					Run Baby Run
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30                                                                                                                                                                       31
Zone! feature                                                                                                   title means, etc.                      you, you see it everywhere.            that he wished some younger
                                                                                                                                                          So anyhow, The Little Wretch-       bands he was working with could

The Little Wretches                                                                                                Undesirables & Anarchists gets
                                                                                                                its title from a line in the song,
                                                                                                                “All of My Friends.” It says, “All
                                                                                                                                                       es had been on the verge of wid-
                                                                                                                                                       er success on a few occasions,
                                                                                                                                                       but each time, some cataclys-
                                                                                                                                                                                              have seen us at work.
                                                                                                                                                                                                That might never happen
                                                                                                                                                                                              again. And I hope Undesirables
We chat to Robert Wagner, founder of Pittsburgh’s folk rock band The Little Wretches.                           of my friends are on somebody’s        mic life-event snuffed it out. I’d     & Anarchists serves as a testa-
                                                                                                                list of undesirables and anarchists    all but given up hope. Then the        ment to all the people whose sup-

         i   Robert!  Little       the lyrics to our single, Brooks       ie-Mellon University, Point Park      / It’s not even safe to admit that     band that recorded Undesirables        port and encouragement made
         Wretches is a very        Robinson’s Camp, is a mono-            University, Carnegie Museums          you’re one of my friends.”             & Anarchists just kind of threw        the band possible, people who
         unique name for a         logue delivered to us by a home-       of Pittsburgh—Where I lived, I           I was trying to write a song that   itself at me. John Carson, Mike        gave me food, gave me cars, kept
band. How did you come up          less veteran in an all-night coffee    could walk to a screening every       evoked my world - me, my fami-         Madden, Rosa Colucci, H.K.             a roof over my head, allowed me
with it?                           shop off the campus of the Uni-        night of the week, something          ly, my friends, and our position in    Hilner. There’s a story behind         to live like a useless parasite, all
                                   versity of Pittsburgh.                 classic.                              society, the world, eternity, grop-    each of them becoming part of          in the hope that my songs would
  There are layers to it. My first    We were involved in politi-            Carnegie Museums had a se-         ing along for purpose, as the song     my life and part of the band.          amount to something.
band was called No Shelter, and cal activism, and we were con-            ries featuring the films of Fran-     says, “Carving a niche between            Dave Granati, the engineer and
                                   sciously trying to draw attention      cois Truffaut. The movie was The      the dust and the ether / Walking       studio-owner, from G-Force, an           Any plans for a music video?
                                   to people in need, outsiders, the      400 Blows. That’s the movie that      in circles / Limping along /Stuck      amazing band that toured with
                                   dispossessed. We subscribed to         gave us The Little Wretches.          in a ditch, but I’m a Believer.”       Van Halen, he knew as soon as             Our band takes its name from
                                   the belief that a people are to be        The movie has subtitles, right?    Trying to use a little humour, try-    he heard us how he was going to        a classic film, right? We have
                                   judged by their treatment of the       The story revolves around this        ing to keep it light and not too       record the project.                    dreams of a music video, but no
                                   least among us, a religious belief,    young kid who gets involved in        ponderous.                                I had this killer batch of songs    plans. What we need is a film-
                                   really.                                mischief, something my brother           There is not time to tell you       that had yet to be heard by the        maker, a visual artist who hears
                                      No Shelter was kind of like an      and I know very well, and I for-      about the full cast of characters      world - woodshedded, work-             our songs and recognizes a ve-
                                    apprenticeship, a dress-rehears-      get the specific scene, but I think   behind that song, but let’s just say   shopped and road-tested. We set        hicle for making a sympathetic
                                     al, a process of discovering what    the kids had just stolen or shop-     that I’m alluding to people who,       up in the studio like we were          statement. I personally think the
                                      I am, my capabilities, how to       lifted something, and as they run     in their own ways, have learned        doing a live show. Dave miked          songs are cinematic. But I’m not
                                      and how NOT to do this mu-          away, their victim yells, “Come       how to weaponize their disabili-       each amp, hung some overheads,         a filmmaker.
                                                                          back, you little wretches! Come       ties and weaknesses.                   and said if we could go without
                                                                          back, you little wretches!” And          Did you ever come across the        a headphone mix and just played          With all that has been going
                                                                          I looked over at my future band       Sam Shepard play, The Tooth of         like we did in our rehearsal space,    on in the world as of late, what
                                                                          mates and said, “That’s the name      Crime? It’s kind of like a gen-        he’s be ready to record as fast as     is your take on how it has af-
                                                                          of our band - The Little Wretch-      eration war between a rising           we could set up.                       fected the music industry?
                                                                          es.”                                  rock star and the king at the top,        We did the impossible, real-
                                           sic-making song writing           Of course, the name appealed       kind of like Johnny Rotten ver-        ly. We nailed every single one            Well, I’m not going to com-
                                              thing.                      to us because of our world-           sus Elvis Presley in a rap battle.     of those songs on the first take.      plain about the weather. If it
                                                   I started The Lit-     view, you know, The Beatitudes,       Amazing play. Fun.                     We were on. Nobody does that.          snows, I’m making a snowman.
                                                 tle Wretches with my     “Blessed are the meek,” “Amaz-           I was lucky enough to be the        I’ve used the analogy of testing       If it freezes, I’m skating.
                                                 brother, Chuckie. He     ing Grace, how sweet the sound        music director and bandleader          for your Black Belt. We’d spent           I’m stunned that people have
                                                agreed to play vio-       to save a wretch like me.”            for a production of The Tooth          our entire lives till that point ac-   gone into shells in the USA. I
                                               lin with me, and I tried      Sorry if that’s a bit much, but    of Crime at Pittsburgh Labora-         quiring the skills, and this was us    don’t enjoy sitting in front of a
                                             to build a band around       that’s the story. I love the name.    tory Theatre. The founder of the       putting on a clinic.                   laptop and playing to a picture of
                                           my song writing. I had         Sometimes, the name reminds           company, Bill Royston, told me            You’d think, “One take? Has to      myself. I did my first live-show
                                         this batch of songs and a        me of who I am and what I’m           he saw a production in which           be a compromise. Nobody does           in what felt like an eternity a cou-
                                      small circle of true believers.     supposed to be doing.                 the rising character, a character      that.” Listen for yourself. We did     ple of weeks ago. I see people are
                                     Everything was coming togeth-                                              named Crow, walks with a crutch        it. No compromise.                     starting to do outdoors shows.
                                    er, all we needed was a name.           You’ve got a great new al-          and uses the crutch in his battle         Of course, we overdubbed the           But for me, personally, the
                                      I grew up and went to college       bum out, “Undesirables and            with Hoss, the kingpin. Royston        vocals, some percussion, and           lockdown response to the pan-
                                    in Pittsburgh. Every college in       Anarchists.” Tell us about the        was talking about how people           doubled and added some guitars.        demic has levelled the playing
                                    town had a film series. The Uni-      album, the recording process,         use their crutches as weapons.         It isn’t a “live” album.               field. I want to wake up in the
                                    versity of Pittsburgh, Carneg-        the writing process, what the         Once that idea manifests itself to        Dave Granati said afterwards        morning thinking about where
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