CBT contributes $450,000 to Slocan mill site purchase - Valley Voice

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CBT contributes 0,000 to Slocan mill site purchase - Valley Voice
September 24, 2020 The Valley Voice                                                                                                                                                                                               1

                                                           Volume 29, Number 19 September 24, 2020 Delivered to every home between Edgewood, Kaslo & South Slocan. Published bi-weekly.
                                                           Your independently owned regional community newspaper serving the Arrow Lakes, Slocan & North Kootenay Lake Valleys.

CBT contributes $450,000 to Slocan mill site purchase
by Jan McMurray                                  Councillor Joel Pelletier added, “A   Gordon told the Valley Voice that              tax increase. The CAO explained                  10-year project,” Councillor Perriere
     The Village of Slocan is getting a     lot of the community isn’t aware that      although council hasn’t yet discussed          that taxes typically increase by 3%              said. “Remediation needs to be done.
huge grant from the Columbia Basin          the Village was always interested [in      this, “it’s probably safe to say” that         annually, which comes to about $21               We don’t have any investors breaking
Trust for the purchase of the old mill      buying the property] but we couldn’t       the grant will be used to reduce the           for the average taxpayer. The resident           down our door to get their money back.
site.                                       afford it. But as soon as the price        $475,000 proposed to be taken from             pointed out that as property values              It’s the people of Slocan’s. We are not
     “We are extremely thrilled to          dropped, we could afford it, so we         general surplus.                               increase, so will the $21.                       planning to fail. This development
announce that the Columbia Basin            decided to move on it.”                         The Village has over $1 million in             “Those conversations will be had            should be a 10-year development.”
Trust, through their Land Acquisition            Councillor Ezra Buller said           general surplus, Mayor Lunn told the           during budget discussions,” the CAO                   “The intent is to have a robust
Program, has granted the Village            there was another offer on the             public at the council meeting.                 replied.                                         community consultation process,”
$450,000 towards the purchase of the        property – another reason council               One resident asked about the 3%                “I think we should aim for a                Mayor Lunn said.
mill site property!” says a press release   had to act quickly. “There’s a big
issued by the Village on September 14.      fear factor but we can all see the big
     The $1.5 million sale of the           picture – how good this is for our kids
property to the Village closed on           and grandkids,” he said.
September 15.                                    Councillor Madeleine Perriere
     The press release says that council    pointed out that the Village was able to
“will be embarking on an exciting           move quickly on the purchase because
path moving into 2021 – inviting the        approval from the electorate wasn’t
community to take part in a visioning       necessary, as the Village is debt free.
process for the mill site and for           “We didn’t need assent from the people
Slocan as a whole – in anticipation         on the financing because the Village
of an Official Community Plan               had no debts, so we could borrow up to
(OCP) update.”                              $845,000 without asking the people,”
     The purchase was a popular topic       she said.
during public participation at the               The bylaw authorizing the loan
September 14 council meeting. All           of up to $845,000 was adopted at
residents who spoke expressed support       the council meeting. Chief Financial
for the purchase.                           Officer Colin McClure explains in a
     One resident, however, after           written report to council that the $1.5
congratulating council on the               million purchase price is proposed
acquisition, said he felt there was a       to be covered with the $845,000
lack of transparency on the part of         loan, $180,000 from the Village’s
council. “One day, out of the blue,         land sale reserve, and $475,000 from
I heard Slocan bought it. I don’t           general surplus. He says the annual
disagree, but I feel we could be more       servicing cost of the 30-year loan
of a team in this thing,” he said.          could be covered by funding from
     Mayor Lunn explained that when         the small community grant and the
the price of the property dropped           RDCK Community Development
from $2.3 million to $1.6 million, the      grant, a $14,000 reduction in operating
Village had to make a quick decision,       expenses, and a proposed 3% tax
and was given a very tight timeline to      increase.
close the deal. “We tried to get it out          However, now that the CBT grant
to the public quickly,” she said. “We       has been announced, there is an extra
were as transparent as we could be.”        $450,000 in the mix. CAO Michelle              The Columbia Basin Trust has announced a $450,000 contribution towards the Village of Slocan’s purchase of the old Slocan mill site.
CBT contributes 0,000 to Slocan mill site purchase - Valley Voice
2                                                                                                            NEWS                                                                            The Valley Voice September 24, 2020

Provincial funding confirmed for modular building at Winlaw School
by Jan McMurray                                      is operational – plumbing, electrical,       Nazaroff and some SD 8 staff attended      it moves to the new modular, there will        equipment and kitchen equipment to
     The much anticipated new modular                furniture, stairs and ramp for outside       an early learning conference last fall,    be more space in the main building for         support the before- and after-school
building at Winlaw Elementary School                 access completed – we will be able to set    where they learned about the ‘seamless     programs such as Strong Start, Trenaman        child care component. The community
is expected to be installed in about six             up our K/1 classroom space,” she said.       day’ – where parents can drop off their    said.                                          is also expected to make a contribution
weeks, now that provincial funding under             “In a ‘seamless day’ model, families are     children at one place for school as well        The board has resolved to put             of $25,000, which can be in kind for site
the New Childcare Spaces Fund has been               able to sign their children up for before-   as before- and after-school care. The      $150,000 towards the project, which            prep and services for the new building.
confirmed.                                           and after-school care, which will take       discussion at the conference planted the   represents the cost of a standard additional        Winlaw School is seeing substantial
     “We are absolutely delighted,” said             place in the classroom space. The before-    seed for the Winlaw project.               classroom portable. The Ministry of            investment, having recently gotten a new
Lenora Trenaman, chair of the board for              and after-school care will be staffed by         Trenaman says SD 8 will apply for      Education has committed $25,000 to             gym floor, new bottle fill stations, and a
School District 8. “Our Place will provide           licensed Early Childcare Educators who       child care licencing when the modular      the project as a childcare demonstration       paint job. The new playground is almost
much needed local services for families              are employed by SD 8 and become a part       has been installed.                        site. The Columbia Basin Trust has             completed, and projects are underway to
and children, relieve over-capacity issues           of the Winlaw School staff.”                     Right now, the K/1 classroom is        committed $40,000 for furniture for            replace part of the roof and install new
at Winlaw Elementary, and support both                    Slocan Valley Trustee Sharon            operating in the main building. When       the office spaces, as well as child care       exterior doors.
learning and working conditions for
students and staff.”                                 Daycare funding approved for Nakusp, but future unclear
     The building will house the                     by John Boivin, Local Journalism             portables and building an addition onto    financial resources.                           August meeting trustees also voted
kindergarten/ grade one class, 20 before-            Initiative reporter                          Nakusp Elementary. The estimated               Their concerns were enough to              to defer a decision to discuss whether
and after-school child care spaces, and                   Trustees with School District 10        $3.15 million for the daycare comes        prompt the board to postpone pre-              the board should become a licenced
office space for local professionals and             (Arrow Lakes) were to decide this            from the provincial program and the        approving the project, until they knew         child care provider, or contract out the
organizations to provide services such               week on whether to go ahead with             Columbia Basin Trust.                      they were getting the money.                   service to a third-party operator.
as counselling and art therapy.                      plans to build a daycare at Nakusp                Taylor said the board will decide         It’s not the only decision the board           Visit the Valley Voice’s Facebook
     “Our Place has been designed as a               Elementary School.                           at its September 22 meeting whether        has to make around the issue. At the           page for updates to this story.
community hub for Winlaw families,”                       The provincial government               to accept the funding and proceed with
says Trenaman, adding that the name
‘Our Place’ was derived from ‘Our Road,’
                                                     announced last Friday the 96-space
                                                     Nakusp daycare will be funded under
                                                                                                  the plan.
                                                                                                       “The board and district staff will
                                                                                                                                             Search suspended
the road that connects the community of              the New Spaces Fund. It’s one of 35                                                     submitted
                                                                                                  review all the information and answer
Winlaw with Winlaw School.                           communities to be approved under                                                            The search for missing Lardeau
                                                                                                  any outstanding questions trustees
     Trenaman explained that the                     the program.                                                                            resident Thomas Schreiber was
                                                                                                  may have both on Tuesday evening
1,440-square-foot modular will operate                    “We are excited to hear the                                                        suspended on September 20. Extensive
                                                                                                  and in committee, and then hold a
as a kindergarten/ grade one classroom               news about funding approval from                                                        but unsuccessful efforts to find him
                                                                                                  public special regular meeting where
during the school day. “Once the modular             MCFD New Spaces and CBT for                                                             began September 16.
                                                                                                  a decision will be made,” says Taylor.
                                                     this much-needed childcare facility in            The meeting will be a big one for         Kaslo RCMP continues to urge
            HOW SMOKE                                Nakusp,” said SD 10 Superintendent           Steve Gascon, who won a byelection         the public to remain watchful for him.
           AFFECTS BIRDS                             Terry Taylor. “The needs assessment          for the vacant trustee position on the         Schreiber failed to return as
    Birds have air sacs throughout their bodies,     completed by an experienced external         board just two weeks ago.                  planned following a canoe trip on
    even in bones, that are linked to their lungs    consultant identifies a strong need for           At press time it wasn’t certain the   Duncan Lake. He was last seen by
    and act like bellows. Sacs change shape as
                                                     infant and toddler childcare, for 3- to      board will approve the project. During     family on September 15 around
    muscles move. Unlike mammals, birds inhale
                                                     5-year olds, and also before- and after-     its August meeting, two trustees raised    lunchtime. Kaslo RCMP was notified
    02 and exhale C02 and other by-products all                                                                                              the next morning.                                          Thomas Schreiber
    in one breath, and the constant air flow draws   school care.”                                several concerns about the project,
                                                          But just because the funding is                                                        An investigation into Schrieber’s          RCMP boat crew, searched Duncan
    in particulates from wildfire smoke that can                                                  including the impact of tearing down
                                                     available doesn’t mean the project is                                                   disappearance was immediately                  Lak e o n S ep temb er 1 9 w ith
    damage lungs and lead to lethal infections.                                                   portables to make room for an addition
                                                     going ahead.                                                                            launched and led to the discovery of           negative results.
                                                                                                  to the school, the uncertainty about
                                                          In August, board trustees backed                                                   his white GMC Sierra pickup truck                  Schreiber is a 58-year-old
                                                                                                  the future because of the pandemic,
                                                     off pre-approving the project, which                                                    parked at the Howser boat launch,              Caucasian male with brown hair and
                                                                                                  and how a less-than-full daycare
                                                     includes tearing down two aging                                                         with no canoe.                                 hazel eyes. He is 6’2” and weighs 196
                                                                                                  would possibly impact the district’s
                                                                                                                                                 Kaslo RCMP called for the                  pounds. He was last seen wearing a
                                                                                                                                             assistance of Kaslo Search and                 pair of dark grey shorts, and a light
                                                                                                                                             Rescue, who initiated a search both            grey T-shirt.
                                                                                                                                             on the water and from the air. Search              Anyone with information on the
                                                                                                                                             and Rescue personnel located an                whereabouts of Thomas Schreiber
                                                                                                                                             unoccupied canoe, believed to belong           or his disappearance is urged to
                                                                                                                                             to Thomas Schrieber, in the water on           contact their local police, the Kaslo
                                                                                                                                             the northeast side of the lake.                RCMP at 250-353-2225 or remain
                                                                                                                                                 Members of the Underwater                  anonymous by calling Crime Stoppers
                                                                                                                                             Recovery Team, along with Kaslo                at 1-800-222-8477.
CBT contributes 0,000 to Slocan mill site purchase - Valley Voice
September 24, 2020 The Valley Voice                                                                                                      NEWS                                                                                            3

Nakusp and Kaslo join the Kootenay Boundary primary care network
by Jan McMurray                                                             “The backbone of the new                   their readiness to take part in the            Edney reports that region-wide,   goal is definitely to reduce the
    The BC government has                                               primary care system in BC is                   initiative, listing the practitioners      21 new practitioners have already     attachment gap and ensure every
announced a ‘primary care                                               team-based care that responds to               they felt were needed on their             been hired. The 12 remaining          resident in the Kootenay Boundary
network’ in the Kootenay Boundary                                       the needs of each community,” said             team, and outlining their ability to       practitioners are expected to be      who wants a physician or nurse
region, bringing a total of 33 new                                      Minister of Health Adrian Dix.                 accommodate these practitioners in         hired by the end of 2021. The 33      practitioner can find one.”
health professionals into the 13                                            Paul Edney of the Kootenay                 existing clinic spaces.                    practitioners include 3 full-time         A government press release
participating clinics.                                                  Boundary Divisions of Family                       “All clinics who expressed             equivalent (FTE) family physicians,   says the Province will provide $5.3
    Kaslo’s Victorian Community                                         Practice said the goal of the primary          interest were included in this first       5 FTE nurse practitioners, 6 FTE      million in annual funding to the
Health Centre and Nakusp’s Saddle                                       care network is “to strengthen                 phase of our primary care network,”        registered nurses, 9 FTE social       Kootenay Boundary primary care
Mountain Medical Clinic are                                             healthcare at the first point of               reports Edney.                             workers, 7.5 FTE allied health        network when fully established.
amongst the participating clinics,                                      contact (your doctor or nurse                      The Victorian Community                professionals, 1 FTE clinical             According to the press release,
along with Nelson Kootenay                                              practitioner ’s clinic) so that                Health Centre in Kaslo requested           pharmacist and 1.5 FTE Indigenous     the Kootenay Boundary primary
Medical Centre, Nelson Medical                                          everyone in Kootenay Boundary                  and has already received a social          health coordinator.                   care network is a partnership
Associates Clinic, Castlegar                                            can access the care they need,                 worker and a physiotherapist, and              “The improvements will not        between the Ministry of Health,
Medical, Castlegar Kinnaird                                             when they need it, leading to their            Saddle Mountain Clinic in Nakusp           happen overnight. Improvement         Interior Health, Kootenay
Clinic, Salmo Wellness Centre,                                          healthiest life possible.”                     has requested and will receive a           and transformation will happen        Boundary Division of Family
Crawford Bay East Shore Medical                                             Edney explained that all clinics           social worker and physiotherapist          over the course of the coming         Practice, the Ktunaxa Nation, and
Clinic, Trail Riverside Medical                                         in Kootenay Boundary were invited              in the fall, Edney said. There             weeks, months and years as this       the Okanagan Nation Alliance.
Clinic, Trail Columbia Family                                           to participate in the Kootenay                 are also region-wide supports              team-based approach is further        The network involved consultation
Medicine, Trail Waneta Primary                                          Boundary primary care network.                 including a pharmacist, registered         embedded in the health care           with the Kootenay Boundary
Care, Rock Creek Health Centre                                          Clinics were asked to submit an                dietician, respiratory therapist and       system,” said Edney. “Evidence        Aboriginal Services Collaborative,
and Greenwood Medical Clinic.                                           expression of interest, outlining              two aboriginal health coordinators.        from multiple parts of the world      which has representation from the

New library to be built in downtown Kaslo
                                                                                                                                                                  shows that this ‘networked’           Ktunaxa Nation, the Okanagan
                                                                                                                                                                  approach increases access to care     Nation Alliance, Métis Nation,
                                                                                                                                                                  while improving patient outcomes      and the Circle of Indigenous
by John Boivin, Local Journalism                                                                                                                                  and provider experience. Our          Nations Society.
                                             PHOTO CREDIT: KUL NIJJAR

Initiative reporter
     Bookworms in the Village of
Kaslo rejoice: the community is
going to get a new $3 million library
downtown with the help of a big grant
from the Columbia Basin Trust.
     “The Kaslo and District Public
Library marks their 100th anniversary
with the announcement of a partnership                                                                                                                                 Your Skills
with the Village of Kaslo to see a new
downtown library constructed in the
                                                                                                                                                                       to gain employment
next three years,” says a news release                                                                                                                                 or adapt your business.
issued September 16.
     The new library building – the first
for the library since it was formed in                                      View of the property looking north towards Kootenay Lake and the Purcell Mountains.               Get up to $1,000 for training courses
1920 – will be on the corner of 5th                                     grant contributions, a release states.         the assets was necessary to move the
Avenue and Front Street, across from                                        “We are so pleased to support              project forward.                                       Or up to $7,500 for specialized
Front Street Park and the pottery                                       the Village of Kaslo to advance                     The library will occupy the future                skills training
shop. Until now, the library has                                        their vision for a vibrant downtown            building through a long-term lease and
been in Kaslo’s historic City Hall.                                     core by building a new library,”               be responsible for all operating and
However, that space is just a third of                                  said Johnny Strilaeff, Columbia                maintenance costs.                             Our Training Fee Support program helps you
the size needed to properly serve the                                   Basin Trust president and CEO.                      To pursue the $3 million it will          gain the skills you need for the job you want.
community, officials say.                                               “Libraries are an important focal              need in construction costs, the library
     “The library board identified a                                    point for communities and have such            will apply to the federal Investing            ourtrust.org/tfs
need for a new facility in our strategic                                a positive impact on the quality of            in Canada Infrastructure Program
plan, having outgrown the current                                       life for residents. The new library            (Community, Culture and Recreation
location,” said Anne Heard, library                                     will offer countless opportunities for         Infrastructure) in October.
board chair. “We value our partnership                                  community members and we’re so                      “We are excited to be part of this
with the Village in realizing our                                       excited to see the building begin.”            significant project and look forward to
aspirations for a state-of-the art library                                  The new library will be a                  seeing the new library come to fruition
in a prominent downtown Kaslo                                           cornerstone of Kaslo’s heritage                in the coming months and years,” said
location.”                                                              downtown and a focal point of                  Kaslo’s Mayor, Suzan Hewat, “and a
     The purchase was made possible                                     community activities and life long             big thank you to CBT for helping us
with a Land Acquisition Grant from                                      learning, the release says.                    secure the property.”
Columbia Basin Trust that will cover                                        Under provincial library                        The library also serves Regional
a portion of the $300,000 purchase                                      legislation, public library associations       District of Central Kootenay Area D
price. The balance will be covered                                      cannot own land or buildings, so a             residents, covering a vast service area
through library fundraising and other                                   partnership with the Village to hold           of 5,786 square km.

   The Slocan Valley Legacy Society is here for you...
   to help build a culturally, economically, and environmentally resilient community.
   As stewards of the Legacy Endowment Fund, we give yearly grants
   from the endowment’s interest to deserving organizations and projects
   in our beautiful Slocan Valley.
   Your gift to the Fund will keep on giving... in perpetuity.
   Find out more about the Society, our work, and our Legacy Fund
   at www.slocanvalleylegacy.com
CBT contributes 0,000 to Slocan mill site purchase - Valley Voice
4                                                                                            OPINION                                                                                                                  The Valley Voice September 24, 2020

The tragedy                               what New York City barely survived
                                          in early summer, Vancouver can
of the COVID                              survive nicely this fall.
                                               The COVID pandemic is very
Commons                                   real, and very unpredictable. It will
     Choosing the best way to             spike here and there for some time to
manage the COVID pandemic is              come. Without adequate precautions,
making each side of the debate very       a COVID outbreak could spread like
upset. The epidemiologists urge us        wildfire. Or, were we very lucky, it
to take difficult precautions, hoping     might hardly spread, particularly if
thereby to keep to a minimum              the winds of COVID-denial don’t
the potential deaths, the potential       fan it. But those Twittery-winds are
breakdowns in medical services,           blowing. They are adding to the risk
and the economic disruptions that         that things could get much worse
otherwise would appear to be all too      for us all: for the careful as well as
likely. Many of us would like to see      for the careless, for the local health
such precautions firmly in place. We      system, as well as for our local
accept their necessary restrictions.      economies.
     Meanwhile, the many COVID                 The COVID threat is no hoax.
deniers urge us to believe that all       It just hasn’t visited us yet to any
is well in places that (so far) have      alarming degree. The trouble is
avoided implementing difficult            that without effective precautions,
precautions, citing Sweden and even       if and when it does arrive, it will
New Zealand, as safe and sane areas       likely already be too late to avoid
of “freedom.” The deniers want            some terrible new costs: costs to
minimal restrictions. They want the       the economy, to our regional health
repeal of the many “unnecessary”
precautions taken here in BC.
                                          system, and to the social fabric of our
                                          unique local communities.                                                                    – KASLO HOTEL IS OPEN –
They say the so-called COVID                   Please help us all to lower                                            Pub open 3 pm to 10 pm, dining-in and take-out 11 am to 8:30 pm, off-sales
“pandemic” is a hoax.
     It would be very nice if each of
                                          those risks that are currently being
                                          increased through COVID denial.
                                                                                                                                                               WELCOME BACK!
us could choose which set of social       Please help us to reduce the risks                                                                      www.kaslohotel.com 250-353-7714
rules we preferred to live under for      of our having to face those very
                                                                                      The Ingrid Rice cartoon is a satirical look at current events in politics and is sponsored by the Kaslo Hotel. The Hotel does not necessarily share the political views of the artist.

the next little while. But we cannot.
We all have to live together under
                                          costly outcomes that already have
                                          followed the latest spikes of COVID
                                                                                    Non-motorized                                                  sadly. It may be slightly embellished
                                                                                                                                                   as all effective stories tend to be, but
just one set. And locally we have to      infections seen in so many other          status for                                                     not by much.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        There seem to be a number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ‘experts’ writing to the Valley Voice on
live with our rather limited medical      places around the world.
infrastructure, one that could easily                         Barney Gilmore        Slocan River                                                       I like to record history with
                                                                                                                                                   photographs. I have photos and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   various subjects, lately the pandemic. It
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   has been categorized by these experts
become overwhelmed, even in the                                           Kaslo          My child is 14 years old. His
                                                                                                                                                   video footage of motorboats                                     as a great threat and by other experts
face of those low rates of COVID                                                    opinion is that motorboats and
infection once seen in Sweden,            COVID                                     motor craft of any description do
                                                                                                                                                   speeding on the Slocan River from
                                                                                                                                                   this July and August. I have shared
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   as a hoax. (Tell all the relatives of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   millions who have succumbed that
or the similar rates once seen in              It’s hard to know what to believe.   not belong on the Slocan River. I
                                                                                                                                                   the footage with a local concerned                              they perished from a hoax). I would
Auckland, NZ.                             On the one hand, we have the anti-        fully agree with him and I know so
                                                                                                                                                   group. They have shared it with                                 suggest that some have passed away
     The relatively few BC                COVID people who have evidence            many concerned people who feel
                                                                                                                                                   the Department of Fisheries and                                 due to complications from existing
hospitalizations and deaths, seen so      to support their theories. On the other   the same way.
                                                                                                                                                   Oceans.                                                         conditions exacerbated by COVID-19.
far, are no assurance that BC will        hand, we have the medical profession           In my son’s words... “Canada
                                                                                                                                                       I requested a Library of                                    The conspiracy theorists perhaps
stay in such a fortunate position,        who also have evidence to support         advertises itself as being a place of
                                                                                                                                                   Parliament search to help                                       believe that 1984 is now here and that
even with the current level of modest     what they say. Regardless about what      natural beauty. A place where you
                                                                                                                                                   understand the process of seeking                               George Orwell and Elvis are lurking
restrictions. This is particularly true   you believe, the fact is that people of   can feel at peace in nature. Now
                                                                                                                                                   non-motorized status for the Slocan                             around the corner forcing them to
when so many visitors and so many         all ages are dying and getting sick all   take a minute to imagine yourself
                                                                                                                                                   River. It is an involved process, of                            wear masks. Along with people’s rights
virile locals mingle carelessly and       over the world.                           sitting on the banks of the Slocan
                                                                                                                                                   course, which will require public                               not to wear a mask comes a greater
closely together, as today they                                  Ron Heppner        River with eagles soaring above,
                                                                                                                                                   consultation.                                                   responsibility as a human to DO NO
continue to do. You cannot argue that                                Edgewood       your family splashing carefree in the
                                                                                                                                                       I feel very strongly that this                              HARM to others, so please, all you
                                                                                    river, all is well. Then... ROAR!!!
                                                                                                                                                   issue needs to be acted upon quickly.                           naysayers and non mask wearers,
                                                                                    A jet boat speeds by clocking 50
 EDITORIAL / LETTERS POLICY                                                                                                                            I have been assured by the                                  stay away from me! Opinions that
     The Valley Voice welcomes letters to the editor and community news             or 60 km an hour and drowns out
                                                                                                                                                   Village of Slocan that this matter                              are not based on factual evidence are
 articles from our readers.                                                         the sound of your own thoughts.
                                                                                                                                                   will be discussed at their next                                 meaningless and serve no purpose
     Letters and articles should be no longer than 500 words and may be             Then just when you recovered from
                                                                                                                                                   council meeting on September 14.                                other than to argue endlessly and
 edited. We reserve the right to reject any submitted material.                     the metre-high wake, a Sea-Doo
                                                                                                                                                       I can hear my son’s cry for                                 further polarize and paralyze proper
     Please mark your letter “LETTER TO THE EDITOR.” Include your                   intrudes and spins a doughnut and
                                                                                                                                                   “help” to save the Slocan River                                 fact-based discourse. Opinions are like
 address and daytime phone number for verification purposes.                        ducks fly, otters dive and flee in
                                                                                                                                                   from the unnecessary and damaging                               elbows – everyone has one, but every
     We will not knowingly publish any letter that is defamatory or libelous.       fear, and children scream “Mom!
                                                                                                                                                   presence of motorized water craft,                              elbow’s opinion isn’t correct.
 We will not publish anonymous letters or letters signed with pseudonyms,           Dad! Help! Your day has just been
                                                                                                                                                   and I sure hope you can too.                                         I think Ben Franklin said it best:
 except in extraordinary circumstances.                                             ruined.” (Dictated by Wolf.)
                                                                                                                                                                            J. McMahon                             “He who teaches himself has a fool
     Opinions expressed in published letters are those of the author and not             My son is a good storyteller,
                                                                                                                                                                                   Slocan                          for a master.”
 necessarily those of the Valley Voice.                                             except this is not a tale of fiction,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        So stop fantasizing and face reality.
 The Valley Voice 		                                           Box 70, New Denver, BC V0G 1S0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   This thing has not gone away and it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   is real.
        Phone/Fax: 1-833-501-1700 E-Mail: valleyvoice@valleyvoice.ca Website: www.valleyvoice.ca                                                                                                                                            Jim Van Horn
 Publisher - Dan Nicholson • Editor - Jan McMurray • Food Editor Emeritus - Andrew Rhodes • Arts & Culture Editor - Art Joyce
                        Reporters - Barbara Curry Mulcahy, Moe Lyons & Kathy Hartman                                                                                                                                     Advertise in the
                        Local Journalism Initiative Reporter - John Boivin This position is funded by the Government o
                                                  Published and printed in British Columbia, Canada                                                                                                                       Valley Voice.
       The Valley Voice is distributed throughout the Slocan and Arrow Lake Valleys from South Slocan/Playmor Junction to Edgewood and Kaslo on Kootenay Lake.                                                             It pays!!!
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CBT contributes 0,000 to Slocan mill site purchase - Valley Voice
September 24, 2020 The Valley Voice                                                             LETTERS                                                                                                         5

Why do you do                              some ways a striking resemblance
                                           to the assassination of JFK. Almost
                                                                                    by law to leave your home except to
                                                                                    buy necessities or get medical care.
                                                                                                                              polio. The virus used to live only
                                                                                                                              in animals but was able to make
                                                                                                                                                                        “During the pandemic, national
                                                                                                                                                                        leaders around the world flexed
it in the road?                            everybody now believes that some         We were encouraged to stay at home        the move to humans. This makes            their authority and imposed airtight
    I don’t understand the crosswalk       bad monkey business went down in         as much as possible during stage one.     it a zoonotic virus, and they aren’t      rules and restrictions, from the
fad and why members of Village             Dallas but nobody to this day can        Encouraged. Not required. So I’m          all that uncommon. We have had            mandatory wearing of face masks
councils suddenly feel the need to         say the who, what or why called for      really wondering what democratic          others and will have more. There          to body-temperature checks at the
use public property to advertise their     by Ms. Hartman. (Perhaps because         freedoms people feel they have lost       is simply no evidence that any of         entries to communal spaces like
stands on so-called social justice         they are all dead.) When sinister        in all this.                              the other contentions about this          train stations and supermarkets. Even
issues. Hard to understand why a           forces, human or biological, are on          The anonymous concerned               virus are true in any way at all.         after the pandemic faded, this more
Village council, which these days          the loose, fear is unleashed. Even a     private citizens who paid for the ad in   The notion that vast conspiracies         authoritarian control and oversight of
is invariably concerned about the          quick study of history will show that    the September 10 issue do not speak       are behind everything we’re afraid        citizens and their activities stuck and
environment and the protection of our      fear has been used countless times to    for me, even though they say they         of ignores how impossible it is for       even intensified.”
beautiful surroundings, would want         achieve political ends which always      are writing on behalf of Canadians.       large numbers of people to keep                Censorship: A ‘fact’ checking
to turn a sleepy, pleasant-looking         come down to power and control.                                  Tia Leschke       such things secret AND it ignores the     site (a recent invention), “snopes.
country town into an aesthetically             To conclude, may I straddle                                       Winlaw       evidence, or the lack thereof.            com” put out: “Did CDC ‘Quietly
tacky permanent billboard for some         the fence (ouch) and offer this:                                                        We need to focus on the simple       Update’ COVID-19 Deaths To Say
cause or other. You want to send a
message, make a statement? Fine,
                                           COVID-19 is real. It can kill. Perhaps
                                           the .0001% simply grabbed that
                                                                                    Pete’s bog                                actions that can help us live with this
                                                                                                                              virus until we get a vaccine. As our
                                                                                                                                                                        Only 6% Are Legitimate?” “False.”
                                                                                                                                                                        After going through a LOT of their
                                                                                         In decades past, Pete Leontowicz
but that is not what public property       ball and ran with it. On an over-                                                  provincial public health officer put      narrative information, you finally
                                                                                    and family had the intent to look after
and the public purse are for. Use          heated, over-crowded planet whose                                                  it, “Soap, water and common sense”        see this buried piece of information:
                                                                                    the marsh trail at the north end of
the pulpits and platforms available        workforce is rapidly becoming                                                      and wear a mask if you can’t avoid        “However, fueling the conspiracy
                                                                                    Slocan Lake, and it was well looked
to the rest of us rubes, like this         redundant, what better solution than                                               being closer than six feet from other     theory, the CDC web page stated: ‘For
                                                                                    after. Pete limited vehicle traffic
nice, discrete letter to the editor, for   a global pandemic? If it is real like                                              people. Contact tracing and testing.      6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the
                                                                                    to his land. He directed use of the
example.                                   the Black Death, then Mother Nature                                                It’s not that complicated. Just follow    only cause [of death] mentioned. For
                                                                                    marsh trail through his own land. He
    There is a pretentious                 is having her way. If it is not… then                                              the science.                              deaths with conditions or causes in
                                                                                    thrived on school children visiting
presumption out there that us proles       use your computer to study historical                                                   And, by the way, Elvis died in       addition to COVID-19, on average,
                                                                                    the marsh for field trips. The marsh
need constant in-your-face reminders       precedents. The who, what and why                                                  1977, despite what some want to           there were 2.6 additional conditions
                                                                                    trail was designed by the Leontowicz
of what to think and believe and how       are then revealed, at least in rough                                               believe.                                  or causes per death.’” Yes, this
                                                                                    family to observe nature and was
to behave properly as we just try to       outline. History never repeats?                                                                      Dave McCormick          CDC information is available. The
                                                                                    used by schools from throughout the
get on with our daily lives minding        Biological or malfeasant, it most                                                                                  Kaslo     article then speaks about “conspiracy
                                                                                    region. Students from Edgewood to
our own sweet business. We don’t
need loudspeakers on sidewalks
                                           certainly does.
                                                                  Kris Wheeler
                                                                                    Castlegar to New Denver visited and       The true                                  theorists.” For black-and-white
                                                                                                                                                                        thinkers, they need to go no further
wafting whale music to keep us                                      Slocan Park
                                                                                    observed the natural marsh as part of
                                                                                    their biology courses for decades.
                                                                                                                              conspiracy                                than the “False” sentencing.
ecologically in tune, or Silverton
bridge painted up to look like a
                                           Oh, the comedy                                With recent activity, the walking
                                                                                                                                   The true conspiracy is
                                                                                                                              conspiracy theories themselves and
                                                                                                                                                                        situation: dismiss and disqualify. This
                                               Like many people, I always read      trail into the marshland and beach has
Brussels sprout to get us to eat our                                                                                          it is working. They are designed to       has happened with scientists who have
                                           the letters first. They are generally    been removed. This has been taken
greens, or, ultimately, Big Brother-                                                                                          breed suspicion leading to distrust,      come forward including Dr Erickson,
                                           interesting, informative, and often      from the students.
type posters everywhere with the                                                                                              culminating in the disintegration of      Front Line Doctors, Senator/
                                           entertaining. The last few weeks                                     L. Brache
faces of Village councillors glaring                                                                                          democracy. Through this process,          Physician Scott Jensen, experts in
                                           they have gone beyond entertaining                                    Silverton
down at us to keep us on the straight                                                                                         authoritarianism emerges, paving          the Plandemic documentary, and
                                           to provide a wealth of comedy. I’m
and narrow. There are already an
infinite number of laws on the books
                                           talking about all the conspiracy         Keep it simple                            the path to totalitarianism, trumping
                                                                                                                              democracies all over the world.
                                                                                                                                                                        many more.
                                                                                                                                                                             Persuasion: Facebook and social
                                           theory letters. I’m getting a good           Among the many fissures
to keep us upright and well-behaved.                                                                                          This process of disinformation            media platforms have a wide user
                                           laugh from some of them, especially      that SARS-C0V-2 seems to have
No need to turn our streets into                                                                                              has been going on for some time;          coverage to propagate the narrative.
                                           the one that called cardiomyopathy,      uncovered are the lengths to which
sermons. The nanny state is already                                                                                           COVID-19 is simply the perfect            Memes for example are quick to
                                           which can cause severe heart damage      some will go to develop convoluted,
a meddlesome thing but the preacher                                                                                           vehicle to piggyback upon to foment       pass around and their origin is
                                           and is one symptom of COVID,             complicated explanations for things
state is a royal pain.                                                                                                        doubt on a global scale – disaster        questionable. One meme states: “It’s
                                           Broken Heart Syndrome. The writer        they don’t like, don’t understand or
    Please let our villages remain                                                                                            autocracy for the mind. We don’t see      a mask. You’re not being asked to
                                           claims it’s caused by keeping elderly    don’t want to acknowledge.
quiet, unassuming places where                                                                                                spiritual qualities in authoritarians,    shove a jar of pickles up your ass.”
                                           long-term care patients away from            Enter the conspiracy theorist.
people simply live their lives and                                                                                            we find a reflection of our own           Classic bully behaviour: Come on.
                                           those who might infect them. Sigh.       Whether it’s a fake virus, a Chinese
not become canvases on which to                                                                                               internal prejudice and dysfunction.       It’ll be ok. It’s not as bad as [inserting
                                               I’d like to thank you for            hoax, 5G, Bill Gates, Soros,
permanently paint and advertise                                                                                               Ultimately, this entire process           an object into an orifice]. Many
                                           publishing Richard Caniell’s piece.      chemtrails, labs in Wuhan, fake
any particular group’s politics.                                                                                              feeds hate as it satiates an insular      consider this funny.
                                           He makes most of the points I would      death rates, microchips, poisons in
Thank you.                                                                                                                    worldview. Hardly conducive to                 Dig into Cambridge Analytica’s
                                           have made. There are a couple that       vaccines, GMOs, the New World
                           Dom Tassel                                                                                         peace on earth.                           influence (for pay) on Brexit and
                                           he didn’t.                               Order, faked moon landings, the 9/11
                             Silverton                                                                                                               James McKee        Trump’s campaign to see social media
                                               1. Fear. There are claims that       inside job, population mind control
                                                                                                                                                         Edgewood       hijacking (search for undercover
Response                                   fear of COVID-19 warps our minds.
                                           I’m not fearful – I just don’t want to
                                                                                    or where Elvis was last seen alive,
                                                                                    social media is full of them.             COVID-1984                                secrets for the video).
                                                                                                                                                                             Narrowing the spectrum of
to ‘COVID-19                               get it (again) and possibly give it to
                                           someone who might have a much
                                                                                        I’m reminded of two basic
                                                                                    principles (among many) that
                                                                                                                                   A friend coined this term. I use
                                                                                                                              it here specifically to consider loss
                                                                                                                                                                        information. Pressure to act against
is a hoax’                                 harder time with it than I did. So       guide scientific understanding and        of freedoms – making free and
                                                                                                                                                                        your personal convictions. No say in
                                                                                                                                                                        experimenting with deadly viruses.
    Imagine my surprise when I             I take what precautions I can. But       research. First is that the simplest      informed choices. You don’t need
                                                                                                                                                                        No voice or vote on lockdown
found myself one of the ‘usual             the conspiracy theory letters just       explanation is often the best one.        to be a genius, scientist, or a science
                                                                                                                                                                        procedures – imagine how we could
suspects’ in Kathy Hartman’s letter. I     radiate fear. Fear of the WHO, fear      Second is that extraordinary claims       teacher… it takes awareness, paying
                                                                                                                                                                        have set up safety nets and protected
thought I had made it quite clear that     of government control, fear of the       require extraordinary evidence by         attention, being open.
                                                                                                                                                                        the most vulnerable. Obvious to see
I was not supporting any particular        ‘dangers’ of masks, fear of forced       way of support. We live in the 21st            Items to be aware of:
                                                                                                                                                                        profits being made, too difficult to
point of view but merely analyzing         vaccinations, fear of Bill Gates, fear   century and, presumably, know and              Regulations: “…the US banned
                                                                                                                                                                        ignore the lives destroyed in the
numbers supplied by Richard                of ‘one world government,’ fear of       understand more than we did during        certain classes of experiments,
Caniell. Ms. Hartman, however, has         ‘technocratic elite,’ and on and on.     the Middle Ages when we burned            called Gain of Function (GOF)
                                                                                                                                                                             I strongly advocate strengthening
called for my 100 words or less, so            2. About this fear of government     witches at the stake and used trial       experiments… but the ban… was
                                                                                                                                                                        the immune system and not cutting
here they are.                             control and losing our democratic        by ordeal to determine guilt or           lifted in 2017.” (ref:; online article:
                                                                                                                                                                        ourselves off from nature. Adapt and
    First, the word ‘hoax’ is              freedoms – what actual control are       innocence.                                “the-case-is-building-that-covid-19-
                                                                                                                                                                        respond in nature; respect and care for
a misnomer for what may be                 they talking about? During phase             We need to get a grip. The            had-a-lab-origin”)
                                                                                                                                                                        our place in nature and preserve and
happening in our world. ‘Humourous         one, schools and some businesses         simplest explanation (and the one              Planning: In 2010 the Rockefeller
                                                                                                                                                                        protect that relation (video ref: “How
or mischievous deception’ is,              were required to close. Many other       backed up by evidence) is that            foundation put out a document
                                                                                                                                                                        Society Makes You Feel Alienated”
definitively, not what the usual           businesses chose to close. They talk     COVID-19 is caused by a virus,            (available to download): ‘Scenarios
                                                                                                                                                                        - Gabor Mate).
suspects have in mind. Beyond              a lot about lockdowns, but there has     less dangerous than Ebola or the          for the Future of Technology and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     T. Orlando
that I can only say, as an older           never been a lockdown in BC. A           1918 flu virus, but more dangerous        International Development.’ One
person, that COVID-19 bears in             lockdown is when you aren’t allowed      than the seasonal flu and, apparently,    scenario, ‘Lock Step,’ stated this:
CBT contributes 0,000 to Slocan mill site purchase - Valley Voice
6                                                                                         LETTERS                                                                         The Valley Voice September 24, 2020

Sinixt matriarch                         medicine harvesting. I was up there       RE: Ad paid for                            consistent with known facts.
                                                                                                                                   What I’m seeing with regard
                                                                                                                                                                         community is deceiving us about
                                                                                                                                                                         COVID-19 is like believing that
opposes                                  again this spring with my family to
                                         dig for wild potato and to visit old      by concerned                               to the COVID-19 debate is that             99% of climate scientists are lying
                                                                                                                              fact-based refutation is being
Zincton                                  growth forest. Others were also food-     private citizens                           represented as personal attacks. It’s
                                                                                                                                                                         about climate change when monster
                                                                                                                                                                         fires are climbing up the Pacific coast
     As the Matriarch of the Sinixt      gathering in the same avalanche               I am very disappointed that the        even sometimes called an attack on         towards BC. In the ashes of coastal
Smum iem (traditional governance         chutes within the proposal area,          Valley Voice published this full-page      freedom of thought and speech. Yet         communities from California to
system) in the Columbia River area of    especially for nettles. We who have       screed. Would the VV publish a full-       the Valley Voice has given equal           Seattle lies the telltale story of my
BC, I am writing in strong opposition    lived here for more than 10,000           page ad paid for by a cluster bomb         space to both sides of the COVID-19        generation’s betrayal of young people
to the Zincton Village proposal          years have a long history with these      manufacturing business recruiting          issue. Everyone is free to believe and     through our denial of inconvenient
and to refute misinformation in          important sites. Getting a “Zincton       new employees? I do understand             write what they want, but when they        truths. Yes, the whole human
the proponent’s recent letter in the     permit” to use areas of our homeland      that your policy is to print letters       ask a newspaper to publish it, and         race loves the freedom to believe
Valley Voice.                            is NOT “free access.”                     of various opinions. That is another       expect people to read it, the accuracy     whatever they want to believe, but
     As an Indigenous People divided          Having spent time up Kane            thing, imho.                               of their views may legitimately be         reality imposes consequences on
by an international boundary, our        Creek in the proposal area, I am              Among the points in the                challenged.                                that which can be devastating, so we
unceded rights as Sinixt are upheld      aware of the old growth there as well     advert are numerous conspiracy                  No one represents this process        should all fight for the truth in our
in Canada by Article 36 of the United    as its vulnerability to developments      theories and calls for dangerous and       more than Donald Trump. Donald is          public forums.
Nations Declaration on the Rights of     such as this. Mountains are the water     ineffective “alternative treatments”       having a very hard time after tapes                               Anne Sherrod
Indigenous Peoples. This declaration     towers of our region and the source       like hydroxychloroquine and                emerged showing that he knew that                                   New Denver
has recently been affirmed by the BC     of not just fresh and clean water but     vitamins. And worse is the list of         COVID was “far worse than the flu”
legislature. According to Articles       also the ability to clean the water.
26 and 32, anyone operating in our       One mature cedar alone cycles 150
                                                                                   “Required Actions,” which basically
                                                                                   call on us (i.e. via yours and my
                                                                                                                              in March, yet he told the American
                                                                                                                              people that it was just another flu,       Coverage of
tum xula7xw must obtain our free,
prior and informed consent (FPI)
                                         gallons of water per day. Erosion
                                         and subsequent sedimentation, like
                                                                                   ‘representative’) to ignore the
                                                                                   actuality of this pandemic.
                                                                                                                              deceived them about the death rate,
                                                                                                                              and refused to support lockdowns,
                                                                                                                                                                             The extreme polarization of
for any activities on our lands.         happened this spring at Carpenter             Those paying for this ad seem to       testing, masks. He has been the most       opinion on all things COVID
Our Sinixt Indigenous rights and         Creek, have huge impacts on water         think the relatively few COVID-19          prominent advocate of the view that        lately provided by the letters to the
responsibilities encompass the water,    quality and quantity, affecting           cases in BC, and even Canada,              the COVID emergency is a hoax              editor of the Valley Voice is rather
land, forests and animals throughout     everything and everyone down to           indicates an insignificant or no           and all the US needs to get over the       interesting. Amongst the diversity
our tum xula7xw.                         the lake and beyond. We humans            threat to the public’s health. Can         pandemic is “herd immunity.”               of views stated, it struck me that
     David Harley, the proponent,        are 87% water. All life relies on         they not see what is happening                  But reality has caught up with        an elephant might be missing in
falsely asserts in his September 10      clean water.                              south of the 49th where there are          Donald, and it isn’t pretty: he is         the discussion room: the near total
letter to the editor that “The Sinixt         As the caretakers of this land,      two kinds of fire, the coronavirus         facing 200,000 (and rising) dead           dereliction of the business model
Nation lived here for thousands          we must also care for all the animal      and the wildfires? Both are out of         Americans, and a lot of very angry         of journalism and its symbiotic
of years and are (sic) currently         people who share it with us: grizzlies,   control. Neither is a hoax. But the        live ones. The US has less than 5%         relation to the COVID pandemic.
based in Colville, Washington.”          mountain goats, western toads and         COVID-19 virus will last into next         of the world’s people and more than            For some reason, concepts like
The Sinixt still LIVE here. Putting      wolverines are among the diverse          year and beyond! Is there something        20% of the COVID deaths. Trump’s           ‘COVID’ or ‘pandemic’ are proving
us in the past tense is extremely        species who use the area and are at       about that border other than it being      advocacy of “herd immunity” would          more profitable to media outlets
disrespectful and manipulative.          risk. Over 40 species at risk have        closed that makes them feel so safe?       require 215,000,000 Americans to           than ‘budget deficit’ or ‘comparable
Though some Sinixt are members           been identified in the general area           I’ll stick with following the          get infected. At the current death         mortality.’ The consequence is a ‘C’
of the Colville Confederated Tribes      yet the proponent does not mention        advice of Dr. Bonnie.                      rate of 2.97%, 6,385,500 of them           word effectively monopolizing half
(and CCT is not based in Colville,       these. This is core grizzly habitat!                                 Bill Wells      would die.                                 the infosphere since March, usually
WA), Sinixt live in diaspora across      The profound ecological values                                           Kaslo            Some of those dead people             without any attempt at providing
North America. The Autonomous            of the area will be damaged by a                                                     would be young, with many years            relevant context.
Sinixt in Canada operate under
and uphold the traditional laws of
                                         resort of such a large scale. Both
                                         1,500 visitors a day and 4,500
                                                                                   Slocan mill                                of life ahead of them if they could            For context, one would think
                                                                                                                              have stayed healthy until a vaccine
whuplak’n and smum iem and its           hectares of land tenure are far,          property                                   and better treatments are available.
                                                                                                                                                                         that the place of COVID in global
                                                                                                                                                                         mortality would have taken a place
leaders were appointed by Sinixt
elders. These laws inform the Sinixt
                                         far too much for the wildlife to
                                         endure in order to maintain their         purchase                                   Harvard University sampled 3,222
                                                                                                                              young adults hospitalized with
                                                                                                                                                                         in the conversation by now (the
                                                                                       Thank you to the Village of                                                       probability of dying from COVID
position in regard to Zincton Village    populations and thrive. This land                                                    COVID-19. One in five required
                                                                                   Slocan council and staff for the                                                      vs substance abuse, suicide, cancer,
– and the proponent of this proposal     is also good mountain caribou                                                        intensive care, one in ten needed
                                                                                   vision, leadership and effort it took                                                 cardiovascular disease, etc.).
is not in good standing with us and      habitat should the Central Selkirk                                                   a ventilator and 88 died. Among
                                                                                   to purchase the mill property. Thank                                                      A quick plunge in mortality
our traditional governance system.       herd ever recover from government                                                    those who survived, 99 patients
                                                                                   you to the Columbia Basin Trust’s                                                     statistics from Canada and abroad
     In the current political climate,   mismanagement. It is noteworthy                                                      (or 3%) had to be transferred to
                                                                                   board and staff for its sizeable                                                      answers that question in no
decision making processes mostly         that in his rebuttal of articulated                                                  other facilities for ongoing care and
                                                                                   contribution toward this historic                                                     uncertain terms: the chance of dying
exclude the Sinixt, as we are not a      concerns, the proponent continues to                                                 rehabilitation. (New York Times,
                                                                                   purchase.                                                                             from COVID is very small, and
recognized “band”; Mr. Harley has        ignore the well-founded concerns of                                                  September 10).
                                                                                       This investment will enable                                                       certainly not in any proportionality
perpetuated this violation by not        regional wildlife biologists.                                                             The story of Canada and the US
                                                                                   residents to take an active role                                                      to the space devoted to COVID
consulting the Autonomous Sinixt.             Also, we are concerned about                                                    is a tale of two countries that deserves
                                                                                   in the continued development of                                                       in the media. In fact, mortality
Taking one Sinixt person out on a        cumulative impacts of all ski resorts                                                close study. With Canada having
                                                                                   its community, both socially and                                                      curves in some countries show less
tour does not constitute “consultation   there (Retallack, Stellar, Mount                                                     taken stronger protective measures,
                                                                                   economically.                                                                         mortality than pre-pandemic levels
with local Sinixt” any more than         Brennan Backcountry Recreation,                                                      it has had 9,193 total deaths – less
                                                                                       I look forward to hearing my                                                      for now several months in a row.
taking one random person from New        etc.) as well as in our general tum                                                  than one-twentieth of the number
                                                                                   neighbours’ ideas about the future                                                        Obviously, the very high
Denver on a tour would constitute        xula7xw. All development must                                                        of US deaths. But that can change.
                                                                                   of our waterfront.                                                                    transmission rate of COVID
consultation with the people of          be assessed in light of all other                                                    For instance, Ontario had flattened
                                                                                                         Anitra Winje                                                    requires planning and action. But
New Denver. This is pure tokenism.       developments – be they recreational,                                                 its curve with restrictions, but once
                                                                                                           West Slocan                                                   there are far more devastating
And as we well know, tokenism is a       industrial or community-based, not                                                   they were relaxed, the number of           catastrophes that we know are
manifestation of racism and settler      piecemeal. We continue to work
colonialism. Clearly, being in right     on our mapping project to broaden         Fight for the                              infections and deaths have begun
                                                                                                                              to surge.
                                                                                                                                                                         coming at us, which should be
                                                                                                                                                                         centre stage as they also require
relationship with the Sinixt is NOT
“a key priority” as the proponent
                                         core protected areas in the Sinixt
                                         tum xula7xw into a Climate Change         truth in our                                    Thirty-four percent of Ontario’s
                                                                                                                              active cases are among people in
                                                                                                                                                                         planning and action.
claims. Any contemporary so-             Conservation Network. Until this
                                         ecologically based and responsible
                                                                                   public forums                              their twenties (CBC, September 17).
                                                                                                                                                                             Meanwhile, we are all busily
                                                                                                                                                                         discussing COVID as the only show
called “innovation incubator” must                                                     I have always thought that when        Fifty-four percent of the cases cannot     in town.
seriously grapple with Indigenous        planning is complete, we will not         people bring their information and         be traced because the infected people          The job of journalism should
issues instead of just jumping           allow, as per our UN-affirmed             views to a public forum, they put          came in contact with so many other         be the comparison of apples to
through governmental hoops.              Indigenous rights, any resource           it up for public consideration and         people. Ontario had to put a hold on       apples, instead of the broken record
     We Autonomous Sinixt have           development in our tum xula7xw,           challenge. Usually in science, or in       its relaxation of restrictions, and is     endlessly looping ‘pandemic’ being
great concerns about this proposal as    and certainly not without our prior,      the justice system, or journalism,         now having to consider tightening          served to us.
we use the area for important cultural   free and informed consent.                writers are responsible to defend          them again.                                                      Jerome Piguet
activities such as berry picking,                            Marilyn James         their claims on a factual basis, or else        In the face of such facts,                                        Argenta
root digging, fishing, hunting and            Sinixt Smum iem Matriarch            concede to a viewpoint that’s more         believing that the entire medical
CBT contributes 0,000 to Slocan mill site purchase - Valley Voice
September 24, 2020 The Valley Voice                                                                     COMMUNITY                                                                                                              7
Kootenay Lake foreshore issues discussed at Twin Bays Beach
                                                                                                accretion for the rocky point out          after the dams were built. “But this    worked together to craft a motion
                                                                                                in front of the property owners’           surveyor is granting accretions from    asking the Province to review the
                                                                                                home. The community found this             the same levels as before.”             process for accretion applications.
                                                                                                disturbing, Garnett said, as there              Shadrack explained that when       “We’re calling on the Province to do
                                                                                                had been fairly recent illegal and         the RDCK realized there was “a          a much more critical on-the-ground
                                                                                                questionable activities on the point.      plethora of agencies not coordinating   review,” she said. The motion will
                                                                                                On April 7 and 8, 2018, the owners’        what they were doing around the         go before all the local governments
                                                                                                excavator imported rock fill to            lake,” the RDCK brought them all        in BC at the upcoming Union of
                                                                                                construct a platform on the point,         together under the Kootenay Lake        BC Municipalities convention.
                                                                                                and it was done without a permit. The      Partnership (KLP). KLP created a        If it passes there, it will go to the
                                                                                                operator was fined under the Water         shoreline guidance document for         provincial government.
                                                                                                Sustainability Act and the owners          the lake. However, in the case of            However, she said she has more
                                                                                                were required to restore all disturbed     this Twin Bays accretion application,   faith “in getting somewhere on this
                                                                                                areas of the foreshore to the original     the “surveyor general didn’t bother     issue with the Columbia River Treaty
                                                                                                condition. But this never happened.        to consult with KLP or look at the      Local Governments’ Committee.
                                                                                                     Garnett and his neighbour, Neil       guidance document and was going         This lake is controlled by one treaty
                                                                                                Kelly, did some detective work to          to grant your beach to the property     dam and one related dam. That’s the
                                                                                                find out why.                              owner until Gerald intervened,”         foundation as to why accretions are
  The Twin Bays area community is outraged that this rocky point has been approved as an                                                   Shadrack said. He advised the           a problem.”
                                                                                                     “Under Freedom of Information,
accretion – which means it has been added to the upland owners’ private property – given this
                                                                                                we received documents showing              residents, “Ask your MLA and the
                     illegal excavation work that occurred here in 2018.
                                                                                                that the contractor responsible for        Ministry of Environment why we           Smokey Creek Salvage
by Jan McMurray                                 natural boundary, a visible high                restoration had been deceived,”            have the Kootenay Lake Partnership            24 HR TOWING
                                                                                                                                                                                     New & Used Auto Parts, Back Hoe Work,
    About 40 people gathered at                 water mark indicated by distinct                reports Garnett. “In 2016, the             if the authorities can ignore the        Certified Welding & Repairs, Vehicle Removal
Twin Bays Beach just south of                   changes in vegetation and soil; the             surveyor placed a reference marker         guidelines.”                                  WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS
Kaslo on September 10, thankful that            land below this natural boundary                showing a legal survey post well                Watson and her Kootenay Lake        359-7815 ; 1-877-376-6539
their neighbourhood beach is still              is Crown land. Waterfront property              below the natural boundary. The            colleagues on the RDCK board have          3453 YEATMAN RD, SOUTH SLOCAN
available to the public for recreation          owners can apply for accretions if              contractor mistakenly referenced this
– but concerned with the process that           they think the natural boundary has             and ended up heaping more rocky fill
allowed the beach to be subject to              receded over time.                              on the point. On August 4, 2020 the          PRIME COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE
privatization.                                      Local resident Gerald Garnett               BC surveyor general requested the
    The beach was at risk of                    explained that an accretion was                 removal of this deceptive marker,
                                                                                                                                                 218 Broadway Street, ground level, Nakusp
becoming private when the upland                already granted at Twin Bays in                 but the damage was done.
property owners applied to the BC               1994, to adjust for the lower lake                   “My concern is that the events                 Approx. 1600 sq ft. Available immediately.
Land Title and Survey Authority                 levels caused by Duncan Dam. He                 at Twin Bays are being repeated
(LTSA) for an ‘accretion’ – to absorb           said the community does not believe             around the shores of Kootenay                   Contact West Kootenay Property Rentals Inc.
the beach into their private property.          there is evidence to change the                 Lake, undermining the work of the
    The September 10 gathering was              1994 boundary, as lake levels have              Kootenay Lake Partnership.”
                                                                                                                                                250.359.5021, info@westkootenayrentals.com
organized by local residents, who
had arranged for speakers Aimee
                                                averaged more than two feet higher
                                                in the years since 1994 according
                                                                                                     At the gathering, Aimee Watson                    www.westkootenayrentals.com
                                                                                                said Kootenay Lake has the highest
Watson (RDCK chair and Area D                   to the Water Survey of Canada data              number of accretion applications in
director) and Andy Shadrack (former
Area D director), to inform people
of the accretion issue on Kootenay
                                                from Queens Bay. Later this month,
                                                he said, a delegation will present a
                                                petition signed by 70 residents to
                                                                                                BC, because the high water mark
                                                                                                receded when the Duncan and Libby                                         VILLAGE OF
                                                                                                dams were constructed. “However,
Lake – and particularly about the
accretion application by the owners
                                                MLA Michelle Mungall, asking for
                                                the 1994 boundary to be retained
                                                                                                the freshet is changing that,” she said.
                                                                                                “More and more water is coming
                                                                                                                                                                         NEW DENVER
of the property upland of Twin Bays             and for the beach to be declared
Beach.                                          permanently public.
                                                                                                down in the freshet as time goes on.”
                                                                                                     Andy Shadrack reiterated that
                                                                                                                                                                           PUBLIC NOTICES
    In BC, waterfront property                      Although the beach application              lake levels are much higher now
owners own the land down to the                 was denied, the LTSA approved an                than they were for the first 20 years                            BEARS & FRUIT
                                                                                                                                            Autumn brings plenty of fruit for us to enjoy but also
                                                                                                                                            means unwanted visits from bears and other wildlife.
                                                                                                                                            Please remember to manage your fruit trees by picking
                                                                                                                                            fruit as it ripens, do not allow windfall to accumulate on
                                                                                                                                            the ground, and consider using an electric fence to protect
                                                                                                                                            fruit trees. If you require assistance with picking excess
                                                                                                                                            fruit from your trees, please contact Bree Lillies at Harvest
                                                                                                                                            Share: 250-354-8120. Report any wildlife conflict to the
                                                                                                                                            Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277.

                                                                                                                                                    HAZARDOUS WASTE EVENT
                                                                                                                                            Every year RDCK hosts a Household Hazardous Waste
                                                                                                                                            event where residents have a chance to round up and
                                                                                                                                            dispose of any household hazardous waste. This year’s
                                                                                                                                            event is happening September 26 - 11 am to 2 pm at the
                                                                                                                                            Silverton Public Works Yard (421 Lake Avenue). For more
                                                                                                                                            locations and dates, go to www.rdck.ca.

                                                                                                                                                              PROPERTY TAXES
                                                                                                                                            A reminder to all owners of Class 6 (Business) properties that
                                                                                                                                            2020 property taxes must be paid before October 1st to avoid
                                                                                                                                            late payment penalties. This year the payment deadline was
                                                                                                                                            postponed by the province in response to the COVID-19
                                                                                                                                            pandemic. Please note that the Village of New Denver will
                                                                                                                                            not be holding a 2020 Tax Sale as all delinquent property
                                                                                                                                            taxes have been paid.
                                                                                                                                                   115 Slocan Avenue · P.O. Box 40, New Denver, BC V0G 1S0
                                                                                                                                                   (250) 358-2316 · office@newdenver.ca · www.newdenver.ca
CBT contributes $450,000 to Slocan mill site purchase - Valley Voice CBT contributes $450,000 to Slocan mill site purchase - Valley Voice CBT contributes $450,000 to Slocan mill site purchase - Valley Voice
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