Page created by June Pierce
SA Pressure Group
                                                          Calls For Kgafela
                                                         II’s Removal Page3
                       VOL. 21   NO. 24   MONDAY 03 AUGUST 2020                 PRICE P10.00 (Including VAT)

      Bars PuPils For                                                                                                 ‘Tough

        Dirty Masks
           A number of pupils at Borolong Primary School were last week barred
          from lessons for coming to school wearing dirty masks Story On Page 4                                       page6

  Saleshando, Skelemani Face-Off ‘Online’ page2

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02 NEWS                  THE MONITOR MONDAY 03 AUGUST 2020

      CAAB Management
   Assists In SSKIA Clean-Up                                 SalEShaNdo, SkElEMaNi
  The Executive Management Team (EMT)
  of Civil Aviation Authority of Botswana
  (CAAB) braved the freezing morning cold
                                                             FacE-oFF ‘oNliNE’
  to converge at the Sir Seretse Khama Inter-
                                                                l LOO wants suspension lifted
  national Airport (SSKIA) for the sole pur-
                                                                l Case to be held via video
  pose of joining the institutional cleaners in
  keeping the airport clean recently. Accord-
  ing to the Authority, ordinarily, the airport
  cleaning function is the responsibility of                 Innocent Selatlhwa
  a combination of both permanent CAAB                       Staff Writer

  cleaners and those outsourced from the pri-
  vate sector contractually. “In March 2020,                      ollowing his suspension from Par-
  when most countries closed their borders in                     liament, the Leader of Opposition
  order to manage the spread of the coronavi-                (LOO), Dumelang Saleshando has in-
  rus (COVID-19) pandemic, the outsourced                    structed his attorney Martin Dingake to
  cleaning services contractors at the SSKIA                 institute legal proceedings against the
  had expired and were due for renewal. With                 Attorney General, and the Speaker of the
  minimal aviation activity taking place during
                                                             National Assembly, Phandu Skelemani
  the lockdown and State of Emergency period,
  CAAB management found it prudent to hold                   through an urgent application.
  in abeyance, the renewal of outsourced ser-                   According to court papers, Dingake
  vices,” a statement from CAAB stated. “This                wants his client’s matter to be heard ur-
  left the role of airport cleaning to the CAAB              gently failing which the envisaged ap-
  employees. The Executive Team decided to                   plication for review would be rendered
  roll up their sleeves and offer a helping hand             academic.
  to the 10 cleaners last weekend in the spirit                 Dingake wants the court to issue an
  of volunteerism and in solidarity with other               order restraining and interdicting the re-
  colleagues in keeping the airport clean. The               spondents from suspending Saleshando
  plan is to have this activity weekly and open it           from sitting in the National Assembly
  to all CAAB employees wanting to volunteer
                                                             pending the review proceedings intended
  their time in keeping the SSKIA clean.”
                                                             to be launched against the respondent in       vice president had presented before him           Liakat Kablay to move for the suspen-
                                                             respect to their decision to suspend him.      to substantiate allegations of corrupt            sion of the offending member from the
                                                                Dingake also wants an order restrain-       practice in the process of the awarding of        National Assembly.
           BDP Welcomes                                      ing and interdicting anyone acting for         government tenders and urged the LOO                Saleshando argues that the Speaker
                                                             and/or under their authority from execut-      to withdraw the claims.                           tabled the motion to have him suspended
        Suspension Of Leader                                 ing the decision of the respondents from          This issue started during the emergen-         without indicating what further proof
            of Opposition                                    suspending Saleshando from sitting and         cy meeting of Parliament in April, when           was necessary. He states that this makes
                                                             participating in the National Assembly         Saleshando alleged that there had been a          Skelemani’s move unconstitutional to the
  Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) has said                   proceedings.                                   direct awarding of a government tender            extent that it infringed on his freedom of
  that it welcomes the resolution by vote of                    Saleshando, the Maun West legislator,       at the value of P13.7 million to the com-         expression and protection of the law.
  Parliament passed on July 28, 2020 to sus-                 has also instructed his lawyers to seek an     pany of President Mokgweetsi Masisi’s               Addressing the media on Wednesday
  pend the Leader of Opposition, who is also                 order permitting and entitling him to sit      sister, Monteco Solutions (PTY) LTD for           alongside opposition legislators who had
  the president of the Botswana Congress Party
                                                             and participate in the proceedings to be       provision of Anti-Retroviral drugs with-          boycotted Parliament for the day in soli-
  (BCP), Dumelang Saleshando. “The vote fol-
  lowed Hon. Saleshando’s naked failure to ten-              launched against the respondents. He also      out a competitive bid.                            darity with him, Saleshando said freedom
  der evidence he had promised to furnish with               wants respondents to pay cost of suit.            Saleshando refused to withdraw the             of speech and freedom of expression is
  the Speaker as way back as April to support                   Saleshando was on Tuesday last week         corruption claims, and on Tuesday his             critical for a legislator.
  his allegations associating His Excellency Dr.             suspended from participating in the Na-        attempts to provide more evidence were              “The Speaker wants to escalate himself
  Mokgweetsi Masisi to corrupt practices in                  tional Assembly for a week, following          quashed by Skelemani who then invoked             to a level of a judge by prescribing what
  the award of COVID-19 related procurement                  a vote by Members of Parliament sub-           Section 60 of the Standing Orders of Par-         evidence is to be brought to Parliament.
  contracts,” BDP said in a statement. “We                   sequent to a ruling by Skelemani. Skel-        liament, which empowers the Speaker to            He rejected the evidence I brought to him
  commend BDP MPs for voting to preserve                     emani had on Monday told the house that        name a member who has committed the               on Tuesday after he failed to state what
  the seriousness of Parliament as a law making              he was not satisfied with the evidence         offence of disregarding the Speaker’s             kind of evidence he wanted,” Saleshando
  institution governed by the rule of law and                Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC)           authority, then calling upon chief whip           said.
  not a common hall for pointless banter and
  insubstantial accusations. “We find it absurd
  that Hon. Saleshando misapprehends direct
  procurement as irregular or corrupt when in
  fact it is common practice for urgent procure-
  ment and conducted under law.” The BDP
  urged Saleshando and his counterparts in the
  opposition bench to acquaint themselves with
                                                          Border Jumping Major
                                                          Obstacle In COVID-19 Fight
  the Standing Orders and other laws of the
  Republic to avoid further embarrassment in
  Parliament and in public.
                                                          Lesedi Mkhutshwa                                 also stated that some Batswana even assist the      if not all tested negative for COVID-19.
                                                          Correspondent                                    border jumpers to cross through ungazetted             He said the isolation centre for the district,
                                                                                                           points by transporting them.                        which is Ntshe Clinic, has admitted 14 cases
                                                          FRANCISTOWN: The City of Francistown                “Some people would not even report any           of which seven from other districts tested pos-
Editor:                   Email:      Council’s (COFC) town clerk, Lopang Pule         suspicious movement of border jumpers even          itive, five have been repatriated to their home
Maureen Odubeng 
                                                          has said that border jumping still remains a     though they are in full knowledge that those        countries while two are still at the centre.
Email:        New Media Coordinator:
                                                          major obstacle in the fight against the deadly   certain individuals have travelled to neigh-           Pule also shared that the compliance rate of
                          Thalefang Charles               coronavirus disease (COVID-19).                  bouring countries.                                  the 3,456 facilities they have visited to date
Commercial Manager:       Email:            When addressing the COFC special full            Let’s encourage people to report such suspi-     stands at 82.5%.
Lone Koosenye                                             council last week, Pule was concerned about      cious movement so that those people can be             He said the common compliance issues
Email:      Coordinator Special             the number of border jumpers who use un-         taken into the 14-day mandatory quarantine.”        were lack of infrared thermometers, substand-        Projects                        gazetted points of entry from Zimbabwe into      Pule also shared that upon being arrested by        ard sanitisers and unavailability of registers.
                          Annah Dedede
                                                          Botswana through villages along the two          the police the non-citizens are tested then re-     Last month, Northern Divisional Commander
Northern Bureau Chief:    Email:
Ryder Gabathuse 
                                                          countries’ border line.                          patriated to their countries of origin.             senior assistant commissioner, Cynthia Setilo
Email:                                        Pule said to make the matter worse during        He said due to the issue at hand they have       also emphasised that illegal immigrants are an       Graphics Head:                  the pandemic there are still Batswana who are    made a recommendation to the COVID-19               issue of concern across the North East District,
                          Lesego Mogotsi                  helping such illegal immigrants by harbouring    National Task Force to start testing communi-       extending up to Francistown and surrounding
Business Coordinator:     Email:          them with the full knowledge that they have      ties near the Botswana-Zimbabwe borderline          areas.
Pauline Dikuelo           travelled to Zimbabwe during and after the       in order to check the status of COVID-19 and           She added that during the second quarter
                                                          lockdowns.                                       eliminate the disease.                              (April and June) during lockdown they ar-     Photography
                                                             He added some people have also developed         When speaking about the number of people         rested about 1,100 illegal non-citizens in
Sports & Showtime         Moreri Sejakgomo                a tendency of not reporting border jumpers       put through mandatory quarantine in the dis-        the area. Setilo was addressing a North-East
Coordinator:              Email:          who travel back-to-back to Zimbabwe on           trict, the town clerk said a total of 862 people    District Council (NEDC) special meeting at
Boitumelo Khutsafalo           a regular basis due to personal reasons. He      were quarantined in the city and most of them       Masunga.
THE MONITOR MONDAY 03 AUGUST 2020                     NEWS 03

SA Pressure Group
Calls For Kgafela
II’s Removal
Goitsemodimo Kaelo                         leng are a distinct, sovereign and in-     to destroy our legitimate traditional
Correspondent                              dependent traditional community.           leadership structure in Moruleng,” the

L     ess than a month after Bakgatla-
      Ba-Kgafela Kgosikgolo Kgafela
                                           Bakgalatla-ba-Kgafela are an inte-
                                           gral part of South Africa. We are not
                                           a colony of Botswana or Mochudi as
                                                                                      group wrote.
                                                                                         They further called on President
                                                                                      Ramaphosa to direct for an investiga-
Kgafela II celebrated the removal
of Kgosi Nyalala Pilane from office,
                                           Mokgoro sponsored programme seeks
                                           to achieve.
                                                                                      tion into why the North West province
                                                                                      frustrated Kgafela II’s extradition to
                                                                                                                                   Rejects Legal
some Bakgatla in Moruleng are also            We reject this attempt with every fi-   Botswana to stand trial for his assault
calling for Kgafela II’s removal.
   Pilane’s derecognition was a direct
                                           bre in our land. We pay our allegiance
                                           to the South African constitution.
                                                                                         When contacted for comment Bak-
result of a campaign that Kgafela II
had waged for a long time, after a con-
                                              We are not Botswana citizens and
                                           therefore we rejected every attempt by
                                                                                      gatla-ba-Kgafela deputy chief, Kgosi
                                                                                      Bana Sekai Linchwe said he was not           Bill
flict between the two started when he      Mokgoro to impose a royal family and       aware of the letter. Kgosi Linchwe           Goitsemodimo Kaelo
(Kgafela II) questioned Pilane’s han-      Kgosi over Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela in          said he could not deal with a matter         Correspondent
dling of tribal finances.                  Moruleng,” read the letter in part.        that has been legally addressed in the

   Now, a group referred to as Bana Ba        The group has called the North West     past.                                             he Law Society of Botswana (LSB) has
Bakgatla have written a letter to South    government officials corrupt and ac-          “I don’t know anything about that              rejected the proposed Legal Practitioners
African President Cyril Ramaphosa to       cused them of facilitating a fraudulent    letter and its contents. Maybe I must        (Amendments) Bill saying it contradicts the
derecognise Kgafela II and his royal       South African citizenship for Kgafe-       see what their reasons are because we        agreements the society had with government.
family’s chieftaincy over Bakgatla in      la II, his sister and Kgosi Ramono         seem to be going back and forth.                In a statement LSB said the Bill, which is
Moruleng and instruct the North West       Linchwe.                                      These issues have been addressed          currently before Parliament, is regressive as it
Province premier to reinstate Kgosi           The group also demanded that all        before unless we say we don’t have           omits some of the central themes suggested for
Pilane.                                    criminal charges against Kgafela be        anything else to do.                         the transformation of the legal fraternity.
   In the letter dated July 29, 2020,      reinstated and thoroughly investigat-          I don’t think any normal person or          The Society pointed out that some of the key
Bana Ba Bakgatla say they cannot be        ed.                                        Mokgatla could say he wants to re-           areas of change, which it had envisaged to be
ruled by a “fugitive from Botswana”           “We call upon Cyril Ramaphosa to        move Kgosikgolo from the throne,”            included following extensive discussions, were
as they are not a colony of Botswana.      direct Mokgoro to engage with the          he said.                                     provision for the incorporation of law firms and
   The group gave Ramaphosa seven          legitimate royal family of Bakgatla-          Bakgatla-ba-ga-Kgafela have a pe-         the payment of subscriptions by legal practitio-
days to respond to their letter, failing   ba-Kgafela in Moruleng, launch a full      culiar tribal territory that is recognised   ners at the Attorney General who are members
which they will mobilise the commu-        investigation into how Kgafela II, his     between Botswana and South Africa.           of the Society.
nity in Moruleng to defend and protect     sister and Ramono Linchwe fraudu-          The tribe has invested in the min-              Other suggestions included taking away the
themselves against what they term          lently obtained South African citizen-     ing industry and has shares in large         privilege of persons employed in government
government-sponsored ‘colonialism’.        ship. We reject without fear or favour     companies such as Anglo Platinum in          entities to appear before the courts, improving
   “Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela in Moru-           attempts by Mokgoro or government          South Africa.                                standards of practice and restricting the rou-
                                                                                                                                   tine admission of foreign advocates on ad hoc
                                                                                                                                   basis. According to LSB, the incorporation of
                                                                                                                                   legal practices is important as it makes it much
                                                                                                                                   easier for lawyers to run their legal practices
                                                                                                                                   like businesses. It also allows lawyers the use
                                                                                                                                   of their practices to raise finance for expansion,
                                                                                                                                   from financial institutions and to build much
                                                                                                                                   larger practices than it is currently the case.
                                                                                                                                      The LSB further said there is no reason why
                                                                                                                                   legal practitioners employed by government
                                                                                                                                   should not contribute to the regulation and ad-
                                                                                                                                   ministration of the profession.
                                                                                                                                      “Legal practitioners at the Attorney General
                                                                                                                                   are currently members of the Society but do not
                                                                                                                                   pay any subscriptions,” read the statement.
                                                                                                                                      “The result is that the Society is under fund-
                                                                                                                                   ed and is therefore unable to competently dis-
                                                                                                                                   charge some of its statutory obligations such
                                                                                                                                   as compliance by legal practitioners with the
                                                                                                                                   Financial Intelligence Act.”
                                                                                                                                      The Society argued that in professions such
                                                                                                                                   as nursing, engineering and architecture, there
                                                                                                                                   is no disparity in treatment between those in
                                                                                                                                   private practice and those working for govern-
                                                                                                                                   ment. “Apart from the fact that the Bill fails
                                                                                                                                   to meet the Society’s minimum expectations, it
                                                                                                                                   is generally very poorly drafted. There is com-
                                                                                                                                   plete incompatibility between the Bill and the
                                                                                                                                   memorandum,” said LSB.
                                                                                                                                      “The memorandum identifies as one of the
                                                                                                                                   objects of the Bill the abolition of the exemp-
                                                                                                                                   tion from paying subscriptions that Govern-
                                                                                                                                   ment attorneys currently enjoy, yet the Bill
                                                                                                                                   retains the exemption.”
                                                                                                                                      LSB further said the Bill is regressive in mak-
                                                                                                                                   ing Judges of the Industrial Court and the High
                                                                                                                                   Court members of the Law Society, adding that
                                                                                                                                   the errors reflect that the Bill is not ready to be
                                                                                                                                   presented to Parliament.
04 NEWS            THE MONITOR MONDAY 03 AUGUST 2020

  BarS PuPilS For
    Dirty MaSkS                     book post by a Village Devel-      were clean before leaving for
  l   Children forced to
      wash, dry masks               opment Committee (VDC)             school. She, however, said
      before entry                  member, Julia Ditshane with        the decision to make the pu-
                                    pictures of children dry-          pils wash their masks did not
 Pini Bothoko                       ing their masks on the sun         sit well with her.
 Staff Writer                       sparked parents’ mixed feel-          “The school’s management
                                    ings over the school’s ap-         should consider taking action

 A     number of pupils at
       Borolong         Primary
 School, 20km west of Fran-
                                       Ditshane’s Facebook post
                                    reads, “Bagolo a re tlhatswe-
                                                                       against parents who are failing
                                                                       to take care of their children
                                                                       instead of punishing innocent
 cistown, were last week            tseng bana di face mask,           souls. This to me looks like a
 barred from lessons for com-       gago monate ba bangwe bale         punishment to them, imagine
 ing to school wearing dirty        mo classing ngwana wa ga           the embarrassment they went
 masks, The Monitor has             go ale ko ntle.”                   through when washing those
 learnt.                               Some parents supported          masks, waiting for them to
    The school’s authorities        the school’s move urging           dry and missing some les-
 forced the children to wash        others to take even greater        sons,” Khachana said.
 their masks and wait for           care of their children in the         Basic Education minister,
 them to dry in the winter sun      coronavirus (COVID-19) era.        Fidelis Molao, who is also
 before being admitted into         They commended the school          the area’s Member of Parlia-
 classrooms.                        management’s move stat-            ment, supported the school
    Parents who spoke to The        ing that every parent should       management’s move. Molao
 Monitor said the drama un-         make sure their children are       said COVID-19 protocols at
 folded on Thursday morning         taken care of and not put all      schools were non-negotiable.
 when the school’s Safety,          the burden of responsibility          “I am not aware of that,
 Health and Environment             on the teachers.                   but the school management
 (SHE) officer picked out stu-         However, some parents dis-      should make sure that all pu-
 dents with dirty masks during      missed the move, describing        pils are protected, it is their
                                    it as ‘cruelty against innocent    responsibility.
                                                                                                         BOSETU Calls For
 the entry processes conducted
 upon arrival at school.            souls’, especially as children        Following       COVID-19,
    This publication has estab-     were barred from attend-           school management will from
 lished that prior to this inci-
 dent the school’s management
 tried in a number of occasions
                                    ing lessons and had to wait
                                    in the cold morning weather
                                    for their masks to dry before
                                                                       time to time take decisions to
                                                                       protect the learners and the
                                                                       school community looking at
                                                                                                         COVID-19 Adherence
 to reach out to parents, plead
 with them to take care of their
                                       Another parent, Clara
                                    Khachana commented say-
                                                                       the situation they see on the
                                                                       ground,” he said.
                                                                          Molao further pleaded with
                                                                                                         In Schools
 children, but their efforts fell                                                                                                                country finds itself in this crisis
                                    ing, “Ha ngwana atla ka            parents to take care of their      l Blames Director of Health
 on deaf ears.                                                                                                                                   is because some schools are not
                                                                                                              for surge in schools
    Furthermore, reacting to        mask o leswe ke eng asa            children and make sure they                                               adhering to required COVID-19
 the situation the school man-      tlogelwe a tsenelela dithuto       are neat at all times. He said    Tsaone Basimanebotlhe                   standards.
 agement allegedly resolved         gobo go lelediwa motsadi           parents should consider them-     Staff Writer                               “For us to reduce these cases or
 to make pupils wash their          atle go lebisiwa molato es-        selves as irresponsible if they                                           the spread of the virus amongst

 masks and wait for them to         eng go baya ngwana ko ntle         allow their children to go to          otswana Sectors of Educa-          students and teachers, both stake-
 dry before they accessed           a fetwa ke dithuto, kana ebile     school with dirty masks.               tors Trade Union (BOSETU)          holders in schools need to meet
 classes.                           ba saletse morago ka lebaka           The incident comes as          says the spread of the coronavirus      and agree on the way forward
    The incident sparked out-       la COVID-19”.                      Greater Gaborone enters a         (COVID-19) in schools could be          without compromising anything,”
 rage on social media with             In an interview, Khachana       two-weeklong        lockdown      minimised if all adhere to required     Rari said.
 pictures of the children dry-      said it was the parents’ re-       caused by an outbreak of          health standards.                          “As BOSETU we have tried
 ing their masks in the winter      sponsibility to look after their   COVID-19 cases mostly at             Recently, some learners and          to write letters to the Director of
 sun, being circulated. A Face-     children and make sure they        schools in the zonal area.        teachers tested positive for the vi-    Health regarding failure to ad-
                                                                                                         rus with cases detected at Terrence     here to COVID-19 regulations or
                 A number of pupils at Borolong Primary School were                                      Private School in Mogoditshane          standards by some schools, but he
                 forced to wash and dry their facemasks before entry                                     and Masa Primary School at Phase        decided to ignore us and we are
                                                                                                         II. All the schools are in the in       blaming him for what is happening
                                                                                                         Greater Gaborone.                       in schools.”
                                                                                                            Terrence Private School regis-          Rari noted the danger in schools
                                                                                                         tered 27 cases of COVID-19 posi-        is that they have a high population
                                                                                                         tive students from different classes,   and that is why the country found
                                                                                                         and one teacher.                        such high numbers.
                                                                                                            The school’s positive results also      He emphasised the use of public
                                                                                                         traced a viral link to two parents,     transport or student transportation
                                                                                                         whose children attend the school,       should be looked into and assess
                                                                                                         and another positive case to a          how both the ministry and parents
                                                                                                         friend of one of the students.          can best address it.
                                                                                                            For Masa Primary School, a total        “This is the [first] time the min-
                                                                                                         of eight people tested positive, four   istry is taking our suggestions very
                                                                                                         teachers and four pupils. While at      seriously. We need to put our dif-
                                                                                                         Botswana Open University the 32         ferences aside and look at the big-
                                                                                                         people were tested, 31 were nega-       ger picture,” Rari said.
                                                                                                         tive and only one is awaiting re-          “Again, even those schools that
                                                                                                         sults.                                  had not adhered to required stand-
                                                                                                            At Bonnington Junior Second-         ards, they need to be assisted with-
                                                                                                         ary School, 179 individuals were        out compromising health for stu-
                                                                                                         tested and only 65 came out nega-       dents and teachers in private and
                                                                                                         tive while the rest are awaiting        government schools.
                                                                                                         their results.                             [The] Ministry of Health [and
                                                                                                            BOSETU secretary general,            Wellness] should not relax regula-
                                                                                                         Tobokani Rari said the reason the       tions in schools.”

Its Covert
 l   Children from minority tribes trafficked

Pini Bothoko
Staff Writer

K      gosi Kebinatshwene Mosielele of Bahurutshe
       boo-Manyana has called on government to
encourage equality within tribes as the country is

faced with human trafficking tragedy.
   Kgosi Mosielele said as traditional leaders they
are concerned by cultural beliefs that impact on the
livelihoods of the minority tribes in Botswana that
need immediate attention.

                                                          LE RONA
   He pointed out that children from minority tribes
continue to be trafficked to cattle posts, towns and
cities to become slaves to the elites.
   Mosielele made the remarks recently at the com-
memoration of World Day Against Trafficking in
persons held at Tlotlo Conference Centre in Mo-
goditshane. He said magosi have also observed
that there are elites who own ranches around the
country particularly in the Kgalagadi area who traf-
fic people, mainly children, from minority tribes to
become their slaves.                                      We have come a long way since
   “This has been going on for a long time and I
do not see anything being done because probably           October 1st 2019.
the legislators and the communities within our gov-
ernance are the ones who are perpetrating this,”
Mosielele told the gathering. He asked government         In accordance with the Retirement Funds Act of
to stem the tide of human trafficking locally before      2014, we embarked on a journey to outsource all
pointing fingers at other countries.
   “I would like to implore the government to do          fund administration services to a separate entity.
something about this before we go internationally.        Gata le rona, submit your KYC to make this a
There is no point in us pointing fingers at other
countries and people practicing this evil practice        smooth transition.
without necessarily looking deeply into what is
happening in our own country.”
   For his part, the Minister of Defence, Justice and     The BPOPF will visit respective Government
Security, Kagiso Mmusi said human trafficking is          departments to collect KYC documents from
a serious security challenge that is both local and
transnational in nature.
                                                          Members. For more information call 0800 600 177
   “We have 49 victims of human trafficking that          (Toll free)
need shelter, access to health facilities, food, cloth-
ing and other forms of protection. If we take the
various acts and means that constitute the crime          Toll Free:       0800 600 177
of human trafficking in accordance with the Anti-         Email: 
Human Trafficking Act of 2014, I think you will
agree that our statistics may not necessarily reflect     Facebook:        BPOPF
the situation on the ground,” he said.                    Twitter:         @BPOPF
   The United Nations biennial global trafficking
in persons report indicated that in 2018, 31% of all
victims of human trafficking in sub-Saharan Africa
were trafficked for sexual exploitation, 63% for          Thank you and please continue to stay safe.
purposes of labour exploitation whilst five percent
were for other forms of exploitation. In Botswana,
statistics show that from February 2019 to date
there are 16 cases before the courts.
   Mmusi further stated that the United Nations Of-
fice on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has warned
through a research brief issued during the month
of June that COVID-19 restrictions and the subse-
quent economic consequences are likely to exacer-
bate migrant smuggling and cross border trafficking
of persons as people are going to be pushed to seek
greener pastures. The minister said such a develop-
ment would further apply strain on the criminal jus-
tice system that would have to cope with the influx.
Mmusi added this might even underscore the covert
nature of the crime. The commemoration was held
under the theme, ‘Committed to the Cause – Work-
ing on the frontline to end human trafficking’.
06 NEWS               THE MONITOR MONDAY 03 AUGUST 2020

    ‘Tough AcTioN’ AWAiTS
    coViD-19 DEliNquENTS
   l   People continue to party,
   l   Police fed up

 Innocent Selatlhwa
 Staff Writer

 W       hen Botswana underwent its first
         lockdown due to the dreaded and
 fast-spreading coronavirus (COVID-19)
 pandemic in late March, Batswana were
 terrified and most people abided by the set
 protocols that ushered in the new normal.
    Despite there being 75 local active cases
 with most coming from local transmis-
 sions, Batswana in the Greater Gaborone
 zone are disobeying COVID- 19 protocols.
 This has prompted the Botswana Police
 Service to enforce ‘tough action’ against        been receiving calls about people hosting      the problem as it presents itself. People will    not pay would be taken to court. Health and
 COVID-19 infractions.                            parties, people gathering and others con-      be charged while others will be arrested          Wellness minister, Lemogang Kwape also
    The Monitor team has observed that peo-       tinue working while others move around         and detained if need be,” he said.                expressed concern over the way people
 ple in some areas continue to ignore these       without permits. They just feel we are dis-       Tlokweng Police Station commander,             have been behaving.
 protocols by continuing to do construc-          turbing their businesses and their leisure     assistant superintendent Unoziba Rari said           “We are concerned by people who con-
 tion work, gatherings and selling alcohol        time.”                                         his policing area still records many cases        tinue disregarding COVID- 19 protocols.
 amongst many other infractions.                     Motube revealed that in response to the     of failure to comply. “It is so shocking that     We shall discuss with the Botswana Po-
    Police spokesperson, assistant commis-        situation, they have to apply tough reme-      we still have people hosting parties and          lice on how to manage the situation bet-
 sioner Dipheko Motube has expressed con-         dial, corrective and preventive action.        gatherings during the lockdown.                   ter,” he said. Greater Gaborone is under
 cern at the way Batswana continue to act.           “People should not be waiting for the          A lot of people also go around without         a third lockdown since the virus reached
    “We will have a report ready tomorrow         Police to force them to respect COVID-19       masks while others move without permits.          Botswana. The current lockdown, which
 on the progress of reinforcing COVID-            protocols, we already know how bad the         We have thus increased manpower with as-          Kwape announced last Thursday follows
 19 protocols. We are concerned that even         situation can get and some people for rea-     sistance from other police stations,” Rari        discovery of the virus in various schools
 though people know what the virus is do-         sons known to them influence others to dis-    said. Rari said they have been charging           in Mogoditshane and Gaborone, as well as
 ing to our neighbours, they continue to dis-     obey the law. People should now expect a       those who were not complying between              a delinquent truck driver from Oodi, who
 regard the [set] protocols,” he said. “I have    supercharged Botswana Police to deal with      P200 and P1,000 stating that those who do         skipped mandatory quarantine.

By-Election Moratorium Tortures Constituents
Tsaone Basimanebotlhe                                                                                                                              order establishing the council.
Staff Writer                                                                                                                                          “Notwithstanding subsection (1), where
                                                                                                                                                   the vacancy occurs 12 months before the lo-

R     esidents of wards affected by moratori-
      um on by-elections say they are likely
to suffer, as they do not have civic leaders
                                                                                                                                                   cal government elections, then the vacancy
                                                                                                                                                   shall not be filled until the next local gov-
                                                                                                                                                   ernment elections,” stated the Act.
to look upon to.                                                                                                                                      Maroba admitted it is the constituents
   There are council seat vacancies at Met-                                                                                                        who suffer the most, but for them it is sim-
simotlhabe, Boseja South and Tamasane,                                                                                                             ply the implementation of the law.
but with (COVID-19) coronavirus-induced                                                                                                               The ruling Botswana Democratic Party
State of Emergency (SoE) regulations, there                                                                                                        (BDP) has admitted that the constituents of
can be no polls to fill them.                                                                                                                      those wards will suffer.
   This has not gone down well with some                                                                                                              BDP communication chairperson, Kage-
residents of the affected wards, as they be-                                                                                                       lelo Kentse, however said for now, there is
lieve they are currently missing out when it                                                                                                       nothing that can be done because a by-elec-
comes to updates on COVID-19 and other                                                                                                             tion requires many people to gather.
issues that concern them.                                                                                                                             “Currently, I think the ministry is helping
   “We have elders in the village who do                                                                                                           residents of those wards to ensure that they
not have radios and television and in times                                                                                                        do not suffer when it comes to develop-
like this, they rely on a councillor to get in-                                                                                                    ments and important messages they need,”
formation affecting them,” Goitsemodimo                                                                                                            Kentse pointed out.
Gaolapelwe of Metsimotlhabe observed.             on time. The area councillor is the one who    ficial communication to the Commission in              Spokesperson for the Ministry of Lo-
   “Issues concerning COVID-19 and its            could stand up for the area in terms like      relation to Tamasane.                             cal Government and Rural Development,
challenges require wards to have council-         these especially about matters affecting          “Yes, local government stipulates that         Masego Ramakgathi confirmed that no elec-
lors. Honestly, the Village Development           schools,” Kebonemang argued.                   they should be filled within three months.        tion can be conducted due to COVID-19.
Committee cannot handle some matters like           The Independent Electoral Commission         Currently, the State of Emergency regula-            “What should be understood, however,
an area councillor. For example, Metsimo-         (IEC) Act requires that elections for both     tions have suspended other laws including         is that resources are not allocated on the
tlhabe is nearer to Gaborone and whatever         nominated and specially elected councillors    provisions of holding of by-election. As          strength of a sitting councillor, but a col-
happens in Gaborone affects us.”                  be filled within three months after vacancy.   long as SoE remains active, there won’t be        lective planning and budgeting of the con-
   Another resident, Gobolokang Kebone-             Currently, council meetings for different    any by-election held. No, [there is not] any      cerned council to effect developments in
mang said it should be understood that an         districts have commenced and there are no      other option,” he highlighted.                    respective wards in line with assessed and
area Member of Parliament cannot address          council representatives to guard the inter-       Furthermore, according to the IEC Act,         evaluated priorities that are always compet-
the ward problems better like a councillor.       ests of the residents in the affected areas.   in a situation where the seat of a member         ing for the limited resources. Equally, the
   “If some developments are to be taken out        IEC spokesperson, Osupile Maroba told        of council both elected and specially nomi-       Village Extension Teams (VET), Village
from our area, there will be no one to speak      The Monitor they are only aware of the pre-    nated becomes vacant by virtue of any pro-        Development Committees (VDC) and the
on our behalf. For example, some of our           dicament in two of the three wards, Metsi-     vision of this act, the vacancy shall be filled   sitting Member of Parliament can still en-
school infrastructure needs an area council-      motlhabe and Boseja South.                     within three months in a manner prescribed        sure that approved plans are duly executed,”
lor to ensure that the projects are completed       Maroba added there has not been any of-      by the minister [of local government] in the      Ramakgathi said.
THE MONITOR MONDAY 03 AUGUST 2020                                                  OPINION 07

DO We Have THaT POlIcy?
I   t’s more or less business as usual now isn’t it
    though? We have settled into a workable rou-
tine and we have a sense of normalcy again.
                                                                                                                                                                              ployers incorporating it into the various
                                                                                                                                                                              agreements with individual staff and
                                                                                                                                                                              their collective bargaining bodies.
   Moving on with our new reality, all we can                                                                                                                                   We may also need to review no-strike
really do now as management teams is to define                                                                                                                                clauses to ensure continuity during fu-
our critical uncertainties and develop plausible                                                                                                                              ture infectious disease outbreaks.
scenarios in order to discuss the anticipated                                                                                                                                   But in the meantime let’s keep the
impacts and the possible responses to give for                                                                                                                                communication mechanism humming.
each one of them.                                                                                                                                                               All involved in the environment
   Specifically, in order that we update our                                                                                                                                  should be able to access information
strategies and policies accordingly. Trouble is                                                                                                                               and applicable guidelines about all as-
though, the policies are usually not updated,                                                                                                                                 pects of their employment relationship,
and we only start talking about them when                                                                                                                                     whether it is being continued or not.
something actually happens.                           procedures? What about paid leave?                      his old salary as a personal to holder,                           Please note that comments are wel-
   For instance.                                      Are we able to expand leave categories                  or are we negotiating a new package?                            come at shameeladashboard@gmail.
   Is it an offence to be consistently late to        to accommodate absence that is not ‘an-                 Have we defined the policy?                                     com. Every effort is made to respond to
work, given the social distancing requirements        nual’ or ‘sick’ or ‘emergency’ leave?                     Are we introducing a ‘hazard’ allow-                          individuals, and mail received is treated
at all service points that an employee needs to                                                               ance for those who can’t work from                              as confidential.
access in a typical day? Public transport and                      Compensation                               home?                                                             Please note however that in cases of
food vendors always experienced long queues             Do we have to make any pay cuts ac-                                                                                   specific work-related grievances and
but now the situation is worse.                       cording to employee status changes?                                   Force Majeure                                     disputes submitted, Shameela Winston
   Would the employer make an allowance for           For instance, a full time job that has de-                The typical employment contract up                            will not pronounce opinions nor pre-
staff? Could a policy be created to establish         ployed to a part time job from home –                   to last year didn’t have a force majeure                        scribe remedies.
criteria and guidelines? What about if a staff        are we compensating that colleague on                   clause, but now, we may see more em-                              Thank you.
member refuses to use the sanitiser and screen-
ing equipment provided at work because he has
personal provisions?
   Would he/she be refused entry to the prem-
ises? Are there stipulated quality standards (in
policy format) applicable to the various catego-
ries of PPE we use in our workplace?
   What about a situation where a colleague
whose work was not earmarked for the work-
from-home option is uncomfortable with re-
turning to the workplace because of his con-
cerns about personal safety? Is that insubordi-
   Or absconding? Failure to comply with rea-
sonable instructions? What does our policy say
                                                                      SUBSCRIPTION FORM
about that scenario? Do we have a provision
to treat that absence as leave? For how long                         PLACE                                                          6 Months                                            1 Year
   And, what if the colleague opts to resign be-                     Collection from the office                                      P180.00                                             P360.00
cause we don’t know how to treat his continued
absence? Are we going to apply the standard                          Received by post                                               P362.50                                             P725.00
notice requirement or are we prepared to waive
it because of COVID-19?                                              All cheques/bank drafts/money orders/postal orders etc. must be made payable to THE MONITOR
   Do we have the policy on that? Have we re-
duced performance expectations in view of un-                        Company / Name:                       .........................................................................................................
folding realities in the COVID-19 aftermath?
What if a colleague was paid on a commission
basis, earning according to sales targets?
                                                                     Address:                              .........................................................................................................
   How will the company pay the colleague dur-
ing these months where the business is operat-
ing but targets are not met because of market
conditions?                                                          Tel: ...............................................................        Fax: ..........................................................
   Will the colleague receive a subsistence al-
lowance or simply be terminated?                                     Contact Person: .....................................................................................................................
   Every organisation will obviously have its
own realities to cater for, but the employment                       Position: .......................................................           Signature:..................................................
policy manual will need to be reviewed.
                                                                     Date: ............................................................
                 Workplace Safety
   Employees will have fears of returning to                         Any instruction: .......................................................................................................................
business as usual, and communicating how
safety is a top priority will allay fears and in-                    Quoted prices are for one copy per week.
crease brand loyalty.
   More than just posters on the notice boards,                      Contacts: Tel: (+267) 3912667/3974784 • Fax: 3905508/3907880
official policy statements must be made regard-
ing health screening procedures, exposure-re-
sponse plans, personal protective equipment,
cleaning procedures and procuring ongoing
supplies. Beyond that, we also need to articu-
late realistic work plans, including staggered
shifts and lunch/rest breaks, rotating weeks in
the office and working remotely, (are we still
calling it an eight or nine hour day, and, do we
still talk about punctuality, or are we just look-
ing at output now) restricting business travel,
defining customer and/or visitor contact pro-
tocols, introduction of contactless transaction

              Employee Benefits
 Are we able to grant staff loans, and if so, do
we need to review the eligibility and pay back
08 opinion                  THE MONITOR MONDAY 03 AUGUST 2020

       adhere To
T    he dramatic increase in the number of
     coronavirus (COVID-19) positive cases
have led to yet another lockdown, something
that many people were dreading, especially
since a number of businesses have already
started feeling the pinch. This is especially
so following the opening of the economy af-
ter the initial lockdowns, only to close down
again. Data show that 27 students from dif-
ferent classes attending Terrence Private
School in Mogoditshane tested positive for
coronavirus, alongside one teacher, and
two parents of two students from the same
school in which the original COVID-19 case
was found and a friend to one of the students,
bringing the total to 31. Masa Primary School
has also registered eight positive cases, be-
ing four teachers and four students. The total
number of active cases as of Sunday after-
noon stood at 75. The spike has instilled fear
in people, but sadly, there are others, who
think this is a joke. In the wee hours of Friday,
Dibete, which is a cut-off for Greater Gabo-
rone was packed with people who wanted
to go spend lockdown in their home villages,
something, which was very irresponsible

                                                       The LosT KingdoM (parT 5)
on their part. We have all been advised to
sanitise, wash hands with soap and water,
and wear masks at all times when in a pub-

lic area, but disgustingly, there are still some             hilisamhulu, later known as Ni-
people who choose to behave like delin-
                                                             chasike, had long coveted Chibun-
quents. You see the virus does not discrimi-
nate and is likely to affect anyone with whom          dule’s throne, but he was initially unable
it comes into contact. So, the idiotic behaviour       to overcome the power of the Mambo’s
shown by some individuals who keep cross-              magic.
ing zones, have the potential of spreading                He then learnt that, as with the biblical
the virus like veldt fire. Some people seem            story of Samson and Delilah, Chibund-
to mistake the lockdowns for holidays, hence           ule’s hair contained the secret of his spe-
the need to run home the minute a lockdown             cial power.
is announced. Several countries are strug-                Chilisamhulu therefore decided to get
gling to contain the spread of this virus, with        at Chibundule by first having him en-
some registering frightening numbers of that           ticed into marrying to his daughter (in
for some sadly add to the growing fatalities.
                                                       some accounts sister) Ninembwe, also           protect you. You must do this for the      death. A great fog is then said to have
Is that where we want to see ourselves as
Batswana if we are not taking this virus se-           referred to as Bagedze Moyo. He thus           army will surround Chibundule’s village    descended onto the battlefield as the two
riously? The numbers we have recorded so               summoned her and giving the following          and set it on fire.”                       armies clashed. The warriors could no
far, are quite scary, and may rise following           instructions.                                     After Ninembwe had returned to          longer tell if it was night or day.
the contact-tracing process. Let’s work with              “You should see my daughter that the        Chibundule, Chilisamhulu ordered his          In the end the Banyayi emerged as the
the task force and the government to fight             reason I am giving you in marriage to          warriors, the infamous Rozwi into bat-     victors.
the spread of this fatal virus, and safeguard          Chibundule is this: I want to enter the        tle. They attacked Chibundule’s follow-       Thus it was that Chilisamhulu of the
the future of our children. Meanwhile, the             country of the Kalanga but I have been         ers from all directions.                   Moyo clan replaced Chibundule of the
incident that transpired at Borolong Primary           failing because of Chibundule’s magical           The main force-marched northwards       Humbe or Wumbe clan the new supreme
School at Borolong leaves a lot to be desired.         powers.                                        from Tuli area along the modern Bot-       ruler, Mambo, of the Bakalanga.
The importance of adhering to COVID-19                    So I am instructing you that when you       swana-Zimbabwe border, which was the          It is further recorded that the fate of
regulations cannot be overemphasised, but
                                                       are married to King Chibundule you must        site of Chilisamhulu’s stronghold known    the last of the Bawumbe paramount rul-
we need not throw our compassion out the
window when dealing with learners, specifi-            look after him well and put his mind at        as the Black Hill or Hill of Nyayi (Lu-    ers is a mystery.
cally pupils at primary level. Of course the           ease. You must then pull out some of his       tombo gwaba Lutema/Nyayi).                    “And so the armies of the Banyayi and
children need to be taught the importance of           hair, and hide it in your skirt.                  As was their custom, their women,       Bakalanga of Bawumbe. The later were
cleanliness, but at that age, the responsibil-            Then you must tell the king that you        who carried provisions and cooked for      defeated, and chased hard so that they
ity to make sure that the child goes to school         are sick and wish to be with your father       the men, accompanied the Banyayi regi-     fled and threw away their weapons. It is
neat, lies more with the parents.                      and mother. You can then return with the       ments.                                     there where the Banyayi army conquered
                                                       hair of the king. Once I have the hair of         Meanwhile, Chibundule was in a re-      that of Chibundule.
                                                       the Kalanga king I am sure to defeat him,      laxed state at his headquarters at the        The Banyayi army followed the track
                                                       Chibundule. I shall enter his country and      Matopos or Mountains of the King           of the Bakalanga king. They followed
                                                       rule over it, and will give you a share of     (Matombo akaMambo), which were then        Chibundule’s spoor until it ended at an
              Gaborone office                          the spoils.”                                   also known as the Mountains of Bhuba       anthill of the mukoxo trees at the Hoze
            Plot 767, ext 2, Tati Road,
     Private Bag BR 50, Gaborone, Botswana
                                                          Ninembwe agreed to do as her father         (Matombo aBhuba).                          (Muguza) river because they wanted to
        E-mail:                 said. One night, while Chibundule was             There his peace was suddenly inter-     catch him, but they failed and he disap-
            Website:                  sleeping, she managed to cut a lock of         rupted by his chief councillor, She Vu-    peared until today.
                     editorial                         his hair and subsequently take it to her       namakuni, “the breaker of logs” (also         “The Banyayi army moved around
           Tel: 3974784 Fax: 3936268
                                                       father.                                        known as Chombe-Ntulunhulu), who           and around looking for more tracks of
           Tel: 3974784 Fax: 3905508                      Thus, the Banyayi medicine men had          brought news of the enemy’s advance.       Chibundule but they completely failed
                   commercial                          the material they needed to make in-              On hearing of the news, the Mambo       to find them.
           Tel: 3912667 Fax: 3907880                   vincible protective charms against the         reached for his medicine calabash in or-      They searched the entire Bukalanga
            francistown bureau                         Balilima Mambo.                                der to create a great smoke that would     country, but finally gave up because the
Plot 608/609, Old CBD,Corner Fietelberg Street and
                                                          Emboldened        Chilisamhulu      sent    conceal his forces and confuse the en-     spoor ended at the Hoze River, at the
Lobengula Avenue (Units 1 and 9) (opposite Khanda
        Express) P/Bag F115, Francistown               Ninembwe back to Chibundule, but told          emy.                                       Mountains of Kings.”
          Tel: 241 7887 Fax: 241 4963                  her that: “On the day the Banyayi will at-        But the medicine had been rendered         For years thereafter it is said that peo-
        E-mail address:               tack the country of Chibundule you will        useless by the charms that had been cre-   ple passing through the area could in
                PaLaPYe office                         hear a war trumpet that will indicate that     ated as a result of his wife Ninembwe’s    the early morning and evening hear the
         Plot 79, Serorome Ward, Office 15,            we are approaching from all sides.             betrayal.                                  noise of the stamping of pestles and the
 (above Choppies Store, Makwapa Shopping Centre)
              P/Bag F115, Francistown                     You must then leave the village of             The King then gathered his family and   bellowing of beasts in at the place where
           Tel: 492 2517 Fax: 492 2519                 Chibundule and find the Banyayi army.          principal councillors around him.          Chibundule’s spoor ended.
             E-mail:                      You must then signal the army with            These included the Boshe Vunamaku-         These noises, which came up from
              This newspaper is a member of the
                                                       a white pure cloth so that the army will       ni, Nkami, Zwikono, Nimale and Hung-       the ground, only became quiet with the
              Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) and   know that you are their child given to         we. Although their cause looked desper-    arrival a century and a half later of the
              Printed by Dikgang Publishing Company    Chibundule in marriage. They will then         ate, each was determined to fight to the   Amandebele.
              (Pty) Ltd. Plot 134,Tlokweng
THE MONITOR MONDAY 03 AGUST 2020                           opinion 09

    The pandeMic pool – a Socio-culTural
    reflecTion of MeMing Through The pandeMic
   I  saw a meme the other day of a swim-
      ming pool called “The Pandemic Pool”.
   In the pool, there is a doting mother, arms
                                                                                                                                                          texts with no images. Memes have driven
                                                                                                                                                          interest as well as influence towards vot-
                                                                                                                                                          ing. In essence, memes have become social
   are wide open stretched out, ready to come                                                                                                             or cultural capital.
   into an embrace with a little child who is                                                                                                                Back to “The Pandemic Pool”: the im-
   ready to jump in and swim safely to mum-                                                                                                               age of the pool itself suggests an under-
   my. The doting mother is the government                                                                                                                standing that we really are all in this mess
   and the child is large corporations.                                                                                                                   together! Same time! One time! The strug-
      To the side, in the pool, is another child                                                                                                          gles are real.
   struggling to stay afloat, and looking like                                                                                                               The limitations, theoretically take on
   they’re about to take their last cup before                                                                                                            similar forms. It appears, however, from
   drowning. The drowning child, is small                                                                                                                 the meme that government seems to con-
   businesses.                                                                                                                                            tinue to thrive in the pool.
      Because the picture is snapped with the         the reality with some humour.                      Memes guide and direct opinion forma-               Government is able to stand in the water
   new age phones, which can go into water               They are to social media what political         tion, by conveying information in its most       with half her upper body out. Chances of
   and not need rice and continue to work just        cartoons are to print media. Essentially,          palatable form.                                  her drowning are slim to none. Govern-
   fine, under the water is a human skeleton,         political commentary has evolved and is               For digital natives, they are also a prima-   ment will survive this. Large corporations
   weighed down by what appears to be an              accessible to us. Memes are the contem-            ry source of information, as we often read       know to expect the support of the govern-
   anchor, stuck at the bottom of the water.          porary expression of that evolution. Yes,          news on the basis of the memes formed            ment through their struggles.
   The skeleton represents the musicians and          they are funny! But they hold the collective       from it.                                            Tenders are awarded with alleged back-
   entertainers.                                      truths of our time. The main components of            A personal example is that I found out        handers, but everyone well positioned in
      Before I go into an analysis of the meme        a meme are humour and satire.                      about the third lockdown through a meme          capitalism, will end up safe, through their
   described above, perhaps we must posi-                By definition, a meme, derived from             shared by a WhatsApp contact. The meme           “strong and influential” networks. Small
   tion memes in political discourse. Why             mimeme, a word coined by Richard Dawk-             was a short gif of a child probably of six       businesses, despite the new CEDA regula-
   should we even think of photos with letters        ins, is defined as a unit of cultural informa-     or seven years, covered in ash, and throw-       tions, will likely not survive.
   as important enough to spend five minutes          tion, as a concept, belief or practice, that       ing themselves to the ground, throwing a            Many of them have already sunk, while
   of your time engaging? Well, humour has            spreads from one person to another in a            tantrum. The caption was something to the        others are struggling to stay afloat and ac-
   been used as a tool to criticise and stand         similar ways to genes.                             effect of “Oh No! Not Lockdown again!”           cused of charging from their frustrations.
   against oppression for many years. Politi-            In their present use, they’re primarily         That led me to the online search of the an-      It is the musicians and artists I am most
   cal humour has been a significant part of          an image, video, or piece of text, usually         nouncement of the third lockdown, which          concerned about. Artists are the pulse of
   political discourse in society, helping the        funny in nature, which is copied and spread        followed the announcement of a new surge         any country! They are the reflection of our
   formation of opinions in politics, for peo-        rapidly to internet users, usually with slight     of COVID-19 cases in Botswana.                   times. In this season, they are bearing the
   ple who are not actively political.                variations.                                           Similar to opinion pieces, memes can          brunt of the pandemic interventions.
      Political cartoons have been a real part of        They are a significant form of civic par-       create opinions in the minds of people. At          Of course there are creative ways to
   our daily lives as they appear in many print       ticipation, noting that there is a direct rela-    their worst, they have been used of course       monetise the current struggle. They speak
   publications. Political cartoons are a type        tionship between politics and popular cul-         for the spreading of propaganda to rein-         the language that first appeals to the youth
   of editorial cartoon, which are a graphic          ture. I give this background to validate and       force ideologies identities and harmful ste-     – art. We cannot afford to be the generation
   with caricatures of public, usually political      legitimise memes.                                  reotypes.                                        within which our artists suffered the most.
   figures, expressing the artist’s opinion.             Now to explain their utility in socio-             At their best, they are a way some have          This piece sheds light on contemporary
      Similar to political cartoons, memes are        political discourse, memes have gained             learnt to share the news, as well as political   media or artforms to convey current af-
   a newly adopted cultural way of cartooning         prominence in a similar sense to political         concerns with younger generations, who           fairs. At the bottom of the pandemic pool,
   present situations, in the ways that capture       cartoons, in the age of digital technology.        have absolutely no time to read lengthy          are artists and young people.

   Ever Had A Parent
  Who Is A Serial Hoarder
T     he auctioneer rang off the figures like
      some experienced rap artist at a vari-
ety show ‘P500, do I hear P700, P800 there,
                                                                                                                                                            that was missing a back panel which was go-
                                                                                                                                                            ing to be fixed and taken to the house at the
                                                                                                                                                            village. There were some chicken cages that
P800, P800 is that a bid P1, 200, P1, 600,                                                                                                                  were going to house layer chickens. Some
P1, 600’ and on and on it went until an in-                                                                                                                 11 years later we still did not own a single
nocent looking lot that started off at P400                                                                                                                 chicken, perhaps because in that time there
had climbed to P2, 000. The old dusty sofa                                                                                                                  had never been chicken auctions. The step-
set which looked like a buffalo with a hor-                                                                                                                 ladder was meant for us to use for odd jobs
rible skin disease had now quickly morphed                                                                                                                  after fitting in the missing rungs. It got very
into some sort of masterpiece and a crowd of                                                                                                                comical when we had to borrow a ladder next
hoodwinked hoarders were furiously trying                                                                                                                   door because the one we had had now disap-
to outbid each other for it.                                                                                                                                peared deeper inside the stash-house, sorry
   Amongst the lot was my dad, the cham-                                                                                                                    guesthouse (dad would not like it if I called it
pion of hoarders. He beat everybody and the                                                                                                                 that) as ‘new’ ones arrived.
lumpy skin buffalo was going to my house.           that would happen. I I could not share his en-       in the guest wing meaning that guests now            Later on in our lives when I was married
My dad felt like a thief in the night. He called    thusiasm. I wanted nothing to do with them           could not stay overnight. The sofa set joined      with a battalion of kids in tow (which is a
it a steal but for me, a bewildered teen, it re-    but there was a problem, I was staying in his        three air-conditioning units, another set of       good 20 years later) dad decided that senti-
mained a buffalo. I had the unenviable task         house.                                               battered sofas, cupboards that were destined       mentality had no place in his life anymore
of loading the sofa onto the bakkie, a very           My friend, who is the last known relic of          for the village, an array of sun-beaten water      and decided to get rid of the stuff. He engaged
embarrassing moment. On the embarrass-              Savageland aptly described auctions in this          containers, a ladder with a more rungs miss-       my services, ThuliJay Hoarding Antidote Inc
ment scale it would top arguing with a food         way ‘Government departments procure staff            ing than those that remained.                      to remove all that stuff and take them to the
vendor about how small the food portion on          that they use and then throw in their yards af-        These were the items that were visible           Gamodubu landfill. The stuff that tumbled
the foam pack is and then finding your crush        ter their utility is exhausted. After a few rains,   when you opened the door and were ob-              out was very interesting. A soiled teddy bear,
waiting for her turn right behind you with an       snowstorms, hailstorms and sandstorms they           scuring a whole lot of other items that had        puzzles with missing pieces, a rusty butch-
irritated face.                                     are put up for auction. The public comes and         arrived some 5/6 years before. Dad always          er’s knife, picture frames, more sofas, more
   Along the way he waxed lyrical about how         collects the trash, then pay the government          had some great plans for stuff that he bought      water containers and more misery.
beautiful these were and only needed covers         department in question to now take care of           even though that dissipated within a week as         (For comments, feedback and insults email
to jazz them up then they would make their          the trash.’                                          the love got transferred to newer acquisitions     HYPERLINK“mailto:inkspills1969@gmail.
way into our living room. I dreaded the day           Dad had built up a nice stash of used stuff        from the auction lot. There was a wardrobe         com”
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