Shivratri Greetings - Text - 72 Pages, Price : '50 naad - (Herath Poshte) - Kashmir As It Is

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Shivratri Greetings - Text - 72 Pages, Price : '50 naad - (Herath Poshte) - Kashmir As It Is
ISSN : 2582-1857
Text - 72 Pages, Price : `50

                        A Monthly Publication of

VOL     No. 02                                     February 2020

           Shivratri Greetings
                               (Herath Poshte)
Shivratri Greetings - Text - 72 Pages, Price : '50 naad - (Herath Poshte) - Kashmir As It Is

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Shivratri Greetings - Text - 72 Pages, Price : '50 naad - (Herath Poshte) - Kashmir As It Is
Vol. XXX No. 02          February 2020
                                          06-07    Editorial                               -Sunil Raina Rajanaka
          EDI    R IN     IEF
       Sunil Raina Rajanaka               08-09    From the President’s Desk                    - Col. Tej K. Tikoo

         EDI     RIA B ARD                10-12    General Secretary’s Column                        - M. K. Pajan
            Tej N Dhar
           Bansi Pandit                   13       Naad Namaskar                             - Anshul Koul 'Ashok'
             C. L. Kaul
          Prof. R.L. Shant
                                          14-16    News Folio

    AIKS S          ,N D
           244, Sector - 3                17- 19   Impact of Exile                               - Dr. Rajat Mitra
       R.K. Puram, New Delhi
                                          20-22    Sh. Lassa Koul                         - Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat

      Hony Capt. Virender Rawat           23-24    Jammu & Kashmir:                      - Dr. Inder Krishen Kilam
           9410619883                              the Challenges Ahead

                     F                    25-27    Republic of Bharat                            - Shiban Khaibri
          Bharti Raina Kaul
                                          28-30    Festivities Galore – Shivratri            - Upender Ambardar

                                          31-32    Abhinavagupta                         - Dr. Advaitavadini Kaul
              Pranav Koul
             Suman Kumar                  33-36    Play of Five Energies of Shiva – II       - Manohar Lal Kalra
             M/s Print Orbit                       Appearance of the Impure Elements

           DIS      AI ER                 37-38    The Lost Story of Kashmiryat                    - Usha Munshi
 Articles and readers’ letters do not
 necessarily reflect the views of the
 Editors or AIKS, Editors do not take     39-40    Why No General Upheaval                   Dr. Upinder K. Zutshi
 responsibility for any errors of facts            Against Our Plight
 that may have been expressed by the
                                          41-42    Book Review                                       - Tej K Tikoo

     IS      N S         ER
      Cover page depicts                  43-45    Naad Education Folio                           - Vijay Kashkari
  Anandeshwara Bhairava and
      in the backdrop is                  63-64    AIKS Matrimonial Service
       Mount Harmukh
                                                   0   2   0         E
Shivratri Greetings - Text - 72 Pages, Price : '50 naad - (Herath Poshte) - Kashmir As It Is
From the

Dear Readers,                               with Swatantra. This esoteric form of
     I, along with Naad team, would         Shiva is imagined and deified as:
like to greet all the readers and writers        One who is overflowing with
on Shivratri, also known as har-ratri or    consciousness and bliss and has three
herath in Kashmiri. The festival of         power tools: Icchha or will; Jnana or
Shivratri is an important festival          knowledge and Kriya or action. It is
among the aborigines of Kashmir who         with these tools that Swacchand
celebrate this festival with great          Bhairava manifests this universe with
spiritual fervor. The festival involves     his five fold acts of shristi or creation,
components of cultural and social           stithi or sustenance, samhara or
togetherness and subtly plays a role of     dissolution, triodanha or concealing
spiritual awakening among the people.       and anugraha or revealing.
Shiva and Shakti have a special                   By his act of shristi, he holds and
connection to Kashmir, as there are         nourishes the universe in a way that he
innumerable tirthas and shrines             manifests the universe. The world is
dedicated to divine couple across the       nothing but the mirror image of
length and breadth of the valley. Hence,    Swacchand Bhairava, and to recognize
the festival of Shivratri becomes a part    this unity between the individual soul,
of journey which takes an individual        is the purpose of a well-meaning life.
from peripheral to ephemeral and onto       According to Kashmir Shaivism,
eternal.                                    Shiva spreads the nectar of
     Kashmir and Shiva are not              creativeness; shields the jivatman from
inseparable. As per Kashmir Shaivism,       torturous transmigration; brings forth
Shivratri is the time when Lord Shiva is    the inner consciousness by tearing
worshipped in esoteric form as              apart the individual ego, which
Swacchand Bhairava along with his           essentially is ignorance; terminates
consort Agoreshwari. This concept is        maya; binds the universe and brings
central to Shaivism and has been in         forth bliss, which is unlimited.
existence since ages. Swacchand                  The night of Shivaratri is
Bhairava signifies the prakasha, or the     essentially considered to bring
light consciousness, and Agoreshwari        supreme awareness of Shivahood on
signifies vimarsha or Self-awareness.       the physical plane among aspirants. It
Swacchanda — as the term is                 removes nonduality among the souls
understood — means free, independent        and pushes the seeker to the higher
and spontaneous and is synonymous           orbit of Self-realisation.

 06   NAAD îî FEBRUARY 2020                           Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)
Shivratri Greetings - Text - 72 Pages, Price : '50 naad - (Herath Poshte) - Kashmir As It Is
Abhinavagupta in Tantraloka               nourishes and dissolves the world.
explains the etymology of Bhairava            Great Devotee Shri Utpaldeva
whom we worship as following;             writes in Sivastotravali,
1. Bhairava is one who removes fear           Where light exists not even in
    of bondage among souls.               name, where entire world is in deep
2. Bhairava is one who stops the          slumber in such a mystical state of
    process of transmigration of souls.   Shiva's night thy devotee worships
3. Bhairava is one who protects           thee uninterruptible.
    frightened souls from the fear of         Therefore, let us all pray to the
    rebirth.                              Swacchand Bhairava to remove the
                                          traces of ignorance, dissolve all
4. Bhairava is one who shines as pure
                                          impurities (malas-anava mal, mayiya
    Consciousness among yogis.
                                          mal, karma mal) and nourish us with
5. Bhairava is one who transcends         His grace of pure Consciousness. May
    Time and Space.                       the Bhairava permeate our lives and
6. Bhairava is one who bestows            make it more rewarding and spiritual.
    Grace to the earnest seeker.
7. Bhairava is one who creates,

Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)                     VOL. XXX l NO. 02   07
Shivratri Greetings - Text - 72 Pages, Price : '50 naad - (Herath Poshte) - Kashmir As It Is
From the
     President's Desk
              Happy Shivratri
I      take this opportunity to wish all
      our readers a happy Shivratri and
      send my greetings to the whole
community spread across the world
and the rest of India. My special
                                                   The violence witnessed during these
                                                   protests and the slogans used and
                                                   placards displayed by the protestors
                                                   clearly point to the larger conspiracy
                                                   behind the unrest. To the discerning
greetings to our brethren in Kashmir,              eye it is quite clear that the protests
who have been braving both the                     against CAA are merely a ploy to
elements as also the danger posed by               express many perceived grievances;
the armed jihadis for many years.                  some of which have no basis at all.
     Herath is our biggest religious                    CAA is basically an amendment
festival of the year and irrespective of           introduced in the Citizenship Act,
the state in which we have found                   which will bestow Indian citizenship
ourselves during the past 700 years, we            on those non-Muslims from Pakistan,
have observed this occasion with                   Bangladesh and Afghanistan who fled
intense faith, solemnity and gaiety.               to India before 2014, after facing
This has helped us underline our                   ruthless persecution in these countries
distinct religious tradition as                    because of their faith. The reason why
proponents of Trika philosophy, also               this amendment will not give
called Kashmir Shavism, which forms                citizenship to Muslims from these
the bedrock of our religious beliefs.              countries is based on the fact that
Such observance has helped us in                   Muslims do not face any persecution
strengthening our resolve to reclaim               in these countries which have an
K a s h m i r, n o m a t t e r w h a t t h e       overwhelming Muslim population
difficulties involved.                             (between 95 to 100 %) and are
                                                   constitutionally-declared Islamic
An Orchestrated Turmoil                            Republics. In the ordinary
The past month has witnessed an                    circumstances, the citizenship act
unusual polarization of Muslim                     continues its non-discriminatory
community after the enactment of                   treatment of all citizens as hereto fore.
Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).                   Therefore, under no circumstances can
T h o u g h , o s t e n s i b l y, t h e h u g e   this Act can be seen to be going against
vociferous protests taking place across            the interests of Indian Muslims.
many cities in India appear to be                       It is quite clear that the ignorance
against CAA, one cannot but see a                  of Muslim masses on the issue is being
hidden agenda behind these protests.               exploited by some political parties

08   NAAD îî FEBRUARY 2020                                   Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)
Shivratri Greetings - Text - 72 Pages, Price : '50 naad - (Herath Poshte) - Kashmir As It Is
including Congress, Communists,             Front of India (PFI), was deeply
 Aam Admi Party, etc., for vote-bank         involved in organizing and executing
 considerations. These parties have          these violent protests, particularly in
 been joined by radical elements among       Uttar Pradesh. PFI has remained in the
 the Muslims to further fuel the fire. As    news for all the wrong reasons. Over
 if this was not enough, forces opposed      the years, its radical Islamist rhetoric,
 to Modi too have joined hands to create     military-style drills and serving as a
 mayhem in the country to discredit          shelter-home to the fleeing cadres of
 Modi. That such forces play directly
                                             the banned Students Islamic
 into the hands of our enemies within
                                             Movement of India (SIMI), make this
 and without does not seem to bother
 them.                                       organization a clear threat to the
      Over the last few years, some          country's integrity. Its complicity in
 political parties have, through             the violence witnessed across the
 vilification campaign, succeeded in         country during the protests against
 convincing a section of the Muslim          CAA is, therefore, no surprise.
 society that Modi is anti-Muslim.                Our community has been in the
 Some of his actions were interpreted to     forefront of making our countrymen
 indicate that these actions were taken      aware of the dangers posed by the
 against the interests of Muslims;           radical Islamic ideology even beyond
 Abrogation of Article 370 and 35 A,         Kashmir's borders. Some of those
 ending the scourge of triple talaq,         warnings are now coming true. It is the
 Surgical strike and Balakote air attack     responsibility of the society in general
 on Pakistan, killing of large number of     and that of the government in
 armed jihadis in Kashmir in operation       particular to crush those forces which
 All Out, Supreme Court decision on          threaten the integrity of the country
 Ram Janam Bhoomi at Ayodhya, etc. It
                                             and try to destabilize it from within.
 may be mentioned that some
                                             Over the centuries, Hindus have been
 influential groups among the Muslims
 and other political parties, had got used   pushed from far corners of the
 to wielding enormous power over             subcontinent and beyond to an area
 Muslim women and ignorant sections          east of Indus on the west and
 of Muslim society. Modi's actions dealt     Brahmaputra in the east. There is
 a deathly blow to these vested interests    absolutely no more scope for further
 among the Muslims. It is these interest     contraction. This is something that we
 groups, supported by Congress and its       Indians need to understand resolve to
 other camp followers, which carried         protect at all costs.
 out virulent campaign against CAA,
 resulting in mayhem across the                                  - Col. Tej K. Tikoo
 country.                                              Email :
      It is now revealed that the Kerala-                       Mob : 9899656400
 based radical Islamic outfit, Popular

Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)                           VOL. XXX l NO. 02   09
Shivratri Greetings - Text - 72 Pages, Price : '50 naad - (Herath Poshte) - Kashmir As It Is
Maharaj K. Pajan

                     General Secretary's Column
Core Group Meeting                                 institutional in shaping the future of our youth.
Members of AIKS core group held meetings on        Also on the occasion, we remembered Sh.
4th January & 23rd January to discuss in details   Subhash Chandra Bose, whose contribution was
important organizational matters and take          recalled for leading the freedom struggle against
necessary decision thereupon.                      the British, who eventually had to grant
      The group decided to convene the AGM         Independence to our nation.
now on 1st February 2020 instead of the original   Observance of Day of Exodus of the
scheduled date of 21st December 2019 when the
then prevailing situation in and around New        Community
Delhi forced the organization to postpone the      AIKS members met at R K Puram office on 19th
event. The General Secretary was authorised to     January, to observe the day of the exodus of the
issue the necessary notification.                  community on its 30th year of the exile. Members
      Members were informed that our affiliate     remembered the fateful days and nights which
Kashir Sabha at Ambala had approached AIKS         lead to the exodus. The members lighted the
President to be Guest of Honour on the occasion
of Foundation Stone laying ceremony of the
Dharamshala on 12th January 2020 where Shri
Anil Vij, Hon'ble Minister Home, Health &
ULB, Govt of Haryana will be the Chief Guest.
AIKS has accepted the honour given by our
affiliate unit & the President along with one or
more office bearers will participate.
      An update on the ongoing work being
undertaken relating to AIKS Website was given
and steps required to be taken were concluded.
                                                   candles to pay homage to the martyrs whose
      Core group members deliberated on the
                                                   lives were shortened by Islamic Militants.
items forming the agenda for the forthcoming
                                                         While remembering the fateful day of 19th
AGM. The meeting decided to explore holding a
                                                   January, 1990, AIKS members expressed
conference of young entrepreneurs to share
                                                   concern that the community was still awaiting
AIKS Vision and seek their views so that the
                                                   justice. The perpetrators of exodus are still
specific competencies of this section of KP
                                                   roaming free and the community demands that
community could be deployed aligned in the
                                                   they be booked for the crimes committed by
vision of the apex organisation.
      On 23rd January, the members remembered
                                                         AIKS also expect the Indian State to come
two great leaders of the country whose birth
                                                   out with a concrete roadmap for the safe return
anniversary coincided with the date. They paid
                                                   and rehabilitation of the community, as per
homage to Sh. Bala Sahib Thackray who helped
                                                   wishes of the community.
our young children with reservation on
educational institution in the State of            Round Table Conference at New Delhi
Maharashtra & elsewhere and who was                The Intra-Community Dialogue was held by

  10   NAAD îî FEBRUARY 2020                                  Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)
Shivratri Greetings - Text - 72 Pages, Price : '50 naad - (Herath Poshte) - Kashmir As It Is
AIKS on 11 Jan 2020 at New Delhi. The                5.    Seek 3-5% of the govt jobs in Jammu &
following community members, including                     Kashmir UT to ensure that it takes care of
heads of various organizations and our affiliates          the financial needs of retrieves who will
attended the meeting. The meeting was presided             form the nucleus of our future resettlement.
over by Col Tej Tikoo (Retd), President, AIKS.       6.    Over a period of time, the displaced
01. Sh. M L Malla                                          community must encourage its worldwide
02. Prof. Sudhir Sopory                                    diaspora to return to Kashmir.
03. Sh. Kamal Hak                                    7.    Must insist on one safe single settlement.
04. Sh. Vinod Kumar Bhat                             8.    Must insist on the Central Govt to create a
05. Dr. Surinder K Handoo                                  Lal Ded Chair in Jammu Central
06. Sh. Lokesh Bhan                                        University.
07. Sh. Sanjay Ganjoo                                9.    Demand economic space particularly in
08. Dr. Roop K Bhatt                                       light of the change in demography in
09. Sh. Arvind Shah                                        Kashmir.
10. Sh. Ravinder Pandita                             10.   Our children need to be educated about our
11. Sh. Raj Nath Bhat                                      glorious heritage & centuries-old
12. Brig. P Bali                                           traditions.
From AIKS                                            11.   Govt of India must involve the displaced
a. Sh. M K Pajan                                           Kashmir Pandits in its attempt at reviving
b. Sh. Vijay Kashkari                                      the economy of the UT. Thirty years of
c. Sh. Dalip Kaul                                          displacement has exposed our youth to the
d. Sh. Rajinder Premi                                      latest trends in technology, health care,
e. Sh. Sudhir Shah                                         tourism, agriculture, etc. Govt of India
f. Sh. Sanjay Sapru                                        must involve the available talent across
g. Sh. Sunil Kaul                                          sectors to ensure that displaced Kashmiri
h. Dr. Manorama Bakshi                                     Pandits contribute in big way to the revival
      In his opening address, Col Tikoo said that          of economy in the UT.
by abrogating Article 370 and 35A of the Indian      12.   We demand the Govt of India should
constitution on 5 Aug, 2019, India had                     constitute a judicial commission to
completed the integration of Jammu and                     examine all aspects of our exodus and fix
Kashmir State with the Union of India. He also             responsibility accordingly.
spoke of the international ramifications of the      13.   Enactment of a law to ensure protection of
abrogation, as also the break-up of the State into         our Temples & Shrines in the Valley.
two union territories.                               AIKS Delegation Visits Kashir Sabha,
      He further said that under the current
situation, time has come to assess our stand at      Ambala
community level and try to forge common stand        Our affiliate at Ambala, Kashir Sabha, Ambala
based on our aspirations and agreed demands.         had invited AIKS core group to their important
                                                     function at Ambala on 12 Jan 2020.
Following points emerged during the meeting :              Col. Tej K Tikoo, President and Sh. V K
1.   The land, which belonged to Kashmiri            Kashkari, Vice President, AIKS, attended this
     Pandits before exodus must be returned to       function. The function involved a foundation
     KPs. Some estimates put it at nearly 96,000     laying ceremony for the construction of a
     hectares.                                       Dharamshala at the site owned by the Sabha on
2.   On return to Kashmir protection of our faith    the outskirts of Ambala.
     must become an essential feature of our               Kashir Sabha, Ambala, was formed by
     existence.                                      nearly 200 KP families which had landed here at
3.   Time has come for our exiled Community          the time of exodus from Kashmir in 1989-90.
     to make its presence felt in Kashmir.           About two decades back these families had
4.   The distress sale of properties must be         collected donations from its own community
     reversed.                                       members and purchased a plot of land on the

Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)                                       VOL. XXX l NO. 02   11
Shivratri Greetings - Text - 72 Pages, Price : '50 naad - (Herath Poshte) - Kashmir As It Is
outskirts of Ambala town. Subsequently, they           providing assistance to the Sabha, as and when
had established a Maha Mrityunjey Temple               required.
there. Later they decided to construct a                     Col. Tikoo also spoke on the occasion. He
Dharamshalla at this place. This was done to           and Sh. Kashkari were both presented with a
enable the caretakers of our community folk,           stole and memento.
who come to PGI Chandigarh with their patients,              Later in the evening the Sabha organised a
to get some accommodation during their stay at         cultural programme which was much
the famous hospital.                                   appreciated by the audience.
      Sh. Anil Vij, the Home Minister of                     AIKS would like to thank Prof. A K Wattal,
Haryana, who graced the above occasion and             the president of Kashir Sabha, Ambala, its Gen.
laid the foundation stone of the Dharamshalla,         Secretary Sh. Rajinder Kaw and all its members
donated a sum of Rupees Ten Lakhs for the              for their hospitality and would like to send its
project.                                               warm felicitation to the Sabha for the good work
      The President of Kashir Sabha Ambala,            that Sabha is doing and the very successful
Prof. A K Wattal honoured the visiting dignitary       programme which it conducted on 12 Jan 2020.
with a memento and shawl. Sh. Anil Vij spoke in
glowing terms about the work being done by                              Email:
Kashir Sabha, Ambala and promised to continue                                     Mob.: 9910166993

  Onkar Kachru, a journalist, social activist and a
  dedicated communist worker left his mortal garb
  on 12th Feb, 2020 to merge with Lord Shiva.
  Onkar ji was a veteran CPI member who started
  his activism as an RSS Pracharak in late 1940s and
  later was influenced by communism when he
  studied Marx which converted him into a staunch
  communist. A journalist by profession, Onkar Ji,
  true to his Marxist ideology, joined the erstwhile
  German Democratic Republic embassy in New
  Delhi as their press representative and eventually
  became the Editor of their Hindi mouthpiece. Post
  his long stint with GDR, he joined Link magazine
  as an editor from where he superannuated. In early
  90s, on invitation from Late Shri J N Kaul
  (Papaji), he took up the reigns of NAAD, the
  mouthpiece of AIKS, and brought it to become the
  front running magazine attaining popularity
  amongst the Community across the globe. He
  remained its editor for nearly 10 years, handing
  over the baton to yet another veteran, Late Shri AN
  Kaul ‘Sahib’. All India Kashmiri Samaj pays
  tributes to this great son of the soil on attaining Nirvan and joins his family in this hour of grief.
  May Lord Shiva bestow moksha to his Aatma! Namah Shivai!

  12   NAAD îî FEBRUARY 2020                                        Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)
For our Kids                                  By Anshul Koul 'Ashok'

                                                   o     ou Know
                                          Below picture is visualization of :

 Can you tell who is she?

                                          Mata Rupa Bhavani

 The answer is :
                                                              Habba Khatun
 - Lalleshwari

                                                 Kashmiri for You
                                                       oat    Posh
                                                              Flo er

Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)                          VOL. XXX l NO. 02   13

All State Kashmiri Pandit onferen e                  and one time incentives for permanent
                                                     settlement to over aged educated youth.
held a Massive Demonstration                               R L Pandita President PNBMT spoke on
on 19th an 2020                                      the occasion and said it is utterly shocking,
All State Kashmiri Pandit Conference (ASKPC)         nevertheless that generally in such large scale
along with other socio-political organization of     displacements; religious and ethnic angles are
the community held a massive demonstration           generally quite prominent. It seems required
outside Raj Bhawan on 19th January. A large          checks and balances have totally collapsed and
number of community members participated in          rouge senses, instead, have taken over the
the protest.                                         fragile system order He urged that Government
      Advocate Ravinder Raina, President while       should give passage of the Temples & Shrines
addressing said that community has entered into      Act through an ordinance to protect the religious
31st year of exile and living as refugees in their
                                                     heritage of the community.
own country have been cheated by hollow
                                                           The Protest was also held at Kashmiri
promises of return & rehabilitation by all
                                                     Dharamshalla Hardwar by ASKPC led by Arjan
successive Governments. Government after
taking into confidence the community leaders,        Nath Bhat and Bimal Wantoo.
should come out with a blue print for                      A K Raina Vice President AIKS also spoke
resettlement of community at One Place in            on the occasion.
Kashmir with political empowerment and                     The prominent personalities Sundri Lal,
economic rehabilitation, till then community be      Prof. Gopi Krishen Muju, T N Koul President,
declared as internally displaced. He added that      Ravinder Razdan, Kuldeep Raina Chairman,
temples and shrines which are our religious          Desh Rattan Chairman AIMCC, Ashok Kangan
heritages have been vandalized, destroyed &          JKVM, Sharda Nandan Bhat, B L Bhat
encroached upon by fascist & anti-national           President Nagdandi, Kashmiri Lal, B L Zar, B L
elements, though requested number of times for       Bhan TSMB, M K Bambroo, P L Pandita
passage of temple and Shrine bill demands for        (Shangroo) Social activist, Kuldeep Kashmiri
issuance of ordinance for management board to        President over aged youth, Sunil Pandita social
safeguard these religious heritage of our            activist Jagti, Ashok Koul TRT Nagrota , Vijay
community.                                           Bhat Panun Kashmir, Ashok Dhar TRT Muthi,
      Dr Tej Krishen Bhat General Secretary          Bharat Bushan Bhat Gosami, Tej Krishen
ASKPC in his address said that community has         Jagaso, M K Jalali, Desh Rattn (AIMCC), Vinod
faced ethnic cleansing and genocide by Pan           Pandita (APMCC) R K Wangnoo, Tej Pandita,
Islamic fundamentalists shall be probed by SIT
                                                     Ravi Raina, Ram Krishen Bhat, Veena Koul,
headed by Supreme Court or High court Judge to
                                                     Priya Ji, Rubi Jee, Sunil Bhat, Ashok Dhar, J L
fix the responsibility and bring the culprits in
public domain and punish them. He said it is         Pandita, M K Jalali, Chuni Lal Bhat and Staish
strange that in PM employment Package 6000           Bhan participated in the protest.
posts were sanctioned in 2008 but Alas! Only               Latter on a Memorandum was submitted to
3500 posts stand filled in 12 years time. This       Lieutenant Governor highlighting the various
making most of the educated youths as over aged      demands of the community and giving special
and demand that reservation upto 5% may be           thrust for return and rehabilitation in their
provided in central Government departments to        homeland by fulfilling geopolitical aspiration
these community unemployed educated youths           of community.

  14   NAAD îî FEBRUARY 2020                                    Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)
Save Sharda ommittee Kashmir                        Kashir Sabha Ambala Or ani ed
feli itated ouple ho performed                      Foundation Stone La in eremon
Pu a near Sharda Peeth                              of Dharamshalla
Save Sharda Committee Kashmir (Regd.)               Kashir Sabha Ambala has embarked upon an
organized an event in New Delhi on 27th Jan         ambitious project of Construction of
2020 to felicitate Sh. Venkatraman and his wife     Dharamshalla at Kashmir Bhawan Complex
Smt. Sujatha–a Hong kong based couple who           Salsehri Ambala Cantt. The foundation Stone
performed puja near Sharda Peeth, last October.     was laid by Shri Anil Vij Ji, Hon’ble Minister

The couple flew in to New Delhi to attend the       Home, Health and ULB, Haryana on 12/1/2020
function. The event was presided over by Dr.        at 4 PM.
Jitendra Singh MoS PMO in a Jam packed hall               On this occasion Col. Tej Tikoo, President
of Kashmiri culture centre in Pamposh Enclave,      AIKS, Sh. Jasbir Singh Jassi, Ex-Municipal
New Delhi. A documentary on recent                  Corporator and Sh. Sudarshan Singh Sehgal
developments on re-opening of Sharda Peeth,         were the Guests of Honour. SDM Ambala also
PoK was also screened at the event. An              participated in the programme.
exhibition was also staged on Sharda Peeth &              Speaking on the occasion, Sh.A.K.Watal,
Civilization comprising of 30 rare pics on          thanked the Hon’ble Minister for gracing the
Sharda Civilization.                                occasion and for sparing his valuable time. On
      Speaking on the occasion Dr. Jitendra         behalf of the Sabha Prof. Watal expressed deep
Singh hailed the efforts of Save Sharda             gratitude to the Central Govt. for some
Committee in creating awareness on the issue.       important and bold decisions. He expressed
Other speakers included Capt. Sikander Rizvi,       hope that the Hon’ble Minister would own the
Gilgit Baltistan expert and Commodore (Retd.)       project and extend all possible help to Kashmiri
Dalbir Singh Sodhi, Kashmir expert and author       Hindus. The Hon’ble Minister assured that all
they said the Govt is committed that POJK           possible help would be extended.
belongs to India including Sharda Peeth.                  The programme was compered by Sh. B B
      Flowers were laid on the Shila (Pious stone   Das and Sh. Naresh Sharma. Sh. Rajinder Kaw
& soil) got from Sharda Peeth in PoK through        presented a vote of thanks.
the civil society across LoC. On this occasion            Others who were present on the occasion
Save Sharda Committee gifted a framed               include Sh. BN Tikoo, Sh. JK Zutshi, Sh. VM
photograph of Sharda Peeth to the visiting          Pandita, Sh. Surinder Pandita, Capt. BL Pandita,
couple. Earlier, Bhajans in praise of Swami         Sh. Suresh Koul, Sh. Sanjay Bhat, Mrs. Basanti
Nand lal ji were sung by the budding children       Bhat, Sh. CL Bhat, Prof DJ Raina, Sh GL Braru,
artists of the community.                           Sh. Sunil Braru, Sh. Vijay Braru, Sh. Ramesh

Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)                                    VOL. XXX l NO. 02   15
Ex MLC, AK Raina President and SK Bhat
                                                   Secretary Sh Manmohan ji, Sh. Mahraj Krishen,
                                                   Sh Ram Krishen, Sh Ashok ji and Sh Subhash ji
                                                   and other members of Trust followed by Pandit
                                                   ji and parents. During the day relatives of
                                                   children and guests offered abeed to mekhla
                                                   mahraz as per our rituals. During the day tea and
                                                   Lunch was served.
                                                        All KP leaders, social activists and
                                                   important personalities visited the venue.
                                                   Puranahuti was done around 8 Pm and then
                                                   Mekhla mahraz changed dress and were asked
Kotroo, Sh. Virendar Bhat, Sh. Murar Ji Raina,
Shi. VK Razdan, Sh. Anil Raina and Sh. Sunil
Raina. Sh. Sudharshan Sehgal also spoke on the
occasion. The programme was also graced by
Sh. Vijay Kashkari, Sr. Vice President AIKS,
Sh. Sanjay Raina President KSS Chandigarh,
Sqdn.Ldr BL Sadhu, Sh. BL Watal, Sh.
Gynander Kaul, Sh. Shuban Bhat, Sh. Kamal
Peshin and his team of young and amateur
       A cultural programme and community
dinner was also organised in the evening, where
in all elders were felicitated.                    to perform other rituals. Naveed was distributed.
                                                         Shri SK Bhat, Secretary gave a brief
Amar alidan rust Muthi ammu                        guidance to participants and explained about the
                                                   importance of Gayatri mantra
Or anised Sammohi a neopavit on                          Shri A.K. Raina president requested the
13th 14th Nov 2019                                 parents to guide their children about how to
Sammohik Yagneopavit was organised by Amar         devote few minutes for washing yoni and how to
Balidan Trust, Jammu on 13th&14th Nov, 2019.       wear it. Gayatri mantra was explained to
For this advertisement was issued in July in       children.
Daily paper and Sharda Radio for getting wards           Shri Ashok Koul General Secretary
registered in the office of ABT, Jammu and the     organisation BJP, Sh. TK Bhat Relief
venue was decided Swami Kral Bab Ashram,           commissioner, Sh. Ajay Bharti, ex MLC,
Bantalab Jammu. 18 boys registered for this        Sh. KK Khosa, President, Sh. Ashok Braru, VP,
purpose. Their Parents participated with great     KP Sabha and his team, Sh Kashmiri Lal ji and
enthusiasm in all function like cleaning of        his team PNBMT, Sh Shuban Pandit and team of
Agnavatra, Rice and Shakarpaar preparation.        Ganpatyar Trust, Shree Arjan Nath ji and his
      Devgon was performed on 13th Nov and         team Haridwar committee, Sh BL Jalali and his
Bhajan Kirtan was organised in evening by          team Rainawari, KP welfare committee,
Swami Kral Bab Trust under the guidance of         Sh M.K. Bhat and team Tirth Nagar welfare
Shri Mahraj Krishen Bhat President of Trust.       committee, Sh MK Jalali president Sharika
Dinner was followed after Kirtan.                  Mandir Subhash Nagar, Mr BL Razdan, former
      Kalash puja, Hawan, Ladies Naervun           HESK president, Mr Sanjay Dhar and Mr Sunil
Kharun, Mekhla mahraza hair cutting and            T h u s o o K M E C T, S h a r k a F o u n d a t i o n ,
Mekhla cholla worn, etc. all rituals were          Mr Bharat Bushan Bhat president Zeyshta Devi
followed accordingly. Yoni (three folded sacred    Prabandhak committee and his team, Mr Sharda
thread) was put around neck and right hand         Nadan, Mr Hira Lal Bhat, Prof Proflit Bambroo,
reciting mantra, was performed by Ajay Bharti ji   Sh Avtar Bhat Excelsior.

  16   NAAD îî FEBRUARY 2020                                    Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)
- Dr. Rajat Mitra

                     Impact of Exile
M          y friend Sunil Raina asked me if I
           would write an article on Kashmiri
           Pandits in Exile. He asked if I could
write on the impact of exile on the minds of the
Kashmiri Pandits. An article on exile creates
                                                      for upholding dharma. They suffered greatly but
                                                      their suffering was ennobling and became an
                                                      inspiration for generations to uphold and fight
                                                      for dharma. In Ramayana on being ordered by
                                                      King Dashrath, Sri Rama voluntarily chose exile
many a random thought often fragmented. It is a       for fourteen years giving up all luxuries of the
human issue, experiential and not theoretical so      palace. In Mahabharata the Pandavas were
I decided to write from my scattered                  ordered to be in exile for fourteen years after
experiences. Please forgive and join them             being deceived in the game of Chausar (chess),a
together and if I sound not connected, see them       period during which they suffered many a
as experiential where I got affected deeply           tribulation. When it ended it was only after a
myself in working with an issue.                      bitter war with Kauravas where they could have
      Otto Rank, the psychiatrist, once famously      their kingdom back after a bitter struggle.
said in a bond where you have all and you have              Would the two most important books in
your boundaries intact, referring to                  Indian history respectively Ramayana and
psychological boundaries, you discover your           Mahabharata convey their message of truth and
self-esteem. When you lose it, you discover who       their protagonists Shri Ram and the Pandavas
you are and your identity. Perhaps this can be        symbolize the Indian values if they didn't go
said of Kashmiri Pandits, when one studies their      through the exile in their lives?
exile from their homeland thirty years ago.                 Going through exile is central to the Hindu
      The word 'exile' means a state of being         dharma and has represented tyaga (sacrifice),
barred from one's native land, either for political   struggle and ennobling oneself through inner
or for punitive reasons. Exiles are not new and       realization as if going through fire to attain
have been there as old as history of mankind.         perfection. In every age the stories of exile of our
Exile by and large has meant for an individual, a     heroes has moved, inspired and given strength to
group of people to be away from one's home,           the people of India to go through hardships,
while being explicitly denied permission to           redemption and ultimate victory. The slaying of
return or being threatened with death or              Satayamev Jayate (truth always triumphs)
imprisonment if the people return.                    emerged out of our people going through exile.
      Indian history is full of stories where               Kashmiri Pandits had a choice on the
people were forced to go in an exile but              morning of 19th January 1990. They could have
discovered different truths, fought bitter battles    stayed back in Kashmir if they had accepted

Going through exile is central to the Hindu dharma and has represented tyaga (sacrifice),
struggle and ennobling oneself through inner realization as if going through fire to
attain perfection.

Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)                                        VOL. XXX l NO. 02     17
Islam. They could have retained their homes,
their land and their property. They chose not to
give up their faith and instead chose to live with
their honor. The future generations of Hindus, I
am sure, will tell this story to their children to
describe why their faith could not be destroyed.
      I am reminded of a conversation I had with
a Kashmiri Muslim many years ago. He said he
was amazed like many others of his community
why the Kashmiri Pandits chose not to convert to
Islam and stay back. “The solution was so
simple. If they had, there wouldn't have been any
problems,”he had added saying,“all problems
only happened because they chose to run away.
Not a single one converted. Only if a third of
them had, Hinduism would have been finished in
Kashmir.” He said he and others were surprised
thinking when it had worked every time, why it
didn't this time?
      All exile is loss of what we consider basic
that is homeland, of your home, of all things you
held precious. But the biggest loss that
psychologists find in exiled people is that of loss,
of trust and sense of safety. Studies also show
that almost all exiles are sudden, comes without       should be.
any clear warning and tragically enough lasts for            Dalai Lama was once asked if he regrets
many generations, often for centuries. Overnight       the exile of his people from Tibet. His answer
it bursts the bubble that you are safe, the world      was a deeply spiritual one. He answered that
around is safe and will protect you. Almost all        though it was very traumatic for his community
exiles reduce you to a naught, telling you have to     and a large number of Tibetans died during the
survive now, that it is a period of survival, where    journey, their way of life came to an end in Tibet,
basic needs turn luxuries. I remember while            yet it has done one good to his people in his
working in one refugee camp for Kashmiri               opinion. Elaborating it he said Tibet was a
Pandits, a child had asked if we could get them        closed society and not open to the world. The
good color boxes as they had forgotten their own       Tibetan people in his opinion had turned aloof,
while leaving their homes.                             grandiose and didn't keep pace with the rest of
      According to psychologists, exile has            the world and it(meaning the exodus) has given
many phases. The first phase is one of                 them an opportunity to catch up with the world
magical thinking where the survivors going             and not get isolated from the rest of the world.
through it think that this is a nightmare and will           “Have you forgiven the Chinese for all the
end soon. Then comes a state of resignation and        atrocities done to your people?” he was once
awareness that it is not going to end and a panic      asked. He had replied that though initially he felt
that it is going to stay for a long time. Finally      bitter he realized that it is only hurting them and
comes a stage of rationalization where people          will not lead them to feel powerful. Through
come to terms with their loss and find                 meditation and going back to their roots through
forgiveness to transcend it. Forgiveness here          their holy books, they discovered a new strength
means not forgetting the crimes of those who           within that wasn't there before and led toa new
hurt you or overlook his wrongdoings but letting       Tibetan identity that has brought many people to
go of the pain that binds. It means no longer          its fold.
giving the other the power to rule over our                   Can a similar thing be said of Kashmiri
minds, define our existence and tell us who we         pandits? Hinduism reached its pinnacle in

  18    NAAD îî FEBRUARY 2020                                      Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)
ask questions it never asked including why their
                                                        neighbors drove them out by asking them
                                                        convert or leave.
                                                              A famous writer once said,“An 'exile' never
                                                        comes to an end in the minds of the people. Even
                                                        if people go back to their original homeland
                                                        many years later after they had to leave it, they
                                                        never go back the same person they once were.
                                                        Their identity has changed. Now they look at the
                                                        world with different eyes than before. They
                                                        know who their friends were and who are their
                                                        enemies. They have become pragmatic and
                                                        turned into a collective which was destroyed
                                                        when they had to leave.
                                                              In my book 'The Infidel Next Door',the
                                                        Kashmiri priest Krishna Narayan doesn't want to
                                                        be reminded of any memory of Kashmir, least
                                                        of all the tragic past of his ancestor who was
                                                        beheaded for not converting. He tells his wife,
                                                        Gayatri, that they should consider Banaras as
                                                        their permanent home now. She listens to him
                                                        and then tells him though she likes their present
                                                        place to stay, however good it may be, it is only a

Kashmir and Kashmir became the land where
introspection, learning the divine turned the
people inwards. Kashmir became isolated from                       An 'exile' never comes to an
the rest of the world because of the atrocities              end in the minds of the people. Even if
committed on the Hindus there. The exodus
forced them to go away and develop their roots              people go back to their original homeland
once again in new places. They absorbed and                many years later after they had to leave it,
assimilated with the local people yet kept their           they never go back the same person they
distinctness for centuries. Has this created for                             once were.
them a new identity? I believe it has not only for
the Pandits but also for the Indian people as
such. Today an Indian child, far away from
distant part of our country if asked will tell you,
“Kashmir Hamara Hai.” (Kashmir belongs to               shelter and not a home. Puzzled when he asks
us).                                                    her why, she replies, “A shelter always remains a
      Recently during my book tour in                   shelter. It never becomes a home.”
Washington, a man from the audience asked,“I                  Kashmiri Pandits today live in many
have been in US for over thirty years. I have           different parts of the world. But whenever they
close Kashmiri friends. But this is the first time I    talk, it always revolves around Kashmir and
am hearing that half a million Kashmiri Pandits         what it meant to be Kashmiri. Wherever they
had to run away from their homes. They never            live, it will always remain a shelter and not a
told me. Can you tell me why?”                          home. Such is the pull of Kashmir, the
      It took us time to explain to him that it takes   homeland for them. I am sure in the coming
an average of one generation, nearly thirty years       days, it will only increase and tell the world of a
to get over the survival mind set and start             people and their land they stays permanently
looking to the future again. The present                etched on their mind.
Kashmiri generation is feeling safe enough to

Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)                                          VOL. XXX l NO. 02    19
- Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat

                            Sh. Lassa Koul
   A Dynamic Personality Who Was Killed By Jihadi's

I      cannot forget that fateful
      and frozen evening of
      13thFebruary 1990 as it was
a sad evening for me. Since, I was
posted at Patiala in Punjab and we
                                                                   more details. The night turned
                                                                   darker and morning appeared far
                                                                   away. I started getting nostalgic
                                                                   with my memories about my dear
                                                                   friend Sh. Lassa Koul.
were about to start the dinner at                                           My association with him
home that the first very news of                                   was of a decade and half then. I
DD , National channel struck                                       remembered vividly the day
very hard on my mind, “Shri                                        when I entered the gate of Radio
Lassa Koul the Director                                            Kashmir Srinagar on
Doordarshan Kendra Srinagar                                        3 1 s t M a y, 1 9 7 7 t o j o i n a s
has been shot dead by militants in                                 Programme Executive the first
Srinagar today outside his house                                   guy I met inside the gate was Sh
at Bemina colony Srinagar.”I and                                   Lassa Koul whom I knew for few
my wife Raji were dumb struck,                                     years. He greeted me with his
gazing at each other's face in                                     typical smile, shook my hand and
distress and amazement, we                                         said “Oh are you to join duty
almost lost our senses. For a while                                today?”yes I said and he took me
I thought it was a glitch                                          to the office of Administrative
Doordarshan is notorious for but                                   Officer and introduced me to him.
the visuals that followed with the                                 Thereafter he left for the routine
news cleared all the doubts in                                     programme meeting and after
next few moments. It took some        Sh. Lassa Koul a handsome    completing my joining
time to regain my senses but was                                   formalities the Administrative
aghast and amazed that who            and towering personality,    officer took me to the Station
dared to kill a person like Sh.       an able broadcaster, an      Director's office who himself was
Lassa Koul a handsome and                                          heading for the meeting. After a
towering personality, an able         honest administrator, a      brief introduction he took me
broadcaster, an honest                sincere friend, a warm and   along to the meeting and I sat next
administrator, a sincere friend, a                                 to Sh Lassa Koul as that was the
warm and gentle human being           gentle human being who in    only vacant chair across the long
who in my mind had no enemies.        my mind had no enemies.      table of committee room of radio
There were no mobile phones                                        Kashmir. That was a beginning of
those days and STD facility was a                                  a very healthy and cordial
luxury hence was difficult to get                                  personal and professional

  20    NAAD îî FEBRUARY 2020                                 Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)
relationship we shared for next thirteen years
      Lassa Koul was very supportive, friendly
and charming guy who had fantastic relationship
across all categories of staff at the office and
outside with a large number of talkers, artistes,
media personalities, shop keepers and especially
with the youth who participated in our
programmes at Yuvavani service. Lassa Koul
had masters in English literature and would
motivate lot of talent from university and
colleges including teachers to journalists and
various scholars for the Radio programmes.
From discussing black humor to apocalypse in
Literature to film music, ghazal gayaki and
sports events he would infuse great interest in
the radio programmes. As a result whatever he
dealt with was a success with listeners. Those
days we had a weekly half an hour chunk of
repeat of best of Yuva Vani programmes entitled
NavbaNav broadcasted on Mondays from the
main channel. Sh. Lassa Koul would make sure
that youth programmes are given proper space
and preference, which made him very popular
amongst our youth.
         During the programme meetings he
would not hesitate to take on with the galaxy of
senior colleagues likes of Pran Kishor, Pushkar               Writer with Shri Lassa Koul
Bhan,Avtar Krishen Rehbar, Kamal Ahmed
Siddiqui, Bansi Nirdosh,Umesh Kaul, K K             out of control in Kashmir. About thirty persons
Nayyar etc on various issues related to the         from across the country participated in the
programmes. I personally learnt much about          seminar including Dr. D.P. Pattanaik the
broadcasting from him. He treated me like a         Director CIIL Mysore. I invited Sh Lassa Koul
younger brother and we developed family             for the inaugural and he not only attended but
relations. After some time I left radio Kashmir     arranged a vide coverage of programme on
for an academic carrier but our relationship got    Doordarshan. That was perhaps our last meeting
more and more stronger within the passage of        in the Kashmir University guest house over
time. Lassa Koul was promoted as Assistant          dinner that day. There were blasts during that
Director and was transferred to Leh and later on    time at various spots in Srinagar one at Telecom
to Jammu. He was further promoted as station        office at Maulana Azad road. Things became
Director at Jalandhar. I visited him at all the     worst thereafter, the Rubya Sayyed kidnapping
places and found him the same warm human            and exchange of militantsin exchange of Rubya
being and a popular officer among his               followed by another such exchange in lieu of
colleagues everywhere.                              Ghulam Nabi Azad's brother many happenings
      It was only few months back before his        thereafter and finally the dreadful night of
assassination while he was Director                 19 t h January,1990 which resulted in mass
Doordarshan Kendra Srinagar that I had              displacement of Kashmiri Pandits from
organized a National Seminar on behalf of my        Kashmir.
Institute at Patiala, at Kashmir University. .It            Whole night I was lost in memories sweet
was perhaps the last academic programme             and bitter but the pain of losing a person like
organized in Srinagar before the situation got      Lassa Koul was unbearable. Next day I boarded

Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)                                    VOL. XXX l NO. 02   21
a train from Rajpura and reached Jammu and              unlucky parents who had lost seven kids in their
there from by road to Srinagar. Lassa Kaul had          life time and hence named him lass “Live”
newly constructed a house in Bemina colony and          hardly imagining that the destiny has something
shifted his family to this house. He himself was        terribly bad in store for them. It snatched their
staying at governmental accommodation for the           last and only hope.
security reasons. Since I had never been to this              My dear friend Lassa Koul Ji you must be
house therefore it was not easy to reach there on       wondering that what happened after you left this
my own. It was not safe to ask the location or          mortal world. It is exactly thirty years now, yes
address of the family of a Hindu victim of              so much has happened till now. Our community
terrorism those days. After reaching Bemina by          is in its thirtieth year of displacement still
an auto I asked a passer by location of Haji            hoping against hope of resettlement in Kashmir.
Ghulam Hassan a hypothetical name. The guy              An entire generation of our elders who were the
was amazed and said he does not know any such           worst sufferers and braved the misery of
haji.In reply I told him Haji sahab's house is next     displacement have passed away including your
to Mr. Lassa Koul who was killed by militants           dear parents. Your contemporaries have grown
few days back. The guy immediately provided             old and so your dear wife Kanta Ji who had to
all the details and made the auto wala understand       struggle a lot in life. Our younger generation got
the location of Lassa Koul's house. The autowala        scattered all over the globe for livelihoods
stopped over there. I got down paid him the fare        leaving far behind their roots and kith and kin
and told him I will now myself find out Haji            resulting in complete disintegration of families
sahab's house. After the auto wala disappeared I        and so did your dear kids. Neego your son is in
knocked at Lassa Koul's door. Lassa Koul's              USA and daughter Sanjala has set into your
brother in law whom I knew opened the door and          footsteps, is a programme officer at Akashvani.
I got in. I was told that Sh Lassa Koul had come        Few of your close colleagues like Peary Lal
to see his parents that day and as soon as he           Razdan and Jawaharlal Raina are still around
alighted from the car and moved towards the             waiting for their turn to reach you. Life has
verandah of the house some unidentified gun             moved ahead for everyone, however, the scars
men pumped several bullets into him. He fell            of pain, emptiness, depravedness and
down immediately. Was taken to a nearby                 uncertainty remain visible on everyone's faces.
hospital where he was declared brought dead.            The fact remains those who go away never come
That was end of a dynamic personality and a             back again, one who stays behind has to live by
promising officer which left the bereaved family        the memories, assurances and promises one
and all his associates and friends high and dry.        makes to one self. Dear Lassa Koul your
His young wife, two school going kids, the old          memory is vibrant in every life you passed
disabled parents were left desperate, helpless          through and touched with your compassion,
and shocked forever. Lassa Koul was the only            humility and gentlemanliness. May your soul
surviving child out of seven siblings of his            rest in peace.

       Naad Congratulates
  Naad Congratulates Ankita Raina for Winning ITF Title: India's Top Women
  Singles Player, Ankita Raina won her first ITF singles title of the season and
  10th of her career when she beat Chloe Paquet in the summit clash of the
  $25000 event in Nonthaburi, Thailand on Sunday. The third-seeded Indian
  recorded a facile 6-3, 7-5 win over the fourth seed French woman, ranked even
  places below the Indian at 178. She also won the doubles title with Dutch
  partner Bibiane Schoofs. It was Ankita's first victory against Parquet in three
  matches. It has been a good start for Ankita in the 2020 season, as she had
  made the semifinals at the another $25000 event in Canberra.
       We wish her good Luck for her future endeavors.

  22    NAAD îî FEBRUARY 2020                                        Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)
- Dr. Inder Krishen Kilam

                    Jammu & Kashmir
                   The Challenges Ahead
T     he abrogation of Articles 370 and 35 A by
      Government of India on 5-6 August 2019
      has been a momentous decision. It has got
wide support from Parliament and people of
India in general. As a Kashmiri Pandit from
                                                      confused as to their status of nationhood. They
                                                      were neither here nor there. Emotionally,
                                                      majority of them were not with India. For years,
                                                      they dreamt of merging J & K with Pakistan and
                                                      quite many of them also wanted an independent
Kashmir and now resettled in Faridabad in             J & K. That is perhaps why they provided an
Haryana State for last 28 years, I fully welcome      overt / covert support to the separatists or the
the move. Dhair aaye Durust aaye - (Better late       militant's movement over the past decades,
than never). Thanks to PM Narendra Modi Jee,          which did not yield any results for them except
HM Amit Shah Jee and the associated team              for injustice to Jammu and Ladakh areas and
members of the Government for such a bold and         harming the lives of common people in Kashmir,
a brave decision indeed. I believe that with this     apart from killing of thousands of innocent lives.
bold step a historical wrong has been corrected.            With special status abrogated, J & K is
It will also pave the way for complete course         established firmly and doubtlessly as an integral
correction and future development of all the          part of India and will be at par with any other
three regions of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh.           state. To that extent the uncertainty is gone both
Bifurcation of the State will also help to focus on   in the minds of Indian politicians and
the total development of all the three regions.       administrators as also among the Kashmiri
      With Articles 370 and 35 A in force,            population as such. Yes, Jammu and Ladakh are
Kashmiri Muslims were perhaps rightly                 surely celebrating the wanted change in the

Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)                                       VOL. XXX l NO. 02    23
status, although there are some challenges on the         administrative atmosphere needs to be created
Kashmir front particularly. Some of these short           in Kashmir for this purpose, without further
term challenges are:                                      delay.
      I. We have to understand that while                        ix. Proper conclusive legal action on
Kashmir is an important part of J & K, it is not          killing of Pandits during 1990s must be taken
the whole of J & K. There was indeed an                   and a judicial commission must be set up to
unjustified domination of Kashmiri Muslims                enquire about the reasons for their mass exodus.
over the political administrative system in J & K                x. An alternate political structure needs to
during the last seven decades. This undue                 be encouraged and set up in a fair manner in
domination needs to go with due weightage for             Kashmir where young, patriotic, aspirant
Kashmiri Muslims, Jammu Dogras, Kashmiri                  political leadership can emerge voluntarily and
Pandits, Sikhs, Gujjars, Bakkarwals, and other            fill the needed gap. We need to create new
communities of J & K.                                     mainstream politicians who are young, who are
      ii. Peace and normalcy in Kashmir valley            honest, who are patriotic towards India and who
has to be restored as fast as possible. This is           have a bright vision for J & K and its people. In
indeed very important and all political and               the mean time, let all the present main stream
administrative measures must be taken to get              politicians not be rubbed on the wrong side. In a
complete normalcy restored. There must be no              phased manner they may be released with
incidence of violence and life and property have          proper conditionality so that people are not
to be protected at all costs.                             incited unnecessarily and peace gets disturbed.
      iii. Any uprising from common people in                    xi. UT status for J & K must stay only for a
Kashmir has to be arrested with a combination of          bare minimum period and its full fledged
full compassion and justified force.                      statehood must be restored in about two years
      iv. T h e s h o r t t e r m a n d l o n g t e r m   till complete normalcy is restored.
development projects that have been promised                     xii. History of J & K has to be reiterated
must be delivered in a fast and visible manner.           firmly. It belonged to Pandits, Muslims, Sikhs,
This will give new hope to the people of valley           Gujjars, Bakarwals, Ladakhis and other
and will also lead to employment generation for           communities all alike, over centuries. It was
the aspiring youth of J & K and consequently              never a wholly Muslim State as such. The State
divert them from the path of stone pelting and            of J & K had justifiable reasons to accede in
militancy.                                                1947 to India – a majority Hindu country with
      v. There must be no negative / harsh                fully secular credentials. Pakistan has
voices from other parts of India against Kashmir          absolutely no locus standing on Kashmir and
and Kashmiri people as such. Complete restraint           this matter needs to be made clear to them as also
on this count is necessary.                               to the international community with full force
      vi. Kashmiri students and business men all          and conviction.
around the country must not face any vandalism                   Let us hope the Kashmiri Muslims see the
or discrimination. And they must also not create          reason behind this latest move of abrogating the
any instances to incite any untoward incidents.           special status of Jammu & Kashmir and
      vii. A feasible and a foolproof plan to look        simultaneously in bifurcating the State into two
after the suffering Kashmiri Pandit migrants              Union Territories and understand the long term
must be made and implemented on ground in an              benefits for Kashmir, for whole of J & K and all
early time frame. Their problems need to be               its people. A genuine emotional connect has to
heard, understood and redressed with utmost               be developed between Kashmiri Muslims and
sincerity. They have suffered a lot, waited for too       the Indian Government and its people and that is
long and it is time they get the long due justice.        the key challenge ahead. Next five / six months
      viii. A feasible plan for dignified and safe        are going to be very crucial in this regard and let
return and rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits             us all pray and hope that good times are ahead
back to Kashmir valley must be made and                   for the new Union Territories – the UT of J & K
implemented in meaningful consultation with               and the UT of Ladakh and consequently for
them. A proper conducive, social, political and           whole of India.

  24    NAAD îî FEBRUARY 2020                                         Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)
- Shiban Khaibri

                    Republic of Bharat
T     hinking about choosing a theme befitting
      the occasion of celebrating 70th
      anniversary of our Republic – motivated ,
galvanized, persuaded and provoked protests
against the Citizen's Amendment Act (CAA) not
                                                      disputed by some overzealous but motivated
                                                      'secularists' and 'progressive liberals' and traced
                                                      only to the period post Muslim invasion of Sindh
                                                      and Multan in 8th century when invader
                                                      Mohammed Bin Qasim invaded Sindh. The
stopping, decidedly under a deep rooted and           word Bharat is a Sanskrit word with reference to
orchestrated conspiracy aimed at destabilizing        Hindu religious scriptures like Puranas,
this country, needs to be continuously analyzed       Mahabharta and the Rigveda. Rigveda is the
hence a bit about that becomes necessary herein       oldest Hindu Holy scripture and perhaps the
to deal with . As more and more inputs to that end    oldest in the world. So, 'Bharat' has a religious
keep pouring in from non-designer media circles       significance for Hindus and the architects of our
even though their number is very little as also       constitution could not afford to not recognise it
from social media, it is mandatory to keep on         hence made a mention of and duly recorded it at
opposing the very basis of these protests till they   the very start of the constitution itself.
stop altogether. If the present scenario in the             On the other hand, the word “India” is
country , the deriding role played by some            derived from the word Sindhu which flows in the
opposition parties and some select leaders who ,      north west of the country . Greeks and others,
as a habit , have their foot in the mouth , is        later started calling us 'Indoi” meaning the
analyzed, I feel that it is the duty of each and      people of the Indus. Let History be not cut to
every writer, reporter, journalist etc who cares      such a size by the monopolists of its writing in
for and loves this country, to give preference to     India that Bharat is given no importance , let
writing lucidly about the said burning                         alone due preference in speech ,
issue , expose the elements behind                                   writings and in official
opposing an Act passed by the                                           communications. When China
Parliament and unveil the                                                 has no other name, Japan, Iran,
shoddy and inglorious role                                                  America, Australia, France,
of those behind these                    Article 1 in the                     Germany or any other
protests . It is high time                                                    country in the world, why
they are described in their       constitution of India states                 should our country be
true colours.                                                                  unique in this respect and
      Article 1 in the             that “India that is Bharat                  continued to be called
constitution of India states
that “India that is Bharat
                                   ….”which in other words                     India when in fact, it
                                                                              should be called by its
….”which in other words             means that “India is in                  original name Bharat only ?
means that “India is in fact                                               Is not the very basis of the
Bharat ” and it becomes                   fact Bharat                    country, its basic original name
extremely important to clarify as                                    disregarded and its total wilful
the very origin of India is now                                 neglect a quagmire of mysteries and

Magha-Phalguna 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)                                        VOL. XXX l NO. 02    25
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