In collaboration with - Navis CRM

Page created by Victor Fuller
In collaboration with - Navis CRM
In collaboration with
Since 2012, NAVIS has been proud to help drive revenue to Hyatt hotels. NAVIS’ innovative technologies and
personalized collaboration help Hyatt properties drive, capture, and convert transient reservation demand into
profitable direct bookings.

In the last year, NAVIS helped drive millions of dollars in incremental transient revenue at over 20 U.S.-based
Hyatt properties.

With NAVIS, Hyatt hotels can have:

» Built or enhanced onsite reservations teams               » Grown and strengthened marketing databases
» Created new revenue streams from existing                 » Improved reservation team conversions
  reservation demand                                        » Aligned marketing to drive reservation demand
» Developed voice channel lead retargeting via              » Increased direct voice channel business and
  outbound transient sales retargeting calls                  reduced OTA reliance
» Developed voice channel lead retargeting via              » Implemented proactive, upselling programs
  automated email messages                                    that have increased revenue
In collaboration with - Navis CRM
» Proven and fully integrated technology platform              » Dedicated client success strategist who helps you
» 12-year track record of innovation with Hyatt                  establish and achieve your revenue goals

» Custom pricing and product features                          » Corporate approved contracts and fully vetted
                                                                 systems and processes
» Easy integration with your existing technologies
  (PMS, Phones, Website)

NAVIS understands that each property is unique, from downtown locations to full-service resorts. NAVIS aligns with the
corporate revenue team, as well as the Hyatt Global Contact Center, and provides services and ideas designed to capitalize
on the specific opportunities present at each property.

Hyatt NAVIS Clients
Andaz Fifth Avenue                        Miraval Arizona                           The Cape, A Thompson Hotel
Andaz Maui at Wailea                      Miraval Austin                            The Confidante Miami Beach
Carmel Valley Ranch                       Miraval Berkshires                        The Lodge at Spruce Peak
Destination Residences Hawaii             Park Hyatt Aviara Resort                  Thompson Seattle
Destination Residences                    Park Hyatt New York                       Ventana Big Sur,
Snowmass                                  Resort at Squaw Creek                     an Alila Resort
Destination Resorts Vail                  Suncadia Resort                           Wild Dunes Resort
Hana Maui Resort                          Sunriver Resort                           Wyndhurst Manor & Club
In collaboration with - Navis CRM
NAVIS Solutions Customized For Hyatt
After a comprehensive review of available technology, Hyatt         evaluation process for individual properties. All locations
hotels formed a technology collaboration with NAVIS. The            have access to a master services agreement that has been
offering is available to all Hyatt Hotels and associated brands,    already executed by the Hyatt corporate team.
and it includes a proven and pre-defined solution package at
                                                                    The final solution is an enterprise package configured to your
a significant discount.
                                                                    property, existing PMS, telephony, and staff model. Hyatt IT
In addition to driving transient sales, this program reduces        teams have dedicated resources available to support your
the time-consuming, technical, and expensive technology             implementation.

Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Package:
» NAVIS Lead Management                                             » NAVIS Interface
  The #1 hospitality lead tracking technology unifies                  Sync data with your existing Property Management
  reservation sales leads by combining phone, email,                   System to merge lead information, booked revenue,
  chat, and “contact us” web inquiries into a single agent             and track campaign performance. Unlocks immediate
  dashboard for action and follow-up. Agents seamlessly                and automated caller ID, and past history recognition
  work all reservation inquiries as sales leads.                       for agents.

» NAVIS Agent Performance Module                                    » NAVIS Client Success Strategist
  Transforms reservation takers into relationship builders             A dedicated business coach to guide implementation
  and revenue-makers. Includes tools to empower                        and setup. Your CSS meets with you regularly to analyze
  reservation sales agents and managers to deliver better              performance and advise on platform best practices
  guest recognition, higher levels of service, intelligent sales,      and opportunities.
  and a database of high-quality leads.
                                                                    » NAVIS University Training and Certification Program
» NAVIS Marketing Performance Module                                   Interactive training exclusively for NAVIS clients. Learn
  Enables marketing teams to segment and nurture leads                 to fully utilize NAVIS tools and find out tips and tricks to
  with automated and personalized email marketing, and                 maximize revenue results.
  real-time collaboration with a call center.
                                                                    » NAVIS 24/7/265 Client Support
» NAVIS Push2Talk and Push2Chat                                        Anyday, anytime, U.S.-based support via phone and email.
  Convenient website chat tools that allow website visitors
                                                                    » PCI-DSS 3.2 Level 1 Compliance Certification
  to connect with agents in a single click. Tools help agents
                                                                       We realize that your guests depend on you to keep their
  convert more website visitors into bookings.
                                                                       information safe, and you rely on us to ensure you’re
» Unlimited Marketing Phone Numbers                                    protected. We have obtained Level 1 (highest level)
  Unique toll-free numbers to track, monitor, and attribute            PCI (Payment Card Industry) DSS certification as a
  offline and online marketing efforts.                                service provider.
In collaboration with - Navis CRM
In the last 12 months, Hyatt
Testimonials from other                                 NAVIS clients achieved:
Hyatt hotels

“The ROI has actually been 11 to 1.
                                                        Average Conversion Rate
 An incredible investment really.”
— Peter Roth, Area Vice President and General Manager

  at Park Hyatt New York

                                                        Total Outbound Revenue
“Because of NAVIS, we received a
                                                        ($5,750 Avg/Key)
 94% in the reservations segment of
 the Forbes 5-Star standards review,
 which is amazing. To get a 94% is
 something really to celebrate.”                        $24.9M
— Angela Garelick, Revenue Manager at Park Hyatt        booked from the NAVIS Rezforce
  New York                                              call center with an average
                                                        conversion rate of 38.7%

“NAVIS will provide you with the
 support you need to connect with
 your customer, understand their
 needs and ultimately convert
 their sale.”
— Kim Dixon, Director of Revenue Manager at Park
  Hyatt New York                                        Speak to a
                                                        NAVIS Sales
“The outbound sales have hit $2M                        Consultant today.
 withina year and this number is the                    Ron Botts
 real proof!”                                           Senior Enterprise Sales Consultant
— Patrick Matheson, Director of Revenue at Hyatt        1-866-785-1181
In collaboration with - Navis CRM In collaboration with - Navis CRM In collaboration with - Navis CRM In collaboration with - Navis CRM In collaboration with - Navis CRM In collaboration with - Navis CRM
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