MKT 804 Theory Development and Model Building - bwl.uni ...

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MKT 804 Theory Development and Model Building - bwl.uni ...
MKT 804
                 Theory Development and Model Building
This course teaches students how to develop and test
theories in an applied and concrete way. We discuss
and study different research approaches and methods,
including structural equation modeling. This course        General Information
provides students with an opportunity to develop and
to fine-tune appropriate and specific theories for their
own research.                                                                  Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuester
Students come up and choose a specific topic of their      Course Format       Digital Live
interest at the beginning of the class and develop and     Range of
present a theoretical framework suitable for their                             Doctoral Program, MMBR, MMM
project. The course is also geared towards designing
                                                           Language            English
means to test the proposed theory. Another key
learning outcome is to enhance students’ ability to                            Presentations: 60%
conduct empirical research in a scale development                              Project: 40 %
exercise.                                                  Term                Spring semester

Learning goals
• Learn how to generate ideas, define concepts, and clarify relationships between concepts.
• Explore the process of theory construction and theory testing using the structural equation modeling (SEM)
• Identify and explore substantive theoretical contributions to the literature and present these in class.
• Exercise and extend analytical skills in order to conduct sound academic research (using R).

Seminar organization

The course will consist of assigned reading material, lectures, student presentations, discussions, and hands-on
exercises. Lectures will be intended to elaborate points that might be difficult to glean from readings and to
stimulate discussion. Participants will be responsible for reading and analyzing course readings prior to class,
presenting the assigned material, leading discussions on this material, and contributing additional relevant
material on topics covered.

The success of the course is heavily dependent on all participants having relatively equal levels of knowledge
about each topic. It is important, thus, that all participants read the material in advance of each class session.

                                                                             CHAIR OF MARKETING & INNOVATION
                                                                               PROFESSOR DR. SABINE KUESTER

                  Aleksandar Blečić, M.Sc.
                  Contact person for MKT 804
MKT 804 Theory Development and Model Building - bwl.uni ...
MKT 804
                 Theory Development and Model Building
Course requirements & evaluation
Students have to complete the following requirements:
1. Presentation of own research                30%
2. Presentation of readings                    30%
3. Project work                                40%

Presentation of own research
Students will present a marketing and management related phenomenon and must include the development of a
theoretical framework. The theoretical framework can be original but should be grounded in, or at least linked to,
existing theories and models. It is intended to have a short PowerPoint presentation of 10 minutes (per student)
which will be followed by a question and answer session of approximately 10 minutes (per student).
Presenters are responsible for:
1. In order to introduce your project to the class send one slide (.ppt file) with a brief introduction of your research
    (research idea, key concepts/constructs, theoretical framework) to until 27 April,
    2021 (12pm at the latest). You will present your introduction of your research in the first session on 28 April,
2. Present your theoretical framework in the final session. Please send the presentation (.ppt file) to one day prior to your scheduled presentation.

Your grade for the presentation of your own research is based on:
• your ability to deliver a targeted presentation of the theoretical framework in question and a literature review;
• your ability to bring in your interpretation of the literature relative to the relevant theoretical framework;
• the quality of the classroom experience for the other students;
• and the quality of the presentation slides (I will provide the presenters’ slides as hand-out for the audience).

Dates and Times:
After the kick-off session, the course will be taught in six consecutive weeks in single sessions (except for the one
double session in the end) on the following dates:
                          Date                                         Venue and Time
   Kick-Off:              24 March, 2021                               BWL-ZOOM-01 Virtual Building (1:45-3:15pm)
   Session 1:             28 April, 2021                               BWL-ZOOM-01 Virtual Building (1:45-3:15pm)
   Session 2:             5 May, 2021                                  BWL-ZOOM-01 Virtual Building (1:45-3:15pm)
   Session 3:             12 May, 2021                                 BWL-ZOOM-01 Virtual Building (1:45-3:15pm)
   Session 4:             19 May, 2021                                 BWL-ZOOM-01 Virtual Building (1:45-3:15pm)
   Session 5:             26 May, 2021                                 BWL-ZOOM-01 Virtual Building (1:45-3:15pm)
   Sessions 6 & 7:        2 June, 2021                                 BWL-ZOOM-01 Virtual Building (1:45-5:00pm)

 Aleksandar Blečić, M.Sc.
 Contact person for MKT 804
MKT 804
                 Theory Development and Model Building
Presentation of readings
In pairs of two, I ask students to prepare and present the assigned readings in class. The presentation should take
not more than 15 minutes. Please send the presentation (.ppt file) to one day prior
to your scheduled presentation. The readings will be allocated after the kick-off.

Presenters are responsible for:
1. presenting the assigned readings for their session;
2. critically evaluating the assigned readings and relating it to the context of the course; and

Your grade for in-class presentation of assigned readings is based on:
• the quality of the classroom experience for the other students;
• the quality of the presentation slides;
• and the student’s ability of critical reflection.

I will provide the presenters’ slides as hand-out for the audience.
Project work
Each student has to develop a reflective measurement scale as an individual assignment. Students will prepare a
written report describing their research approach and the R code for their statistical analysis.

The project is expected to contain the following components:
1. construct specification
2. item generation
3. measurement purification
4. construct validity assessment

Your grade of your project depends on:
• the clarity of the construct specification
• accuracy and comprehensibility of the argument (e.g., item exclusion, model identification)
• coherence and rigor of statistical analyses
• comprehensiveness of comments in the R-code (can a third person easily comprehend your R-code?)

Please make sure that your R-code can be executed smoothly and send an R-file (.R), the corresponding dataset as
well as the written report of 2 pages max. until 30 June, 2021 to

  Aleksandar Blečić, M.Sc.
  Contact person for MKT 804
MKT 804
                 Theory Development and Model Building
                                          Introduction to the Course
Session 0 24 March, 2021 10:15-11:45am Kick-Off Session

                                          Module A: What is Science
Session 1 28 April, 2021 1:45-3:15pm and Session 2 5 May, 2021 1:45-3:15pm
In the first two sessions we will discuss the philosophy of science.
• Chalmers, A. F. (2013). What Is This Thing Called Science? (4th ed.). Indianapolis, Hackett Pub, 1-17 [Chapter 1]
• Lehmann, D. R. (2020), “The evolving world of research in marketing and the blending of theory and data,”
    International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37(1), 27-42.
                                       Module B: Theory Construction
Session 3 12 May, 2021 1:45-3:15pm Session 4 19 May, 2021 1:45-3:15pm
In Sessions 3 and 4, we will explore the theory construction process as a precursor to the theory testing approach in
Session 5.
• Ellsworth, Phoebe C. (1977), “From abstract ideas to concrete instances: Some guidelines for choosing natural
    research settings,” American Psychologist, 32(8), 604–615.
• Tellis, Gerard J. (2017), “Interesting and impactful research: on phenomena, theory, and writing,” Journal of the
    Academy of Marketing Science, 45(1), 1–6.
                                          Module C: Theory Testing
Session 5 26 May, 2021 1:45-3:15pm
Starting point of this session is an intermediate-level understanding of regression analysis and exploratory factor
analysis. The software used for the assignment is the open source software R ( and the R
package LAVAAN for covariance-based SEM. In these sessions we will explore the measurement and the structural
model underlying SEM.
• Anderson, J. C., & Gerbing, D. W. (1988). Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended
    two-step approach. Psychological Bulletin, 103(3), 411–423.
• Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and
    Measurement Error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39–50.
• Jarvis, C. B., MacKenzie, S. B., & Podsakoff, P. M. (2003). A Critical Review of Construct Indicators and
    Measurement Model Misspecification in Marketing and Consumer Research. Journal of Consumer Research,
    30(2), 199–218.
                    Module D: Student Presentations of Theoretical Frameworks
Session 6 2 June, 2021 1:45-3:15pm and Session 7 2 June, 2021 3:30-5:00pm Student Presentations and Wrap-Up

 Aleksandar Blečić, M.Sc.
 Contact person for MKT 804
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