Spring Convocation January 5-8, 2021 - St. Cloud State ...

Page created by Michael Patton
Spring Convocation January 5-8, 2021 - St. Cloud State ...
Spring Convocation
January 5-8, 2021
Session Descriptions

Tuesday, January 5th

President’s Address
9:00-10:15    President Robbyn Wacker’s Address – Due to the Governor’s orders the Address
              will only be available via livestream. This session will be recorded.


10:30-11:00   It’s Time Q&A: https://www.stcloudstate.edu/its-time/


Academic Affairs Assembly
12:45-2:45    Provost Gregory will review spring “It’s Time” initiatives. This will be a working
              session. Session will be held via zoom and will be recorded.


Faculty/Staff Trivia Meltdown
3:00-4:00     Join us for a fun session of Trivia, there will be prizes!
              Hosted by CETL and KVSC

              Meeting ID: 923 2837 5698
              Passcode: 131050

Wednesday, January 6th

Experiencing the Escape Room
8:30-10:30    The developers of the General Chemistry Escape Room invite you to take a break
              from class preparation and test your chemical knowledge in “Bill and Ted’s
              Chemical Catastrophe”. While you’re being guided through a series of chemistry
              challenges, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss with the developers how the
              concept of an Escape Room and the technology which supports it (Adobe
              Captivate) could be implemented in your own courses. Presented by: Bruce
              Jacobson, Nate Bruender, Sarah Petitto, and Greg Jorgensen.

              Meeting ID: 967 9538 7819
              Passcode: 175443
Assessment 101: Training for New Faculty
9:00-10:30    Very few academic programs are teaching graduate students how to do
              assessment, and yet expectations for assessment are built into our job
              descriptions. In Assessment 101 new faculty will learn assessment basics:
                      1. Course level learning outcomes, formative and summative
                         assessment, and assignment mapping.
                      2. Compare the different ways to assess course learning along with their
                      3. Using D2L to expedite assessment. Using assessment to save time.
                      4. Analyzing the assessment qualitative and quantitative data, and how
                         to use it to improve your course.
              This information will help you provide evidence for “Teaching Effectiveness”
              within your PDP/PDR and PNT package. You will be able to contribute to
              program-level, Liberal Education and other institutional assessments, making
              you the darling of your home department. Presented by: CETL and Assessment
              Office. This session is for new faculty only.

              Zoom link will be emailed to new Faculty.

Humanizing Online Learning
10:30-11:30   Faculty will be guided through interactive demonstrations of three specific
              humanizing practices they could use in their online courses. Each
              demonstration will focus on a specific evidence-based course facilitation or
              design practice using technology tools available to all Minnesota State
              instructors. Faculty will need to bring their devices to this session. Presented by:
              Dr. Roseann Wolak, SCSU Online; Christopher Stanley, ITS; and Christopher
              Stanley, ITS. Faculty will need to bring their devices to this session.


Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR)
11:30-12:30   As someone who may be in the best possible position to prevent suicide, you will
              find that QPR is designed to help you help someone who may be considering
              suicide. This presentation will discuss signs of someone considering suicide,
              ways to address your concerns with the individual, as well as campus and
              community resources. Much like CPR, the fundamentals of QPR are easily
              learned. And like CPR, the application of QPR may save a life. Presented by:
              Erica Karger-Gatzow LICSW, Assistant Director of Health Promotion and

              Meeting ID: 940 7191 7796
              Passcode: QPR
(Concurrent Session) Our Husky Compact - Seek and Apply Knowledge:
          Introduction to Rubric and Assignment Tuning
1:00-2:00   As part of articulating alignment with Our Husky Compact, each program
            indicated specific courses in which students demonstrate mastery of “Seek and
            Apply Knowledge” – this year’s focus. In this session, you’ll learn more about the
            outcomes of this Dimension, how to report assessment results, get tips on how
            to implement the assessment, and be introduced to some tools that you could
            consider using in your courses. Come learn and get any questions you may have
            answered! Presented by: Assessment Office. This session is by invitation only.

            Zoom link will be emailed to invitees.

(Concurrent Session) HuskiesAdvance Campus Update
1:00-2:00   Join the HuskiesAdvance team for an update on the innovative It's Time
            initiative where students show the world what they can do through an
            individualized program of curricular and co-curricular experiences, guided by a
            personal mentor. Learn how the program works, how you can get involved, ways
            the program enhances other campus initiatives, and how to refer students to
            HuskiesAdvance. Presented by: Dr. Peggy Sarnicki, Interim Director,
            HuskiesAdvance and Dr. Lisa Foss, Vice President for Planning and Engagement.

            Meeting ID: 973 6973 6140
            Passcode: 892342

Liberal Education Goal Area 5: Assessment Planning, Introduction to
Rubric, and Assignment Timing
2:00-2:45   Courses in goal area 5 are expected to complete assessment work this year, if
            they have not already done so in either of the last two years. This requires an
            assessment plan (Excel file) detailing how each outcome will be assessed,
            implementation of the assessment in your class this semester, and reporting at
            the end of the semester. In this session, you'll learn more about the elements of
            a good assessment plan, get tips on how to implement the assessment (whether
            using D2L or not), and review guidelines on what is needed for reporting. Data
            on student performance is aggregated across all courses in the goal area, so the
            data reported in each class needs to be consistent. Come learn more and get any
            questions you may have answered! Presented by: Assessment Office. This
            session is by invitation only.

            Zoom link will be emailed to invitees.
Thursday, January 7th

College/School & Department Meetings
See college, school, and department for details.

Assessment Drop-in Sessions
3:00-4:15      Get your LEP, OHC, AEFIS, Program and Course Assessment questions

                David Switzer will be available to help with OHC, LEP and course-level

                Holly Evers will be available to help with OHC, AEFIS and program-level

NOTE: Assessment Office will send out zoom information regarding afternoon drop in
sessions the same day of the sessions.

Friday, January 8th

(Concurrent Session) HuskiesAdvance Campus Update
9:00-10:00     Join the HuskiesAdvance team for an update on the innovative It's Time
               initiative where students show the world what they can do through an
               individualized program of curricular and co-curricular experiences, guided by a
               personal mentor. Learn how the program works, how you can get involved, ways
               the program enhances other campus initiatives, and how to refer students to
               HuskiesAdvance. Presented by: Dr. Peggy Sarnicki, Interim Director,
               HuskiesAdvance and Dr. Lisa Foss, Vice President for Planning and Engagement.

               Meeting ID: 927 9175 2964
               Passcode: 362377

(Concurrent Session) Our Husky Compact - Seek and Apply Knowledge:
Introduction to Rubric and Assignment Tuning
9:00-10:00     As part of articulating alignment with Our Husky Compact, each program
               indicated specific courses in which students demonstrate mastery of “Seek and
               Apply Knowledge” – this year’s focus. In this session, you’ll learn more about the
               outcomes of this Dimension, how to report assessment results, get tips on how
               to implement the assessment, and be introduced to some tools that you could
               consider using in your courses. Come learn and get any questions you may have
               answered! Presented by: Assessment Office. This session is by invitation only.

               Zoom link will be emailed to invitees.
Liberal Education Goal Area 5: Assessment Planning, Introduction to
Rubric, and Assignment Timing
10:00-10:45   Courses in goal area 5 are expected to complete assessment work this year, if
              they have not already done so in either of the last two years. This requires an
              assessment plan (Excel file) detailing how each outcome will be assessed,
              implementation of the assessment in your class this semester, and reporting at
              the end of the semester. In this session, you'll learn more about the elements of
              a good assessment plan, get tips on how to implement the assessment (whether
              using D2L or not), and review guidelines on what is needed for reporting. Data
              on student performance is aggregated across all courses in the goal area, so the
              data reported in each class needs to be consistent. Come learn more and get any
              questions you may have answered! Presented by: Assessment Office. This
              session is by invitation only.

              Zoom link will be emailed to invitees

Options for Interactive Teaching
11:00-12:00   Our session will cover the three forms of student interaction (Student-Content,
              Student-Student, and Student-Instructor) and will provide practical suggestions
              for delivering course lectures and sharing course content while teaching
              remotely. Presented by: Dr. Roseann Wolak, SCSU Online and Greg Jorgensen,
              ATT & ITS. This session is for new faculty only.

              Zoom link will be emailed to new faculty.

10 Ways to Promote Well-Being in Your Class: Curriculum Infusion Ideas
that Address Mental Health
12:00-1:00    Overwhelmingly, faculty care about their students’ well-being and want to
              provide support. However, it can be difficult to know how to support students in
              a way that also maintains credibility for their course. This presentation will offer
              ideas on small and large adjustments to consider that addresses student health
              and well-being. We invite faculty and staff to come share their strategies to
              incorporate and promote well-being in the classroom. Presented by: Jen
              Johnson, Interim Director for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention; Erica Karger-
              Gatzow LICSW, Assistant Director of Health Promotion and Marketing; Samantha
              Yang, Mental Health Programming Coordinator Graduate Assistant, Masters of
              College Counseling and Student Development Student.

              Meeting ID: 975 0317 1267
              Passcode: 108178
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