Commencements schedule Summer 2019 to Spring 2020 - THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN

Page created by Ron Gomez


 Commencements schedule
Summer 2019 to Spring 2020
The University of Dublin                                                           Trinity College Dublin
 Date            10:15 am                               1.15 pm
 Friday,         M.B.; B.Ch.; B.A.O. (and               M.B.; B.Ch.; B.A.O. (and
 June 14         B.A. for these professional            B.A. for these
 ***             candidates).                           professional candidates).
                 Medicine (Surname A- L)                Medicine (Surname M - Z)
                  Biomedical Sciences (Intercalated)    Biomedical Sciences (Intercalated)
                 10.15 am                               1.15 pm                              4.15 pm
 Thursday        B.A. Moderators in                     B.Sc. (Clin.Lang.)                   Higher
 June 20         Geology                                Clinical Speech and                  Degrees -
                 B.Dent.Sc. (and B.A. for               Language Studies                     Masters
                 these professional                     B.Sc. (Cur.Occ.)                     (research and taught)
                                                        Occupational Therapy
                 candidates).                           B.Sc. (Physio.)                      programs in the
                 Dental Science                         Physiotherapy                        Faculty of Arts,
                 B.Dent.Tech.                           B.Sc. (Ther.Rad.)                    Humanities & Social
                 Dental Technology                      Radiation Therapy                    Sciences.
                 Social Studies                                                              Conflict Resolution and
                 B.Sc. (Syst. Inf.)                                                          Social Work
                 Information Systems
                 B.Sc. (Diagn.Rad.)
                 Diagnostic Radiography

                 10.15 am                               1.15 pm
 Friday,         Higher Degrees – M.A.,                Higher Degrees
 June 21         M.A. (jo) and Masters
 **              (research and taught)                 Doctorates.
                 programs in the Faculties
                 of Engineering,
                 Mathematics and Science and
                 Health Sciences.

                  Medical Imaging

    Closing date for confirmation of attendance (UG), PG Taught / Application PG Research: 3 May 2019

Closing date subject to change
It may be necessary to adjust which degrees are to be conferred at each ceremony, depending on
numbers presenting.

** Commencements dinner held on this evening.
*** An additional ceremony may be held on this day.
The University of Dublin                                                    Trinity College Dublin
Date                     10.15 am                        1.15 pm
Thursday, October 31     B.A. Moderators in              B.A. Moderators in
                         Classics;                       Biochemistry;
                         European                        Environmental Sciences;
                         Studies; History;               Immunology;
                         History and Political           Microbiology;
                         Science; Philosophy;            Molecular Medicine;
                         Philosophy, Political           Neuroscience;
                         Science, Economics and
                         10.15 am                        1.15 pm
Friday, November 1       B.A. Moderators in              B.A. Moderators in
                         Ancient and Medieval            Chemistry;
                         History and Culture;            Comparative Biology;
                         Catholic Theological Studies;   Earth Sciences;
                         Drama and Theatre               Physics;
                         Studies; English Studies;       Physics and Astrophysics;
                         Irish                           Physiology;
                         Studies;                        Plant Sciences:
                         Music;                          Theoretical Physics;
                         Psychology;                     Zoology.
                         World Religions and Theology.
                         10.15 am                        1.15 pm                             4.15 pm
Monday, November 4       B.A. Moderators                 B.A.I. (& B.A. for these            B.A.I. (& B.A.
                         in Genetics;                    professional candidates)            for these
                         Geography;                      (Exiting SS year)                   professional
                         Geography (TSM)                 Biomedical Engineering;             candidates)
                         Human Genetics;
                                                         Civil, Structural and               & M.A.I.
                         Management Science and
                                                         Environmental Engineering;          Biomedical
                         Information Systems
                         Studies; Mathematics;           Engineering – Double                Engineering;
                         Political Science               Diploma Mechanical                  Civil, Structural
                         and Geography;                  Engineering;                        and
                                                         Computer Engineering;               Environmental
                                                         Electronic Engineering;             Engineering;
                                                         Electronic and Computer             Engineering –
                                                         Mechanical and Manufacturing
                                                         B.Sc. (Ing.)                        Engineering;
                                                         Engineering with Management         Computer
                                                         M.A.I. (St) (& B.Sc. (Ing.) for
                                                         these professional candidates)
                                                         Engineering with Management
                                                                                             Mechanical and
The University of Dublin                                                       Trinity College Dublin
                         10.15 am                           1.15 pm

Tuesday, November 5      B.A. Moderators in                 B.A. Moderators in
                         Two-Subject Moderatorship.         Two-Subject Moderatorship.
                         (Surname A- K)                     (Surname L- Z)

                        10.15 am                            1.15 pm                              4.15 pm

Wednesday, November 6    Higher Degrees                     Higher Degrees                       Higher Degrees
***                      Masters (research and taught)      Masters (research and taught)        Masters (research and
                         programs in the Faculty of         programs in the Faculty of           taught) programs in
                         Health Sciences & Faculty of       Engineering, Mathematics             the Faculty of Arts,
                         Arts, Humanities and Social        and Science & Faculty of Arts,       Humanities and Social
                         Sciences & M.Phil                  Humanities and Social                Sciences.
                                                            Sciences & M.Phil
                        Gerontological Nursing;
                        Global Health;                      Computer Science (Interactive        Digital Marketing
                        Healthcare Infection Management;    Entertainment Technology);           Strategy
                        Mental Health;                      Engineering;
                        Mental Health – Psychosocial        Engineering (Structural and
                        Interventions Strand;               Geotechnical);
                        Neuroscience;                       Engineering (Transportation);
                        Nursing (Specialist Nursing);       High Performance Computing;
                        Palliative Care;                    Human Resource Management
                        Pharmaceutical Sciences;            Immunology;
                        Translational Oncology;             Interactive Digital Media;
                                                            Management of Information Systems;
                                                            Music and Media Technologies;
                                                            Technology and Learning
                        10.15 am                            1.15 pm                              4.15 pm

Thursday, November 7     Higher Degrees                     Higher Degrees                       Higher Degrees
                         Masters (research and taught)      Masters (research and taught)        Masters (research and
                         programs in the Faculty of Arts,   programs in the Faculty of Arts,     taught) programs in
                         Humanities and Social              Humanities and Social                the Faculty of Arts,
                         Sciences.                          Sciences.                            Humanities and Social
                         International Management;          Finance;
                         Management                         Financial Risk Management            Marketing;
The University of Dublin                                                  Trinity College Dublin
                          10.15 am                                1.15 pm                   4.15 pm

Friday, November 8        Higher Degrees                          Higher Degrees            Doctorates
                          M.A.; M.A. (jo); M.Phil;
                          LL.M.;                                  M.B.A.

                          Including: Faculty of Arts,
                          Humanities and Social

                          Applied Behaviour Analysis;
                          International and Comparative Law;
                          International and European
                          Business Law;
                          International & European Intellectual
                          Property Law;
                          Intellectual Property & Information
                          Technology Law;
                          Psychoanalytic Studies;
                          Social Policy & Practice;
                          Theological Studies

      Closing date for confirmation of attendance (UG), PG Taught / Application PG Research: 22 August 2019

          Closing date subject to change – additional programmes may be added to each ceremony.

          It may be necessary to adjust which degrees are to be conferred at each ceremony, depending on
          numbers presenting.

          *Special Family Commencements Commons held in the evening following these ceremonies.
          *** An additional ceremony may be held on this day.
The University of Dublin                                             Trinity College Dublin
 Date                      10.15 am                       1.15 pm
 Thursday, November 28     LL.B.                          LL.B. (B.S.)
                           Law                            Law and Business
                           LL.B. (Ling. Franc.)           B.B.S. (Lang.)
                           Law and French                 Business Studies and French;
                           LL.B. (Ling. Germ.)            Business Studies and German;
                           Law and German                 Business Studies and Polish;
                           LL.B. (Pol. Sc.)               Business Studies and Russian;
                           Law and Political Science      Business Studies and Spanish;

                           10.15 am                       1.15 pm
 Friday, November 29       B.A. Moderators in Economic    B.A. Moderators in Economic
                           and Social Studies             and Social Studies
                           (Surname A-L)                  (Surname M-Z)
                           Acting                         Sociology and Social Policy
                           Music Education                B.Ed
                           B.Mus.Perf                     Education
                           Music Performance (RIAM)       (Church of Ireland College of
                           B.Mus.Comp                     Education)
                           Music Composition (RIAM)
                           B.T.(Proc. & Techn)            B.A. Moderators – all Faculties
                            Stage Management and          Other Professional Degrees
                            Technical Theatre (The Lir)

                           10.15 am                       1.15 pm
 Monday, December 2        B.Sc. (Cur)                    B.Sc. (A.Obs.)
                           General Nursing                Midwifery B.Sc.
                                                          Intellectual Disability Nursing
                                                          Mental Health Nursing
                                                          Psychiatric Nursing

                           10.15 am                       1.15 pm
 Tuesday, December 3       B.A. Moderators in             B.Ed.
                           Computer Science;              Education
                           Computer Science and           (Mario Institute of Education)
                           Business;                      B.Sc. (Ed.St.)
                           Computer Science and a         Education Studies
                           Language;                      B.Sc.
                           Chemistry with Molecular       Early Childhood Education
                           Medicinal Chemistry;
                           Nanoscience, Physics and
                           Chemistry of Advanced
                           M.C.S. (& B.A. for these
                           professional candidates)
                           Computer Science
10.15 am                                 1.15 pm
Wednesday, December 4                                                Higher Degrees
                                                                     Masters programs in Marino
                                                                     Institute of Education

                            10.15 am                                 1.15 pm
Thursday, December 5        B.St.Su.                                 Higher Degrees
                            Deaf Studies                             Masters (research and taught)
                            B.Sc. (Hom. Val.)                        programs in the Faculty of Arts,
                            Human Health and Disease                 Humanities and Social
                            B.Sc. (Pharm.)                           Sciences.
                            Pharmacy                                 Applied Psychology;
                                                                     Chinese Studies;
                                                                     Clinical Speech and Language Studies;
                            P.M.E.                                   Clinical Supervision;
                            Professional Master in                   English Language Teaching;
                            Education                                International Peace Studies;
                                                                     International Politics;

                            11.00 am                                 3.00 pm
Friday, December 6          Higher Degrees- M.A. and                 Higher Degrees
                            Masters (research and taught)            Doctorates;
                            programs in the Faculties of             Honorary Degrees.
                            Health Sciences and Engineering,
                            and Science.

                              Biodiversity and Conservation;
                              Clinical Health Sciences Education;
                              Development Practice;
                              Energy Science;
                              Environmental Sciences;
                              Health Informatics;
                              Mental Health - Child Adolescent and
                              Family Strand;
                              Molecular Medicine;
                              Nursing - Child Health and Wellbeing

 Closing date for confirmation of attendance (UG), PG Taught / PG Research: 19 September 2019

Closing date subject to change additional programmes may be added to each ceremony.

It may be necessary to adjust which degrees are to be conferred at each ceremony, depending on
numbers presenting.

*Special Family Commencements Commons held in the evening following these ceremonies.
The University of Dublin                                                      Trinity College Dublin
Date                       10.15 am                                  1.15 pm
Tuesday, April 7           B.Sc. (Cur)                               Higher Degrees
                           Children's and General Nursing.           Masters (research and taught)
                                                                     programmes in the Faculty of
                           All other Bachelor Degrees.               Engineering, Mathematics and
                            Higher Degrees                           Including Taught programmes:
                            Masters (research and taught)
                            programmes in the Faculty of              Bioengineering;
                            Health Sciences.                          Computer Science;
                                                                      Electronic Information Engineering;
                           Including Taught programmes:
                                                                      Engineering Environmental;
                                                                      Engineering by Module;
                           Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice        Mechanical Engineering
                           Clinical Chemistry;
                           Clinical Dentistry;
                           Cognitive Psychotherapy;
                           Community Health;
                           Community Pharmacy;
                           Exercise Physiology;
                           Health Services Management;
                           Hospital Pharmacy;
                           Mental Health;
                           Nursing (Advanced Nurse Practitioner
                           Strand- Emergency Department);
                           Pharmaceutical Medicine;
                           Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
                           Sports and Exercise Medicine
                           10.15 am                                  1.15 pm
Wednesday, April 8         Higher Degrees M.Phil.                    Higher Degrees M.Phil.
                            Master in Philosophy                     Master in Philosophy
                           programmes in the Faculty of Arts,        programmes in the Faculty of
                           Humanities and Social Sciences.           Arts, Humanities and Social
                           Including Taught programmes:              Sciences.
                                                                     Including Taught programmes:
                           Art History;
                           Child Protection and Welfare;             Applied Linguistics;
                           Children's Literature;                    Applied Social Research;
                           Classics;                                 Christian Theology;
                           Comparative Literature;                   Conflict Resolution &
                           Creative Writing;                         Reconciliation;
                           Digital Humanities and Culture;           Intercultural Theology and
                           Disability Studies;                       Interreligious Studies;
                           Early Irish;                              International History;
                           Early Modern History;                     International Peace Studies;
                           European Studies;                         Literary Translation;
                           Film Studies - Theory History Practice;   Medieval History;
                           Gender and Women's Studies;               Medieval Language, Literature and
                           Irish Writing;                            Culture;
                           Literatures of the Americas;              Modern Irish History;
                           Music Composition;                        Public History and Cultural
                           Popular Literature;                       Heritage;
                           Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy              Race, Ethnicity, Conflict;
                                                                     Speech and Language Processing;
                                                                     Textual and Visual Studies
10.15 am                           1.15 pm

Thursday, April 9                 Higher Degrees Other               Higher Degrees
                                  Masters (research and              M.A. M.A.(jo);
                                  taught)                            Doctorates.
                                  programmes in the Faculty of Arts,
                                  Humanities and Social Studies.
                                  Including Taught programmes:

                                  Managing Risk and System Change;
                                  Stage Design;
                                  Theatre and Performance;
                                  Theatre Directing

    Closing date for confirmation of attendance (UG), PG Taught / PG Research: 23 January 2020

Closing date subject to change.

It may be necessary to adjust which degrees are to be conferred at each ceremony, depending on
numbers presenting.

*Special Family Commencements Commons held in the evening following these ceremonies.
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