I NTE R NATI O NAL GIBRALTARMay/June/July 2015 - New state-owned Gibraltar International Bank promises independent competition - Gibraltar ...

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I NTE R NATI O NAL GIBRALTARMay/June/July 2015 - New state-owned Gibraltar International Bank promises independent competition - Gibraltar ...
May/June/July 2015


New state-owned Gibraltar
International Bank promises
independent competition

I NTE R NATI O NAL GIBRALTARMay/June/July 2015 - New state-owned Gibraltar International Bank promises independent competition - Gibraltar ...

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I NTE R NATI O NAL GIBRALTARMay/June/July 2015 - New state-owned Gibraltar International Bank promises independent competition - Gibraltar ...
May/June/July 2015
                                                                                                                                  Volume 21/ Number 2

          Contents                                                                      Funds
                                                                                        Gibraltar: the Key to Europe for US and Asian Fund
          News                                                    p6                    Managers
          New bank to ensure lending availability and competition
                                                                                        Gaming                                                             p20
          Stock Exchange                                                           p8   A programme for the future: the 2015 KPMG
          The Gibraltar Stock Exchange complements Gibraltar’s                          eSummit, Gibraltar
                                                                                        Property                                                           p22
          Banking                                            p10                        2015 still looking good for the high value market
          New state-owned bank promises independent competition
                                                                                        Gaming                                                             p25
          Overseas offices                                   p14                        Gaming continues to grow
          EU uncertainty tempers overseas economic successes
                                                                                        Taxation                                                           p27
          Insurance                                              p16                    Tax gains offset by ownership register setback
          Change, Challenges and Opportunities for the Gibraltar
          Insurance Industry                                                            Business round up                                                  p28

Editorial Comment
Overseas trade playing a bigger part
             obody can be in any doubt that it’s general election time              open for business in a transparent, compliant and well-regulated

N            in the UK, and it’s beginning to feel that way too in Gibraltar,
             with its national ballot expected before the year-end.
             However, amidst all the wrangling on The Rock, unlike the UK,
one thing that Gibraltar’s politicians seem united on is foreign policy,
particularly in relation to the need to create greater awareness of the
                                                                                    international business environment, where all EU Directives have been
                                                                                    transposed into law – something few other jurisdictions can claim!
                                                                                          Not only new MEPs are targets, but also various members of the European
                                                                                    Commission bureaucracy itself, who frequently seem ‘reluctant’ to act, such is the
                                                                                    ‘sensitivity’ of relationships between member nations – the UK and Spain – and
jurisdiction overseas.                                                              irrespective of the fact that Gibraltar’s direct involvement with Europe pre-dates
      Local politicians have long believed that Gibraltar – being a European        Spain’s EU membership by 13 years!
Territory for whose external affairs a EU Member State is responsible –                   Being part of the EU is something Gibraltar internationally trades upon
should do more than rely on the UK for its foreign affairs representation.          mercilessly. But Spain’s continued aggressive acts and the UK ‘noise’ about an
The value of establishing a London office 16 years ago was proven most              in-out EU referendum create uncertainty, even if change – in the unlikely event
effectively when support of British MPs was garnered to rebut Spain’s               that there was to be any – is years away.
efforts to recover The Rock – now 302 years formally in British hands.                    The long-sought right of Gibraltarians to self-determination with the
      From the beginning however, trade development has also been an                support of the United Nations remains the ultimate goal and justifies stepped-up
objective and the success of ‘Gibraltar in London’ combining both political         direct representation in Washington, although fronted by consultants in support of
lobbying and business, is being replicated in Brussels with an expanded team        Gibraltar’s politicians. US trade potential is on the agenda too and it seems two
under Sir Graham Watson, the former decade-long Member of the European              projects now being considered by Gibraltar’s government may result in
Parliament (MEP) for the South West and Gibraltar, in larger premises being         multi-million dollar energy related American investment – we should know soon.
officially opened in May.                                                                 Certainly, the unexpected opening of a Gibraltar office in Hong Kong last
      The Rock faces pressing and continuing Spanish-led issues –                   year seems to be yielding early results in a market where other jurisdictions have
attempted exclusion of Gibraltar from EU civil aviation laws, lengthy               been quicker to realise the potential for Asian investment.
interruptions to cross-border traffic and pedestrian flows, and attacks on                In reality, Gibraltar’s overseas representation differs in each place, but the
spurious tax and environmental grounds, all of which have commercial as             contribution to economic growth – not just the political activity - needs to be
well as political implications.                                                     emphasised more actively.
      Direct representation aims to get the jurisdiction’s case across, as being                                                                          Ray Spencer

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                                                                                                                                                                           Within the European Union Single Market
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I NTE R NATI O NAL GIBRALTARMay/June/July 2015 - New state-owned Gibraltar International Bank promises independent competition - Gibraltar ...
New bank to ensure lending
availability and competition
                          ibraltar International Bank (GIB),       Bank, with more limited retail operations.       postponed three times.

                  G        the State-owned start-up, opens for
                           business in May, some seven
                  months later than intended and less than a
                                                                         As Gibraltar International went to
                                                                   press, GIB had 3,500 account applications,
                                                                   all but a quarter of Barclays customers.
                                                                                                                          Barclays employed 109 people and is
                                                                                                                    expected to end with only 19. GIB has 60
                                                                                                                    staff with around a third from Barclays.
                  month before the extended end of retail          NatWest saw a surge in new business              Apart from four graduates, “we have
                  operations locally by Barclays Bank.             following Barclays’ decision, and was forced     [attracted] people from other financial
                        The government formed GIB in               to halt new account applications when an         companies, not necessarily banks – it’s a
                  December 2013 following Barclays’                appointments backlog caused waiting times        spread of people relating to finance in one
                  decision to end retail banking on the Rock       to reach three months!                           way or another”, Podesta says.
                  after 126 years, prompted by a UK head                 David Bruce, Regional Director, RBS
                  office global reduction in wealth and            International, said NatWest Gibraltar had        Ownership may broaden
                  investment management operations.                opened “several thousand bank accounts           The government is sole shareholder, but
                                                                   since October 2013” and cleared its backlog      ownership may broaden in future given
                                                                   by June.                                         GIB’s remit to operate as an independent,
                                                                         “The volume of business has been           commercial bank with the aim of making
                                                                   unprecedented and placed stress on our           profit. A nine-strong Board includes senior
                                                                   [operation], however, we are doing all we        representatives in financial services, led by
                                                                   can to support in difficult circumstances,” he   retired career banker Albert Langston, who
                                                                   declared. NatWest has operated on The Rock       until 2010 was chairman of Lloyds Bank
                                                                   for nearly 27 years and employs over 140         (Gibraltar).
                                                                   people.                                                The Board includes Podesta (55) - who
                                                                         GIB will operate “very much in             worked for Barclays for 20 years, and was
                                                                   line with the existing retail banks”, says       recruited a year ago from being chief
                                                                   Lawrence Podesta, the bank’s chief               operating officer and deputy CEO of the
                                                                   executive officer, explaining: “As a start-up    private bank Lombard Odier (Gibraltar) that
                                                                   bank we do not think that it is prudent either   he joined in 1996 - as well as his deputy,
                                                                   for the market place or, in fact ourselves, to   Derek Seine (57), the Chief Operating
                                                                   become either more or less expensive than        Officer, who served 40 years with Barclays
                                                                   others in the market. That may change as we      locally.
                                                                   move forward.”                                         Other Board members are: Peter
                                                                         Gibraltar mortgages are understood to      Montegriffo (Hassans); Peter Isola (Isolas);
                                                                   cost on average around 4.75% p.a. but            Colin Vaughan (PWC); Stephen Reyes
                                                                   Podesta is pushing hard for local business       (Deloitte); Dilip Dayaram Tirathdas (ex
In line with            Barclays locally was said to have          accounts where “loans are subject to             government Financial Secretary); Tony
other banks:      17,000 clients with about £1bn deposits and      negotiation”.                                    Welsh (M&S franchise holder); and Marcus
Podesta, GIB
                  £500m in debt and mortgages, but it is                 Operating as an independent, commer-       Killick (ex-FSC chief executive).
chief executive
                  retaining in Gibraltar only 70 corporate and     cial bank, GIB’s ability to lend will in large         Soon after again coming to power, the
                  intermediary clients and roughly 150 Very        measure depend on achieving revenue from         GSLP revealed in early 2012 that its
                  High Net Worth Individuals for private client    its account operations and managing              Gibraltar Savings Bank (GSB) would
                  work.                                            customer deposits.                               expand to include most retail banking
                        Successive Gibraltar governments have            Of the £25m start-up capital, “setting     operations. GIB from the outset will
                  sought to establish a local bank to provide      up obviously took a chunk of that”, Podesta      compete to some extent with GSB for
                  greater competition – it has formed part of      points out and “although it is a substantial     deposits where in March 2014 there were
                  the ruling Gibraltar Socialist Liberal Party     amount, it is not outside the scope of what      20,800 savings accounts totalling £888m.           Contact Archie Watt, Micky Swindale
                  (GSLP) manifesto since 1996.                     we envisaged”. Cash flow needs initially will          The government now says new GSB           or Darren Anton on eGaming@kpmg.gi
                        GIB has been formed with £25m              also eat into that capital and GIB – like all    initiatives “have not been dropped but they
                  government capital and a recent Financial        banks - must retain assets to meet EU Basle      have been put on hold to prevent duplication
                                                                                                                                                                                       +350 200 48600
                  Services Commission (FSC) banking license        III liquidity requirements “and we are well      and unnecessary competition”, but when
                  to provide personal and business accounts,       within that”.                                    GIB opens, “we will see how the GSB’s
                  loans and mortgages as an alternative to               Refurbishment of GIB’s Main Street         products can be developed to complement                           www.kpmg.gi
                  NatWest, the RBS operation on the Rock           premises, set around a courtyard, took longer    those of GIB”.
                  since 1989, and the Danish-owned Jyske           than expected with opening dates being                                          Ray Spencer

6          Gibraltar International                                www.gibraltarinternational.com
I NTE R NATI O NAL GIBRALTARMay/June/July 2015 - New state-owned Gibraltar International Bank promises independent competition - Gibraltar ...
Stock Exchange
The Gibraltar Stock Exchange
complements Gibraltar’s offering
To further complement Gibraltar’s offering, the Gibraltar Stock Exchange
(GSX) opened its doors in late 2014 and now plays a pivotal role in one
of the EU’s leading finance centres. Jay Gomez and Javi Triay who are part
of the T & T Financial Services
team report                                                                                                        •    Gibraltar additionally boasts
                                                                                                                   tax transparency to OECD standards
                     ver the recent years,                                                                         and is a signatory to US FATCA,

          O          Gibraltar has worked
                     very hard to position
          itself as the jurisdiction of choice
                                                                                                                   the UK equivalent and forms part of
                                                                                                                   the early adopters group of the
                                                                                                                   OECD’s standard for automatic
          for establishing investment                                                                              exchange of information in tax
          funds. Gibraltar's robust yet                                                                            matters.
          dynamic legislation, within the
          EU infrastructure and an                                                                                 GSX Advantages
          advantageous tax regime, all                                                                             for Funds
          pooled into a conveniently                                                                               • By listing on GSX, funds, whether
          small jurisdiction, combine to                                                                            established within the EU or not, will
          make Gibraltar a “must see” Jay Gomez                                  Javi Triay                         achieve visibility within the EU.
          jurisdiction. Such is the case that                                                                      •   Although GSX requires proper
          Gibraltar is now host to a conglomerate of       • Firms which are licensed in Gibraltar to      disclosure as to the operations of a listed
          professionals operating within the financial     provide services under an EU Directive have     fund, it does not otherwise restrict the funds
          services sector; accountants, administrators,    the ability to passport their services into     operations in any significant way.
          auditors, bankers, brokers, corporate service    other EU jurisdictions enabling service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ,Q RUGHU WR SURWHFW WKH %DQN DQG RXU &OLHQWV ZH DUH
          providers and lawyers that together form         providers to operate throughout the EU          • GSX is regulated by the FSC, a regulator                                                                           QRWHQJDJHGLQULVN\EDQNLQJDFWLYLWLHV&RQVHTXHQWO\
          Gibraltar’s financial services industry.         based on the authorisation granted to them in   that understands and supervises the financial
                Following are some of the reasons why      Gibraltar.                                      services industry in a pragmatic manner.
          Gibraltar is so attractive for financial
                                                           • GSX is therefore regulated to and meets •                                                                                                                          2 XU FDSLWDO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2XU  FDSLWDO E DVH LLV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                EDVH   V VVRXQG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             RXQG D QG Z
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DQG    H GR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ZH  GR QRW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  QRW GHSHQG
          services businesses and why listing on GSX
          should seriously be considered:                  all EU standards.                  ‘                 GSX is an expedient and economically
                                                                                                           efficient way of listing within the EU.

                                                                                                           •   GSX appreciates that time is of the
                                                                                                           essence and is fully committed to meeting
                                                                                                                                                             Turicum is a Gibraltar Private Bank with Swiss roots,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                R Q H[WHUQDO ÀQDQFLQJ 8QOLNH RWKHU EDQNV ZH DUH QRW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 VDIHJXDUG \RXU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 VDIHJXDUG   \RXU DVVHWV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    DVVHWV WWKHQ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              KHQ 7XULFXP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   7XULFXP VKRXOG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            VKRXOG EH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    EH \RXU

      By listing on GSX, funds, whether established within                                                 such needs.                                                                                                           ÀUVWFKRLFH
                                                                                                                                                             Gibraltar and Zurich.
       the EU or not, will achieve visibility within the EU.                                                                                                 22XUFRUHFRPSHWHQFHLV3ULYDWH%DQNLQJSURYLGLQJ
                                                                                                           • The GSX portal provides a unique method                                                                            Contact:
                                                                                                           of filtering listings by, for example, asset      \\RX
                                                                                                                                                               RX ZLWK
                                                                                                                                                                     ZLWK LQGHSHQGHQW
                                                                                                                                                                            LQGHSHQGHQW LQYHVWPHQW
                                                                                                                                                                                           LQYHVWPHQW DGYLFH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Local desk
                                                                                                           classes, currencies and managers, bringing        VVXFFHVVIXO
                                                                                                                                                               XFFHVVIXO SRUWIROLR
                                                                                                                                                                          SRUWIROLR PDQDJHPHQW
                                                                                                                                                                                     PDQDJHPHQW DQG
                                                                                                                                                                                                 DQG D
                                                                                                                                                                                                      D SHUVRQDO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .HYLQ&DVFLDUR N
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .HYLQ&DVFLDUR    HYLQFDVFLDUR#WXULFXPFRP
                                                                                                           managers and investors together in an             long-term oriented customer service.
          European Union Regulatory                        Advantageous Tax Regime                                                                                                                                              6LOYLD)RUWHV*ULPDOGL VLOYLDIRUWHV#WXULFXPFRP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                6LOYLD)RUWHV*ULPDOGL VLOYLDIRUWHV#WXULFXPFRP
          Framework and Passporting                        • The new Income Tax Act has contributed        efficient manner.                                 ::HDOVRSURYLGHGHSRVLWDU\VHUYLFHVIRULQYHVWPHQW
                                                                                                                                                                 H DOVR SURYLGH GHSRVLWDU\ VHUYLFHV IRU LQYHVWPHQW
          • As part of the European Union, Gibraltar       to Gibraltar's appeal and provides the                                                            IIXQGVRecently
                                                                                                                                                                XQGVRecently we have been granted an extension                 International desk
          boasts the same regulatory standards as other    environment which financial services            •   GSX’s first official fund listing was         of our depositary licence under the Alternative                     0  DULR)DEEUL PDULRIDEEUL#WXULFXPFRP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0DULR)DEEUL   PDULRIDEEUL#WXULFXPFRP
          European jurisdictions but, drawing on its       companies require to increase profitability     effected, from conception to listing, in only     Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD)       (AIFMD).. This     0  LFKDHO&XE\ P
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0LFKDHO&XE\      LFKDHOFXE\#WXULFXPFRP
          size and expertise, the regulatory objectives    and Gibraltar's position as a prosperous        23 working days (which included the               OOLFHQFH
                                                                                                                                                               LFHQFH H HQDEOHV  XV
                                                                                                                                                                           QDEOHV X V WWR
                                                                                                                                                                                          R FDWHU
                                                                                                                                                                                             FDWHU IRU
                                                                                                                                                                                                    IRU FHUWDLQ
                                                                                                                                                                                                         FHUWDLQ ¶LQVFRSH·
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ¶LQVFRSH·    < YHV*DVW \YHVJDVW#WXULFXPFRP
I NTE R NATI O NAL GIBRALTARMay/June/July 2015 - New state-owned Gibraltar International Bank promises independent competition - Gibraltar ...
Banking                                                                                                                                                                   $ .!0!,6- *)
New state-owned bank promises                                                                                                                                               .$! $*,%4*) 1!60!
independent competition                                                                                                                                                       #*. 3*/,     &
                                                                                                                        feedback we have from the business                   *, '' .$ . '%"! ( 3 ,%)# 1$!.$!, #**
For almost 20 years Gibraltar politicians have repeatedly promised
                                                                                                                        community is that the other banks are
to establish a local bank, but it took the planned closure of a UK                                                      starving them out completely with regards to            *,               %- *) 3*/, -% !
retail bank’s operations on The Rock to bring the idea to fruition.                                                     lending facilities, overdrafts - not wanting to
Just ahead of the launch, Ray Spencer set about finding out how                                                         extend certain facilities. That is the main
                                                                                                                        complaint coming from the business world              ,*+!,.3 5 (%'3 5 *,+*, .!     *((!, % ' 5 2 .%*)
the new publicly-owned bank is likely to progress
                                                                                                                        here in Gibraltar.”                               %.%# .%*) 5 ,/-.- 5 %''-  ,* .! 5 $%++%)# 5 ,%0 .! '%!).
                      awrence Podesta, chief executive of the       Hence, “it is difficult to say when we will be            GIB is uncertain about current local

                                                                                                                                                                                5 ! '.$ ( ) #!(!). 5 +*,.- ' 1 ( ) #!(!).
                      new Gibraltar International Bank (GIB)        profitable: we have to see how the first few        business loan interest rates, but in principle
                          that opens in May is emphatic: “The       months go to the end of the year and that           aims to at least match those presently
                                                                                                                                                                                     *, "/,.$!, %)"*,( .%*)
                  steer from the government is pretty clear;        should give us a strong indication”, explains       available. Charges for handling personal                     *). . %)"* %-*' - #%
                  they want an independent bank run on a            Podesta.                                            accounts however, will be similar to other
                  commercial basis.                                                                                     banks, although tariffs will favour clients
                        “I can safely say, we are setting up what   Profit by Year 3                                    who use automated systems - on line
                  is a commercial entity with the intention of      But this self-effacing career Gibraltar banker      banking, mobile banking, etc.
                  making money for the shareholder and it will      – he first joined Barclays locally as a 16 year
                  not be a bank that provides services for free,    old from school – has a keen idea of what           Not here to undermine
                  which is what some people may think; it is        may be possible. “Certainly, if we say              Relationships with both other retail lending
                  there to make money,” he asserts.                 this is the first year, I would like to see         banks - NatWest and the Danish Jyske –says
                                                                    [the Bank profitable] definitely by the             GIB are “excellent, and what we want to do          *,.' )    */-!   ' %- *          *2       % , '. ,
                                                                    third year, maybe sooner.”                          is form part of the retail banking community            !'               111 #% , '. ,' 13!,- *(
                                                                          Some income will come from deposits           in Gibraltar to give clients a choice. We are
                                                                    and management of the Bank’s own funds,             not here to undermine the other banks. We
                                                                    but the initial thrust to bolster revenue will be   don’t want to unduly upset anybody”.
                                                                    on the lending side. Fees and commissions                 It helps that Podesta - a sportsman who
                                                                    for payments and services provided by               until age 38 was a keen footballer playing
                                                                    operating as a normal retail bank will              latterly for Gibraltar’s first division team -
                                                                    generate “substantial amounts of revenue”.          has known the key bankers over many years,
                                                                          By mid-April, GIB had attracted 3,500         and is described by his peers as “a hands-on,
                                                                    account applications - 25% are business -           open individual with the ability to juggle
                                                                    most from amongst the 17,000 former                 well, differing and sometimes competing
                                                                    Barclays customer accounts. “We would               priorities”.
                                                                    have been happy with around the 4,000                     With ATM machines inside and outside
                                                                    [accounts] mark to start. We are a bit short,       of the new GIB banking hall, further cash

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .0%#)1)-,               #-,2),3)26
Looking for             Podesta (55) counters what some have        but having said that we still have time to go,”     machines are likely elsewhere in Gibraltar
community         thought might give rise to ‘unfair’ competi-      Podesta insists.                                    within a year, plus credit cards – “there’s a
support: Derek
                  tion in the wake of the imminent withdrawal             One problem has been that until the           huge demand” – to complement the VISA
Seine GIB chief                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ),$)1.%,1!"*% /3!*)2)%1 -& ! #-+.!,6
operating         from the Rock of Barclays retail bank. “We        bank had been finally signed off by the             debit cards being offered from the outset.
officer, and      are all conscious that this [GIB] bank will       Regulator and physically is open in its                   The son of a revenue inspector (now                                                                    $%$)#!2%$ 2- 1!&%'3!0$),' 6-30 !11%21
Lawrence          not make money in the first year, certainly.      Main Street premises, GIB cannot delve              known as Customs Officer), whose family                                                                           &-0 2-$!6 !,$ &-0 &3230% '%,%0!2)-,1
Podesta, chief          "There are a lot of start-up costs, which   into customers’ potential requirements,             originated from Genoa, and a Spanish
                  are one-time, and it will depend very much        particularly with businesses. Special               mother, Podesta and a twin sister were the
                  on how the Gibraltar community takes to this      interview times were being identified for           youngest of five children. His formative
                  bank,” points out Podesta, who joined GIB         members of the Gibraltar Chamber of                 years are reflected in his continued broad                                                                    -+.!,6    %#0%2!0)!* %04)#%1
                  after 18 years with private bank Lombard          Commerce and the Federation of Small                taste in music, confessing to be a fan of The                                                                     %!*2( !,!'%+%,2
                  Odier (Gibraltar) at the invitation of            Businesses, and all professional associations       Eagles, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan and                                                                         03121   -3,$!2)-,1
                  Financial Services Minister, Albert Isola.        have been targeted too.                             also Fleetwood Mac, who he has booked to
                        “I mean, if we have the support of the            “When these accounts are in place -           see perform live in London this summer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3,$ $+),)120!2)-,
                  community then obviously it will be               when we open - they will need overdrawing                 Aged 18, school leaver Podesta very                                                                          !#(2 %')120!2)-,
                  easier for us to create revenues, hence getting   facilities, they need loans, they need to place     nearly rejected Barclays; he had job offers
                  into profit as soon as possible.”                 surplus cash, but we will not know [how             too from HM Dockyard and the government.
                        Starting from scratch required a lot of     much] until we open the bank”, Podesta              But he was persuaded by elder brother
                  assumptions; “we have no friends we can           admits.                                             Ernest (now deceased), who was already
                  call on and say look, what can we expect”.              But then, he quietly reveals: “The                                       Continued page 12                                                                          -02*!,$ -31% *!#)1 )"0!*2!0
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10           Gibraltar International                                www.gibraltarinternational.com
I NTE R NATI O NAL GIBRALTARMay/June/July 2015 - New state-owned Gibraltar International Bank promises independent competition - Gibraltar ...
Continued from page 10                                             of doing it all themselves”.                     succeed, despite his quiet demeanor.
                 working for the bank, (and who in the early             Asked whether GIB would assist                   Lombard Odier, where for most of his
                 1980’s went on to open Barclays’                  businesses from outside wanting to set-up in     18 years Podesta was Chief Operating
                 Argentinian and Portuguese operations).           Gibraltar, Langston observed: “I see no          Officer, provided a different, almost steely,
                 “He said I would enjoy it and in truth I never    reason why not – initially we must let the       grounding, in management of wealth and
                 looked back”, Podesta recalls. By the early       new bank settle down and learn to walk           involved investments, settlements with
                 90’s Earnest was in Madrid responsible for        before running. But no-one is going to           brokers and having knowledge of stock
                 Barclays in Portugal and Gibraltar                decline a sound business proposition.”           market trends, etc. As he recalls, “it was an
                 – effectively, Lawrence’s ultimate boss.                Podesta is pragmatic. “If something        experience that certainly pushes you to the
                        Over 20 years, Podesta progressed at       comes our way and it is good business, we        limit to be a better professional”.
                 Barclays, beginning with two years                will do it, but our focus will not be on that.         With a team of investment experts,
                 induction. “You see there weren’t any             We will not be active in encouraging [non-       Podesta first had to determine the experience
                 computers at the time; you saw everything at      Gibraltar-based business], nor have our          and knowhow of clients – often with
                 first hand and you learnt to understand all the   teams been looking for it; our immediate role    £20-120m personal wealth - seeking a
                 different facets and things that happen           is to see to the local demand first.” But in     complex portfolio setup. “You need to come
                 within a bank”. It was a huge advantage and       two or three years’ time things may be differ-   to conclusions on whether what you can
                 one, he notes, that with centralisation of bank   ent, he says, depending on the view of the       offer those clients is the right product – not
                 activities is not available locally today.        nine-strong Board of Directors, and the          only for the investments that will make
                        Being good at mathematics, Podesta         government shareholder appetite for it.          money for the client, but also from the risk
                               prepared balance sheets for               Fears that the government, having          perspective, (because they might not be
                               Barclays Gibraltar operation;       invested £25m to launch GIB, might try to        aware of certain pitfalls), and also, more
                               everything was fed to him on        influence lending direction – to provide         importantly, the risk the bank would be
                               paper, and there were only man-     loans for homes when other banks have head       taking in advancing those products” Podesta
                               ual calculators. “Hence my          office-imposed quantity or type restrictions,    emphasises.
                               understanding of balance sheets     for example - are (perhaps, predictably)               Displaying humility, he adds: “You
                               was so good: that was a huge        firmly brushed aside. There is the new EU        form part of a team, but you feel important
                               experience for me – I always        banking solvency capital requirement known       because the task at hand is delicate, it could
                               enjoyed working with figures”,      as Basle 3, to be observed.                      cause problems for the client, it could cause
                               Podesta muses. And then after                                                        problems for the bank, and you are involved
                               becoming financial controller       Prudent, but flexible                            in it all. It is not the same, giving a loan to
Not going to     and   human    relations manager, he became       There will be defined concentration risk         someone wanting to buy a car.”
decline sound    head of retail lending and securities for         parameters and the regulator will expect GIB
business:        advances, before leaving in 1996 for              to have a cautious policy in place, which will   Wealth portfolio vision
Albert Langston,
                 Lombard Odier.                                    limit lending capabilities, Podesta agrees.      Hoping to put that knowledge to good use,
GIB chairman
                        That mix of experience in retail and       However, “we are not going to be drastic in      Podesta reveals that “if all goes well, in a few
                 private banking gives Podesta an edge,            the limits that we set”, he maintains,           years time we may consider having a wealth
                 believes GIB chairman Albert Langston,            “because the tendency in Gibraltar is to go      management arm, but that will be dictated by
                 another career Gibraltar banker who before        towards the lower end. We will be prudent -      the market, the vibes from the community,
                 retirement in 2010 was chairman of Lloyds         maybe a little more flexible.”                   whether there are any services that we could
                 Bank (Gibraltar).                                       Marcus Killick, Gibraltar’s long-time      set up for an investment portfolio team.
                        At Podesta’s request the Board is a        Financial Services Commission chief                    “We have the infrastructure for it, even
                 cross-section of senior professionals from        executive until February last year (and a GIB    though initially we are not going to use it.
                 the financial community, including two            Board member), suggests: “Given its              That will be a possibility”, he proclaims,
                 accountants, two lawyers, the former              position and local knowledge of the market,      “but again it will depend on the
                 financial services regulator and the owner of     GIB may be able to fine tune its offering.”      [government] view on whether it wants us to
                 the hugely successful Marks & Spencer             However, he cautions: “Critical will be the      diversify or not, but certainly it is something
                 franchise locally. The Board on which             level of deposits, which will determine the      worth considering.”
                 Podesta sits also includes his No 2, GIB          amount that can be lent – you cannot lend              “We are here to plug the hole left by
                 chief operating officer, Derek Seine, who for     what you haven’t got.”                           Barclays, obviously, but the main message is
                 40 years also worked for Barclays locally,              Podesta notes: What we are saying is       that we are a local bank, with decisions taken
                 latterly as head of personnel & premier           that we will make [loans for business] tailor-   locally. It’s our main strength – we know the
                 banking.                                          made obviously, as far as we can. Some of        people, we know the businesses set up. We
                        Langston’s impressed with what has         the reasons why lending has been refused,        are not government, we are not Civil
                 already been achieved, “particularly when         overdrafts, etc., by other banks are, frankly,   Service,” Podesta asserts.
                 you think that when setting up a new              quite ridiculous.”                                     Preparing for opening is one thing, but
                 banking operation from a larger organisation            This surprisingly frank observation of     the more important question Podesta sees
                 you have always got existing procedures in        other banks’ activities, given the declared      is “when we open, will the Gibraltar
                 place and have some assistance from head          aim of not wanting to “undermine” them,          community support us?” That, he accepts,
                 office – they have the very challenging task      reveals Podesta’s steely determination to        “is more difficult to control.”

12         Gibraltar International                                 www.gibraltarinternational.com
I NTE R NATI O NAL GIBRALTARMay/June/July 2015 - New state-owned Gibraltar International Bank promises independent competition - Gibraltar ...
Overseas offices                                                                                                                                                               Bangor Business School – Ex
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ecutive Educ

EU uncertainty tempers overseas
                                                                                                                                                                                     Chartered Banker
                                                                                                                                                                                               Banker MBA
economic successes
2014 proved to be a significant year
for expansion of Gibraltar’s overseas
                                                                         American representative to garner political
                                                                         support, but he also promotes “the attraction
                                                                         of business opportunities and commercial
                                                                                                                                 affect Gibraltar’s position in the European
                                                                                                                                 Union and we must be there to meet those
                                                                                                                                 challenges”, he explained, pointing to Spain’s
                                                                                                                                                                                     Cutting Edge and
representation politically and for
business development, but this year
is likely to play an even more critical
                                                                         investment in Gibraltar”. Holland & Knight,
                                                                         a law and lobbying specialist agency, was
                                                                         appointed in May to raise Gibraltar’s profile
                                                                         before the Executive and Legislative
                                                                                                                                 decision to abandon a 2006 Cordoba
                                                                                                                                 agreement with Gibraltar that has seen efforts
                                                                                                                                 to exclude Gibraltar Airport from EU civil
                                                                                                                                 aviation legislation, which he told MEPs
                                                                                                                                                                                     Innovative Learning
                             ames Lasry, Chairman of the year-old
                                                                         branches of the Government in Washington.
                                                                               A mix of politics and business
                                                                                                                                 would be “illegal and contrary to the [EU]
                                                                                                                                 Treaties”. Spain was also hindering the free
                                                                                                                                                                                     for the Financial Services Sector
                     J       AMCHAM (American Chamber of
                             Commerce) Gibraltar group told
                     Gibraltar International in April that
                                                                         generation is on the agenda too for signifi-
                                                                         cantly expanded EU representation. Last
                                                                         October former South West & Gibraltar MEP,
                                                                                                                                 movement of people at the La Linea border.
                                                                                                                                       Two Gibraltar exhibitions - accompa-
                                                                                                                                 nied by numerous meetings with EU politi-
                     following a US trade mission by ten firms in        Sir Graham Watson, was appointed to lead                cians and officials and media - have been held
                     November, “we have a couple of big deals            and direct lobbying from new, larger Brussels           at the Brussels Parliament. The first - in June
                     that are still cooking – deals in the areas of      premises, as well as “facilitating the promo-           2013 - marked the 300th anniversary of the
                     energy and renewable energy that will really        tion of business in Gibraltar”. Sir Graham’s            signing of the Treaty of Utrecht, which gave
                                  impact on Gibraltar in a big way”.     emphasis is on relations with the European              Gibraltar its British credentials, as well as the
                                        “They are subject to a           Parliament and MEPs elected last year, and              40th anniversary of Gibraltar’s entry into the
                                  tender process that began last         with the new European Commission,                       European Economic Community (as then) as
                                  May; if successful, they will          enhancing communication with the UK’s                   a European Territory for whose external
                                  mean millions of pounds of             Permanent Representation to the                                      affairs a Member State [the UK]
                                  inward investment”, promised the       EU (UKREP).                                                          was responsible.
                                  Hassans lawyer.                              The Rock’s business                                                  Gibraltar engages with the
                                        AMCHAM Gibraltar – now
                                  with 27 member firms – was
                                                                         interests with particular EU
                                                                         significance include eGaming,
                                                                                                                                              EU directly, because it otherwise
                                                                                                                                              relies on the UK to represent its
                                  promoted by Chief Minister,            taxation, aviation, environmental                                    interests. As part of mainland                                                                                           Recruiting
                                  Fabian Picardo, to give impetus to     and maritime matters. Sir                                            Europe, Gibraltar is able to
A whole host of      his push for inward investment from beyond          Graham - an MEP for ten years -                                      passport financial services such                                                                                        for Autumn
EU issues: Dr
                     traditional (principally, UK) markets.              arranged meetings with the                                           as funds and insurance through-
Joseph Garcia,
deputy chief               Picardo said in the Gibraltar                 Parliament and Commission in                                         out the 27 EU countries:
minister and
Minister for
                     International interview nearly 18 months ago:       April for Garcia’s second                                            “Gibraltar may have more
European Affairs     “I think you can expect to see great interest       Brussels visit this year, to include A mix of politics and business: appetite for more Europe than the             University
                                                                                                                                                                                     Bangor Univ  ersity Business School is cconsistently
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              onsistently rranked
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            anked as one of the
                     from US commercial entities seeing what             the latest developments relating Sir    Graham Watson leads
                                                                                                              Brussels office
                                                                                                                                              UK in the coming years”, Picardo
                     they can do in Gibraltar with access to the EU      to Gibraltar’s position in the EU.                                   has emphasised.
                                                                                                                                                                                     T   Universities
                                                                                                                                                                                      op Univ             Europe
                                                                                                                                                                                              ersities in Eur                     Top
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ope and in the world Top 20 ffor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            or its Banking rresearch
                     and also to North Africa, which is becoming               It was timely: Picardo had controversial-               Dr Garcia admits the Brussels office          (Federal
                                                                                                                                                                                     (F       Reserve
                                                                                                                                                                                       ederal R                   Louis/RePEc,
                                                                                                                                                                                                eserve Bank of St Louis/R  ePEc, 2015). The school is also rranked
                     increasingly important to the US.”                  ly just called for each part of the UK to have          focus will be mainly political, but said: “There    independentlyy in the top 25% of UK business schools ffor
                                                                                                                                                                                     independentl                                              or its Business and
                           Since establishing representation in          an individual say in negotiations if there is to        is scope for commercial and economic
                                  Washington in 2012, several high       be a vote on Britain’s possible EU exit –               activity as well and many of the issues that the    Management rresearch                   Education,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     esearch (Times Higher Educ  ation, 2015).
                                  profile visits by the Chief Minister   something that will become clearer after the            office will touch upon, like aviation, the fron-
                                  and his deputy, Dr Joseph Garcia,      UK General Election on 07 May. “The only                tier and tax, will have a clear economic
                                  has given Gibraltar greater            existential threat to our economy is one where          impact as well”.                                    • Study the global, part-time Chartered Banker   • The Chartered Banker MBA would benefit ambitious
                                  prominence.                            we are pulled out of the European Union                       EU representation is being modelled on          MBA and gain the dual award of a top MBA in      individuals in the financial services sector
                                        The pair have met with           against our will and denied access to the               the success of Gibraltar House in London’s
                                  the Council on Environmental           single market,” he told the Financial Times in          Strand: it has been “essential to maintain the
                                                                                                                                                                                       Banking and Finance with a top University in   • Early enrolment incentives and part funded
                                  Quality in the White House and         an interview.                                           position there and to lobby for Gibraltar on          Europe and Chartered Banker Institute            scholarships available for selected routes
                                  outlined Gibraltar’s aim for                 The push for greater EU recognition               the different political issues that arise”, Dr
Albert Poggio,       carbon neutrality, including changing power         began under the previous administration.                Garcia opined.                                       FOR MORE
                                                                                                                                                                                           ORE INFORMA
                                                                                                                                                                                                       TION AND
London office
director, received   generation fuel from diesel to gas to reduce        However, “it is true to say that the Brussels                 But it wasn’t always so. As London
an ‘Honorary         emissions and introduction of alternative           office had been downgraded in the past and              office director, Albert Poggio, recounts:
                                                                                                                                                                                      ENROLMENT CONTACT:
                                                                                                                                                                                      ENROLMENT  CONT
Initiative Award     energy sources.                                     that this Government has chosen to upgrade it           “Initially, when I began in 1988 we had              Tel: +44 1248 365966
2015’ in March.            Gibraltarian and long-time US resident,       once again”, Dr Garcia told Gibraltar                   opposition from the Foreign Office, which            E: cbmba-admissions@bangor.ac.uk
                     Joe Carseni, a member of the Gibraltar-             International.                                          didn’t want us working in London and didn’t
                     American Council, was appointed The Rock’s                “There are a whole host of issues that                                        Continued page 24

14            Gibraltar International                                    www.gibraltarinternational.com
I NTE R NATI O NAL GIBRALTARMay/June/July 2015 - New state-owned Gibraltar International Bank promises independent competition - Gibraltar ...
Change, Challenges and Opportunities
for the Gibraltar Insurance Industry
By Derren Vincent, Executive Director, Willis                         We have seen a deliberate increase in        business to the UK. This is a reminder of the
Management (Gibraltar) Limited                                  this type of ‘active’ communication on a           increasingly sustainable role of ILS within the
                                                                variety of topics with industry which is both      wider global industry. Cat Bond investors are
                                s part of the preparatory       welcome and essential to steering a course         keen to take more risk and competition is

                         A         phase for the new
                                  ‘Solvency II’ regulatory
                        regime effective on 1st January
                                                                through the biggest regulatory challenge ever
                                                                to have hit the European insurance industry.
                                                                      Solvency II becomes ‘live’ on 1st
                                                                                                                   healthy to avoid syndication of risks
                                                                                                                         Whilst the short term looks good for our
                                                                                                                   Gibraltar insurers in terms of the cost of their
                        2016, insurers were required to         January 2016 bringing with it numerous             treaties, we might speculate that with an ever
                        submit their Forward Looking            challenges for both the regulator and              changing global reinsurance market, Gibraltar
                        Assessment of Own Risks                 regulated alike, not least due to the release of   is now positioned well as a jurisdiction of
                        (FLAOR) by the end of 2014.             guidelines and guidance by Europe at a             choice for locating a reinsurance vehicle. In
                              The FLAOR is essentially          relatively late stage in the process. As such,     this regard, the FSC has specifically issued
                        an embedded and documented              much clarification and work remains in 2015        clear ILS Guidelines in consultation with
                        risk management process                 which will consume a large amount of               leading ILS practitioners. It is also pleasing to
           whereby firms continually identify, assess,          resource in order to ensure that Gibraltar         see that the Gibraltar Stock Exchange (GSX)
           and (re)evaluate risk with reference to their        remains a compliant jurisdiction.                  has recently announced the listing of its first
           defined risk appetite and tolerance.                       Continued partnership with the FSC           fund. This low fee, fast to market offering
                 Some of those risks identified, not least      will ensure that we achieve our required           complements the Gibraltar ILS proposition.
           the underwriting and reserving risk, will be         outcome and thus preserve our reputation for             Under Solvency II insurance regula-
           specific to the companies business models.
           Others that arise are reflective of wider
           industry risks and challenges.
                                                                EU compliance. Evidence emerging from
                                                                other EU jurisdictions suggests that despite
                                                                the best of EU intention, the playing field
                                                                                                                   tions, the quantity of regulatory capital
                                                                                                                   required to support insurance businesses has
                                                                                                                   generally become greater. This is not a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Premier co-location facility
                 Here we highlight just a few of the
           identified risks which are common to all
           firms, often interlinked, and relevant to the
                                                                remains less than level elsewhere in terms of
                                                                requirements relating to the preparedness
                                                                towards Solvency II compliance. Gibraltar
                                                                                                                   challenge unique to Gibraltar and will no
                                                                                                                   doubt herald a period of merger and
                                                                                                                   acquisition activity across Europe including
                                                                                                                                                                       Co-location                                     brought to you by Gibraltar’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       specialists in enterprise
           challenges facing the Insurance industry
                                                                intends to remain safely on the compliant side
                                                                of the playing field.
                                                                                                                   the raising of additional capital in different
                                                                                                                   shapes and forms.                                   Co-location                                     Internet solutions
           • Regulation                                                                                                  Regardless, anecdotal evidence suggests
           • Capital and Reinsurance                            Capital and Reinsurance                            that these new capital levels are not a barrier
           • Human Resource                                     According to recent commentary from the            to Gibraltar doing new business. Established        The Sapphire advantage is now also              Power
           • Reputation                                         reinsurance broking fraternity, the 1st April      insurance groups seeking speed to market for        available for hosting services
                                                                renewal season continues to follow the             additional capacity, or simply a foothold in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Modern, redundant power
           Regulation                                           current trend of the market favouring the          EU insurance market, continue to show               • Space immediately available in                generation plant
           The Financial Services Commission (FSC)              buyer. As such, reinsurance markets are            genuine interest in establishing their vehicles       Gibraltar's latest co-location data
           launched their three year Strategic Plan at the      seeking to implement major changes in their        in Gibraltar. Capital Market commentators for         centre                                        Cooling
           end of 2014. Their Vision of “being the              strategies and business models. Joint ventures     example, suggest that Asian investors also          • Designed and built specifically               Gibraltar’s only resilient, chilled
           model international financial services regula-       accessing lower-cost capital and M&A               continue to be highly active in searching                                                           water-cooled hosting facility, with
                                                                                                                                                                         for the e-gaming industry, with
           tor” resonates well with our marketing objec-        activity is evident which may prolong the soft     for insurance investment opportunities in
                                                                                                                                                                         unmatched standards of                        additional DX system providing full
           tive of attracting to Gibraltar a greater level of   market. Diversification of portfolio and speed     developed insurance economies.
           investment and diversity of business model.          of execution is becoming a key competitive               So, for companies with access to capital,
                                                                                                                                                                         resilience to deliver your global             N+N redundancy
           There is also evidence that the key messages         advantage.                                         the Gibraltar proposition of ‘speed to licence’       services without compromise
           were well received outside of Gibraltar.                   Insurance Linked Securities (ILS) funds      and accessibility of the regulator continue to      • Ideal location in the heart of the
                 Key for licensees and prospective              and managers are also affected with some           be attractive.                                        business district, with access to             Ideal environment - clean with
           licence holders is the FSC’s Mission of              smaller stand alone business models under                                                                Gibraltar's leading                           stable temperature and humidity
           “providing regulation in an effective and            duress. Experts observe that they are evolving     Human Resource                                        telecommunications                            throughout weather extremes,
           efficient manner”. Their Strategic Plan              into a more traditional reinsurer model at the     A professionally qualified workforce is
                                                                                                                                                                         infrastructure                                delivering Gibraltar's optimal
           advises that organisational re-structuring is        expense of diluting the differentiation of their   fundamental to underpinning reputation,
           underway with further strengthening of their         offering which has been so attractive to           market confidence and consumer protection.          • Located in a modern building                  mitigation for summer
           senior team and sector specialisms planned.          primary buyers to date.                                 The FSC have already made reference to           with 24x7 onsite support                      heat/humidity and winter storms
           Recent ‘Authorisation Workshops’ have                      Against this background the UK               strengthening their own senior team and
           been held with industry to explain the               Government have announced that it will work        sector expertise. The recent report issued by
           ‘stream-lined and un-bureaucratic risk based         with the (re)insurance industry to develop a       the Gibraltar Insurance Institute (GII)
           authorisation process.                               competitive tax structure to attract more ILS                                  Continued page 26
                                                                                                                                                                       +350 200 47 200 - info@sapphire.gi
                                                                                                                                                                       Suite 3.0.3 Eurotowers, PO Box 797, Gibraltar
16      Gibraltar International                                 www.gibraltarinternational.com
I NTE R NATI O NAL GIBRALTARMay/June/July 2015 - New state-owned Gibraltar International Bank promises independent competition - Gibraltar ...
Gibraltar: the Key to Europe for
US and Asian Fund Managers
                                                                                                            Funds (EIF) regime for those funds and
By James Lasry, Vice Chairman of
                                                                                                            managers that are out of scope of the
GFIA and President of the Gibraltar                                                                         Directive while allowing those that wish to,
American Chamber of Commerce                                                                                in order to avail themselves of the EU wide
                                                                                                            marketing passport, to opt in to the AIFM

                  he advent of the Alternative
                Investment Fund Managers Directive
                (AIFMD or the Directive) has
         dramatically changed the scope of services
                                                                                                            regime even if they are below the de minimis
                                                                                                            thresholds. Obviously those that opt in will
                                                                                                            have to abide by all the terms of the AIFM
                                                                                                            regime as if they had been in scope.
                                                                                                                                                                           to the fold
         that European finance centres, such as                                                                   The streamlined authorisation process
         Gibraltar can offer non EU managers (such                                                          for EIFs should not be mistaken as light
         as US, Swiss and Asian managers).                                                                  regulation. The authorisation process may be
               In the past non EU managers would                                                            quicker due to the fact that EIFs require two
         market funds to European investors via the        jurisdiction that allows for the pre-            directors on each board that are resident in
         private placement regimes as it was almost        authorisation launch of a fund, as Cayman        Gibraltar and which are authorised by the
         impossible to get these funds authorised in       does.                                            FSC to act as fund directors. Furthermore,
         the various European jurisdictions. The                                                            the documentation must be signed off, both
         AIFMD has caused a significant tightening         Permissible distinctions –                       by senior Gibraltar Counsel and by the fund
         of many of the private placement regimes in       Gibraltar’s advantage                            administrator. Once the fund is authorised,
         Europe. In fact, under the Directive, they are    The national private placement regimes,          the FSC has a plethora of investigatory and
         to be phased out by 2018. Therefore, for non      which under the Directive are to be phased       enforcement powers.
         EU managers to market their funds                 out by 2018, have already begun to be                  Gibraltar is fast developing into an
         in the EU, they must rely on what remains of      tightened by some of the member states. In       international funds jurisdiction focussed
         the private placement regimes or on a con-        Germany, for example, a market which is not      both on small managers and managers which
         cept known as ‘reverse solicitation’.             insignificant, it is nearly impossible for a     wish to market within Europe. Gibraltar held
               The safest way for non EU managers to       non-European fund to use their private           its first international funds conference in
         market into the EU is for them to set up a        placement regime. A European fund on the         April which attracted participants from                             Full range of
         European fund that can be passported into         other hand can use Germany’s private             EFAMA, BaFin, AIMA, GSX, Goldman                                    fixed, mobile and
         other EU jurisdictions. Depending on the          placement regime even if it is out of scope of   Sacs, Citibank, Society Generale Newedge,
         strategy this will be either a Ucits fund or an   the Directive simply because of the fact it is   BNP Paribas, Laven Partners, Schulte Roth
                                                                                                                                                                                internet ser vices
         AIFM fund. In either case it can be               domiciled in the EU. For this and other          & Zabel, Kaye Scholer and Norton Rose.
         legitimately promoted to the appropriate
         European investors.
                                                           reasons, we are seeing US managers setting
                                                           up parallel or master AIFs (as opposed

       Gibraltar is fast developing into an international funds
                                                                                                            The Gibraltar Funds and Investments
                                                                                                            association under the leadership of Joey
                                                                                                            Garcia is working hard along with the
                                                                                                            Government of Gibraltar and the FSC to

                                                                                                            raise Gibraltar’s profile from being one of
         jurisdiction focussed both on small managers and                                                   Europe’s best kept secrets to a jurisdiction
           managers which wish to market within Europe                                                      which people recognise as a sound, safe and
                                                                                                            business friendly place from which to do
              It stands to reason that in their search     to feeder) in Gibraltar and other EU             business.
         for European vehicles for their funds, non        jurisdictions in order to assist with their            Ultimately, the Alternative Investment
         EU managers, particularly those in the US,        European marketing efforts.                      Fund Managers Directive has provided
         should look to the jurisdiction which is                The Gibraltar approach to these issues,    European jurisdictions and particularly
         closest legally, and in regulatory approach to    following an in-depth consultation involving     Gibraltar with an opportunity to genuinely
         what they are used to in the Cayman Islands.      a collaboration of government, the               add value to non EU managers in the
         Gibraltar being a common law jurisdiction         Financial Services Commission (FSC), and         marketing of their funds to the EU – a
         with the UK Privy Council as the ultimate         the Gibraltar Funds and Investments              market of 520 million people.
         Court of Appeal and with English as its           Association (GFIA), the representative body                                     www.gfia.gi
         primary language, is likely to cause less of a    of Gibraltar’s funds and investment indus-
         culture shock for US managers who have            tries, retains as much flexibility as possible
         decided to use a European vehicle.                as is offered by the Directive. Accordingly
         Furthermore, Gibraltar is the only European       Gibraltar has kept its Experienced Investor
                                                                                                                                                                 |     |

18    Gibraltar International                              www.gibraltarinternational.com
                                                                                                             sector’s most recent challenge, and
                                                                                                                                                                 When it comes to
A programme for the future:                                                                                  potentially biggest opportunity, the

the 2015 KPMG eSummit, Gibraltar
                                                                                                             blockchain 2.0 will always provoke an
                                                                                                             enthusiastic response as Gibraltar considers
                                                                                                             crypto-currencies and block-chain based
                                                                                                                                                                 legal advice...
By Micky Swindale, Managing                                fuel for rapid innovation within the sector,      decentralised applications as a potential
                                                           with companies forced to reconsider their         addition to its tech-economy. With potential
Director, KPMG Gibraltar                                   operations, diversify tactics and technologies,   applications that span beyond its traditional
                           n the final panel of the        and recruit the skills to support them. Market    pairing with remote gambling to also

                      I    KPMG eGaming Summit in
                           Gibraltar in April 2014,
                       one of the gaming CEOs
                                                           share has significantly broadened overseas as
                                                           new global markets open up, but even putting
                                                           operator revenue aside, one need only look to
                                                                                                             encompass FinTech, video gaming, social
                                                                                                             media, even contract negotiation, all balanced
                                                                                                             against ongoing media speculation as to its
                       neatly summed up what I             local investment to catch a glimpse of            security, this fascinating technology will, play
                       believe to be the crucial appeal    Gibraltar’s bright eGaming future. The            a part in Gibraltar’s future directly or
                       of eGaming. “I’ve never seen        completion of the final stages to Continent 8’s   indirectly. Judging by the response to
                       an industry in which the            multi-million data centre, for example, is an     KPMG’s crypto-currencies seminar held at
                       people are so agile, resourceful,   exercise which will future proof Gibraltar’s      the Sunborn Hotel, Gibraltar in December last
                       and resilient”, went the            data infrastructure against expected growth,      year, this is technology that mystifies
        concluding sound bite; “of course, we are          while the recruitment sector continues to         audiences through both its complexity and
        going to see some change…but it will accept        attract some of the world’s sharpest talents,     potential.
        those, it will find resolutions, and it will be    both executive and technological, in the face
        stronger and better for it.”                       of huge decline elsewhere. As long as this        Responsible gambling
              Such is the resilience of the online         stellar reputation remains, Gibraltar’s gaming    With the Fourth European Money Laundering
        gaming industry since its rapid acceleration       industry is a sure thing, and we’re proud to      Directive text now finalised, including further
        from the early 2000s, and I believe this           play our part.                                    changes to customer and client identification
        ability to respond and to evolve with such                                                           requirements and reporting thresholds,
        success can be attributed equally to the           eGaming summit                                    coupled with the imminent arrival of the
        enormous range of industries that eGaming          It was with this sentiment in mind that KPMG      Payment Services Directive 2; identifying the
        encompasses. Online gaming has not just            prepared the programme for Gibraltar’s fifth      most efficient and secure payment methods
        been at the forefront, but has played a critical   in a series of eGaming Summits, in April. Our     for gaming operators has also been a top
        role in determining the broader future of areas    organisers naturally found themselves             priority for some time now. The panel session
        as diverse as multi-lateral regulation and         curating a programme set to delve beyond          on ‘Emerging Payments’, moderated by
        legislation, taxation, telecommunications and      eGaming to include first hand, expert insight     Andrew Johnstone of MasterCard, was an
        power infrastructure, public and private sector    into the many industries that define online       excellent addition to the programme and one
        cooperation, media and financial technologies      gaming in 2015. Of course, it quickly became      sure to provoke those who haven’t already
        and, crucially, consumer protection. It is an
        industry in which businesses, indeed nations,
                                                           impossible to squeeze every presentation into
                                                           one room, indeed even into one day, but we
                                                                                                             into considering the very real impact that both
                                                                                                             directives will have on their businesses. Very
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ...Hassans leads the way
        working together has become a matter               hope our 200 plus delegates agreed that the       few in the regulated eGaming industry today
        of mutual necessity over individualist             new KPMG eSummit spanning across two              fail to recognise the significance of social
        diplomacy, and one that has laid the               days, with an invitation-only gala dinner         responsibility and its role in the perceived
        foundations for eCommerce as we know it            generously hosted by the Government of            maturation of the industry. So the opportunity                                                                                             International Lawyers
        today.                                             Gibraltar, could not be considered anything       to hear the Senet Group give an insight into
              In Gibraltar alone, despite being forced     other than positive for the industry.             their progress towards becoming to the
        to adjust to announcements concerning the                Delegates were no doubt also pleased to     gaming sector what the Portman Group is to
        UK’s Point of Consumption tax regime, the          find that some of the old Gibraltar Summit        the alcohol industry was of particular interest
        industry has gone from strength to strength,       favourites made a return to this year’s           to local operators, as was Featurespace’s
        with the confidence of its regulators              programme. As a testament to its unfailing        explanation of their recent work with the
        increasing in kind. Private and public sectors     support of the domestic eGaming economy           Responsible Gambling Trust. Responsible
        at home and abroad remain absolutely assured       over the years, the Gibraltar Government’s        gambling is another area where the Gibraltar
        of Gibraltar’s reputation and of its               Minister for Financial Services and Gaming,       government are showing early leadership as                                                                                          g
        commitment to spearheading new measures            the Hon. Albert Isola offered another spirited    the Honourable Gilbert Licudi, Minister of
                                                                                                                                                                deliver a service consistent with old world
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and depth of experience…” Legal 500 EMEA,
        for consumer protection, transparency and          opening address before introducing                Education, outlined the courses that the           values of customer care whilst combining
        innovation, with some of the world’s largest       the review of gambling regulation in              University of Gibraltar will offer to operators                                                                  2014 Edition.
        operators such as UK owned bet365 ready to         Gibraltar where moderator and Gambling            in this area.                                      professionalism with pragmatism. Our clients
        relocate its operations domestically.              Commissioner Phill Brear joined Gibraltar’s                                      www.kpmg.gi
                                                           key legal experts to discuss Gibraltar’s                                                             get what they need, when they need it.                        Hassans - 75 years in Gibraltar.
        Gibraltar’s gaming industry                        progress as one of the world’s best regulated
        In fact, in many ways the challenges               jurisdictions.
        Gibraltar’s licensees have faced have acted as           Preston Byrne’s discussion on the                                                              TAX PLANNING • CORPORA
                                                                                                                                                                                     ATE & COMMERCIAL • FINANCIAL SERVICES • FUNDS • LITIGA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ATION • PROPERTY • TRUSTS

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