Page created by Manuel Salinas
S P EC I A L   2021




                       Is much more
Special MICE 2021                             3

MURCIA IS       Editorial                                                                             
                                                                                                                PRESIDENT EDITOR: Joaquín Molina García-
                                                                                                                Muñoz ·
                                                                                                                EDITOR: Manuel Molina Espinosa

                Everything is ready for our comeback                                                  
                                                                                                                MANAGER: Carlos Hernández
                                                                                                                EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT:
                MICE tourism has been shaken by the Covid-19 health crisis, initially coming to a               MENORCA
                                                                                                                Esther Mascaró - Editor in chief:
                complete standstill, and showing a drop in activity of more than seventy per cent.     · @esthermascaro
                It has had to adapt in record time so that venues and operators could comply with               José Manuel de la Rosa - Intermediation:
                                                                                                       · @JMaDelarosa
                today’s new health and safety protocols and guidelines. Furthermore, to maintain a              José Luis Ortega - Intermediation & Hotels:
                                                                                                       · @jlhosteltur
                certain level of activity, the sector has accelerated, increased, and extended the use of
                                                                                                                Carmen Porras - Economy & Cruise ships:
                technologies at all levels.                                                            · @carmenhosteltur
                                                                                                                Vivi Hinojosa - Innovation & Hotels:
                                                                                                       · @vivi_hinojosa
                Bubble, outdoor, multi-site, hybrid, and virtual events have, for the moment, replaced
                traditional in-person functions, that have become near to none, due to the restrictive          Ángeles Vargas - Intermediation & Hotels:
                                                                                                       · @angelesvargaspe
                movement measures related to the pandemic. As well as the drastic increase of                   PALMA DE MALLORCA
                                                                                                                Diana Ramón - Transports & Economy:
                technology use leading to new stakeholders and companies becoming a part of the        · @dianaramonv
                                                                                                                Taiana González - Hotels & Intermediation:
                MICE ecosystem, the sector unanimously believes that all these different formats that  @taianahosteltur
                are solving ‘our today’ will also remain in the future. Hybrid and digital formats create       Xavier Canalis - Innovation & Economy:
                                                                                                       · @XavierCanalis
                new expectations because they increase the time and scope of event participation,
TRADE FAIRS     and they multiply the possibilities for dissemination and the generation of customer            María Eugenia Cobas ·
                loyalty.   However, several sector representatives and different studies have already           Ángeles Vargas - Coordinadora

CONFERENCES     started to warn that face-to-face gatherings and personal contact are irreplaceable
                                                                                                                Responsible for social media and community:
                                                                                                                Lola Buendía ·
                when it comes to aspects as essential as marketing, networking, experience and the
CONVENTIONS     signing of deals.
                                                                                                                NEW PROJECTS:
                                                                                                                Angela de Lara ·
EXHIBITIONS     With this in mind, all of the sector’s representatives have taken steps, and they are           ADVERTISING: Central:
                                                                                                                Angus López ·
                already ready to resume in-person activity as soon as the health situation improves,            Tel.: 971 73 20 73
EVENTS          movement restrictions are relaxed, and face-to-face events can return.
                                                                                                                Madrid: Juan Carlos Martín
                                                                                                       · @JCHosteltur
                                                                                                                Tels.: 647 45 75 75 · 91 366 25 37
                During the last months, the MICE sector has worked hard to become stronger, better              Barcelona: Iván Vega
                                                                                                       · @ivanvegagarcia
                and not lose its competitive edge, as well as underpin the qualities that make Spain one        Tel.: 93-4731693
                                                                                                                Baleares: José Godoy
                of the most important tourist destinations and event organisers in the world. With the · @josehosteltur
                                                                                                                Tel.: 971-73 20 73
                much-desired V recovery as its goal, it claims that the advantages and experience that          DESIGN: David Molina
                                                                                                       · @davidhosteltur
                positioned Spain as one of the best in the world for MICE tourism have not weakened
                                                                                                                PHOTOGRAPHY: Archivo Hosteltur
                one iota. And the changes experienced during these last months will enhance its                 PRINTING: Ingrama, S.L.
                business model even more.                                                                       EDITED BY
                                                                                                                Ideas y Publicidad de Baleares, S.L.
                                                                                                                Joan Miró, 79 · 07015 Palma de Mallorca,
                                                                                                                Tel: 971 732073 · Fax: 971 737512
                AND                                              CyL                                            Depósito legal: PM298-1994
                           24   Andalusia                                39     Castilla y León                 Member of         Asociación de Prensa Profesional

                ARA                                             CAT                                   
                           29   Aragón                                   42     Catalonia                       @hosteltur

                AST                                             MAD
                           30   Asturias                                 46     Comunidad Madrid

                CAN                                              BI
                           35   Cantabria                                48     Balearic Islands

                CLM                                              LEV
                           38   Castilla la Mancha                       54     Levante
4       Special MICE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                     Special MICE 2021        5

One of the most affected economic segments aspires to be one of the drivers
of recovery

Although the pandemic initially brought activity to a halt, the sector is working hard to
                                                                                                      To its previous edition at Ifema, Gamergy attracted a record-breaking 61,000 attendees, but this year, Gamergy 2020 will be a ‘one-off’
reschedule postponed events. And Spanish destinations have even already started to                    online event.

stage in-person but, mainly, hybrid events, following all prevention measures perfectly
and exceptionally fulfilling the expectations of associations and companies”, claims                  measures, it has resumed a certain level                                                  Just before the health crisis, as well

Spain Convention Bureau.                                                                              of activity, and it is getting ready to be                                                as being a consolidated destination,
                                                                                                      reactivated in full as soon as possible.                                                  it    was    already     one   of    the   most
                                                                                                      SCB and MICE sector representatives                                                       important         MICE     destinations         in
                                                                                                      worked with the Secretary of State for                                                    the    world.     According     to     statistics

                                                                     ICE tourism has been one         Tourism and the Ministry of Health                                                        from        the   International       Congress
                                                                     of the sectors most affected     in the drafting of the “Measures to                                                       and     Convention        Association,         the
                                                                     by the global health crisis.     Prevent the Spread of SARS-CoV-2                                                          prestigious       ICCA   ranking,     in   2019,
                                                          Spain’s Outbound Tourism Observatory        coronavirus” document. And they have                                                      Spain was in 4th place in the worldwide
                                                          (ObservaTUR) calculates it has dropped      prepared and widespread a summary                                                         ranking of large international rotating
                                                          by seventy per cent. As the president       “to promote Spain as a destination to                                                     events (with 578) per country, and by the
                                                          of the SCB, Augusto Hidalgo explains,       host events implementing the highest                                                      number of participants, it ranked 2nd
                                                          business tourism is based on people         possible safety measures”, says Hidalgo                                                   in the world with an estimated 348.728,
                                                          from different places getting together,     to Hosteltur. “When clients decide to                                                     closing in on the long-time leader, the
                                                          and transport restrictions, the closure     start organising events again, all the                                                    United States with an estimated 357.137.
                                                          of borders and capacity limitations have    necessary logistics will be in place”, he                                                 Barcelona, 4th in the ranking by number
                                                          affected the MICE segment a great deal”.    adds.                                                                                     of meetings per city (156), tops the
                                                          However,    the   sector   has   reacted;                                                                                             chart for estimated total number of
                                                          it has adapted to the situation by          A favourite destination                                                                   participants with, as stated by ICCA,
An event that was held recently in Barcelona.             implementing all kinds of different         Spain started in a privileged position.                                                   an    “impressive”       157.000      delegates.
6      Special MICE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                  Special MICE 2021         7

In number of meetings, Madrid holds                                                       per cent more than the previous year,              commercial activities, will foreseeably                          resources.    Hidalgo    points      out   that
5th worldwide position (with 154 major
                                                        “                                 with 4,791,982 participants, 11.4 per              yield results from next year.
                                                                                                                                                                                          “                   associative networks and public-private
events) and ranks 3rd in total number
                                                      In 2021 we hope                     cent more, according to the Executive              In 2021 we hope to regain an important
                                                                                                                                                                                         According to         collaborations have also been reinforced.
of   participants     with    an    estimated                                             Summary published by Madison.                      part of the meetings’ market, especially                         “In terms of training, digitalisation,
91.900 delegates. Valencia is one of the              to regain an                        SCB’s president, the mayor of Las                  the associative sector, but, as in the      ICCA, growth         market analysis and teamwork, I believe
impressive newcomers to the Top 50 by
                                                      important part                      Palmas     de    Gran    Canaria,       Augusto    entire tourism sector, we are in the
                                                                                                                                                                                         data for MICE        that once this crisis is over, Spain will be
number of meetings, climbing 44 places                                                    Hidalgo,      points    out      that      “MICE   hands of external factors such as the                            a very competitive country in the MICE
holding 48th position (with 54 major                  of the meetings’                    destinations in Spain have carried out             evolution of the pandemic both in Spain     tourism in           sector”, he adds.
international events).                                market especially                   numerous training initiatives, prepared            and the rest of the world, the recovery     2019, reveals        He predicts a rapid response: “Our
According to ICCA, the industry’s growth                                                  guidelines and implemented protocols               of air connectivity and the financial                            cities and the sector’s professionals
data for 2019 “reveals the importance of              the associative                     and hygiene and health measures for                position   of   companies”,     explains    the importance       are ready to offer maximum prevention
face-to-face meetings and shows that                  sector, but, as                     events to be held with the utmost                  Hidalgo, who believes MICE will recover     of face-to-face      guarantees       at   events.    Once      this
the industry will be key for recovery”.                                                   safety and security”. These measures               “somewhat later than leisure tourism                             situation is behind us, the sector will
                                                      in the entire                       are    implemented        throughout         the   due to a simple organisational issue
                                                                                                                                                                                         events and           be able to respond quickly, efficiently
7,016 million euros                                   tourism industry,                   sector’s value chain, “in an enormous              because meetings are planned earlier        proves that the      and professionally to the requirements
In   Spain,    2019    results     were   “the                                            implementation          effort      that     has   and involve a great deal of preparation”.                        of   both    national   and     international
best in history”, according to Spain
                                                      we are in the                       generated a notion of professionalism,
                                                                                                                                                                                         industry will be a   associations and companies, making
Convention       Bureau.     The    economic          hands of external                   responsibility and security; features              The sector will come out stronger           crucial element      their   events    memorable.      And      once
impact of business tourism totalled 7,016
million euros, 5.7 per cent more than in
                                                      factors”, say                       that will be greatly appreciated by event
                                                                                          organisers”. All of this work, together
                                                                                                                                             During these last months, “the sector
                                                                                                                                             has carried on moving”, organising
                                                                                                                                                                                         for recovery         everything is back to normal, in a couple
                                                                                                                                                                                                              of years, we hope to reach business
the previous year.       In SCB’s member              representatives                     with    the     day-to-day       liaisons   with   and    preparing     training   sessions                         figures similar to those of the last
cities (56 and one county council), a
                                                      from SCB                            convention and congress organisers                 and   extensively   using   technological                        decade”.
total 29,603 meetings were held, 14.7                                                     and    professional      promotional         and

                                                                                                                                                                         Let´s Meet again in France

The Meliá Sitges auditorium hosted the Sitges Film Festival, with its 1,384 seating capacity reduced to seventy per cent and with an hour
break between films to be able to air and clean the venue suitably.
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                                                                                                                                           since it was first held in 1980. As stated
                                                                                                                                           by its organiser Messe Berlin, the
                                                                                                                                           upcoming ITB Berlin travel show will
                                                                                                                                           also be going completely virtual from
                                                                                                                                           the 9th to the 12th of March 2021. And,
   The pandemic has accelerated the digitalisation process, and it has revealed                                                            Madrid’s International Tourism Trade
   advantages like the possibility of organising more meetings, reaching wider                                                             Fair, Fitur, has been postponed until
                       audiences and expanding markets.                                                                                    May (19th-23rd) hoping to maintain its
                                                                                                                                           significant international impact and
                                                                                                                                           promote professional meetings among

                                                                                                                                           companies,      countries     and    tourism
                                                                                                                                           destinations. Every year this trade fair
                                                                                                                                           welcomes 250,000 attendees from all
                                                                                                                                           over the world, and it generates an

 EVENTS ARE HERE TO STAY                                                                                                                   economic impact of 330 million euros
                                                                                                                                           for Madrid

                                                                                                                                           An additional benefit
                                                                                                                                           Hybrid events, with in-person and
                                                                                                                                           virtual participants, are making their
If “streaming” was already a common practice in the business tourism industry, with                                                        way in the business. Augusto Hidalgo,
                                                                                                                                           president    of       Spain    Convention
the pandemic it has now become a must. Sector actors are experimenting with new
                                                                                                                                           Bureau’s, told Hosteltur that their
formats and setting up solutions to alleviate the drawbacks of not being able to host                                                      importance lies in the fact that “they
events and trade fairs in-person; examples being experience enhancement, “market-                                                          prove it is possible to host congresses
                                                                                                                                           and     meetings      adapting      to    the
places” and the generation of business and networking.                                                                                     circumstances caused by the pandemic”.
                                                                                                                                           Covid-19 has accelerated a trend that
                                                                                                                                           has been around for the last few years,          Fruit Attraction 2020 participants.
                                                                                                                                           fostering greater use of technology in
                                                                                                                                           the organisation of meetings, from the

                                               he      pandemic         has       forced       multi-site   events   are    also   being   information and registration process             world, which heightens and brings
                                               companies        to     expand       their      organised and outdoor or mixed outdoor      to providing accreditations, payments,           an added value to the meetings. For
                                               imagination in order to reactivate              and indoor events are becoming more and     access,   dissemination       of    scientific   example, the 41st Congress of the
                                      the business tourism sector.                             more popular. Among the large events        communications, the use of 3D systems,           Spanish Society of Internal Medicine
                                      As well as hybrid and virtual events,                    that were held face-to-face, Málaga         technology      for   presentations,     and     (Semi) was organised online using an
                                                                                               was one of the Regional Hub locations       participation and voting tools, he points        innovative 3D virtual reality platform
                                                                                               for the International Congress and          out. “At the moment, hybrid events are           and with a hundred different activities.
                                                                                               Convention Association’s 59th annual        essential, and they are a trend that is          As well as showing a great ability for
                                                                                               congress, with its primary location in      here to stay. We are sure that technology        reinvention, by going virtual new types
                                                                                               Kaohsiung (Taiwan) and held in parallel     and digitalisation are tools that will also      of stakeholders and companies are
                                                                                               at seven other “hubs” all over the world    make in-person events, that will soon            being added to the MICE ecosystem,
                                                                                               including Málaga and Luxembourg in          be the ‘Stars’ again, a whole lot better,        with technology as their great ally.
                                                                                               Europe. This event included virtual         adds Hidalgo.                                    “To face these exceptional times we
                                                                                               meetings and in-person sessions.            The advantage of hybrid events, with the         are living, helped by technology, we
                                                                                               The tourism sector’s most important         obvious limitation of capacity and social        have been able to integrate these new
                                                                                               annual trade fairs have adapted to          distancing in face-to-face sessions, is          formats rapidly, and we have activated
                                                                                               these new formats, and London’s 2020        that,   as well as having an in-person           solutions that have not only turned out
                                                                                               World   Travel   Market     (WTM) went      component, they also allow for people            to be alternative resources to traditional
This year, Ifema’s fruit and vegetable trade fair was held online using the Fruit Attraction   entirely virtual, for the first time ever   to attend online from anywhere in the            events but have also come to provide an
Liveconnect platform.
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                                                                                                                                  The Federation stresses that Spain is                         “Now is the time to move forward and look into new
 “                                                                                                                                                                                              aspects and adapt to new formats and trends, with the
                                                                                                                                  a safe, meticulous, professional and                          ultimate goal of improving and offering the excellence
Hybrid formats                                                                                                                    reliable destination for conferences                          we’ve always talk about. In this sense, we have proven we

mean people                                                                                                                                                                                     are a very versatile and resilient sector”, she points out.
                                                                                                                                                                                                The president of OPC emphasised the need to convey
can attend                                                                                                                        PCOS ENHANCE                                                  a clear message: “Spain is a reliable, professional,

events online,                                                                                                                                                                                  meticulous and safe destination for conferences”. “We

they improve
                                                                                                                                  WHAT IS ON OFFER                                              now need to start planting for the future to be 100 per cent
                                                                                                                                                                                                ready the day the situation changes”, she adds.

reputation                                                                                                                        WITH ALL KINDS                                                A good position
and customer                                                                                                                      OF DIFFERENT                                                  With how things have outstandingly evolved recently, the

loyalty, and they
                                                                                                                                                                                                sector will be crucial in recovery. “In recent years the MICE

entail involving                                                                                                                  FORMATS                                                       industry has evolved and grown a great deal, and without
                                                                                                                                                                                                a doubt, once the situation recovers 100 per cent, and in-
                                                                                                                                                                                                person events can continue as usual, even with certain
technological                                                                                                                                                                                   restrictions and necessary health measures, we need the

companies                     Grupo Mónico is committed to hybrid formats and to adapting to the needs and requirements of
                                                                                                                                         fter the initial stage of the pandemic when all in-    industry, companies and associations to start trusting the
                                                                                                                                         person activity came to a halt, conference tourism     sector and its professionals again”, she highlights.
within the MICE               this option.
                                                                                                                                         showed “a great willingness to resume business”.       She points out that Spain was third in the world in ICCA’s

ecosystem                                                                                                                         This was done initially with hybrid or blended formats, to    2019 rankings, with cities like Madrid and Barcelona
                              additional benefit because they help to           will become the best and most efficient           then progress towards in-person events “with a reduced        also in third and fourth place. Beyond the positioning of
                              reach a lot more people and optimise              accessory     for    content     and     global   number of attendees to build trust, the most appreciated      these two regions, Almandoz notes that “this trend was
                              resources, and for their great impact on          participation in traditional face-to-face         and necessary intangible right now”, says the president of    growing in other regions that were also committed to
                              reputation and customer loyalty, stated           formats when we return to normality”,             The Spanish PCO and MICE Forum, Matilde Almandoz,             MICE tourism”.
                              the general director of IFEMA, Eduardo            adds Ifema’s director.                            in an interview with Hosteltur.
                              López-Puertas, at the recent Franco-              As an example, he mentioned the                   The impact on international events, that plummeted due
                              Spanish Economic Forum, that was a                Fruit Attraction Trade Fair that had              to movement restrictions has been a lot greater. National
                              hybrid event.                                     to transform itself and go completely             events depend on different variables, like the number of
                              The head of the exhibition fair venue             digital “to be able to run Spain’s main           attendees or who the promoter is. Almandoz explains
                              in    Madrid    defends     the     industry’s    fruit and vegetable e-trade platform              that the situation triggered in February “overwhelmed
                              remarkable ability to adapt to these              based on artificial intelligence, set up          every single tourism destination”, affected by the
                              new    challenges    and    advocates      for    with an online ‘Marketplace’ to support           consequences of the epidemic and all kinds of different
                              innovation, creativity, bringing value            companies      and   keep      the   exchange     restrictions. This situation affects us all: “Spain, one of
                              to society, opening new businesses and            of interests and business interaction             the top five conference destinations in the world, and
                              “undergoing the transformation society            going”.                                           the other competitors that share that distinction are the
                              needs to come out of this crisis stronger,        The use of technology has escalated to            countries most devastated by the pandemic.
                              and contribute to making business                 gain competitiveness. Ifema’s director
                              relationships more solid and viable”.             states that “Digitalisation is helping            Creativity and ITCs
                                                                                us to turn venues into one of the safest          On the response of the sector, Almandoz claims that
                              A greater competitive edge                        places to be once business activity               “products and services are getting a whole lot better with
                              The progress made in digitalisation               is back on track”. And in this sense,             a range of different formats and always providing two
                              stands out as a way to revive and build           amongst     implementing        many     other    fundamental features to continue offering memorable
                              new    profitable   trade    fair    formats.     innovations, Ifema has invested a great           experiences:      creativity and the latest technological
                              The creation of powerful and smart                deal into ensuring high levels of security        advances”.
                              platforms are making it possible to hold          for   the   movement      of    people    with    PCOs already used technology a great deal, so “streaming”
                              hybrid and digital trade fairs to keep            capacity controls, temperature taking             has been a standard feature at conferences for at least
                              on doing business. “We are learning               and heating devices to parameterise the           fifteen years. “It is probably the end recipients who have
                              fast because we are well aware that this          flow of attendees. And it has also worked         now realised its practicality,” explains the president of     The 3rd MICE Forum scheduled for March, took on a hybrid
                              type of innovation is here to stay and it         hard to deploy 5G connectivity.                   the federation.                                               format in September.
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                                                                                                                                                                                              2020 with 2018 figures, indicates that
                                                                                                                                                                                              the economic impact of their activity
                                                                                                                                                                                              amounts to 13,000 million euros per
                                                                                                                                                                                              year, creating 123,100 direct and indirect

                                                                                                                                                                                              Record-breaking numbers will be
   The pandemic has boosted hybrid events, and these will keep us going while                                                                                                                 back
                         restrictions are still in place                                                                                                                                      The general manager for conventions
                                                                                                                                                                                              at Ifema, Belén Mann, points out that
                                                                                                                                                                                              whenever possible, the venue is starting

      SPANISH TRADE FAIRS                                                                                                                                                                     to digitalise trade fairs “responding to
                                                                                                                                                                                              the demand for hybrid events”. For its
                                                                                                                                                                                              external clients, it has started to offer

    ACCELERATE THEIR DIGITAL                                                                                                                                                                  “maximum flexibility in terms of hiring
                                                                                                                                                                                              in    the    short-       and    medium-term.”
                                                                                                                                                                                              “We have also looked for alternative

       TRANSFORMATION                                                                                                                                                                         businesses and events that have been
                                                                                                                                                                                              less affected by the pandemic,” she adds.
                                                                                                                                                                                              2019 was a record year for ifema, with
                                                                                                                                                                                              more than 800 events held and more
                                                                                                                                                                                              than 180 million euros in turnover.
Ángeles Vargas
                                  Trade fair venues are trying to focus all their efforts on getting                                                                                          Apart from the usual events in its      ready for 2021, while this year, they are scheduling hybrid events                                                                                          calendar,          prominent      events      “for
                                                                                                                    National Congress of Advocacy held in May 2019 at Feria Valladolid.       their   international         repercussion     and
                                  and tackling the challenges of digitalisation much faster than
                                                                                                                                                                                              importance for the city, were medical
                                  expected. In 2019, Spain’s Trade Fair Association, AFE for                                                                                                  congresses         such    as    the     European

                                  its initials in Spanish, recorded 424 audited trade fairs, a total                certain parts held in-person and others                                   Respiratory         Society     (ERS)     congress
                                                                                                                    online, using digital platforms that in                “                  with almost 20,000 participants, or the
                                  49,819 exhibitors, 12,307 of which were international, and 5.7                    most cases have allowed us to reach a                                     European Association of Dermatology
                                  million visitors.                                                                 wide spectrum of potential participants”.            We are convinced     and Venereology (EADV) congress that
                                                                                                                    In   terms   of   preventive    and    health
                                                                                                                                                                         that trade fairs     gathered near to 10,000 specialists. The
                                                                                                                    measures,    venues     and    national   and                             largest event was the COP 25, Climate
                                                                                                                    international associations have joined               can significantly    Summit that attracted more than 30,000
                                                                                                                    forces to put together standard protocols
                                                                                                                                                                         help companies       people to Madrid.

    n a statement to Hosteltur, the                                   “conditioned by movement restrictions         and guidelines.                                                           Another example of success was Feria
    president of the Spanish Association                              and also by the economic difficulties         The current difficulties and uncertainty             and contribute       de Valladolid, with a 3.5 million-euro
    of Trade Fairs (AFE), Xabier Basañez
said: “The current situation is very
                                                                      some   companies
                                                                                           are   already   going    the sector is facing, like many others,
                                                                                                                    forces us to reassess our business model
                                                                                                                                                                         to the recovery      turnover in 2019, hosting some twenty
                                                                                                                                                                                              trade fairs and almost 200 different
complicated, and nobody can really                                    Some trade fair venues have resorted to       and analyse what aspects can be improved             of economy in        activities. Standing out as an important
foresee the consequences the pandemic                                 Temporary Redundancy Schemes and              to be more competitive in the future,                                     event       was,    the    National      Congress
will end up having on our sector.”                                    cuts in working hours and in general,         and carry on supporting companies,
                                                                                                                                                                         general”, says the   of Advocacy, with more than 2,500
“When events were allowed to return,                                  they are trying to get ahead with specific    professionals and individuals with a                 president of AFE.    attendees. This venue has now focused on
organisations and trade fair venues                                   measures and institutional support. “We       marketing tool as irreplaceable as trade                                  hybrid events to “promote the attendance
were ready to get back to business with                               have every confidence in 2021’s trade         fairs”, states Basañez. Trade fairs face                                  of international stakeholders.” Among
all possible preventive and safety and                                fairs when we hope the situation will         different challenges that the health crisis                               the measures adopted, those that stand
security measures. In recent months this                              improve gradually and we will be able to      has accelerated, such as digitisation, and                                out are the installation of access control
has resulted in the organisation of some                              get back to a certain level of normality,”    others they continue to work on like                                      systems to identify the correct use of face
face-to-face events at regional level,                                he adds.                                      sustainability and internationalisation,                                  masks, temperature measurements, the
and also hybrid and virtual events”, he                               To adapt, “the first thing is to transform,   he points out.                                                            traceability of every single participant
said. But most professional international                             at least for the moment, certain trade        The economic impact of Spanish trade                                      and     more       hygiene      and    disinfection
trade fairs have had to be postponed,                                 fairs into virtual or hybrid events, with     fairs, according to a study carried out in                                measures.
14      Special MICE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                            Special MICE 2021   15


Iker Goicoechea is the president of the Spanish Association of Conference Centres, APCE

We aim to recover the
position we once held
strongly and solidly
                                                                                                                        The 68th edition of the Zinemaldia 2020 San Sebastian Film Festival, in Kursaal.

                                                                                                                        This formula is working and most             in recovery?                            When do you think recovery will
Although the MICE sector is suffering “a great deal” due to the pandemic, in his
                                                                                                                        likely, the concept of hybridisation,        Our expectations are, without a         come?
interview with Hosteltur the president of Spain’s Association of Conference                                             mixing face-to-face sessions with            doubt, for a V-shaped recovery,         We are not sure, but in the MICE
Centres (APCE), Iker Goicoechea, points out that the facilities and the excellence                                      online ones, will be a change that           precisely because MICE, and in          and meetings’ segment, there is a
                                                                                                                        is here to stay. For years now, we           particular, the large infrastructures   ‘certain’ agreement to look beyond
and professionalism that make the country the most popular in this sector worldwide
                                                                                                                        have been hosting corporate events           that APCE represents were very          Easter. Autumn and winter are going
“remain intact”, so recovery will be “sound, strong and without hesitation”.                                            and congresses, reaching a wider             well positioned in international        to be very hard and challenging, but
                                                                                                                        geographical audience thanks to              markets before this catastrophe         we have hope, and reality is that
                                                                                                                        the internet. This situation has             struck. Once we have overcome           relevant congress events have been
What is the situation of MICE           Are there differences between            Virtual, hybrid and multi-site         accentuated that pre-existing                this health crisis and restrictions     rescheduled for spring, May-June. We
tourism in Spain with the standstill    large and medium-sized cities?           events are being held. What            reality.                                     can be relaxed, we aspire to firmly     believe that this after-Easter period
caused by the health crisis?            No, the conditions are similar.          solutions are APCE’s members                                                        and solidly recover the position        could be a significant milestone
Quite bad. Within the measures          The nuances on the different             implementing to maintain activity?     Would you say that what                      we held because the foundations         for recovery and in returning to
being adopted based on the health       communities have not been so             The most important Conference          has happened highlights the                  that put us there, our top-level        normality so that autumn can be as
situation, there is a direct wave       different for there to be significant    Centres and trade fair venues in       importance of in-person meetings?            infrastructures and professional        ‘normal as possible’. And, hopefully,
towards the world of meetings,          differences. In general, the             this country are technologically       As human beings, we have                     teams with great experience in          it will be so.
and the devotion to our convention      situation is bad, it is difficult, and   very well equipped. We have plenty     emotional and social needs, and              high-level events, the advantages
centres is very strong. We have come    no-one is safe.                          of room for social distancing, and     now that these are lacking, we have          of the territory itself, the climate,   Do you think Spain’s reputation
to terms with this because we are                                                we have professional teams that        realised how essential that elements         food, etc. are all there and have       has been damaged?
well aware that it is due to a health   And between Spain and other              have managed some of the world’s       of cohesion and relations really             not diminished one iota”. Let us        Being a country that welcomes
crisis. We are concerned about          destinations?                            most important international           are. A message with or without an            see if we are also able to articulate   tourists and specifically those
different measures such as capacity     Lots of postponements, like the          events. We are answering to the        emotional component is not the               European funds to strengthen,           from the MICE and professional
restrictions that are not relativised   international events that we have        demand for more hybrid events          same, and this is articulated through        if possible, our competitive edge       events’ sector, our reputation has
to the space available and set a        had to delay in Spanish cities, are      without any problems. Those            in-person events. We are convinced           improving the digitalisation            not been particularly damaged.
maximum in absolute numbers that,       also occurring in other European         ‘responsible activist’ customers who   of this, and we believe that this            of spaces or efficiency and             The foundations that took us to the
in large venues like ours (Kursaal),    cities and around the world, there       are continuing with their projects     recovery will be stable, strong and          sustainability elements we were         top remain intact. We hosted the
where we can guarantee social           are no notable differences. The          and events – responsible in health     without hesitation.                          already deep into. An opportunity       COP-25 conference just before the
distancing, limits us. We accept        MICE sector is suffering a great         and financial terms when going                                                      has opened up for us to accelerate      pandemic, picking up the baton from
this with resilience, trying to do      deal globally.                           ahead with them – in these difficult   Given the remarkable evolution               those processes and for us to keep      Chile and it was spectacular and very
everything we can in the situation                                               times we are living, are choosing      of the sector in recent years in             being competitive.                      successful in terms of organisation.
we are living.                                                                   hybrid formats, with streaming.        Spain, will the MICE sector be key                                                   We must not forget that.
16     Special MICE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                      Special MICE 2021   17

                                                                                                                             Health and tourism hand in hand                     the challenges arising from the crisis in
                                                                                                                             In the world of corporate business,                 an advantageous position because they                “
                                                                                                                             the key to recovery will depend on                  will improve the diversification of their
                                                                                                                             “the creation of confidence bubbles                 destination and product offering”.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    We are at a
                                                                                                                             and scenarios”. Transparency in the                                                                    standstill, and
                                                                                                                             destinations’       health      and    hygiene      The first green shoots
                                                                                                                             measures,         transport,     hotels,   and      We are currently at a standstill, and we           we predict
      Travel managers calculate that travel investment has fallen around 58 per cent
                                                                                                                             intermediation        and      complementary        predict recovery in two or three years”,           recovery in two
                                                                                                                             services will be decisive.                          states André Ibañez Cevallos.               But,
                                                           because of the pandemic                                           Travel managers will look for airports              although companies do not yet have                 or three years”,
                                                                                                                             and airlines that comply with social                defined travel plans, they are all looking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    depending on the
          Confidence bubbles will mark the
                                                                                                                             distancing rules, disinfection measures,            into    resuming      them     because     they
                                                                                                                             and medical care if necessary, and they             believe travel is essential to reactivate          international and
                                                                                                                             will value the flexibility to change dates,         their economy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    national health,
       return of corporate trips, and smart                                                                                  extend validity and even endorse tickets
                                                                                                                             to other people in the company. When
                                                                                                                                                                                 “Corporate trips generate trust; they
                                                                                                                                                                                 ‘humanise’ work, increase productivity             economic and
      destinations will gain the upper hand                                                                                  it comes to hotels, they will welcome
                                                                                                                             digital solutions to avoid direct contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                 and Create Harmony by being able to share
                                                                                                                                                                                 ideas and solve problems together. On
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    social outlook,
                                                                                                                             check-in and checkout apps and the                  business trips, body language and facial           states André
                                                                                                                             choice of rooms with virtual reality.               expressions play a significant role, and in
                                                                                                                             Movement            restrictions       between      the end, this helps to close deals, explains
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ibañez Cevallos
Taiana González
                                 Lots of companies are revising their travel policies because the
@Taianahosteltur                                                                                                             countries and the need to restrict venue            the head of Training & Research at AEGVE.
                                 pandemic has hit them hard, but they know that these trips                                  capacities will make the sector focus on            The first trips will be commercial,
                                                                                                                             “smaller spaces and combining hybrid                followed      by    intracompany,      training
                                 will be essential to reactivate their business. Managers will
                                                                                                                             events, blending in-person and digital              and small meetings. Until wariness has
                                 be decisive when looking for flexibility and when collecting                                experiences”, says Ibañez Cevallos. This            died-out, large events with thousands of
                                 information so that corporate trips can resume without                                      will generate more demand for hotels                people in closed spaces will have to wait.
                                                                                                                             with meeting and conference rooms                   In     the   next   three    years,   medical,
                                 health risks.
                                                                                                                             set   up   with     excellent     technological     scientific, technological and events with
                                                                                                                             resources.                                          a social and environmental purpose
                                                                                                                             Bearing      in     mind       that   corporate     “will be the clear trend”. And, at AEGVE
                                                                                                                             travellers are ’Connected Travellers’,              they     believe    that    thanks    to   these

                                       he   volume    of    investment   by   Cevallos, head of Training & Research          who want to be able to check safety and             events “it will be possible to restore
  “                                    Spanish companies in business          at AEGVE and Global Travel & Events            security recommendations or view the                the reputation and confidence we were
                                       trips, equalled 12,800 million euros   manager of Grupo MAXAM.                        status of their bookings in real-time,              known for, attracting new investors and
Travel managers                  in 2019, according to a study published      The Travel Manager’s job will involve          “smart tourism destinations will face               business”.
need to invest in                by Gebta & Braintrust. Due to COVID-19,      adapting    to    the   new    rules    and
                                 Spain’s Association of Business Travel       regulations on travel approval; drafting
technology and                   Managers (AEGVE) estimates that the loss     more frequent and detailed preliminary

online training                  already surpasses 58 per cent and experts    reports; collecting information of the
                                 believe that figures won’t equal those of    health of travellers and on the health
and gather more                  before the pandemic for around three         situation   at    different   destinations,

information on                   years. Companies will change their travel    in   addition    to   strengthening    their
                                 policies, and they will all focus on them    relationship with travel agencies.
the health of                    being essential and on the and safety and    Both companies and employees agree

travellers and the               care of their employees.                     that most trips are essential for business;
                                                                              however, the pace of recovery is very
health situation                 A slow recovery                              slow. It is foreseeable that the first

in different                     The role of travel managers “should
                                 be based on technology and online
                                                                              industries to start travelling again will
                                                                              be those in sectors that have benefited
destinations                     training to understand and efficiently       from the crisis: pharmaceutical, food,
                                 implement the transformation process         electronic commerce, distribution and          Corporate trips will be back, the process will be slow, but it will happen, because they are
                                 in its organisations”, says André Ibañez     telecommunications.                            essential in the reactivation of companies’ business.
18          Special MICE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                        Special MICE 2021     19

                                                                                                                                lobby. Now we offer them safe areas          NH Hotel Group offers the MICE                   “Open Air Meetings”; meetings
                                                                                                                                to continue doing so”, he explains           segment        the      most      advanced       held on terraces and in gardens to
                                                                                                                                                                             technology with Hybrid Meeting by                guarantee more safety and security
                                                                                                                                Niche markets that have                      NH, making it possible for both large            for   attendees.       This    service    is
                                                                                                                                started to recover…                          and small groups or people to meet               complemented with excellent and
                                                                                                                                Although Fernando Vives, Chief               up in different places and combine               healthy food in individual portions
                                                                                                                                Commercial Officer at NH Hotel               in-person and virtual meetings at                and with a picnic layout.
Hybrid or outdoor meetings and individual incentives are just some of the options                                               Group,    has     acknowledged        that   exceptional      locations      while     also   Meliá Hotels International also
                                                                                                                                “conventions and in-person training          respecting every country’s different             offers the possibility of staging

Urban hotels reinvent themselves to
                                                                                                                                sessions for large corporations will         health protocols and guidelines.                 outdoor      events,     and     due     to
                                                                                                                                not be back until September 2021,            In Spain, they have joined forces                restrictions for group travel they
                                                                                                                                SMEs are already on the move, and            with       BMotion             Audiovisual       have designed individual incentive

attract the new MICE customer that                                                                                              there are industries that need to
                                                                                                                                start travelling again, and have the
                                                                                                                                                                             creating a network of fixed sets
                                                                                                                                                                             at different hotels, ready to stage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              trips and innovated with a product
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              that allows remote-working when

has emerged with the pandemic
                                                                                                                                capacity to do so”.                          highly disruptive events, also with              on long-term stays.
                                                                                                                                According to Vives, the MICE market’s        3D-design settings. In this way,                 On    its    part,     Artiem     Madrid
                                                                                                                                most immediate future depends on             customers can enjoy the advantages               has   private        rooms,    areas     for
                                                                                                                                “people   from        large   corporations   of a 100 per cent face-to-face event             “coworking”            and       informal
                                                                                                                                travelling on their own, as long as          with all of the added benefits of a              meetings, as well as private growth
Vivi Hinojosa
                                         The pandemic has put the capacity for resilience and reinvention                       health security is guaranteed, local         virtual one.                                     and development areas (ECDs), just
                                                                                                                                events with small groups and hybrid          Faced    with     the    need      to    help    perfect for meetings. Room Mate
@vivi_hinojosa                           of hotel chains to the test, as well as also having accelerated
                                                                                                                                events with participants connecting          attendees keep their distance and                Hotels already offers the possibility
                                         procedures to respond to the new needs of the market in all                            remotely from different NH hotels,           ensure     adequate      air    circulation,     of conducting rapid tests on all
                                         fields, especially the MICE sector; although some were already                         thanks    to    the    company’s     great   hotels     are    also        offering    the    its event attendees at its facilities
                                                                                                                                investment in technology”.                   possibility of hosting small meetings            with QuirónPrevención. These are
                                         there, and most importantly, are going to stay. Shorter trips and                                                                   outside. Accor, for example, has                 just a few examples of how hotels
                                         smaller in-person meetings because events are going hybrid.                            … and products to cater for them             promoted the use of its outdoor                  and hotel chains are innovating to
                                                                                                                                Not surprisingly, in its proposal            areas in properties in Spain and                 inspire confidence and reactivate
                                         Are hotels ready?
                                                                                                                                for hybrid meetings and events,              Portugal    under       the     concept    of    this delicate tourism segment.

          s recommended by Lucie                on attracting to its urban hotels “a   for new experiences in their own
          Chmelikova,          member      of   type of customer that is between       area. “In our case, we have found
          Boston Consulting Group’s             two and five hours away by car,        a market niche that has not been
Global Competence Center, MICE                  independent    professionals    and    catered   for,    entrepreneurs    and
hotels,     “need      to     rethink   what    people working in sectors that have    investors, who we want to offer that
product they are going to offer to              not stopped business, like those in    ‘little bit more’ to, by helping them
exploit the revenue opportunities               the food industry, for example.” For   profit from the intangible”.
generated by virtual events, like               these customers, they have specially   According    to     Pérez,   due    to
the remodelling of spaces and a                 created “the room-office and room-     “the relocation of jobs in large
closer collaboration with technology            gym products, meeting needs and        corporations,” another unattended
providers to meet the market’s new              requirements   that   were   already   niche has appeared, to which he
needs and requirements”.                        being seen as a must, making the       proposes “a product similar to that of
As stated by Nicolás Lleixà, Chief              use of rooms much more variable”.      ‘cheques gourmet’ so that employees
Commercial          Officer    at    Sercotel   The same is happening at Only You      can work in flexible spaces”. “This
Hotel Group, the fact is that, due              Hotels where, as pointed out by        is in fact what we would call an
to the pandemic, urban hotels have              the company’s Sales and Marketing      ‘evolution’ of the customers we
drastically changed the type of                 Corporate Director, Alfonso Pérez,     already had in hotels like Only You
customers they are targeting. The               customers are “very local”, even       Atocha, where we could find many         Madrid Marriott Auditorium Hotel, with some of the largest spaces for events in Europe, reopened on September 1st focused on
hotel chain is now concentrating                coming from the same city, looking     executives working from the hotel’s      individual customers.
20        Special MICE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                 Special MICE 2021     21

                                                                                                                                       haul fleet, it uses new electrostatic spray                              on-board, complementing the one they
                                                                                                                                       guns loaded with a fine disinfectant                 “                   already have to wear from the moment
                                                                                                                                       powder that reaches even the most                                        they get to the airport.
                                                                                                                                       inaccessible     parts   of   the   armrests,       Biosafety and        Air France is letting customers who
                                                                                                                                       headrests, folding trays and toilets as             technology are       want to cancel their trips, change the
                                                                                                                                       well as other parts of the cabin. The                                    date and destination of their flights
                                                                                                                                       airline also offers its passengers the              helping to create    without documented justification free of
                  Innovation leads a paradigm shift in passenger flight experience                                                     possibility of making an appointment to
                                                                                                                                                                                           new trends on        charge unless there is a fare difference.
                                                                                                                                       have a Covid-19 test at affordable prices.                               Or if they prefer they can choose a
                                                                                                                                       In terms of new policies, Vueling has               board that are       refundable voucher that can be used for

     Within their services, airlines are now                                                                                           completely relaxed its policy for flight
                                                                                                                                       changes, allowing changes to dates,
                                                                                                                                                                                           likely to continue   any flight until March 31, 2021. If the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                airline cancels a flight, customers can
                                                                                                                                                                                           after COVID-19
       offering biosafety, flexibility and                                                                                             routes and even passenger names up
                                                                                                                                       to 48 hours before flights. Customers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                choose to postpone their trip, change
                                                                                                                                                                                                                their destination, or ask for a full refund

          anti-Covid19 technologies
                                                                                                                                       will   automatically     receive    a      flight                        of the ticket or for a voucher, that is
                                                                                                                                       credit for the total price paid, which                                   also refundable if not used. The French
                                                                                                                                       can be redeemed at any time during the                                   airline also has a deal with laboratories
                                                                                                                                       following eighteen months. It has also                                   in France for customers who want to
                                                                                                                                       revised its baggage allowance, limiting                                  book an appointment to take a Covid-19
                                                                                                                                       the number of cabin bags to speed up                                     test before they travel.

Diana Ramón Vilarasau                                                                   Another initiative that has started to         boarding and disembarking times. It is                                   Lufthansa, Swiss and Austrian Airlines
@dianaramonv                                                                            become standard practice in the airline        now an ‘à la carte’ service that allows                                  will expand the range of services they                                                               industry is the signing of agreements          each passenger one carry-on bag that                                     offer their economy class passengers as
                                                                                        with laboratories to offer customers           fits under the seat in front of them                                     of spring 2021 on short and medium-

        he COVID-19 pandemic has put                                                    more affordable coronavirus tests when         and free checked-in baggage unless of                                    haul flights, allowing them to purchase
        health, safety and security and                                                 they are travelling to places that require     course, they pay for a higher fare.                                      a wide selection of food and beverages,
        disinfection at the forefront of                                                a negative test result 48 to 72 hours          Air Europa has also presented a New                                      in some cases with regional touches.
passengers’ experience. As travellers                                                   before travelling.                             Flex fare, with excellent ticket refund                                  KLM has started to use a new robot in
are returning to aeroplanes, airlines                                                                                                  terms,    that    allows      passengers      to                         its catering service to prepare meals for
are thinking-up new and innovative                                                      Safe and flexible                              change their flights as many times as                                    its economy class passengers, officially
initiatives to keep their customers and                                                 Iberia    has    adopted     a   number   of   they need to and choose their seats at                                   activated   by     the     Dutch      airline’s
crews safe during all phases of flight,                                                 sustainable and innovative solutions           no extra cost, just by paying the fare                                   president   and      CEO,    Pieter     Elbers
making people feel confident it is safe                                                 for the daily disinfection of its aircrafts’   difference. The airline is also giving all                               himself, making KLM Catering Services
to travel again.                                                                        cabins. To clean its short and medium-         of its passengers a face mask to wear                                    (KSC) the only company in the world to
Biosafety measures such as the use                                                                                                                                                                              use a robot of this kind. This new system
of    face   coverings,      hand     sanitizers,                                                                                                                                                               will reduce handling costs and make it
cutting-edge cleaning and disinfection                                                                                                                                                                          easier for meal tray adjustments while
techniques or new technologies that                                                                                                                                                                             increasing quality and flexibility and
avoid interaction between passengers                                                                                                                                                                            focusing on customers, being able to
and    airport      and     airline   staff   are                                                                                                                                                               offer them a wider range of products on
replacing some of the services that                                                                                                                                                                             different types of trays.
defined ‘everyday’ flights in pre-COVID                                                                                                                                                                         Due to the suspension of their inflight
times. What has not changed is that                                                                                                                                                                             catering    service,     Transavia,         Air
passengers continue to be at the heart                                                                                                                                                                          France-KLM Group’s low-cost airline,
of all activity.                                                                                                                                                                                                in a one-of-a-kind partnership with
Most airlines have relaxed their policies                                                                                                                                                                       JustEat, allows passengers to order food
for changing flights, and they have                                                                                                                                                                             before boarding and to get it delivered
revised their baggage allowance. Some                                                                                                                                                                           on their flight. The company in charge
airlines     have    even     stopped    letting                                                                                                                                                                of preparing the food is Dutch catering
passengers take hand luggage on board                                                                                                                                                                           company iFleat and information on
to avoid interaction with the crew or                                                                                                                                                                           what routes this service is available on
among passengers.                                   Air Europa: cleaning and disinfection of the cabin with ozone.                     Transavia offers meals to take on board.                                 can be found on the airline’s website.
22        Special MICE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                      Special MICE 2021     23

                        Flexibility, cost control, and adaptability are its weapons

    Agencies are working on
  continuing business by using
 new tools and sticking together                                                                               The world of Sports continues to create opportunities for agencies. Players from Celta de Vigo after the signing of the contract
                                                                                                               with Halcon Viajes in October.

                                                                                                               of Nautalia Viajes, states that his                                                   continue motivating professionals by
                                                                  customer care, that I hope will in the       MICE department’s strategy consists                  “                                offering options specifically designed to
Ángeles Vargas
                                                                  future be remembered giving agencies         of “adapting to a digital and virtual                                                 adapt to the needs of each user.
@angelesvargaspe                                      the high recognition they deserve once       environment, that allows for all kinds
                                                                                                                                                                  The sector has                     Globalia    highlights    the   importance
                                                                  this is over.”                               of different attractive and spectacular            given its all, but it              of the initiative posed by the new I’m
                                                                  For these upcoming months, Professor         events”. The company is opting for                                                    association that represents 40 travel
                                                                                                                                                                  has not received

       The seriousness of the situation                           Anton Costas’s three-R strategy – Resist,    purely virtual or hybrid formats where                                                agencies. Juan del Hoyo, CEO at Viajes
       means that a large proportion of                           Recover and Reinvent oneself- seems to       only the speakers are present in-person            enough help or                     Azul Marino, states that with this
       the country’s companies are on                             be the way to go. Unfortunately, “not all    at the studio or the venue chosen for the                                             initiative, among many other things,
the ropes because business has fallen                             companies will be able to complete the       event.   Approved and certified voting             public incentives,                 they are focusing on “trying to get
across the board and continues to be                              journey in question.” He points out that     tools are used and “the staging and set
                                                                                                                                                                  as countries                       PCRs at lower prices and working with
very low, and it will take time to get back                       resilience levels “are not the same for      designs are impressive, using videos,                                                 hotel chains to make all the necessary
to reasonable levels,” says Juan Carlos                           all of the sector’s companies, and this      3D technology, etc.” We are also highly            such as France                     standards clear everywhere”.
González, president of GEBTA.                                     will regrettably mean a lot of agencies      committed to travel management for
                                                                                                                                                                  and Italy have,                    As a company, Azul Marino is developing
He praises the work carried out by                                will be ‘left in the gutter’.”               sports teams, integrated within our                                                   a   strategy    focused    on    controlling
CEAV in their fight to “ensure agencies                           Those that overcome the first stage          MICE department because to carry out               benefiting for                     costs, maximising revenue, ensuring
receive all the measures necessary,”
and he recalls how at the beginning
                                                                  “still have a long way to go, because
                                                                  the circumstances and the market will
                                                                                                               their activity they need to travel, and
                                                                                                               the COVID context is not affecting this
                                                                                                                                                                  example, internal                  continuity in the long-term and taking
                                                                                                                                                                                                     care of its employees: “We are trying
they focused on cost control, “with                               have changed”. For business trips “it        kind of customer”.                                 transport,”                        to retain everyone, not only at the
the aim resuming business with the                                will be essential to have played your        Juan José Hernández, national director                                                company but also emotionally with the
minimum possible wear and tear,” a                                digitalisation cards right, be flexible      of Globalia Meetings & Events, points
                                                                                                                                                                  believes the                       project”. In the frame of business travel,
strategy, “devised with the idea that the                         enough to adapt to a precarious and          out that these new circumstances have              president of                       they have also implemented a campaign
pandemic would be short-term.”                                    changing scenario and choose the right       forced us to reinvent our business                                                    with Avasa.
Furthermore, given the hope of recovery                           business model. At GEBTA we have             model: “To adapt to the situation
                                                                                                                                                                  GEBTA                              Juan Carlos González, general director
that    was      felt   before   the   summer,                    been working on the transformation of        with innovative alternatives, always                                                  of the Corporate Department at Ávoris,
“both in the holiday and the corporate                            business models since 2018 and, without      thinking of the safety of our clients and                                             specifically points out that BCD is “the
sphere, the private sector put a great                            a doubt, this theoretical exercise is of     our team. Like at any large event, we                                                 first agency to have a Security Manager
effort into opening its businesses and                            great use at times like these, because       face inconveniences and unforeseen                                                    and    an   End-to-End       travel   safety
putting products onto the market. But                             it has allowed us to gain time and           circumstances so being ready is the                                                   product, our Security Pack; and we also
the truth is, we are back to stage one,                           perspective”.                                key”. Among the strategies developed                                                  have a new brand for congresses, Bco-
with zero return”. Without forgetting                                                                          by Globalia, he draws attention to the                                                Nnects that manages large virtual or
the incredible work put into customer                             Reinvent and innovate                        GlobalBox experiential platform. The                                                  mixed congresses as well as bubble
care and service: “An uncompensated                               On   his   part,   Rafael   Garrido,   CEO   company hopes to use this platform to                                                 events like the ACB basketball final”.
24      Special MICE 2021


 Venues are looking for ways to continue generating business

 Andalucía is fighting
 to keep its MICE sector
 Ángeles Vargas
 @angelesvargaspe                                  Andalusian Public Enterprise for        The capital is fighting hard to adapt                      the management of Tourism and           events to the current situation. “We
                                                   Sports   and   Prodetur,    different   are trying to organise meetings

              ICE tourism continues to             presentations and roadshows were        within this specialised sector and
              be a priority in the region          carried out together with Sevilla       encourage participants to do business
              of    Andalucia.       Proof    of   Congress and Convention Bureau          with each other”, explains Antonio
 this is the public authorities’ deep              in October. While in November, the      Jiménez, manager of Fibes. In recent
 investment in continuing to support               Tourism Innovation Summit was           years, high social content events

 this kind of activity, starting with
 the     Regional        Government           of
                                                   held as a hybrid event and continues
                                                   its endeavours to become a regular
                                                                                           like Sicab, have changed their focus,
                                                                                           looking more at the competition or                            BROADEN YOUR NETWORK
 Andalucía, that has given support                 event in the field of innovation.       business side of things.
 to professionals at different events                                                      Event catering has been limited
 like   the    IBTM          World    Virtual.                                             a great deal to guarantee social
 “Given the tremendous crisis in                     “                                     distancing and is no longer available
 the sector, we thought it would be                                                        onsite at trade fair venues. Also,
 appropriate to help companies by                  Fibes has received 2.5                  significant progress has been made
 offering them free participation”,
                                                   million euros from                      concerning    online,      and   hybrid
 explain        representatives           from                                             events using them “as a new source
 Turismo Andaluz. Another example                  the City Council with a                 of income, somewhat replicating
 would be the ICCA Congress 2020.
                                                   capital increase from                   the model included in the Plan8
 Turismo Andaluz, Costa del Sol                                                            presentation, where we set-up a kind
 Convention Bureau and Turespaña                   Contursa, to help with                  of television studio to broadcast from    You are not going to make contacts here – you are going to connect with everything.
 sponsored the ICCA Regional Hub
 Congress in Málaga, one of the
                                                   maintenance costs                       digitally, offering space for a limited
                                                                                           audience in one of the large rooms”.      Because living is not the same as living intensely.
 cities chosen to host this virtual                compensating for the
 international event. Furthermore,                                                         Best practices
 within       the    2020       Collaboration
                                                   decline in business                     From Málaga Convention Bureau,
 Agreement          signed      between      the                                           Francisco Quereda, advisor to the

                                                                                                                                     Make your conferences and conventions more powerful at
26     Special MICE 2021

Mayor’s office on matters concerning        fair and congress calendar and by a             of a Roundtable for MICE Tourism,
the   Management       of   Congresses,     significant increase in international           and that this was already among its
points out that “As well as standing        business,       the     Fycma    Congress       objectives before the outbreak and
by our partners, supporting them in         Centre with a total 183 events,                 is in line with the interest shown
these difficult times and involving         surpassed the record set at 400,000             for business tourism in the province
them in the destination’s recovery          attendees. They explain that Fycma              in recent years. He points out that
strategy, by organising together with       “has addressed the last part of 2020,           organisers are “strictly” following
Costa del Sol and Turismo Andaluz           by committing to be at the service              the safety protocols and are being
one of the four Worldwide Hubs for          of the production sector now more               flexible   with     postponements,
the ICCA 2020 Congress, Málaga has          than ever”. The venue aspires to                cancellations      and       payment
gained the reputation of being a safe       be “a useful tool in the process                terms. There is also a clear move
destination and the perfect place for       of economic recovery to continue                towards outdoor spaces, including
European MICE professionals to start        generating            wealth,     business      extraordinary locations, and Fam

Fycma has made a great effort to adapt its spaces and become more digital.

meeting up again”.                          opportunities and promoting job                 Trips adapted to today’s needs and
In September the City Council started       creation”. Apart from adapting to               requirements.
and continues to conduct antigen            different event formats, it has also            In turn, the general director of
tests at all major MICE sector events       put a tremendous logistical and                 Almeria’s Chamber of Commerce,
like trade fairs and congresses to          organisational effort into making               Victor Cruz, stresses the great effort
detect any possible cases and “this         aisles    wider,      putting    up     signs   put into following safety measures,
has been a great success”. In fact,         marking the various routes to be                using new technologies for virtual

                                                                                                                                      · M I C E D E S T I N AT I O N ·
the   ICCA    International      Congress   followed, delimitating and adapting             events and finding other uses for
has referred to this kind of testing        spaces and prioritising open set-ups            the province’s congress venues -like
at its congress in Málaga as a “good        and stands.                                     sitting exams, employee selection
practice” example.                                                                          tests or holding business meetings.         · W HER E MEETI NG AGAI N HAP P ENS ·
In 2019, Málaga hosted more than            Flexibility and technologies                    And although campaigns have been
300 congresses, resulting in a near         From Cádiz Convention Bureau,                   launched   to   attract   agricultural,
to eighty per cent hotel occupancy          the      head      technician,        Ignacio   religious and food sectors, he does
rate. And in a year that was marked         Santiago, points out that one the               believe Almeria needs to promote
by the consolidation of the trade           Tourist Board’s ideas is the creation           this segment a whole lot more.

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