Page created by Charlotte Torres


The ongoing global pandemic has shone a light on
how dependent our economies have become on
digital technology. With rapid digitalisation and the
surge in demand for cloud-based services across the
region, Southeast Asia is set to be the fastest growing
region for the co-location of data centres over the next
five years. Yet, the industry has among the highest
carbon footprints in the business world today.

How can we decarbonise even while building better
cloud solutions?

This white paper explores the viable solutions
available to help data centre operators fight the
rising tide of environmental challenges.

 “The future of data centres in the face of climate change” is a white paper
 written and produced by Eco-Business Research, the research arm of
 Eco-Business, and supported by Digital Realty. Eco-Business is the leading
 media and business intelligence company serving Asia Pacific’s sustainable
 development community. Our platforms include the award-winning site, custom publications, research and high-impact
 bespoke events catered to deepen discussions on sustainability.

 Author: Parita Chitakasem
 Editors: Neo Chai Chin and Junice Yeo
 Advisor: Jessica Cheam
 Designer: Philip Amiote
 Image Credit: DepositPhotos

 ©2020 Eco-Business. All rights reserved. Contains Eco-Business’ Confidential
 and Proprietary information and may not be disclosed or reproduced without
 the prior written consent of Eco-Business. For more information about our
 products and services, please contact us at:

 Eco-Business Pte Ltd
 The SDG Collaborative @ Bridge+,
 2 Science Park Drive,
 #01-08, Ascent,
 Singapore 118222
 +65 6250 2488

Foreword by Digital Realty and Eco-Business       5

Key takeaways                                     9

Executive summary                                 11

All eyes on Southeast Asia                        11

Spotlight on Singapore                            12

Key challenges                                    14

Viable solutions to sustainable growth            20

Impact of Covid-19                                32

Spotlight on Malaysia and Indonesia               34

Attitudes towards more sustainable data centres   38

Future outlook and conclusion                     41

APPENDIX 1: Detailed summary of online survey     44
APPENDIX 2: Research sources                      50
The onset of Covid-19 has triggered the acceleration of digital transformation.
It has also highlighted the invaluable role of data centres as the central           FOREWORD BY
nervous system of the digital economy. Asia Pacific is set to be the biggest
market for data centers by next year, with a total market size to be around          DIGITAL REALTY
US$28 billion by 2024 for colocation data centres. Southeast Asia (SEA) is one
of the fastest growing regions globally and will be a key driver of the APAC’s
data centre market, representing around 13% of the region’s total market size.

The region’s data centre market continues to grow rapidly but we also need to
be cognisant of the high energy required to power them. The importance of
sustainable data centres is further exemplified by their high cooling needs,
especially in SEA’s tropical climate. Cooling needs account for 35 to 40% of total
data centre energy demand, making energy efficient cooling technologies a key
solution for data centre operators to reduce energy consumption. Consumers
are also increasingly environmentally conscious. Even companies which have
been putting sustainability on the back end are now making it a priority.

More companies are looking to invest in data centres that meet their goals as
sustainability targets become more ambitious. This has cast a spotlight on
green data centres. We value the importance of sustainability at Digital Realty
and ensure our data centres are green, energy efficient, while meeting the
demands of digital expansion at the same time.

Digital Realty’s upcoming facility in Singapore (SIN12) reflects our strong
commitment to industry-leading design standards while also being sustain-
able. The facility will be equipped with efficient cooling system design and
controls, which aim to minimise evaporation losses and achieve the most
competitive power usage effectiveness (PUE) for a commercial data centre in
Singapore. We’re also ramping up our sustainable efforts in other APAC facili-
ties as we expand our regional presence, having recently announced new
facilities in Korea, Hong Kong and Australia. As a company, we are dedicated
to bring our emissions in-line with a significantly below two-degree climate
change scenario by 2030.                                                             Mark Smith
Looking ahead, I believe it’s best for all members of the data centre communi-       Managing Director
ty to work closely together, share their expertise, and leverage each other's        Asia Pacific at Digital Realty
strengths to strive towards being more sustainable. Data centre players
should also move away from conservative approaches and embrace modern
technologies, such as liquid cooling solutions and Artificial Intelligence,
which can radically help improve energy efficiency.

We’re proud to work with Eco-Business on this whitepaper amidst rising
awareness of sustainability in the industry. The whitepaper explored viable
solutions which can help data centre operators achieve sustainable growth
within Southeast Asia. I hope this report will provide you with valuable
insights as we work towards reducing our carbon footprint.

Sustainable practices and environmental stewardship have evolved to become
a priority in the global economy. Businesses have shifted their focus on sustain-   FOREWORD BY
ability, integrating it as a core aspect of their enterprise business strategy.
                                                                                    DIGITAL REALTY
With the rapid growth of the digital economy, the demand for purpose-built
data centres is growing in lock step. When taken as a class of building, data
centres are among the highest consumers of power. It’s more critical than
ever for enterprises to maximize efficiency and seek clean energy solutions for
their data centre infrastructure.

While efforts to improve the energy efficiency of data centres—such as cooling
system upgrades, expanding the operating parameters of data halls, and
optimising air flow by using smart sensors and controls—will remain an
important area of focus, organisations are also capturing significant sustain-
ability gains by switching to clean energy. With consumers becoming increas-
ingly aware and interested in social and environmental issues, it is all the
more imperative that organisations look to renewable and carbon-free
energy as a sustainable resource for the long term.

Implementing green practices in data centres not only benefits the planet but
is also good for business. The use of renewable energy resources can go a long
way in helping businesses attract and retain customers while helping them
achieve sustainable objectives.

As a company, we are committed to bring our emissions in-line with a signifi-
cantly below two-degree climate change scenario by 2030. Some of our
notable sustainability initiatives include our Global Renewable Energy
programme which aims to make 100% renewable energy available to custom-
ers. Additionally, Digital Realty became the first data centre operator of our
size and global reach to commit to setting a target with the Science-Based
Targets Initiative (SBTi).

We are excited to share the findings of our joint study with Eco-Business in
Southeast Asia (SEA). It is encouraging to see that most customers in the
                                                                                    Aaron Binkley
region view sustainability as a key consideration when choosing a data centre       Senior Director
provider. We believe business success and environmental stewardship go              Sustainability Programme
hand-in-hand and sustainable innovation will play a critical role in the growth     at Digital Realty
of the data centre industry in Southeast Asia.

If there is one thing that Covid-19 has proven, it is that data has become an
indispensable part of modern life and business operations.                         FOREWORD BY
Every day, millions of digital transactions happen behind the scenes without       ECOBUSINESS
us noticing. But as we continue to grow products and services in this digital
economy and rely on it to feed our human connections, we cannot ignore the
growing energy footprint and planetary impact that goes along with it.

This new white paper, produced in partnership with Digital Realty, breaks new
ground in highlighting the pressing challenges faced by the data centre indus-
try as it expands to meet the rising global need for data. This is especially
challenging in a region such as Southeast Asia where the tropical climate and
policy environment does not necessarily provide the easiest of conditions.

But Southeast Asia is home to the fastest-growing economies in the world,
and its rapid development will accelerate its demand for data services. Set
amid this context, it is crucial that data centre providers find a way to meet
this need while ensuring that they are playing a part in helping countries meet
their climate targets.

To this end, the white paper outlines the significant opportunities and
pathways available for the sustainable growth of the industry. Our findings
reveal a key message: Technology that can reduce the carbon footprint and
energy intensity of data centres is already available, or fast emerging.

Governments need to provide policy environments that allow the industry to
step up and accelerate solutions such as the wider adoption of renewable
energy, the use of hydrogen as a clean fuel source, and other efficient
cooling methods.

Regulators need to create the right set of incentives to get operators and their
clients to adopt best-available technologies, while data centre players must
work with researchers to test-bed and scale up low-carbon solutions.               Jessica Cheam
We hope this white paper will spark conversations in the region and spur           Managing Director
further action among business, government and wider society to achieve the         Eco-Business
common goal of creating thriving digital economies while ensuring a resilient
and sustainable future.

1     The acceleration
      of digital transfor-
mation and exponen-
                                      2   Solar energy is
                                          the stand-out
                                     source of clean energy
                                                                        3    Major technologi-
                                                                             cal, research and
                                                                        innovation milestones
tial growth in data                  in Southeast Asia                  open up opportunities
demand in Southeast                                                     to significantly reduce
Asia show no signs of                The region is witnessing several   energy consumption
                                     promising developments in
abating                              renewable energy. Solar
                                                                        New developments, most
                                     energy stands out in terms of
The Covid-19 pandemic has                                               notably in cooling technologies
                                     its sizeable potential supply.
intensified the appetite for                                            and smart innovations,
data and underscored the                                                present viable solutions to
                                     This trend is seen in Indonesia
importance of digital tech-                                             radically improve energy
                                     and Malaysia, which exhibit
nology and data centres.                                                efficiency across the data
                                     enormous future capabilities
This presents the industry                                              centre industry.
                                     in generating solar energy, as
with a growing challenge as          well as in Singapore, which
it finds ways to balance                                                More funding for research
                                     although is land-constrained
growth with the urgency to                                              and development is needed,
                                     can find ways to increase its
tackle climate change and                                               and greater uptake in these
                                     solar energy supply through
reduce its environmental                                                new technologies is required
                                     both domestic production
impact.                                                                 on a wider scale across the
                                     and imports.

    4   Tech companies and multinational third
        party data centre service providers lead
    the way in sustainable growth
                                                                        5   All members of
                                                                            the data centre
                                                                        ecosystem need to
                                                                        work together
    Global tech giants Microsoft, Google, Amazon and
    Facebook, and other multinational data centre service               With all parties in the region
    providers,are setting ambitious targets to reduce their             collaborating and sharing
    carbon emissions and help the industry meet the United              expertise, the industry will be
    Nations Sustainable Development Goals.                              in an ideal position to achieve
                                                                        sustainable data centre
    These set a positive example for the rest of the industry,          growth and consolidate its
    which should be encouraged to set their own sustainabil-            strength in the global data
    ity targets. This will not only contribute towards climate          centre market.
    action, but also significantly reduce costs in the long
    term, and build greater credibility among customers.


The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered an        The use of seawater for cooling, as well
unparalleled acceleration in digital          as underground spaces for data centre
transformation and underscored the
invaluable role of data centres in the
                                              development in the region, are also
                                              being assessed. In addition, experts are     ALL EYES ON
face of global disruptions. At the same
time, there is rising global awareness of
                                              mulling the possibilities of running data
                                              centres efficiently using primarily          SOUTHEAST ASIA
the urgency to address climate change         natural cooling in Southeast Asia's
and decarbonise our economies.                tropical climate.                            Southeast Asia is one of the
                                                                                           fastest-growing markets for data
Southeast Asia is a prime market for          For continued industry growth, govern-       centres in the world. According to
data centre development and Singa-            ment authorities need to provide             a report by Cushman & Wakefield,
pore, in particular, continues to drive its   regulatory certainty and set out a           the overall Asia Pacific co-location
growth. However, the country’s thriving       long-term roadmap for data centre            data centre market size will be
technology industry and high data             development that takes into account its      worth US$28 billion in 2024,
centre demand has contributed to its          climate impact. Government support for       overtaking regions such as North
energy consumption per capita being           technological innovations such as            America to become the largest
one of the highest in the world.              hydrogen will help data centre develop-      worldwide.
                                              ers and operators integrate these
Singapore needs to address several            sustainable features into the design and     Southeast Asia is a key driver,
challenges if it is to remain a competi-      siting of their data centres.                accounting for an estimated 13 per
tive and sustainable market for data                                                       cent of the region’s total market
centres. Its limited land size, tropical      Emerging markets Malaysia and                size in value terms. The region is
climate, lack of cost-effective renewable     Indonesia also show huge potential. If       home to many fast-moving
energy supply, and shifting policies for      investors are provided with political        dynamic cities undergoing rapid
data centre development — in particu-         stability and the right policies, we can     transformation. Its economies are
lar, a moratorium on new data centres         expect to see strong and sustainable         heavily characterised by social
,which has been put in place until 2021       growth in data centres.                      media, TV and video content
— are key challenges impeding the                                                          streaming, e-commerce and bank-
development of data centres.                  Experts interviewed emphasised that          ing, which all require robust IT
                                              industry players need to be bolder in        infrastructure and data networks
But there are solutions today which can       testing and integrating new technologies     to support its growth.
help achieve greener, more sustainable        to raise the efficiencies of data centres.
data centre operations. These include         Lastly, observers note that greater          Businesses continue to rapidly
measures to increase renewable energy         collaboration across the entire system —     expand into and within Southeast
supply, as well as using viable cleaner       from consultancies to research houses,       Asia, further driving demand for
fuel alternatives such as hydrogen.           data centre providers to academic — will     digital services. Data centres are
                                              be key in raising awareness and seizing      at the heart of this growth, and
Cooling needs represent 35 to 40 per          opportunities to achieve sustainable         this region represents a key
cent of total data centre energy              growth in the long term.                     market for local and multinational
demand, making energy efficient UPS                                                        data centre providers and tech
(uninterruptible power supply) systems        This will also help the industry to build    giants to seize opportunities to
and cooling technologies—including            resilience and ensure it is prepared for     feed the growing appetite for all
variants of liquid cooling—a key area         other global disruptions going forward.      things digital.
where data centre operators can reduce
energy usage as well as costs.


The growing energy consumption of            community recognises the central role       many reasons why the country trumps
data centres — and its accompanying          that data centres play and support its      other well-developed data centre
carbon emissions — have gained much          sustainable growth to ensure its progress   markets in the region including Hong
attention locally and beyond.                is not detrimental to the climate.          Kong, Shanghai, Sydney and Tokyo.

According to major local telecommuni-        Singapore is the most sought-after          Singapore continues to be unbeatable
cations and data centre service provider     market for data centre operators in the     when it comes to undersea cable
Singtel, almost 7 per cent of the total      Southeast Asian region. On a global         connectivity, which is one of the core
energy used in the country was from          scale, it is also one of the top-ranked     considerations for data centres. As
data centres, significantly higher than      data centre locations. According to the     observed by Director, Business Develop-
the average of 1 to 2 per cent in the rest   Cushman & Wakefield “Data Centre            ment, Data Centre Service Operations at
of the world. Furthermore, analysts          Competitiveness Index” report of            ENGIE Southeast Asia, Joycelyn Longue,
estimate that by 2030, data centres will     August 2019, Singapore was the third        “Singapore has grown to be the data
consume as much as 12 per cent of            most desirable place for operators to set   centre hub in Southeast Asia”.
Singapore’s total energy demand,             up data centres, behind only Iceland
highlighting the need to alleviate the       and Norway, having also leapfrogged         As of May 2020, Singapore boasts a
industry’s contribution to the country’s     four spots and overtaken key markets        comprehensive network of 24 undersea
overall carbon footprint.                    such as Sweden, Switzerland, Finland        cables linking it to a multitude of key
                                             and the US since the previous ranking       locations worldwide. This makes it the
On the other hand, global disruptions        was published in 2017.                      prime location to connect the region to
such as the Covid-19 pandemic have                                                       the rest of the world, and through to the
underscored the crucial role that data       As of 2020, the country dominates the       rest of Asia. When assessing cost versus
centres play in ensuring business            Southeast Asian market, accounting for      risk, Singapore is attractive due to its
continuity and economic growth. It is        an estimated 60 per cent of the region’s    extremely low country risk. In terms of
therefore important that the wider           total data centre supply. There are         geographic attributes, its low vulnerability

Fig 1: Data Centre growth and Colocation Market Size by Region: 2024

               North America                                                              EMEA
               CAGR: 6.4%                                                                 CAGR: 11.1%
               Market Size: US$23.4 billion                                               Market Size: US$17.2 billion

                                                                                                     South East Asia
                                                                                                     CAGR: 12.9%
                                                                                                     Market Size:
                                                                                                     US$3.5 billion

   Asia Pacific including
   South East Asia
                                                                          CAGR: 12.2%
                                                                          Market Size: US$28 billion
   North America

   Europe, Middle East, Africa

Source: Cushman & Wakefield,
Structure Research

to natural disasters such as earth-         resilient networks and infrastructure,
quakes, volcanic eruptions and fires,       making it the gateway for critical data
makes it a safer bet compared to other      and premium content companies to the
markets such as Japan, with its risk of
earthquakes, or Australia, where the
                                            Southeast Asia region”.                        “Singapore has
weather is unpredictable and more
                                            From 2014, Singapore’s journey towards
                                            becoming a Smart Nation led to high            grown to be the
                                            growth in businesses related to IT and
Singapore’s     stable,     pro-business
environment is also conducive for
                                            e-commerce, helping to cement its
                                            position as the region’s hub for digital
                                                                                           data centre hub
international investment and it offers a
plethora of economic incentives and
                                            and cloud services. It has also resulted in
                                            Singapore being home to a highly skilled       in Southeast
low corporate tax rates, a major plus for   and well-trained data centre labour force,
data centre players.                        making it more favourable from a person-
                                            nel and talent operations perspective.
Furthermore, Singapore boasts around
20 years of experience in developing        According to the data centre colocation
                                                                                           Joycelyn Longue
data centres – the industry emerged         directory Cloudscene, as of May 2020,          Director, Business
back in the 2000’s when it boosted          Singapore hosts 50 data centre service         Development, Data
investments in its telecommunications       providers at 93 data centre sites, with        Centre Service
infrastructure. Longue points out that,     multiple data centre players boasting          Operations at
“This didn't happen by chance; it was       new developments in the pipeline.
part of Singapore's Smart Nation plan to    Singapore will continue to be a magnet
                                                                                           ENGIE Southeast Asia
be a “Digital Harbour” that looked at       for data centres, and demand is expected
delivering excellent connectivity,          to remain high.

Despite Singapore’s success in attracting tech
companies and hosting data centres, it faces some
key market and environmental challenges which need
to be addressed if it wants to remain competitive in
the longer term.

The challenges can be grouped into three key areas:
the country’s land constraints,
its tropical climate, and its policies.

 Land constraints in                           than 10 times the average monthly net         centres on Singapore’s limited land. One
                                               wage of an Indonesian working in the          resultant characteristic of data centres in
 Singapore                                     infocomm sector, considered a                 Singapore are that they are high-rise
                                               higher-than-average occupation in the         buildings of between five and seven
 Singapore’s tiny land area of 724sq km        country1. This adds to high initial capital   storeys, a stark contrast to the expansive
 means there is limited space for data         expenditure required, and longer-term         data centres in the US and Europe which
 centres. This has resulted in increasing      operating costs.                              occupy sizeable land space and are rarely
 competition among data centre players                                                       taller than two storeys. For data centres,
 vying for sites on which to build their       When it comes to data centre construc-        building upwards entails extra measures
 large-scale operations. Land is at a premi-   tion, operators have to contend with          to ensure air flow and cooling.
 um and, accordingly, real estate prices are   zoning controls which come with neces-
 amongst the highest in the world.             sary but restrictive obligations. B2 zoning   Industry experts also highlighted limita-
                                               rules under the Urban Redevelopment           tions when it comes to back-ups or
 Due to Singapore’s relatively high            Authority (URA) property guidelines,          redundancy. Data centres would typically
 manpower costs, data centres need to          which data centres are subject to,            include a secondary site, in addition to
 set aside significant budgets for staff       include a nuisance and health and safety      the primary site, for disaster recovery
 salaries, as well as outsourcing mainte-      buffer of more than 50 metres, and a          and business continuity planning.
 nance fees and IT systems upkeep.             requirement for sufficient distance
 Latest figures from the Ministry of           between the site and residential estates.     Data centres may build one location in
 Manpower show Singapore’s median                                                            the east of Singapore and one in the
 gross monthly income at SG$4,563 per          Such regulations, whilst necessary, add       west, but the island stretches a mere
 month (US$3,285) in 2019. This is more        to the challenge of developing data           50km when measured from east to west.

                            0.7%                                                         Others
                    Petroleum Products

                                                    Figure 2: Singapore’s
                                                   Fuel Mix for Electricity
                                                    Generation: Q1 2019

                                                                                     Natural Gas
Source: Energy Market Authority (EMA)
Note: numbers may not add up to the total due to rounding

Operators may consider other options,        est-burning fossil fuel, but nonetheless        puts Singapore at a disadvantage, and
including building their secondary site in   a source of carbon emissions. As of 2019,       whilst efforts are being made to procure
neighbouring Malaysia. However, this         less than 1 per cent2 of the country’s          renewable energy, it is clear that clean
brings about other cross-border              energy came from solar power.                   energy cannot be relied upon as the only
challenges. Singapore’s space constraints                                                    solution to drive the sustainability of
also result in difficulties in providing     The country also lacks space to build           data centres.
renewable energy supply for data centres.    wind turbines. Its lack of rivers means it is
In other parts of the world, the industry    not able to accommodate hydropower.             As stressed by Regional Sales Manager,
has made significant steps in generating     As such, well-known approaches such as          East Asia Japan, Schneider Electric
and using renewable energy to fuel its       wind power and hydroelectricity, which          Energy and Sustainability Services,
operations.                                  are key drivers of sustainable data centre      Valerie Choy, “The biggest challenge
                                             development in other markets, cannot            here [in Singapore], and for any corpo-
In April 2020, leading global data centre    be readily applied to Singapore. The            rate buyer who is serious about hitting
provider, Digital Realty, broke new ground   government has suggested that the               their commitments, is being able to get
when it signed a seven-and-a-half- year      dominance of natural gas is also unlikely       [renewable energy] at the scale and the
credit agreement with Citi to procure        to change in the future.                        price that is required.
energy from a wind project in Texas to
power a portion of its 13 data centres in    Experts interviewed observed that while         In the future it is going to be a challenge
Dallas, US.                                  the industry is aware of the technologies       because we are very limited in
                                             needed to generate renewable energy,            Singapore by space to have renewables
In Singapore, 95 per cent of its energy is   the environmental constraint is very            capacity to satisfy the demand by all
generated from natural gas – the clean-      real. The lack of clean energy sources          these data centre customers.”

Southeast Asia’s tropical                   for the equipment to be stored at an        energy usage which does not even go
                                                                                        towards the running of core data centre
climate - a thorn in the                    ambient temperature of between 22 to
                                            24 degrees Celsius and 45 to 55 per cent    facilities. This, alongside other energy
region’s data centre                        relative humidity (RH).                     inefficiencies, has meant that the Power
energy efficiency                                                                       Usage Effectiveness (PUE) ratio — the
                                            Singapore’s average temperature and         international measurement used to
A key characteristic of the Southeast       relative humidity is much higher,           reflect the total power supplied to the
Asian region is its hot tropical climate    averaging 24 to 32 degrees Celsius, and     data centre versus the amount of power
and high humidity, which present a          70 to 80 per cent respectively. This has    consumed by the core IT equipment —
far-from-ideal environment for data         led to a huge reliance on air cooling       is generally between 1.5-1.6 in Singa-
centre operations. Servers and IT           compared to other regions. Industry         pore. This ratio is above 1.0, which
equipment which are housed in data          experts share that between 35 to 40 per     presents a perfect score.
centres typically need to function within   cent of total energy usage goes towards
specific recommended temperature            cooling a typical data centre in            Although this has improved significantly
and humidity ranges, otherwise they are     Southeast Asia, whilst the global           from 5 to 6 years ago when the PUE was
prone to degradation and are at higher      average is 30 to 35 per cent. While many    between 1.8 to 2.0, it is still a far cry from
risk of breaking down.                      countries are increasingly deploying        the PUE levels achieved in other
                                            “free” or natural cooling by using          markets like the US and Europe, which
The global industry consensus on            outside air to cool data centres, this is   can be as low as 1.1 to1.2. Key opinion
optimum conditions for the longest          something which Singapore and the rest      leaders share that in the region,
equipment lifespan, which uses              of Southeast Asia has so far rarely done.   temperature and humidity are arguably
recommendations from the American                                                       some of the biggest challenges to
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and       The heavy use of air conditioners means     improving the operational efficiency of
Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), is     higher carbon emissions, as well as         data centres.

Data centre service                          their proposed factory design assessed          carbon tax on facilities which emit
                                             rigorously using a specific methodology,        25,000 or more tonnes of greenhouse
providers feel the heat                      and then approved for energy efficiency         gases annually. The rate is set at SG$5
from local policies                          by the National Environment Agency              (US$3.6) per tonne of GHG emissions
                                             (NEA)3. They will need to regularly moni-       (tCO2e) and fixed until 2023, although
Tackling climate change is high on the       tor and report energy performance of            by 2030, it could rise to SG$10-15
Singapore government’s agenda – the          their systems which account for                 (US$7.20 to 10.79) per tonne. In a 2018
island may be at low risk of natural         four-fifths of their facility’s total energy    speech, Finance Minister Heng Swee
hazards such as earthquakes and hurri-       consumption. Existing data centre facili-       Keat announced that the government
                                             ties must also now appoint an energy            expects to raise SG$1 billion over five
canes but it is increasingly vulnerable to
                                             manager, and report energy use and              years from this tax, which will in turn be
the rise in sea levels, as well as rising
                                             GHG emissions on an annual basis, and           used to fund the Productivity Grant and
average temperatures and erratic
                                             follow strict reporting guidelines. They        Energy Efficiency Fund, both which
rainfall. One of the government’s key
                                             are also required to submit an energy           support measures to help businesses in
long-term goals is to improve energy
                                             efficiency improvement plan to be               adopting low-carbon technologies and
efficiency and sustainability of business
                                             reviewed annually.                              solutions.
practices. It ratified the Paris Climate
Agreement in 2016 and pledged to
                                             While the intention is to ensure data           While the initiative is strategically
reduce carbon emissions by 36 per cent
                                             centres run sustainably, any potential          important for climate action, the rate is
by 2030 from 2005 levels, as well as
                                             data centre development is currently            very low compared to other markets –
stabilise emissions with the aim of peak-
                                             dictated heavily by this legislation, and       the highest carbon tax in the world is in
ing around 2030.
                                             some experts say the government                 Sweden at SEK 1,180 (US$123) per
                                             would benefit from easing its policies to       tonne of fossil CO2 emitted. As such, the
The Energy Conservation Act (ECA)
                                             safeguard its competitive edge within           tax is expected to have minimal impact
mandates energy efficiency requirements
                                             the region.                                     on lowering carbon emissions.
and energy management practices to
promote energy conservation, improve
                                                                                             Carbon taxes need to be raised signifi-
energy efficiency and reduce environ-        Carbon tax is neither                           cantly to serve as a more effective tool in
mental impact. First introduced in 2012,
it was revised multiple times, most
                                             here nor there                                  mitigating carbon emissions and
                                                                                             promoting the industry’s sustainable
notably in 2017 when a clause containing     Another challenge is Singapore’s intro-         growth. Industry players which place a
a set of strict Energy Management            duction of a carbon tax, which although         priority on sustainable growth in the
Practices were introduced to oversee         is a step in the right direction, is insuffi-   region will need to support this move.
the development of data centres              cient to drive a significant shift towards
(Subdivision 3, clause 26A – 31).            reduced carbon emissions.                       As seen in countries such as Sweden,
                                                                                             high carbon taxes can help reduce the
Data centres wanting to build new facili-    In January 2019, the country became             carbon impact of industries and achieve
ties or expand operations need to have       the first in Southeast Asia to impose a         sustainable economic growth.

Fig 3: Annual mean temperature in Singapore, 1948 - 2019

                                                                                                                       Strong El Niño
Annual Average Temparature (deg C)






                                        1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016


         Source: Meteorological Service Singapore

         Moratorium may lead to                                    development, even those which may           tunities. Data centres are also looking to
                                                                   offer a high level of energy efficiency.    increase their footprint within local
         investors looking                                                                                     markets so they are physically closer to
         elsewhere                                                 As seen in other markets such as the        their customers and can serve them
                                                                   Netherlands, applying a moratorium          better through reduced latency.
                                                                   long-term has proven to be disadvanta-
         In 2019, the Singapore government                         geous in the long run, as data centre       Closer physical proximity is also under-
         imposed a moratorium on new data                          providers will be driven to search for      stood to be more beneficial to the
         centres due to concerns over the indus-                   alternative locations in the region. With   environment as it also lowers the
         try’s carbon footprint. According to the                  other markets such as Indonesia and         carbon footprint of a data centre.
         news site Data Centre Dynamics, the                       Malaysia investing heavily in improving
         moratorium could last until 20214. This                   their infrastructure and welcoming data     As pointed out by International Business
         move is understood to buy time for the                    centre service providers, Singapore may     Development director for RED (A trading
         government to reassess the market, as                     lose out in the data centre race.           brand of Engie Impact), Simon Young,
         well as allow the industry to come up                                                                 “The location of DCs can have a funda-
         with new and more energy efficient                        With the above in mind, Singapore           mental effect on their carbon footprint.
         power solutions.                                          remains competitive but ongoing             For example: locating DCs as close [as
                                                                   challenges, combined with significant       possible] to their primary source of
         While the completion of several projects                  developments in other markets, means        power cuts down transmission losses
         already underway will ensure strong                       there is increasing spill-over in invest-   which can be up to 30 per cent in some
         supply of data centres in the short term,                 ments region-wide. In other parts of        networks around the world. When this is
         experts estimate that by late 2021 and                    Southeast Asia, rapidly emerging IT         applied to a 100MW DC you are in effect
         beyond, the moratorium will cause a                       infrastructure, a fast-growing and          saving 30MW before you have started
         slowdown in supply, potentially affect-                   potentially huge consumer base of           your DC design.” The anticipated expan-
         ing Singapore’s attractiveness as a data                  digital-savvy users, and more abundant      sion of data centre operations at a more
         centre hub for the region. The moratorium                 land will drive investors to look beyond    local level will drive growth throughout
         prevents any potential data centre                        Singapore to identify investment oppor-     the region sustainably.

Figure 4: Singapore's Energy Efficiency Fund

                                                                                                           Up to 50% or capped at
   Up to 50% for investing in        Energy
                                                                                              Energy       SG$200,000 for carrying out
  energy efficient equipment        Efficient
                                                                                            Assessment     detailed energy audits in
              or technologies     Technologies
                                                                                                           existing facilities
                                                              FUND                                         Up to 50% or capped at
                                                                                                           SG$600,000 for conducting
            Up to 50%* for        Management                                                Resource
                                                                                                           design workshops for new
      implementing an EMIS        Information                                           Efficient Design
                                                                                                           facilities and major

Source: National Environment Agency
*capped at SG$250,000 for energy-intensive facilities
(annual energy consumption) and SG$125,000 for other companies

                                                 BCA-IMDA Green Mark                          additional budget to obtain the Green
                                                                                              Mark may play a role in deciding which
Government incen-                                could be even greener                        of the four tiers the building designers
tives are beneficial                                                                          decide to adhere to. If costs are prohib-
                                                                                              itive, designers may opt to achieve the
but more are needed                              The government has taken steps to            lowest Green Mark rating.
                                                 enforce the greening of data centres
                                                 through two mandatory accreditation          To encourage companies to obtain a
To foster greater sustainability and
                                                 schemes — the SS564:2013 and                 higher tier Green Mark rating, the
energy efficient business practices,
                                                 BCA-IMDA Green Mark scheme, which            government could introduce additional
some incentives and financial
                                                 advocate “green high-rise” data centres.     incentive schemes to reward players
support are available in Singapore.
                                                 Such certifications work well in helping     which achieve the highest accreditation.
These include the Energy Efficiency
                                                 to achieve greater sustainability
Fund (E2F), established in 2017,
which supports efforts of businesses             amongst new data centre ventures             This would incentivise businesses which
with industrial facilities to improve            setting up in Singapore.                     are already facing high costs. Some data
energy efficiency (EE).                                                                       centres that do not place a priority on
                                                 Furthermore, users searching for data        greening may also be incentivised to do
However, key opinion leaders,                    centre service providers which are           so. It will also put greener equipment
particularly in research and                     aligned with their own sustainability        makers and innovators of cleaner
academia, stress that much more                  goals will be able to leverage the Green     technology in a stronger and more
support is needed in this region than            Mark to assess how green the data            attractive position, as data centres will
is currently available, to encourage             centre is. In 2018, the BCA launched an      prioritise these players over those which
interest and relevant innovations for            additional data centre accreditation –       are less efficient.
sustainable data centre solutions.               the Super Low Energy (SLE) data centre,
Greater investments in research and              to encourage even greater energy             Those players who are not providing
test bedding of solutions would                  efficiency levels.                           sustainable solutions will be squeezed
send a strong signal of the govern-                                                           out. It will also benefit data centre
ment’s determination to support                  However, as with all industries, and         clients, who are increasingly placing
sustainable data centre growth for               particularly with data centres which         sustainable business practices as part of
the long term.                                   have very high investment costs, an          their corporate goals.

Singapore needs to address challenges within its already well-es-
tablished industry which includes nudging along players who are
resistant to change.

So far, several positive developments are emerging in Singapore
which support sustainable data centre growth. However, more can
be done, particularly around cooling technologies and new innova-
tions such as Artificial Intelligence (AI).

 Maximising efforts for                          the Housing and Development Board            solar energy installation on Singtel’s
                                                 (HDB) and the Economic Development           Bedok Data Centre rooftop, which
 Singapore’s limited                             Board (EDB), the number of solar photo-      contributes to 10 per cent of the
 renewable energy                                voltaic (PV) systems across the country      company’s total data centre energy
                                                 has continued to grow, rising from 2         needs. Data centre operators can
                                                 megawatt peak (2MWp) in 2009 to over         support the governments’ ambitions by
 Despite the country’s limitations in            350 MWp in 2020. In October 2017, the        collaborating closely with building
 producing its own renewable energy,             government also invested SG$6.2              designers to maximise the surface area of
 Singapore still plans on increasing its solar   million (US$4.57 million) to fund            their buildings to deploy solar energy as
 power deployment, setting ambitious             research on solar energy output and          much as possible, as well as procuring
 targets in both domestic production and         support its target to expand solar           from local solar developers. With the
 commercially, through importing from            energy capacity to 2 gigawatt peak           increasing number of options to procure
 overseas. Whilst this may still not be          (GWp) by 2030 - the equivalent of 4 per      solar energy over the next several years,
 sufficient to meet enough of the country’s      cent of the country’s electricity demand.    solar could become a solution to part of
 energy demand, these efforts reflect the                                                     the data centre industry’s energy needs.
 interest in environmental sustainability,       High      profile    projects    currently
 and will still go towards reducing the          underway or already completed include        Global tech giants have been the most
 country’s overall carbon footprint.             the SolarLand (installation of solar         active in deploying solar power and have
                                                 panels on vacant land) and SolarRoof         achieved 100 per cent renewable energy
 Under the government’s “SolarNova”              (installation of solar panels on rooftops)   for their data centre operations, or close
 programme, an initiative jointly run by         projects by JTC Corp, and a 1.65 MWp         to it. Their accomplishments in Singapore

are driven by their global corporate           farm at Tengeh Reservoir near Tuas, the      already widely deployed in several
sustainability targets, which prioritise the   largest and highest profile project, which   European      countries      such  as
use of renewables globally. Apple and          is expected to be completed by 2021.         Switzerland,    Germany       and the
Microsoft run their data centre                Also expected to revolutionise Singa-        Netherlands is also on the cards.
operations purely on solar power, with         pore’s solar energy is an even larger
both players procuring it from local           floating solar panel system along the        The March 2020 Updated Solar Photo-
developer Sunseap Group. Facebook’s            Straits of Johor, near the Woodlands         voltaic Roadmap for Singapore report
upcoming data centre at Tanjong Kling          Waterfront      Park,   designed      and    by SERIS also identified two local
will also be powered by solar energy, via      constructed by local sustainable energy      islands, Jurong Island and Pulau
major solar energy player, Sembcorp.           provider, Sunseap Group. At 5 ha, it is      Semakau as potential locations to
                                               expected to be one of the world’s largest    expand solar energy capacity. With such
                                               floating solar panel systems, generating     research underway, a handful of options
Getting creative with                          6,388 MW annually.                           in solar energy is expected to become
                                                                                            available to data centres in the mid-to
new solar panel surfaces                       Besides leveraging water surfaces, other     long-term future, boosting efforts on
                                               areas around Singapore’s city are also       clean energy usage.
While the bulk of solar panel deploy-
                                               being assessed, and are being funded
ment for data centres in Singapore is on       for feasibility by research consortiums,     On a potentially larger scale is the
rooftops and some vertical surfaces of         Solar Energy Research Institute of           opportunity for Singapore to import
buildings, there are also pockets of           Singapore (SERIS) NUS and the Energy         solar electricity from Australia. The Sun
supply emerging in other locations,            Research Institute @ Nanyang Techno-         Cable project by Sun Cable Pte Ltd,
including on water surfaces such as            logical University (ERI@N). Other            linking a giant solar farm in Australia to
reservoirs and offshore.                       existing land areas, such as over-build-     Singapore via a 3,800km subsea cable is
                                               ing PV systems above flood canals,           being planned and targeted to be
Data centres would benefit from                highways and other “hard surfaces” like      commercially operational by 2027.
procuring solar energy from these              un-shaded parking lots are amongst the
locations as part of their sustainability      considerations to install solar power.       If successful, the project could reportedly
goals. Singapore’s 17 reservoirs collect                                                    supply 20 per cent of Singapore’s nation-
and store rainwater and have begun             Mobile PV systems which can be set up        al energy needs. Data centres such as
hosting solar installations. As of 2020,       easily and then dismantled and relocated     Singtel have already indicated an interest
“floating” solar panel systems at Bedok        at no significant cost in case the land is   in tapping solar energy from Australia.
Reservoir and Lower Seletar Reservoir          needed for other uses, are also being        More players are expected to be keen on
are being built. In February 2020, Semb-       studied as a viable solution to generate     this option, underpinning its potential to
corp was successfully appointed to             solar energy. Installing PV systems on       be a viable option in helping Singapore
design and construct a 60MWp solar             noise barriers, an exercise which is         become a green data centre hub.

Figure 5: Installed Capacity of Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems by User Type, 2014 - 2019

  MWp                                            2014           2015           2016          2017          2018           2019

  Residential                                    2.0            3.6            5.2           6.9           9.3            12.1

  Non-Residential                                30.9           55.7           120.3         146.2         198.9          337.2

     Public Service Agencies                     3.1            4.0            5.3           6.6           10.0           18.8

     Town Councils & Grassroots Units            9.5            15.1           57.0          62.4          82.8           131.7

     Private Sector                              18.3           36.7           58.0          77.2          106.1          186.7

  TOTAL                                          32.9           59.3           125.5         153.1         208.2          349.3

Source: Singapore Power PowerGrid Ltd (SPPG)

Hydrogen presents                            utilise hydrogen as a low-carbon energy       New technologies will
huge potential                                                                             drive Southeast Asia’s
                                             They will work to develop a business          sustainable data centre
                                             case for the feasibility of importing and
Hydrogen is expected to emerge rapidly       using hydrogen in Singapore. It is also       growth
in the next few years and could become       supported by the National Research
a viable alternative fuel option for         Foundation (NRF) and the Maritime and         With renewable energy sources still
sustainable data centre development in       Port Authority of Singapore, signalling       accounting for a small share of South-
Southeast Asia. Engie Impact, a leading      huge interest and intent in this area.        east Asia’s energy mix, finding ways to
energy company which specialises in                                                        improve energy efficiency in other areas
low carbon data centre solutions, is one     In April 2020, local data centre player       will be key to reducing the carbon
of the players exploring the potential of    Keppel also signed an MoU with Dutch          footprint of data centres in the immedi-
hydrogen as a sustainable fuel source,       player, Royal Vopak, to study the             ate term. Three ways of doing so in
particularly as backup power for data        commercial viability of hydrogen in data      Southeast Asia are:
centres.                                     centres. It is understood that both
                                             hydrogen and LNG will be the fuel             1. Deploying better technologies to
Director, Business Development Data          generators for Keppel’s latest venture,       improve cooling – data centres’ biggest
Centre Service Operations at ENGIE           its Floating Data Centre Park (FDCP)6.        energy guzzler.
Southeast Asia, Joycelyn Longue,                                                           2. Improving the energy use of facilities
explains: “Addressing the exponential        Efforts by both the government and            and IT systems.
energy consumption problem in data           major local players means hydrogen will       3. Adopting new technologies which
centres, hydrogen and fuel cell technol-     most likely become available for data         allow for more energy efficient cooling
ogies have the potential in meeting the      centres to incorporate as part of             such as liquid cooling, and adopting
energy reliability and sustainability        sustainable solutions. Currently, the         “smart” approaches and AI to identify
power needs of data centres. Fuel cells      availability of hydrogen is limited, as the   where energy can be reduced.
can be used to support critical loads for    infrastructure is still lacking.
their ability to generate high quality and
reliable power.”                             A distribution network in Singapore and       Cooling needs to be more
                                             the rest of Southeast Asia needs to be
Considering the high energy needs            set up to fully support the import,           efficient
required by Uninterrupted Power              storage and supply of hydrogen. Hydro-
Supply (UPS) in data centres, hydrogen       gen pipelines need to be established          Between 35 to 40 per cent of total energy
can reduce costs significantly, as well as   and agreements to procure hydrogen            consumed by data centres in Southeast
offer a cleaner fuel source than natural     need to be developed for this to become       Asia does not go towards the running of
gas. In March 2020, five local businesses,   a viable option for large-scale use.          the servers and IT equipment. Rather, it is
PSA Corp, Jurong Port, City Gas, Semb-                                                     used to run energy-intensive cooling
corp Industries and Singapore LNG            However, industry experts agree that this     equipment that maintain the controlled
Corp, together with Japanese compa-          is one of the promising ways in which to      environment of the servers and IT
nies, Chiyoda Corp and Mitsubishi Corp,      lower the carbon emissions of data            facilities. This energy wastage is not
signed an MoU5 to develop ways to            centres and reliance on the national grid.    viable if the industry wants to achieve

Fig 6: Singapore’s Push for Solar Power

           amount of energy generated
                                                     amount of energy generated
                                                                                                 1.3kt CO2
                                                                                               amount of carbon savings,
            from floating solar PV at                 from floating solar PV at               equivalent to taking 270 cars
             Lower Seletar Reservoir                     Bedok Reservoir                         off the road annually

                                                   Lower Seletar

                                                            Upper Peirce
                          Choa Chu Kang      WaterHub
                           Waterworks                                                                            Changi Water
                                                                                                               Reclamation Plant

          Tuas                                                             Marina         Bedok
          Desalination                                                     Barrage       Reservoir

                                                                                         Deployed        Upcoming       Studies ongoing

Source: Public Utilities Board (PUB)

sustainable growth in the long term.         cooling, a highly inefficient system.       conditioning, as it leverages Singa-
Results from a jointly-led survey by         Some initiatives have emerged to make       pore’s naturally sunny climate, result-
Eco-Business and Digital Realty7 for this    existing processes more efficient, such     ing in a reduced need for energy and a
report     indicate that among those         as the 2020 joint project between the       lower amount of dissipated heat into
respondents involved in supplying and        Faculty of Engineering at the National      the environment.
building data centres for their company,     University of Singapore (NUS) and local
58 per cent considered cooling infrastruc-   specialist of solar thermal hybrid air      These systems are expected to reduce
ture and technology to be important in       conditioning, Ecoline Solar, which          utility bills by 30 to 55 per cent, and have
making data centres more energy              produced the “hybrid solar-thermal air      been well-received in the local market.
efficient. Only when data centres can        conditioner”8 using “thermal hybrid air     They have been installed in several
reduce the amount of energy used for         technology” – a process which makes         commercial and residential buildings,
cooling will we see more sizeable reduc-     use of solar as an energy source to         including the NCS (National Computer
tions in carbon emissions and costs.         power the cooling refrigerant in the air    Systems), Starhub and Singtel buildings,
                                             conditioner. Although the process still     as well as at vertical farms, condomini-
Over 95 per cent of data centres in          partially uses air cooling, the system is   ums and hotels.
Southeast Asia still use air-based           an improvement from standard air

“Addressing the exponential energy consumption
problem in data centres hydrogen and fuel cell
technologies have the potential in meeting the
energy reliability and sustainability power needs
of data centres. Fuel cells can be used to support
critical loads for their ability to generate high
quality and reliable power.”

Joycelyn Longue
Director, Business Development, Data Centre Service
Operations at ENGIE Southeast Asia

                                             water usage by up to 50 per cent. Perfor-    to tropical climates. Facebook’s
Liquid cooling – the best                    mance- wise, liquid cooling is also          Tanjong Kling data centre, slated to
option to achieve sizeable                   highly effective at cooling intense heat     open in 2022, is also expected to deploy
                                             loads, making it more suited to the          indirect evaporative cooling via State-
energy reduction                             increasingly large volumes of data being     Point Liquid Cooling Technology (SPLC)
                                             generated from the rapid growth in           through its partnership with US-based
One of the most talked about develop-        data-driven technologies such as AI,         Nortek Air Solutions.
ments for the future will be the advance-    machine learning, IoT and 5G. It will be
ment and incorporation of liquid             necessary for players to modernise their     As of May 2020, SPLC is recognised as
cooling in data centres. Liquid cooling      cooling processes with liquid cooling to     the most sustainable data centre
technology is already widely used in         keep up with the ongoing wave of digital     cooling technology globally, as it can
high- performance, energy-intensive          developments.                                reduce liquid cooling’s water and power
sectors such as computing and gaming,                                                     consumption by up to 50 per cent and
and is long considered the preferred         2019 and 2020 witnessed some players         20 per cent respectively, translating into
solution to effectively cool down heat-in-   taking liquid cooling technology serious-    both the lowest and most efficient
tensive CPUs and SSDs.                       ly and integrating them into their newest    Water Usage Effectiveness (WUE) and
                                             projects. Energy and automation digital      Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) of all
Liquid cooling has numerous advantages       solutions company Schneider Electric         indirect evaporative cooling methods.
over air-based cooling, most notably         refreshed a research project it had          More players may follow suit, but the
since liquid conducts heat better than       started earlier with cooling technology      adoption is expected to be slower than
air. Liquid cooling, if placed at heat-in-   specialist, Iceotope, and technology         what is needed.
tensive spots, can rapidly reduce            company Avnet in late 2019.
temperature in a targeted manner,                                                         Industry players need to make the
requiring less energy to do so than air      Digital Realty’s third data centre in        switch faster and consider the benefits,
while generating less noise. It also uses    Singapore at Digital Loyang II (SIN12),      both in terms of costs and environment,
less water. Industry experts observe         set to open in Q1 2021, is understood to     that liquid cooling can bring to their
that liquid cooling can reduce power         feature indirect evaporative cooling, a      data centre operations. Once set up, it is
consumption by 20 to 30 per cent, and        form of liquid cooling that is well-suited   easier to maintain than air cooling. If

sealed properly, liquid cooling systems        The system uses a two-pronged                will continue to be, Singapore’s go-to
remain self-contained and shielded             approach, where components with high         energy source. Close to 30 per cent of it
from outdoor hazards such as dust, heat        heat dissipation are cooled using liquid     is acquired in liquified form and brought
and air pollution, which air-cooling           cooling, whilst components emitting          in via the country’s 6 million tonne-per-
systems are exposed to.                        less heat are air-cooled. This eliminates    annum capacity LNG terminal on
                                               the need for a cooled water supply via a     Jurong Island, before being distributed
The main challenge in adoption is              chiller, as well as computer room air        to users.
expected to lie with existing and older        conditioning (CRAC) – two of the biggest
data centres. Players reluctant to invest      sources of energy consumption in data        In late 2019, a research team at NUS
in liquid cooling cite high upfront costs,     centres – subsequently reducing overall      Engineering, together with local data
complications and time involved to             energy use. The system is flexible
                                                                                            centre player Keppel and Singapore
redesign and potentially overhaul data         enough to be incorporated into existing
                                                                                            LNG Corporation (SLNG) joined forces to
centre infrastructure. Joshua Au, Head,        building infrastructure, making it highly
                                                                                            develop a cooling medium which would
Data Centres, IT Shared Services (ITSS),       attractive for existing data centres.
at Agency for Science, Technology and                                                       make use of the cold energy from the
Research (A*STAR), a statutory board           In summary, data centres in Southeast        LNG regasification terminals10. The
under the Ministry of Trade and Industry,      Asia must rethink their cooling systems.     process would involve transporting cold
states, “The customers have to agree to        If they are to keep up with cooling needs    energy from the terminal into the data
use the likes of liquid cooling - if custom-   in an energy efficient manner, operators     centres, to be circulated within the
ers don't agree, it's not going to happen.”    must be receptive to some form of liquid     cooling loop in each data centre. The
                                               cooling. If air cooling is replaced by       technology, “Semiclathrate Thermal
Data centre players that do not embrace        liquid cooling on a large scale, it will     Energy Carrier System” (ScTECS), could
more efficient cooling technologies face       bring down PUE, but also Water Usage         improve data centres’ PUE by 20 per
greater cost and operational problems          Efficiency (WUE) and overall energy          cent and reduce the space needed for
in the longer term. Industry experts           efficiency and costs. Data centres will be   cooling infrastructure. Such a milestone
have highlighted that given the rate of        in a stronger position to drive ongoing      would represent a breakthrough in
growth in data usage and the newest            growth in power densities that will          enhancing the industry’s environmental
digital technology, air-based cooling          come with the new generation servers.        impact, particularly as it draws energy
will not be sufficient to serve the needs                                                   from an existing energy source.
of data centres due to the growing                                                          Furthermore, with a second LNG
power density demand from servers in           Singapore is leveraging                      terminal anticipated in Singapore, the
the long term. At the minimum, older                                                        technology could be replicated and help
data centres could consider solutions          its LNG domestic                             to cool more data centres.
which do not require a complete                distribution network
infrastructure overhaul, but that can be
                                                                                            A prototype is expected to be available
integrated with or added to existing
                                               Liquified natural gas (LNG) could            by 2022, and if the technology comes
infrastructure. One such solution is the
chiller- less hybrid cooling solution by       represent another viable way of cooling      into fruition, could help reduce the
local player, CoolestDC9, which during         data centres, especially in Singapore. If    energy demand of data centres in
testing, managed to achieve a partial          made available on a wider scale, it could    Singapore. Both existing and new data
power usage effectiveness (pPUE) score         be another game changer in the               centres in the region could potentially
of 1.2, with the potential of dropping to      sustainable growth of data centres           tap into this efficient cooling method.
1.1 (with the ideal score being 1).            across the region. Natural gas is, and

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