HOW CAN I BE ALL THAT I CAN AT ST PATRICK'S? - St Patrick's, Pyramid Hill

Page created by Ricky Graham
HOW CAN I BE ALL THAT I CAN AT ST PATRICK'S? - St Patrick's, Pyramid Hill

                                                           Our Heavenly Father created us in His
                                                           image, with the potential to become like
                                                           Him. He blessed us with unique gifts and
                                                           talents that help us to fulfil not only our
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION                                        responsibilities but our greatest
                                                           potential. Knowing who we are and who
                                                           we can be, gives us purpose and helps us
Charism identifies our founding mothers, the Sisters of
                                                           to live out our lives to the fullest.
Saint Joseph and their work to provide Catholic
education to the Pyramid Hill community and beyond.
Understanding the Charism of St. Patrick’s Primary         Our Inquiry unit for Term 1 ‘How Can I
School identifies the work of St. Mary of the Cross        Be All That I Can?’ asks our Learners to
MacKillop and how her story inspires ours. Story is        investigate resilience, perseverance and
important for us to know our individual identity and our   coping strategies to overcome
personal gifts which are found in the image and likeness   challenges and ensure that we are
of God. This term we will consider the qualities of Mary   always striving to be our best selves.
MacKillop and how these inspire our personal and           This unit makes strong connections to
individual story as well as the story of our School        both our Religious Education unit about
community. Persistence and courage were two of Mary        Charism as we investigate how St Mary
MacKillop’s attributes which she called upon               of the Cross Mackillop was all that she
throughout her life. Our Learners will be supported to     could be as well as the Respectful
develop these attributes in themselves, guiding them to    Relationships Program which provides
be the best version for themselves. Learning is            lifelong strategies and links to Learners’
challenging and requires both persistence and courage!     own personal stories. This topic for
                                                           exploration aims to build a base for
                                                           2021, where Learners are able to reflect
                                                           on the challenges from the previous
                                                           year, draw from and build upon known
                                                           strategies for dealing with stress and
                                                           challenge as well as use their strengths
                                                           to guide them on their journeys toward
                                                           being the best that they can be, always.
HOW CAN I BE ALL THAT I CAN AT ST PATRICK'S? - St Patrick's, Pyramid Hill
LITERACY                         Our Learners may not notice        These will continue to play a
Speaking, Listening, Reading     much change in routine,            major role in helping our
and Writing skills are all       however, they will notice the      Learners to be able to name
dependent upon each other        interconnectedness between         both what they are aiming to
when developing literacy in      speaking, listening, reading and   learn and achieve, as well as
children. We are better able     writing as they explore these      when and how they have been
to communicate when we are       skills in unison.                  successful. When Learners
using all of these skills                                           understand what they are
together by reading and          As we begin our ‘Visible           learning and why this is
analysing texts, holding         Learning’ journey this year, our   important, there is often more
discussions about learning       Literacy block as well as all      success in both the learning
and responding to texts or       other areas of learning will be    and the understanding.
ideas through writing. This      guided by Learning Intentions
year, we will utilise this       and Success Criteria.
knowledge, by creating a
Literacy block that
encompasses all of these
skills within one designated
block of time. This time frame
will continue for the same
duration each morning: two
hours. From 9am, the Words
Their Way spelling program
will commence, followed by
reading, which will be a
springboard for discussion,
and then further into
responding through writing.

                                   RESPECTFUL RELATIONSHIPS
                                   The Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships program
                                   that has been implemented in schools across Australia, aims to
                                   teach children social, emotional and positive relationship skills
                                   from a young age. Studies and evidence shows that efforts to
                                   promote social & emotional skills and positive gender norms
                                   in children and young people can improve health related
                                   outcomes and individual wellbeing. In Term 1, through
                                   teacher-led discussions, use of multimedia tools, personal
                                   reflection and relationship building activities, Learners will
                                   identify and investigate theirs and others emotions. This
                                   involves identifying how they or others may be feeling, how
                                   they are able to express this, how to positively interact with
                                   others and what the consequences may be of expressing
                                   emotions in social situations.
HOW CAN I BE ALL THAT I CAN AT ST PATRICK'S? - St Patrick's, Pyramid Hill
MATHEMATICS                    In Term 1, we are using this
                               understanding to map our
Patterns are at the heart of   Learning in Mathematics to
Math. The skills involved in   integrate and connect
recognising, continuing and    learning in meaningful ways.
creating patterns, supports    Learners will explore the
Learners to make predictions   concepts of: Patterns and
based on what they can see.    Algebra, Number, Location
Understanding patterns         and Place Value.
helps prepare Learners for
working with complex           Mathematics continues to be
number concepts.               a structured block which
                               includes a warm up, small
                               group instructional time and
                               practice of skills as well as
                               Math Recall Grid time where        Learners will experience little
                               Learners apply their skills to     change in routine as the
                               new contexts.                      structure will remain the same,
                                                                  however they will benefit from
                               We are very excited to             extra learning time allowing
                               announce that this year, we        them to further practice and
                               will be introducing a double       develop their Mathematical
                               block of Mathematics
                               sessions each Monday. Over
                               a period of two weeks,
                               Learners will be engaged in a
                               total of 12 hours of

                               PHYSICAL EDUCATION

                               The Loddon and Terrick           We hope that our Foundation
                               Swimming sports have been        Learners will join us on our
                               scheduled to occur on Friday     walk to the pool as we will pick
                               12th February. All Learners      them up on the way past their
                               will have an opportunity to      home! Gymnastics will be the
                               practise for their events on     sport of focus for the four
                               Wednesday 3rd February           weeks following the Swimming
                               departing for the pool at        sports. Palmer’s Gym in
                               2.00pm.                          Cohuna will lead the learning
                                                                for these weeks.
HOW CAN I BE ALL THAT I CAN AT ST PATRICK'S? - St Patrick's, Pyramid Hill
ART                               Furthermore, we will look at
                                  street artist James
                                  Goldcrown and his famous
The Catholic Education            mural of hearts as we draw
Sandhurst theme this year is,     our own heart drawings using
Faith in our Future. What a       pastels and smudge for
wonderful and reassuring          artistic effect. We will also
theme to guide us through         complete a painted tape art
another year as we think          heart. As we lead into Easter,
about how we can each grow        we will complete an Easter
our faith and in turn share       collage picture using paper
our faith.                        scraps as inspired by Henri
                                  Matisse and his collage style.
From the Gospel of Matthew,       An exciting term ahead, as
chapter 22 and verses 37-9        always in the Artroom this
we are reminded to love the       term!
Lord our God with all our
heart, soul and mind as well                                       SAKG
as love our neighbour as
                                                                   Just as a new year heralds a
                                                                   fresh start, the same applies
In Art this term, we will
                                                                   to our garden. During Term
explore the notion of faith
                                                                   1, the Learners will prepare
and hope.
                                                                   the garden beds and research
                                                                   what can be planted now to
During the Covid 19
                                                                   give us an abundance of food
pandemic in 2020, a
                                                                   in Terms 2 and 3. Learners
children’s publisher collated
                                                                   will rotate each fortnight to
artwork from children all
                                                                   assist with garden duties.
around the world and used
this to write a children’s book                                     How the kitchen will run this
called Hope the Rainbow                                            term will depend on Covid
Fairy.                                                             guidelines. We have shown
                                                                   our adaptability in the
We will read the text                                              kitchen previously with each
together and complete our                                          Learner preparing their own
own hopes and dreams for                                           meals. We hope that we will
the future by completing a                                         once again be able to share
crayon resist drawing. We                                          meals together soon.
will also use paint pens to                                        Learners will continue to plan
draw on wooden blocks to                                           the menu, prepare and cook
reflect how our faith in God                                       healthy food with produce
can be as solid as a rock.                                         from the garden. We look
                                                                   forward to igniting our taste
                                                                   buds again in the kitchen this
HOW CAN I BE ALL THAT I CAN AT ST PATRICK'S? - St Patrick's, Pyramid Hill
MUSIC                            Our Senior Learners similarly    TAGALOG
                                 will commence the year by
Music has the power to open                                       The learning continues as we
                                 experimenting with body
our hearts and minds. So we                                       progress into our second year
                                 percussion and then
are beginning the year with                                       in Tagalog language. This term,
                                 enriching this learning with a
learning that is designed with                                    we will start with the learner’s
                                 variety of acoustic and
the capacity to empower                                           motivation that language is
                                 electronic instruments. It is
Learners to recognise their                                       more than vocabulary. Tagalog
                                 also noteworthy that this
uniqueness and reveal, affirm                                     greetings and prayers will be
                                 year's music lessons will only
and develop their talents. By                                     re-introduced, we will use
                                 be held during odd weeks;
using our imagination and                                         them inside and outside of our
                                 however, as music provides
experimenting with musical                                        classroom to have
                                 links to learning across the
ideas this term, Learners will                                    spontaneous learning through
                                 curriculum Learners will be
be encouraged to explore                                          communication skills. We will
                                 able to sustain, practice, and
their thinking and learning in                                    introduce ourselves using the
                                 use their musical learning in
exciting and innovative ways.                                     language, recognise the
                                 other areas of their school
This will also be a fantastic                                     stationeries and different
platform for exploring                                            facilities in and around the
instruments, body                                                 school. We will deal with the
percussion, movement, and                                         fundamentals of words and its
dynamics. Our Junior                                              use as we learn about
Learners will launch into                                         numbers, colors, shapes, days
music with lots of games and                                      of the week and months of the
activities that allow them to                                     year. Also we will infuse the
explore body percussion and                                       language in our SAKG, we will
then transfer this to other                                       continue to nurture not only
percussion and string                                             our appetite but the use of
instruments.                                                      Tagalog in the recipe and
                                                                  kitchen guidelines as well.

                                 IMPORTANT DATES IN TERM 1

                                    Foundation rest days:            Learner Free dates: 26th
                                    (Wednesday) 3rd, 10th,           February (Staff professional
                                    17th, 24th February              learning day) & 8th March
                                                                     (Labour day public holiday)
                                    Beginning Year Mass: 9th
                                    February                         St Patrick’s Day: 17th
                                    Cohuna Gym dates: 16th,
                                    23rd February & 2nd, 9th         End of Term 1: 1st April
                                    March                            @2.30pm
HOW CAN I BE ALL THAT I CAN AT ST PATRICK'S? - St Patrick's, Pyramid Hill
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