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COYLTON PRIMARY SCHOOL PARENT COUNCIL MINUTES OF AGM 25TH AUGUST 2020 AT 7PM VIA ZOOM ACTION 1. Welcome, attendees & apologies Attendees Lorna McIntyre (Chair), Fiona Donnelly, Donna Shimmons, Ali Watkins, Ann Kennedy, Heather Kerr, Lynsay Murdoch, Libby Pollock, Pamela Campbell, Shala Montgomery, Margaret Howat, Bonita Rathore, Louise Dempster, Hazel Murray, Joanne Neil (Minutes) Apologies Rachael Madeley, Michele Martin, Kayleigh Martin, Elisa Mackie, Kirsty Murdoch, Kay Clark. 2. Minutes of last meeting The minutes of the previous meeting on the 22nd June were circulated prior to the meeting and no amendments have been received. Minutes Approved by – Shala Montgomery Minutes Seconded by – Heather Kerr Chairperson’s Report End of Year Chairperson Report 2019/20 I took over as Chair of Parent Council this time last year and it’s definitely was a year none of us could have predicted for the school. I’m privileged to be part of the group which has support the school so well in the past year, through the challenges of school closure, home schooling and the restrictions and getting the children back to school. I want to thank the full committees for all their support in the past year, Fiona and Donna for your leadership and direction for the group and the school and the parent forum who have support our fundraising throughout the year. I appreciate we have new parents join this group tonight for the first time so welcome, although in these strange times we are all virtual I do hope you will enjoy being part of the committee and see the benefits it brings to school life. PC role is to represent the parent and carers of the school community, help, support school improvements, communications and partnerships, Improve links between parents, school, local authority and community. We are a group to be a “critical friend” to the school management. We are a welcoming, inclusive and proactive group aiming to make a positive contribution to school life. Last year I set our 4 objectives to overall develop and support the school through the PC group. I was looking to increase parent participation and the attendance tonight speaks volumes on how the interest and growth in this group has developed over the past 12 months. Develop parent guidance on appropriate social media use, this leaflet was developed and distributed to all parents and I’m delighted to report the engagement with the parent forum and social media is improving, this is also thanks to the increased use of the PC Facebook page and School Twitter feed. The third objective was to address the traffic management issues around the school, a long standing objective for the committee. The installation of the traffic lights throughout he village have helped in some way to address this issues but I’m fully aware this issue still needs to be considered going forward as further improvement could be made in the village for the road safety of the children. Finally the objective of fundraising to support the school was a key work of the group. The success of the bouncathons in
Oct, the xmas calendar and fair all pre COVID has resulted in the group still manging to raise a considerable amount for the school. Which can I thank Shala for her help and dedication to the role of Treasurer. In addition, PC has strengthened its role with the wider South Ayrshire Parent Council Group, in which I attend 4 meeting as year with others chairs and the Director of Education to make sure the parent voice is heard and considered at senior, council levels. This group is continuing to meet and actually I’m missing the first meeting as its tonight, but we have a strong alliance with our feeder school PC and they have agreed to feed into the group on our behalf tonight. This year also saw us open up the group to Ayr Academy HT and DHT for improve links to the secondary school for Coylton which was very successful and probably something I would like to repeat again this session. But clearly COVID brought an abrupt end to school life as we know in in many ways back in March, but PC quickly adapted and we held three zoom meetings through till June to ensure a clear 2 two communication between the school and the parent body. Although chairing a zoom meeting was never on the remit when I took over this time last year, we managed and I’m proud of how we supported the school at that time. The positives to come from the experience is the virtual meeting method moving forward with the group for the time being due to restrictions but perhaps to be considered in “normal” times too. In addition, Connect, the national body which represent parent voice at policy level have put a lot of their training and webinars online, which have been very useful. Ove the past few weeks I have attended an “Our role know” webinar and a “welcoming new parents” webinar. The other positive has to have been the link to the foodbank at the Coylton Community Association, who set up a new and nearly new school uniform bank on our behalf, thank you to committee members who picked up and washed uniforms and dropped them off. I have been informed by Sarah, 25 families used the service which is fantastic. So a quick summary on the 2019/20 year and onwards to the challenges of the year ahead. Thank you for attending tonight and I do hope you will continue to come along and be an active member of the committee going forward. 3. Head Teacher’s Report • Mrs Donnelly thanked the Parent Council for their support over the Lockdown period. • The Parent Council were also thanked for the end of year gifts given to Mrs Donnelly and Miss Shimmons, they were very much appreciated. • Current school Role – 268 Early Years Centre – 60 registered (To be increased to 64 capacity) • Ali Watkins (Deputy Manager EYC) is now in post and was welcomed by the parent Council. Staffing • Lynsey Gray (Classroom Assistant) – Currently on Maternity Leave • Donna Shimmons due to commence Maternity Leave later this year. • South Ayrshire Council are to appoint 16 Primary Teachers across South Ayrshire to aid COVID recovery • Two Early Years Practitioners appointed – 1 working closely with each Primary One Class • Day Cleaner, Alison now appointed (9.30-2.30). Touch points being regularly cleaned. • Limited movement of children around the School. • Staggered break times. (P1-P3 and P4-P7) Each group has the whole playground area available. (Increased area from previously)
• David Strang (South Ayrshire – Health and Safety) visited the School and requested for a Journalist and photographer to visit the School from the Ayrshire Post (Attended after 4pm), Story on plans implanted for Children returning to School Post Lockdown. • Parent Survey – Closes 26th August. 134 responses so far. 100 School. 15 EYC and 19 Families with Children in both the School and EYC. Positive responses. Weekly School/EYC Newsletter to reflect common themes on issues raised, ‘You said, We did’. • IT support to be offered to those children who do not have access to a device at home. It is thought those children in P1-P3 will be given an Ipad, and for children in P4-P7 a Chrome Book is to be provided (1 device per household). • Microsoft Teams is to be used as a platform for homework. This is to minimise items coming to and from School. • Primary Ones are to have their glow accounts set up in September. • Weekly Newsletters will continue. They will be e-mailed to Parents and will be uploaded to the Parent Council Facebook page, Twitter and School Website. • Currently Scaffolding around the School as the flat roof is being replaced. • Face coverings have now to be worn on School Transport. P1-P3 continue to be supported to School Transport at 3pm. The School have a supply of Face Masks and will ensure children have one prior to leaving the School. • Indoor PE- Currently being discussed at South Ayrshire Council – Awaiting updated guidance. • Lunch boxes – Currently lunches to be sent to School in a disposable bag, potential change to this guidance which will be included in Friday’s Newsletter. 4. Treasurer’s Reports Coylton Parent Council Treasurers Report to 30th June 2020 Accounts to 30th June 2020 have been examined by an accountant and confirmed as a true statement of account as per the attachment sent.
Decision on the value of the donation to be given to the School to be finalised at Septembers All Parent Council Meeting 5. AOB 6. Coylton AfterSchool Club (Activity Centre) – Lorna reported this service was currently not running. Parents left extremely disappointed with very little notice prior to school returning in August or communication from South Ayrshire Council. Currently unclear when this service will return. Sunrise Club (Breakfast Club and After School Club) remains available. 7. New Members at tonight’s Meeting agreed to be added to the Parent Council Whats App Group, Pamela, Libby, Lynsay, Ann and Louise. LM 8. Louise raised the possibility of Videos being created to allow Parents/carers to see inside the AW/FD EYC playrooms. 9. Fundraising – Hazel agreed to speak to the company who provide the Bouncy Castles. ? HM Potential for an outdoor Bouncathon event in September. 10. Office Bearers 2020/2021 No changes to current Office Bearers Chair – Lorna McIntyre Vice Co- Chair – Bonita Rathore & Michele Martin Treasurer – Shala Montgomery 200 Club – Heather Kerr Fundraising co-ordinator – Hazel Murray 11. Objectives 2020/21 1. Support the school through the ongoing COVID restrictions and developments a. 2. Continue to grow and develop parent and carer participation in the wider school activities - Initial ideas around promoting PC more on social media - Parent class reps on the committee to aid communication - Built on success of virtual meetings 3. Fundraising and the challenges COVID restrictions will bring to this aspect as well as a down turn in the economy i. Sub groups for specific events? ii. School uniform provider (Just Jeans – Auchinleck have approached Parent Council Facebook page)
Meeting dates 2020/21 Wednesday 16th September Wednesday 21st October Wednesday 18th November Wednesday 16th December (provisional) Wednesday 13th January Wednesday 24th February Wednesday 24th March Wednesday 28th April Wednesday 26th May Wednesday 16th June (provisional) 12. Date of next meeting Wednesday 16th September at 7pm via Zoom
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