Home Learning Pack for Year 4 Week beginning 22nd June 2020

Page created by Darryl Bell
Home Learning Pack for Year 4 Week beginning 22nd June 2020
Home Learning Pack for Year 4
             Week beginning 22nd June 2020
This pack does not need to be printed. Pupils can work through the pack using their
  own pad/exercise book. Pupils can gain extra support by scanning the QR codes
 throughout this pack with a supporting device such as a phone/ipad. Simply open
             the camera from your chosen device and scan the code.
Home Learning Pack for Year 4 Week beginning 22nd June 2020
Home Learning Pack for Year 4 Week beginning 22nd June 2020
Home Learning Pack for Year 4 Week beginning 22nd June 2020
This year, the Youth Sport Trust has teamed up with Sky Sports to run a national campaign which will aim to unite the country -
families, schools, sport and businesses - in a celebration of the power of sport to bring people together, even during isolation.

The UK-wide campaign will challenge people to take on their families, friends and neighbours in virtual sporting challenges –
helping them to connect in an unprecedented period of school closures and social distancing.
Home Learning Pack for Year 4 Week beginning 22nd June 2020
How it works
        Below are a series of challenges. Active challenges will all have an emphasis on togetherness, inclusivity and wellbeing.
They are things that you can do within the home and where you can engage in straightforward virtual competition with family and friends.

Home Learning Pack for Year 4 Week beginning 22nd June 2020
Look at the plan below to help you organise your week
Home Learning Pack for Year 4 Week beginning 22nd June 2020
Home Learning Pack for Year 4 Week beginning 22nd June 2020
Activity Ideas
Home Learning Pack for Year 4 Week beginning 22nd June 2020
Home Learning Pack for Year 4 Week beginning 22nd June 2020
Use this personal challenge scorecard to record your personal bests throughout the week.

    Take pictures and send them to your class email. Have fun!
This week I would like you all to try some of the fun activities listed in the slides above.
Have a competition with yourself, a family member in your house or a member of your
   family or a friend from a different house. Have a virtual competition or a socially
                         distanced one in the park. Good luck!
 At the end of the day 1 activities I have included the slides from Votes for Schools. It
  asks the question – Will the recent anti-racism protests lead to change in the US?
   Please look at the slides below to find out more. There is an information letter to
                                   parents included.
Here are some arithmetic
questions for you to practice
this week. You can either
complete them all in one go or
do a few a day.
Day 1 – Roman numerals - read Roman numerals to 100 (I to C) and know that over time, the numeral system changed to
include the concept of 0 and place value. (national curriculum)

Watch this video today – Corbett maths – Roman numerals
In year 4 you will only need to know Roman numerals to 100 so please stop the video at 9
minutes as I don’t want you to get confused with the bigger numbers.
There are a number of questions that you can practice at the end of the video. Make sure you
pause the video at different points so that you have a chance to work out the answers. These are
screen shots from the video in case you are not able to watch it.
Watch this video carefully and think about what is happening in the narrative


* Pathetic fallacy
Writers use the weather to hint at events which are going to happen by creating a certain mood e.g a positive mood would be
created by the writer through a sunny warm day to hint to the reader that something good is going to happen. You will notice this
being used as you watch the video.
The animation video started off with a horrible stormy
atmosphere to hint that a problem is going to happen.
Look at the picture and see if you can think of some negative
adjectives and adverbs to describe the weather. These are my
thunderous clouds
heavy rain
Now I am going to put my ideas into a sequence of sentences –

It was a miserable, moody night, where
thunderous clouds loomed over the town
menacingly. The lonely lighthouse keeper was sat
working nervously at his desk.
Task 1 - Now it is your turn to adapt the teacher model using your own ideas and your own
vocabulary. You might not want to focus on the thunderous clouds. You might want to focus on the
waves and the way that they are moving or the rain. Challenge yourself to describe what the main
character is doing. Remember you are describing the lighthouse keeper and he is somewhere
inside. What is he doing whilst the storm has started?
Adjectives                                                              Adverbs

Teacher idea- It was a miserable, moody night, where thunderous clouds
loomed over the town menacingly. The lonely lighthouse keeper was sat
working nervously at his desk.
Your idea -

Task 2 - Now we are going to gather a bank of verbs to describe how the lightbulb went out.
Watch just the part of the animation where the light goes out. (0.47 – 0.59)
Pay close attention to the way the light moves.
My ideas - Verbs
*I have used these verbs to show that the light didn’t go off immediately.

Now it is your turn – write down 3 verbs
Now I am going to use my ideas in a sentence.
Teacher idea – In the blink of an eye, the bright lighthouse light flickered into
Your idea-

Task 3 – What is the lighthouse keeper’s reaction to the light going off?
Teacher idea – Courageously, the lighthouse keeper stumbled up the stairs to
Your idea –

Dear Teachers/Parents/Carers,

Here at VotesforSchools, we strive to promote equality and celebrate diversity in all its forms. With this in
mind, we have made the decision to discuss the topic of racism this week in our KS2 lesson, to reflect
the ongoing events across the world in response to George Floyd’s death.

The lesson explores the impact of systemic racism & the changes the current Black Lives Matter protests
hope to prompt. We focus primarily on the USA, particularly on the role of protesting, social media, and
Government response. While these are serious themes, please rest assured we introduce students to
them in an age-appropriate way. They will also be provided with ways that they can safely take a
stand through our Call to Action, so we hope they feel empowered to make themselves heard.

We are keen to stress that we too still have much to learn about the true extent of these issues, but
hope that we have provided voters with a good grounding in what is happening and why things need
to change.

While it may not be a subject that pupils have looked at in depth before, we believe it to be a
necessary conversation. Whether it is in the classroom or at home, we hope that the topic will prompt
interesting, insightful, and impassioned discussion.
We look forward to hearing what our young people have to say on this vital topic.
You may need to zoom in to 120% when viewing
these slides online so that you can see the print.
How will you vote?
Day 2 – Fill in the missing
numbers on the hundred square
then play one of the online
games on the page listed below.
Task - Go to mathsframe.co.uk and play some of their free online games to help you learn more about roman numerals.


There are lots of different games to choose from so have a go at a different one everyday this
Reading – day 2
Day 2 – Writing
Begin by watching the animation ‘The Lighthouse’ again. Today we are thinking about the sounds
the lightkeeper might hear and adjectives we could use to describe them.
Look at the pictures below to inspire you -
What sounds might the lighthouse keeper hear around him?
              weather / other people / ships
Teacher ideas                          Your ideas
              Patter of rain
             Claps of thunder
            Blaring ship horn
               Faint chatter
              Whistling wind

   Teacher idea – A faint chatter of the townspeople could be heard in the
  distance. An unmistakable sound of a ship’s blaring horn could be heard
                      travelling in the whistling wind.

Your idea - ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Now consider the moment when the ship is getting close to the rocks. It has no idea it is
so close to the shore as the light is out on the lighthouse.
Teacher idea – The ship dangerously crept closer and closer to the rocky cliff.
Your idea - ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Day 3 – maths
Play this ‘Four in a row’ game with someone at home
If you don’t have a dice. Make a selection of cards with roman numerals V,X,L,C,D and M and place them face
down in a pile and take it in turns to pick one from the top.
Writing – day 3
Watch the animation today to recap. Today we are going to focus on the actions of the lighthouse keeper
when he springs into action to help the people on the ship.
Is he calm or is he panicking?
We are going to add adverbs and verbs to describe his movements. Remember verbs are the action –
sprinting / walking. Adverbs describe the manner in which you do this action.
Role play – imagine you see the ship heading for the rocks. How would you move when you realise you
must help?
Teacher ideas – rapidly, desperately, clumsily, sprinting, searching
(for ways to help)
Your ideas - …………………………………………………………………………………………….

Now I am going to use these words in a sentence.
Desperately, the lighthouse keeper sprang into action, clumsily smashing the
lightbulb in his haste. He rapidly sprinted down the spiral staircase in
search for help.
Your ideas - …………………………………………………………………………………………….
Now you are going to gather a word bank of nouns as the lighthouse keeper open his door and see a group of
townspeople coming together with their lanterns to create a lovely glow to try and help him and we are going to
use this to create a simile.
Similes – compare one thing to something else. For example, the lantern shone as bright as the sun.
Consider what you could compare the group of people or the brightness of the light to.
Teacher ideas - army, tribe, sun, golden jewel, a million pieces of gold.
Your ideas - ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Teacher sentence – As he swiftly opened the door, the townspeople stood
greeting him like a powerful army. They were armed with candles and
lanterns which dazzled like a golden jewel.
Your sentence ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Lastly, how is the lighthouse keeper going to be feeling now all the townspeople have come to
support him?
Teacher sentence – The glow of candles warmed his heart as he breathed a
sigh of relief.
Your sentence ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Day 4 – maths – watch this Roman numeral song from Singsongalong

Task – make a Roman numeral (to 20 to begin with) bingo game to play with your family.
Create bingo boards similar to the ones below for the people that you are going to play your game
with. Use a random number generator to pick a number between 1-20 when you play.

Number generator idea - https://random-name-picker.com/random-number-generator-1-20/
Day 4/5 – writing
For the next two sessions you will be writing your narrative inspired by the problem in The
Lighthouse. You will be using the sentences that you have written this week to help you write your
Here is my narrative using the sentences created in the past 3 sessions and a few more to add
It was a miserable, moody night, where thunder clouds where thunder
clouds loomed over the town menacingly. The lonely lighthouse keeper sat
working nervously at his desk. In the blink of an eye, the bright lighthouse
light flickered into darkness. Courageously, the lighthouse keeper stumbled
up the stairs to investigate.
The faint chattering of the townspeople could be heard echoing in the
distance. An unmistakeable sound of a ships blaring horn could be heard
travelling in the wind. The ship dangerously crept closer and closer and
closer to the rocky cliff.
Desperately, the lighthouse keeper sprang into action, clumsily smashing the
lightbulb in his haste. He rapidly sprinted down the spiral stairs in search of
help. As he swiftly opened the door, the townspeople stood greeting him like a
powerful army. They were armed with candles and lanterns which dazzled
like a golden jewel. The glow of the lanterns warmed his heart as he
breathed a sigh of relief.

   Read through your writing.

   Does it make sense?

   Does it use the right punctuation?

   Are you proud of it?

Please send me a photo of your finished work. I would love to see it.
Day 5 – maths – Roman numerals
You can also read