Fox River Valley Pony Club - Fox River Valley Pony Club

Page created by Ivan Farmer
Fox River Valley Pony Club - Fox River Valley Pony Club
Fox River Valley Pony Club

                                            Building the Future for Equestrians

                             FRVPC Horse Trials

Fox River Valley Pony Club

                                                                            FRVPC Mini Event
Fox River Valley Pony Club - Fox River Valley Pony Club
We Invite You to . . .
   •   Be part of a community tradition that spans over four decades.
   •   Support the legacy of the Fox River Valley Pony Club Horse Trials, held each year
       at the Barrington Hills Park District Riding Center and in the adjacent, magnificent
       Spring Creek Forest Preserve.
   •   Showcase your business.
   •   Entertain your customers, clients, employees, family, and friends while watching
       an exciting weekend of dressage, cross country, and show jumping

              A “little bit”                            about it:
The Annual Horse Trials, hosted by the FRVPC, is the pinnacle Eventing competition in
the Midwest. The Horse Trials are fundamentally important to the riding community; the
equestrian emphasis of the Spring Creek Forest Preserve; and the foundation of the
rural, equestrian feel of our village and its surrounding neighborhoods. Its proceeds
directly benefit the equestrian education and experience of the young riders who grow
to become our local residents, forest preserve stewards, competitive equestrians, and
successful contributors to our communities.

 Please join us in supporting the Annual Horse
                                       Trials . 	
Fox River Valley Pony Club - Fox River Valley Pony Club
Fox River Valley Pony Club

                                                 Experience Show Day
    photo courtesy of XpressFoto                                                                       photo courtesy of XpressFoto

                                                                        photo courtesy of XpressFoto

photo courtesy of Michelle Maison

                  photo courtesy of XpressFoto                                                            photo courtesy of XpressFoto

                  photo courtesy of XpressFoto                                                            photo courtesy of XpressFoto

                                                             photo courtesy of XpressFoto

     photo courtesy of Michelle Maison

                                                                  photo courtesy of XpressFoto
Fox River Valley Pony Club - Fox River Valley Pony Club
       Fox River Valley Pony Club Est. 1963

  Our Mission: To develop character, leadership confidence, and a sense
  of community in youth through a program that teaches the care of
  horses and ponies, riding and mounted sports. FRVPC is a 501(c)3
  Educational Organization.                                              FRVPC HORSE
  While simultaneously providing a multitude of community                    TRIALS
  benefits, the Horse Trials provides the resources to accomplish       Established 1970
  our mission.                                                                                 v FIRST AND OLDEST HORSE
                            From our youngest
                            beginners to our               Benefits of Becoming                v LARGEST EVENT OF ITS KIND
                                                                                               v INTERNATIONAL EVENT
                            competitors, to the
                                                                 a Sponsor                     v COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT
                                                                                               v PROMOTES PRESERVATION OF
                            professional pursuits of                                              OPEN SPACES, LAND
                            our grads, FRVPC                                                      CONSERVATION & EQUESTRIAN
                                                            v Recognition in our program.
                            supports the education                                                LIFESTYLE
                                                                                               v COOPERATION WITH PARK
                            and success of its              v Exclusive Sponsors’ Luncheon       DISTRICT AND FOREST
                                                               for you and guests on cross        PRESERVE
                                                                                               v IMPORTANT FUND RAISER FOR
                                                               country day.                       501(C)3
  The Fox River Valley Pony Club Horse Trials was the                                          v PROCEEDS CONTRIBUTE TO
  first ever recognized three day event in the              v Golf cart tour of the Cross        EDUCATION OF YOUTH, LAND
  Midwest. For more than four decades, this event              Country course with a              CONSERVATION AND
  has served to unite our community and showcase                                                  UPGRADES FOR EVENT
                                                               Celebrity International event
  an equestrian legacy, while providing our children
  the means to accomplish their equestrian goals
  and to develop lifelong appreciation for the
                                                                                               Pursuit of Excellence:
                                                            v Invitation to Competitors and   Some of Our A and HA Grads
  preservation of open space and land
  conservation.                                                Volunteers’ Dinner.
                                                                                               ALLISON SPRINGER, A GRAD:
  In partnership with the Barrington Hills Park District                                       INTERNATIONAL FOUR STAR
                                                            v Premier seating in our
  and in cooperation with the Cook County Forest                                               COMPETITOR
                                                               Sponsors’ tent on Show
  Preserve, FRVPC is critical to the preservation of           Jumping day.
  the unique equestrian designation of Spring Creek                                            JILLIAN DUNHAM, A GRAD:
  Forest Preserve through the maintenance of the                                               EDITOR NEW YORK TIMES
  jumps and the trails used for the Horse Trials.           v Enjoy a champagne brunch
                                                               while watching Show             JASON CALLARD, DVM, HA
  Our commitment to the equestrian community                   Jumping.                        GRAD: SPECIALTIES IN
  continues, and so does our desire to continually                                             SURGERY AND DENTISTRY
  improve and upgrade the competition to ensure             v Knowledge that you have
  its continued success. Through recent growth                                                 JAMIE PRICE, HA GRAD:
                                                               contributed to the              RIDER FOR OLYMPIAN PHILLIP
  initiatives we have been able to improve our
                                                               preservation and                DUTTON
  courses and add the International FEI level of
  competition - a CCI One Star.                                improvement of this unique
                                                               and important equestrian and    MARK KRAUSE, A GRAD: BS:
  FRVPC is celebrating over 50 years of this great             community event.                AERONAUTICAL
  event. We would love to have you celebrate with                                              ENGINEERING PURDUE
  us and join in our quest to continue to improve
  the Midwest’s premier equestrian destination                                                 KATLYN MCMORRIS, A GRAD:
  event while also providing the funds to educate                                              RIDER FOR OLYMPIANS
  the next generation of equestrians.                                                          KAREN AND DAVID

Your tax deductible donation will ensure the                                                   ASHLEY SMITH, A GRAD:
       continuation of the mission of                                                          INTERPRETER FOR THE DEAF
                                                                                               IN WASHINGTON DC
        FRVPC to educate our youth.
                                                                                               LIZZIE FOOS, HA MEMBER:

           Thank you!                                                                          COLLEGE STUDENT AND
                                                                                               PONY CLUB INSTRUCTOR
Fox River Valley Pony Club - Fox River Valley Pony Club
Fox River Valley Pony Club Sponsorship Levels

Platinum Level Sponsor                                                                                    $10,000
• 30 VIP Passes to all Sponsor Events including “Celebrity Course Walk”, “Lunch at the Lake” – the best
  View of the Water Jump on Cross Country Day, “Stadium Jump Start Brunch” and “Horses and Hounds”
• Exclusive use of your own VIP golf cart on Cross Country Day!
• 15 VIP Parking Passes and access to VIP shuttle to cross country course
• Full Page advertisement in the Horse Trials Horse Show Program
• Banners hanging at various locations on show grounds, cross country course and on our website
• Custom publicity packages available on request – just tell us what you need!

Gold Level Sponsor                                                                                            $5,000
• 16 VIP Passes to all Sponsor Events including “Celebrity Course Walk”, “Lunch at the Lake” – the best
  view of the Water Jump on Cross Country Day, “Stadium Jump Start Brunch” and “Horses and Hounds”
• Exclusive use of your own VIP golf cart on Cross Country Day!
• 8 VIP Parking Passes and access to VIP shuttle to cross country course
• Full Page advertisement in the Horse Trials Horse Show Program
• Banners hanging at various locations on show grounds, cross country course and on our website
• Custom publicity packages available on request – just tell us what you need!

Silver Level Sponsor                                                                                          $2,500
• 8 VIP Passes to all Sponsor Events including “Celebrity Course Walk”, “Lunch at the Lake” – the best
  View of the Water Jump on Cross Country Day, “Stadium Jump Start Brunch” and “Horses and Hounds”
• Exclusive use of your own VIP golf cart on Cross Country Day!
• 4 VIP Parking Passes and access to VIP shuttle to cross country course
• Full Page advertisement in the Horse Trials Horse Show Program
• Banners hanging at various locations on show grounds, cross country course and on our website
• Custom publicity packages available on request – just tell us what you need!

Bronze Level Sponsor                                                                                          $1,000
• 4 VIP Passes to all Sponsor Events including “Celebrity Course Walk”, “Lunch at the Lake” – the best
  view of the Water Jump on Cross Country Day, “Stadium Jump Start Brunch” and “Horses and Hounds”
• 2 VIP Parking Passes and access to VIP shuttle to cross country course
• Full Page advertisement in the Horse Trials Horse Show Program
• Banner hanging at various locations on show grounds, cross country course and on our website

FRIENDS OF PONY CLUB                                                                                           $400

• 2 VIP Passes to all Sponsor Events including “Celebrity Course Walk”, “Lunch at the Lake” – the best
  view of the Water Jump on Cross Country Day, “Stadium Jump Start Brunch” and “Horses and Hounds”
• 1 VIP Parking Pass and access to VIP shuttle to cross country course

Enjoy all the VIP benefits of Sponsorship and a private preview of the Cross Country Course by Sponsoring a
Custom Jump Designed for You or your Business; for more information please contact
Judy Freeman at
Fox River Valley Pony Club - Fox River Valley Pony Club
Fox River Valley Pony Club
Fox River Valley Pony Club is part of the United States Pony Club, the
foremost equestrian educational organization for youth ages 7-25. The
mission of the Pony Club is to provide a program for youth that teaches
riding, mounted sports, and the care of horses and ponies, thereby
developing responsibility, moral judgement, leadership, and self-confidence.
The importance of equestrian land conservation as well as giving back
through assisting others is stressed from the earliest stages of the Pony
Club educational system. Pony Club graduates are known to excel in their
chosen professions whatever they may be. The values taught in Pony
Club contribute to the skills that translate into success. As a matter of
fact the vast majority of Olympic equestrian competitors achieved the
highest rating levels in Pony Club.

FRVPC is proud of our current members who have qualified for and competed
at USPC National Championships and the American Eventing Championships.
One of our members has received both individual and team gold medals at
the prestigious North American Young Riders Championships, known
as the Junior Olympics. Our own local Fox River Valley Pony Club, based
in Barrington Hills, has produced a number of equestrian athletes who have
competed in international competition from the One Star level to the elite Four
Star Level (Rolex****), against Olympic caliber riders. We can boast of former
members who have received top national rankings in the sport of eventing and
are currently respected professionals. We fully expect one of our own to be
representing the USA at the Olympics in the future. These young people began
their equestrian education in Pony Club and the FRVPC Mini-Event and Horse
Trials were among their earliest competitions.

By choosing to become a Sponsor at any level, you choose to affiliate with a
local program strongly tied to community values, education, and success.

            Allison Springer is an “A” Graduate member of the FRVPC,
            an elite athlete and earned a spot as an alternate on the 2012
                     Olympic Eventing Team for the United States.
Fox River Valley Pony Club - Fox River Valley Pony Club
Preserving an Equestrian Legacy

While today’s world threatens everyone’s enjoyment of open space, Fox River
Valley Pony Club plays a vital role in uniting the community to preserve a
legacy and lifestyle unique to our area. For many years FRVPC has hosted
the FRVPC Mini Event in May and the FRVPC Horse Trials in June at the
Barrington Hills Park District and the adjacent Spring Creek Forest Preserve.
These events attract as many as 1,000 people to two weekends of competition
in dressage, stadium jumping, and cross country.

These exciting competitions involve local riders young and old, as well
as those from the surrounding states, those new to the sport as well as
nationally ranked equestrians. Scores of local residents rally in support of
the Pony Club to volunteer in the variety of roles to insure successful events.
For over four decades these events have served to unite the community, provide
an opportunity to see old friends, meet new ones and showcase an equestrian

In spirit of giving back, FRVPC offers equestrians the free use of its
stadium jumps throughout the year. Riders, hikers and nature lovers alike enjoy
the trails and jumps which make up the beautiful cross country course in the
forest preserve. The cross country course has been described as the “jewel” in
the crown of the Cook County Forest Preserve and has been entirely developed
and maintained through the efforts of FRVPC and their partnerships with
friends, businesses and organizations in the community.

               For more information or to pay online with PayPal go to:
                       Make checks payable to: FRVPC
   Send payment to: Judy Freeman I 87 Otis Road I Barrington Hills, IL 60010
FRVPC is a 501(c)3 tax exempt educational organization and as such all donations are tax deductible.
Fox River Valley Pony Club - Fox River Valley Pony Club
             NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT!
                            Our biggest and only fund raisers are just a jump away!
                      Our club provides two exciting events during the year for everyone
                           to enjoy, either as competitors, spectators, or volunteers.
                              Please help support the Fox River Valley Pony Club

                                     FRVPC Mini Event May 16-17 2015
                                     FRVPC Horse Trial June 18-21, 2015

For more information or to register go to or or

                             Place an Ad in our Horse Trials Program
                   A great way to show your support and promote your business or services
                      Or place a good luck ad to a competitor or group of competitors!

                                 Full page ad in HT Program $15000
                                 Half page ad in HT Program $1000
                                 Business card ad in HT Program $7500

                                    We have vendor space available!
                 10x10 area, come and sell your crafts, promote your business or services . . .
                            horsey or non horsey related! (excludes any tack shops)

                        $100 for a tent/booth space for Horse Trials June 18-21, 2015

             submission due by June 1st, 2015 Artwork for ads no later then June 1st, 2015
            please. pay online go to or

              Email Artwork to: (please label e-mail with “FRVPC Art Work” in subject line)
                                questions? call Dawn Stavropoulos @ 630-400-0228
Fox River Valley Pony Club - Fox River Valley Pony Club
Fox River Valley Pony Club

                                            Building the Future for Equestrians

                             FRVPC Horse Trials

Fox River Valley Pony Club

                                                                            FRVPC Mini Event
Fox River Valley Pony Club - Fox River Valley Pony Club
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