HOLY ROSARY PARISH Served by the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians since 1891 - Holy Rosary Catholic Church

Page created by Wanda Ford
HOLY ROSARY PARISH Served by the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians since 1891 - Holy Rosary Catholic Church
                  Served by the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians since 1891

                                                                                       October 11, 2020
                                                                                              Parish Office
                                                                               911 E. Missouri Avenue
                                                                               Kansas City, MO 64106
                                                                               Phone: 816-842-5440
                                                                               Fax: 816-474-3806
                                                                               Email: holyrosary@hrkcmo.org

                                                                                             Office Hour
                                                                                      Monday - Friday: 11am - 3 pm

                                                                               Website: www.hrkcmo.org

                                                                                           Holy Rosary Staff
                                                                               Pastor: Fr. Abner Ables, CS
                                                                               email: fr.abner@hrkcmo.org

                                                                               Fr. Gianantonio Baggio, CS
                                                                               email: hispanic@archkck.org

                                                                               Secretary: Sandy Medina
                                                                               Email: sandy@hrkcmo.org

                                                                               Accountant: Sr. Anita Helgenberger, osb

                                                                               Religious Education:
                                                                                       Julie Copenhaver
                                                                               Email: jcopenhaver@hrkcmo.org
                                                                               Music: Rick Janssen
                St. Joseph Table—March 18 & 19
            Our Lady of the Audience—May 17, 2020
             Our Lady of La Vang—August 16, 2020                               Maintenance: Hung Bui
           Feast of the Holy Rosary—October 11, 2020

MASSES:          Saturday         4:00 PM                                   First Friday
                 Sunday           8:00 AM and 11:00 AM                            Adoration 5:00 pm
                 Holy Days        Vigil (See Bulletin)                            Mass         6:00 pm
                 Weekdays         8:00 AM @ the Church                      CONFESSIONS:
                                                                                 Any time by appointment

The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combating sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual
abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800.392.3738 (if the victim is
currently under the age of 18), and 2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and 3. After reporting to these
civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombuds-
man, Joe Crayon, at 816.812.2500 or crayon@ombudsmankcsj.org, if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volun-
teer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources
to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact Victim Advocate, Kathleen Chastain, at 816.392.0011 or chas-
tain@diocesekcsj.org for more information.
HOLY ROSARY PARISH Served by the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians since 1891 - Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Holy Rosary Church

                                                Happy Feast Day
                                                 Holy Rosary
                            28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                            In the Gospel’s story of the wedding feast, we can be like the individuals who ei-
                            ther ignore the invitation or are so wrapped up in day to day responsibilities we
                            don’t have time to accept the Lord’s invitation. Do you see God’s wanting to be
                            part of your life as a marvelous opportunity to experience a deeper relationship
                            with him or as an unnecessary distraction? What specifically can you do to make
                            yourself more open to God’s invitation? It is so tempting to be consumed with the
demands of life in this world, as the people in today’s parable were, and lose sight of the magnificent feast that
awaits us in heaven. That’s why Jesus gives us a glimpse of that feast every time we celebrate Mass.

                                                              Italian Cookies for Sale
                                                                    For your orders
                                                             Please call the Parish Office
                                                                 Tel no. 816-842-5440
                                                          We ask donations of $10 per box.
                                                          Please support this very important

                           Remembering Our Dearly Departed Loved              October 10 & 11
                          Ones                                                Lectors
                          The deceased members of our Holy Rosary             4PM: Jessy Tang
                          family will be remembered with a special All        8AM: Jean Fiorello
                          Soul’s Day Mass on Monday, November 2,              11AM: Julie Copenhaver
                           2020, at 4pm. A basket containing the names
  Mass at 4pm of our dearly departed will be placed at the al-                October 17 & 18
                           tar as we remember them and thank God for          Lectors
the gift of their lives. We encourage all of our parish family to include
                                                                              4PM: Jean Fiorello
their loved ones in the intentions for the All Soul’s Day Mass. Please
place the name, together with a Mass donation, in an envelope and put in      8AM: Carol Giangalanti
the Sunday collection basket or drop off at the parish office mailbox.        11AM: Julie Copenhaver
Thank you and God Bless you!
         Due to COVID 19 restrictions, the office is not open to visitors. Please visit the website,
             www.hrkcmo.org, or call 816-842-5440 to speak with us or to leave a message.
HOLY ROSARY PARISH Served by the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians since 1891 - Holy Rosary Catholic Church
October 11, 2020
                          CHÚA NHẬT THỨ XXV III MÙA
                          THƯỜNG NIÊN
                           Trong câu chuyện tiệc cưới trong Phúc
                          Âm, chúng ta có thể như những người        Saturday, October 10
                          hoặc là thờ ơ với lời mời gọi hoặc là         4PM Martha Scudiero
                          quá bận rộn với bổn phận hàng ngày         Sunday, October 11
                          mà không có thì giờ nhận lời mời của          8AM Theresa Xuan Phan
Thiên Chúa. Bạn có thấy Thiên Chúa muốn dự phần vào cuộc đời                  Joseph Tran
                                                                              Paul Mancuso
của bạn như là một dịp kỳ diệu để trải nghiệm mối dây liên lạc với
                                                                              Anna Nguyen Hung
Người hay là một sự thờ ơ không cần thiết? Bạn sẽ làm điều gì để
                                                                       11AM Tom Curiale
bạn mở lòng ra đón nhận lời Chúa mời gọi? Những đòi hỏi của                    Calogera Giametta
nhu cầu về đời sống trên thế giới này thật rất cám dỗ, như những     Monday, October 12
người trong bài ngụ ngôn hôm nay, và không thấy được sự nguy            8AM Theresa Xuan Phan
nga của bàn tiệc đang chờ chúng ta trên thiên đàng. Đó là lý do      Tuesday, October 13
mà Chúa Giêsu cho chúng ta thấy một thoáng nhìn về bàn tiệc mỗi         8PM Service men and women
khi chúng ta cử hành Thánh Lễ.                                       Wednesday, October 14
                                                                        8AM All Saints
                                                                     Thursday, October 15
               ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL,                                  8AM Fr. Prospero Angeli
                     OCTOBER 11                                      Friday, October 16
             The diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal opens on               8AM Sick
                          Sunday, October 11.                        Saturday, October 17
                                                                        4PM Irene Urbina
                                                                     Sunday, October 18
                     WORLD YOUTH DAY,                                   8AM Theresa Xuan Phan
                       OCTOBER 25                                      11AM Ann Marie & Make Danna
           The USCCB sets aside the 30th Sunday in Ordinary                   Tom Curiale
                    Time as World Youth Day

                        Hãy Nhớ Đến Những Người Thân Của             Please make sure to Register for
                        Chúng Ta Đã Qua Đời                              Mass every week,
                        Những thành viên qua đời trong gia đình      www.hrkcmo.org or call
                        gíáo xứ Holy Rosary sẽ được ghi nhớ             the Parish Office at
                        trong một Thánh Lễ đặc biệt vào ngày Lễ           Tel no. 816– 842-8440
  Mass at 4pm Các Linh Hồn Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 11, 2020
                        vào lúc 4 giờ chiều. Một cái rổ đựng tên      “You can continue to send
những người thân của chúng ta sẽ đặt trên bàn thờ để chúng ta         your contribution by mail,
nhớ đến họ và cám ơn Thiên Chúa về những ơn mà họ nhận               electronically or drop by the
được trong cuộc đời của họ. Chúng tôi khuyến khích các gia đình                office.”
trong giáo xứ hãy ghi tên những thân quyến Mass
                                             qua đờiattrong
lễ các Linh Hồn. Xin đề tên, cùng với tiền đóng góp trong phong
                                                                           Weekly Collection
bì và bỏ vào rổ tiền ngày Chúa Nhật hoặc bỏ vào thùng thư giáo
                                                                            October 4, 2020
xứ. Xin cám ơn và xin Chúa chúc lành cho quí vị!
                                                                     Collection:      $ 5,869.83
                                                                     Peter’s Pence    $ 295.00
                                                                     Other:           $ 1,195.84
                                                                     Total:           $ 7,360.67
                                                                             Next week
                                                                         Second Collection
                                                                        World Mission Sunday
                                                                            Be Generous
HOLY ROSARY PARISH Served by the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians since 1891 - Holy Rosary Catholic Church HOLY ROSARY PARISH Served by the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians since 1891 - Holy Rosary Catholic Church HOLY ROSARY PARISH Served by the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians since 1891 - Holy Rosary Catholic Church HOLY ROSARY PARISH Served by the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians since 1891 - Holy Rosary Catholic Church HOLY ROSARY PARISH Served by the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians since 1891 - Holy Rosary Catholic Church HOLY ROSARY PARISH Served by the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians since 1891 - Holy Rosary Catholic Church HOLY ROSARY PARISH Served by the Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians since 1891 - Holy Rosary Catholic Church
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