WELCOME St Helier Methodist Centre - July 19th, 2020

Page created by Edna Tyler
WELCOME St Helier Methodist Centre - July 19th, 2020
St Helier Methodist Centre
                     July 19th, 2020
     All Ages, All Nations, All stages of Faith


   Today’s service is led by Rev’s Nico Hilmy-Jones, Jenny
               Pathmarajah & Debbie Poole.
      To follow the service just click on one of the links below.

    link to Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/StHelierMethodist
    link to Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/stheliermethodist
    link to YouTube

Coffee and Chat 11.30-12.30 after the service. You can join by
clicking into:
PT 2V2amo3VTRoQT09 Meeting ID: 878 0011 0669            Password:
WELCOME St Helier Methodist Centre - July 19th, 2020
Church notices
Midweek service with chat & tea or coffee
Thursdays 10.30 to 11.30 am in the Hall. A short service with
no singing and an opportunity afterwards to reconnect with
friends. Please bring your own Bibles. If you would like to
attend please call or email Sarah in the office as numbers are
presently limited.
Online Toddler Church – but not just for Toddlers
Every Monday 10.30 am on Facebook. Enjoyed by everyone,
children and adults. Plenty of songs, prayers and a bible story.
All done in a fun and interactive way.
This is the last Toddler church for this term, but Sally & Ellen will
be back online in September.
Baby Rascals @ the Centre
Mondays 10.30 am to 12 pm in the Hall. For very young babies
and their carers – a socially distanced group for making friends,
listening to songs and sharing experiences. This group will
continue weekly over the summer.

Little Rascals in the Park
Wednesdays 10 am to 12 pm in Howard Davis park. For more
information call Ellen or Sally. This group will continue fortnightly
though the summer – on 29th July, 12th & 26th August.

                           Other notices
Thank you
Thank you so much to those people who have brought in their
old android phones. It is wonderful to get such a response and
the phones will make a big difference to someone in need.

We have full-time spaces available in the Nursery for 2- and 3-
year olds, starting from 1st September 2020. For more
information contact the manager, Louise Jones-Butel, on
617600 or nestlingdaycare@gmail.com

Church Office hours
At the moment I am usually in the Centre office during the
mornings and in my home office during the afternoons. You can
reach me on both 877517 – Centre office and 780694 home
office. Do try both numbers and feel free to leave messages.
The home telephone doesn’t ring after hours but you can still
leave messages.       Sarah

Something to watch
Last week we watched ‘Marvellous’ – a BBC film about the life of
Neil Baldwin, played by Toby Jones. It was so heart-warming and
enjoyable to watch that I would recommend it without
reservation. Even fun for those of us who are definitely not
football fans. See it if you can!   Sarah

If anyone else has seen anything lately that they would like to
recommend do email / call me and we can pass the word
You alone, O God, are infinite in love. You alone can speak to our
 condition. You alone can search the mind and purify the heart.
 You alone can flow over our darkness with the ocean of eternal
                  light. (George Fox (1624-1691)

                     We all need your love
       Lord God, we pray for our world and its people.
       So many different cultures, colours, languages
  – but we are all your children, all special in our own right.
Whatever our gender, race, colour or creed, we all belong to you.
                    We all need your love.

 We pray that we might learn to live in harmony with each other,
to recognise that even someone halfway around the world is still
  our neighbour in your sight. Far or near, we all belong to you.
                     We all need your love.

  With today’s technology we have access to news from afar,
 almost before it happens. Help us not to become blasé about
  the situations we see, but to pray and care faithfully for all
             In war or peace, we all belong to you.
                     We all need your love.

We pray for those near and dear to us: protect them, wrap them
 in your loving arms, and in sorrow and in joy, be with them.
               Near or far, we all belong to you.
                    We all need your love.
Please continue to remember all front-line workers and
particularly for those who are members of our church praying
that they may know safety, strength and peace. They have our
grateful thanks.

This week please pray for those involved with all forms of island
transport, the congregation of St Andrew’s Anglican church and
the Rev Mark Barrett.

                     Live-streamed services

 Wesley’s Chapel, London continues to live-stream worship on
Weds 12:45 Thurs 12:45 Sunday 9:45 & 11:00 at:

Swan Bank Methodist Church, Burslem also live-streams worship
   on Sunday 10:30 at www.youtube.com/user/SwanBank
            and www.facebook.com/swanbank/


Minister: Rev Tony Morling       739906   tony@methodistcentre.je
Pastoral Worker: Mrs Pat Tourtel 747353    pat.tourtel@gmail.com
Administrator: Sarah                      877517 or 780694
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