Flight Centre & Moneywise - The story of... Presented by Alisa Caldwell

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Flight Centre & Moneywise - The story of... Presented by Alisa Caldwell
The story of...

Flight Centre & Moneywise
 Presented by
 Alisa Caldwell
Flight Centre & Moneywise - The story of... Presented by Alisa Caldwell
Where it all started

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Flight Centre & Moneywise - The story of... Presented by Alisa Caldwell
Top Deck Days

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Flight Centre & Moneywise - The story of... Presented by Alisa Caldwell
  1973         1976         1980          1983           1987            1995         2000        2004          2014

First bus was Expansion    73 busses    First Flight    First Flight      First      500 shops   FCNZ profit   Top Deck
purchased & into Russia,   in the Top     Centre       Centre in NZ    Corporate     and 3000     of $19Mil     bought
  converted     North      Deck fleet    opened         Top Deck         Team           staff                   back by
Tours began   America                                    sold to       FC lists on    globally                   Flight
  around       and                                     concentrate         the                                  Centre
  Europe    Scandinavia                                   on FC        ASX@95c

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Flight Centre & Moneywise - The story of... Presented by Alisa Caldwell
Present Day                                   18,500    2500

Corporate Travel Management
network spans 90+ countries                      30        12
                                                brands   countries
Turnover over AUD$12 billion

FCTG Profit of AUD$365 million

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Flight Centre & Moneywise - The story of... Presented by Alisa Caldwell
FCTG Brands

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Flight Centre & Moneywise - The story of... Presented by Alisa Caldwell
New Zealand
                                                    140 Shops over
                          1200+ Staff               4 Retail brands

                      1          2             3            4

                                        Largest market           Large Corporate
                                        share in NZ              Business

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Flight Centre & Moneywise - The story of... Presented by Alisa Caldwell
Demographic of FC
     80% Female.            10% are part
     One third of           time/Job share
     those are
     working mums

 1         2           3           4

                Average                 We have shops
                age is 30               from Kaitaia to

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Flight Centre & Moneywise - The story of... Presented by Alisa Caldwell
Our Philosophies
                      Our Values                  Our Business Model

                      1. Our People               6. Ownership

                      2. Our Customer             7. Incentives

                      3. Brightness of Future     8. Our Standard Systems

                       4. Taking Responsibility   9. Family, Village, Tribe

                      5. Egalitarianism & Unity   10.Profit

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Flight Centre & Moneywise - The story of... Presented by Alisa Caldwell
Our Philosophies
                                           Our Values                  Our Business Model
Our Company is our people.
We care for our colleagues’
health and wellbeing, their                1. Our People               6. Ownership
personal and professional
development and their                      2. Our Customer             7. Incentives
financial security. We believe
that work should be                        3. Brightness of Future     8. Our Standard Systems
challenging and fun for
everyone and through work                   4. Taking Responsibility   9. Family, Village, Tribe
we contribute to our
community.                                 5. Egalitarianism & Unity   10.Profit

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Our Philosophies
                                         Our Values                  Our Business Model

Incentives are based on                  1. Our People               6. Ownership
measurable and reliable
outcome-based KPIs. We                   2. Our Customer             7. Incentives
believe that ‘what gets
rewarded gets done’. If the              3. Brightness of Future     8. Our Standard Systems
right outcomes are rewarded,
our company and our people                4. Taking Responsibility   9. Family, Village, Tribe
will prosper.
                                         5. Egalitarianism & Unity   10.Profit

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Our Philosophies
We believe each individual in             Our Values                  Our Business Model
our company should have the
opportunity to share in the               1. Our People               6. Ownership
company’s success through
outcome-based incentives,                 2. Our Customer             7. Incentives
profit share, BOS (Business
Ownership Scheme) and                     3. Brightness of Future     8. Our Standard Systems
Employee Share Schemes. It
is important that business                 4. Taking Responsibility   9. Family, Village, Tribe
leaders and business team
members see the business                  5. Egalitarianism & Unity   10.Profit
they run as their business.

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MWG History

Moneywise Global (MWG)
was launched in 1994 to
support the employees of
FCTG in their endeavours to
become financial success
stories in their own right.

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Skroo’s vision
1. Recruitment - differentiate FCTG in a tough labour market.

2. Retention - reduction of staff turnover where a small
improvement means large savings.

3. Productivity - linking personal goals to workplace performance in
a sales/commission environment.
4. Basic Education - financial literacy.
5. Stress Reduction - health benefits.

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Our MWG Purpose

We empower people to live the
life they want to live, not the life
they have to live.

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We believe financial advice is for everyone

Moneywise gives all employees the
opportunity to seek financial advice
regardless of their circumstances.
This can be as simple as helping with
cash flow management or more
complex advice such as preparing for

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Organise Protect and Grow

   There is a clear correlation between financial security and
   people’s personal wellbeing.
   Organising, Protecting and Growing our staff and their
   families is the approach we adopt when providing advice.
   Achieving this creates a level of comfort and certainty which
   makes a happier employee, therefore benefiting everyone.

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We are of the belief that staff that are
happy staff are more productive
Through feedback and
implemented advice,
employees feel confident that
they are well positioned
financially, have a plan and
are able to focus on their

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Deliver Knowledge to change
We have found over the 21 years we have been delivering
our services that if we focus on a staff member’s financial
literacy, we can alleviate financial stress, then we have
more engaged, focused staff who are far more productive.

We understand our staff want to engage with us in
different ways. This is why we provide face to face, over
the phone, presentation and web based information and

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The team     Advice, Home Loans & Tax

             50 Staff in 5 countries

             Offices in 10 cities with our
             head office in Sydney

             Paraplanning Team

             External Corporate Offering

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Our Range

  Face to Face                                                                           New Property
                                     Ins/Risk Advice   Personal Tax    Wealth Creation     Purchase
 Tailored Advice

 Travel to Client   Private Health     Reporting       Presentations     Telephone        Refinance

    Cash flow        Debt Mgmt                                             Estate        Retirement
                                      Knowledge         First Home
     Mgmt                                                                 Planning        Planning

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Our Findings
        96% of FC staff who are eligible to opt into KiwiSaver belong to
        the scheme.
        72% indicated they were more focused on improving
        commissions after their Moneywise consult.
        61% indicated commissions had improved since seeing
        87% of staff said their basic financial literacy understanding had
        increased after seeing Moneywise.

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The future of MWG in NZ

 Implementation of our Knowledge
 Centre – Financial Literacy 24/7
 Growth of the team to keep up
 with the growth of FCNZ
 Introduction of external corporate
 client offering

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