HMCS Summerside receives Admiral's Bell - Trident Newspaper

Page created by Johnnie Hopkins
HMCS Summerside receives Admiral's Bell - Trident Newspaper
Monday November 29, 2021                               Volume 55, Issue 24


HMCS Summerside receives Admiral’s Bell
The 2021 Admiral’s Bell award was awarded to the ship’s company of HMCS Summerside on November 4, with RAdm Brian Santarpia, Commander MARLANT and JTFA,
making the presentation to Summerside Commanding Officer LCdr Jeff Anderson. The Admiral’s Bell is presented each year to a ship demonstrating the best overall efficiency,
morale and leadership among MARLANT’s Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels.
                                                                                                                                                       MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA
HMCS Summerside receives Admiral's Bell - Trident Newspaper
2                                                                                                                                TRIDENT NEWS          NOVEMBER 29, 2021

New CSC Project Management Office
opens in Darmouth
By Joanie Veitch,
Trident Staff

  The team at the Project Management Office,              Deputy Project Manager, for some key highlights.
Canadian Surface Combatant (PMO CSC) Halifax                “I received four pages of bullet notes, citing over
detachment, celebrated their office’s grand opening       50 individual elements of work of dozens of individ-
with a barbecue and ribbon-cutting ceremony on            uals and many organizations,” said Cmdre Gray.
October 18.                                               “For those of you who work in this building, I hope
  Wielding a giant pair of scissors, Commodore Rob        you take a moment to reflect on the sheer magni-
Gray, Project Manager with the Canadian Surface           tude of what has been accomplished. This is truly a
Combatant Project, and Captain (N) Sean Williams,         collaborative effort… and all done during a world-
Base Commander of CFB Halifax, cut the ribbon,            wide pandemic. ”
officially opening the office at the Bluenose Build-        During his speech, Cmdre Gray listed some of the
ing on MicMac Boulevard in Dartmouth.                     many people and organizations who worked to get
    The office, which is part of a larger office com-     the new facility operational, including CFB Halifax
plex owned and operated by J.D. Irving Ltd., is           base Information Services for their support on IT
24,000 square feet and currently holds about 70           issues, Lt(N) David Palmer, Marine Systems Engi-
employees, with more expected as the CSC project          neer with PMO CSC, and CPO2 Andrew Batchilder,
begins to ramp up.                                        who worked with the Naval Museum of Halifax to
  As part of the National Shipbuilding Strategy,          arrange for some of their artifacts to be displayed     Capt (N) Sean Williams, left, and Cmdre Rob Gray cut the
the CSC project will see 15 new warships built for        at the new building. Adding visual interest and         ribbon to officially open the Project Management Office,
the Royal Canadian Navy, replacing the retired            historical context to an otherwise neutral working      Canadian Surface Combatant, Halifax Detachment, on
Iroquois-class destroyers and the Halifax-class frig-     space, one of the displays that garnered attention at   October 18.
ates. Construction of the first CSC vessel is expect-     the opening celebration was a small hydrofoil built
ed to begin in 2023-2024.                                 as a precursor to HMCS Baddeck.                         Le Capv Sean Williams, à gauche, et le Cmdre Rob Gray
  Even in normal times, a large amount of work              “It’s a great display to have here, to have the       coupent le ruban pour l’ouverture officielle du Bureau de
happens behind the scenes to get an office up and         space to show something like this that would other-     gestion de projet du navire de combat de surface canadien,
running. In preparation for the grand opening             wise be in storage,” said CPO2 Batchilder.              détachement d’Halifax, le 18 octobre.
event, Cmdre Gray said he asked Tom Wyand, the                                                                                                                   JOANIE VEITCH

Ouverture d’un nouveau Bureau de gestion
de projet du NCSC à Dartmouth
By Joanie Veitch,
Trident Staff

  L’équipe du Bureau de gestion de projet, na-              « J’ai reçu quatre pages de notes rédigées dans
vire de combat de surface canadien (BGP NCSC),            un style télégraphique qui indiquaient plus de
détachement d’Halifax, a célébré l’ouverture              50 éléments de travail de dizaines de personnes et
officielle de son bureau au moyen d’un barbecue et        de nombreuses organisations, a déclaré le Cm-
d’une cérémonie d’inauguration le 18 octobre.             dre Gray. Pour ceux d’entre vous qui travaillent
  Grâce à une paire de ciseaux géante, le commo-          dans cet immeuble, j’espère que vous prenez un
dore Rob Gray, gestionnaire de projet du navire           moment pour réfléchir à l’ampleur de ce qui a été
de combat de surface canadien, et le capitaine            accompli. C’est un véritable effort de collabora-
de vaisseau Sean Williams, commandant de la               tion… et tout cela a été effectué durant une pan-
BFC Halifax, ont coupé le ruban, ce qui a ouvert          démie mondiale. »
officiellement l’immeuble Bluenose sur le boule-            Pendant son discours, le Cmdre Gray a men-
vard MicMac à Dartmouth.                                  tionné certaines des nombreuses personnes et
  Le bureau, qui fait partie d’un complexe de bu-         organisations qui ont collaboré en vue de rendre
reaux plus grand dont est propriétaire et exploitant      opérationnelle cette nouvelle installation, dont les
J.D. Irving Ltd, fait 24 000 pieds carrés et abrite ac-   Services d’information de la BFC Halifax pour leur
tuellement environ 70 employés. Ce nombre devrait         soutien concernant les questions de TI, Ltv Da-
augmenter lorsque les activités du projet du NCSC         vid Palmer, ingénieur en mécanique navale du
commenceront à croître.                                   BGP NCSC, et le PM 2 Andrew Batchilder, qui a
  Dans le cadre de la Stratégie nationale de con-         collaboré avec le Musée naval d’Halifax pour que
struction navale, le projet du NCSC assurera la con-      certains de leurs artéfacts soient exposés dans
struction de 15 nouveaux navires de guerre pour           le nouvel immeuble. Une des expositions qui a
la Marine royale canadienne afin de remplacer les         attiré l’attention lors de l’inauguration était un
frégates de la classe Halifax et les destroyers de la     petit hydroptère construit comme précurseur du
classe Iroquois mis hors service. La construction         NCSM Baddeck qui ajoutait un intérêt visuel et un
des premiers NCSC devrait débuter en 2023-2024.           contexte historique à un espace de travail autre-
  Même en temps normal, une grande quantité de            ment neutre.                                            Le PM 2 Andrew Batchilder a été félicité pour ses efforts en
travail est effectuée dans les coulisses pour mettre        « C’est une excellente exposition à avoir ici,        vue d’exposer des artéfacts dans le nouvel immeuble.
en place un bureau. En vue de préparer l’activité         avoir l’espace pour montrer quelque chose comme
d’ouverture officielle, le Cmdre Gray a dit avoir         cela qui serait autrement entreposé », a déclaré le     CPO2 Andrew Batchilder was commended for his efforts to
demandé des points saillants à Tom Wyand, ges-            PM 2 Batchilder.                                        have artifacts displayed in the new building.
                                                                                                                                                                 JOANIE VEITCH
tionnaire de projet adjoint.
HMCS Summerside receives Admiral's Bell - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS          NOVEMBER 29, 2021                                                                                                                                     3

Sailors from HMCS Harry DeWolf accompany members of the US Coast Guard LEDET
to intercept vessels of interest while deployed to Op CARIBBE.
                                                                   HMCS HARRY DEWOLF

Harry DeWolf’s C6
gunners play key                                                                          Future HMCS Margaret
role on Op CARIBBE                                                                        Brooke departs for sea trials
                                                                                          LCdr Nicole Robichaud, second from left, observes the work underway as the fu-
By HMCS Harry DeWolf                                                                      ture HMCS Margaret Brooke departs HMC Dockyard for the ship’s first sea trials
                                                                                          on November 22. The crew will begin testing equipment and get to know how their
  HMCS Harry DeWolf is the first Arc-        my tactical gear on, and I’ll get ready to   new vessel functions at sea ahead of its commissioning in 2022.
tic and Offshore Patrol Ship to deploy       be lowered into the boat. Then I’ll take                                                              MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA
on Operation CARIBBE, and success-           my place in the boat…I will go up front,
fully confiscated narcotics in their first   load ammunition and defend the ship
bust soon after arriving in their area       and fire if necessary.”
of operations. These interdictions are          Reflecting on their experiences on
made by the embarked United States           Op CARIBBE, the Marine Technician
Coast Guard Law Enforcement Detach-          commented “It’s been a lot of fun, the
ment (LEDET), who board and inspect          weather is great, back home right now
vessels of interest. Royal Canadian          it’s winter. It’s a great job we’re doing
Navy ships and members provide these         down here as well; stopping the flow of
LEDETs with logistic and transport           drugs into North America.”
support. A vital component to board-            Another C6 Gunner, a Sailor First
ing parties are the boarding vessels,        Class who works aboard ship as a
charged with chasing after vessels of        Material Management Technician, also
interest, which are frequently small,        added that in addition to manning the
fast-moving boats.                           weapon “…we also double hat in the
  Harry DeWolf is equipped with two          boats. So I’m also the bowsman, when
Multi-Role Rescue Boats which are            we’re launching the boats, I’m the one
capable of supporting personnel trans-       letting go of the lines, and when we’re
fers, rescues, and boarding parties.         recovering the boats…we’re making
This new craft boasts top speeds of 35+      sure that we’re going up properly.
knots, and is 8.5 metres long, giving Op     When we’re transiting to a target from
CARIBBE boarding parties enhanced            the ship, we’re keeping our eyes open,
capabilities. A crucial feature of these     making sure that there’s no obstacles
MRRBs are the C6 gun mounts locat-           or anything in the water.”
ed at the bow of the vessel. Here, C6           The Material Management Techni-
gunners can be positioned to protect         cian also reflected on working along-
their boats crews, and the ship at large.    side the USCG LEDET, “It’s my first
These C6 Gunners are volunteers from         time working alongside another nation
different departments onboard Harry          and it’s been awesome so far. They are
DeWolf, and are usually junior mem-          super professional, know what they are
bers who are entrusted with a technical      doing, and we’re learning a lot from
and demanding role on the frontline          them.”
within boarding parties. Let’s learn            HMCS Harry DeWolf is currently
about their experiences thus far:            deployed on Operation CARIBBE,
  A Sailor Second Class, employed as         Canada’s participation in the U.S.-led
a Marine Technician, explained their         enhanced counter-narcotics opera-
role after hearing a ship-wide pipe com-     tions in the Caribbean Sea and the
mencing the preparations to board and        eastern Pacific Ocean. Naval warships
search a vessel of interest,                 and aircraft deploy to the region on a
  “It’s unique for me as a marine tech-      rotational basis to support the multina-
nician; I’ll be down in the engine spaces    tional mission to suppress trafficking
and a pipe will go off through the ship…     in international waters.
That means I’ll have to go and get all
HMCS Summerside receives Admiral's Bell - Trident Newspaper
4                                                                                                                                             TRIDENT NEWS        NOVEMBER 29, 2021

                                                              Participate in                                                               Participation
 Editor: Ryan Melanson
                                                              Community Needs                                                              au sondage
                                                              Assessment                                                                   sur les
 Reporter: Joanie Veitch

                                                              Survey                                                                       besoins
 Editorial Advisor: Margaret Conway

                                                                                                                                           de la
  902-721-0560                                                By CFMWS
 Editorial Advisor: Ariane Guay-Jadah

                                                                                                                                           communauté                                CFMWS is launching another Community Needs Assessment Survey,
  902-721-8341                                                this time with a different focus. Instead of re-assessing collective needs
                                                              and program deficiencies, the 2021 CNA will look at community needs                                     from a micro-level perspective, such as when is the best time to offer
 Trident is an authorized military publication distributed    programming and how and when to prioritize spending.                         Par SBMFC
 across Canada and throughout the world every second
 Monday, and is published with the permission of Rear           We believe that when CAF personnel are able to take good care of
 Admiral Brian Santarpia, Commander, Joint Task Force         themselves and their families, they can do better – both at home and at        Les Services de bien-être et moral des
 Atlantic. The Editor reserves the right to edit, condense
 or reject copy, photographs or advertising to achieve the    work. Whether families need to sign the kids up for swimming lessons,        Forces canadiennes (SBMFC) réalisent
 aims of a service newspaper as defined by the Interim         improve their fitness, make friends in a new community, or organize          un nouveau sondage sur les besoins de la
 Canadian Forces Newspapers Policy dated April 11,
 2005. Deadline for copy and advertising is 10 a.m., 11       their finances, our services are there to support them. To ensure that our   communauté, cette fois dans une nouvelle
 business days prior to the publication date. Material must   programs and services are meeting their requirements, we want to make        optique. Au lieu de réévaluer les besoins
 be accompanied by the contributor’s name, address and
 phone number. Opinions and advertisements printed            certain that military members, Veterans and their families are aware of      collectifs et les lacunes des programmes,
 in Trident are those of the individual contributor or        our services and that our services align with when, where and how they
 advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or                                                                                  le sondage se penchera sur de mi-
 endorsements of the DND, the Editor or the Publisher.        need them.                                                                   crodétails, par exemple en demandant aux
 Le Trident est une publication militaire autorisée par le
                                                                In 2016, Military Family Services (MFS) partnered with Personnel Sup-      répondants quel est le meilleur moment
 contre-amiral Brian Santarpia, Commandant la force           port Programs (PSP) in the development and implementation of a new           pour offrir des programmes, ou encore
 opérationnelle interarmées de l‘Atlantique, qui est
 distribuée partout au Canada et outremer les lundis          comprehensive CAF Community Needs Assessment (CNA) tool. The re-             comment et quand prioriser les dépenses.
 toutes les quinzaines. Le rédacteur en chef se réserve       sults of the 2016 CNA generated essential data that has directly informed      Nous croyons que les membres des
 le droit de modifier, de condenser ou de rejeter les
 articles, photographies ou annonces publicitaires            morale and welfare program and service modernization.                        Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) qui
 jugées contraires aux objectifs d’un journal militaire         How can you help:                                                          peuvent bien s’occuper d’eux-mêmes et de
 selon la définition donnée à politique temporaire des
 journaux des forces canadiennes. L’heure de tombée des         • From November 17 to December 10 2021, we invite you and your col-        leurs familles réussissent mieux au foyer
 annonces publi- citaires ou des articles est fixée à 1000     leagues to share your opinions in our CNA survey.                            et au travail. Que les familles aient besoin
 le jeudi précédant la semaine de publication. Les textes
 peuvent être soumis en français ou en anglais; ils doivent     • Please encourage participation by sharing this survey link with your     d’inscrire les enfants à des cours de nata-
 indiquer le nom, l’adresse et le numéro de téléphone du      teams and allowing them time to fill out the survey during work hours:
 collaborateur. Les opinions et les annonces publicitaires                                                                                 tion, d’améliorer leur condition physique,
 imprimées par le Trident sont celles des collaborateurs et                                           de se faire des amis dans une nouvelle
 agents publicitaires et non nécessairement celles de la        • Participating in this survey is an opportunity to express opinions on
 rédaction, du MDN ou de l’éditeur.                                                                                                        communauté ou d’organiser leurs financ-
                                                              preference, gaps and potential improvements in CFMWS services for our        es, nos services sont là pour les aider.
 Courier address:
 Canadian Forces Base Halifax
                                                              military community.                                                          Pour que nos programmes et services
 Building S-90                                                  To find out more, visit:                              comblent leurs besoins, il faut que les
 Suite 329
 P.O. Box 99000                                                 Thank you for your engagement in this process and your commitment          militaires, les vétérans et leurs familles
 Halifax, N.S.                                                to providing services that meet the needs of our military community.         les connaissent et qu’ils soient accessibles
 B3K 5X5
                                                                                                                                           au moment et à l’endroit voulu.
                                                                                                                                             En 2016, les Services aux familles
                                                                                                                                           des militaires se sont associés aux Pro-
                                                                                                                                           grammes de soutien du personnel pour
                                                                                                                                           créer et mettre en œuvre un nouvel outil
                                                                                                                                           complet d’évaluation des besoins de la
                                                                                                                                           communauté (EBC) des FAC. Les résul-
                                                                                                                                           tats de l’EBC de 2016 représentent des
                                                                                                                                           données essentielles qui ont directement
                                                                                                                                           alimenté la modernisation des pro-
                                                                                                                                           grammes et des services de bien-être et de
                                                                                                                                           maintien du moral.
                                                                                                                                             Comment vous pouvez aider :
                                                                                                                                             • Du 17 novembre au 10 décembre 2021,
                                                                                                                                           exprimez votre opinion en répondant
                                                                                                                                           au sondage sur les besoins de la commu-
                                                                                                                                             • Invitez les membres de votre équipe
                                                                                                                                           à y répondre également et réservez-leur
                                                                                                                                           une plage à leur horaire pour ce faire :

Remembrance Day
                                                                                                                                             • Votre participation à ce sondage vous
                                                                                                                                           permet d’exprimer votre opinion sur vos
ceremony                                                                                                                                   préférences, les manques et les améliora-
                                                                                                                                           tions potentielles relativement aux SBM-
                                                                                                                                           FC pour la communauté militaire.
Our CFB Halifax Base Commander and Base Chief                                                                                                Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site con-
were honoured to attend a Remembrance Day cere-                                                                                  
mony at JA Snow Funeral Home in Clayton Park on                                                                                              Je vous remercie de votre participation
November 11, after which they visited the Korean                                                                                           à ce processus et de votre engagement
War Veterans Memorial Garden. Many thanks from                                                                                             à offrir des services qui répondent aux
CFB Halifax to the organizers, and to all Legions and                                                                                      besoins de la communauté militaire.
community groups that hosted ceremonies across the
Halifax region.
HMCS Summerside receives Admiral's Bell - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS         NOVEMBER 29, 2021                                                                                                                                                    5

                                                                                            Tasked with removing the cannon-                the Second World War isn’t that
                                                                                          balls, a combined team of FDU(A)                  unusual in these parts, it’s always ex-
                                                                                          clearance divers and ammunition                   citing to get out and do the work, said
                                                                                          technicians from Canadian Forces                  LCdr Lockyer.
                                                                                          Ammunition Depot (CFAD) Bedford                     “For clearance divers, this is what
                                                                                          did a site reconnaissance to assess and           they’re trained to do so to get a chance
                                                                                          plan the operation.                               to use that learning, it’s a big thing.”
                                                                                            From November 2 to November 10,                   FDU(A) has about 50 clearance
                                                                                          the team separated the cannonballs                divers at the unit, with another 12
                                                                                          that contained black powder — gun-                to 15 port divers and two to three
                                                                                          powder — and took them to CFB Gage-               ship divers. Each year, beginning in
                                                                                          town for disposal.                                February, clearance diver candidates
                                                                                            A highly specialized trade, clearance           are assessed by the Clearance Diver
                                                                                          divers are trained to locate, diffuse             Assessment Centre in what is known
                                                                                          and remove unexploded ordnance,                   to be a rigorous selection process.
                                                                                          both in the water and on land.                    Once through that process, divers go
                                                                                            This past summer, a team of clear-              through two years of training before
                                                                                          ance divers from both the east and                they can work as clearance divers.
                                                                                          west coasts, as well as combat divers               “They work hard to get here,” said
                                                                                          from 4 Combat Engineer Support Reg-               LCdr Lockyer.
                                                                                          iment, returned to Conception Bay,
                                                                                          near Bell Island, NL, to finish an oper-
FDU(A) divers recently aided in clearing more than 100 historic cannonballs from the      ation first began in 2018, dealing with
Fortress of Louisbourg, which were then sent to Gagetown for disposal.                    unexploded ordnance from the sunken
                                                                                   JTFA   wrecks of iron ore carriers from the

FDU(A) clears the way
                                                                                          Second World War.
                                                                                            During the Battle of the Atlantic, the
                                                                                          four ships — equipped with weapons
                                                                                          and explosives — had carried iron
Clearance divers help remove cannonballs from                                             ore from Bell Island’s mine to steel
                                                                                          mills in Nova Scotia as part of the war
Fortress of Louisbourg after cleaning up sunken                                           effort.
Second World War wrecks                                                                     Steam Ship (SS) Saganaga and SS
                                                                                          Nov Strathcona
                                                                                          Lord  1 2021, were both sunk on                   Members from Fleet Diving Unit (FDU)
By Joanie Veitch,
                                                                                          Halifax 5, 1942 after being hit by
                                                                                          September                                         Atlantic, FDU Pacific, and Combat Divers
                                                                                          Print Ready
                                                                                          torpedoes      Proof
                                                                                                      from a German U-boat, SS              from 4 Engineer Support Regiment in
Trident Staff                                                                                                                               Gagetown. supported domestic operations
                                                                                          Rose Castle and SS PLM 27, were tor-
                                                                                          pedoed and sank in the same attack on             involving the Bell Island wrecks in St.
  Clearance divers from Fleet Diving        ed as a National Historic Site in 1920        November 2, 1942.                                 John’s, Newfoundland on July 15.
Unit (Atlantic) (FDU(A)) got to dive into   and in 1961, Parks Canada began the             While dealing with ordnance from                                          CPL BRADEN TRUDEAU
a piece of Nova Scotia history as they      historical reconstruction of the town
transported more than 100 cannonballs       and fortifications.
from the Fortress of Louisbourg to CFB        Recovered over many years, the can-
Gagetown for disposal recently.             nonballs had been catalogued and kept
  The cannonballs date back to the
                  Eastern Passage Office     in storage on shelves before site staff
1700s and were among hundreds at            began to question whether or not they
the Fortress of Louisbourg National         might still be dangerous.
Historic Site.
  “We have seen things from that era
                                              “It was a controlled environment,
                                            fairly stable, but nonetheless it was              Attention career transitioning military
before but this is certainly some of the    something that… they just wanted to                Inspired by people, what technology makes possible, an exciting growth journey, and the
oldest ordnance we’ve ever handled,”        get rid of, just to be on the safe side,”          green shift?
said Lieutenant-Commander (LCdr)            said LCdr Lockyer.                                 Then join us as a Kongsberg Field Service Representative.
Neville Lockyer, FDU(A) Commanding            Generally when people discover or                As a Field Service Representative, you will be part of a high caliber global team, and
Officer.                                    — as in the situation at the Fortress
                                       902 406 0656                                            together work towards shaping and developing our market-leading software. You will be
  Established by French colonialists in     of Louisbourg — have concerns about                responsible for service support activities in order to meet company targets in line with
the early 1700s, the Fortress of Louis-1488 Main RdAssistant
                                       Constituency          Lisa Rochon
                                            possible explosives, they are advised
                                                    Eastern Passage                            long-term system maintenance support program requirements with customers.
bourg was a thriving support base for       to call the police or military to file             As a person you are a team player who knows the value of working together towards
French naval forces before it was be-       a report. From there the call goes to              common goals. You have proven interpersonal skills and appreciate working in a team
sieged and taken by the British, first in   Regional Joint Operations Centre                   that focuses on sharing knowledge and experiences. Excellent verbal and written
1745 and then again in 1758. Abandoned      (Atlantic) to assign the task of removal,          communication skills is a requirement.
in the mid-1780s, the site was designat-    explained LCdr Lockyer.                            Do you have:
                                                                                               • Equivalent combination of educational background and experience
                                                                                               • 3-5 years of experience from technical service and or technical project deliveries of

Barbara Adams
                                                                                                  real time systems
                                                                                               • Proven technical skills in MS client server environment and hardware service
                                                                                               • An understanding of real-time system complexity and vulnerability
MLA Eastern Passage                                                                            • A good system engineering and/or technical background within a software
                                                                                                  development environment
                                                                                               • Knowledge within marine and/or military maritime systems and navigation
                                                                                                  terminology (Experience in the simulation industry could be an advantage)
PO Box 116, 1488 Main Rd.                                                                      • Must be able to obtain secret security clearance with DND Canada
Eastern Passage, NS B3G 1M5                                                                    • And most importantly you possess grit and some
                                                                                                  superpowers to bring to the team here at Kongsberg Digital.

902.406.0656                                                                                   Does this sound like the next smart career step for you?
                                                                                               Then join us on our journey to World Class - through People,                                                                         Technology and Dedication.
                                                                                               The role is located in Victoria, British Columbia, and/or
                                                                                               Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
                                                                                               Please apply via LinkedIn Easy Apply.
                                                                                               or email
HMCS Summerside receives Admiral's Bell - Trident Newspaper
6                                                                                                                                 TRIDENT NEWS        NOVEMBER 29, 2021

Asterix crew expand L’équipage de l’Asterix
their Walk for Autism élargit sa marche pour
By S1 Chris Richards,
NRU Asterix           l’autisme
  Raise your hand if you or some-      allowed our crew to be able to walk         Par le Mat 1 Chris Richards,
one you know has Autism in their       in their neighbourhoods, with               URN Asterix
family. You’d be surprised to know     their families, and also meant that
that there are more of you than you    all of our crew, including our RAS            Levez la main si vous êtes autiste ou        Your Way for Autism. La première
think.                                 teams from the West Coast and the           si quelqu’un de votre entourage a une          année, j’étais affecté au NCSM Toronto
  I am a father of three amazing       civilian hitch that wasn’t onboard,         personne autiste dans sa famille. Vous         et nous sommes tout juste parvenus à
kids, two boys and a girl, and both    were able to participate with us.           seriez surpris d’apprendre que vous être       amasser 4 000 $. L’année suivante, j’ai
of my boys are Autistic. I’m used      With maximum participation comes            plus nombreux que vous ne le pensez.           été affecté à l’URN Asterix, et malgré la
to the questions and the looks, and    maximum dividends. The crew not               Je suis le père de trois enfants extraor-    taille réduite de son équipage et l’inci-
I know that our family life is very    only met my challenge of doing              dinaires, deux garçons et une fille, et        dence de la pandémie de COVID-19, nous
different from everyone else’s. It     better than last year, they crushed         mes deux garçons sont autistes. Je suis        avons tout de même été en mesure de
is what it is. Without the support     it, raising $2,100.00 for Autism Nova       habitué aux questions et aux regards, et       recueillir 1 500 $.
of organizations like Autism Nova      Scotia, putting us, again, as the sec-      je sais que notre vie de famille est très         Cette année, j’ai lancé un défi à notre
Scotia, however, our life would be     ond-highest corporate fundraising           différente de celle des autres. C’est com-     équipage. Je voulais égaler ou battre le
infinitely harder.                     team in the Halifax-area, coming in         me ça. Toutefois, sans le soutien d’organ-     montant final de l’an dernier. En raison
  Autism Nova Scotia is a commu-       behind Autism Nova Scotia’s own             ismes comme Autism Nova Scotia, notre          des restrictions changeantes liées à la
nity-based organization that builds    team.                                       vie serait infiniment plus difficile.          COVID-19 en Nouvelle-Écosse, Autism
understanding, acceptance, and            A big shout out goes to both               Autism Nova Scotia est un organisme          Nova Scotia a décidé de reporter la date
inclusion for individuals on the       hitches of our civilian crew, who           communautaire qui favorise la com-             de leur marche à septembre, ce qui nous
Autism Spectrum and their fami-        made up a good chunk of our                 préhension, l’acceptation et l’inclusion       a permis d’organiser quelques activités
lies through leadership, advocacy,     donations this year, as well as one         des personnes atteintes du trouble du          supplémentaires pour aider l’équipe à
training and programming. They         of our former members who auc-              spectre de l’autisme et de leur famille,       recueillir des fonds.
are always looking for support for     tioned off not just one, but three spa      au moyen de son leadership, de la                 Cette année, notre calendrier de navi-
their great work through aware-                                                                              défense de leurs     gation nous a ramenés à Halifax à temps
ness, funds, volunteers, and mem-                                                                            droits, de la        pour la marche. Toutefois, en raison
berships One of their major charity                                                                          formation et de      des restrictions liées à la COVID-19, la
drives is the annual Walk Your                                                                               programmes.          marche pour l’autisme devait à nouveau
Way for Autism, held throughout                                                                              L’organisme est      se faire virtuellement. Ainsi, les mem-
the province by Autism Nova Sco-                                                                             toujours à la re-    bres de notre équipage ont pu marcher
tia’s nine Chapter Regions.                                                                                  cherche d’appui,     dans leur quartier accompagné de leur
  Over recent years I have been                                                                              sous forme de        famille, mais également l’ensemble de
able to successfully challenge                                                                               sensibilisation,     l’équipage a pu y participer avec nous,
my crewmates to raise funds and                                                                              de financement,      y compris les équipes de REM de la côte
awareness by supporting the Walk                                                                             de bénévoles         Ouest et les membres civils qui n’étaient
for Autism. The first year, I was                                                                            et de membres        pas à bord. Avec une participation
deployed with HMCS Toronto and                                                                               pour accomplir       maximale, on obtient des résultats max-
we managed to scrape up $4,000.                                                                              son excellent        imaux. L’équipage n’a pas seulement
The next year, I was posted to NRU                                                                           travail. L’une de    relevé mon défi visant à mieux faire que
ASTERIX, and despite their small-                                                                            ses principales      l’an dernier, il l’a écrasé. Il a recueilli
er crew size and the impact of the                                                                           campagnes            2 100 $ pour Autism Nova Scotia, ce qui
COVID-19 pandemic, we were still                                                                             de charité est       nous a permis de nous classer, une fois
able to raise $1,500.                                                                                        le Walk Your         de plus, au deuxième rang des équipes
  This year, I issued a challenge                                                                            Way for Autism       ayant recueilli le plus de fonds dans la
to our crew. I wanted to match or                                                                            (marche annu-        région d’Halifax, derrière l’équipe d’Au-
beat last year’s final tally. Due to                                                                         elle pour l’au-      tism Nova Scotia.
the fluctuating COVID restrictions                                                                           tisme), qui se          Nous tenons à remercier nos deux
in Nova Scotia, Autism Nova Scotia                                                                           tient dans toute     équipes de membres civils, qui ont
decided to postpone their Walk date    S1 Chris Richards and his son, Jayden.
                                                                                                             la province et est   recueilli une bonne partie de nos dons
until September, and that allowed      Mat 1 Chris Richards et son fils, Jayden.                             organisée par les    cette année, ainsi que l’un de nos an-
us to hold a couple of extra events                                                     SUBMITTED/SOUMIS     neuf chapitres       ciens membres qui a vendu aux en-
to help raise money to the team.                                                                             régionaux d’Au-      chères non pas une, mais trois visites en
  This year, our sailing schedule                                                  tism Nova Scotia.                              station thermale à notre bain de l’infir-
put us back in Halifax for the Walk    days to our Sick Bay bathtub. With            Au cours des dernières années, j’ai          merie. Grâce à une équipe aussi impli-
date, but COVID restrictions meant     team involvement like we have on            réussi à mettre mes coéquipiers au défi        quée que celle de l’URN Asterix, je suis
that it was going to be another        ASTERIX, I am sure we will be as            de recueillir des fonds et de sensibiliser     certain que nous connaîtrons autant de
Virtual Walk for Autism. This          successful next year.                       la population en participant à la Walk         succès l’an prochain.
HMCS Summerside receives Admiral's Bell - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS         NOVEMBER 29, 2021                                                                                                                                    7

                                                NDWCC 2021 – The Final Push
                                                By Capt(N) Sean Williams,
                                                2021 MARLANT NDWCC Champion

                                                  I first want to acknowledge the        tance of individual giving, either          or simply allow United Way Halifax
                                                dedication our local Defence Team        via a one-time donation or through          and HealthPartners to use the funds
                                                has demonstrated to enable the           monthly payroll deductions; these           where they are needed most.
                                                success of the 2021 NDWCC up to          individual contributions are – and            If you are able, I encourage you
                                                this point. Since early October, our     always have been – a key compo-             to locate your local NDWCC am-
                                                ambassadors and canvassers have          nent of a successful campaign.              bassadors and canvassers for more
                                                been working diligently to reach         Your donations help to provide safe         information on how to donate. While
                                                each and every military and civilian     shelter, nourishing food, and many          ePledge payroll deductions end on
                                                member working in the local region       life-changing opportunities and             November 26, the options to donate
                                                in order to educate you on how and       services to those who need it most          through monthly and one-time credit
                                                why you should consider donating         here in the Halifax region and across       card/PayPal payments are avail-
                                                this campaign season. Further, units     Canada.                                     able until December 31, 2021. This
                                                have taken the initiative to organize       For example, your donation of            option can be found on the ePledge
                                                many successful events which have        $25 per pay might provide a daily,          form (under payment options). For
                                                enabled members at Stadacona,            healthy breakfast to 10 children            instructions on how to complete the
                                                Windsor Park/Willow Park, 12 Wing        during a summer day camp program,           ePledge form, visit https://trident-
Capt(N) Sean Williams, 2021 National            Shearwater, MARLANT HQ and               or monthly workshops and social   
Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign           HMC Dockyard to support the NDW-         activities for 500 newcomers. Mean-         cc-qa/ and scroll down to point #6.
(NDWCC) Champion for the local region, dis-     CC in both fun and meaningful ways.      while, just $5 per pay might provide          Finally, with the end of the cam-
plays the ePledge website. He’s encouraging     I want to thank all who have helped      educational tool-kits to support            paign drawing near, I ask that you
all members to consider individual donations    to make these initiatives a success.     individuals who have just been              offer patience and compassion when
– either one-time or monthly – in order to        With each passing month, it’s ev-      diagnosed with Crohn’s disease or           being approached by our NDWCC
ensure the greatest community impact as we      ident that the realities of COVID-19     ulcerative colitis. I have no doubt         ambassadors and canvassers. The
near the end of the campaign season.            continue to challenge Canadians          that many of us might spend more            challenges of this past year have
                                                here at home and citizens around         (much more, in some cases) on coffee        made canvassing very different from
Le Capv Sean Williams, champion de la           the globe, doubly impacting our          each year!                                  years past. Please know that with the
Campagne de charité en milieu de travail de     most vulnerable citizens who were           Fighting poverty is not a “one size      help of the United Way and Health
la Défense nationale (CCMTDN) 2021 - région     already struggling due to poverty        fits all” solution. Nor is curing acute     Partners, we as a Defence Team are
locale, présente le site Web du don en ligne.   or illness pre-pandemic. For this        or chronic illness. Every individual        making a positive change within our
Il encourage tous les membres à faire un        reason, it’s clear that our Defence      contribution, no matter how big or          community. Combining our indi-
don, unique ou mensuel, afin d’en maximiser     community’s support toward the           small, will bring us one step closer to     vidual efforts, we can show how we
les retombées pour la collectivité alors que    NDWCC is even more vital now than        finding a variety of lasting solutions      truly are #StrongerTogether.
s’achève la campagne.                           ever.                                    to poverty and illness. And remem-
                  CFB HALIFAX PUBLIC AFFAIRS/     As we near the end of our cam-         ber: You can choose to contribute to
         AFFAIRES PUBLIQUES DE LA BFC HALIFAX   paign, I want to convey the impor-       a charity/charities of your choice,

CCMTDN 2021 – C’est le temps de fournir
un dernier effort
Par le Capv Sean Williams
Champion de la CCMTDN 2021 des FMAR(A)

   Je tiens tout d’abord à saluer le        en raison de la COVID-19, et ce sont      droit à des ateliers mensuels et à des        CCMTDN pour savoir comment faire
dévouement dont a fait preuve no-           nos citoyens les plus vulnérables déjà    activités sociales. Cinq petits dollars       un don. Bien que les retenues salaria-
tre Équipe de la Défense locale pour        en difficulté à cause de la pauvreté ou   par paie suffisent pour leur part à           les en ligne se terminent le 26 novem-
assurer le bon déroulement de la            de la maladie avant la pandémie qui       acheter des trousses informatives             bre, les options de dons mensuels ou
CCMTDN 2021 jusqu’à ce jour. Depuis         en paient doublement le prix. Pour        pour les personnes chez qui on vient          ponctuels par carte de crédit ou Pay-
le début du mois d’octobre, nos am-         cette raison, l’aide que peut accorder    de diagnostiquer la maladie de Crohn          Pal sont offertes jusqu’au 31 décem-
bassadeurs et nos solliciteurs ont          notre communauté de la Défense à la       ou la colite ulcéreuse. Je suis persuadé      bre 2021. Cette option se trouve sur le
travaillé sans relâche pour parler à ch-    CCMTDN est encore plus essentielle        que beaucoup d’entre nous dépensent           formulaire ePledge (sous les options
aque militaire et civil travaillant dans    maintenant que jamais.                    plus (beaucoup plus, dans certains            de paiement). Pour savoir comment
la région des raisons pour lesquelles         Alors que nous approchons de la fin     cas) en café chaque année!                    remplir le formulaire ePledge, consul-
il ou elle devrait envisager de faire       de notre campagne, je tiens à soulign-      La lutte contre la pauvreté n’est           tez le site https://tridentnewspaper.
un don pendant cette campagne. De           er l’importance des dons individuels      pas unidimensionnelle, pas plus que           com/ndwcc2021/ndwcc-qa/ et faites
plus, les unités ont pris l’initiative      sous forme de dons ponctuels ou de        le traitement des maladies aiguës ou          défiler la page jusqu’au point 6.
d’organiser de nombreux événements          retenues salariales mensuelles; ces       chroniques. Chaque contribution in-             Enfin, la fin de la campagne ap-
qui ont permis aux membres de               contributions individuelles sont, et      dividuelle, quelle que soit son impor-        prochant, je vous demande de faire
Stadacona, de Windsor Park/Willow           ont toujours été, un élément central      tance, nous rapprochera un peu plus           preuve de patience et de compassion
Park, de la 12e Escadre Shearwater, du      de la campagne. Vos dons contribuent      de solutions durables à la pauvreté et        lorsque nos ambassadeurs et nos
QG FMAR(A) et de l’arsenal CSM de           à fournir un logis sûr, des aliments      à la maladie. Et n’oubliez pas, vous          solliciteurs de la CCMTDN sollicitent
contribuer à la CCMTDN de manière           nourrissants et des activités et ser-     pouvez choisir de contribuer à une ou         votre aide. La situation qui prévaut
à la fois ludique et efficace. Je tiens     vices vitaux pour les personnes dans      plus d’une œuvre caritative de votre          cette année a rendu la démarche très
à remercier tous ceux et toutes celles      le besoin dans la région d’Halifax et     choix ou simplement permettre à               différente des années précédentes.
qui ont contribué à faire de ces initia-    dans tout le Canada.                      Centraide Halifax et PartenaireSanté          Sachez qu’avec l’aide de Centraide et
tives un succès.                              Par exemple, un don de 25 $ par         d’utiliser les fonds là où ils sont le plus   de PartenaireSanté, notre Équipe de la
   Les mois qui passent continuent de       paie suffit pour que 10 enfants puis-     nécessaires.                                  Défense apporte un changement tan-
souligner les difficultés avec lesquelles   sent savourer un déjeuner sain dans         Si vous en avez la possibilité, je vous     gible au sein de notre communauté.
doivent composer les Canadiens ici au       un camp de jour estival ou pour que       invite à communiquer avec les ambas-          Nous pouvons montrer que nous som-
pays et les citoyens du monde entier        500 nouveaux arrivants puissent avoir     sadeurs et les solliciteurs locaux de la      mes vraiment #PlusFortsEnsemble!
HMCS Summerside receives Admiral's Bell - Trident Newspaper
8                                                                                                                                  TRIDENT NEWS          NOVEMBER 29, 2021

                          Padre’s Corner:                                                           Face of Base:
                          winter hibernating                                                        CPO1 Lafleur
                          By Padre Lt(N) Charles Irish,
                          Base Chaplain                                                             By Sydney MacLeod,
                                                                                                    CFB Halifax PA
   It’s a dark time of year. I always            the gym, on a walk, whatever. If we’re                                                                  One of Her biggest
thought hibernation is a good idea. Eat          depressed or anxious, exercise is an in-                                                             career highlights was
a lot, burrow in somewhere, go to sleep,         dispensable way to manage these mental                                                               when she was selected
and wake up in the spring. Perfect.              health challenges. I don’t know why;                                                                 to assume the position
   Let’s say we can’t hibernate, though.         there’s probably a physiological reason.                                                             of Visits and Protocol
Let’s say you’re someone who has to pay          But on an emotional level, it means                                                                  Officer for North Amer-
your bills. And maybe you have kids who          having a routine, a goal, and an accom-                                                              ican Aerospace Defence
definitely don’t hibernate. If you’re like       plishment (sometimes the only one in a                                                               Command (NORAD)
me, you have to get up in the morning,           day). Hey, I hit a deadlift PR! Take that,                                                           and United States
even if getting up in the dark is a ques-        hibernators!                                                                                         Northern Command
tionable idea.                                      What else do those animals do? They                                                               (USNORTHCOM) in
   The only primate who gets to hibernate        shelter. They find a safe place. We all                                                              Colorado Springs. Of-
is the fat-tailed dwarf lemur of Madagas-        need that. We need a safe social life, a reg-                                                        fering encouragement
car. I’m not one of those. Neither are you,      ular connection with people we can trust,                                                            to anyone afforded the
I’d bet. Can we still “burrow in”? When          rely on, and who will let us be who we                                                               opportunity to work out
days are dark and hard, when daylight’s          are. This is especially something we need                                                            of the country, she said
short and so is our willpower, when              to identify as we head into the holiday                                                              “It was the best experi-
morale is down, when we wonder what              season. It can get busy with gatherings                                                              ence of my career thus
we’re doing and why – because, even              and visits, and we might feel pressured                                                              far. I find it extremely
when we know we have to go to work, it’s         into social situations we’d rather avoid                                                             interesting to learn
not always clear what it’s for – can we          (including family). Maybe we can say no,                                                             about and immerse
recharge?                                        but if we can’t, we really need to figure                                                            yourself in different cul-
   Let’s take a cue from all those animals       out who we do want to spend time with,                                                               tures and countries.”
who are smarter than us and get to sleep         and make a point of it.                                                                                 Outside of work,
all winter. What they do first is eat. Hey,         The other kind of “shelter” we need is                                                            Chief Lafleur keeps
we can do that, too! But not just comfort        personal space. We need a little time to           CPO1 Laura Lafleur                                busy with two teenage
food, which we like to do when we’re             ourselves – time, even, in ourselves – to                NEIL CLARKSON, FORMATION IMAGING SERVICES   daughters, Jessica and
depressed. If all I eat is fat and carbohy-      realize what we feel (and why), to re-                                                               Gabrielle, a chocolate
drates to cushion me against the seeming         flect, think, maybe pray. Sometimes this              We are happy to introduce this week’s Face     Cocker Spaniel named
futility of my existence, my energy and          means just being able to process what’s            of Base: Base Administration Branch Chief,        Coco Chanel and her
mental health will both take a dive. We          going on today. Sometimes it means                 CPO1 Laura Lafleur!                               husband (and retired
also need the good stuff. If we want to sur-     wondering about bigger questions, like                 Born in Halifax and raised in Nova Scotia,    Navy veteran) of 19
vive the winter, we need to pay attention        “What’s my life for, and what should I             Alberta and British Columbia, Chief Lafleur       years, Dennis.
to getting a balanced and regular diet.          do about it”? One definition of “spiritu-          was accustomed to the military lifestyle from        An interesting fact
   What else can we learn from hibernat-         ality” is finding meaning and purpose,             an early age. With parents, a maternal grand-     about Chief Lafleur?
ing animals? How to sleep, of course. I          and doing something about it. Spiritual            father and a great grandfather as veterans of     She was baptized in
mean, properly. Most of us simply don’t          questions need space. Do you have yours?           the CAF, Chief Lafleur was inspired to carry      1973 at HMCS Annapo-
get enough, either in quantity or quality.          Life is always busy. Sometimes happily          on the family tradition.                          lis (her father’s posting
Going to bed at midnight and getting up          so, but sometimes with more distraction               In her current role as BAdm Branch Chief,      at the time) then, 22
at 6am isn’t a night’s rest. Proper rest         and stress. If we feel like hibernating – I        which she assumed in July 2021, Chief Lafleur     years later in 1995, she
and blue screens don’t go together, ei-          sure do – maybe that means we need to              is accountable to the Base Administration         was fortunate enough
ther. Sorry. Bears know how to hibernate         make sure we’re taking care of these               Commanding Officer and is responsible for         to sail in HMCS Annap-
because they don’t have Netflix.                 physical, social, emotional and spiritual          promoting and overseeing the morale, wel-         olis.
   We need physical activity, too. We’re         needs. We may not get to sleep through             fare, dress, deportment, and discipline of           Thank you, Chief
designed to move. It’s strange, but to           it all, but we can still eat, sleep, and find      the non-commissioned members within the           Lafleur, for all you have
have energy we need to spend energy – at         safe shelter. Have a good winter!                  branch.                                           done and continue to

Minister of
President of
Kosovo visit                                   The Honourable Anita Anand, Minister of National Defence (left)     The Minister also visited and spoke to the crew of the subma-
                                               receives a gift from Dr. Vjosa Osamani-Sadriu, President of the     rine HMCS Windsor, which is currently docked in Halifax,

MARLANT                                        Republic of Kosovo, at Maritime Atlantic Headquarters at CFB
                                               Halifax on November 19. The gift is a service medal, commemo-
                                               rating Canada’s role in the Kosovo War (28 February 1998 – 11
                                                                                                                   on November 19. She was in the region, along with a group of
                                                                                                                   senior CAF and DND personnel including Acting Chief of the
                                                                                                                   Defence Staff Gen Wayne Eyre, to participate in the annual
                                               June 1999).                                                         Halifax International Security Forum.
                                                                                            S1 BRYAN UNDERWOOD                                             S1 BRYAN UNDERWOOD
HMCS Summerside receives Admiral's Bell - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS          NOVEMBER 29, 2021                                                                                                                                     9

MV Asterix conducts a liquid Replenishment at Sea (RAS) with USS Forrest Sherman (left), and USS Thomas Hudner (right), during Exercise Cutlass Fury 21 on September 8.
                                                                                                                                                       MCPL MANUELA BERGER

RAdm Santarpia highlights changing
nature of security
By Joanie Veitch,
Trident Staff

  While Canada has been         heavy involvement in in-      and Offshore Patrol Ships   exercise held off the
“geographically lucky” in       ternational coalitions and    (AOPS), will increase       East Coast in the fall, as
regards to international        other larger initiatives,     Canada’s capacity to be     a prime example of the
security, modern threats        RAdm Santarpia said           able to operate in the      type of activity that both
could change that picture.      there are key national        North for search and        demonstrates, and im-
Protecting and defending        interests that give focus     rescue operations, sov-     proves, “high-end” skills
the “global commons”            to the country’s strategic    ereignty protection, and    and abilities, as well as
now includes both space         goals: protecting and de-     other means.                sending a strong message
and the cybersphere             fending Canadian securi-         “We have responsibil-    about the RCN’s willing-
alongside the traditional       ty, promoting prosperity,     ities in the Arctic and     ness to work with allies.
domains, and a changing         and working with other        the North that we need        “It shows we are capa-
climate means Canada’s          nations to maintain the       to take care of… we need    ble of forward-deploying
North must also be con-         rules-based international     to work with our Coast      around the world,” said
sidered, said Rear-Admi-        order.                        Guard partners… and         RAdm Santarpia. “(It)
ral Brian Santarpia, Com-         From the RCN perspec-       think outside the box,”     proves that we’re capable
mander Maritime Forces          tive, that means “forward     said RAdm Santarpia.        of working with allies,
Atlantic and Joint Task         deployment” and working          In general, threats to   and it demonstrates rele-
                                                                                                                        HMCS Harry DeWolf recently completed its first Arctic
Force Atlantic. He made         with allies, said RAdm        the North are viewed in     vance to Canadians and
                                                                                                                        deployment, establishing the new enhanced RCN
the comments during an          Santarpia, outlining var-     terms of security rather    that we’ll be ready, if and
                                                                                                                        presence that will now be possible as the Arctic and
online presentation to          ious operations the Navy      than defence, but that      when a crisis happens.
                                                                                                                        Offshore Patrol Ships enter into service.
about 130 attendees on          is involved in around the     might not remain so, he
                                                                                                                                                           CPL SIMON ARCAND
October 27, hosted by the       globe: Operation Projec-      added. “At this point the
Royal United Services           tion, supporting NATO         defence of Canada’s North
Institute of Nova Scotia        Maritime Command              isn’t about defending the
(RUSI(NS)).                     and US Naval Forces in        North against attack, but
  In his opening com-           the Asia Pacific region;      we need to understand
ments on the topic of           Operation Reassurance in      that the North could be
his presentation: ‘Royal        Europe as part of NATO’s      a real avenue for attack
Canadian Navy — Global-         collective defence; Oper-     towards North America.”
ly Deployed for Strategic       ation Artemis in the Per-        The “underwater
Effect’, RAdm Santarpia         sian Gulf and east coast of   space” is also a top con-
noted the RCN often puts        Africa ,as part of Com-       cern, said RAdm Santar-
a focus on working oper-        bined Maritime Forces,        pia. “We need the capa-
ations, with the impor-         and Operation Caribbe, a      bility… to defend North
tance of strategy falling to    US-led counter-narcotics      America at large. That’s
the side.                       mission in the Caribbean      going to be an important
  “What the Navy is do-         Sea and the eastern Pacif-    part of the discussion as
ing is one thing, but why       ic Ocean.                     we move forward on what
we’re doing it is probably        As the effects of climate   the replacement of our
a more important ques-          change continue to make       submarines will be in the
tion that really gets to the    the Arctic region more        future.”
strategic effect of it,” said   accessible, activities           Wrapping up his talk,
RAdm Santarpia.                 such as the Canadian-led      RAdm Santarpia pointed
  While Canada may not          Operation Nanook, and         to large events such as     RAdm Brian Santarpia made a virtual presentation to members of the Royal United
be known for a strategic        the addition of the new       Cutlass Fury, the Cana-     Services Institute of Nova Scotia (RUSI(NS)) on October 27.
military culture, due to        Harry DeWolf-class Arctic     dian-led, joint maritime                                                                             SUBMITTED
HMCS Summerside receives Admiral's Bell - Trident Newspaper
10                                                                                                                               TRIDENT NEWS       NOVEMBER 29, 2021

                                                                                                                                  which she completed in 2008.
                                                                                                                                     “That was a turning point for me. I
                                                                                                                                  decided to use what I’d learned to be
                                                                                                                                  part of the change I wanted to see,”
                                                                                                                                  she said.
                                                                                                                                     “Be the change” is a well-known
                                                                                                                                  phrase, but for CPO1 Mondelli the
                                                                                                                                  words don’t mean much unless action
                                                                                                                                     While well-documented and ongo-
                                                                                                                                  ing reports of harassment and sexual
                                                                                                                                  misconduct within the military have
                                                                                                                                  made the need for cultural change
                                                                                                                                  a priority for the Canadian Armed
                                                                                                                                  Forces (CAF) as a whole, as a woman
                                                                                                                                  leader in the CAF, that discussion has
                                                                                                                                  at times been a very personal struggle
                                                                                                                                  for CPO1 Mondelli.
                                                                                                                                     “In my 30-year career, I’ve experi-
                                                                                                                                  enced inappropriate sexual behaviour.
                                                                                                                                  I’ve experienced the jokes — a lot of
                                                                                                                                  that was in my early career — but
                                                                                                                                  after a certain rank, it became sexism,
                                                                                                                                  misogyny and hate. What that looks
                                                                                                                                  like is malicious rumours, it’s defama-
                                                                                                                                  tion of character, it’s lying.”
                                                                                                                                     In mid-November, CPO1 Mon-
                                                                                                                                  delli added her claim to the sexual
                                                                                                                                  misconduct class action lawsuit to
                                                                                                                                  compensate current and former CAF
                                                                                                                                  members, and Department of National
                                                                                                                                  Defence staff, who experienced sexual
                                                                                                                                  misconduct while on the job.
                                                                                                                                     From the time the settlement agree-
                                                                                                                                  ment was approved by the federal
                                                                                                                                  court in November 2019, until the
                                                                                                                                  claims period closed on November 24,
                                                                                                                                  2021, more than 18,000 claims were
Base Chief Petty Officer CPO1 Alena Mondelli was recently recognized as a Woman of Courage and one of Canada’s top 100 most
                                                                                                                                     “I was on the fence about it for a
powerful women by the Women’s Executive Network.
                                                                                                                                  long time. I grew up in the Navy in
                                                                                                             S2 TAYLOR CONGDON
                                                                                                                                  the early 90s. I know that in some way
                                                                                                                                  I contributed to that culture. I was

Base Chief recognized as one of
                                                                                                                                  fitting in. I was going along. I wanted
                                                                                                                                  to be part of the group… but when I
                                                                                                                                  submitted my claim and when I saw
                                                                                                                                  everything written out in front of me,

Canada’s most powerful women                                                                                                      I thought: ‘Yeah… I’ve had all of this
                                                                                                                                  done to me.’ It was eye opening,” said
                                                                                                                                  CPO1 Mondelli. “So for me, this is part
                                                                                                                                  of being a leader.”
CPO1 Alena Mondelli named Woman of Courage, receiving national award                                                                 Where words really matter, she
                                                                                                                                  said, is in having difficult, but needed,
By Joanie Veitch,                                                                                                                 conversations — talking and listen-
Trident Staff                                                                                                                     ing to one another as the CAF moves
                                                                                                                                  through the process of change. “This
   The award may have her name on it,      (WXN), which called her a “transfor-        listen to marches… from when I was         will take time, but I’m ok with that
but for Chief Petty Officer First Class    mational and values-based leader”           young I always said I wanted to join       because by taking our time, it means
(CPO1) Alena Mondelli, Base Chief at       who “incorporates education and men-        the army and be in the band. That          it will be done right. These are un-
CFB Halifax, being named one of Can-       torship” in her leadership style.           must have been where I first formed        comfortable conversations but we’re
ada’s top 100 most powerful women            To celebrate her win, CPO1 Mondelli       the idea,” laughed CPO1 Mondelli.          having them… it’s why I’m still in.”
is a win for all women who work as         joined the other 2021 award recipients         After joining the RCN as a Naval           When she became Base Chief in
non-commissioned members (NCM) in          in a virtual two-day leadership sum-        Radio Operator, she was posted to her      July, CPO1 Mondelli knew she was
the military.                              mit and awards gala on November 24          first ship, HMCS Annapolis, in 1993.       stepping into a position with consider-
   “I’m an NCM. In the civilian world      and 25.                                     Since then she has served on a vari-       able influence. At the time she made a
officers are valued more for their lead-     Earlier this year, CPO1 Mondelli          ety of RCN ships, as well as various       vow to herself. “I decided that I would
ership than NCMs are, at least that’s      made Royal Canadian Navy history as         “in-land” positions, including a stint     just be who I am that I would be au-
the perception. So it means a lot — and    the first woman to serve as Base Chief      teaching at what is now known as           thentic and see what comes of that.”
it says a lot — especially for women       Petty Officer. She is also the first wom-   the Osside Institute at Royal Military        Now recognized as one of Canada’s
NCMs. We are professionals within          an in a hard-sea trade to have served       College Saint-Jean.                        top 100 women, CPO1 Mondelli is look-
the profession of arms. And we are         every rank at sea — a distinction she          “I wanted to teach NCMs. I was very     ing forward to the challenges ahead. “I
also leaders,” said CPO1 Mondelli.         earned as Coxswain on HMCS Toronto          vocal about that… and when that op-        love what I do,” she said. “I love being
   “I see this award as giving value to    from July 2018 to August 2019.              portunity came up, I was there,” said      in the Navy, being in the CAF… I’m
what we represent. Sailor First Class        Although she can’t say for sure           CPO1 Mondelli.                             planning to stay in as long as they’ll
Bloggins, she’s not going to be able to    what propelled her to join the military        In her own career, education has        let me.”
relate to an Admiral or a Commodore.       on November 1, 1991, as a young girl        been pivotal, she said. Following a           CPO1 Mondelli lives in Lower Sack-
She needs to see herself represented       growing up in Toronto, CPO1 Mondelli        “really negative experience” while         ville with her husband, Chris Audet,
and see what she can aspire to. Repre-     fondly remembers marching around            deployed on HMCS Protecteur, CPO1          her dog Phoenix and a Himalayan cat
sentation matters.”                        the living room with her grandfather,       Mondelli was thinking of leaving the       named Boots.
   On October 25, CPO1 Mondelli was        a Second World War veteran who had          Navy. She decided to stay while work-
recognized as a Woman of Courage           served in the Dutch army.                   ing on her Masters degree in Lead-
by the Women’s Executive Network             “He would put on his helmet and           ership from Royal Roads University,
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