Monday May 2, 2022                           Volume 56, Issue 09


HMCS Harry DeWolf
on Operation Caribbe
Members of HMCS Harry DeWolf’s boarding party, along with U.S. Coast Guard Law Enforcement Detachment
colleagues, train to board vessels of interest in the Atlantic Ocean on April 16. This is the second deployment to
Operation Caribbe for Harry DeWolf, and the coming weeks will involve ongoing support to the multination anti-
trafficking campaign Operation Martillo, as well as participation in Exercise Tradewinds.

                                                                                                             CAF PHOTO
2                                                                                                                                                                                           TRIDENT NEWS                       MAY 2, 2022   TRIDENT NEWS        MAY 2, 2022                                                                                                                                                  3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             HMC ships Goose Bay and Moncton back
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             from West Africa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             By DND,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Two Royal Canadian Navy ships
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             returned to their homeport of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Halifax on April 15 after a four-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             month deployment to West Africa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             on Operation Projection in support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of security and stability in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Since departing Canada on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             January 19, HMC Ships Goose Bay
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and Moncton completed a number
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of successful port and community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             visits, as well as strategic engage-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ments with allies and regional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             partners to exchange knowledge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and expertise and strengthen rela-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             tionships in maritime security.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Led by U.S. Naval Forces Africa,

                       Stronger                                                                                   Plus forts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the ships, along with a detachment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Family members were waiting outside HMC Dockyard on April 15          VAdm Craig Baines, Commander RCN, right, greeted HMCS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             from the Canadian Armed Forces
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to be reunited with loved ones returning home from Op Projection.     Moncton as the ship came alongside on April 15.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Naval Tactical Operations Group
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and a Maritime Operations Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    CPL SIMON ARCAND                                                      CPL SIMON ARCAND

                       together                                                                                   ensemble
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             mentorship team, also participated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             in Exercise Obangame Express               they have,” says Rear-Admiral Brian          not only in the                             ble and rewarding experience.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2022 from March 12 to 17 in the Gulf of    Santarpia, Commander Maritime                realm of maritime security, but also          The deployment marked the first
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Guinea region.                             Forces Atlantic. “I am incredibly            to the lives of many on the ground          deployment for HMCS Goose Bay on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               “Operation Projection (West Afri-        proud of our sailors for their suc-          through their community engagement          Operation Projection (West Africa)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ca) 2022 marks the first time in three     cess on this deployment – shedding           efforts. I wish the ships’ companies a      and the second for HMCS Moncton.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             years our ships have been able to          a positive light on Canada from afar.        warm welcome home. Bravo Zulu for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             support the mission to the extent that     They’ve helped to make a difference          what I know has been a most memora-

                       CAF members enjoy:                                                                         Les membres des FAC
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2022 – Celebrating the 80th Anniversary                                              Canadian Naval Memorial Trust, PO Box 99000 Stn. Forces, Halifax, NS, B3K 5X5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           of HMCS Sackville’s Commissioning
4                                                                                                                                                         TRIDENT NEWS         MAY 2, 2022     TRIDENT NEWS        MAY 2, 2022                                                                                                                                          5

                                                            Defence team, public gather on 77th anniversary of                                                                                 H&R MFRC celebrates National
                                                            Battle of the Atlantic                                                                                                             Volunteer Week
                                                            By Ryan Melanson,                                                                                                                  By Sarah-Jean Mannette,                                                                                                              THE CORPS IS
Editor: Ryan Melanson                                       Trident Staff                                                                                                                      Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre                                                                                     A GREAT OPTION.
 902-721-8662                                                  With the Second World War era            Royal Canadian Navy                                                                      Volunteers have played an integral       up when I get to spend a day at the                                                       It has the same structure that
Reporter: Joanie Veitch                                     Corvette HMCS Sackville in the water,       and a large tri-service                                                                role at the H&R MFRC ever since we         MFRC,” Val expresses with gratitude.                                                      the military did. I know for me,                                flypasts from Royal Canadian Air            group on parade, A                                                                     opened our doors back in 1986. They           Denise Chisholm has been volun-                                                        that was amazing.
 902-721-8624                                               Force aircraft, and a large group of        pared-down version of                                                                  continue to demonstrate kindness,          teering with the H&R MFRC for more
Editorial Advisor: Margaret Conway                          both military and civilian attendees,       the commemoration                                                                      commitment, and expertise in their         than 10 years. Being of service to                                                         — Janine Johnson,
                                                            a bit of tradition returned this year to    was held in 2020 and                                                                   efforts to support military families.      others has always been meaningful to                                                         Security Guard with
                                                            the annual ceremony as the Royal Ca-        2021 due to pandemic                                                                   From participating in important day-       her, as has a connection to the mil-                                                         our Nova Scotia Division
                                                            nadian Navy marked the anniversary          restrictions.                                                                          to-day tasks, to special events, and       itary community. Her parents both
Editorial Advisor: Ariane Guay-Jadah
                                                            of the end of the Battle of the Atlantic.     HMC ships lost                                                                       everything in-between, volunteers          served in the Canadian Armed Forces,
                                                               Each year on the first Sunday in         in the Battle of the                                                                   make a huge impact in allowing us to       along with several cousins, as well as
                                                            May, Canada and its naval community         Atlantic                                                                               provide high quality programs and          her children’s father, and his father.                                    commemorate the ships that were lost          Every year on Battle                                                                 services that are tailored for military    It was her personal experience during
                                                            and the people who died at sea during       of the Atlantic Sunday,                                                                families.                                  her first posting that helped her un-
Trident is an authorized military publication distributed   the Battle of the Atlantic, the longest     a bell is rung for each                                                                  We recently marked National Vol-         derstand the complexities of postings.
across Canada and throughout the world every second         campaign of the Second World War.           of the ships lost during                                                               unteer Week from April 24 – 30, 2022,      As a result, she wanted to support oth-
Monday, and is published with the permission of Rear
Admiral Brian Santarpia, Commander, Joint Task              More than 2,700 RCN/RCAF personnel          the battle, and for the                                                                which was a great occasion to high-        er families and found a way to do that
Force Atlantic. The Editor reserves the right to edit,      and 1,600 Canadian Merchant Navy            lives lost with them.      A ceremony commemorating the end of the Battle of           light two long standing volunteers.        at the H&R MFRC. “There is nothing
condense or reject copy, photographs or advertising
                                                            mariners died during the six-year-long        Adversus                 the Atlantic, the longest campaign of the Second World        Val Greenwood is the proud mom of        more rewarding than seeing a smile
to achieve the aims of a service newspaper as
defined by the Interim Canadian Forces Newspapers            conflict.                                     Alberni                  War, was held on May 1, known as Battle of the Atlantic     a military member. Her son is in the       just after a few tears,” Denise shares.
Policy dated April 11, 2005. Deadline for copy and             “The Battle of the Atlantic was the        Athabaskan               Sunday, at Point Pleasant Park in Halifax. Here, RAdm       Navy and stationed at CFB Borden.             Over the years, she has connected
advertising is 10 a.m., 11 business days prior to the                                                                              Brian Santarpia, Commander MARLANT and JTFA,
publication date. Material must be accompanied by           lifeline of Europe for much of the            Bras D’or                                                                            For more than 11 years, Val has been       with many families, drawing on her
the contributor’s name, address and phone number.           Second World War, and the nation of           Charlottetown            lays a wreath at the Sailors’ Monument.                     committed to supporting military           own experience to support families liv-
Opinions and advertisements printed in Trident are
                                                            Canada, along with each sailor, accept-       Chedabucto                                                                           families by volunteering at the H&R        ing the military lifestyle. She has fond
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    WE KNOW THE
those of the individual contributor or advertiser and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions or endorsements of
the DND, the Editor or the Publisher.
                                                            ed this mission knowing there was             Clayoquot                                                   MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA    MFRC. When asked why she wanted            memories of engaging with families;                                                       VALUE OF A VETERAN
                                                            no option to fail,” said RAdm Brian           Esquimalt                                                                            to volunteer with us, Val recalls the      families with children, families who                                                       Join Canada’s largest private
Le Trident est une publication militaire autorisée          Santarpia, Commander MARLANT                  Fraser                                                                               positive experience she had as a dis-      were experiencing the deployment of                                                        sector employer of veterans
par le contre-amiral Brian Santarpia, Commandant
la force opérationnelle interarmées de l‘Atlantique,
                                                            and JTFA, at the ceremony.                    Guysborough                                                                          traught mother calling the H&R MFRC        their primary caregiver, and family
qui est distribuée partout au Canada et outremer les           “Those who we honour and remem-            HDC 15 (Harbour                                                                      for the first time. Her son was possibly   members whose partners were posted
lundis toutes les quinzaines. Le rédacteur en chef se       ber sailed past where we are now            Defence Patrol Craft)                                                                  going to be deployed overseas to a dan-    to another coast.
réserve le droit de modifier, de condenser ou de rejeter
les articles, photographies ou annonces publicitaires       standing together, knowing the perils         Lévis                                                                                gerous country and was looking for            Denise’s enthusiasm is inspiring.
jugées contraires aux objectifs d’un journal militaire      they had to endure and further over-          Louisbourg                                                                           more information than what was in          She says, “Volunteering provides me               1 877 322 6777
selon la définition donnée à politique temporaire des
journaux des forces canadiennes. L’heure de tombée
                                                            come to guard and deliver their cargo         Margaree                                                                             the news. She felt like she was heard      with the greatest gifts of new friend-
des annonces publi- citaires ou des articles est fixée       across the Atlantic. The cargo that           MTBs (Motor Torpe-                                                                   by the staff at the Centre and wanted      ships, seeing grace and courage in the
à 1000 le jeudi précédant la semaine de publication.        was shepharded was the most valuable        do Boats) 459, 461, 460,                                                               to become part of the “wonderful fami-     face of the unknown. Who wouldn’t          The H&R MFRC’s Board of Directors          purchased from McDonalds restau-
Les textes peuvent être soumis en français ou en
                                                            Canada could give,” he added, refer-        462, 463, 465, 466                                                                     ly – the MFRC,” as she puts it.            want to volunteer?”                        is recruiting members. For more infor-     rants at 393 Pleasant St. (Dartmouth)
anglais; ils doivent indiquer le nom, l’adresse et le
numéro de téléphone du collaborateur. Les opinions          ring to both the human lives aboard           Ottawa                                                                                 What she values most are the con-           With sincere thanks, we would like      mation, please visit our website.          and 3486 Kempt Rd. (Halifax) will go
et les annonces publicitaires imprimées par le Trident
                                                            the ships, as well as the supplies that       Otter                                                                                nection to the military community,         to express our appreciation to Val,          McHappy Day is Wednesday, May            directly to programs and services for
sont celles des collaborateurs et agents publicitaires
et non nécessairement celles de la rédaction, du MDN        were vital to the Allied war effort.          Raccoon                                                                              and the people at the Centre. “I just      Denise, and all volunteers who choose      11, 2022                                   military families.
ou de l’éditeur.                                               It’s estimated that Canadian con-          Regina                                                                               can’t say enough good about them.          to use their time and efforts to support     Take family, friends or colleagues         The H&R MFRC has been proudly
                                                            voys escorted more than 25,000 mer-           St Croix                                                                             They truly make me feel like I am a        military families. Please follow us on     to McDonald’s on McHappy Day and           supporting military families since
                                                            chant marine ships across the Atlantic        Shawinigan                                                                           part of this big, wonderful family.” Val   social media as we celebrate National      make a purchase, or lots of purchases!     1986. With your generous support,
Courier address:                                            during the war, delivering more than          Skeena                                                                               shares that she truly enjoys her time      Volunteer Week.                              Why, you ask? Because a portion of       we can continue to do so. Thanks in
Canadian Forces Base Halifax                                165 million tonnes of cargo. Canadian         Spikenard                Sailors are seen formed up at Point Pleasant Park, with     at the H&R MFRC. “It always lifts me          Interested in volunteering with us?     proceeds from every item on the menu       advance!
Building S-90                                               ships and aircraft were also credited         Trentonian               HMCS Sackville and a CH-148 Cyclone helicopter serving
Suite 329                                                   with the destruction of more than 50          Valleyfield              as backdrop.
P.O. Box 99000
                                                            enemy U-boats during the conflict.            Weyburn
Halifax, N.S.
B3K 5X5                                                        This year’s ceremony was also sup-         Windflower                                                  MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA    From the Shop Floor at FMF Cape Scott
                                                            ported by the Stadacona Band of the           Ypres
                                                                                                                                                                                               By Ashley Evans,
                                                                                                                                                                                               Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Scott/Cape Breton

                                                                                                                                                                                                 One year ago we connected with           panel for Nova Scotia Apprentice-          for the next chapter of your life.
                                                                                                                                                                                               FMFCS Millwright Chyenne McPher-           ship and modeled for some images           It’s almost bittersweet that this

                                                                                                        RCAF, RCN mark two                                                                     son to ask about her journey through
                                                                                                                                                                                               her apprenticeship both in school and
                                                                                                                                                                                               in the Fleet Maintenance Facility.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          – can you please speak about this?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “I spoke on a panel for International
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          women’s day about my journey as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     is my last block before I write my
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     certification exam.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        What would you say to any-

                                                                                                        years since Stalker 22                                                                 Chyenne has been and continues to
                                                                                                                                                                                               be a strong female voice in the trades,
                                                                                                                                                                                               and we very much appreciate her
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          woman in trades, it’s always a plea-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          sure speaking for Nova Scotia Appren-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          tice Agency (NSAA). In the summer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     one looking to join the trades
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and start an apprenticeship?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        “I would say do it. The trades

                                                                                                                                                                                               taking the time to discuss her accom-      I participated in a photo/video shoot      are for everyone and hold so
                                                                                                                                                                                               plishments and lessons over the past       for NSAA and they have been using          many opportunities. My appren-
                                                                                                                                                                                               year with us.                              the content in commercials, advertise-     ticeship journey has been an
                                                                                                        A small ceremony was held on April 29 at the Stalker 22 Memorial Monument at 12          What is your current position            ments, and on buses.”                      absolute breeze, through work
                                                                                                        Wing Shearwater to remember the six RCN and RCAF members who lost their lives          title?                                        What is the coolest project you’ve      and through NSAA. Not only
                                                                                                        on April 29, 2020 when a CH-148 Cyclone helicopter crashed in the Ionian sea while       “I completed my dockyard written         worked on during your time at              are trades great paying jobs, you     Chyenne McPherson
                                                                                                        deployed with HMCS Fredericton on Operation Reassurance: MCpl Matthew Cousins,         and practical trades test back in No-      FMF thus far?                              make great connections with                                              SUBMITTED
                                                                                                        SLt Abigail Cowbrough, Capt Kevin Hagen, Capt Brenden MacDonald, Capt Maxime           vember so I am now EME10. I’m also            “Honestly everything I work on is       amazing people while working.”
                                                                                                        Miron-Morin, and SLt Matthew Pyke. Wreaths were laid on behalf of the RCAF by 12       currently in school doing my level 4       cool and fascinating, like working on         Do you see more women join-            of work wasn’t meant for them. As
                                                                                                        Wing Commander Col Patrick MacNamara and Wing Chief CWO Bruno Poirier, and             block training.”                           radars and antennas that do things         ing the trades?                           we get more representation of women
                                                                                                        on behalf of the RCN by Atlantic Fleet commander Cmdre Christopher Robinson and          When will you be taking your red         that I didn’t even know were possible.”       “I definitely do see a lot more        throughout the trades, we are starting
                                                                                                        Fleet Chief CPO1 Jamie Haas.                                                           seal test?                                    What has been the most impact-          women in the trades but not enough.       to realize that trades aren’t meant
                                                                                                                                                                                                 “I’m planning to write my red seal       ful part of your schooling thus far?       I believe where for the longest time it   for one specific gender, trades are for
                                                                                                                                                                             12 WING IMAGING
                                                                                                                                                                                               certification exam at the end of April.”      “The most impactful part is realiz-     was so male dominated, women were         everyone!”
                                                                                                                                                                                                 You recently spoke on a virtual          ing how much school is preparing you       under the impression that this type
6                                                                                                                                             TRIDENT NEWS         MAY 2, 2022      TRIDENT NEWS        MAY 2, 2022                                                                                                                                          7

En direct de l’atelier au IMF Cape Scott                                                                                                                                            Ministerial Advisory Panel report released as part of effort to
Par Ashley Evans,
Installation de maintenance de la flotte Cape Scott/Cape Breton
                                                                                                                                                                                    eliminate systemic racism and discrimination on the Defence
   Il y a un an, nous avons communi-        et vous avez posé pour quelques               prépare à un nouveau
qué avec la mécanicienne de chantier        images (l’une d’elle est affichée sur         chapitre de votre vie. C’est                                                              By DND
de l’Installation de maintenance de         un autobus, illustrée ci-dessus) –            pour ainsi dire avec un
la Flotte Cape Scott (IMF Cape Scott),      pouvez-vous nous en parler!                   sentiment doux-amer que                                                                     The Minister’s Advisory Panel             Armed Forces, and Bill Matthews, the        work will be synchronized with the         Defence stakeholders. During their
Chyenne McPherson, pour l’interroger           « J’ai pris la parole dans un groupe à     je termine le dernier volet                                                               was created in December 2020 with a         Deputy Minister of the Department of        broader Culture Change Strategy            review process the Advisory Panel
sur son parcours d’apprentissage à          l’occasion de la Journée internationale       de mon cours avant de                                                                     clear mandate to seek out the policies,     National Defence.                           currently in development by the Chief,     received dozens of unsolicited sub-
l’école et à l’IMF. Chyenne a toujours      des femmes pour parler de mon par-            passer mon examen de                                                                      processes and practices that enable           The report provides recommenda-           Professional Conduct and Culture.          missions and engaged in subsequent
été et demeure une voix féminine forte      cours en tant que femme dans le milieu        certification. »                                                                          systemic racism and discrimination          tions for change in thirteen areas that     Officials from the DND and CAF will        conversations, where lived experienc-
dans le milieu des métiers, et nous lui     des métiers. C’est toujours un plaisir           Que diriez-vous à                                                                      in the Department of National Defence       cross the organization—from improv-         update on progress during their regu-      es contributed to the Panel’s analysis
sommes très reconnaissants d’avoir          de parler au nom de la Nova Scotia            quelqu’un qui souhaite                                                                    (DND) and Canadian Armed Forces             ing education and awareness of recon-       lar updates to Canadians on the steps      of systemic racism and discrimination
pris le temps de discuter avec nous de      Apprenticeship Agency (NSAA). Au              se joindre au milieu des                                                                  (CAF) and provide advice on how to          ciliation, to promoting the history of      that the Defence Team is taking on         to inform this report.
ses réalisations et des leçons qu’elle a    cours de l’été, j’ai participé à une séance   métiers et commencer                                                                      eliminate them from our institution.        Black service personnel, to improving       culture change.                              •The Prime Minister has mandated
apprises au cours de l’année écoulée.       de photos/vidéo pour le compte de la          un programme d’ap-                                                                        Their work has focused on Anti-In-          recruitment efforts in multicultural          Quick facts                              the Minister of National Defence to
   Quel est le titre de votre poste         NSAA et l’agence a utilisé le contenu         prentissage?                                                                              digenous and Anti-Black Racism,             communities, and using data to mea-           •The Advisory Panel is comprised         eliminate all sources of anti-Indige-
actuel?                                     pour des publicités, des annonces et des         « Je leur dirais de le                                                                 LGBTQ2+ Prejudice, Gender Bias,             sure progress.                              of four members who represent              nous and anti-Black racism, LGBTQ2
   « J’ai passé mes examens écrits et       affiches sur des autobus. »                   faire. Les métiers sont        Chyenne McPherson est vue dans une campagne public-        White Supremacy, Antisemitism,                The Panel urges Defence Team              diverse backgrounds and areas of           prejudice, gender bias and white
pratiques sur les métiers au chantier          Quel est le meilleur projet sur            accessibles à tous et offrent itaire soutenant la Nova Scotia Apprentice Agency.          Islamophobia, and discrimination            leaders to consider these recommenda-       expertise and perspectives related         supremacy in the Canadian Armed
naval en novembre, alors j’ai mainte-       lequel vous avez travaillé jusqu’à            tellement de possibilités.                                                       SOUMIS   against people with disabilities.           tions with resolve and urgency, and to      to anti-racism, equity, diversity and      Forces.
nant atteint le niveau 10 du GEM. De        maintenant à l’IMF?                           Mon parcours d’appren-                                                                      Today, Minister of National Defence       use it as a guide for current and future    inclusion. They are proud retired            •Budget 2022 also proposes to pro-
plus, je suis actuellement à l’école mon       « Honnêtement, tout ce sur quoi je         tissage s’est déroulé sans                  longtemps, les métiers étaient tellement      Anita Anand released the final report       work to eliminate racism and discrim-       former CAF members and each bring          vide $100.5 million over six years to
instruction de niveau 4. »                  travaille est génial et fascinant, comme      encombre, grâce à mes efforts et à la       dominés par les hommes que les femmes         and discussed next steps. The Minister      ination in all forms.                       their own lens to inform their work        strengthen leadership in the Canadian
   Quand prévoyez-vous effectuer            travailler sur des radars et des an-          NSAA. En plus d’être des emplois bien       avaient l’impression que ce type de           was joined by the four members of             As part of this effort, the Defence       and analysis: MGen Ed Fitch, OMM,          Armed Forces; modernize the mili-
l’examen du Sceau rouge?                    tennes qui permettent de réaliser des         rémunérés, les métiers permettent de        travail n’était pas fait pour elles. Plus     the Advisory Panel, MGen Ed Fitch,          Team will be establishing a cross-sec-      MSM, CD (Retired); Sgt Aronhia:nens        tary justice system; bring into force
   « Je prévois d’effectuer mon examen      choses dont j’ignorais même l’existence.      nouer des liens avec des personnes ex-      les femmes sont représentées dans les         OMM, MSM, CD (Retired); Sgt Aron-           tional working group that will include      Derek Montour (Retired); Maj Sandra        the Declaration of Victims Rights as
du Sceau rouge à la fin du mois d’avril.    »                                             traordinaires. »                            métiers, plus nous commençons à réalis-       hia:nens Derek Montour (Retired);           Branches from across the organization       Perron, CD, HLCol of the Régiment          set out in the National Defence Act;
»                                              Quel a été l’aspect le plus mar-              Voyez-vous davantage de femmes           er qu’ils ne sont pas destinés à un genre     Maj Sandra Perron, CD, HLCol of the         and the Defence Advisory Groups             de Hull (Retired); and Capt Door L.        undertake engagement and consulta-
   Vous avez récemment pris la              quant de vos études jusqu’à main-             se lancer dans les métiers?                 en particulier, mais à tout le monde! »       Régiment de Hull (Retired); and Capt        (DAGs) and Networks to address the          Gibson, MMM, CD (Retired).                 tion on culture change; and enhance
parole lors d’une discussion en             tenant?                                          « Je vois certainement beaucoup plus                                                   Door L. Gibson, MMM, CD (Retired),          report’s recommendations, including           •The Advisory Panel conducted            restorative services, including dispute
groupe virtuelle au nom de la Nova             « L’aspect le plus marquant a été          de femmes exercer des métiers, mais                                                       as well as General Wayne Eyre, Chief        by developing an implementation             close to 50 engagement sessions with       resolution and coaching services.
Scotia Apprenticeship Agency                de réaliser à quel point l’école vous         pas suffisamment. Je crois que pendant                                                    of the Defence Staff of the Canadian        Framework and Action Plan. This             external organizations and internal

                                                                                                                                                                                    Publication du rapport du Groupe consultatif du Ministère
Le CEMD annonce les premières                                                             CDS announces first 2022 General and                                                      dans le cadre des efforts visant à éliminer le racisme et la
nominations et promotions chez les                                                        Flag Officer senior promotions and
officiers généraux pour 2022                                                              appointments                                                                              discrimination systémiques au sein de l’Équipe de la Défense
Par MND                                                                                   By DND                                                                                    Par MND

                                                                                                                                                                                       Le Groupe consultatif du Ministère       la retraite), ainsi que le général Wayne    mise en œuvre. Ce travail sera syn-        dizaines de propositions non sollic-
  Le général Wayne Eyre, chef               tion royale                                                            General            Commander of the Royal Canadian               a été créé en décembre 2020, ayant          Eyre, chef d’état-major de la Défense       chronisé avec la vaste stratégie de        itées et a participé à des conversations
d’état‑major de la Défense, a annoncé       canadienne, à                                                        Wayne Eyre,          Navy, in Ottawa, replacing Vice-Admi-         pour mandat de cerner les politiques,       des Forces armées canadiennes, et Bill      changement de culture élaborée par         subséquentes au cours desquelles des
les premières nominations et promo-         Ottawa, en rem-                                                      Chief of the De-     ral C.A. Baines, who will retire from         les processus et les pratiques qui          Matthews, sous-ministre de la Défense       le Chef, Conduite professionnelle et       témoignages d’expériences vécues
tions des officiers généraux des Forces     placementdulieu-                                                     fence Staff, has     the Canadian Armed Forces.                    favorisent le racisme et la discrimina-     nationale.                                  culture.                                   ont contribué à l’analyse du racisme
armées canadiennes (FAC) qui auront         tenant‑général                                                       announced the          ·Lieutenant-General J.J.M.J. Paul           tion systémiques au sein du ministère          Le rapport fournit des recomman-           Les représentants du MDN et des          systémique et de la discrimination
lieu en 2022. Les officiers généraux        A.D. Meinzing-                                                       first Canadian       will be appointed Commander Canadi-           de la Défense nationale (MDN) et des        dations en matière de changement            FAC feront le point sur les progrès        effectuée par le groupe pour orienter
nommés par les FAC sont choisis pour        er, qui prendra                                                      Armed Forces         an Army, in Ottawa.                           Forces armées canadiennes (FAC), et         dans treize domaines qui traversent         accomplis lors de leurs mises à jour       ce rapport.
leur capacité à diriger les priorités       sa retraite des                                                      (CAF) General          ·Major-General S.R. Kelsey will             de fournir des conseils sur la façon        l’organisation, de l’amélioration de        régulières aux Canadiens sur les me-         • Le premier ministre a donné à la
de défense au niveau institutionnel, à      Forces armées                                                        and Flag Officer     be promoted to the rank of Lieu-              de les éliminer de notre organisation.      l’éducation et de la sensibilisation à la   sures prises par l’Équipe de la Défense    ministre de la Défense nationale le
créer et à maintenir une culture diver-     canadiennes.                                                         senior appoint-      tenant-General and appointed Deputy           Les travaux du Groupe ont constitué         réconciliation, à la promotion de l’his-    en matière de changement de culture.       mandat d’éliminer toutes les sources
sifiée et inclusive, et à faire preuve de     Le processus                                                       ments and            Commander Allied Joint Force Com-             un élément essentiel de la stratégie        toire des militaires noirs, à l’amélio-       Faits en bref                            de racisme envers les Autochtones
leadership à l’étranger.                    de sélection                                                         promotions for       mand Naples, in Naples Italy, replac-         de changement de culture et ont porté       ration des efforts de recrutement dans        • Le Groupe consultatif est composé      et les Noirs, de préjugés envers les
  ·Le contre‑amiral A.I. Topshee sera       en vue d’une                                                         2022. The CAF’s      ing Lieutenant-General J.J.M.J. Paul.         sur le racisme anti‑Autochtones et          les communautés multiculturelles, et        de quatre membres représentant div-        communautés LGBTQ2+, de préjugés
promu au grade de vice‑amiral et nom-       promotion des                                                        requirement            ·Major-General E.J. Kenny will              anti‑Noirs, les préjugés envers les         à l’utilisation de données pour mesur-      ers milieux, domaines d’expertise et       sexistes et de suprématie blanche dans
mé commandant de la Marine royale           FAC évolue                                                           for General and      be promoted to the rank of Lieu-              communautés LGBTQ2+, les préjugés           er les progrès.                             perspectives sur la lutte contre le rac-   les Forces armées canadiennes.
canadienne, à Ottawa, en remplace-          de manière                                                           Flag Officers is     tenant-General and appointed Com-             sexistes, la suprématie blanche, l’an-         Le Groupe consultatif exhorte les        isme, l’équité, la diversité et l’inclu-     • Le budget de 2022 propose égale-
ment du vice‑amiral C.A. Baines, qui        à choisir des                                                        driven by the        mander of the Royal Canadian Air              tisémitisme, l’islamophobie et la dis-      dirigeants de l’Équipe de la Défense à      sion. Le Groupe est composé de fiers       ment de verser 100,5 millions de
prendra sa retraite des Forces armées       candidats parmi                                                      need to lead de-     Force, in Ottawa, replacing Lieu-             crimination à l’endroit des personnes       considérer ces recommandations avec         membres retraités des FAC, et chacun       dollars sur six ans pour renforcer le
canadiennes.                                les meilleurs di-                                                    fence priorities     tenant-General A.D. Meinzinger, who           handicapées.                                détermination et urgence, et à s’en         d’eux apporte son propre point de vue      leadership dans les Forces armées
  ·Le lieutenant-général J.J.M.J. Paul      rigeants qui font                                                    at the institu-      will retire from the Canadian Armed              Le 25 avril, la ministre de la Défense   servir comme guide pour les travaux         pour éclairer leur travail et leur anal-   canadiennes, moderniser le système
sera nommé commandant de l’Armée            preuve de force                                                      tional level, cre-   Forces.                                       nationale Anita Anand a publié le           actuels et futurs visant à éliminer         yse; il s’agit du Mgén E.S. (Ed) Fitch,    de justice militaire, mettre en vigueur
canadienne à Ottawa.                        de caractère et                                                      ate and sustain        The CAF’s promotion-selection pro-          rapport final du Groupe consultatif         le racisme et la discrimination sous        OMM, MSM, CD, du Sgt Aronhia:nens          la Déclaration des droits des victimes,
  ·Le major-général S.R. Kelsey sera        d’excellence pro-                                                    a diverse and in-    cess is evolving to select from among         et a discuté des prochaines étapes.         toutes leurs formes.                        Derek Montour, de la Maj Sandra Per-       telle qu’elle est énoncée dans la Loi
                                                                 RAdm Angus Topshee will be promoted and
promu au grade de lieutenant‑général        fessionnelle.                                                        clusive culture,     the best leaders who demonstrate              La ministre était accompagnée des              Dans le cadre de cet effort, l’Équi-     ron, CD, Lcol honoraire du Régiment        sur la défense nationale, entrepren-
                                                                 appointed Commander of the Royal Canadi-
et nommé commandant adjoint                   D’autres                                                           and project lead-    strength of character and professional        quatre membres du Groupe consulta-          pe de la Défense établira un groupe         de Hull, et de la Capt Door L. Gibson,     dre des activités de mobilisation et
                                                                 an Navy.
du Commandement allié de forces             promotions,                                                          ership abroad.       excellence.                                   tif : le major-général Ed Fitch, OMM,       de travail transversal qui inclut les       MMM, CD.                                   de consultation sur le changement de
interarmées de Naples, à Naples,            nominations                                                            ·Rear-Admiral        Further promotions, appointments,           MSM, CD (à la retraite); le sergent         branches de l’ensemble de l’organ-            • Le Groupe consultatif a organisé       culture, et améliorer les services de
                                                                 Cam Angus Topshee sera promu et nommé
en Italie, en remplacement du lieu-         et départs à la                                                      A.I. Topshee         and retirements will be announced             Aronhia:nens Derek Montour (à la            isation ainsi que les réseaux et les        près de 50 séances de mobilisation         justice réparatrice, y compris le règle-
                                                                 commandant de la Marine royale cana-
tenant‑général J.J.M.J. Paul.               retraite seront                                                      will be promoted     once they’ve been confirmed.                  retraite); la majore Sandra Perron,         groupes consultatifs de la Défense          avec des organisations externes et des     ment des différends et les services
  ·Le major-général E.J. Kenny sera         annoncés dès                                                         to the rank of                                                     CD, lieutenante-colonelle honoraire du      (GCD) afin de donner suite aux recom-       intervenants internes de la Défense.       d’encadrement.
promu au grade de lieutenant‑général        qu’ils auront été                                                    Vice-Admiral                                                       Régiment de Hull (à la retraite); et la     mandations du rapport et d’élaborer         Au cours de son processus d’exam-
et nommé commandant de l’Avia-              confirmés.                                                           and appointed                                                      capitaine Door L. Gibson, MMM, CD (à        un cadre et un plan d’action pour la        en, le groupe consultatif a reçu des
8                                                                                                                                        TRIDENT NEWS        MAY 2, 2022      TRIDENT NEWS         MAY 2, 2022                                                                                                                                               9

Face of Base: Capt (Padre) Halit Ozer                                                                                                                                         Military family life: Meet the Hardings
By Sydney MacLeod,                                                                                                                                                            By RCAF
CFB Halifax,

                                                                                        Meet this week’s Face of Base: Local      Islam in a Madrasa (Islamic School)
                                                                                      Chaplain Capt (Padre) Halit Ozer! As        environment, which taught him about                                                      ments.                                       Hardings do whatever they can to
                                                                                      a Canadian Armed Forces Chaplain,           the Quran, the life of the Prophets, Is-                                                   “When Daddy is away, I feel sad and        make life as secure and stable as possi-
                                                                                      Padre Ozer has a large number of re-        lamic Law and broad-spectrum social                                                      I miss him a lot. It makes me sad at         ble for their daughters. This includes
                                                                                      sponsibilities, some of which include       ethics. He first arrived in Canada in                                                    bedtime. But we have one of his shirts       frequent visits from extended family
                                                                                      fostering the spiritual, religious, and     November 2002 after he had completed                                                     and we snuggle with it at bedtime,”          members in Ontario, building strong
                                                                                      pastoral care of CAF members and            his bachelor’s degree in Electronic                                                      says Cassandra, age 8.                       connections with neighbours who’ve
                                                                                      their families; advising the Chain of       Engineering at Istanbul University.                                                        Their mother, Chantal, adds, “We           become more like family, and keeping
                                                                                      Command regarding spiritual/reli-           He also completed the Master of Pasto-                                                   also put pictures on a map of where we       the lines of communication open.
                                                                                      gious accommodation issues; officiat-       ral Studies: Muslim Studies, Spiritual                                                   are and where Richard is, along with           The girls are happy to help out when
                                                                                      ing at special functions; and providing     Care (MPS) and Psychotherapy Certif-                                                     the different time zones, so the girls       their father is away. “They are Mom’s
                                                                                      compassionate and caring support to         icate Program at Emmanuel College of                                                     have a better idea of where their Dad        big helpers, for sure,” says Richard.
                                                                                      members when significant life events        Victoria University, and has complet-       Cassandra, Richard, Chantal and Alex-        is.”                                         “When Daddy is away, I listen, I put        Captain Richard Harding and Lt(N)
                                                                                      and incidents occur. He has always          ed certifications in Clinical Pastoral      andra Harding in Greenwood, N.S.               Richard wishes he could be home            away laundry, we help with the dishes       Chantal Harding have been working at 14
                                                                                      enjoyed helping people by providing         Education. He also is a member of                                                 DND    more for things like school concerts,        and when we wake up, we give Missy          Wing Greenwood for five years.
                                                                                      spiritual support, and thinks the mili-     College of Registered Psychotherapists                                                   graduations, birthdays and anniver-          [the family cat] her kitty treats,” says                                       DND
                                                                                      tary is one of the most important orga-                                                   14 Wing Greenwood has been home            saries, as well as special holidays like     Cassandra.
                                                                                                                                  of Ontario as a Registered Psychother-
                                                                                      nizations in which to serve; this belief                                                to the Harding family for the past           Halloween, Thanksgiving and Easter.            Although the Hardings are settled in      their familiar surroundings.
                                                                                                                                  apist Qualifying.
                                                                                      is what led him to join the Forces in                                                   five years. Captain Richard Harding          However, his daughters always enjoy          Greenwood, they always live with the          “I’d be sad if we had to leave and I
                                                                                                                                    This broad educational background
                                                                                      July 2020. Padre Ozer is one of nine                                                    is an Air Combat Systems Officer             the special treats brought home from         reality faced by all military families      wouldn’t want to leave,” says Cassan-
                                                                                                                                  has enabled Halit, both in Turkey and
                                                                                      Muslim Chaplains currently serving                                                      with 405 Long Range Patrol Squadron          exotic locales as well as Daddy’s little     that a posting may be on the horizon.       dra of a possible move.
                                                                                                                                  upon entering Canada, to actively
                                                                                      in the CAF and the only Muslim Chap-                                                    flying the CP-140 Aurora. His wife,          surprises.                                   Luckily, the shorter term will provide        Whatever the future holds for the
                                                                                                                                  preach in the community, work as an
                                                                                      lain currently supporting members at                                                    Lieutenant-Navy Chantal Harding, is            “One time at Christmas when Daddy          some geographic stability for them          Harding family, Alexandra and Cas-
                                                                                                                                  educator, and coordinate a variety of
                                                                                      CFB Halifax.                                                                            a Reserve cadet instructor with the          was away, there was a big box and            as Richard is slated to be posted to        sandra are growing and developing
                                                                                                                                  tasks for youth and students.
                                                                                        As a Muslim Chaplain, Padre Ozer                                                      517 F/Lt Graham Royal Canadian Air           Daddy jumped out of it,” says Alex-          another Greenwood unit this summer.         with resiliency and a sense of curiosi-
                                                                                                                                    Outside of his busy work life, he is
                                                                                      has been actively engaged in Rama-                                                      Cadet Squadron.                              andra. “We were really surprised [to         However, a few years after that, he         ty and adventure. “As they’ve got used
                                                                                                                                  married and has three children who
                                                                                      dan over the last month by helping                                                        They have a busy household with            see Daddy], and then we played in the        knows the prospect of moving away           to being military kids, they’ve defi-
                                                                                                                                  are 6, 8 and 14 years old. When he has
                                                                                      with religious accommodation forms,                                                     two young daughters and Richard is           box.” The girls had no idea Richard          from Greenwood will be a decision           nitely adapted,” says Chantal. “The
                                                                                                                                  spare time, Padre Ozer enjoys fish-
                                                                                      addressing religious questions and                                                      away about a third of the year on exer-      was coming home that Christmas until         point for the family. By that time,         first couple of years were challenging,
                                                                                                                                  ing, soccer, basketball, cross-country
                                                                                      concerns, leading prayers, supplying                                                    cises or deployments.                        he jumped out of the box that Chantal        their daughters will be older and           but whenever Richard does go away,
                                                                                                                                  driving, traveling to warmer climates,
                                                                                      religious materials and textbooks, and                                                    “There was a war one time and              had rigged up from two moving boxes.         even more settled in school with their      he’s able to call home and FaceTime
                                                                                                                                  hiking, archery, biking, listening to
                                                                                      providing generalized religious sup-                                                    Daddy went to try to help people in          Memories in the making, to be sure.          friends, which causes Richard to think      with the girls, which makes it a little
                                                                                                                                  Farid Farjad, Turkish pop 90s, and
                                                                                      port and services when needed.                                                          his airplane,” says Alexandra, age 6,          Like many military families, the           of going alone so the girls could stay in   bit easier — and the homecomings are
                                                                                                                                  watching psychological and mystery
                                                                                        “I am an Imam for Muslim mem-                                                         describing one of her father’s deploy-                                                                                                always special.”
                                                                                                                                  shows/movies. He also loves reading
                                                                                      bers, however I am a Padre for every-       Rumi`s and Said Nursi`s works and
                                                                                      one in CAF and I am so happy when I         collections saying he finds them “very
                                                                                      support any of our members regard-          motivating and therapeutic.”
                                                                                      less of their religion, gender, ethnic        Thank you, Padre Ozer, for all the
                                                                                      identity or background .”                   support you provide to CAF members
                                                                                        Padre Ozer was born in Beypazari,         and families across our local defence
Capt (Padre) Halit Ozer
                                                                                      a little town near Ankara, the capital      community!
Capt (Aumônier) Halit Ozer.
                                                                                      city of Turkey. He studied traditional

Gens de la Base: Capt (Aumônier) Halit Ozer
Par Sydney MacLeod,
BFC Halifax,

  Cette semaine, la vedette de la rubri-   aumôniers musulmans en service             une petite ville d’Ankara, la capi-         ucateur et coordonner diverses tâches
que Gens de la BFC Halifax est notre       dans les FAC et le seul aumônier           tale de la Turquie. Il a étudié l’islam     pour les jeunes et les étudiants.
aumônier, le Capt Halit Ozer.              musulman qui assure un soutien aux         traditionnel dans une madrasa (école          En marge de sa vie professionnelle
  En tant qu’aumônier des Forces           membres de la BFC Halifax.                 islamique), qui lui a enseigné le           bien remplie, il est marié et a trois
armées canadiennes FAC, le Capt Ozer         En tant qu’aumônier musulman,            Coran, la vie des prophètes, la loi is-     enfants âgés de 6, 8 et 14 ans. Lorsqu’il
assume de nombreuses responsabil-          le Capt Ozer a été très occupé par le      lamique et une éthique sociale à large      a du temps libre, l’aumônier Ozer
ités. Il prend notamment en charge les     ramadan ce mois‑ci : il a aidé les per-    spectre. Il est arrivé au Canada en         aime aller à la pêche, jouer au soccer
soins spirituels, religieux et pastoraux   sonnes à remplir les formulaires liés      novembre 2002 après avoir obtenu son        et au basket-ball, faire de la conduite
des membres des FAC et de leurs            aux mesures d’adaptation religieuse, a     baccalauréat en génie électronique de       tout-terrain, voyager vers des ré-
familles, conseille la chaîne de com-      répondu aux questions et aux préoc-        l’Université d’Istanbul. Il a également     gions au climat plus chaud, faire de
mandement sur les mesures d’adap-
tation pour les besoins spirituels et
                                           cupations d’ordre religieux, a dirigé
                                           des prières, a fourni du matériel et des
                                                                                      fait une maîtrise en études pastorales
                                                                                      (études musulmanes, soins spirituels
                                                                                                                                  la randonnée, du tir à l’arc et du vélo,
                                                                                                                                  écouter Farid Farjad et la musique pop      N.S. Chief Medical Officer                                                                High School Navy
religieux, préside à des cérémonies        manuels religieux, et a assuré un sou-     [MPS] et programme de certificat en         turque des années 1990, et regarder des
spéciales et offre aux militaires un
soutien compatissant et attentionné
                                           tien et des services religieux généraux
                                           quand cela était nécessaire.
                                                                                      psychothérapie) au Collège Emmanuel
                                                                                      de l’Université de Victoria, et détient
                                                                                                                                  émissions et des films psychologiques
                                                                                                                                  et policiers. Il aime aussi lire les        visits MARLANT                                                                            Co-op program
au cours d’événements et d’incidents         « Je suis un imam pour les mili-         des certificats en éducation pastorale      œuvres de Rumi et de Said Nursi, qu’il
importants. L’aumônier Ozer a toujo-       taires musulmans, mais je suis un          clinique. Il est également membre de        trouve « très motivants et thérapeu-        Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, visited MARLANT         This year’s High School Navy Co-op program began in March, and our 12 students
urs eu à cœur d’aider les gens en leur     aumônier pour tous les membres des         l’Ordre des psychothérapeutes au-           tiques. »                                   Headquarters on April 28 to meet with members of the team. Dr. Strang was presented       have been spending each Thursday at CFB Halifax learning about life as a military
apportant un soutien spirituel, et il      FAC et je suis si heureux de pouvoir       torisés de l’Ontario en tant que psy-         Merci, Monsieur l’aumônier Ozer,          with a coin by RAdm Brian Santarpia, Commander MARLANT and JTFA, and For-                 member or DND employee and exploring future career opportunities. They recently
estime que l’organisation militaire est    offrir du soutien à tous nos membres,      chothérapeute qualifié.                     pour le soutien que vous apportez           mation Chief CPO1 Tom Lizotte, to show gratitude for his role in ensuring the safety of   spent time with Military Police Unit Halifax, where they got a tour from Cpl Mont-
un des lieux de service par excellence.    indépendamment de leur religion, de           Fort de ce vaste bagage éducatif, Hal-   aux membres des FAC et aux familles         Nova Scotians and members of the Defence Team during the COVID-19 pandemic.               gomery and Sgt Murphy, checked out some police gear, and learned how the busy unit
C’est cette conviction qui l’a poussé      leur sexe, de leur identité ethnique ou    it a pu, en Turquie et dès son arrivée      au sein de la collectivité locale de la                                                                                               operates.
à se joindre aux FAC en juillet 2020.      de leur origine. »                         au Canada, prêcher activement dans          Défense!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA                                                                         SHALINI DESHWAL
L’aumônier Ozer est l’un des neuf            L’aumônier Ozer est né à Beypazari,      la communauté, travailler comme éd-
TRIDENT NEWS         MAY 2, 2022                                                                                                                                      10   11                                                                                                                                     TRIDENT NEWS         MAY 2, 2022

                                                                                                                                                                           From PAT to Pacific with HMCS Calgary
                                                                                                                                                                           By HMCS Calgary
                             Padre’s Corner: Rest well
                             By Capt (Padre) Graham Ware,                                                                                                                     Four students on Personnel Await-       experiences, evolutions, and oppor-
                                                                                                                                                                           ing Training (PAT) Platoon for their       tunities to come their way, and to act
                                                                                                                                                                           Naval Warfare Officer (NWO) level          like sponges, taking as much informa-
                                                                                                                                                                           III course recently joined HMCS            tion in as possible.
                                                                                                                                                                           Calgary for a month-long sail to the         Their first day was spent spread
  Prior to becoming a CAF Chaplain,        things we love, but even when doing        portant. We are normally more aware        healthy rest for our minds, bodies,       South Pacific. The sail aided their        across various departments, shadow-
I was a Pastor in a local church. As a     wonderful, uplifting, encouraging          of this need when our lives are busy,      and souls. As we’ve shifted and begun     work towards their Officer of the Day      ing and learning about the different
Pastor, I both looked forward to, and      things, we are still spending ourselves,   stressful, and less positive. But even     to have new opportunities to be with      packages.                                  roles such as Technician of the Watch,
dreaded the time of Holy Week (cul-        and for an introvert like me, the finite   when the stuff that keeps us busy is       family and friends, it is still import-      The experience began with the four      Petty Officer of the Watch, Shipboard
minating with Easter). This period         energy runs out, and once Easter Sun-      stuff we enjoy, when we are spending       ant to check ourselves (and maybe do      Acting Sub-Lieutenants - A/SLt Paula       Electro-Optic Surveillance System Op-
in the Church’s calendar is the core       day afternoon arrives, I am typically      ourselves on positive things, we need      a buddy check too) and to be honest;      Campbell, A/SLt Luca Lavoie, A/SLt         erator, and Marine System Engineer
of our faith and traditions. It’s a time   exhausted.                                 to be aware of our need for rest. That     how are you really? Resiliency re-        Scott MacArthur and A/SLt Sherri           Rounds.
of deep reflection and celebration. It       We all know we need to rest and          rest may look different, but it is still   quires to sometimes see the strain,       Sweet - being flown via a C-130 Hercu-       Each of these shadow roles gave a
was and is the highlight in the life       refresh at times. Whether we actually      just as vital.                             and intentionally rest.                   les to Hawaii to meet up with the ship.    different perspective on how the ship
of the Church. But it was also a time      do that – and whether we do it well          We have experienced a lot of stress                                                   This opportunity rarely happens for     is run on a day-to-day basis. Soon
that was extremely busy, especially        or not – is another story. However we      through two years of this pandem-                                                    students just beginning their training     after, they were placed on a Watch on
for church leaders. We are doing the       hopefully can agree that rest is im-       ic, and had fewer opportunities for                                                  - a full month of sailing, a port visit,   Deck Rotation for a week. This saw
                                                                                                                                                                           and firsthand experience in a frigate      them participate either on the helm
                                                                                                                                                                           for the first time in their careers.                                                 A/SLt Sweet and A/SLt Campbell observe the cable party as they secure the anchor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      or as lookout, which allowed them
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                cable alongside Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
                                                                                                                                                                              Originally, the trainees were at-       to spend quality time with the Boat-

La chronique de l’aumônier: Bon Repos                                                                                                                                      tach-posted to HMCS Ottawa to work
                                                                                                                                                                           towards their Officer of the Day
                                                                                                                                                                           packages, an amazing opportunity in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      swains, soaking up the happenings on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the bridge and around the boat decks.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        They also participated in a .50         operations an easy transition. On
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      LT(N) SABOURIN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           spring and staying with Calgary until
Par Capt (Aumônier) Graham Ware,                                                                                                                                           itself as most students don’t start this   calibre hammerhead shoot, part ship       numerous occasions while working on        their courses start late this summer.
                                                                                                                                                                           portion of their training until after      hands evolutions; a towing exercise;      the “Know Your Ship Book”, looking           The opportunity for them to be
                                                                                                                                                                           their NWO IV course.                       a cold move; anti-submarine warfare       presumably lost, the trainees were         placed in what might have been empty
  Avant de devenir un aumônier des         faisons les choses que nous aimons,        repos est important. Généralement,         d’occasions de reposer sainement nos         However, having only been at-           operations; torpedo countermeasures       approached by members of the crew          racks has given them a base for their
FAC, j’étais pasteur dans une église       mais même lorsque nous faisons des         nous sommes plus conscient de ce           esprits, nos corps et nos âmes. Alors     tach-posted for one week, this made        manoeuvers; a dual Sig Sauer and C8       who offered assistance by way of           further training to build on.
locale. À titre de pasteur, j’attendais    choses merveilleuses, édifiantes et        besoin quand nos vies sont occupées,       que les choses changent et que de         them the ideal candidates to partake       shoot; and person overboard evolu-        knowledge, fire tours, or just a friend-
avec impatience et je redoutais le         encourageantes, nous nous dépensons        stressantes ou moins positives.            nouvelles possibilités de rencontrer      in this sail and experience life on ship   tions.                                    ly “Hello”.
temps de la Semaine Sainte (qui se         toujours, et pour un introverti comme      Pourtant, même si nous apprécions          notre famille et nos amis s’offrent à     firsthand, while still working towards       In between evolutions, standing           The trainees have now officially
terminait avec Pâques). Cette période      moi, l’énergie diminue et lorsque le di-   les choses qui nous occupent et que        nous, il demeure important de vérifier    their qualifications and participating     watches, and soaking everything           been attach-posted to Calgary with
dans le calendrier de l’Église est au      manche après-midi de Pâques arrive,        nous nous consacrons à des choses          comment nous nous sentons (et peut-       in essential training.                     in, trainees could be found huddled       the intent of sitting their boards this
cœur de notre foi et de nos traditions.    je suis habituellement épuisé.             positives, nous devons demeurer            être de faire une vérification entre         Arriving in Pearl Harbor where it       together studying their On-the-Job-
C’est un temps de profonde réflexion         Nous savons tous que nous devons         conscients de notre besoin de repos. Le    amis également) et pour être honnête,     was 26 degrees hotter and immensely        Performance Records requisitions for
et de célébration. C’était et c’est le     nous reposer et nous ressourcer. Que       repos peut sembler différent, mais il      comment allez-vous réellement? La         sunnier than Esquimalt, they took a        their Officer of the Day Package. When
point culminant de la vie de l’Église.     nous le fassions réellement – que nous     est toujours aussi essentiel.              résilience nécessite parfois de con-      brief ride to the jetty, joined up with    they arrived in Calgary they had 19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Attn: Transitioning Military
Mais c’était aussi une période ex-         le fassions bien ou non – c’est une          Nous avons vécu beaucoup de              stater la pression et de prendre du       Calgary and enjoyed a crew-wide port       requisites; they obtained 14 more            Members

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   WE RE
trêmement occupée, particulièrement        autre histoire. Cependant, j’espère        stress au cours des deux années de         repos intentionnellement.                 visit, the first one since the beginning   while on board for a total of 33 out of
pour les dirigeants de l’Église. Nous      que nous pouvons convenir que le           cette pandémie, et nous avons eu peu                                                 of the COVID-19 pandemic.                  47, a healthy 70 percent completion of
                                                                                                                                                                              Following a brief stay in Honolulu,     their Officer of the Day package.

                                                                                                                                                                           the trainees returned to the ship and        Calgary’s crew was extremely
                                                                                                                                                                           were encouraged by their new com-          welcoming and helpful and made

Operation Reassurance continues for HMCS Montreal
                                                                                                                                                                           mand team to take advantage of the         integrating into the ship’s day-to-day

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   About WYWM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   We help transitioning military,
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A member of the Naval Boarding Party on board HMCS Montreal prepares to embark        HMCS Montreal arrives in Souda Bay, Greece on April 14. Montreal is currently
on a Special Operations Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat to partake in a training serial    attached to Standing NATO Maritime Group 2, while HMCS Halifax, also deployed to
                                                                                                                                                                           A/SLt MacArthur, A/SLt Sweet, A/SLt Campbell, and A/SLt Lavoie during their first
during Operation Reassurance in the Mediterranean Sea on April 23.                    Operation Reassurance, is sailing as part of Standing NATO Maritime Group 1.
                                                                                                                                                                           week on board HMCS Calgary.
                                                               CPL BRADEN TRUDEAU                                                                    CPL BRADEN TRUDEAU                                                                        LT(N) SABOURIN
TRIDENT NEWS         MAY 2, 2022                                                                                                                                            12    13                                                                                                                                            TRIDENT NEWS          MAY 2, 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                  La 14e Escadre Greenwood remporte un
                                                                                                                                                                                  tournoi de curling sur invitation
               Sports & Fitness                                                                                                                                                   Par Joanie Veitch,
                                                                                                                                                                                  Équipe du Trident

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           considéré comme un véritable tournoi            COVID-19 a été difficile, mais le
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           régional, les participants n’ont eu que       curling s’est avéré être l’un des sports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           des éloges à formuler, en particulier,        qui se sont le mieux adaptés », déclare
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           compte tenu de l’évolution constante          Isaac Habib, coordonnateur du condi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           des restrictions imposées aux activités       tionnement physique et des sports du
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           liées à la COVID-19.                          PSP Halifax.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              « Ce fut un plaisir pour nous de nous        « Nous avons dû faire quelques

14 Wing Greenwood wins curling invitational
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           rendre à Greenwood pour participer à          pauses mais, la plupart du temps,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           l’événement. C’était vraiment agréable        nous avons été en mesure de respecter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           pour nous tous de sortir et de rencon-        le programme complet de curling »,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           trer des gens », déclare le Capt Jeff         indique Habib. « Le curling est un
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           McRae, capitaine de l’équipe de la 14e        sport très social et, en tant que région,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Escadre Greenwood. « Nous avons eu            nous voulions assister à une certaine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           droit à une bonne compétition marquée         forme de compétition, alors nous avons
By Joanie Veitch,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           d’un excellent esprit sportif. Bravo au       organisé ce tournoi sur invitation. »
Trident Staff                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PSP Halifax qui a rendu cet événement           Au terme de la finale du champion-
  Following a tight final game, the          COVID-19.                                    Cdr Nick Buxton as skip, along with          Following the championship match,                                                                                                   possible. »                                   nat, Habib a remis à l’équipe de Green-
team from 14 Wing Greenwood won 7-6            “It was a pleasure for us to come          Lt(N) James Adams, Lt(N) Aaron Brad-       Habib presented the Greenwood team                                                                                                       Outre le capitaine de l’équipe, le Capt    wood un trophée spécial, qu’elle pourra
over CFB Halifax’s #2 team in the curl-      up from Greenwood for the event. It’s        ley and PO2 Greg Moffat.                   with a special trophy, which they get to                                                                                              McRae, l’équipe championne de la 14e          conserver à la 14e Escadre jusqu’à l’an
ing invitational championship, win-          been really enjoyable for all of us to get     Organizing sports events during the      keep at 14 Wing until next year.                                                                                                      Escadre Greenwood était composée              prochain.
ning both bragging rights and a special      out and meet people,” said Capt Jeff         COVID-19 pandemic has been diffi-            Dubbing it “the challenge cup”,                                                                                                     du Capt Paul Bailey, de la Capt Sarah           Surnommé « la Coupe du défi »,
trophy to take back to the squadron.         McRae, skip for the 14 Wing Green-           cult but curling has proven one of the     Habib told participants that the trophy      Trois équipes ont pris part à un tournoi à la ronde pendant quatre jours à Halifax.      Fralick, du Capt Mike Duncan et du            Habib a raconté aux participants que
  The curling tournament was played          wood team. “It was a good competition        more resilient sports, said Isaac Habib,   had previously been in storage at CFB                                                                                                 Capt Joseph Ryan.                             le trophée avait été entreposé jusque-là
in a double round-robin format from          with excellent sportsmanship. Top            Fitness and Sports Coordinator at PSP      Halifax Curling Club before it was                                                                                CPL CHERYL CLARK       Quant à l’équipe finaliste, l’équipe       au Club de curling de la BFC Halifax
April 11-14 at the CFB Halifax Curling       marks to PSP Halifax for making it           Halifax.                                   found and cleaned up by staff for the                                                                                                 no 2 de la BFC Halifax, elle comptait le      avant que le personnel ne le trouve et le
Club, with two teams from CFB Halifax        happen.”                                       “We’ve had to take some pauses but,      event.                                         Au terme d’une finale serrée, l’équipe       Il s’agissait d’un tournoi à la ronde     Capf Nick Buxton comme capitaine de           nettoie pour l’événement.
and a team from 14 Wing Greenwood              Along with Capt McRae as skip,             for the most part, we’ve been able to        “This was our first invitational curl-     de la 14e Escadre Greenwood a rem-           à double élimination qui s’est déroulé      l’équipe, ainsi que le Ltv James Adams,         « Il s’agissait de notre premier
competing.                                   the championship team from 14 Wing           run the full curling schedule,” said       ing challenge and a great competition,”      porté la partie 7 à 6 contre l’équipe no 2   du 11 au 14 avril au Club de curling de     le Ltv Aaron Bradley et le M 2 Greg           tournoi de curling sur invitation et
  While the event didn’t fit the bill as a   Greenwood included Capt Paul Bailey,         Habib. “Curling is a very social sport     he said. “It’s exciting to be doing things   de la BFC Halifax lors du championnat        la BFC Halifax et auquel ont participé      Moffat.                                       d’une excellente compétition », dit-il.
true regional tournament, participants       Capt Sarah Fralick, Capt Mike Duncan         and, as a region, we wanted to see         again.”                                      de curling sur invitation, obtenant          deux équipes de la BFC Halifax et une          « Organiser des événements sportifs        « C’est excitant de reprendre les choses
had nothing but praise — especially          and Capt Joseph Ryan.                        some kind of competition happen so                                                      ainsi le droit de se vanter et un trophée    équipe de la 14e Escadre Greenwood.         pendant la pandémie de                        en main. »
given the ever-changing situation              On the opposing team in the final          we organized this as an invitational                                                    spécial à rapporter à l’escadron.              Même si l’événement n’a pas été
regarding restrictions on events due to      game — CFB Halifax’s team #2 — were          tournament.”

                                                                                                                                                                                  Training for Invictus: Eileen Du Plooy
                                                                                                                                                                                  By Trident Staff

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          foundland and Nova Scotia.       ing situations or tough adjustments for      these events, and they realize ‘Whoa!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          She’s been using her athletic    participants, and she recalled one spe-      You know what? My life is hard at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          knowledge and training to        cific member who had a very difficult        moment – I have this limitation, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          support serving and retired      time dealing with the stresses of travel     I’m still able to get out. I’m still able to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          military members for nearly      and being away from family.                  have fun.’”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          a decade, and she recently         “This individual didn’t do well
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          appeared on the CFMWS in-        during that camp and didn’t end
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ternal podcast series to speak   up actually going to the Invic-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          about her experiences work-      tus Games, the overall event,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ing with CAF members and         but I have been in contact with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          preparing adaptive athletes      that member afterwards, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for the Invictus Games.          they have actually progressed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            “My job is probably one        to a place where they’re okay.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of the most rewarding ones       They’re able to go through their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          that there is. I feel honoured   daily activities and daily life.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to be there every single day,”   They’re on a path of finding out
                                                                                                                                                                                  Eileen Du Plooy (back row, second from left) is         she said, acknowledging the      where their recovery is going to
                                                                                                                                                                                  pictured with other Soldier On coaches and staff        hard work and determina-         take them.”
                                                                                                                                                                                  during a recent conference in Ottawa ahead of           tion shown by the Soldier On       Sometimes a full, 100 percent
                                                                                                                                                                                  this year’s Invictus Games. Eileen is Soldier On’s      participants she works and       recovery isn’t the expectation or
                                                                                                                                                                                  Regional Coordinator covering Newfoundland and          trains with, some of whom        the goal, and that’s ok, Du Plooy
                                                                                                                                                                                  Nova Scotia.                                            are working their way back       said. Soldier On aims to guide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                After being postponed in 2020 and 2021, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          from debilitating injuries       members into getting back into
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                fifth edition of the Invictus Games took place
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          or fighting difficult battles    an active lifestyle and reconnect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SOLDIER ON                                                                          from April 22-26 in the Netherlands, with Team
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          with PTSD and other mental       them with peers, which can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Canada competing in events like wheelchair bas-
The winning team from 14 Wing Greenwood at the recent curling invitational. Left to right: Capt Sarah     Three teams played a round-robin format over four days of curling at      Eileen Du Plooy is a former Fitness                   health issues.                   a first step to reintegrating into
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ketball and wheelchair rugby, archery, rowing,
Fralick, Capt Mike Duncan, Capt Jeff McRae, Capt Joe Ryan, and Capt Paul Bailey.                          the CFB Halifax Curling Club.                                           and Sports Instructor with PSP Hal-             Things don’t always go smoothly. Du      society.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                powerlifting, and more.
                                                                                                                                                                                  ifax, and now works as the Regional           Plooy shared stories of Invictus Games       “A lot of members learn from
                                                                                      CPL CHERYL CLARK                                                       CPL CHERYL CLARK     Coordinator for Soldier On in New-            training camps that involved trigger-      each other. They come out to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SOLDIER ON
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